IC Syllabus For Calicut University

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Hours/week Marks
Code Subject
L T P/D Inte-
EN09 301 Engineering Mathematics III 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
EN09 302 Humanities and Communication Skills 2 1 - 30 70 3 3
IC09 303 Basic Instrumentation Engineering and
4 1 - 30 70 3 5
IC09 304 Digital Electronics 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 305 Analog Devices and Circuits 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 306 Electrical Measurements and Measuring
3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 307(P)
Digital Electronics Lab
- - 3 50 50 3 2
IC09 308(P) Analog Devices and Circuits Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2
Total 18 6 6 28


Hours/week Marks
Code Subject
L T P/D Inte-
EN09 401B Engineering Mathematics IV 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
EN09 402 Environmental Science 2 1 - 30 70 3 3
IC09 403 Control Engineering I 4 1 - 30 70 3 5
IC09 404 Electrical Machines and Drives 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 405 Mechanical Instrumentation 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 406 Electric Circuits and Network Theory 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 407(P) Electrical Measurements and Machines
- - 3 50 50 3 2
IC09 408(P) Transducers Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2
Total 18 6 6 28


Hours/week Marks
Code Subject
L T P/D Inte-
IC09 501 Control Engineering II 4 1 - 30 70 3 5
IC09 502 Communication and Telemetry 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 503 Microcontrollers 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 504 Industrial Instrumentation I 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 505 Linear Integrated Circuits 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 506 Analytical Instruments 2 1 - 30 70 3 3
IC09 507(P) Mechanical Instrumentation Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2
IC09 508(P) Linear Integrated Circuits Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2
Total 18 6 6 28


Hours/week Marks
Code Subject
L T P/D Inte-
IC09 601 Signal Processing 4 1 - 30 70 3 5
IC09 602 Engineering Economics and Principles of
3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 603 Microprocessors 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 604 Industrial Instrumentation II 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 605 Process Control Instrumentation 2 1 - 30 70 3 3
IC09 Lxx Elective I 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 607(P)
Instrumentation Lab
- - 3 50 50 3 2
IC09 608(P) Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- - 3 50 50 3 2
Total 18 6 6 28

Elective I
IC09 L01 Computer Networks
IC09 L02 Enterpreneurship
IC09 L03 Mechatronics
IC09 L04 Discrete-Time Control Systems
IC09 L05 Industrial Drives


Hours/week Marks
Code Subject
L T P/D Inte-
IC09 701 Industrial Process Control 4 1 - 30 70 3 5
IC09 702 Biomedical Instrumentation 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 703 Computer Control of Processes 2 1 - 30 70 3 3
IC09 704 Optoelectronic Instrumentation 2 1 - 30 70 3 3
IC09 Lxx Elective II 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 Lxx Elective III 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 707(P) Process Control and Virtual
Instrumentation Lab
- - 3 50 50 3 2
IC09 708(P) Control Systems and Simulation Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2
IC09 709(P) Project - - 1 100 - - 1
Total 17 6 7 28


Hours/week Marks
Code Subject
L T P/D Inte-
IC09 801 Instrumentation System Design 4 1 - 30 70 3 5
IC09 802 Power Plant Instrumentation 2 1 - 30 70 3 3
IC09 Lxx Elective IV 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 Lxx Elective V 3 1 - 30 70 3 4
IC09 805(P) Seminar - - 3 100 - - 2
IC09 806(P) Project - - 11 100 - - 7
IC09 807(P) Viva Voce - - - 100 - 3
Total 12 4 14 28

Electives for 7
and 8

IC09 L06 Adaptive Control
IC09 L07 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
IC09 L08 Optimal Contol Systems
IC09 L09 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
IC09 L10 High Vacuum Technology
IC09 L11 Industrial Robotics
IC09 L12 Soft Computing
IC09 L13 Intelligent Control
IC09 L14 Thin Film Devices and Applications
IC09 L15 Biosensors

IC09 L16 DSP Processors And Architectures
IC09 L17 Numerical Analysis
IC09 L18 Real-Time Control Systems
IC09 L19 Digital System Design
IC09 L20 Reliability Engineering
IC09 L21 VLSI Design
IC09 L22 Total Quality Management
IC09 L23 Bioinformatics
IC09 L24 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
IC09 L25 Aerospace Engineering and Navigation

Global Electives
ME09 L23 Industrial Safety Engineering
ME09 L25 Energy Engineering and Management
EC09 L23 Data Structures and Algorithms
IT09 L24 Management Information Systems
CS09 L24 Computer Based Numerical Methods
CS09 L25 Pattern Recognition
CH09 L24 Industrial Pollution Control
CS09 L23 Simulation and Modeling
BM09 L24 Virtual Instrumentation
PE09 L24 Industrial Psychology

EN09 301: Engineering Mathematics III
(Common for all branches)

This course provides a quick overview of the concepts and results in complex analysis that
may be useful in engineering. Also it gives an introduction to linear algebra and Fourier transform
which are wealths of ideas and results with wide area of application.

Module I: Functions of a Complex Variable (13 hours)
Functions of a Complex Variable Limit Continuity Derivative of a Complex function Analytic
functions Cauchy-Riemann Equations Laplace equation Harmonic Functions Conformal
Mapping Examples: Z
, sinz, cosz, sinhz, coshz, (z+
) Mobius Transformation.

Module II: Functions of a Complex Variable (14 hours)
Definition of Line integral in the complex plane Cauchys integral theorem (Proof of existence of
indefinite integral to be omitted) Independence of path Cauchys integral formula Derivatives of
analytic functions (Proof not required) Taylor series Laurent series Singularities and Zeros
Residues Residue Integration method Residues and Residue theorem Evaluation of real integrals.

Module III: Linear Algebra (13 hours) - Proofs not required
Vector spaces Definition, Examples Subspaces Linear Span Linear Independence Linear
Dependence Basis Dimension Ordered Basis Coordinate Vectors Transition Matrix
Orthogonal and Orthonormal Sets Orthogonal and Orthonormal Basis Gram-Schmidt
orthogonolisation process Inner product spaces Examples.

Module IV: Fourier Transforms (14 hours)
Fourier Integral theorem (Proof not required) Fourier Sine and Cosine integral representations
Fourier Transforms Fourier Sine and Cosine Transforms Properties of Fourier Transforms.

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Text Books

Module I:
Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Sections: 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.9
Module II:
Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Sections: 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 14.4, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4
Module III:
Bernaed Kolman, David R Hill, Introductory Linear Algebra, An Applied First Course, Pearson
Sections: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, Appendix.B.1
Module IV:
Wylie C.R and L.C. Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill.
Sections: 9.1, 9.3, 9.5

Reference books
1. H S Kasana, Complex Variables, Theory and Applications, 2e, Prentice Hall of India.
2. John M Howie, Complex Analysis, Springer International Edition.
3. Shahnaz bathul, Text book of Engineering Mathematics, Special functions and Complex
Variables, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Gerald Dennis Mahan, Applied mathematics, Springer International Edition.
5. David Towers, Guide to Linear Algebra, MacMillan Mathematical Guides.
6. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications Version, 9e, John Wiley
and Sons.
7. Anthony Croft, Robert Davison, Martin Hargreaves, Engineering Mathematics, 3e, Pearson
8. H Parthasarathy, Engineering Mathematics, A Project & Problem based approach, Ane Books
9. B V Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGrawHill.
10. Sarveswara Rao Koneru, Engineering Mathematics, Universities Press.
11. J K Sharma, Business Mathematics, Theory and Applications, Ane Books India.
12. John bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Elsevier, Newnes.
13. M Chandra Mohan, Vargheese Philip, Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II, III & IV., Sanguine
Technical Publishers.
14. N Bali, M Goyal, C Watkins, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, A Computer Approach, 7e,
Infinity Science Press, Fire Wall Media.
15. V R Lakshmy Gorty, Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II., Ane Books India.
16. Sastry S.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I and II., Prentice Hall of India.
17. Lary C Andrews, Bhimsen K Shivamoggi, Integral Transforms for Engineers, Prentice Hall of

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

(Common for all branches)

To identify the most critical issues that confronted particular periods and locations in history
To identify stages in the development of science and technology
To understand the purpose and process of communication
To produce documents reflecting different types of communication such as technical
descriptions, proposals ,and reports
To develop a positive attitude and self-confidence in the workplace and
To develop appropriate social and business ethics.
Module I (14 hours)
Humanities, Science and Technology: Importance of humanities to technology, education and society-
Impact of science and technology on the development of modern civilization.
Contributions of ancient civilization: Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and Greek.
Cultural, Industrial, Transportation and Communication revolutions.
Advances in modern India: Achievements in information, communication and space technologies.

Module II (16 hours)
Concept of communication: The speaker/writer and the listener/reader, medium of communication,
barriers to communication, accuracy, brevity, clarity and appropriateness
Reading comprehension: Reading at various speeds, different kinds of text for different purposes,
reading between lines.
Listening comprehension: Comprehending material delivered at fast speed and spoken material,
intelligent listening in interviews
Speaking: Achieving desired clarity and fluency, manipulating paralinguistic features of speaking, task
oriented, interpersonal, informal and semi formal speaking, making a short classroom presentation.
Group discussion: Use of persuasive strategies, being polite and firm, handling questions and taking in
criticisms on self, turn-taking strategies and effective intervention, use of body language.

Module III (16 hours)
Written Communication : Note making and taking, summarizing, notes and memos, developing notes
into text, organization of ideas, cohesion and coherence, paragraph writing, ordering information in
space and time, description and argument, comparison and contrast, narrating events chronologically.
Writing a rough draft, editing, proof reading, final draft and styling text.
Technical report writing: Synopsis writing, formats for reports. Introductory report, Progress report,
Incident report, Feasibility report, Marketing report, Field report and Laboratory test report
Project report: Reference work, General objective, specific objective, introduction, body, illustrations
using graphs, tables, charts, diagrams and flow charts. Conclusion and references
Preparation of leaflets, brochure and C.V.

Teaching scheme Credits: 3
2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module IV (14 hours)
Human relations and Professional ethics: Art of dealing with people, empathy and sympathy, hearing
and listening. Tension and stress, Methods to handle stress
Responsibilities and rights of engineers- collegiality and loyalty Respect for authority
Confidentiality conflicts of interest Professional rights, Rights of information, Social
Senses of ethics variety of moral issues Moral dilemma Moral autonomy Attributes of an
ethical personality right action self interest

Reference Books
1. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication- Principles and
Practice Oxford University press, 2006
2. Jayashree Suresh and B S Raghavan, Professional Ethics, S Chand and Company Ltd, 2005
3. Subrayappa, History of Science in India, National Academy of Science, India
4. R C Bhatia, Business Communication, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 2009
5. Sunita Mishra and C Muralikrishna, Communicatin Skils for Engineers, Pearson Education,
6. Jovan van Emden and Lucinda Becker, Effective Communication for Arts and Humanities
Students, Palgrave macmillam, 2009
7. W C Dampier, History of Science, Cambridge University Press
8. Vesilind, Engineering, Ethics and the Environment, Cambridge University Press
9. Larson E, History of Inventions, Thompson Press India Ltd.
10. Bernal J.D, Science in History, Penguin Books Ltd
11. Encyclopedia Britannica, History of Science, History of Technology
12. Brownoski J, Science and Human Values, Harper and Row
13. Schrodinger, Nature and Greeks and Science and Humanism, Cambridge University Press
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern
PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


The paper aims at creating a strong base in the fundamental philosophies of Instrumentation
Engineering. It covers the topics like static and dynamic characteristics of instruments, performance
criteria etc. This paper also introduces important transducers, which are very vital in instrumentation

Module I (17 hours)
Historical development of Instrumentation & Control engineering- Introduction to Instruments and
their representations-Typical applications of Instruments systems-Functional elements of a
measurement system and examples- Basic description of the functional elements of the instruments-
Classification of instruments- Deflection and Null type,manully operated and automatic type, analog
and digital types, self generating and power operated types, contacting and non-contacting types,
Dumb and intelligent types - Standards and calibration-Input output configuration of measuring
instruments and measurement systems- Desired inputs, interfering inputs, modifying inputs, methods
of correction for interfering and modifying inputs.

Module II (20 hours)
Measurement System performance- Static calibration- Static characteristics- Errors in
measurements- True value- Static error- Static correction- Scale range and span- Error
calibration curve- Reproducibility and drift- Repeatability- Noise- Signal to noise ratio,
sources of noise, Johnson noise, power spectrum density, noise - Accuracy and precision-
Static sensitivity- Linearity- Hysteresis- Threshold, dead time- Dead zone- Resolution or
discrimination- Loading effects- Input and output impedances- Input impedances, Input
admittance, Output impedances, Output admittance- Loading effects due to shunt connected
instruments- Loading effects due to series connected instruments.

Limiting errors( Guarantee errors)- Relative (fractional), limiting error- Combination of quantities
with limiting errors- Known errors- Types of errors- Gross errors- Systematic errors- Instrumental
errors, environmental errors, observational errors- Random (residual) errors.

Dynamic response- Dynamic characteristics of measurement systems.

Module III (18hours)
Definition of Transducers -Role of Transducers in Instrumentation Classification of
Transducers, Analog and Digital, Active and Passive ,Primary and secondary Transducers.-Principles
of variable resistance Transducers, Potentiometers, Strain gauges, Strain gauge rosettes,Temparature
compensation of Strain gauges Piezo electric Transducers, Materials and properties equivalent
circuit, modes of deformation-Hall effect Transducers.
Module IV (17 hours)
Principle, type and construction of variable inductive Transducers, Different types of self and mutual
inductance transducers, LVDT and RVDT -Uses, advantages and disadvantages of inductive
Transducers - Principle, types and construction of different types of variable capacitance Transducers,
Teaching scheme Credits: 5
4 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Uses, advantages and disadvantages of inductive Transducers Optical Transducers-Digital
Transducers- Magneto strictive and magneto elastic Transducers.

Reference Books:
1. Ernest.O Doeblin, Measurement systems: Application and design, McGraw- Hill,
2. A.K Sawhney , A course in Mechanical Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai &
3. Nackra and Chaudhry, Instrumentation Measurement and analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill
publishing company Ltd
4. DVS Murthy, Transducers and Instrumentation, PHI
5. Patranabis, Sensors and Transducers, PHI

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


After Studying This Subject The Student Will Be Able To Design, Analyze And Interpret
Combinational And Sequential Digital Circuits Of Medium Complexity.

Module I (15 Hours)
Boolean algebra: Theorems and operations- Boolean expressions and truth tables- Multiplying out
and factoring expressions- Exclusive-OR and equivalence operations.

Combinational logic design using truth table- Minterm and Maxterm expansions- Incompletely
specified functions.

Minimization Techniques: Algebraic Method, Karnaugh maps Quine-McCluskey method- Multi
output circuits- Multi-level circuits- Design of circuits with universal gates.

Module II (15 hours)

Number Representation: Fixed point - floating point - 1s complement - 2s complement.
Binary Codes: BCD- Gray code- Excess 3 code- Alpha Numeric codes conversion circuits-
Properties. Number systems (Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal): conversions and arithmetic
operations. Arithmetic circuits: adders and subtractors- ripple carry adders- carry look ahead
adders- adder cum subtractors

Synthesis of combinational logic functions using MSIs - multiplexers- demultiplexers-
decoders- encoders

Introduction to TTL and ECL logic families: Basic working of a TTL NAND gate-
characteristics of a TTL NAND gate- important specifications Basic working of ECL gate-
Transfer characteristics of a ECL NAND gate- important specifications

Module III (12 Hours)
Latches and Flip-Flops: SR latch- SR Flip Flop- JK Flip Flop- D Flip flop - T Flip Flop- Flip
Flops with preset and clear- Triggering methods and their circuits -Conversion of one type of
flip flop to other Excitation table.

Shift Registers: right shift- left shift- bi directional- SISO- SIPO- PISO- PIPO- universal shift
Asynchronous counter operation- Up counter- Down counter- Up/ Down counter- Mod n
counters- ring counters- Johnson counter.

Module IV (12 Hours)

Synchronous sequential circuits: Finite State Machines- Mealy & Moore types- Basic design
steps- Design of counters, sequence generators, and sequence detectors - Design of simple
synchronous machines state minimization- ASM charts
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text books
1. Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, TMH
2. Charles H. Roth, Jr. Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5th edition, Thomson Books/Cole

1. John F Wakerly, Digital Design- Principles and Practices(Third edition), Pearson
2. Mano M M, Digital Design, PHI
3. Thomas L Floyd & R.P Jain, digital Fundamentals (Eight edition), Pearson
4. Taub and Schilling, Digital principles and applications, TMH
5. Volnei A Pedroni, Digital electronics and design with VHDL, Elsevier
6. Ronald J Tocci, Neal S.Widmer and Gregory L.Moss 'Digital Systems Principles and
applications' Tenth Edition Pearson Prentice Hall Edition
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
Note: One of the assignments shall be simulation of continuous systems using any technical
computing software

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


To impart the basic concepts of electronic circuits using diodes, BJT and FET

Module I (12 hours)
Diode clipping, clamping circuits & voltage multiplier circuits
Rectifiers and power supplies half wave and full wave rectifiers derivation of rectifier
specifications analysis of filters with rectifiers L, C, LC and pi filters
Regulators - zener diode regulator - emitter follower output regulator - series pass transistor voltage
regulator - load and line regulation curves

Module II (14 hours)
BJT circuit models - small signal low frequency and small signal high frequency models of BJT:
hybrid model and hybrid model - equivalent circuits of CC, CB and CE configurations - current
gain - voltage gain - input and output impedances
BJT amplifiers: biasing - load line - analysis of CC, CE and CB configurations - multi stage RC
coupled amplifiers - frequency response
Feedback amplifiers-the general feedback structure voltage shunt - voltage series - current series and
current shunt feedback configurations - effects of negative feed-back-Analysis of negative feedback
Module III (14 hours)
Positive feedback and oscillators - analysis of RC phase shift, Wien - bridge, Colpitts, Hartley and
crystal oscillators
Power amplifiers - class A, B, AB, C, D & S power amplifiers - harmonic distortion - efficiency -
wide band amplifiers - broad banding techniques - low frequency and high frequency compensation -
cascode amplifier

Module IV (14 hours)
JFET structure and VI characteristics - biasing of JFET -- analyses of common source and common
drain amplifier configurations
MOSFET types construction and VI Characteristics- biasing of MOSFETS - small signal low
frequency and small signal high frequency models of MOSFET - equivalent circuits of CS and CD
CMOS transistor features - inverter transfer characteristics

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text Books
1. Neamen D A, Electronic Circuits Analysis & Design; Tata McGraw Hill
2. Sedra A.S & Smith K.C., Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press
3. Millman & Halkias, Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Floyd T L., Electronic Devices, Pearson Education
5. Boylestad R. & Nashelsky L., Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory, Pearson Education
Reference Books
1. Bogart T.F., Electronic Devices & Circuits, McGraw Hill
2. Schuler & Tockhiem, Electronics Principles Applications; Tata McGraw Hill
3. Schilling D.L. & Belove C., Electronic Circuits, McGraw Hill
4. Bogart T.F., Electronic Devices & Circuits, McGraw Hill
5. Horenstein M.N., Microelectronic Circuits & Devices, Prentice Hall of India


The measurement of voltage, current, power, energy, resistance, inductance, capacitance etc: play a
vital role in the instrument technology. The objective of this course is to impart a basic knowledge in
electrical measurement techniques.

Module 1 (15 hours)
Direct current galvanometer Operating principle Equation of motion Logarithmic
decrement Galvanometer sensitivity Ballistic galvanometer- Electrical units,
dimensions and standards.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity & participation in the class
End-Term Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Measurement of resistance: Wheatstones bridge Kelvins double bridge - Measurement of
high resistance direct deflection method Ohmmeter, Megger- earth resistance test

Module II (14 hours)
Potentiometer : General principle Modern form of DC potentiometers Vernier dial
principle Use for measurement of voltage , current, resistance and power AC
potentiometers Coordinate and polar types Applications of AC potentiometers.
Voltmeters and Ammeters: Permanent magnet moving coil, moving iron, hotwire,
electrostatic and dynamometer type meters.

Module III (13 hours)
Measurement of power and energy : Dynamometer type wattmeters errors and compensation and
correlation factors Method of connection Induction type wattmeters Principle of working of
Ampere hour meter Single and three phase energy meters errors and compensation.
AC Bridges: Maxwells bridge, Maxwell-Wein bridge, Hays bridge, Wein bridge, Andersons bridge,
Scherings Bridge, Carrey Foster bridge, Campbell bridge Applications of AC bridges.

Module IV (12 hours)
Oscilloscopes - CRT- simple CRO - Dual beam - dual trace sampling and storage CROs
measurement with CRO display devices (LED, LCD, Liquid Vapour Display)
Recorders (Strip chart recorders-Galvanometer type recorders - Null type recorders - X-Y recorders-
magnetic recorders-Digital waveform Recorders-FM recorders -Digital data recording) Printers dot,
inkjet and laser printer matrix Drum printers dot matrix printers - Applications.

Text book
1. A.K.Sawhney, A course in Electrical & Electronics measurement & Instrumentation,
Dhanpat Rai and Sons
Reference Books
1. Golding and Widdis, Electrical Measurements and measuring Instruments, Wheeler Pub
2. F.K. Harris, Electrical Measurements, Prentice Hall of India/ Pearson
3. Tagg.G.F., Electrical indicating Instruments, Pitman
4. Barthlomew.D., Electrical measurements and measuring Instrumentation, Allyn & Bacon
5. Suryanarayana , Electrical measurements and measuring Instruments, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Volterrkidwell, Electrical instruments & measurement,
7. Luddold.D.s., Precision DC measurements and standards
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class


To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of digital electronic circuits

1. Realization of logic gates using diodes and transistors.
2. Characteristics of TTL Gates
3. Realization of logic gates using universal gates
4. Code converters using basic gates.
5. Seven segment display
6. Realization of Mux, Deconder and Encoder using basic gates
7. Combinational logic design using Decoders and Muxs
8. Half and Full adders and Subtractors.
9. 4 bit adder-subtractor IC & BCD adder circuit
10. Flip-Flop Circuit (RS Latch, JK, T, D and Master Slave) using basic gates.
11. Asynchronous Counters
12. Johnson and Ring Counters.
13. Synchronous counters.
14. A sequence generator circuit.
15. A sequence detector Circuit.
16. Registers.

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week

Note: A minimum of 10 experiments must be conducted


To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of analog electronic circuits.

1. Rectifiers with C, LC & CLC filters - half wave, full wave & Bridge
2. Clipping , Clamping circuits & voltage multipliers with diodes
3. Series Voltage regulator with short circuit and fold back protection
4. JFET characteristics in CS and CD modes
5. Emitter follower with & without complementary transistors - frequency and phase response
for a capacitive load
6. RC coupled amplifier - frequency response - with and without feedback
7. Phase shift oscillator using BJT
8. Hartley / Colpitts oscillator using BJT
9. Single BJT crystal oscillator
10. Power amplifier - Class A & Class AB
11. Cascode amplifier - frequency response
12. Narrow band, high gain tuned amplifier

Note: A minimum of 10 experiments must be conducted
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record

Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination
unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory
Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

EN09 401B: Engineering Mathematics IV
(Common for IC, EC, EE, AI, BM, CS, and IT)

The objective of this course is to inculcate the students an adequate understanding of the basic
concepts of probability theory to make them develop an interest in the area which may find useful to
pursue their studies. Also it is intended to stimulate the students understanding of the Z-transform. A
study of some important partial differential equations is also included to make the student get
acquainted with the basics of PDE.

Module I: Probability Distributions (13 hours)
Random variables Mean and Variance of probability distributions Binomial Distribution Poisson
Distribution Poisson approximation to Binomial distribution Hyper Geometric Distribution
Geometric Distribution Probability densities Normal Distribution Uniform Distribution
Gamma Distribution.

Module II: Z Transforms (14 hours)
Introduction The Z transform Z transform and Region of Convergence (ROC) of finite duration
sequences Properties of ROC Properties of Z-Transforms: Linearity, Time Shifting, Multiplication
by exponential sequence, Time reversal, Multiplication by n, Convolution, Time Expansion,
Conjugation, Initial Value Theorem, Final Value Theorem Methods to find inverse transforms long
division method partial fraction method residue method Solutions of difference equations using
Z Transforms.

Module III: Series Solutions of Differential Equations (14 hours)
Power series method for solving ordinary differential equations Legendres equation Legendre
polynomials Rodrigues formula Generating functions Relation between Legendre polynomials
Orthogonality property of Legendre polynomials (Proof not required) Frobenius method for solving
ordinary differential equations Bessels equation Bessel functions Generating functions
Relation between Bessel functions Orthogonality property of Bessel functions (Proof not required).

Module IV: Partial Differential Equations (13 hours)
Introduction Solutions of equations of the form F(p,q) =0 ; F(x,p,q) =0 ; F(y,p,q) =0 ; F(z,p,q) =0 ;
(x,q) = F
(y,q) ; Clairauts form, z = px + qv + F(p,q) ; Legranges form, Pp + Qq = R
Classification of Linear PDEs Derivation of one dimensional wave equation and one dimensional
heat equation Solution of these equation by the method of separation of variables DAlemberts
solution of one dimensional wave equation.

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record
Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination
unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text Books

Module I:
Richard A Johnson, CB Gupta, Miller and Freunds Probability and statistics for Engineers, 7e,
Pearson Education - Sections: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.7

Module II:
P Ramesh Babu, R Ananda Natarajan, Signals and Systems, 2e, Scitech Publications.
Sections: 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3, 10.5.4, 10.5.5, 10.5.6, 10.5.7, 10.5.8, 10.5.12,
10.5.13, 10.6, 10.10

Module III:
Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Sections: 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5

Module IV:
N Bali, M Goyal, C Watkins, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, A Computer Approach, 7e,
Infinity Science Press, Fire Wall Media.
Sections: 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 16.7, 16.8, 16.9
Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Sections: 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 9.8 Ex.3, 11.5

Reference books
18. William Hines, Douglas Montgomery, avid Goldman, Connie Borror, Probability and Statistics
in Engineering, 4e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
19. Sheldon M Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 3e,
Elsevier, Academic Press.
20. Anthony Croft, Robert Davison, Martin Hargreaves, Engineering Mathematics, 3e, Pearson
21. H Parthasarathy, Engineering Mathematics, A Project & Problem based approach, Ane Books
22. B V Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGrawHill.
23. Sarveswara Rao Koneru, Engineering Mathematics, Universities Press.
24. J K Sharma, Business Mathematics, Theory and Applications, Ane Books India.
25. John bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Elsevier, Newnes.
26. M Chandra Mohan, Vargheese Philip, Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II, III & IV., Sanguine
Technical Publishers.
27. Wylie C.R and L.C. Barret, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill.
28. V R Lakshmy Gorty, Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II., Ane Books India.
29. Sastry S.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I and II., Prentice Hall of India.
30. Michael D Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education.
31. Lary C Andrews, Bhimsen K Shivamoggi, Integral Transforms for Engineers, Prentice Hall of
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

(Common for all branches)

To understand the problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal,
degradation of environment, loss of biodiversity and other environmental issues and
create awareness among the students to address these issues and conserve the
environment in a better way.

Module I (8 hours)
The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental science, Definition-scope and importance-need for
public awareness. Natural resources, Renewable and non-renewable resources:
Natural resources and associated problems-forest resources: Use and over exploitation, deforestation,
case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their defects on forests and tribal people.-
water resources: Use and over utilization of surface and ground water, floods ,drought ,conflicts over
water, dams-benefits and problems.- Mineral resources: Use and exploitation,environmental effects of
extracting and using mineral resources, case studies.- Food resources: World food problems, changes
caused by agriculture over grazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water
logging,salinity,case studies.-Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable
energy resources, use of alternate energy resources, Land resources: Land as a resource, land
degradation, man induced land slides, soil erosion and desertification.

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Teaching scheme Credits: 3
2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module II (8 hours)
Ecosystems-Concept of an ecosystem-structure and function of an ecosystem producers, consumers,
decomposers-energy flow in the ecosystem-Ecological succession- Food chains, food webs and
Ecological pyramids-Introduction, types, characteristics features, structure and function of the
following ecosystem-Forest ecosystem- Grassland ecosystem Desert ecosystem-Aquatic
ecosystem(ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans , estuaries)
Biodiversity and its consideration
Introduction- Definition: genetic , species and ecosystem diversity-Biogeographical; classification of
India value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social ethical , aesthetic and option
values Biodiversity at Global, national , and local level-India at mega diversity nation- Hot spot of
biodiversity-Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wild life, man , wild life conflicts
Endangered and endemic species of India-Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ
conservation of biodiversity.

Module III (10 hours)
Environmental pollution
Definition-Causes, effects and control measures of Air pollution-m Water pollution soil pollution-
Marine pollution-Noise pollution-Thermal pollution-Nuclear hazards-Solid waste management:
Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes-Role of an individual in
prevention of pollution-pollution case studies-Disaster management: floods, earth quake, cyclone and
landslides-Environmental impact assessment

Module IV (10 hours)
Environment and sustainable development-Sustainable use of natural resources-Conversion of
renewable energy resources into other forms-case studies-Problems related to energy and Energy
auditing-Water conservation, rain water harvesting, water shed management-case studies-Climate
change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust-Waste land
reclamation-Consumerism and waste products-Reduce, reuse and recycling of products-Value

Text Books
1. Clark,R.S.Marine pollution,Clanderson Press Oxford.
2. Mhaskar A. K. Matter Hazrdous, Techno-science Publications.
3. Miller T. G. Jr., Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co.
4. Townsend C., Harper J, Michael Begon, Essential of Ecology, Blackwell Science
5. Trivedi R. K., Goel P. K., Introduction to Air Pollution, Techno-Science Publications.
Reference Books.
1. Raghavan Nambiar,K Text book of Environmental Studies,Scitech Publishers(India) Pvt. Ltd
2. Bharucha Erach, Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad 380 013,
Email: [email protected]
3. Cunningham, W.P., Cooper, T.H., Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001Environmental
encyclopedia Jaico publ. House Mumbai 1196p
4. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment
5. Hawkins, R.E. Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society,
6. Mckinney, M.L. & School, R.M. 1996. Environmental Science system & Solutions, Web
enhanced edition, 639p.
7. Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B.Saunders Co. USA, 574p
8. Rao, M.N. & Datta, A.K 1987. Waste Water treatment. Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd., 345p
9. Survey of the Environment, The Hindu Magazine
10. Wagner.K.D. 1998. Environmental Management. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, USA 499p


To enable the students to learn the analysis and design techniques of control systems by transfer
function approach.
Note to Question Paper Setters:
A major share of questions should be in the form of problems and derivations

Module 1 (18 hours)
Introduction - Classification of control systems. Principles of automatic control- feed back systems
Practical examples transfer function approach Impulse response and transfer function transfer
matrix Determination of transfer functions for simple electrical, mechanical, electromechanical,
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as Report of field work, literature survey, seminar etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Note: Field work can be Visit to a local area to document environmental assets-
river/forest/grass land/mountain or Visit to local polluted site-
urban/rural/industrial/agricultural etc. or Study of common plants, insects, birds etc. or
Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes etc. or mini project work on renewable
University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 5
4 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

hydraulic and pneumatic systems - analogous systems. Block diagram s block diagram reduction
signal flow graphs Masons gain formula.

Module II (18 hours)
Standard test signals - response of systems to standard test signals step response of second order
systems in detail time domain specifications steady state response steady state error- static &
dynamic error coefficients. Effect of addition of poles and zeros on system performance. Higher order
Stability of linear systems Rouths criterion of stability. Root locus - construction of root locus
effect of addition of poles and zeros on root locus.

Module III (18 hours)
Frequency response representation frequency domain specifications polar plot Logarithmic plots
All pass, minimum phase and non-minimum phase systems Transportation lag.
Stability in the frequency domain - Nyquist stability criterion stability from polar and Bode plots -
Relative stability Gain margin and phase margin M & N circles Nichols chart.

Module IV (18 hours)
Introduction to design compensation techniques P, PI, PD and PID control - Lead, Lag and Lead -
Lag compensation using RC network -Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag compensators in time
domain using root locus and in frequency domain using Bode diagrams use of Nichols charts.

Text Books
1. Nagrath & Gopal, Control System Engineering, New Age Int. (P) Ltd.
2. K. Ogata , Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall of India.

Reference Books
1. George.J. Thaler, Automatic Control System , Jaico Publishing House.
2. Gopal, Digital Control and State Variable Methods, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. B.C.Kuo, Automatic Control System , Prentice Hall of India.
4. R.C. Dorf and R. H. Bishop , Modem Control Systems , Pearson Education

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
Note: One of the assignments shall be simulation of continuous systems using any technical
computing software

IC09 404 Electrical Machines and Drives

Through this paper the student is exposed to DC and AC machines and Transformers. This
paper also covers basics of power electronics and DC & AC drives.
Note: Detailed analysis and vector diagrams not required

Module I (15 hours)
DC machines: construction types generators - principle of operation - EMF equation -
characteristics. DC motors principle of operation-Torque speed characteristics, applications, starters
Single phase transformers: construction types principle of operation efficiency regulation
losses testing.

Module II (15hours)
AC machines: types Induction motor 3 phase- principle of operation, construction cage and slip
ring motors torque speed characteristics- no load and block rotor test.
Synchronous Machines construction Alternators principle of operation Characteristics
regulation Synchronous Motors Principle - Applications

Module III (13 hours)
Power semiconductor devices: Diodes Thyristors Power MOSFETs , IGBTs
Characteristics Convertors Single phase half and full wave with R and RL load AC voltage
controllers cycloconvertors Principle of operation application choppers and inverters Stepup
and stepdown choppers- single phase and 3 phase bridge inverters- voltage controlled inverters.

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module IV (11hours)
DC drives: speed control of DC motors Single phase and 3 phase drives- convertors and chopper fed
drive 2 quadrant and 4 quadrant operation.
AC Drives Induction Motor speed control stator voltage and frequency control- rotor control

Special machines: D.C. Servomotors, A.C. Servomotors, Synchros- construction, working and
characteristics- Stepper motors construction, working and driving circuits

Text books
1.Clayton & Hancock, Performance & Design Of DC Machines, ELBS
2.Dr.P.S.Bhimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers
3.M.G.Say , Perfomance and Design of AC Machines, Pitman ELBS
4. Dubey G.K, Fundamentals of Electric Drives
5. Vincent Del Toro, Electrical Machines and Power Systems, Prentice Hall

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


To impart the basics of Material Sciences, Fluid Mechanics, flow measuring devices
and power transmission elements.
To have the fundamental concept of mechanical force and torque measuring
Note to Teachers and Question paper setters:
Only preliminary understanding of various concepts and its engineering
applications is required.

Module I (13 hours)
Material Sciences- Ferrous and non-Ferrous metals, material properties, Improvement of material
properties- Iron Carbon diagram- Hardenability, T-T-T Diagram. Non Ferrous metals-Aluminium,
Copper- Alloys of Iron, Copper, Aluminium and Nickel.

Module II (14 hours)
Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties-density, surface tension, capillarity and viscosity. Newtons law of
viscosity. Fluid Statics- Pascals law, Centre of pressure, Buoyancy, Floatation and Metacentre
(concept and significance only).

Module III (14 hours)
Fluid Dynamics: Basic equations of fluid flow- continuity, momentum and energy equations.
Flow through pipes- Head loss due to friction. Applications of Bernoullis equations- venturimeter,
orificemeter, flow nozzles and Pitot tube.

Module IV (13 hours)
Power transmission and elements: Gears- Spur, helical and worm gears- adder, differentiator and
integrator. Ratchet and pinion mechanism, Escapement mechanism.
Measurement of force and torque- Principle of dynamometers- mechanical and hydraulic

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Reference Books
1. Raghavan,A textbook on Material Science, Prentice Hall India
2. J K Jain, A textbook on Fluid Mechanics , S Chand & Company
3. S.S. Rattan , Theory of Machines, S Chand & Company

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class


Students are provided with a strong background on network theorems and functions and how to analyze circuits. They are also exposed to
theory of analog filters.

Module I (13 hours)
Review of network theorems Signal representations: Impulse, step, pulse, ramp and
exponential functions
S-Domain analysis of circuits - review of Laplace transform - transformation of a circuit into
S-domain - node analysis and mesh analysis of the transformed circuit - nodal admittance
matrix - mutually coupled circuits transient analysis of RC and LC networks with Impulse,
step, pulse, ramp and exponential inputs step response of a RLC network

Module II (14 hours)
Network functions- The concept of complex frequency driving point and transfer functions-
Impulse response-Poles and Zeros of network functions, their locations and effects on the
time and frequency domain responses. Restriction of poles and zeros in the driving point and
transfer function. Time domain behaviour from the polezero plot. Frequency response
plots - Bode plot

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module III (13 hours)
Parameters of two port network impedance, admittance, transmission and hybrid -
Conversion formulae. Attenuators -propagation constant, types of attenuators-T- and Bridged
T. Analysis of interconnected two port network s-parallel, series, and cascade connections of
2 port networks-simple problems - Characteristic impedance and propagation constant.

Module IV (14 hours)
Filters- Introduction and basic terminology types of filtering-L.P filter basics-Butterworth
LP filter transfer characteristics- Basic passive realization of Butterworth transfer functions.
Frequency transformations- Transformation to high pass, band pass and band elimination.
Chebyshev filters Characteristics-poles of the Chebyshev function

Text books
1. Van Valkenberg, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall of India
2. Desoer C.A. & Kuh E.S., Basic Circuit Theory, McGraw Hill
Reference books
1. Ryder J.D., Networks, Lines and Fields, Prentice Hall
2. Siskind, Electrical Circuits. McGraw Hill
3. Edminister, Electric Circuits, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw Hill
4. Huelsman L.P., Basic Circuit Theory. Prentice Hall of India
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature
survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two
questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.
There should be at least one question from each module
and not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer
one question.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

IC407(P): Electrical measurements and Machines Lab

To acquaint the students with electrical measuring devices
To give hands on experience in transformers and electrical machines

1. Galvanometers- Extension of range
2. Calibration of D.C ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter using precision potentiometers
3. Calibration of energy meters at different power factors using 3 phase 400v supply
4. Measurement of resistance using D.C bridges
5. Use of universal LCR bridge. Digital LCR meter for measurement of inductance, capacitance and
resistance. Principles of measurements of capacitance and inductance.
6. BH curve of a given specimen using method of reversals
7. D.C and A.C test on a single phase transformer
8. Load test on a single phase transformer
9. O.C.C of a D.C shunt machine
10. Load test on a D.C shunt motor
11. Load test on a D.C series motor
12. Swinburns test
13. No load and blocked rotor test on 3 phase induction motor
14. Load test on induction motor
15. Study of alternators
16. Use of instrument transformer for measurement of high voltage and current
Note: A minimum of 10 experiments must be conducted

Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record
Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination unless
he/she produces certified record of the laboratory


To acquaint the students with various types of transducers

1. Light dependent resistor (LDR)
2. Two wire RTD
4. Strain gauge transducer
6. Piezoelectric transducers
7. Thermistor
8. IC temperature sensor
9. Hall effect transducers
10. Linear variable differential capacitor (LVDC)
11. Thermocouple
12. Dynamic response of first order system

Note: A minimum of 10 experiments must be conducted

Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record

Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination
unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory

IC09 501 Control Engineering II

To enable the students, to learn State variable analysis and design, to get an exposure to
nonlinear systems, to understand the transfer function and state variable analysis of sampled
data systems.

Note to Question Paper Setters
A major share of questions should be in the form of problems and derivations.

Module I1(18 Hours)
Sampled data control systems -Spectrum analysis of sampling process and aliasing Signal
reconstruction -Zero order and First order hold - review of z transforms- Difference equation model -
Impulse response model -Z (Pulse) transfer function -Response of linear discrete systems -Practical
aspects of the choice of sampling rate -The Z and S domain relationships -Stability analysis - Jury's
test -Bilinear transformation.

Module II (20 Hours)
Concept of state, state variable, state vector and state space. State variable representation of
continuous time systems and discrete time systems transformation of state variables - transfer
function from the state variable model- invariance property - state variable model from transfer
function Bush or companion form controllable canonical form observable canonical form Jordan
canonical form Diagonalization - - state diagram

Module III (20 Hours)
Characteristics of non-linear systems - Van der pole equation and Duffing equation limit cycles and
jump resonance. Common physical nonlinearities. Describing function analysis - Describing function
of common linearities -Stability analysis - Amplitude and frequency of limit cycle using Describing
Phase plane analysis - Construction of single phase trajectory using Isoc line and Delta method
Linearization of non linear systems - Singular points - Classification of singular points
Introduction to chaotic dynamics.

Module IV(14 Hours)
Solution of linear time invariant state equation state transition matrix properties - computation of
state transition matrix by Laplace, state transition matrix and Cayley Hamilton theorem. Response of
homogeneous and non homogeneous systems. Controllability and observability. Gilber test and
Kalmans tests. Pole placement by state feed back. State observers.
Teaching scheme Credits: 5
4 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Stability - Definition of stability - Asymptotic stability and instability Stability by Liapunov method -
Liapunov second method - Liapunov stability analysis of LTIV continuous time - Generation of
Liapunov function for linear systems

Text Books
1. J. Nagrath & M. Gopal ,Control System Engineering , New Age Int. (P) Ltd.
2. M. Gopal , Digital Controls and State Variable Methods ,TMH Pub. Com.
Reference Books
1. K. Ogata , Modern Control Engineering , Prentice Hall of India.
2. B. C. Kuo , Automatic Control Systems, Prentice Hall of India.
3. K. Ogata , Discrete Time Control Systems ,Prentice Hall Of India.
. 4. George .J. Thaler , Automatic Control Systems , Jaico Publishing House
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
Note: One of the assignments shall be simulation of control systems using any technical
computing software

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


To acquaint the students with the essential principles of communication and telemetry.
Telemetry is growing almost inseparably with communication. Hence the knowledge of
electronics communication is very essential for an instrumentation student who wants to
know telemetry without going deep into the mathematical analysis

Module I (13 hours)
Introduction to communication systems: Communications- Communications systems- Modulation

Amplitude modulation: Theory- frequency spectrum of the AM wave- Representation of AM- Power
relations in the AM wave

Single side band techniques: Evolution and description of SSB- Suppression of carrier- Suppression of
unwanted side band

Angle modulation: Introduction- Frequency modulation- Measurement of modulation- Index- Phase
modulation- FM transmitters- Angle modulation detectors- Automatic frequency control- Amplitude
limiters- Pre emphasis and de emphasis

Pulse modulation: Generation and demodulation of Pulse amplitude modulation- Pulse time
modulation- Pulse width modulation
Module II (13 hours)
Quantization of signals- Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)- Companding Differential PCM- Delta
modulation- Eye Diagram- Inter Symbol Interference- Digital Modulation Techniques- Phase Shift
Keying(PSK)- Amplitude Shift Keying(ASK)- Frequency Shift Keying (FSK).

Waveguides: Introduction- Rectangular waveguides- Other modes

Principles of radio wave propagation: Propagation in free space- Tropospheric propagation- Ionosperic
propagation- Surface wave- Low frequency propagation and very low frequency propagation-
Extremely low frequency propagation
Module III (13 hours)
Principles of antennas: Introduction- Antenna equivalent circuits- Radiation fields- Polarization-
Isotropic radiator- Power gain of an antenna- Effective length of an antenna- Hertzian dipole- Half
wave dipole- Vertical antennas- Folded elements- Loop and Ferrite rod receiving antennas-
Nonresonant antennas- Driven arrays- Parasitic arrays- VHF-UHF antennas- Microwave antennas

Principles of Satellite communications: Keplers first law- Keplers second law- Keplers third law-
Orbits- Geostationary objects- Power systems- Attitude control- Satellite station keeping- Antenna
look angles- Limits of visibility- Frequency plans and polarization- Transponders- Uplink power
budget calculations- Downlink power budget calculations- Overall link budget calculations- Digital
carrier transmission- Multiple access methods

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module IV (15 hours)
Telemetry: Introduction- System application- Historical background and Evolution of telemetry-
Telemetry systems configuration

Telemetry methods- Classical ones- Pneumatic and electrical telemetry- Electrical telemetry systems-
Voltage, current, position telemetry- Principles of optical telemetry

Grounding and shielding techniques- Methods of Improving signal to noise ratio- Signal filters- Signal
averaging- Box car integration- Signal correlation- Data processing and recording- Magnetic tape

Modern telemetry techniques- Radio telemetry: Introduction- Multiplexing techniques- TDM, FDM
comparison- Principles of WDM

Methods of data transmission in telemetry- FM/FM, PCM/FM and PAM/FM techniques- Use of data
band width

Introduction to telemetry standards- Antennas for telemetry- Introduction to satellite telemetry-
Typical telemetry and telecontrol schemes related to industry and space exploration

Text books:

1. D. Rodyy, J. Coolen, electronics communications, 4
edition, PHI
2. Taub and Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, TMH
3. Kennedy &Davis, Electronic communication systems, 4
edition, TMH
4. Selected portions from Department notes on Principles of Telemetry and Communications,
Prepared by K. Radhakrishnan
5. O.J. Strock, Introduction to Telemetry, ISA
6. O.J. Strock, Telemetry Computer Systems, ISA
1. E.L. Gruvenberg, Hand book of Telemetry and Remote control
2. B.G. Liptak, Instrument Engineers Hand book
3. B.E. Noltingk , Instrumentation reference book, Butterworth- Heinemann
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class


To expose the students to the architecture and programming of one of the
most popular microcontrollers
To make them capable of designing microcontroller based embedded systems.

Module I (13 hours)
Evolution of microcontrollers-state of the art-significance of embedded systems- Overview of Intel
8051 family of microcontrollers-Architecture of Intel 8051- Harward architecture-internal RAM and
ROM-Stack and stack pointer-Special Function Registers-Ports of 8051

Module II (15 hours)
Addressing modes of 8051- Instruction set of 8051-instructions for moving data, logical operations,
and arithmetic operations. Jump and Call instructions- Assembly language programming of 8051-
Programming 8051 in C language.

Module III (12 hours)
Programming 8051 ports- Timers/Counters of 8051-Modes and programming-Serial Communication
with 8051-Interrupt system of 8051-Time Delays and Measuring pulse width using 8051

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module IV (14 hours)
Interfacing external memory to Intel 8051-Interfacing LCD to 8051-Interfacing matrix keyboard-
Interfacing ADC and DAC- Interfacing relays and opto-isolators- interfacing stepper motors and DC

Text Books
1. Muhammed Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller and
Embedded Systems, Pearson Education, 2009
2. Dr. Ramani Kalpathi and Ganesh Raja, Microcontrollers and Applications, Sanguine
Technical Publishers, 2009
3. Kenneth J Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller: architecture, programming and
applications, PenRam International
4. Dr. K. Uma Rao and Dr. Andhe Pallavi, The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture,
programming & Applications, Sanguine Technical Publishers

1. Reference documents and data sheets for microcontrollers from websites of Intel,Atmel etc.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

IC09 504 Industrial Instrumentation I

The measurement of physical variables is an essential part of industrial control and product
qualities. Through this paper the students are exposed to various techniques of measuring
temperature, pressure, level, pH, turbidity etc.

Module I (15 hours )
Measurement of temperature- Definitions and units- Standards of temperature Thermometry and
pyrometry- Thermocouples- Peltier effect- Thomson effect- Seebeck effect- Types of thermocouples
(Chromel- copper. Chromel- alumel.copper-constantan, iron-constantan, platinum-rhodium- platinum)
Cold junction compensation- Thermowells-Lead compensation Thermopiles- Resistance
thermometers- Principle of operation- Platinum RTD- Construction of RTDs- 3wire method 4 wire
method- Thermistors Quartz crystal sensors.

Expansion thermometers- Bimetallic thermometers Liquid filled thermometers- Gas filled
thermometers- Vapor pressure thermometers- Pyrometry- Stefan Boltzmanns law- Black body
radiation- Optical radiation pyrometers- Disappearing filament photo electric pyrometer- Unchopped
DC& chopped AC broad band radiation thermometers- Two colour radiation thermometers-
Pneumatic and electrical temperature transmitters, Digital thermometers.

Module II ( 14hrs )
Measurement of pressure introduction units and definitions standards of pressure pressure and
vacuum pressure measuring elements- bourdon gauge- McLeod gauge float pressure gauges-
ionization gauges Knudsen gauge momentum transfer gauges- thermal conductivity gauges
Piranis gauge dynamic effect of volumes and connecting tubing dynamic testing of pressure and
vacuum measuring system pressure measuring strain gauges differential pressure elements U
tube manometer inclined manometer- ring balanced type manometer bellows - principle of
operation theory and constructions pressure transducers differential pressure transducers
pneumatic and electrical pressure transmitters - pressure switches - very high pressure measurements

Module III ( 12 hours )
Measurement of level- visual indicators- float actuators- electrical resistance and static pressure types-
principles of operation- level in open and closed tanks- level switches- Measurement of level in
boundaries of two liquids - ultrasonic and capacitor type level measurement -Nuclear radiation
methods - measurement of level of solids- paddle wheel type- installation and maintenance procedure
of industrial level instruments- density measurements- various methods.

Module IV (13 hours)
pH measurement- digital pH meters- amplifiers for pH electrodes- problems in pH meters-
installations and maintenance- need for pH measurement- ORP measurement- viscosity measurement-
different methods of measuring viscosity different viscometers, laboratory and industrial types -
continuous measurement of viscosity - rotameter for viscosity measurement-Turbidity measurement-
Conductivity measurement

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Water testing- Determination of chlorides, fluorides, sulphides, sulphates, iron, manganese and

Text books
1. Jain.R.K,Mechanical and industrial measurements, Khanna
2. Patranabis.D, Principles of industrial instrumentation,TMH
3. Fribance, Industrial instrumentation fundamentals, Mcgraw hill.
4. Birdie G.S. & Birdie J.S., Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
1. Andrew and Williams, Applied instrumentation in process industries, Gulf pub.Vol- 1,2
2. Jones.E.B, Instrument technology, Scientific Pub.
3. Liptak.B.G , Instrument Engineers H/B Vol- 1, Chilton book.co.
4. Doebelin.E.O, Measurement system- Application and design, Mcgrow hill
5. Trade journals like I&C.S, Intech, Control and instrumentation etc.
6. Fairgeyer & Okun, Water and Waste Water Technology, Prentice Hall of India.
7. Mark .J.Hammer& Mark.J.Hammer.jr, Water and Waste Water Technology, Prentice Hall
of India.
8. A.I.Sutko & Jerry D.Faulk, Industrial Instrumentation, Vikas Publishing Housing
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


This paper is intended to provide the students with the basic theory and applications of operational
amplifiers which are very common in instrumentation system.

Module I (11 Hours)
Operational amplifiers
Ideal op-amp-characteristics inverting and non-inverting op-amp-differential amplifier-
transfer characteristics-offset error voltages and currents-CMMR, PSRR-slew rate-
measurement of op-amp-parameters.

Basic applications-inverter-scale changer-adder-voltage to current converter and current to voltage
converter-voltage follower-

Module II (16Hours)
Application of Operational amplifies:
Difference amplifier- instrumentation amplifier-analog integrator and differentiator-non linear
systems-comparator-zero crossing detector timing mark generator- sample & hold circuits- precision
rectifiers- Envelope or peak detector-logarithmic amplifier-anti-log amplifier- multipliers using
logarithmic and anti logarithmic amplifiers.

A/D & D/A converters: Sample & hold circuits. DAC: Weighted resistor, R-2R Ladder. Specifications
for DAC. ADC: Successive approximation, counting, single slope dual slope, voltage to time, voltage
to frequency converters, quantization, ADC specifications.

Module III (14 Hours)
Active filters: Introduction-frequency response characteristics-first order LP and HP filters-second
order filter model-sallen- key unity gain filters-sallen- key equal component filters-higher order filters-
band pass and band reject filters

Module IV (13 Hours)
Wave shaping& waveform generation circuits: Oscillators-RC phase shift oscillator- Inductor
simulation -generalized form of oscillator circuit- Wien-bridge oscillator square wave generator-
pulse generator, triangular wave generator-Schimitt Trigger, voltage controlled oscillator

Regulated power supplies
Transistorized series pass regulator-over load-short- circuit and thermal shutdown protection three
terminal IC regulators-basic idea of switching regulators- 555 timer IC- applications

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Reference Books
1. Millman and Halkias , Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill
2. Schilling D.L.& Belov C, Electronic Circuits: Discrete & Integrated, McGraw Hill
3. Soclof S.- Application of Analog Integrated Circuits, Prentice Hall of India
4. Franco S. Design with Op-amp with & analog ICs, Mc Graw Hill
5. Jacob J.M.- Application & Design with Analog ICs, Reston Pub
6. Tietze & Schank, Advanced Electronic Circuits, Springer Verlag.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as homework, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


At the end of the course, the students should be able to name, use, compare, recognize
and explain about various analytical instruments.

Module 1 (9 hours)
UV-VISIBLE-NMR spectrophotometers - Basic principles - Laws of photometry working curve
method, standard addition technique- radiation sources - Monochromators - Filter, Prism and grating
types - Stray light - Bandwidth and resolution detectors - Recording instruments - Scanning double
beam instruments - PC based spectrophotometer.

Module II (10 hours)
Infrared spectrophotometers- Basic principles - Sources - IR optical systems and components - IR
detectors - Data recording - Practical instruments - Fourier transform technique - FTIR principles and
instrumentation - Raman spectrometry - Principles and instrumentation.
Atomic absorption spectrometry - Sources, components and instrumentation - Plasma and Plasma
excitation - thermal analysis - Principles ad instrumentation of DTA, DSC and TGA.

Module III (9 hours)
Magnetic resonance techniques - Nuclear magnetic resonance - Principles and components - cw NMR
spectrometer - FT NMR - Types of magnets and probes - Measurement techniques - ESR spectrometer
- Principles and instrumentation. X-ray diffraction-Bragg- X-ray spectrometer-Principles and
instrumentation-X-Ray absorption fluorescence spectrometry-Principles and instrumentation.

Module IV (8 hours)
Mass spectrometry - Principles - Magnetic deflection mass analyser - Electrostatic analyser-Principles
and Instrumentation - Chromatography - General principles, classification - Gas and liquid
chromatography - chromatography - chromatographic detectors - GLC and HPLC - Principles and
instrumentation-Nuclear radiation detectors.

Teaching scheme Credits: 3
2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

1. Willard,merritt dean and settle, instrument methods of analysis ,east-west press1992
2. Skoog.d.a and west.d.m, principles of instrumental analysis- holt saunders pub.
3. Ewing.g.w, instrumental methods of analysis, mcgraw hill,1992
4. Mann.c.k,vickers.t.j,and gullick.w.h, instrumental analysis, harper and row pub.
5. Robert.d.braun, introduction to instrumental analysis, mcgraw hill.
6. Khandpur.r.s, hand book of analytical instruments. Tmh.
7. Frank.a.settle, hand book of instrumental techniques for analytical chemistry, prentice hall-
new jersey ,1997
8. Skoog.d.a,holler.f.j and niemann. T.a, principles of instrumental analysis- saunders, 1998
9. Wiston.C, X-Ray Method,- John Wiley- 1991


To acquaint the students with mechanical measurement devices and their calibration.

Calibration and Measurements of

1. Air flow - air velocity meter,pitot tube
2. Area- Planimeter
3. Linear and angular measurements
- Micrometers
- Vernier calipers
- Vernier depth gauge
- Slip gauge
- Bevel protractor
- Dial gauge
- Screwpitch gauge
- Feeler gauge
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week

4. Speed measurement- Tachometer, digital RPM counter, stroboscope
5. Strain gauge, load cell-strain gauge pressure cell
6. Flow through pipes- venturimeter, orificemeter
7. Open channel-flow through open channel-notches and weirs
8. Measurement of viscosity of fluids Red wood viscometer
9. Pipe friction measurements- losses coefficients in pipes-fitting
10. Metacentric height and radius of gyration of floating bodies

Note: A minimum of 10 experiments must be conducted


To acquaint the students with operational amplifiers

1. Measurement of op-amp parameters- CMRR, slew rate, open loop gain. Input and out put
2. Inverting and non- inverting amplifiers integrators and differentiators frequency response
3. Instrumentation amplifier gain.CMRR
4. Single op-amp second order LFF and HPF- sallen-Key configuration.
5. Narrow band active BPF- Delyiannis configuration.
6. Active notch filter realization using op-amps
7. Wein bridge oscillator with amplitude stabilization
8. Astable and monostable multivibrators using op-amps
9. Square, triangular and ramp generation using op-amps
10. Voltage regulation using IC 723
11. Astable and monostable multivibrators using IC555
12. Analog to digital converter circuit (ADC)
13. Digital to analog converter circuit (DAC)

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record

Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination
unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory
Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week

Note: A minimum of 10 experiments must be conducted




Module I (19 hours)
Introduction to signals and systems classification of signals basic operations on signals
continuous time and discreet time complex exponential and sinusoidal signals- Periodicity
properties of discrete time complex exponentials-
Concept of system- properties of systems- stability, invertibility, time invariance, linearity, causality,
memory time domain description convolution-impulse response
Fourier series representation (exponential) of continuous time periodic signals: Linear combinations of
harmonically related complex exponentials determination of the Fourier series representation of a
continuous time signal convergence of the Fourier series Properties of continuous time Fourier

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record
Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination
unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory

Teaching scheme Credits: 5
4 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module II (20 hours)
Fourier series representation of discrete time periodic signals: Linear combinations of harmonically
related complex exponentials - determination of the Fourier series representation of a discrete time
signal Properties of discrete time Fourier series
Continuous time Fourier transform: Development of the Fourier transform representation of an
Aperiodic signal- convergence - Fourier transform for periodic signals- properties of the continuous
time Fourier transform
Discrete time Fourier transform: Development of the discrete time Fourier transform Convergence-
DTFT for periodic signals- properties of the discrete time Fourier transform
Bilateral Z transforms and concept of ROC

Module III (15 hours)
Discrete Fourier transform: Frequency domain sampling and reconstruction of discrete time signals-
DFT- - properties of DFT Circular convolution- linear convolution using DFT- Linear filtering
methods based on DFT- Frequency analysis of signals using DFT
Computation of DFT: Direct computation of DFT- DFT as a linear transformation- Fast Fourier
Transform (radix- 2 FFT only)- Decimation in time and decimation in frequency algorithms

Module IV (18 hours)
Digital filter specifications- Design of IIR digital filters from analog filters- Butterworth and
Chebyshev filters- Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band stop filters- Scaling the digital transfer
function-impulse invariant method, bilinear transformation method- Spectral transformation of IIR
Liner phase characteristics- basic concepts of group delay-Design of FIR filters: Estimation of filter
order- FIR filter design based on windowed Fourier Series- Least Integral-squared error design,
Impulse responses of Ideal filters- Gibbs phenomenon- Fixed window functions- Rectangular, Bartlett,
Hanning, Hamming, Blackman- Adjustable window function- Kaiser window

Text Books
1 Simon Haykin & Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley
2 Oppenheim.A.V, Schafer R.W & Buck J.R, Discrete time signal processing, Second
edition, PHI/Pearson
3. Oppenheim A. V & Willsky A.S, Signals and Systems, Second edition, PHI
4. Proakis T.G & Manolakkis D.G, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
Applications, Third edition, PHI/Pearson
1. Sanjit K Mitra, Digital signal processing, TMH
2. Li Tan, Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier
3. Samuel D Stearns, Digital Signal Processing with Examples in Matlab, CRC Press
4. Dr. Ganesh Rao & Satish Tunga, Signals and Systems, Sanguine
5. Dr. Ganesh Rao & Vineeta P Gejji, Digital Signal Processing Theory and Lab Practice,

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Note: One of the assignments shall be simulation of continuous systems using any technical
computing software
University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

(Common for AI, EE, BM, and EC)

Section 1: Engineering Economics

Impart fundamental economic principles that can assist engineers to make more efficient and
economical decisions.

Module1 (14 Hrs)
Economic reasoning, Circular Flow in an economy, Law of supply and demand, Economic
efficiency. Element of costs, Marginal cost, Marginal Revenue, Sunk cost, Private and Social
cost, Opportunity cost. Functions of Money and commercial Banking. Inflation and deflation:
concepts and regulatory measures. Economic Policy Reforms in India since 1991: Industrial
policy, Foreign Trade policy, Monetary and fiscal policy, Impact on industry.

Module II (13 Hrs)
Value Analysis Function, aims, procedure.Time value of money, Single payment
compound amount factor, Single payment present worth factor, Equal payment series sinking
fund factor, Equal payment series payment Present worth factor- equal payment series capital
recovery factor-Uniform gradient series annual equivalent factor. Methods of project analysis
(pay back, ARR, NPV, IRR and Benefit -Cost ratio) Break-even analysis-, Process planning.
Text books
1. Panneer Selvam, R, Engineering economics, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Wheeler R (Ed) Engineering economic analysis, Oxford University Press, 2004.
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-15)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Section 2: Principles of Management


To provide knowledge on principles of management, decision making techniques,
accounting principles and basic management streams
Module I (13 hours)
Principles of management Evolution of management theory and functions of management
Organizational structure Principle and types. Decision making Strategic, tactical & operational
decisions, decision making under certainty, risk & uncertainty and multistage decisions & decision
Human resource management Basic concepts of job analysis, job evaluation, merit rating, wages,
incentives, recruitment, training and industrial relations

Module II (14 hours)
Financial management Time value of money and comparison of alternative methods. Costing
Elements & components of cost, allocation of overheads, preparation of cost sheet, break even
analysis. Basics of accounting Principles of accounting, basic concepts of journal, ledger, trade,
profit &loss account and balance sheet. Marketing management Basic concepts of marketing
environment, marketing mix, advertising and sales promotion. Project management Phases,
organisation, planning, estimating, planning using PERT & CPM

University Examination Pattern for Section 1
Note: Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks
1 x 1 mark = 1 mark
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks
Candidates have to answer two questions out of three. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 35

1. F. Mazda, Engineering management, Addison Wesley, Longman Ltd., 1998
2. Lucy C Morse and Daniel L Babcock, Managing engineering and technology, Pearson Prentice
3. O. P. Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi, 2003.
4. P. Kotler, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, Prentice Hall,
New Jersey, 2001
5. Venkata Ratnam C.S & Srivastva B.K, Personnel Management and Human Resources, Tata
McGraw Hill.
6. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management: Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Bhattacharya A.K., Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting, Wheeler Publishing
8. Weist and Levy, A Management guide to PERT and CPM, Prantice Hall of India
9. Koontz H, ODonnel C & Weihrich H, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill.
10. Ramaswamy V.S & Namakumari S, Marketing Management : Planning, Implementation and
Control, MacMillan

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-15)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination Pattern for Section 2
Note: Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks
1 x 1 mark = 1 mark
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks
Candidates have to answer two questions out of three. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 35


An instrumentation engineer should keep abreast with the advances in microprocessor industry in
these days of automated and real-time control. The paper aims at giving the students an exposure to a
16-bit processor. The paper also sets pointers to the advances in the field.

Module 1(13 hours)
Evolution of microprocessors-signal descriptions of Intel 8086/8088
Architecture of Intel 8086
Memory segmentation-stack organization-Flags-Building basic minimum and maximum mode
systems- Timing diagrams-Interfacing static and dynamic RAM-Interfacing Read Only Memory
Interrupt system of 8086
Basic concepts of Direct Memory Access

Module 2(14 hours)
Addressing modes of 8086-Instruction set of 8086-Assembly language programming with 8086-
Procedures-Macros-Basic concept of modular programming- Programming IBM PC with BIOS and
DOS interrupts

Module 3(13 hours)
Programmable Peripheral Interface (8255) and its interface with 8086/8088- Intel 8284 Timer and its
interfacing-Interfacing LED displays and keyboards with 8086-Intel 8279 display/keyboard controller
and its interfacing- Intel 8259 interrupt controller and its interfacing with 8086-Serial Communication-
RS 232C interface-Intel 8251 USART.

Module 4(14 hours)
Advances in microprocessors- Important RISC concepts
Pipelining- Fundamentals of multi-user environment- Basic concept of virtual memory, privilege
levels and protection, memory descriptors and memory management- Basic idea of caches-Branch
A brief description of the architecture of Pentium Processor
A brief summery of state of the art of microprocessor industry.

Text Books
1. Liu and Gibson, Microprocessor systems: the 8086/8088 family, Prentice Hall of India
2. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing, Tata McGraw Hill
3. A.K Ray and K.M. Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, TMH

Intel Manuals for microprocessors and peripherals from Intel web site.

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

IC09 604 Industrial Instrumentation II

To equip the students with the knowledge on different methods of measurement of flow and various
types of analysers. The operations of various control valves, accessories, which are inevitable parts of
process control, are also dealt with.

Module I (13 Hours)
Measurement of flow rate- Turbulent flow- Discharge coefficient - Differential pressure meter(primary
elements)- theory, construction and applications of orifice plate, venturimeter, flow nozzle, pitot tube,
dall tube Pressure taps- Manometers, differential pressure measurement- Square root extraction.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
End-Term Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module II (13 Hours)
Mechanical flow meters- Displacement type- Reciprocating piston- Rotating disc- Oscillating piston-
Helix and oval gear meters- Differential type (rotating vane propeller type with counters)-
Combination meters- principle of operation- Construction Installation of mechanical meters Gas
meters (volumetric type and rate flow meters)- Hot wire anemometers.- Electromagnetic flow meters-
Ultrasonic flow meters- target meters Turbine flow meters- Vortex shedding flow meters- Flow
measurement using heat transfer measurement of flow of dry solid materials.

Module III (14Hours)
Gas and liquid sampling techniques in process industry- Flue gas analysers- Paramagnetic
oxygen analyzers,CO2analyser- Zirconium type oxygen sensor- Chromatography- Basic principle
Gas liquid, gas solid chromatography- Thermal conductivity gas analyzer- Heat of reaction methods-
Estimation of O2, H2, CH4, CO2, CO etc. In binary or complex gas mixtures- Non dispersive IR
analyzer Methods for monitoring SOx, NOx and Ozone

Module-IV (14Hrs)
Control valves General diagram- final control operation - electrical and pneumatic signal conversion
- electric, pneumatic & hydraulic actuators - different types of automatic control valves - plug, ball,
gate, butterfly & other types of control valves - specification, characteristics & construction of control
valves - control valve noise and methods of its reduction - Valve positioner - advantages of using
positioner - air lock relay, Volume Booster & other control valve accessories - Safety and relief valves
- rupture discs - types of manual valves used in liquid handling Industry safety alarms.

Reference Books
1. Arora.Y.L, Flow measurement techniques, University Book .corp.
2. Rangan,Sarma and mani , Instrumentation- Devices and systems,TMH
3. Patranabis D, Principles of Process Control, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Eckman D.P., Automatic Process Control, Wiley Eastern.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class


To give an exposure to the students on different types of processes, controllers and their
implementations. Effective control of process variables has direct correspondence with product
quality. Computer based process control techniques and tuning techniques are also discussed.
Note: 15 % of total marks must be given for numerical problems.

Module I (8 hours)
Introduction to process control: Control systems process control block diagram control system
evaluation sensors.
Final Control: Final control operation signal conversion (analog and digital electrical signals)
Actuators (electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic) Control elements (mechanical, electrical and fluid
Discrete state process control: characteristics of the system discrete state variables event
sequence description.

Module II (10 hours)
Controller Principles: Process characteristics control system parameters discontinuous controller
modes two position mode multiposition mode floating control mode continuous controller
modes proportional controller mode integral control mode derivative control mode composite
controller modes PI, PD, and three mode controller.
Analog controllers: General features electronic controllers design considerations digital
electronic methods.

Module III (8 hours)
Pneumatic controllers: Design of discontinuous and continuous controller modes.
End-Term Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Teaching scheme Credits: 3
2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Control loops: Control system configurations dead time process capacity combination of
deadtime and capacity feedback control of systems with large deadtime dead time compensation
degrees of freedom single variable cascade control types of secondary loops instability in
cascade loop saturation in cascade loops feed forward control load balancing steady state
model ratio control selector control inverse control.

Module IV (10 hours)
Process Loop Tuning: Control system quality definition of quality measure of quality stability
defining good control closed loop method ultimate method damped oscillation method process
reaction curve method open loop tuning variation on the open loop fit Ziegler Nichols method
frequency response method comparing tuning methods integral criteria in tuning.

Text Books
1. Curtis Johnson, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice-Hall of India
Private Limited.
2. B.G.Liptak, Handbook on Process Control, Chiller Book Co.
Reference Books
1. F.G.Shinsky, Process Control Systems: Application, Design and Tuning, McGraw-
2. D. Patranabis, Principle of Process Contro, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. George Stephano Poulos, Chemical Process Control-An Introduction to Theory and
Practice, Prentice Hall of India.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


To acquaint the students with the instrumentation commonly encountered in industry

1. Measurement of Viscosity using red wood viscometer.
2. Measurement of Viscosity using rotational viscometer.
3. Dead weight pressure gauge tester.
4. Optical pyrometer.
5. Thermometer using thermocouple as the sensor.
6. Capacitive liquid level measurement.
7. Cup anemometer.
8. Control valve inherent flow characteristics (with and without positioner).
9. Thermometers using four wire RTD as the sensor.
10. Dynamic response of second order system.
11. Signal conditioning circuit for conductivity sensor.
12. Thermometer using thermocouple as the sensor.
13. Thermometer using thermistor as the sensor.
14. Transmitter characteristics of level, flow, temperature and pressure.
15. Characteristics of final control elements.

Note: A minimum of 10 experiments must be conducted

Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record
Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination
unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory


To acquaint the students with assembly language programming and hardware design
using microprocessors and microcontrollers.

Assembly language programming with IBM PC:
1. Examples of arithmetic operations
2. Examples of logical operations
3. Sorting of arrays
4. String manipulations
5. Different methods of passing parameters to procedures
6. Modular programming
7. Programming using BIOS and DOS interrupts.
Assembly Language/ C language programming of 8051 Family in Keil/Ride
8. Examples of arithmetic operations
9. Examples of logical operation
10. examples using simulated ports, timers etc
11. Examples of serial communication.
Using microprocessor/ microcontroller kits:
12. Interfacing programmable ports
13. Interfacing LED and LCD displays
14. Interfacing ADC and DAC
15. Interfacing Interrupt controller
16. Interfacing stepper motor
17. Interfacing USART
18. Interfacing counters/timers

Note: A minimum of 10 experiments must be conducted which should cover both
microprocessors and microcontrollers.

Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record

Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination
unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory


The objective of this subject is to:
Familiarize with the techniques of instrumentation and control used in major parts of process
stations like heat exchangers, distillation towers, pumps and compressors.
Familiarize with the instrumentation in industries like petro-chemical, paper and pulp, iron,
power generation industries, etc.

Module I (18 hours)
Study of instrumentation symbols as per ISA standards Instrumentation and control of
chemical reactor: Temperature control pressure control optimization.
Instrumentation in Pharmaceutical and Fermentation Industries: Description of the process
flow measurement level measurement pressure measurement temperature measurement smoke
detector analyzers fermentation control system continuous fermentation pH control
temperature control distillation control systems centrifuge purging controls.
Instrumentation and control in distillation towers: Pressure control feed control reboiler control
reflux control.
Instrumentation and control of heat exchanger: Liquid to liquid heat exchangers steam heaters
condensers reboilers cascade and feedforward control.
Instrumentation and control of dryers: batch and continuous dryers.

Module II (20 hours)
Control of pumps: Centrifugal pumps rotary pumps reciprocating pumps.
Control of compressors: Centrifugal compressors surge and antisurge control.
Effluent and water treatment (ORP Control): Chemical treatment oxidation reduction
neutralization precipitation, and biological control.
Instrumentation and control in evaporator: Feedback, cascade and feedforwrd control steady
state model process dynamics feedback trim steam enthalpy internal material balance product
density measurement boiling point rise.
Control of Steam Boilers: Performance safety interlocks combustion control fuel controls air
control and measurement damper and fan control furnace draft control fuel air ratio feedwater
control steam temperature control.

Module III (18 hours)
Instrumentation and control in power industry: Description of the process control loop
interactions non interacting loops partial interacting loops drum level control deaerating heater
controls feed water pump recirculation controls boiler turbine master air flow control once
through boiler.
Instrumentation and control in nuclear industry: reactor safety system reactor control system.
Instrumentation in Iron and Steel Industry: Description of the process typical control system in
the iron and steel industry blast furnace stove combustion control system gas and water control in
BOF furnaces stand casting mold level controls; pH controls.

Teaching scheme Credits: 5
4 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module IV (16 hours)
Instrumentation in paper and pulp industry: Description of the process blow down task controls
stock chest level control basis weight control of a paper machine valves used in paper industry
consistency control.
Clean room controls and optimization: The semi conductor plant subzone optimization pressure
controls elimination of drafts temperature controls humidity controls flow controls plant wide
optimization material balance controls heat balance controls humidity controls exhaust air
Instrumentation and control in oil and gas industries: Process overview the oil and gas process
separation production separators second and third stage separators water treatment heat
exchangers scrubbers and reboilers gas treatment and compression storage, metering and export
fire and gas system HVAC.
Instrumentation and control in cement kilns Conveyor belt instrumentation: automatic bagging
and bottling preheater kiln feed control kiln speed control kiln draught control combustion
control cooler control.

Text Books
1 B.G.Liptak, Instrumentation in Processing Industries, Chiller Book Co.
2. Andrews & William, Applied Instrumentation in Process Industries.
Reference Books
4. Haward Dewold, Oil and Gas Production Handbook, ABB
5. Kellen, Power Plant Instrumentation.
6. Samuel Glasstone, Principles of Nuclear Reactor Engineering
7. McCllough.C.R, Safety Aspects of Nuclear Reactor.
8. David Lindesnev, Boiler Control System, McGraw Hill.
9. Considine and Ross, Handbook of Applied Instrumentation.
10. Dale R. Patrick and Stephan W.Fardo, Industrial Process Control Systems, Vikas Publishing

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class


This course gives a brief introduction to human physiology and presents various
instrumentation systems for measurement and analysis of physiological parameters.

Module I (12 Hours)
Development of Biomedical Instrumentation, biometrics, Man-instrument system-
components-block diagram, Physiological systems of the body (brief discussion), Problems
encountered in biomedical measurements.
Sources of bioelectric potentials resting and action potentials propagation of action
potentials- bioelectric potentials- examples (ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, EOG, EGG, etc.)
Biopotential electrodestheory-microelectrodes- skin surface electrodes- needle electrodes-
biochemical transducers- transducers for biomedical applications.

Module II (14 Hours)
Heart and cardiovascular system (brief discussion), electro-conduction system of the heart.
Electrocardiography- Electrodes and leads-Einthoven triangle, ECG readout devices, ECG
machine-block diagram.
Measurement of Blood Pressure direct and indirect measurements oscillometric
measurement, ultrasonic method, Measurement of blood flow and cardiac output,
Plethysmography photoelectric, impedance, and capacitance plethysmographs, Measurement
of heart sounds-phonocardiography

Module III (15 Hours)
Electroencephalogram- anatomy of nervous system (brief discussion)- neuronal communication- EEG
measurement. Muscle response - Electromyogram (EMG) - Nerve Conduction velocity measurements
- Electromyogram measurements.
Physiology of respiratory system (brief discussion), Respiratory parameters-spirometer, pneumograph,
body plethysmographs, gas exchange and distribution, Respiratory therapy equipment.
Cardiac pacemakers internal and external pacemakers, defibrillator, artificial heart valves, heart lung

Module IV (13 Hours)
X-rays- principle of generation, uses of X-rays -diagnostic still picture, fluoroscopy, angiography,
tomograms, Endoscopy, Diathermy. Basic principle of computed tomography, magnetic resonance
imaging system and nuclear medicine system-radiation therapy. Ultrasonic imaging system-
introduction and basic principle.
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Instruments for clinical laboratory tests on blood cells Chemical tests Electrical safety
Physiological effects of electric current shock hazards from electrical equipment methods
of accident prevention.
Introduction to expert system and hospital management, Introduction to telemedicine.

Text Books
1. L. Cromwell, F. J. Weibell, and L. A. Pfeiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation and
Measurements, Pearson Education, Delhi
2. J. J. Carr and J. M. Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Pearson
Education, Delhi
Reference Books
1. J. G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, John Wiley & Sons,
2. R. S. Khandpur, Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill, New

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question
from each module and not more than two questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be
at least one question from each module and not more than two
questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Maximum Total Marks: 70


To give an exposure to different types of data acquisition systems, PLC, DCS, SCADA, and field
communication networks.

Module I (8 hours)
Introduction to CCP Hierarchical computer control system data acquisition system stand alone data
acquisition PC based data acquisition analog signal conditioning analog isolation surge protection
digital signal conditioning digital isolation analog multiplexer data loggers supervisory control
computer based controllers (DDC) SMART transducers and transmitters SMART pressure transmitter
SMART temperature transmitter SMART control valve capabilities of SMART transducer.
Discretization of PID Algorithm: Interacting and non interacting position and velocity PID algorithm
windup problem in integrator.

Module II (10 hours)
Programmable Logic Controller: PLC versus relay characteristic functions of a PLC PLC versus PC
PLC block diagram I/O configuration direct I/O Parallel I/O Serial I/O slice I/O input and
output module (discrete and analog) input and output devices RS 232, 488 & 485 CPU memory
unit input image file output image file power supply program loaders hand held and computer
based loaders types of PLC software programming languages ladder programming file organizing
and addressing instruction set timers and counters instructions communication instructions i/o and
interrupt instructions math instruction logical instruction complete scan cycle program execution
different types of PLC system installation recommendations.

Module III (8 hours)
Distributed control systems: PLC versus DCS DCS configuration control room for
DCS the control console equipment displays software configurations relay rack mounted
equipment local control units communication between components data highway design highway
compatibility data highway communications network access methods.
DCS system integration with PLCs and computers: Man machine interface integration with PLC
integration with computers integration with direct i/o serial linkages network linkages (X.25) links
between networks.
DCS cost estimating: The cost components DCS definition the hardware estimate operators
console and related items communication related items field mounted items including i/o software
cost estimate.
Multiplexing and party line systems: electromechanical multiplexing of pneumatic signals rotary
electromechanical multiplexer for electrical signals.

Module IV (10 hours)
Field communication networks: ISO reference model industrial communication systems
management systems MAP/TOP fieldbuses fieldbus standardization rackbus MODBUS
PROFIBUS FIP BUS international fieldbus standard HART protocol IEEE 488 bus.
Introduction to SCADA system and Virtual Instrumentation: Definition of SCADA elements of
SCADA system communication in SCADA applications block diagram and architecture of a virtual
instrument data flow techniques graphical programming in data flow comparison with conventional
Teaching scheme Credits: 3
2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Annunciators: Principles of operation operating sequences optional operating features audio visual
annunciators recording annunciators vocal annunciators electromechanical relay type annunciators
annunciator cabinets pneumatic annunciators.

Text Books
3. B.G.Liptak, Instrument Engineers Handbook-Process Control, Butterworth Heinemann.
4. M.Chidambaran, Computer Control of Process, Narosa Publishing House.
3. John R Hackworth & Frederick D Hackworth Jr, Programmable Logic Controllers-
Programming methods and applications, Pearson Education
Reference Books
1. Andrews.W.G, Applied Instrumentation in Process Industries
2. C.D.Johnson, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Jones, Instrument Technology
4. Michelin, Measurement Systems
5. B.E.Noltingk, Instrumentation Reference Book, Butterworth Heinenann.
6. Gary Johnson, LabView Graphical Programming, McGraw Hill
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


This paper gives an exposure to the students to opto-electronic instruments and
measurements. The paper also provides an introduction on Lasers and theory of Optical
Module 1 (10 hours)
Interferometers FabryPerot and Michelson interferometers MachZehnder Interferometer
Interference filters Interferometric methods in metrology and testing of optical components
Modulation of light Electrooptic effect Magnetooptic devices Acoustic optic modulators
Display devices light emitting diode Plasma displays Liquid crystal displaysPin diodesPhoto

Module II (10 hours)
Lasers Principles of operation Einstein relations Population inversion Optical feed back laser
modes Classes of lasers Solid state-Nd-YAG laser, Ruby laser, gas laser -He-Ne laser, CO2 laser
and liquid dye lasers Semiconductors lasers Q switching and mode locking Properties of laser

Module III (8 hours)
Applications of lasers Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA)Holographic Interferometry Distance
measurement Holography Principles and applications Optical fibres Light guidance through
fibres Step index and graded index fibres Multimode and single mode fibres Fibre fabrication.

Module IV (8 hours)
Measurement of fiber characteristics Attenuation, dispersion and refractive index profile
measurement OTDR Fiber optic components Couplers, splicers and connectors.

Teaching scheme Credits: 3
2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text books
1. J.Wilson and J.F.B Hawkes , Optoelectronics : An Introduction, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Breck Hitz, J.J Ewing, Jeff Hecht , Introduction to Laser Technology, IEEE press.

1. J.R. MeyerArendt, Introduction to classical and modern Optics ,PHI
2. K.Thygarajan and A.K. Ghatak, Lasers Theory and Applications Plenum Press
3. W.O.N.Guimaraes and A. Mooradian, Lasers and Applications, Springer Verlag.
4. W.E. Cock, Engg Applications of Lasers and Holography, Plenum Press.
5. Cheo.P.K., Fibre OpticsDevices and Laser systems, PHI.
6. R.K. Jain, Engineering Metrology, Khanna Publishers.
7. John M. Senior, Principle and practice of Fiber Optic Communications, PHI
8. Jasprit Singh, Semi conductor Optoelectronics, McGraw Hill, 1995
9. Verdeyen. J. T., Laser Electronics, PHI 1989
10. Allen L., Essentials of Lasers, Oxford University Press.
11. Coshea & W.R. Callen, Introduction to Lasers and their Applications, John Wiley
12. John & Harry, Industrial Lasers and their applications, McGraw Hill]

IC09 707(P): Process Control and Virtual Instrumentation Lab

To acquaint the students with process control instrumentation and virtual instrumentation

Part A: Process Control

1) Characteristics of manual mode, on-off mode, P mode, I mode, D mode, PI mode, PD mode,
and PID mode of pressure process station.
2) Characteristics of manual mode, on-off mode, P mode, I mode, D mode, PI mode, PD mode,
and PID mode of level process station.
3) Characteristics of manual mode, on-off mode, P mode, I mode, D mode, PI mode, PD mode,
and PID mode of flow process station.
4) Characteristics of manual mode, on-off mode, P mode, I mode, D mode, PI mode, PD mode,
and PID mode of temperature process station.
5) Tuning of P, PI and PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols open-loop method. The process
station is
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week

a. Pressure process station.
b. Level process station.
c. Flow process station.
d. Temperature process station.
6) Characteristics of ratio control.
7) Characteristics of cascade control.
8) Characteristics of feed-forward control.
9) Design of proportional controller.
10) Design of proportional plus integral controller.
11) PLC programming 1.
12) PLC programming 2: Simulation of process control.
13) Study of SCADA package.
14) Non-linear plant control: pH and conductivity.
15) Familiarization of distributed control systems (DCS). Conduct one or two experiments.
Part B: Virtual Instrumentation

1) Getting started with LabView. Basic operations, controls, and indicators, simple
programming structures.
2) LabView: Debugging a VI and Sub VI.
3) LabView: Traffic light programming.
4) Basics of GPIB. Setting up GPIB, address, simple read/write.
5) Communication via RS-232/serial port.
6) LabView: Incorporating user written C routine.

Note: A minimum of 10 experiments should be conducted covering both Part A and Part B.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record
Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination
unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory


To acquaint the students with technical simulation software
To give hands on experience in control system components.
Part A: Simulation
1) Data acquisition in C/C++ using parallel port.
2) Simulation of ON-OFF, P, PI, PD controllers using C/C++.
3) Simulation of non interacting/interacting position/velocity PID algorithm using C/C++.
4) Study of MATLAB general functions and tool boxes, and programming.
5) Analysis of system performance in time and frequency domain.
6) Design of continuous/discrete control system.
7) State-space analysis of continuous/discrete open-loop system. Study of controllability and
8) Design of cruise control (state variable feedback and state observer).
9) Digital signal processing Representation and manipulation of signals, study of various
types of digital filters.
10) Neural network and fuzzy logic programming.
11) Study of first and second order performance.
12) Study of phase trajectories.
13) Study of limit cycle.
14) Real-time control using MATLAB.
Part B: Control System
1) Study the performance characteristics of a dc motor speed control system and find its
transfer function.
2) Study the control system components (synchros, servomotor, stepper motors).
3) Design lead and lag network using R & C components and obtain the frequency response.
4) Simulate the second order system and plot phase trajectories of stable focus, stable node
and vortex.
5) Simulate the second order system with and without initial conditions.
Note: A minimum of 10 experiments should be conducted covering Part A and Part B.

Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours practical per week
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Laboratory practical and record
30% - Test
10% - Regularity in the class

Semester End Examination (Maximum Marks-50)
70% - Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference
20% - Viva voce
10% - Fair record
Note: No candidate will be permitted to attend the end-semester practical examination
unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory

IC09 709(P): PROJECT

To judge the capacity of the students in converting the theoretical knowledge into
practical systems/investigative analysis.
Project work is for duration of two semesters and is expected to be completed in the eighth
semester. Each student group consisting of not more than five members is expected to design and
develop a complete system or make an investigative analysis of a technical problem in the relevant
area. The project may be implemented using software, hardware, or a combination of both. The
project work may be undertaken in Instrumentation and Control engineering or any allied area and
must have relevance in Instrumentation and Control engineering. Project evaluation committee
consisting of the guide and three/four faculty members specialised in Instrumentation and Control
engineering or allied areas will perform the screening and evaluation of the projects.
Each project group should submit project synopsis within three weeks from start of seventh
semester. Project evaluation committee shall study the feasibility of each project work before giving
consent. Literature survey is to be completed in the seventh semester.
Students should execute the project work using the facilities of the institute. However, external
projects can be taken up in reputed industries, if that work solves a technical problem of the external
firm. Prior sanction should be obtained from the head of department before taking up external project
work and there must be an internal guide for such projects.
Each student has to submit an interim report of the project at the end of the 7
Members of the group will present the project details and progress of the project before the committee
at the end of the 7
50% of the marks is to be awarded by the guide and 50% by the evaluation committee.

Teaching scheme Credit: 1
1 hour practical per week
Internal Continuous Assessment
20% - Technical relevance of the project :
40% - Literature survey and data collection
20% - Progress of the project and presentation :
10% - Report
10% - Regularity in the class

IC09 801 Instrumentation System Design

An instrument engineer should be capable of designing instrumentation systems for various processes;
the necessary schemes, selection guidelines required are imparted.

Module I (17 Hours)
Introduction to engineering system design- Objectives of courses in engineering- Design process-
skills of engineering design- Inventiveness- Creative process- Various methods of generating new

Introduction to Instrumentation system design- System configuration- Problem analysis- Experimental
engineering analysis- Instrument design- The designers view point- Elements of construction-
materials- Mechanical manufacturing process- Functional components- Construction of electronic
instruments- Construction of mechanical instruments.

Electronic processing modules for handling transducer output- P/I Conversion- V/I and I/V
conversion- Bridge circuits- Voltage follower- Differential amplifier- Chopper- stabilized DC
amplifier, Carrier amplifier, Charge amplifier- Impedance converters- Instrumentation amplifier-
Isolation amplifier- Linearisation- Phase sensitive detector- Lock-in amplifier- Absolute value circuits-
Peak detector- Sample and hold circuits- RMS converters- Comparators- Log amplifier- F/V and V/F
Converters- Filtering- Types of filters- Data conversion- Ratiometric conversion- Logarithmic

Module II (20 Hours)
Design of thermo couple circuitry with cold junction compensation, ,linearization,amplification and
conversion of its output to 4 to 20 ma current. Design of RTD with lead wire compensation and
conversion of its output to 4 to 20 ma current.Design of flow measuring devices such as orifice
plate,flow nozzle and venturimeter.

Introduction to process piping- Material selection- Pipe fitting.

Control valve selection- Pressure drop requirements for good control- Capacity requirement- Designs
rate, Rangeability- Split ranging control valves- Introduction to control valve sizing- Illustration of
typical valve sizing calculation for liquid, steam and gas(one each).

Illustration of typical calculation in process instrumentation- Typical nomographs and their reading.

Safety- Introduction- Electric circuits risk- Flammable atmosphere- Other safety aspects- Electrical
safety- Purging and pressurizing endorser- Intrinsic safety.

Teaching scheme Credits: 5
4 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module III (17 Hours)

Instrument Project Control.
Documents to be produced- Process flow- Mechanical flow- Instrument index and instrument
specification sheets- Loop wiring diagrams- Panel drawing and specification- Plot plans-
Instrumentation details- Purchase requirements- Process Information- Instrument specification and
standard- Piping specifications- Electrical specification- Bid documents- Project procedures- Project
scheduler work- Coordination- Project manager- Process engineers- Equipment engineers Piping
design supervisor- Job execution- Planning hints- scheduling- Specifying instruments- Vendor
selection- Shipping- Receiving and storing instruments- Installation and project checkout- Project
chart list- Design consideration

Engineering design criteria
Pneumatics Vs electronic- Process control requirements- Control centers- Location- Lay out-
Electrical classification- Specification of various measurement and control loops (flow, pressure, level,
temperature etc.)- Control valves- control panels- Analytical instruments- Transmission-
Identification- Processes connections- Location of taps- sealing Instruments from process- Manifolds
and gauge valves- Mounting instruments Selection of units- Charts and ranges- Instrument
identification- Winderising- Construction material Packaged equipment system

Module IV (18 Hours)
Construction and start up- organizing- Documents required- Planning schedule- Cost control-
Ordering and receiving equipments and method- Purchase order- Material status- Instrument
installation and commissioning- Introduction general requirements- Storage and production- Mouting
and accessibility- Instrument piping and tubing system- Air supplies- Pneumatic signal- Impulse lines-
typical installation procedure- coordinating work among crafts- Checklist of installation practices-
calibration- testing- typical flow transmitter checkout procedures typical control valve check out

Start up- Placing in service- Turning control lopes- evaluating process upsets and disturbers Special
requirements- lope analysis based design procedure for automatic design.

Control panels Introduction- Control room lay out Instrument power requirements and
distribution- Control room lighting- Communication system- Electrical classifications- Control panel
types- Flat faced and break front panel- Consoles- Comparison of panel type- Panel lay out face
layout, rear layout Auxiliary racks and cabinet- Panel piping and tubing Air headers- Graphic
displays- Panel bid Specification.

Cabling- General requirements- Cable types- Cable segregation- Ear thing- Testing and pre
commissioning pre installation testing- piping and cable testing- loope testing- Plant commission


1. J.R Dixon, Design Engineering, TMH 1986
2. V.Guptha and P.N. Murhty, An introduction to Engineering Design Method, TMH 1980.
3. Osborne, Applied imagination, Better yourself books-Bombay
4. Patranabis, process control, T.M.H
5. Doebelin, Measurement systems- Applications and Design , Mc Grawhill
6. Rangan, Sarma and Mani, Instrumentation devices and systems, T.M.H
7. Johnson.C.D, Process control Instrumentation Technology, Pearson Education.

1. Andrew.W.G and Williams.H.B, Applied instrumentation in the process industries- vol-1,2,3 ,
Gulf Pub.Co.
2. Noltingk.B.E. , Instrumentation reference book, Butter worth- Heinemann
3. Anderson.N.A, Instrumentation for Process measurement and control, Chilton book co.
4. Spink.L.K, Principles and practice of flow meter engineering, Foxboro co. U.S.A 1958
5. Liptak.B.G , Instrument Engineers hand book- volume on process control, Butterworth-
6. Considine.D.M, Process measurement and control, Mcgrwhill,1993
7. Les Driskell, Control Valve Selection & Sizing, ISA (Instrument Society of America)
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

IC09 802 Power Plant Instrumentation

An instrument engineer should be able to implement and use different types of
measurement and control schemes for power plants. Detailed knowledge on the various units
of power plants with emphasis on control techniques and instrumentation diagrams are

Module 1 (8 hours)
Introduction to power plant processes. Types of fuels and fuel processing. Rankine and brayton cycles.
Boilers-watertube, oncethrough and fluidised types. Types of condensors, steam turbines, cooling
water system. Types of hydroturbines, gas turbines, combined cycle power plant. Power generating
and distributing systems.

Introduction to nuclear reactor-PWR/BWR/FBR/GCR. Pollution from power plants.

Module II (10 hours)
Measurement and analysis in power plant- Flow measurements- feedwater, fuel flow, and airflow.
Correction for temperature and pressure measurements.

Level measurements, smoke density measurements, chromatography, pH meter, conductivity meter,
TDS meter, Flame scanners. Measurements of silica, Dissolved oxygen. Need of blowdown.

Reading and drawing of instrumentation diagrams. Flow sheet symbols-ANSI symbols for 1) lines,2)
Valves, 3) heat transfer, 4) dryer, 5) material handling equipment, 6)storage vessel,
7)turbine/compressor, 8)flowsheet codes and lines, 9)graphical symbols for pipe fittings, valves and
piping. Instrumentation symbols, standards, specifications-one line diagram of typical measurement
and control schemes for flow, temperature, pressure and other process variables. One line diagram of
typical pneumatic, hydraulic & electrical instrumentation systems.

Module III (10 hours)
Combustion control Main pressure air/fuel ratio, furnace draft and excess air control. Drum level
control- two element and three-element control. Main and reheat steam temperature control, burner
tilting, and bypass damper, super heater, spray and gas recirculation control. BFP recirculation control.
Hot well and dearator level control, interlocks- MFT turbine trip control. Turbine monitoring and
control. Automatic turbine runs up systems. Condenser vaccum control-, Speed , vibration, shell
temperature monitoring
Module IV (8 hours)
Auxiliaries in power plant, Instrument air, common impurities in feed water- Different methods of
treatment. Air preheating type. Soot blowers retracting / non-retracting. Mechanical and electrical
precipitators. Use of computers in powerplant. Load despaching computer. Generation station
computer. Simulators in powerplants.

Teaching scheme Credits: 3
2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Reference Books
1. CEGB Engineers , Modern PowerStation practice, Volume6, Pergamon
2. H.P. Kallen, Handbook of Instrumentation and Controls, McGrawHill
3. Andrews and williams , Applied instrumentation in process industries,
Gulf Publishing Company
4. Mcculough.C.R, Safety aspects of Nuclear reactors. Van Nostrand, NY
5. B.G.Liptak, Instrumentation in process industries. Chilton book co.
6. David Lindesnev, Boiler control Systems,. McGrow Hill International.
7. D.M.Considine & S.P.Ross, Hand/Book of Applied Instumentataion., McGraw Hill
8. Samuel Glasstone, Principles of Nuclear reactor Engineering, Van Nostrand ,NY

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

IC09 805(P): SEMINAR

To assess the ability of the student to study and present a seminar on a topic of
current relevance instrumentation and control engg. Or allied areas.

It enables the students to gain knowledge in any of the technically relevant current
topics and acquire the confidence in presenting the topic. The student will undertake a
detailed study on the chosen topic under the supervision of a faculty member, by referring
papers published in reputed journals and conferences. Each student has to submit a seminar
report, based on these papers; the report must not be reproduction of any original paper. A
committee consisting of three/four faculty members will evaluate the seminar.

IC09 806(P): PROJECT

This project work is the continuation of the project initiated in seventh semester. The
performance of the students in the project work shall be assessed on a continuous basis by the project
evaluation committee through progress seminars and demonstrations conducted during the semester.
Each project group should maintain a log book of activities of the project. It should have entries
related to the work done, problems faced, solution evolved etc.
There shall be at least an Interim Evaluation and a final evaluation of the project in the 8

semester. Each project group has to submit an interim report in the prescribed format for the interim
Each project group should complete the project work in the 8
semester. Each student
is expected to prepare a report in the prescribed format, based on the project work. Members
of the group will present the relevance, design, implementation, and results of the project
before the project evaluation committee comprising of the guide, and three/four faculty
members specialised in Instrumentation and Control Engineering.
50% of the marks is to be awarded by the guide and 50% by the evaluation committee.

Teaching scheme Credits:
Internal Continuous Assessment
20% - Relevance of the topic and literature survey
50% - Presentation and discussion
20% - Report
10% - Regularity in the class and Participation in the seminar

Internal Continuous Assessment
40% - Design and development/Simulation and analysis
30% - Presentation & demonstration of results
20% - Report
10% - Regularity in the class
Teaching scheme Total Credits: 7
11 hours practical per week Credits for interim evaluation: 2
Credits for final evaluation: 5

IC09 807(P): Viva-Voce

To examine the knowledge acquired by the student during the B.Tech. course, through an
oral examination

The students shall prepare for the oral examination based on the theory and laboratory subjects
studied in the B.Tech. Course, seminar, and project. There is only university examination for viva-
voce. University will appoint two external examiners and an internal examiner for viva-voce. These
examiners shall be senior faculty members having minimum five years teaching experience at
engineering degree level. For final viva-voce, candidates should produce certified reports of seminar,
and project (two interim reports and main report). If he/she has undergone industrial training/industrial
visit/educational tour or presented a paper in any conference, the certified report/technical paper shall
also be brought for the viva-voce.

Allotment of marks for viva-voce shall be as given below.

IC09 802 Power Plant Instrumentation

An instrument engineer should be able to implement and use different types of measurement
and control schemes for power plants. Detailed knowledge on the various units of power plants with
emphasis on control techniques and instrumentation diagrams are imparted.

Module 1 (8 hours)
Introduction to power plant processes. Types of fuels and fuel processing. Rankine and brayton cycles.
Boilers-watertube, oncethrough and fluidised types. Types of condensors, steam turbines, cooling
water system. Types of hydroturbines, gas turbines, combined cycle power plant. Power generating
and distributing systems.

Introduction to nuclear reactor-PWR/BWR/FBR/GCR. Pollution from power plants.
Assessment in Viva-voce
40% - Subjects
30% - Project
20% - Seminar
10% - Industrial training/industrial visit/educational tour or Paper presented at
Credits: 3

Teaching scheme Credits: 3
2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module II (10 hours)
Measurement and analysis in power plant- Flow measurements- feedwater, fuel flow, and airflow.
Correction for temperature and pressure measurements.

Level measurements, smoke density measurements, chromatography, pH meter, conductivity meter,
TDS meter, Flame scanners. Measurements of silica, Dissolved oxygen. Need of blowdown.

Reading and drawing of instrumentation diagrams. Flow sheet symbols-ANSI symbols for 1) lines,2)
Valves, 3) heat transfer, 4) dryer, 5) material handling equipment, 6)storage vessel,
7)turbine/compressor, 8)flowsheet codes and lines, 9)graphical symbols for pipe fittings, valves and
piping. Instrumentation symbols, standards, specifications-one line diagram of typical measurement
and control schemes for flow, temperature, pressure and other process variables. One line diagram of
typical pneumatic, hydraulic & electrical instrumentation systems.

Module III (10 hours)
Combustion control Main pressure air/fuel ratio, furnace draft and excess air control. Drum level
control- two element and three-element control. Main and reheat steam temperature control, burner
tilting, and bypass damper, super heater, spray and gas recirculation control. BFP recirculation control.
Hot well and dearator level control, interlocks- MFT turbine trip control. Turbine monitoring and
control. Automatic turbine runs up systems. Condenser vaccum control-, Speed , vibration, shell
temperature monitoring
Module IV (8 hours)
Auxiliaries in power plant, Instrument air, common impurities in feed water- Different methods of
treatment. Air preheating type. Soot blowers retracting / non-retracting. Mechanical and electrical
precipitators. Use of computers in powerplant. Load despaching computer. Generation station
computer. Simulators in powerplants.

Reference Books
9. CEGB Engineers , Modern PowerStation practice, Volume6, Pergamon
10. H.P. Kallen, Handbook of Instrumentation and Controls, McGrawHill
11. Andrews and williams , Applied instrumentation in process industries,
Gulf Publishing Company
12. Mcculough.C.R, Safety aspects of Nuclear reactors. Van Nostrand, NY
13. B.G.Liptak, Instrumentation in process industries. Chilton book co.
14. David Lindesnev, Boiler control Systems,. McGrow Hill International.
15. D.M.Considine & S.P.Ross, Hand/Book of Applied Instumentataion., McGraw Hill
16. Samuel Glasstone, Principles of Nuclear reactor Engineering, Van Nostrand ,NY

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

BM09 L24: Virtual Instrumentation

To impart knowledge on the concepts of virtual instrumentation.
To provide knowledge on the data acquisition
Module 1 (13 hours)
Review of Virtual Instrumentation, Historical perspective, Need of VI, Advantages of VI, Define VI,
block diagram & architecture of VI, data flow techniques, graphical programming in data flow,
comparison with conventional programming.

Module II (14 hours)
Programming Techniques, VIS & Sub VIS, loops & charts, arrays, clusters, graphs, case & sequence
structures, formula modes, local and global variable, string & file input. Data Acquisition basics,
ADC, DAC, DIO, Counters & timers, PC Hardware structure, timing, interrupts, DMA, Software and
Hardware Installation
Module III (13 hours)
Common Instrument Interfaces for Current loop, Rs 232C/Rs 485, GPIB, System basics, interface
basics: USB, PCMCIA, VXI, SCXI, PXI etc, networking basics for office & industrial application
VISA & IVI, image acquisition & processing, Motion Control.

Module IV (14 hours)
Use of Analysis Tools, Fourier transforms, Power spectrum, Correlation methods, windowing &
flittering. Application of VI: Application in Process Control Designing of equipments like
Oscilloscope, Digital Millimeter using Lab view Software, Study of Data Acquisition & control using
Lab view Virtual instrumentation for an Innovative Thermal Conductivity Apparatus to measure the
Thermal Conductivity Apparatus- to measure the conductivity of non Newtonian fluids white they are
subjected to sharing force.
University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

BM09 L25: System Modeling and Parameter Estimation
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Note: One of the assignments shall be a term-project. The term project shall consist of Design
of following Virtual Instruments (any two) using a graphical Programming software.

1. Data Acquisition using Virtual Instrumentation from Temperature transducer.
2. Data Acquisition using Virtual Instrumentation from a Pressure Transducer
3. Creation of a CRO using Virtual Instrumentation.
4. Creation of a Digital Multi-meter using Virtual Instrumentation.
5. Design Variable Function Generator Using Virtual Instrumentation.
6. Creation of Digital Temperature Controller using Virtual Instrumentation.
7. Machine Vision concepts using Virtual Instrumentation
University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Text Books
G. Johnson, LabVIEW Graphical Programming, McGraw Hill, New York
L. K. Wells and J. Travis, LabVIEW for Everyone, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
K. James, PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for Measurement,
Instrumentation and Control, Newnes, 2000.
Reference Book
Sokoloff , Basic Concepts of Labview, Prentice Hall, New Jercy



To impart the basic concepts of mathematical modelling of problems in science and
engineering and to know procedures for solving different kinds of problems.
To understand the various numerical techniques which provide solutions to non
linear equations, partial differential equations etc that describe the mathematical
models of problems.

Module I (13 hours)
Errors in numerical computation - mathematical preliminaries - errors and their analysis - machine
computations - computer software. Algebraic and Transcendental Equations - bisection method - iteration
method - method of false position - rate of convergence - method for complex root - Mullers method - quotient
difference method - Newton-Raphson method.

Module II (13 hours)
Interpolation introduction - errors in polynomial interpolation - finite differences - decision of errors -
Newtons formula for interpolation. Gauss, Sterling, Bessels, Everetts Formula - interpolation by unevenly
spaced points - Lagrange interpolation formula - divided difference - Newtons general interpolation formula.

Module III (13 hours)
Numerical Integration and Differentiation introduction - numerical differentiation - numerical integration -
trapezoidal rule - Simpson 1/3 rule - Simpson 3/8 rule - Booles and Weddles rules - Euler-Maclariaun formula
- Gaussian formula - numerical evaluation of singular integrals.

Module IV (13 hours)
Statistical Computations - frequency Chart - method of least square curve fitting procedures - fitting a straight
line - curve fitting by sum of exponential - data fitting with cubic splines - approximation of functions.
Regression Analysis - linear and nonlinear regression - multiple regression - statistical quality control methods.

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text Books
1. E. Balagurusamy, Numerical Methods, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd, New Delhi, 1999.
2. C.F. Gerald and P.O. Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, 6
Ed., Pearson Education Asia,
New Delhi, 2002.
Reference Books
1. P. Kandasamy, K. Thilagavathy and K. Gunavathy, Numerical Methods, S.Chand Co. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2003.
2. R.L. Burden and T.D. Faires, Numerical Analysis, 7
Ed., Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore,
3. Shastri, Introductory methods of numerical analysis, Prentice Hall International.
4. V. Rajaraman, Introduction to Numerical Methods, Tata McGraw Hill.

IC09 L01 Computer networks

All modern processes are automated and automation involves computers.Computers are nowadays
often seen networked not only for sharing recourses but also for achieving goals like distributed
control. So, for an instrumentation engineer it is a boon to have a sound knowledge in Computer
Familiarity with communication theory is desirable.

Module I (15 hours)
Advantages of computer networking- Network classification- LAN, MAN, WAN and WIRELESS
Networks. An overview of OSI reference model and TCP/IP reference model. History and an
overview of Internet.
The physical layer- the maximum data rate of a channel. Guided Transmission media-Twisted pairs,
coaxial cables and Optical fibers. Modem standards- The data link layer-Framing, error control and
flow control, error detection and correction, simplex protocols, sliding window protocols. HDLC. Data
link layer in Internet, PPP- Medium Access Control- The channel allocation problem. Multiple Access
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

protocols- ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA,CSMA/CD, Collision free protocols, limited contention
protocols. Ethernet- Cables, Manchester encoding, MAC sublayer protocol,binary exponential backoff
algorithm, LAN address, Ethernet frame structure, performance. A discussion on Repeaters, Hubs,
Bridges, switches, Routers and Gateways.

Module II (14 hours)
The Network layer- Packet switching, Connection oriented and connectionless services. Routing
algorithms- Basic concepts, Link state algorithm, distance vector algorithm. Basic concepts of
congestion control- Choke packet, load shedding-Network layer in Internet- IP protocol and IP
address. The client- Server paradigm-Client server interaction, The socket interface, Example of a
client- server system.

Module III (13 hours)
Audio and Video compression- Basic Concepts, Huffman encoding, Lempel- Ziev Algorithm- The
JPEG and MPEG Standards- Cryptography- Basic concepts, Substitution and transposition ciphers,
one time pads, Quantum cryptography. Symmetric key algorithms-DES, AES, Ciphermodes
Cryptanalysis. Public key algorithms.

Module IV (12 hours)
Application layer:-Domain Name Systems, Electronic Mail-SMTP, POP3 protocols- Telnet, FTP,
World Wide Web-http, html, browsers-
Basic concepts of streaming multimedia- RTSP, RTP, SIP, H.323.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Text Books
1. Tanenbaum A.S, Computer Networks, PHI
2. James F.Kurose &Keith W Ross, Computer Networking, A top down approach featuring
internet, Pearson education.
3. Doughlas E Comer, Computer Networks &Internet, Pearson Education
Reference Books
1. Alberto Leon Garcia & Indra Widjaja, Communication Networks, PHI.

IC09 L04 Discrete-Time Control Systems

To expose the students to the theory and design of control systems in descrete-time
Knowledge in control system theory is essential.

Module I (14 hours)
Introduction to discrete time control systems: Digital control systems quantization and
quantization error data acquisition, conversion, and distribution systems Z transform (review).
Review of Analysis of Discrete-Time Control Systems, state space analysis, and Liapunov stability
Design of Discrete-Time Control System By Conventional Methods: Mapping between the S plane
and Z plane stability analysis of closed loop system transient and steady state response analysis.
Design Based on the Root Locus Method: Discrete root locus Angle and magnitude conditions
cancellation of poles of G(Z) and zeros of H(Z) effect of sampling period lead and lag
Design Based on the Frequency Response Method: Response of a linear time invariant discrete time
system to a sinusoidal input bilinear transformation and w plane design procedure in w plane
lead and lag compensation.

Module II (15 hours)
Analytical Design Method: Using desired closed loop transfer function method (direct design method
of Ragazzini) dead beat controller design.
Pole Placement and Observer Design: Controllability observability principle of duality design
via pole placement necessary and sufficient condition for arbitrary pole placement Ackermanns
formula deadbeat response control system with reference input integral controller state
observer necessary and sufficient condition for state observation full order state observer design
University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

of prediction observer Ackermanns formula separation principle minimum order observer
servo system.
Introduction to Polynomial Equation Approach to Control System Design

Module III (13 hours)
Pole Placement and Observer Design: Controllability observability principle of duality design
via pole placement necessary and sufficient condition for arbitrary pole placement Ackermanns
formula deadbeat response control system with reference input integral controller state
observer necessary and sufficient condition for state observation full order state observer design
of prediction observer Ackermanns formula separation principle minimum order observer
servo system.

Quadratic Optimal Control Systems: Parameter optimization and optimal control problem
quadratic performance index state regulator problem output regulator problem quadratic optimal
control steady state quadratic optimal control Liapunov approach discrete matrix reccati equation
quadratic optimal control of a servo system.

Module IV (12 hours)

Introduction to System Identification and Adaptive Control: System identification defining the
model set for linear systems identification of non parametric models models and criteria for
parametric identification parameter selection error definition deterministic estimation least
squares recursive least squares stochastic least squares maximum likelihood numerical search
for the maximum likelihood estimate subspace identification methods-experimental planning
selection of model structure parameter estimation adaptive control self tuning regulator model
reference adaptive control.

Text Books

1. Katsuhiko Ogata, Discrete-Time Control System, Pearson Education.
2. Gene F.Franklin, J.David Powell & Michael Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic System, Pearson
3. M.Gopal, Digital Control and State Variables Method, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Grene H.Hostetler, Digital Control Systems, Winstor.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) must be software assignments
10% - Regularity in the class

IC09 L07 Advanced Digital Signal Processing

To impart the basic concepts of mult irate digital signal processing, multi rate filter banks
and Wave lets
Thorough knowledge in signals and systems and digital signal processing

Module I (12 hours)
Multirate system fundamentals: Basic multirate operations, up-sampling and down sampling: Time
domain and frequency domain analysis, Identities of multirate operations, Interpolator and
decimator design, Rate conversion, Polyphase representation.

Module II (15 hours)
Multirate Filter banks: Maximally decimated filter banks, Quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks,
Polyphase representation, Errors in the QMF banks: Aliasing and Imaging Method of cancelling
aliasing error, Amplitude and phase distortion, Prefect reconstruction (PR) QMF banks, PR
condition, M-channel perfect reconstruction filter banks, Paraunitary PR Filter Banks

Module III (16 hours)
Wavelets: Fundamentals of signal decomposition - brief overview of Fourier transform and short time
Fourier transform - time frequency resolution - Continuous wavelet transform - different
University Examination Pattern:
Numerical content can be 50% or more

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

wavelets- DWT - wavelet decomposition - approximation of vectors in nested linear vector spaces -
example of MRA - orthogonal wavelet
decomposition based on the Haar wavelet - digital filter implementation of the Haar wavelet

Module IV (11 hours)
Wavelet applications: Image compression - EZW algorithm - Audio compression - signal
denoising techniques- different types- edge detection. Lossless compression

Text Books
1. P. P. Vaidyanathan, Multirate Systems and Filter Banks, Pearson Education, Delhi
2. K. P. Soman and K. I. Ramachandran, Insight into Wavelets, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
3. G. Strang and T. Nguyen, Wavelets and Filter Banks, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, MA.
Reference Books
1. M. Vetterli and J. Kovacevic, Wavelets and Subband Coding, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, N. J.
2. S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach, 2
ed., Tata Mc-Graw
Hill, New Delhi
3. C. S. Burrus, R. A. Gopinath, and H. Guo, Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms:
A Primer, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

IC09 L10 High Vacuum Technology

The paper aims at imparting knowledge in the fundamentals of high vacuum technology.
After learning this paper students will be able to understand the principle and working of
different types of vacuum systems and vacuum measuring instruments

Module I(11 hours)
Basic vacuum concepts (Elementary concepts only): Pressure units- Gas laws-
Throughput and speed- Kinetic theory- Daltons law of Partial pressures- Thermal
conductivity- Vapours-
Ionization- Sorption and desorption- Outgassing- Gettering- Ion effects.
Theory of Gaseous Flow: Impedance- Conductance- Effect on pumping speed of a
component of conductance C- Mechanism of Gas flow

Module II (16hours)
Production of Vacuum (basic principle, working and comparison): Mechanical oil sealed
rotary pumps- The roots pump- Vapour pumps- Vapour booster pumps- Sorption pumps-
Cryogenic pumps- Ion pumps- Evapor ion pump- Sputter ion pump

Measurement of Low Pressure: McLeod gauge- Radio meter gauge- Thermal conductivity
gauge- Ionization gauge- Mass spectrometers- Calibration of vacuum gauges

Module III (12hours)
The Construction of Vacuum Systems: Metal systems, Glass systems - Glass Metal
systems- Electrodes
The operation and Design of Vacuum Systems: Introduction- Working vessel- Choice
of pump group- Pump combinations- Numerical design- The operation of Vacuum

Module IV (15 hours)
Leaks and Leak Detection: Introduction- Leak detection- Over pressure method and Low
pressure method- General leak detection procedure
Applications: Vacuum coating- Tungsten filament lamps- Discharge lamps- Cathode ray
tube- Vacuum metallurgy- Simulation of outer space and high altitude environments

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Text Book
L. Ward & J.P. Bunn, Introduction to the theory and practice of high vacuum technology,
Butterworth & Co
1 A.Roth, Vacuum technology, North Holland
2. A Guthrie, High Vacuum Technology, A. Guthrie, McGraw Hill

IC09 L13 Intelligent Control

To make the student familiarized with the application of the neural network, fuzzy logic and
genetic algorithm in different process stations.
Aptitude for learning algorithmic approaches, soft computing

Module I (12 hours)
Application of Neural Network in Design of Digital Filters: NN for identification NN structure
training algorithm for filter design representation training objective weight adjustment
implementation issues 2D filter design using NN.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two
questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not
more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer
one question.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Application of Neural Network in Oil Refineries: Building the artificial NN data analysis
elimination of bad lab values process parameters and their effect on NN prediction implementation
procedure identifying the application model inputs identification predictor model training.

Module II (14hours)
Fuzzy Control and Stability: Basic definitions inference engine defuzzification fuzzy control
design analysis of fuzzy control systems stability of fuzzy control systems lyapunov stability
stability via interval matrix method.
Soft Computing Approach to Safe Navigation of Autonomous Planetary Rovers: Practical issues
in planetary rover applications navigation system overview fuzzy logic based rover health and
safety stable attitude control traction management terrain based fuzzy navigation strategic
fuzzy navigation behaviors seek goal behaviour traverse terrain behavior avoid obstacle behavior
fuzzy behavior fusion.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Control Using Fuzzy Logic: Autonomous underwater vehicles
(AUVs) sliding mode control sliding mode fuzzy control guidelines for online adjustment.

Module III (15hours)
Application of Fuzzy Logic for Control of Heating, Chilling, and Air Conditioning Systems: Air
conditioning system process description process control digital PID control fuzzy cascade
control DDC vs FLC Complex chilling system process description process operation with FLC
description of different fuzzy controllers Cascade heating center FLC for system optimization.
Application of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems to Robotics: Adaptive neuro fuzzy
inference systems inference kinematics solution of inverse kinematics using ANFIS controller
design of microbot.
Application of Soft Computing for Desalination Technology: general background on desalination
and reverse osmosis predictive modeling using neural networks redistributed receptive fields of
RBFN Case studies: Beach well seawater intake, ground water intake, direct seawater intake fuzzy
logic control.

Module IV (13 hours)
Computational Intelligence Approach to Object Recognition: object recognition using neural
feature extraction and fuzzy combination a face recognition application.
Evolutionary Concepts for Image Processing Applications: optimization techniques evolution
strategies image processing applications generating fuzzy sets for linguistic color processing
developing specialized digital filters.
Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems: free parameters design of encoding function membership functions
rule encoding the initial population fitness function speed regulation of a dc motor.
Genetic and Evolutionary Methods for Mobile Robot Motion Control and Path Planning: Case

Text Books
1. Ali Zilouchian & Mo Jamshidi, Intelligent Control Systems using Soft Computing Methodologies,
CRC Press.
2. S.Rajasekaran & G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
(Synthesis and Applications), Prentice Hall of India.
1. Simon Haykins, Neural Networks (A Comprehensive Foundation), Pearson Education.
2. Ross.T.J, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications. McGraw Hill.
3. Bart Kosko, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Jacek M.Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico Publishing House.
5. Driankov.D, Flellendoom.H & Reinfrank.M, An Introduction to Fuzzy Control.
6. David E.Goldberg, Genetic Algorithm, Pearson Education.

IC 09 L16 DSP Processors and Architectures

To impart a basic knowledge in architecture, programming and interfacing of Digital signal

Good knowledge in Digital signal processing, Microcontrollers/ Microprocessors

Module I (14 hours)
Computational Accuracy In DSP Implementations:
Number formats for signals and coefficients in DSP systems, Dynamic Range and Precision, Sources
of error in DSP implementations, A/D Conversion errors, DSP Computational errors, D/A Conversion
Errors, Compensating filter.

Architectures for Programmable DSP Devices:
Basic Architectural features, DSP Computational Building Blocks, Bus Architecture and Memory,
Data Addressing Capabilities, Address Generation Unit, Programmability and Program Execution,
Speed Issues, Features for External interfacing.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Execution Control and Pipelining:
Hardware looping, Interrupts, Stacks, Relative Branch support, Pipelining and Performance, Pipeline
Depth, Interlocking, Branching effects, Interrupt effects, Pipeline Programming models.

Module II (15 hours)
Programmable Digital Signal Processors :
Commercial Digital signal-processing Devices, Data Addressing modes of TMS320C54XX DSPs,
Data Addressing modes of TMS320C54XX Processors, Memory space of TMS320C54XX
Processors, Program Control, TMS320C54XX instructions and Programming, On-Chip Peripherals,
Interrupts of TMS320C54XX processors, Pipeline Operation of TMS320C54XX Processors.

Module III (12 hours)
Implementations Of Basic DSP Algorithms:
The Q-notation, FIR Filters, IIR Filters, Interpolation Filters, Decimation Filters, PID Controller
Implementation Of FFT Algorithms:
An FFT Algorithm for DFT Computation, A Butterfly Computation, Overflow and scaling, Bit-
Reversed index generation, An 8-Point FFT implementation on the TMS320C54XX, Computation of
the signal spectrum.

Module IV (13 hours)
Interfacing Memory And I/O Peripherals To Programmable DSP Devices:
Memory space organization, External bus interfacing signals, Memory interface, Parallel I/O interface,
Programmed I/O, Interrupts and I/O, Direct memory access (DMA). A Multichannel buffered serial
port (McBSP), McBSP Programming, a CODEC interface circuit, CODEC programming, A CODEC-
DSP interface example.

Text Books
1. Avtar Singh and S. Srinivasan ,Digital Signal Processing , Thomson Publications, 2004.
2. Lapsley et al ,DSP Processor Fundamentals, Architectures & Features, S. Chand & Co, 2000.
Reference Books
1. B. Venkata Ramani and M. Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming
and Applications , TMH, 2004.
2. Jonatham Stein, Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley, 2005

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class


After learning this subject students must be able to simulate and implement typical
combinational and sequential digital systems in PLDs and express the design in VHDL.

A good knowledge in digital electronics

Module I (14hours)
Asynchronous sequential circuits: Asynchronous behavior- Analysis of asynchronous circuits-
Synthesis of asynchronous circuits- Race condition- State reduction- State assignment-
Transition diagrams- Exploiting unspecified next-state entries- State assignment using
additional state variables- One hot encoding

Module II (15hours)
Introduction to VHDL: Entities and architectures- Behavioral, Data flow and structural
descriptions- Identifies, Data objects, Data types and attributes- Delay models- Delta delays-
VHDL codes for simple combinational and sequential circuits- State machine Design, simple
examples- Sub programs and packages

Module III (13 hours)
Designing with Programmable devices: Programmable Logic Arrays- Programmable Array
Logic- sequential- combinational PLDs (Eg: PAL14L4 &PAL12H6), Sequential PLDs (Eg:
PAL16R4)- Simple PLDs (Eg: 22V10)- Complex Programmable Logic Devices (Eg:
XC9500)- Field Programmable Gate Arrays (Eg: XC 4000 & FLEX 10K)
University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module IV (12 hours)
Hazards - Static and Dynamic hazards- Design of hazard free circuits. Elementary ideas of
Clock skew, synchronizer failure and metastability

Design for testability: Bed of nails and in-circuit testing- scan methods- testing combinational
circuits- testing sequential circuits- boundary scan- built in self test

Text Books
1. Stephen Brown & Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL design, Tata
McGraw Hill.
2. Perry D.L, VHD, McGraw Hill
Reference Books
6. John F Wakerly, Digital design principles & practices, Pearson Education.
7. Roth C.H.Jr., Digital system Design using VHDL, PWS Pub.co
8. Kevin Skahill 'VHDL for Programmable Logic' Pearson Education
9. Volnei A Pedroni, Digital electronics and design with VHDL, Elsevier
10. Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Introductory VHDL from simulation to synthesis, Pearson Education.
11. Bhasker J, A VHDL Primer, Addison Wesly

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Note: One of the assignments shall be simulation of continuous systems using any technical
computing software
University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

IC09 L22Total Quality Management

To understand the Total Quality Management concept and principles and the various tools
available to achieve Total Quality Management.
To understand the statistical approach to quality control.
To create an awareness about the ISO and QS certification process and its importance in

Module I (16 hours)
Definition of Quality, Dimensions of Quality, Quality Planning, Quality costs - Analysis Techniques
for Quality Costs, Basic concepts of Total Quality Management, Historical Review, Principles of
TQM, Leadership Concepts, Role of Senior Management, Quality Council, Quality Statements,
Strategic Planning, Deming Philosophy, Barriers to TQM Implementation.
TQM Principles:
Customer satisfaction Customer Perception of Quality, Customer Complaints, Service Quality,
Customer Retention, Employee Involvement Motivation, Empowerment, Teams, Recognition and
Reward, Performance Appraisal, Benefits, Continuous Process Improvement Juran Trilogy, PDSA
Cycle, 5S, Kaizen, Supplier Partnership Partnering, sourcing, Supplier Selection, Supplier Rating,
Relationship Development, Performance Measures Basic Concepts, Strategy, Performance Measure.

Module II(13 hours)
Statistical Process Control (SPC) :
The seven tools of quality, Statistical Fundamentals Measures of central Tendency and Dispersion,
Population and Sample, Normal Curve, Control Charts for variables and attributes, Process capability,
Concept of six sigma, New seven Management tools.

Module III (13 hours)
TQM Tools:
Benchmarking Reasons to Benchmark, Benchmarking Process, Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
House of Quality, QFD Process, Benefits, Taguchi Quality Loss Function, Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM) Concept, Improvement Needs, FMEA Stages of FMEA.

Module IV (12 hours)
Quality Systems:
Need for ISO 9000 and Other Quality Systems, ISO 9000:2000 Quality System Elements,
Implementation of Quality System, Documentation, Quality Auditing, TS 16949, ISO 14000
Concept, Requirements and Benefits.

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text Book
1. Dale H.Besterfiled, et al., Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, Inc. 2003. (Indian
reprint 2004). ISBN 81-297-0260-6.
Reference Books
1. James R.Evans & William M.Lidsay, The Management and Control of Quality, (5th Edition),
South-Western (Thomson Learning), 2002 (ISBN 0-324-06680-5).
2. Feigenbaum.A.V. Total Quality Management, McGraw-Hill, 1991.
3. Oakland.J.S. Total Quality Management, Butterworth Hcinemann Ltd., Oxford, 1989.
4. Narayana V. and Sreenivasan, N.S.,Quality Management Concepts and Tasks, New Age
International 1996.
5. Zeiri., Total Quality Management for Engineers, Wood Head Publishers, 1991.

IC09 L25 Aerospace Engineering and Navigation Instrumentation

To expose the students to the field of aerospace engineering and to impart basic knowledge of its
navigation instrumentation.
Familiarity with control system theory and basic concepts of instrumentation

Module I (15 Hours)
History of aviation and space flight- anatomy of airplane and space vehicle with emphasis on control
surfaces- airfoil nomenclature- basics of aerodynamics to illustrate lift and drag- types of drag finite
wings swept wings flaps. Airplane performance- thrust power- rate of climb- absolute and service
ceiling- range and endurance. Introduction to turbojet and turbofan engines. Space vehicle trajectories-
keplers laws- rocket engines, propellents and staging.
(Introductory treatment of the above topics is only expected, no detailed derivations)
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module II (11 Hours)
Basic engine instruments- Capacitive fuel content- Gauges. Standard atmosphere- Altimeters- Aneroid
and radio altimeters. Aircraft compass- Remote indicating magnetic compass- Rate of climb indicator-
Pitot static system- Air speed indicator- Mach meters- Integrated flight instruments- Flight testing-
Recording of flight tests.
Module III (13 hours)
Command and homing guidance systems- Introduction to classical and modern guidance laws- Satalite
navigation systems- GPS and GNSS, Augmented satellite navigation- Hybrid navigation concepts.
Automatic Pilots- Sun sensors- Horizon scanner- Aircraft flight simulation instrumentation.
Module III (15 hours)
Introduction to navigation and guidance instrumentation- Principle, construction and applications of
inertial sensors- Gyroscope and accelerometers- Ring laser gyroscope- Fiber optic gyroscope, MEMS
gyroscopes and accelerometers- Directional gyros- Rate gyros- Turn and slip indicator. Radar-
continuous wave and frequency modulated radar- MTI and pulse Doppler radar

Reference Books
1. John D Anderson Jr., Introduction to Flight , McGraw-Hill
2. Pallet.E.H.J, Aircraft instruments- Principles and applications, Pitman Publ.
3. Nagararja.M.S, Elements of electronic navigation, Tata McGraw Hill
4. San Darite, Radio aids to navigation.,
5. John.H. Blakelock; Automatic control of aircraft and missiles, John wiley and sons. inc
6. Keyton.M and Walker.R. Fried,Avionics navigation systems ,John Wiley. 1996, 2 Ed
7. Siouris.G.M, Aerospace avionics system, A modern synthesis, academic press. 1993
8. Lin.C.F. ,Modern guidance, navigation and control processing, Prentice hall-1991
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


To provide knowledge on energy conservation and management.
To impart the basics of renewable energy technology
Pre-requsites: Nil
Module I (13 hours)

Energy and environment: Introduction fossil fuel reserves world energy consumption
green house effect global warming renewable energy sources environmental aspects
utilization energy prices energy policies

Module II (14 hours)
Energy conservation: Industrial energy use energy surveying and auditing energy index
energy cost energy conservation in engineering and process industry, in thermal systems, in
buildings and non conventional energy resources schemes.
Module III (14 hours)
Energy technologies: Fluidized bed combustion fluidized bed boilers waste heat recovery
systems heat pump and refrigerators wind energy collectors and storage systems
insulated pipe work systems.

Module IV (13 hours)
Energy management: Energy management principles energy resources management
energy management information systems computerized energy management. Costing
techniques cost optimization optimal target investment schedule financial appraisal and

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text Books
1. W. R. Murphy, G. Mc Kay, Energy Management, Butterworths, London
Reference Books
1. O. Callaghn, Design and Management for energy conservation, Pergamon Press,
2. D. Merick, Energy - Present and Future Options, vol 1 and 2, John Wiley and Sons
3. N. A. Chaigier, Energy Consumption and Environment, McGraw Hill
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture & 1 hour tutorial per week
To impart the basic concepts of industrial pollution control
To develop understanding about water, air, light pollution control
No Pre-requisites
Module 1 (13hours)
Classification of industrial wastewater - types of pollutants and their effects - monitoring and
analysis methods - water pollution laws and standards - industrial wastewater treatment -
processes and equipment
Module 2 (13hours)
Water pollution control in industries - pulp and paper, textile processing, tannery wastes,
dairy wastes, cannery wastes, brewery, distillery, meet packing, food processing wastes,
pharmaceutical wastes, chlor-alkali industries, fertilizer industry, petrochemical industry,
rubber processing industry, starch industries, metal industries, nuclear power plant wastes,
thermal power plant wastes.
Module 3 (13hours)
Air pollution control in industries: source and classification of industrial air pollutants -
monitoring equipment and method of analysis - damages to health, vegetation and materials -
air pollution laws and standards - treatment method in specific industries - thermal power
plants - cement - fertilizers - petroleum refineries - iron and steel - chlor-alkali - pulp and
Module 4 (13hours)
Industrial odour control - sources and solutions - odour control by adsorption and wet
scrubbing - industrial noise control methods - sludge treatment and disposal - industrial
University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two
questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.
There should be at least one question from each module
and not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer
one question.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

hazardous waste management, waste minimization. Environmental Impact Assessment and
risk assessment-Environmental Audit and Environmental management system- Concept of
common effluent treatment plants.
1. Nelson & Nemerow, Industrial Water pollution-Origin, Characteristics and treatment,
Addison, Wesley Publishing Co.
2. Gerard Kiely,Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill
3. Rao M.N. & Rao H,Air Pollution, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Sincero A.P.& Sincero G.A., Environmental Engineering, A Design Approach, Prentice
Hall of India
5. Rao C.S., Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age Int. Pub.
6. Mahajan S.P., Pollution Control in Process Industries, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Babbitt H.E, Sewage & Sewage Treatment, John Wiley
8. Abbasi S.A, & Ramasami E, Biotechnical Methods of Pollution Control, Universities
Press(India) Ltd.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions,
quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern
PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not
more than two questions from any module.
PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from
each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Maximum Total Marks: 70



To impart a basic knowledge on pattern recognition and to give a sound idea on the
topics of parameter estimation and supervised learning, linear discriminant
functions and syntactic approach to PR.
To provide a strong foundation to students to understand and design pattern
recognition systems.
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (12 hours)
Introduction - introduction to statistical - syntactic and descriptive approaches - features and feature
extraction - learning - Bayes Decision theory - introduction - continuous case - 2-category
classification - minimum error rate classification - classifiers - discriminant functions - and decision
surfaces - error probabilities and integrals - normal density - discriminant functions for normal density
Module II (12 hours)
Parameter estimation and supervised learning - maximum likelihood estimation - the Bayes classifier -
learning the mean of a normal density - general bayesian learning - nonparametric technic - density
estimation - parzen windows - k-nearest neighbour estimation - estimation of posterior probabilities -
nearest-neighbour rule - k-nearest neighbour rule
Module III (12 hours)
Linear discriminant functions - linear discriminant functions and decision surfaces - generalised linear
discriminant functions - 2-category linearly separable case - non-separable behaviour - linear
programming procedures - clustering - data description and clustering - similarity measures - criterion
functions for clustering

Module IV (16 hours)
Syntactic approach to PR - introduction to pattern grammars and languages - higher dimensional
grammars - tree, graph, web, plex, and shape grammars - stochastic grammars - attribute grammars -
parsing techniques - grammatical inference

Text Books
1. Duda & Hart P.E, Pattern Classification And Scene Analysis, John Wiley
2. Gonzalez R.C. & Thomson M.G., Syntactic Pattern Recognition - An Introduction, Addison
Reference Books
1. Fu K.S., Syntactic Pattern Recognition And Applications, Prentice Hall, Eaglewood cliffs
2. Rajjan Shinghal, Pattern Recognition: Techniques and Applications, Oxford University Press,

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class


Entrepreneurship qualities are inevitable for any engineer. The paper imparts essential concepts and
methodologies of entrepreneurship.
Prerequisites: Nil.

Module I (18 hours)
Entrepreneurial perspectives- Understanding of Entrepreneurship process- Entrepreneurial decision
process- Entrepreneurship and economic development- Characteristics of Entrepreneur-
Entrepreneurial competencies- Managerial functions of enterprise.

Module II (12 hours)
Process of business opportunity identification and evaluation- Industrial policy- Environment- Market
survey and market assessment- Project report preparation- Study of feasibility and violability of a
project- Assessment of risk in the industry

Module III (12 hours)
Process and strategies for starting a venture- Stages of small business growth- Entrepreneurship in
international environment- Entrepreneurship- Achievement motivation- Time management creativity
and innovation structure of enterprise- Planning, implementation and growth.

Module IV (12 hours)
Technology acquisition for small units- Formalities to be completed for setting up a small
scale unit- Forms of organizations for small scale units- Financing of project and working
capital- Venture capital and other equity assistance available- Break even analysis and
economic ratios technology transfer and business incubation

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Reference Books

1. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Mc Graw Hill
2. Hirich R.D & Peters Irwin M.P, Entrepreneurship, Mc Graw Hill
3. Rao T.V, Deshpande M.V, Prayag Metha & Nadakarni M.S, Developing
Entrepreneurship A Hand Book Learning Systems
4. Donald Kudrado & Hodgelts R.M, Entrepreneurship A Contemporary Approach, The
Dryden Press
5. Dr Patel V.G, Seven Business Crisis, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Timmons J.A, New Venture Creation- Entrepreneurship for 21
Century, Mc Graw Hill
7. Patel J.B Noid S.S, A Manual on Business Opportunity identification, Selections, EDII
8. Rao C.R, Finance for Small Scale Industries.
9. Pandy GW, A Complete Guide to Successful Entrepreneurship, Vikas Publishing
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

IC09 L05 Industrial Drives
Teaching Scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Understanding, analysis and design of Industrial drives
Basic concepts of electrical machines.

Module I (12 hours)
Fundamentals of electric drives block diagram of an electric drive parts of electric drives
dynamics of electric drives torque equations speed torque conventions loads with rotational
motion loads with translational motion components of load torque load equation control of
electrical drives closed loop control current limit control speed sensing current sensing phase
locked loop speed control.

Module II (15 hours)
DC motor drives constant torque and constant power control single phase controlled rectifiers with
motor loads fully controlled and half controlled rectifier fed dc drives continuous and
discontinuous operation four quadrant operation three phase controlled rectifier fed dc drives
duel converter fed control chopper fed dc drives closed loop speed control schemes solar and
battery powered drives braking of dc drives.

Module III (13 hours)
Three phase induction motor drives AC voltage controlled drives variable frequency control VSI
fed induction motor drive operation with field weakening CSI controlled induction motor drives
slip power recovery scheme rotor resistance control single phase induction motor drives PWM

Module IV (14 hours)
Synchronous motor and brushless dc motor drives operation from fixed frequency supply variable
frequency control VSI and CSI fed drives self controlled synchronous motor drives employing
cycloconverter brushless dc motor drives for servo applications.

Text Books
1.Ned Mohan et al, Power Electronics: Converers, Applications, and Design, John Wiley &
Sons. Inc.
2 G.K.Dubey, Fundamentals of Electric Drives, Narosa Publishing Company
3. S.K.Pillai, Electric Drives, University Press India
Reference Books
Werner Leonhard, Control of Electrical Drives, Springer.

IC09 L08 Optimal Control Systems

To get the students acquainted with optimal control
An exposure to control system theory

Module I (13 hours)
Introduction: optimization optimal control plant performance index optimal control theory.

Review of Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control: Basic concepts optimum of a function
and a functional.

Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Systems I: Problem formulation finite time linear quadratic
regulator symmetric property of the Riccati coefficient matrix optimal control optimal
performance index finite time linear quadratic regulator LQR system for general performance
index analytical solution to the Matrix Diffential Riccati Equation infinite time LQR system I
infinite time LQR system II meaningful interpretation of Riccati coefficient analytical solution of
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions,
quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two
questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not
more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer
one question.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

the algebraic Riccati equation stability issues of time invariant regulator equivalence of open loop
and closed loop optimal controls.

Module II (12 hours)
Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Systems II: Trajectory following systems linear quadratic
tracking systems: Finite time case LQT system: Infinite time case fixed end point regulator system
LQR with a specified degree of stability regulator system with prescribed degree of stability
frequency domain interpretation gain margin and phase margin.

Module III (13 hours)
Discrete Time Optimal Control Systems: Variational calculus for discrete time systems
extremization of a functional functional with terminal cost discrete time optimal control systems
fixed final state and open loop optimal control free final state and open loop optimal control
discrete time linear state regulator system closed loop optimal control: matrix difference Riccati
equation optimal cost function steady state regulator system analytical solution to the Riccati
equation discrete time linear quadratic tracking system frequency domain interpretation.

Module IV (16 hours)
Pontryagin Minimum Principle: Constrained system pontryagin minimum principle additional
necessary conditions dynamic programming principle of optimality optimal control using
dynamic programming optimal control of discrete time systems optimal control of continuous time
systems Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation LQR system using H-I-B equation.

Constrained Optimal Control Systems: Constrained optimal control TOC of double integral
system fuel optimal control systems minimum fuel system: LTI system energy optimal control
systems optimal control systems with state constraints.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Text Books
1. Desineni Subbaram Naidu, Optimal Control System, CRC press.
1. M.Gopal, Digital Control and State Variable Methods, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Donald E.Kirk, Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction, Prentice Hall.
3. Anderson.B.D.O & Moore.J.B, Optimal Control Linear Quadratic Methods, Prentice Hall of
4. Sage.A.P &White.C.C, Optimum Systems Control, Prentice Hall.

IC09 L11 Industrial Robotics

To introduce the anatomy of industrial robots.
To learn the techniques used to control robots.
To learn the important areas of application of industrial robots.
Familiarity with basic mechanical engineering, transducers and sensors
Module I (11 hours)
Introduction to robotics: Robots in science fiction automation and robotics Asimovs laws of
Fundamentals of robot technology: Definition of robot anatomy of a robot classification (type of
control, capability, configuration and mobility) use of robots robot motions and degrees of
freedom joint notation scheme work volume speed of motion load carrying capacity speed of
response and stability precision of movement.
Actuators: Pneumatic hydraulic electric dc servomotor stepper motor - ac servomotors.
Power Transmission Systems: Gears power screws pulleys, chains and harmonic drives horse
power electric motor efficiency.

Module II (13hours)
Transducers and sensors: Position sensors potentiometers resolvers encoders velocity sensors
tactile sensors touch sensors (capacitance, resistance, resistive material, etc.) force sensors (force
sensing resistor, capacitance, force sensing wrist, joint sensing, and tactile array sensors) proximity
sensors optical proximity sensors/range sensors (two emitter proximity sensor, ranging light based
sensor, LIDAR, etc.) Acoustic sensors Magnetic sensors.
Machine vision: Introduction the sensing and digitalizing function in machine vision imaging
devices lighting techniques ADC image processing and analysis image data reduction
University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

segmentation feature extraction object recognition training the vision system robotic

Module III (15 hours)
Robot end effectors: type of end effectors mechanical grippers basic definitions and operations
type of gripper mechanism other types of grippers (vacuum cups, magnetic grippers, adhesive
grippers, and hooks and scoops) tools the robot to end effector interface checklist of factors in
the selection and design of grippers.
Robot arm kinematics: Construction of manipulator the direct kinematics problem - the inverse
kinematics problem inverse transform techniques for Euler Angles solution geometrical approach.

Module IV (15hours)
Robot arm dynamics: Lagrange euler formulation kinetic energy of a robot manipulator potential
energy of robot manipulator motion equations of a manipulator Newton euler formulation
rotating coordinate system moving coordinate system.
Planning of manipulator trajectories: Joint interpolated trajectory planning of Cartesian path
trajectories four types of robot controls.
Case studies: Hill climbing techniques multiple robots machine interface robot cell design
selection of robot.

Text Books

1. Mikell P. Groover, Mitchell Weiss, Roger N. Nagel and Nicholas G. Odrey, Industrial Robotics:
Technology, Programming, and Applications, McGraw-Hill International Edition.
2. K.S.Fu, R.C.Gonzalez and C.S.G.Lee, Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision, and Intelligence,
McGraw-Hill International Editions.
1 Ghosh, Control in Robotics and Automation: Sensor Based Integration, Allied Publishers.
2. Deb.S.R, Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation, John Wiley.
3. Asfaht.C.R, Robots and Manufacturing Automation, John Wiley.
4. Klafter.R.D, Chemiclewski.T.A and Negin.M, Robotics Engineering An Integrated Approach,
Prentice Hall of India.
5. Mc Kerrow.P.J, Introduction to Robotics, Addison Wesley.
6. James G. Keramas, Robot Technology: Fundamentals, Vikas Publishing House.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class


To impart the basics of deposition and characteristics of thin films
Module I (14 hours)
Importance of thin films- Thin film growth process- Structural consequences of the growth
Deposition techniques: electroplating, CVD, Solgel, resistive, electron beam, flash and laser
evaporation, DC and RF diode, triode and magnetron sputtering. Ion plating, ion beam
deposition, plasma CVD and MBE
Module II (13 hours)
Film thickness measurement- Film characterisation techniques: X-rays and electron beam
techniques for structure and composition- Instrumentation for measuring electrical, optical
and electromechanical properties of films
Module III (14 hours)
Thin film in optics: Anti reflection coating- Reflection coating- Interference filters- Beam
splitters- Integrated Optics
Optoelectronic Applications: Photon detectors- Photovoltaic devices- Thin film displays-
Information storage devices
University Examination Pattern
Note: Numerical content of question paper about 15%

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Microelectronic applications: Thin film active and passive components- Surface acoustic
wave devices- Charge coupled devices- Thin film strain gauges- Gas sensors
Module IV (13 hours)
Magnetic thin film devices: Uniaxial anisotropy- Domains and domain walls- Switching in
thin films- Computer memories- Domain motion devices- Thin film magnetic heads-
Magnetic displays
Quantum engineering applications: Basic concepts- Superconductivity in thin films- S-N
transition devices: Switching devices- Cryotron amplifiers- Elementary concepts and
Thin film thermal Devices: Bolometers and thermo meters- Thermocouple and thermopiles-
Pyroelectric detectors- Absorption edge thermal detectors
Surface engineering applications: Surface passivation applications- Tribological

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Text book
1. Kastiri Lal Chopra and Inderjeet Kaur, Thin film device applications, Plenum press
Reference books
1. John L Vossen and Werner Kern, Thin film processing, Academic Press
2. Chopra K.L., Thin Film Phenomena, Rober G. Krieger Publishing Company (New
York), 1979
3. Lean Maissel and Reinhgand Glong, Hand Book of thin film Technology, McGraw Hill
Company, London (1970)

IC09 L17 Numerical Analysis

This paper is intended to impart knowledge in
Finding the numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations
Finding the solutions of system of linear algebraic equations
Finding the numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.

Module I (13 hours)
Errors in numerical calculations :Sources of errors, significant digits and numerical instability -
numerical solution of polynomial and transcendental equations - bisection method - method of false
position - Newton-Raphson method - fixed-point iteration - rate of convergence of these methods -
iteration based on second degree equation - the Mullers method - Chebyshev method - Graeffes root
squaring method for polynomial equations - Bairstows method for quadratic factors in the case of
polynomial equations

Module II (14hours)
Solutions of system of linear algebraic equations : Direct methods - gauss and gauss Jordan
methods - Crouts reduction method - error analysis - iterative methods - Jacobis iteration - Gauss-
seidel iteration - the relaxation method - convergence analysis - solution of system of nonlinear
equations by Newton-Raphson method - power method for the determination of eigen values -
convergence of power method

Module III (13 hours)
Polynomial interpolation: Lagranges interpolation polynomial - divided differences
Newtons divided difference interpolation polynomial - error of interpolation - finite
difference operators - Gregory - Newton forward and backward interpolations - Stirlings
interpolation formula - interpolation with a cubic spline - numerical differentiation -
differential formulas in the case of equally spaced points - numerical integration - trapezoidal
and Simpsons rules - Gaussian integration - errors of integration formulas

Module IV (14hours)
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (13 hours): The Taylor series method - Euler
and modified Euler methods - Runge-Kutta methods (2
order and 4
order only) - multistep methods
- Milnes predictor - corrector formulas - adam-bashforth & adam-moulton formulas - solution of
boundary value problems in ordinary differential equations - finite difference methods for solving two
dimensional Laplaces equation for a rectangular region - finite difference method of solving heat
equation and wave equation with given initial and boundary conditions

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
1. Froberg C.E., Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Addison Wesley
2. Gerald C.F., Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison Wesley
3. Hildebrand F.B., Introduction to Numerical Analysis, T.M.H.
4. James M.L., Smith C.M. & Wolford J.C., Applied Numerical Methods for Digital Computation,
Harper & Row
5. Mathew J.H., Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, P.H.I.

IC09 L20 Reliability Engineering

Objective: To impart essential knowledge in Reliability Concepts and its potential

Module I (12 hours)
Reliability and safety definition- risk factor- classification of failure and protective
measure- safety measurement- preliminary hazard analysis- subsystem fault analysis-
common mode failures- codes and standards for safety

ModuleII (13hours)
Distributions- Marker modeling stress- strength approach to realiability decision-
relationship between MTBF, hazard rate, failure rate and reliability.

Module III (14 hours)
Redundancy technique- Examples from electrical, nuclear, chemical and process
engineering- Elementary analysis and estimation technique

Module IV (15hours)
Hazards of ionization, radiation and physiological effect of radiation- Radiological (alpha,
beta, gamma, X-rays and neutrons) shielding material and effectiveness- operational
safety instruments- emergency schemes- effluent disposal- application to medical
diagnosis and treatment

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Reference books
1. Green A.E., Safety Systems Reliability, John Wiley.
2. Appostolakes G & Gorribaetal S, Synthesis and Analysis Methods for Safety
Reliability studies, Plenum Press
3. Von Alven W.H, Reliability Engineering, Prentice Hall
4. Mecillough C. K., Safety Aspects of Nuclear Reactors, Van Nostard
5. Daniel et al, Safety and Reliability of Programmable Electronic Systems, Elsvier
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

IC09 L23 Bioinformatics

To get the students acquainted with the interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics
To expose the students to the biological database resources and tools
To provide an introduction to the important problems and
algorithms in bioinformatics.
Familiarity with internet resources and an aptitude for learning algorithms along with high school
level knowledge in biology.

Module I (14hours)
The biological backdrop:

Cells-Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes-DNA double helix- central dogma DNA, RNA, aminoacids,
Proteins -string representations- different levels of protein structures-DNA cloning- RFLP-SNP-
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-gel electrophoresis-hybridization-A brief introduction to different
mappings techniques of genomes- genome sequencing methods-DNA micro arrays Human Genome
Project-A glossary of biological terms.

Module II (14hours)
Bioinformatics-the big picture and the biological database resources:

Scope of bioinformatics-Genomics and Proteomics- A very brief introduction to major problems in
bioinformatics like sequence alignment, phylogeny, gene finding, microarray analysis, secondary
structure prediction, protein structure prediction, comparative genomics and drug design.
An introduction to the major resources at NCBI, EBI and ExPASy- Nucleic acid sequence databases:
GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ -Protein sequence databases: SWISS-PROT, TrEMBL, PIR_PSD - Genome
University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two
questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.
There should be at least one question from each module
and not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer
one question.

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Databases at NCBI, EBI, TIGR, SANGER How to access these databases and to make use of the
tools available. Various file formats for bio-molecular sequences like genbank and fasta.
The concept of profiles- The derived databases- Prosite, Pfam, PRINTS, CATH, SCOP

Module III (13 hours)
Sequence alignment algorithms and Tools:

Basic concepts of sequence similarity, identity and homology, definitions of homologues, orthologues,
Scoring matrices: basic concept of a scoring matrix, PAM and BLOSUM matrices, differences
between distance & similarity matrix.
Pairwise sequence alignments: basic concepts of sequence alignment, Needleman & Wuncsh, Smith &
Waterman algorithms for pairwise alignments. BLAST and FASTA and their versions.
Multiple sequence alignments (MSA): the need for MSA, basic concepts of various approaches for
MSA (e.g. progressive, hierarchical etc.). Algorithm of CLUSTALW.

Module IV (13 hours)
Phylogeny, gene finding and molecular visualization:

Phylogeny: Basic concepts of phylogeny; molecular evolution; Definition and description of
phylogenetic trees. Phylogenetic analysis algorithms - Maximum Parsimony, UPGMA and
Gene Finding: The six reading frames-Computational gene finding in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Basic signals start and stop codons, promoters etc- important coding measures- Regular expressions-
Introduction to Hidden Markov models- Introduction to genomic signal processing
Molecular visualization: Visualization of protein structures using Rasmol or Rastop

Text Books
1. Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer, Fundamental concepts of Bioinformatics, Pearson Education
2. T. K. Attwood and D. J. Parry-Smith, Introduction to Bioinformatics, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Claverie & Notredame, Bioinformatics - A Beginners Guide, Wiley-Dreamtech India Pvt
4. Neil C. Jones and PavelA. Pevzner, An introductin to bioinformatics algorithms, Ane Books
5. Gary Benson and Roderic Page, Alogorithms in Bioinformatics, Springer.
6. R. Durbin et.al., Biological Sequence Analysis, Cambridge University Press.
7. Gauthm, Bioinformatics databases and algorithms, Narosa Publishers
1. Dan Gusfield, Algorithms On Strings, Trees And Sequences, Cambridge University Press
2. Resources at web sites of NCBI, EBI, SANGER, PDB etc

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class


This course will introduce the methods and the influence of the information systems in
management milieu and use MIS as an effective tool in management and decision making.
Module - I: (12 hours)
Information systems - functions of management - levels of management - framework for information
systems - systems approach - systems concepts - systems and their environment - effects of system
approach in information systems design - using systems approach in problem solving - strategic uses
of information technology

Module - II: (10 hours)
An overview of computer hardware and software components - file and database management systems
- introduction to network components - topologies and types - remote access - the reasons for
managers to implement networks - distributed systems - the internet and office communications

Module - III: (14 hours)
Application of information systems to functional - tactical and strategic areas of management, decision
support systems and expert systems

Module - IV: (16 hours)
Information systems planning - critical success factor - business system planning - ends/means
analysis - organizing the information systems plan - systems analysis and design - alternative
application development approaches - organization of data processing - security and ethical issues of
information systems

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text Books
1. Robert Schultheis & Mary Sumner, Management Information Systems-The Manager's View,
Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books
1. Laudon K.C. & Laudon J.P, Management Information Systems - Organization and
Technology, Prentice Hall of India
2. Sadagopan S, Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall of India
3. Basandra S.K, Management Information Systems, Wheeler Publishing.
4. Alter S, Information Systems: A Management Perspective, Addison Wesley.
5. Effy Oz, Management Information Systems, Thomson, Vikas Publishing House.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


To give awareness on the Human and Industrial Psychology

Module I (14 hours)
Introduction- psychology as a science- area of applications study of individual- individual differences-
study of behaviour- stimulus- response behaviour- heredity and environment- human mind- cognition-
character- thinking- attention- memory- emotion- traits- attitude- personality

Module II (14 hours)
Organizational behaviour- definition development- fundamental concept- nature of people- nature of
organization an organizational behaviour system- models- autocratic model- hybrid model- understanding
a social-system social culture- managing communication- downward, upward and other forms of

Module III 13 hours)
Motivation- motivation driver- human needs- behavior modification- goal setting- expectancy model-
comparison models- interpreting motivational models- leadership- path goal model- style contingency

Module IV (13 hours)
Special topics in industrial psychology- managing group in organization- group and inter group dynamics-
managing change and organizational development- nature planned change- resistance- characteristic of
OD-OD process

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text Books
1. Davis K. & Newstrom J.W., Human Behaviour at work, Mcgraw Hill International

Reference Books
1. Schermerhorn J.R.Jr., Hunt J.G &Osborn R.N., Managing Organizational Behaviour, John Wiley
2. Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, McGraw Hill, International
3. Morgan C.t.,King R.A.,John Rweisz &John Schoples, Introduction to Psychology, McHraw Hill
4. Blum M.L. Naylor J.C., Harper & Row, Industrial Psychology, CBS Publisher

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class



To teach the students how to reproduce real-world events or process under
controlled laboratory conditions, using mainly mathematical models.

Module I (10 hours)
Introduction - systems and models - computer simulation and its applications -continuous
system simulation - modeling continuous systems - simulation of continuous systems -
discrete system simulation - methodology event scheduling and process interaction
approaches - random number generation -testing of randomness - generation of stochastic
variates - random samples from continuous distributions - uniform distribution - exponential
distribution m-Erlang distribution - gamma distribution - normal distribution - beta
distribution - random samples from discrete distributions - Bernoulli - discrete uniform -
binomial - geometric and poisson
Module II (12 hours)
Evaluation of simulation experiments - verification and validation of simulation experiments -
statistical reliability in evaluating simulation experiments -confidence intervals for
terminating simulation runs - simulation languages -programming considerations - general
features of GPSS - SIM SCRIPT and SIMULA.

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions from
any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should
be at least one question from each module and not more than two
questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module III (15 hours)
Simulation of queueing systems - parameters of queue - formulation of queueing problems -
generation of arrival pattern - generation of service patterns -Simulation of single server
queues - simulation of multi-server queues -simulation of tandom queues.

Module IV (15 hours)
Simulation of stochastic network - simulation of PERT network - definition of network
diagrams - forward pass computation - simulation of forward pass -backward pass
computations - simulation of backward pass - determination of float and slack times
determination of critical path - simulation of complete network - merits of simulation of
stochastic networks.

Reference Books
1. C. Deo N., System Simulation And Digital Computer, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Gordan G., System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Law A.M. & Ketton W.D., Simulation Modelling and Analysis, McGraw Hill.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

Note: One of the assignments shall be computer based simulation of continuous systems
using any technical computing software
One of the tests must be computer based (practical).

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

EC09 L023: Data Structures & Algorithms

To give ideas of basic data structures
To impart knowledge about algorithm specification

Module I (14hours)
Study of basic data structures Arrays- Structures-Sparse matrix Stacks Queues-
Circular queues- Priority queues - Dqueues. Evaluation of expressions Polynomial
representation using arrays.

Module II (14 hours)
Linked Lists - Linked stacks and queues - Doubly linked lists - Polynomial representation using linked
lists, Strings Data representation Pattern matching.

Module III (15 hours)
Trees - Binary Trees Tree Traversal Inorder - Preorder and Postorder, Graphs Depth first and
breadth first search. Sorting methods: Selection sort, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick
sort, Heap sort, Radix sort, External sorting methods (basic idea only).

Module IV (11 hours)
Principles of programming System Life Cycle - Algorithm Specification-Recursive Algorithms-
Documentation- Performance Analysis and Measurements- Time and Space complexity-Complexity
calculation of simple algorithms

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Text Books
1. Classic Data Structures: Samanta, PHI
2. Data Structures and program design in C: Robert Kruse, Pearson Education Asia
3. An introduction to Data Structures with applications: Trembley & Sorenson, McGraw Hill

Reference Books

1. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++: Horowitz, Sahni & Mehta, Galgottia Pub.
2. Data Structures using C & C++: Langsam, Augenstein & Tanenbaum
3. Fundamental Algorithms: Knuth.
4. Algorithms + Data Structures & Programs: N.Wirth, PHI
5. Data structures in Java: Thomas Standish, Pearson Education Asia

IC09 L03 Mechatronics

To expose the students to the fundamentals of mechatronics, Numerical control machine tools, part
programming and robotics.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
One of the assignments shall be simulation using any of the tools

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module I (14 hours)
Introduction to Mechatronics.- Mechatronics in manufacturing- Mechatronics in products-Scope of
Fundamentals of numerical control-advantages of NC systems- Classification of NC systems- Point to
point and contouring systems- NC and CNC Incremental and absolute systems-Open loop and
closed loop systems-features of NC machine tools- Fundamentals of machining-Design consideration
of NC machine tools-Methods of improving machine accuracy and productivity- Special tool holders

Module II (13 hours)
System devices: System drives-hydraulic systems, DC motors, stepping motors, AC motors- Feedback
devices-Encoders, pulse digitizers, resolvers, Inductosyn, tachometers.- Counting devices-Flip Flops,
counters ,decoders, digital to analog converters. Interpolation- linear interpolator-circular interpolators,
CNC software interpolator-Flow of data in NC machines.

Module III (13 hours)
NC Part programming: Manual Programming-Concepts-tape formats- tab sequential- fixed block
word address and variable block formats- Part Programming examples-Point to point programming
and simple contour programming- Computer aided programming- Concepts Post processor
programming languages- APT programming-Part programming examples.

Module IV (14 hours)
Industrial Robotics: Basic concepts- Robotics and automation- Specification of Robots- Resolution,
Repeatability and accuracy of manipulator- Classification of Robots- Industrial application- Robot
drives- Characteristics of end of arm tooling- Sensors-Tactile, proximity and range sensors- contact
and non-contact sensors- velocity sensors- touch and slip sensors- Force and torque sensors-
Programming- Lead through programming- Textual programming- Programming languages - On line
and offline programming- Intelligent Robots.


1. Yoram Koren, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, McGrawHill
2. Michel P. Groover, Industrial Robots-Technology, Programming and Applications,
3. Fu K.S , Gonzales et al, Robotics-Control, sensing, vision and intelligence,
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

IC09 L06 Adaptive Control

Objectives: To expose the students to the theory of adaptive control

Prerequisites: Control systems theory.

Module I (15 hours)
Introduction: Feedback in control systems system modeling feedback control adaptive control
system prototypes simple adaptive control systems.

Systems Theory: Dynamic systems models system characterization signal measures input
output stability bellman gronwall lemma small gain lemma operator stability strictly positive
real systems signal convergence lemmas.

Adaptive Parameter Estimation: A parameterized system model linear parametric models
normalized gradient algorithm normalized least squares algorithm parameter convergence
persistency of excitation convergence of the gradient algorithm convergence of the least squares
algorithm robustness of adaptive algorithms robust adaptive laws.

Module II (12 hours)
Adaptive State Feedback Control: Design for state tracking control system structure adaptive
laws adaptive system properties design for output tracking disturbance rejection state tracking
output tracking parameterization of state feedback parameterization with full order observer and
reduced order observer.

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module III (14 hours)
Continuous Time Model Reference Adaptive Control: Control system structure model reference
control adaptive control tracking error equation Lyapunov design for relative degree 1
alternative design for relative degree 1 Lyapunov design for arbitrary relative degrees gradient
design for arbitrary relative degrees robustness of MRAC robust MRAC modeling errors
robustness of MRC robust adaptive laws robust stability analysis design for unknown high
frequency gain adaptive control designs using Nussbaun gain an adaptive control system.
Module IV (13 hours)
Indirect Adaptive Control: Model reference designs simple adaptive control systems pole
placement designs control system structure pole placement control controller parameter
A Comparison Study: Direct adaptive control designs state feedback design indirect adaptive
control design direct indirect adaptive control design direct adaptive control for motor dynamics
indirect adaptive control for load dynamics adaptive back stepping design.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Text Books
1. Gang Tao, Adaptive Control Design and Analysis, Wiley Interscience.
Reference Books
1 S.Sastry & M.Bodson, Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence, and Robustness,
Prentice Hall.
2 Astrom & Bjorn Wittenmark, Adaptive Control, Addison Wesley.
3. Ljung.L, System Identification: Theory for the User, Prentice Hall.

IC09 L09 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

To expose the students to the field of MEMS- the process of micromachining,
lithography, MEMS sensors, actuators and its packaging.

Module I (15hours)
MEMS introduction- Materials for MEMS- silicon materials- other material systems- shape
memory alloy (SMA) - material properties
Process of micromachining- pattern transfer using additive techniques- silicon growth- oxidation of
silicon-molecular beam epitaxy- physical vapour deposition (PVD)- sputtering- laser deposition- ion
plating- cluster beam technology- chemical vapour deposition(CVD)- step coverage- plasma enhanced
CVD- Electron cyclotron resonance CVD (ECRCVD)-sol-gel deposition technique.

Module II (16 hours)
Lithography- photolithography- introduction- masks- spinning- resist and soft backing-
exposure and post-exposure treatment- development- descumming and post baking- resists-
water priming- wafer cleaning and contamination- clean room- resist striping.
Next generation lithography- extreme ultra violet lithography (EUVL)- x-ray lithography- LIGA-
charged particle beam lithography- electron beam lithography- ion beam lithography
Etching- introduction- dry etching- physical etching- ion etching or sputtering- ion beam etching-
plasma etching- deep reactive ion etching (DRIE)- isotropic wet etching- anisotropic wet etching

Module III (12 hours)
Commercial MEMS structures and systems- passive MEMS structures- fluid nozzles- ink jet nozzles.
Sensors- piezoelectric pressure sensors- mass flow sensors- acceleration sensors- radiation sensors-
infra red imager- carbon monoxide gas sensor actuators-
actuators- digital micro-mirror devices- micro mechanical valves.

Module IV (11 hours)
MEMS packaging- key design and packaging consideration- wafer stack thickness- wafer dicing
concerns- thermal management- stress isolation- protective coating and media isolation- wafer level
packaging and die level packaging.
Hermetic packaging- calibration and compensation- die attach process- solder alloy- bonding process
using solder alloy- organic adhesive wiring and inter connections- wire bonding- flip chip bonding-
micro fluidics interconnections. Packaging material properties- mechanical- moisture penetration-
interfacial adhesion- thermal- chemical- electrical. Packaging reliability- types of packaging solutions-
ceramic packaging- metal packaging- molded plastic packaging.

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

lText Books

1. Nadim Maluf, An introduction to Micro electro mechanical systems engineering,
Artech house Boston London.
2. Marc.J.Madou, Fundamentals of micro fabrication-the science of miniaturization, CRC press.

IC09 L12 Soft Computing

To make the student familiarized with the basics of the neural network, fuzzy logic and
genetic algorithm which are considered to be providing new solutions in various fields
including process control.
Familiarity with algorithmic approaches desirable

Module I (15hours)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Systems: Neural networks Fuzzy logic Genetic algorithms
Hybrid systems.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks: Biological neurons McCulloch and Pitt models of
neurons Types of activation functions Neural network architecture single layer feedforward
network multilayer feedforward network recurrent networks Characteristics of neural networks.

Learning Process: error correction learning memory based learning hebbian learning
competitive learning Boltzmann learning credit assignment problem learning with a teacher
(supervised learning) learning with out a teacher reinforcement learning unsupervised learning
learning tasks pattern association pattern recognition function approximation control filtering
beamforming memory adaptation statistical nature of the learning process bias statistical
learning theory vc dimension

Single Layer Networks: Single layer perceptrons adaptive filtering problem unconstrained
optimization techniques learning curves perceptron perceptron convergence theorem linearly
separable and non linearly separable pattern ADALINE.

Multilayer Network: Multilayer perceptron some preliminaries back propagation algorithm the
two passes of computation activation function rate of learning XOR problem output
representation and decision rule virtues and limitations of back propagation algorithm

Module II (16hours)
Support Vectors: Support vector machine optimal hyperplane for linearly separable patterns
optimal hyperplane for non separable patterns inner product Kernels optimum design of support
vector machine support vector regression (SVR) Bayesian Networks.

Radial Basis Neural Networks: Exact interpolation radial basis function networks network
training regularization theory noisy interpolation theory relation to kernel regression RBF
network for classification Comparison of RBF and MLP networks.

Recurrent Neural Networks: Recurrent networks Hopfield networks energy function spurious
states error performance simulated annealing the boltzman machine and boltzman learning rule
(small discussion) the mean field theory machine MFT learning algorithm.

Cross Validation: cross validation model selection early stopping method of training variants of
cross validation.

Module III (13 hours)
Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy sets properties operations fuzzy relations operations on fuzzy relations
extension principle fuzzy measures membership function fuzzification and defuzzification

Fuzzy Rule Based Systems: Canonical rule forms decomposition of composite rules likelihood
and truth qualification aggregation of fuzzy rules.

Module IV (10 hours)
Introduction to Genetic Algorithm: Natural evolution properties classification GA features
coding selection reproduction cross over and mutation operators basic GA and structure.

Introduction to Hybrid Systems: Concept of neuro-fuzzy and neuro-genetic systems.

Text Books
1 S.Rajasekaran & G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
(Synthesis and Application), Prentice Hall of India.
2 Simon Haykins, Neural Nrtworks (A Comprehensive Foundation), Pearson Education.
3 Ross.T.J, Fuzzy Logic With Engineering Applications, McGraw Hill.
4 Christopher M. Bishop, Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Oxford.
1 Bart Kosko, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall of India.
2 Jacek M.Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico Publishing House.
3 Driankov.D, Flellendoom.H & Reinfrank.M, An Introduction to Fuzzy Control.
4 David E.Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms, Pearson Education.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2, one on neural networks and the other on fuzzy logic)
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern
Note: about 40% numerical content

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70

IC09 L15 Biosensors
Teaching Scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
At the end of the course the students will be able to define the fundamental components of any
biosensors and its application in Bio-Instrumentation.
Basic Instrumentation Engineering and Transducers.

Module I (13 hours)
Microbial Sensors for Process and Environmental Control: Introduction microbial sensors for
process control acetic acid sensor alcohol sensor glutamic acid sensor carbon dioxide sensor
microbial sensors for environmental control ammonia sensor nitrogen dioxide sensor BOD
Artificially Coupled Reactions with Immobilized Enzymes: Types of biosensors first generation
biosensors molecular recognition by higher integrated biocatalytic systems in biosensors
artificially coupled enzymes reactions in biosensors lactate monoxygenase based sequence and
amplification sensors substrate recycling by Lactate Oxidase and Lactate Dehydrogenase
Glutamate Oxidase based sensors Glucose Oxidase Glucose Dehydrogenase sensor anti
interference principle.
Determination of Fish Freshness with a Biosensor System: Introduction postmortem changes in
fish meat and fish freshess indicators multi electrode enzyme sensor system multifunctional
enzyme sensor systems microbial sensor system for the determination of fish freshness other
biosensors for determination of fish freshness.

Module II (14hours)
Parallel Information Processing in Biological Systems-From Phototransduction to Neural
Networks: Introduction phototransduction pigment kinetics transmitter dynamics coupling to
the membrane equation predictions temporal discrimination asynchronous shunting networks.
Magnetic Devices for Retaining Dental Prostheses: Introduction materials rare earth magnets
soft ferromagnetic alloys sectional prostheses connected by magnet pairs overdentures retained by
magnetic attachments magnetic overdentures in clinical use.
Noninvasive Measurement of Intracranial Pressure: Introduction intracranial pressure
techniques for noninvasive measurement of intracranial pressure.
Chemistry and Potential Methods for in Vivo Glucose Sensing: Introduction structure and
properties of glucose potential methods for in vivo glucose sensing enzyme based electrochemical
approach enzyme based field effect transistor approach enzyme based thermoelectric approach
electrochemical approach optical approach.

Module III (14hours)
Invasive and Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring: Introduction blood gas transport
electrochemistry of pO2 and pCO2 measurement principle of optical oximetry invasive
intravascular blood gas monitoring noninvasive blood gas monitoring.
Biocatalytic Membrane Electrodes: Introduction enzymes and electroanalytical systems types of
indicator transducers preparation of electrode enzyme layer configuration of biocatalytic electrodes
analytical usefulness some practical applications.
Modeling and Identification of Lung Parameters: Introduction model design parameter

Module IV (13 hours)
Radiation Pressure, Radiation Force, and Particle Banding in an Ultrasonic Field: Introduction
radiation pressure radiation force banding of particles in an ultrasonic field.
Noncontact Temperature Measurement in Medicine: thermal regulation of the human body
medical thermometry thermal radiation thermal imaging far infrared sensors temperature
sensors optical system thermopile thermometer pyroelectric thermometer.
Kinetic Modeling for Biosensors: Introduction the purpose and practice of modeling enzyme
kinetics basic electrochemistry modeling the flux diagram for the membrane simplifying
assumptions the flux equations solution of flux equations deriving a complete kinetic model
experimental verification of approximate analytical kinetic models.

Text Books
1 Donald L.Wise, Bioinstrumentation and Biosensors, CRC Press.
Reference Books
1 Jonathan M.Cooper & Anthony E.G.Cass, Biosensors, Oxford University Press.
2 George K.Knopf & Amarjeet S.Bassi, Smart Biosensor Technology, CRC Press.
3 Willner, Itamar & Eugenii, Bioelectronic: From Theory to Applications, Wiley.
4 F.Ligler & C.Rowe Taitt, Optical Biosensors. Present and Future, Elsevier.
5 Brian Eggins, Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, John Willey & Sons.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions,
quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two
questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not
more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer
one question.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

IC09 L18 Real-Time Control Systems

To introduce the fundamental principles and techniques of real-time control system.
To introduce the integration of real-time theory and control theory
Familiarity with control systems theory

Module I (11 hours)
Introduction: Digital control Sampled data systems High-level controls Real-time command
and control Other real-time applications.
Hard and Soft Real-time Systems: Jobs and processors Release times, deadlines, timing
constraints Hard and soft timing constraints Hard real-time systems Soft real-time systems.
Reference model of Real-time Systems: Processors and resources Temporal parameters of Real-
time workload Periodic task model Precedence constraints and data dependency Functional
parameters Scheduling hierarchy.

Module II (15hours)
Commonly used approaches to real-time scheduling: Clock driven approach weighted round
robin approach priority driven approach dynamic versus static systems effective release times
and deadlines optimality of the EDF and LST algorithms non-optimality of the EDF and the LST
algorithms challenges in validating timing constraints in priority driven systems off line versus on
line scheduling.
Clock driven scheduling: Notations and assumptions static timer driven scheduler frames and
major cycles frame size constraints job slices cyclic executives improving the average response
time of aperiodic jobs (slack steeling, average response time) scheduling sporadic jobs (acceptance
test, EDF scheduling of the accepted jobs, implementation of the accepted test, optimality of cyclic
EDF algorithm).

Module III (16hours)
Priority driven scheduling of periodic tasks: Static assumption fixed priority versus dynamic
priority algorithms rate monotonic and deadline monotonic algorithms relative merits maximum
schedulable utilization optimality of RM and DM algorithms critical instants time demand
analysis busy intervals general schedulability test schedulability utilization of the RM algorithm
non preemptability self suspension context switches.
Scheduling aperiodic and sporadic jobs in priority driven systems: objectives, correctness and
optimality background and interrupt driven execution versus slack steeling polled executions
versus bandwidth preserving servers deferrable servers sporadic servers scheduling of sporadic

Module IV (12 hours)

Resources access control: Enforcement of mutual exclusion and critical sections resource conflicts
and blocking effects of resource contention and resource access control priority inversion, timing
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

anomalies and deadlock non-preemptive critical sections priority inheritance protocol priority
ceiling protocol.
Multiprocessor Scheduling: Identical versus heterogeneous processors end to end jobs and tasks
MPCP resource model interprocessor communication task assignment multiprocessor priority

Text Books
1 Jane W.S. Liu, Real-Time Systems, Pearson Education.
2Laplante, Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis, Wiley Higher Education
1 C.M.Krishna and Kang C.Skin, Real-Time Systems, McGraw Hill International.
2 Ramond J, A.Buhr, Donaid L.Balley, An Introduction to Real Time Systems, Prentice Hall

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70


To impart basic knowledge in VLSI Design

A basic knowledge in MOS transistors, CMOS and sequential circuits

Module I (15hours)
Introduction to MOS transistors- Linear and saturation region of operation- CMOS fabrication process
steps- Basic principles- MOSFET scaling and small geometry effects- CMOS latch-up- CMOS
inverters- Static and dynamic analysis- Power consumption and power delay products

Module II (12 hours)
Overview of CMOS logic families- Static complementary CMOS logic- Ratioed CMOS logic- Pass
transistor logic- Dynamic CMOS logic- Pseudo static CMOS, C-MOS, NORA, and TSPC logic
families- Design of complex combinational logic circuits- CMOS transmission gates.

Module III (15hours)
Sequential machines- Latches and flip flops- Sequential machine design- Subsystem design-
Pipelining- Basic principles- Clocking strategies- Single phase and two phase clocking- Clock skew-
CMOS subsystem design- Data path, adders, multipliers, FPGAs and PLAs.

Module IV (12 hours)
CMOS layout design rules- Stick diagrams- Layout of simple combinational circuits- I/O structures-
Overall organizations- Output and Input pads- CMOS testing- Scan based test techniques, Self test
techniques, IDDQ testing, Chip level and system level test techniques.

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

1. Weste N.H.E. and Kamran Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, Addison Wesley
2. Puck Nell D.A. & Eshraghian K, Basic VLSI Design- Systems and Circuits, Prentice Hall of
3. Mead C, Conway L, Intriduction to VLSI System, Addison Wesley
4. Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI Design, Phipe.



Prerequisites: Familiarity with nonlinear control systems is desirable.

Module I (14hours)
Introduction to Dynamical systems: Discrete time systems- Continuous time systems-Autonomous
and non-autonomous systems phase space and flows- Attracting sets- Concepts of stability.

Equilibrium solutions: Fixed points and stability of continuous- Time systems- Classification and
stability of equilibrium solutions- Fixed points of maps and their stability- Local and global
bifurcation of continuous system- Static and dynamic bifurcation- Bifurcation of maps.

Module II (13 hours)
Periodic solutions: Periodic solutions of continuous- Time dynamical systems- Autonomous and
non-autonomous systems- Limit cycle- Floquet theory- Poincare maps- Bifurcation- Symmetry
breaking- Cyclic fold- Period doubling- Transcritical and Hopf bifurcation.

Quasiperiodic solutions: Poincare maps- Circle map- Construction of quasiperiodic solutions.

Module III (14hours)
Chaotic solutions of maps: Dynamic of logistic equations- Bifurcation diagram of one dimensional
maps- Feigenbaum number- Henon map.
University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Chaotic solutions of continuous systems: Duffings equation- Rossler equations- Period doubling
and intermittency mechanisms.

Experimental methods in chaotic vibrations: Experimental system to measure the Poincare map of
chaotic physical system.

Module IV (13 hours)
Fractals and dynamical systems: Fractal dimension- Capacity dimension- Correlation dimension and
Information dimension- Fractal dimension of strange attractors.

Tools to identify and analyze motions: Time history- State- Space and pseudostate space-
Embedding dimension and time delay- Fourier Spectra, Poincare section and maps- Iyapunov

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,
literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two questions
from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There
should be at least one question from each module and not more
than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one

Maximum Total Marks: 70
Text Books

1. Nayfeh A.H. & Balachandran B, Applied Non-linear Dynamics, John Wiley.
2. Thomson J.M.T. & Steward H.V, Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos, John Wiley.
3. Moon F.C., Chaotic and Fractal Dynamics, John Wiley.

1. Wiggins S. Introduction to Applied Non-linear Dynamical Systems and Chaos, Springar
2. Baker G.L. & Gollub J.P. Chaotic Dynamics, Cambridge Press.
3. Peitgens, Jurgens & Saupe, Chaos and Fractal, Springar Verlag.
4. Scheinerman E.R., Invitation to Dynamical Systems, Prentice Hall.

ME09 L23: Industrial Safety Engineering

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and I hour tutorial per week

To provide on concept of safety in industry, principle of accident prevention,
major hazards, consequences and concept of reliability.

Pre-requisites: Nil

Module I (14 Hours)
Introduction to the concept of safety-Need-safety provisions in the factory Act-Laws related
to the industrial safety-Measurement of safety performance, Safety Audit, Work permit
system, injury and accidents-Definitions-Unsafe act unsafe condition- causes, investigations
and prevention of accidents, hazards, type of industrial hazards-nature, causes and control
measures, hazard identifications and control techniques-HAZOP, FMEA,FMECA etc.

Module II (14 Hours)
Concept of Industrial hygiene, programmes-Recognition Evaluation- Control, Noise- source
effects and noise control, exposure limits standards, Hearing conservation programmes,
Fire fire load-control and industrial fire protection systems, Fire Hydrant and extinguishers,
Electrical Hazards, protection and interlock-Discharge rod and earthling device, safety in the
use of portable tools.

Module III (13 Hours)
Logics of consequence analysis-Estimation-Toxic release and toxic effects-Threshold limit
values, Emergency planning and preparedness, Air pollution-classification- Dispersion
modeling -pollution source and effects- -control method and equipments-Gravitational settling
chambers-cyclone separators-Fabric filter systems-scrubbers etc.

Module IV (13 Hours)
Concept of reliability-Definition-Failure rate and Hazard function, System reliability models-
series, parallel systems, reliability hazard function for distribution functions-exponential-
normal lognormal-weibull and gamma distribution.

Text books
1. Thomas J. Anton, Occupational Safety and Health Management, McGraw Hill
2. Ian T.Cameron & Raghu Raman, Process Systems Risk Management, ELSEVIER Academic
3. C.S.Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age International Limited
4. L. S. Srinath, Reliability Engineering, East west Press, New Delhi.

Reference books
1. Frank E. McErloy,P.E; C.S.P, Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations,NSC
2. Lees F.P, Loss Prevention in Process Industries, Butterworths, New Delhi.
3. BHEL,Occupational Safety Manual, Tiruchirappalli.
4. Dr. A.K. Gupta, Reliability, Maintenance and Safety Engineering, Laxmi Publications, New

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group
discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one
question from each module and not more than two
questions from any module.

PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.
There should be at least one question from each module
and not more than two questions from any module.

PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer
one question.

Maximum Total Marks: 70

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