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Medical Entry Test Important MCQS
Chapter 01
Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. They are the remains or impressions of living organisms preserved in rocks:
a. Tissues
b. Fossils
c. Calcium
d. Statutes
Correct Ans. b
. !t is the study of fossils and their relationship to the evolution of life on earth:
a. embryology
b. ta"onomy
c. physiology
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. d
$. %an has been able to produce food in greater &uantities due to advancement in:
a. %athematics
b. Space science
c. 'hysics
d. (iology
Correct Ans. d
). Ta"onomy is the study of:
a. Functions of different parts of organisms
b. #aming and classification of organisms
c. *ereditary characters
d. Structure and functions of cells
Correct Ans. b
+. Anatomy deals with the study of:
a. ,elationship between organisms and their environment
b. -evelopment of an organism from a fertili.ed egg or .ygote
c. Structure and function of molecular components of the cell
d. !nternal organs of organisms
Correct Ans. -
/. 'ollution of our surroundings in the recent past has resulted because of:
a. (iological ,esearch
b. ,apid industriali.ation
c. !nformation Technology
d. Forestation
Correct Ans. b
0. The statement made by a scientist1 which may be the possible answer to the
a. -eduction
b. Theory
c. *ypothesis
d. 2aw
Correct Ans. c
3. 4hich of the following is involved in the spread of malaria 5
a. (acterium
b. (ad Air
c. 6irus
d. %os&uito
Correct Ans. d
7. 'eople who slept outside in open spaces suffered from malaria more fre&uently
than those who slept indoors1 indicates that:
a. (ad air is involved in the spread of %alaria
b. (acteria are involved in the spread of %alaria
c. %os&uitoes are involved in the spread of %alaria
d. (irds are involved in the spread of %alaria
Correct Ans. c

18. The entry of Plasmodium into the blood of %an was discovered by:
a. A. F. A. 9ing
b. 2averan
c. ,onald ,oss
d. :rassi
Correct Ans. b
11. !n case of typical attack1 malarial patient feels:
a. 6ery cold and chilly
b. 6ery 4arm
c. Sleepy
d. #ormal
Correct Ans. a
1. Se"ual reproduction of the malaria parasite occurs in :
a. %an
b. %os&uito
c. ,ed blood cells
d. (oth a and b
Correct Ans. b
1$. !nside human body Plasmodium attacks:
a. #erve cells
b. ,ed blood cells
c. 4hite blood cells
d. 9idney cells
Correct Ans. b
1). !n the life cycle of Plasmodium fusion of gametes and formation of gametes and
formation of .ygote
take place in:
a. (ody of %an
b. (ody of %os&uito
c. Air
d. 4ater
Correct Ans. b
1+. The part of Cinchona plant found suitable for the treatment of %alaria was:
a. Seeds
b. Fruits
c. 2eaves
d. (ark
Correct Ans. ;d<
1/. 4hen sporo.oites of Plasmodium pass from the blood to liver cells1 they
multiply for:
a. 3 days
b. 18 days
c. 1 days
d. 1) days
Correct Ans. ;c<
10. %an can now be saved from fatal diseases by using:
a. 6accine
b. (acteria
c. Antibiotics
d. 'lasmodium
Correct Ans. ;a<
13. The word malaria has been derived from the combination of two words which
a. 2atin
b. !talian
c. :reek
d. Arabic
Correct Ans. ;b<
17. 4hich one of the following best describes the scientific method5
a. -oing e"periments in laboratories
b. Collecting all known facts on a sub=ect
c. -eveloping and testing hypothesis
d. >sing sensitive electronic measuring instruments
Correct Ans. ;c<
8. 4hich of the following stages of Plasmodium is diploid5
a. %ero.oite
b. Sporo.oite
c. ?ygote ;ookinete<
d. :ametocyte
Correct Ans. ;c<
1. 4hich of the following stages of Plasmodium is spindle shaped5
a. sporo.oite
b. %er.oite
c. :ametocyte
d. @okinete
Correct Ans. ;a<
. 4hich of the following forms of Plasmodium is present in the saliva of
a. %ero.oites
b. Sporo.oites
c. :ametocytes
d. ?ygote
Correct Ans. ;b<
$. 4hich of these attack red blood cells5
a. ookinetes
b. :ametocytes
c. Sporo.oites
d. %ero.oites
Correct Ans. ;d<
). 4hich of the following is not true of malaria patient5
a. feels cold and chilly
b. feels headache
c. feels appetite
d. temperature rises up to 18/
Correct Ans. ;c<
1. #ucleus in plant cells was discovered by:
a. -utrochet
b. ,obert (rown
c. ,obert *ooke
d. Schleiden
Correct Ans. ;c<
. The pushing out of materials by the cell against the concentration gradient is:
a. 2ow transport
b. 'assive transport
c. Active transport
d. %oderate transport
Correct Ans. ;c<
$. ,obert *ooke e"amined thin slices of cork made up of the bark of:
a. 'ine
b. Sheesham
c. @ak
d. %ulberry
Correct Ans. ;c<
). !n thin slices of cork ,obert *ooke noticed.
a. Tiny creatures
b. Small holes
c. Small chambers
d. (acteria
Correct Ans. ;c<
+. *enri -utrochet confirmed.
a. ,obert (rown observations on #ucleus
b. ,obert *ookeAs observations on Cells
c. Schwann observations of cells
d. Schleiden observations on cells
Correct Ans. ;b<
/. They provide support to the plant body:
a. 'hloem cells
b. 'arenchyma cells
c. Sclerenchyma cells
d. Chlorechyma cells
Correct Ans. ;c<
0. 'arenchyma cells are concerned with:
a. Secretion
b. Support
c. Carry @"ygen
d. Storage of surplus food
Correct Ans. ;d<
3. Substances cross the cell membrane more easily when they are:
a. 4ater soluble
b. 'rotein soluble
c. Alcohol soluble
d. 2ipid soluble
Correct Ans. ;d<
7. %any substances that are not needed constantly enter the cell by:
a. 'assive transport
b. Active transport
c. #egative transport
d. Fast transport
Correct Ans. ;b<
18. !t is a true cell wall in a newly growing cell:
a. %iddle lamella
b. Secondary wall
c. 'rimary wall
d. 'lasma membrane
Correct Ans. ;c<
11. !t is the first to be formed:
a. 'rimary wall
b. Secondary wall
c. Tertiary wall
d. %iddle lamella
Correct Ans. ;a<
1. !t is a site of certain metabolic pathways:
a. Cell wall
b. 'lasma membrane
c. Cytoplasm
d. A B (
Correct Ans. ;c<
1$. The water percentage of cytosol in the cytoplasm is:
a. +8
b. /8
c. 08
d. 78
Correct Ans. ;d<
1). #ew ,ibosomes are assembled in the :
a. #ucleolus
b. %itochondria
c. Cndoplasmic ,eticulum
d. :olgi Apparatus
Correct Ans. ;a<
1+. Smooth Cndoplasmic ,eticulum helps to:
a. Synthesi.e proteins
b. -eto"ify the harmful drugs
c. 'repare food
d. -ecompose proteins
Correct Ans. ;b<
1/. %orphologically Cndoplasmic ,eticulum e"ists in:
a. Four forms
b. Three forms
c. Two forms
d. @ne form
Correct Ans. ;b<
10. The /8S and )8S subunits on attachment with each other form:
a. 188S particle
b. 78S particle
c. 38S particle
d. 08S particle
Correct Ans. ;c<
13. 'roteins are synthesi.ed in the:
a. ,ibosomes
b. %itochondria
c. #ucleus
d. #ucleolus
Correct Ans. ;a<
17. They are absent in higher plants:
a. 'lastids
b. :olgi Apparatus
c. Cell %embranes
d. Centrioles
Correct Ans. -
8. Amino acids ;proteins< are present in the cell walls of:
a. :ymnosperms
b. (acteria
c. %osses
d. Angiosperms
Correct Ans. (
1. 4hich of the following organelles is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic
a. Chloroplast
b. ,ibosomes
c. %itochondria
d. :olgi Comple"
Correct Ans. (
. 4hich of the following features is not shared by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells5
a. ,ibosome
b. Cytoplasm
c. Cell membrane
d. #uclear membrane
Correct Ans. -
$. 4hich of the following cell organelles is present in both plant and animal cells5
a. Chlorophyll
b. 'lasma membrane
c. 'lastids
d. Cell wall
Correct Ans. (
). 4hich of the following pair is incorrect5
'rotein synthesis
b. Chloroplast DDDDDDDDDDDDD
c. %itochondria DDDDDDDDDDDD
d. 'lasma membraneDDDDDDDDDDD
Correct Ans. C
+. 4hich of the structures is not found in a prokaryotic cell5
a. 'lasma membrane
b. #uclear envelope
c. ,ibosome
d. Cell wall
Correct Ans. (
/. *ow may membranes comprise the nuclear envelop5
a. #one
b. @ne
c. Two
d. Three
Correct Ans. C
0. 4hich of the following molecules move regularly from the nucleus to the
a. :lycogen
b. -#A
c. ,#A
d. Cholesterol
Correct Ans. C
3. 4hich of the following cellular organelles e"tracts energy from glucose and
forms AT' molecules:
a. 2ysosome
b. Chloroplast
c. %itochondrion
d. Chromoplast
Correct Ans. C
7. 2ysosomes contain en.ymes capable of:
a. Aerobic cellular respiration
b. -igesting part of the cell
c. Synthesi.ing protein
d. Synthesi.ing lipids
Correct Ans. (
$8. %itochondria are found:
a. in all cells
b. only in plant cells
c. only in animal cells
d. in all eukaryotic cells
Correct Ans. -
$1. :reen pigments capable of capturing the energy of sunlight are located within the:
a. :olgi comple"
b. Cndoplasmic comple"
c. Chloroplast
d. Cell wall
Correct Ans. C
$. The two types of cellular organelles that transform energy are:
a. Chromoplasts and leucoplast
b. %itochondria and chloroplast
c. %itochondria and Chromoplasts
d. Chloroplasts and leucoplasts
Correct Ans. (
$$. The plastids that give fruits and flowers their orange and yellow colours are the:
a. leucoplasts
b. chloroplasts
c. Chromoplasts
d. 'roplasts
Correct Ans. C
$). The main function of the plasma membrane is to:
a. synthesi.e ribosomes
b. Control what goes into and out of the cell
c. Allow all kinds of substances to enter the cell
d. %ove the cell from place to place
Correct ans. (
$+. 'lant cells are connected by channels through their walls called:
a. 'lasmodesmata
b. desmosomes
c. middle lamella
d. non of these
Correct ans. A
$/. !n the fluid mosaic membrane model the lipid bilayer:
a. is sandwiched between two protein layers
b. has protein embedded in it
c. lies on top of a single protein layer
d. is covered by a single protein layer
correct ans. (
$0. An input of energy is re&uired for which one of the following5
a. diffusion
b. osmosis
c. passive transport
d. active transport
Correct ans. -
$3. 4hich of the following cytoplamic organelles is not bounded by membrane:
a. %itochodrion
b. 2ysosome
c. ,ibosome
d. 'lastids
Correct Ans. C
$7. 4hich of the following bodies is not bounded by a double membrane structure5
a. mitochondrion
b. chloroplast
c. 2ysosome
d. #ucleus
Correct Ans. C
)8. 4hich of the following cell organelles cause a decrease in the concentration of
organic material in the cell5
a. :olgi bodies
b. Chloroplast
c. ,ibosome
d. %itochondrion
Correct Ans. -
)1. 4hich of the following cell organelles is not involved in the se&uence of events
from synthesis of an en.yme to its e"cretion5
a. ,ibosome
b. 2ysosome
c. :olgi apparatus
d. Cndoplasmic reticulum
Correct Ans. (
). A lipid molecule in the plasma membrane has a head and two tails. The tails are
a. At the surfaces of the membrane
b. !n the interior of the membrane
c. (oth at the surfaces and interior of the membrane
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. (
)$. 4hich of the following organelles and their contents are incorrectly paired:
a. ,ibosome E ,#A
b. %itochondrion E Chlorophyll
c. 2ysosome E digestive en.ymes
d. #ucleus E -#A
Correct Ans. (
)). 4hich of the following properties is incorrect for both mitochondria and
a. (oth have an electron transport system
b. AT' synthesis
c. (oth are present in all cells
d. (oth are double membrane structures
Correct Ans. C
)+. 4hich of the following cell organelles release o"ygen:
a. ribosome
b. :olgi comple"
c. %itochondria
d. Chloroplast
Correct Ans. -
)/. Active transport:
a. re&uires a protein carrier
b. moves a molecule against its concentration gradient
c. re&uires a supply of energy
d. all of these
Correct Ans. d
)0. The nucleolus is largely composed of r,#A and
a. lipid
b. :lucose
c. 4a"
d. 'rotein
Correct Ans. -
C*A'TC, $
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. !t is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature:
a. Sucrose
b. %altose
c. Starch
d. Cellulose
Correct Ans. -
. The most common monomer of carbohydrates is a molecule of :
a. sucrose
b. lactose
c. maltose
d. glucose
Correct Ans. -
$. 4hich of the following is polysaccharide:
a. :lucose
b. :lycogen
c. %altose
d. 2actose
Correct Ans. (
). @n hydrolysis triglyceride yields
a. a glycerol and three fatty acids
b. a fatty acid and three glycerol
c. a glucose and three fatty acids
d. a maltose and two fatty acids
Correct Ans. A
+. Cholesterol is:
a. diglyceride
b. saturated fatty acids
c. unsaturated fatty acids
d. steroid
correct Ans. -
/. Silk is chemically:
a. 2ipid
b. 4a"
c. 'rotein
d. Carbohydrate
Correct Ans. C
0. 'rotoplasm of plant cell is:
a. 2ess viscous than animal cell
b. %ore viscous than animal cell
c. C&ual in viscosity to the animal cell
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. A
3. !n living cell1 protein is:
a. The most abundant compound
b. The least abundant compound
c. The second most abundant compound
d. The third most abundant compound
Correct Ans. C
7. They cataly.e biological reactions in the form of en.ymes:
a. :lucose
b. Sucrose
c. 'roteins
d. Terpenoids
Correct Ans. C
18. Amino Acids in !nsulin molecules are arranged in:
a. @ne polypeptide chain
b. Two 'olypeptide chains
c. Three polypeptide chains
d. Four polypeptide chains
Correct Ans. (
11. Four polypeptide chains take part in the formation of:
a. Cellulose
b. Silk
c. *emoglobin
d. -#A
Correct Ans. C
1. Cach beta chain of *emoglobin contains:
a. 1/ Amino Acids
b. 1+/ Amino Acids
c. 1$/ Amino Acids
d. 1)/ Amino acids
Correct Ans. -
1$. Amino Acids are linked together by:
a. *ydrogen (onds
b. !onic (onds
c. 'eptide bonds
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. C
1). The manner in which different peptide chains are connected determines the:
a. Si.e of protein molecule
b. Shape of protein molecule
c. Color of protein molecule
d. (oth A B (
Correct Ans. (
1+. :lyceraldehyde is one of the:
a. *e"oses
b. Trioses
c. 'entoses
d. Tetroses
Correct Ans. (
1/. Sucrose is formed of:
a. :lucose and :alactose
b. :lucose and %altose
c. Clucose and Fructose
d. Fructose and :alactose
Correct Ans. C
10. They are stored in plant and animal cells:
a. Starch and :lycogen
b. :lucose and sucrose
c. Starch and cellulose
d. Fructose and glucose
Correct Ans. A
13. !t is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature:
a. :lucose
b. Fructose
c. Cellulose
d. Starch
Correct Ans. C
17. Cotton fibers are made up of:
a. :lucose
b. :alactose
c. Starch
d. Cellulose
Correct Ans. -
8. 4hich of the following is true of acylglycerols
a. composed of glycerol and fatty acids
b. easily soluble in water
c. act as en.ymes
d. are hydroly.ed into glucose and fructose
Correct Ans. A
1. Terpenoides are:
a. Sucrose
b. :lucose
c. 4a"es
d. Fructose
Correct Ans. C
. #ucleic acids are formed of units called:
a. Amino acids
b. #ucleotides
c. Citric acids
d. !soprenoid units
Correct Ans. (
$. Typically a nucleotide is composed of:
a. three components
b. four components
c. five components
d. two components
Correct Ans. A
). As compared to somatic cells the amount of -#A in germ line cells ;sperms and
ova< is almost:
a. C&ual
b. -ouble
c. @ne third
d. *alf
Correct Ans. -
+. The function of t,#A is:
a. To carry genetic informationAs from -#A to ribosomes
b. To synthesi.e protein
c. 'ick up amino acids and transfer them to ribosomes
d. Constitute ribosomes
Correct Ans. C
/. !n protoplasm dry matter consists about:
a. 78F organic and 18F inorganic compounds
b. 08F organic and $8F inorganic compounds
c. /8F organic and )8F inorganic compounds
d. +8F organic and +8F inorganic compounds
Correct Ans. A
0. 4hich of the following groups from the nucleotides:
a. Sugar DDDDDDDDDD #itrogenous (ase DDDDDDDDDDD 6itamin
b. Sugar DDDDDDDDDDD 6itamin DDDDDD 'hosphoric acid
c. Sugar DDDDDDDDDDD #itrogenous base DDDDDDDD 'hosphoric acid
d. 'hosphoric acid DDDDDDDDD #itrogenous base DDDDDDD vitamin
Correct Ans. C
3. 4hich of the following is hydroly.ed into simple unit:
a. ribose
b. glucose
c. cellulose
d. fructose
Correct ans. C
7. :lucose G Fructose DDDDDDDDD Sucrose G *


a. hydrolysis
b. condensation ;dehydration<
c. denaturation
d. incorporation synthesis
Correct Ans. (
$8. The uni&ue properties of each amino acid are determined by its particular
a. , group
b. Amino group
c. 9inds of peptide bonds
d. #umber of bonds to other amino acids
Correct Ans. A
$1. -#A is uni&ue among the organic molecules of protoplasm in that it can:
a. form multipolymer comple"es
b. come apart and reHform
c. withstand very high temperature
d. replicate itself
Correct Ans. -
$. #ucleotides of -#A molecule varies due to their:
a. glycerol attachments
b. nitrogenous bases
c. sugars
d. phosphates
correct ans. (
$$. Adenine is a:
a. single ring compound
b. double ring compound
c. Triple ring compound
d. %ultiHring compound
Correct ans. (
$). The function of an en.yme is to:
a. cause chemical reactions that would not otherwise take place
b. change the rate of chemical reactions.
c. Control the e&uilibrium point of reaction
d. Change the direction of reaction
Correct ans. (
$+. The en.yme sucrase act on:
a. sucrose only
b. sucrose and starch
c. any disaccharide
d. glycogen
Correct Ans. A
$/. 4hich of the following forms part of coen.yme:
a. -iastase
b. 2ipase
c. 6itamin
d. 2ysine
Correct Ans. C
$0. An en.yme promotes a chemical reaction by:
a. 2owering the energy of activation
b. Causing the release of heat
c. !ncreasing molecular motion
d. (oth A B (
Correct Ans. A
$3. 4hich of the following releases greatest amount of energy:
a. Carbohydrates
b. 2ipid
c. 4ater
d. #ucleic acid
Correct ans. (
$7. 4hich of the following is an e"ample of carbohydrate:
a. en.ymes
b. wa"es
c. ribose
d. insulin
Correct ans. C
)8. -#A molecule:
a. has a sugarHphosphate backbone
b. is single stranded
c. has a certain se&uence of amino acids
d. has a uracil base in its nucleotide
Correct ans. A
)1. The functional group C@@* is:
a. Acidic
b. (asic
c. #ever ioni.ed
d. All of these
Correct Ans. ;A<
). 4hich of these is nondigestible by man:
a. cellulose
b. maltose
c. starch
d. glycogen
Correct Ans. ;a<
)$. A fatty acid is unsaturated if it:
a. contains hydrogen
b. contains double bonds between carbon atoms
c. contains an acidic group
d. contains no double bonds
Correct ans. ;b<
)). :lucose in solution forms a ring called:
a. glucofuranose
b. ribofuranose
c. glucopyranose
d. ribopyranose
Correct Ans. ;c<
)+. 4hich of the following is not soluble in water:
a. Sucrose
b. ,ibose
c. :lycerol
d. :lycogen
Correct Ans. ;d<
)/. 4hich of the following is absent in the nucleotides of ,#A:
a. Thymine
b. Cytosine
c. Adenine
d. >racil
Correct Ans. ;a<
)0. The linkages between two monosaccharides is called:
a. Cster
b. :lucoside
c. 'eptide
d. #ucleotide
Correct Ans. ;b<
)3. -istance between twist of -#A molecule is:
a. 1) A
b. ) A
c. $) A
d. )) A
Correct Ans. ;c<
)7. 4hich of the following is a complete monomeric unit of -#A:
a. pentose sugar
b. phosphoric acid
c. nucleotide
d. adenine
Correct Ans. ;c<
+8. The formula of glyceraldehydes is:
a. C
b. C
c. C
d. C
Correct Ans. ;b<
+1. The number of Carbon in oleic acid is:
a. 1/
b. 13
c. 8
Correct Ans. ;b<
+. 6itamin A is a:
a. protein
b. wa"
c. terpenoid
d. carbohydrate
Correct Ans. ;c<
+$. 4hich of the following is not true of palmatic acid:
a. saturated
b. unsaturated
c. unbranched
d. 1/ carbons
Correct ans. ;b<
+). 4hich of these makes cellulose nondigestable:
a. a polymer of glucose subunits
b. a fibrous protein
c. the linkage between the glucose molecules
d. the peptide linkage
Correct Ans. ;c<
++. 4hich of these is not a lipid:
a. steroid
b. wa"
c. polysaccharide
d. terpenoids
Correct Ans. ;c<
+/. 4hich of the following is variable in an amino acid5
a. Amino group
b. Carbo"yl group
c. ,Hgroup
d. *ydrogen
Correct Ans. ;c<
+0. 4hich of the following is resistant to degradation 5
a. wa"
b. sucrose
c. starch
d. triglyceride
Correct Ans. ;a<
+3. (eta Carotene is:
a. phospholipids
b. terpenoid
c. polysaccharide
d. wa"
Correct Ans. ;b<
+7. 4hich of the following is a richer source of chemical energy5
a. glucose
b. glycogen
c. lipids
d. proteins
Correct Ans. ;c<
/8. Cholesterol is:
a. -iglyceride
b. Saturated fat
c. >nsaturated fat
d. Steroid
Correct Ans. ;d<
/1. The structure of a protein can be denatured by:
a. the polar bond of water molecule
b. heat
c. the presence of o"ygen gas
d. the presence of carbon dio"ide gas
Correct Ans. ;b<
C*A'TC, )
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. 4hich of these established that the units of inheritance are located on the
a. Sutton
b. 4aldeyer
c. 4atson and Crick
d. Strickberger
Correct Ans. ;a<
. 4hich of the following determines the shape of the chromosomes5
a. chromatids
b. chromatin material
c. shape of the centromeres
d. position of the centromere
Correct ans. ;d<
$. The morphology of the chromosome is best studied during
a. interphase
b. prophase
c. telophase
d. metaphase
Correct ans. ;d<
). Telocentric chromosomes have centromere located at
a. one end
b. both ends
c. center
d. one side
Correct Ans. ;a<
+. 4hich of these chromosomes have centromere located at one end5
a. acrocentric
b. Telocentric
c. %etacentric
d. Submetacentric
Correct ans. ;b<
/. 4hich of these chromosomes have a very short arm5
a. Telocentric
b. %etacentric
c. Acrocentric
d. Submetacentric
Correct Ans. ;c<
0. 4hich of the following chromosomes have arms of une&ual length5
a. Telocentric
b. %etacentric
c. Acrocentric
d. Submetacentric
Correct Ans. ;d<
3. 4hich of the following types of chromosomes have arms of e&ual length5
a. %etacentric
b. Submetacentric
c. Acrocentric
d. Telocentric
Correct Ans. ;a<
7. The total chromosome complement of a cell is called
a. 9aryosome
b. 9aryokinesis
c. 9aryogamy
d. 9aryotype
Correct Ans. ;d<
18. -#A and histones together form a structure called
a. Centromeres
b. #ucleosome
c. #ucleoplasm
d. Centriole
Correct Ans. ;b<
11. 4hich of the following number of molecules of various types of histones form
a. 3
b. 18
c. 1/
d. 8
Correct Ans. ;a<
1. 4hich of these studied mitosis in plant cells5
a. Strassburger
b. Flemming
c. Sutton
d. 4aldeyer
Correct Ans. ;a<
1$. 4hich of these studied mitosis in animal cells5
a. Strassburger
b. Flemming
c. Sutton
d. 4aldeyer
Correct Ans. ;b<
1). -uring mitosis the process of cytoplasmic division is called
a. Cytomeiosis
b. Cytoplasmosis
c. Cytokinesis
d. Cytomitosis
Correct Ans. ;c<
1+. -#A replication occurs in which phase of the cell cycle5
a. prophase
b. interphase
c. metaphase
d. Telophase
Correct Ans. ;b<
1/. 4hich of the following is part of mitosis in cells of seed plants5
a. Centrioles
b. Asters
c. Spindles
d. Cleavage furrows
Correct Ans. ;c<
10. !n plants1 meiosis occurs during the formation of:
a. gametes
b. seeds
c. spores
d. .ygote
Correct Ans. ;c<
13. The prophase ! of %eiosis completes in
a. Two stages
b. Three stages
c. Four stages
d. Five stages
Correct Ans. ;d<
17. The number of chromosomes in a fertili.ed egg is:
a. half as many as in unfertili.ed egg
b. the same as in sperm
c. twice the number as in a sperm
d. twice the number as in somatic cell
Correct Ans. ;d<
8. All the somatic cells of a diploid organism originate from a single cell called
a. gamete
b. autosome
c. spore
d. .ygote
Correct Ans. ;d<
1. !f at the end of meiosis1 each of the four daughter cells has four chromosomes1
how many chromosomes were in the mother cell5
b. )
c. 3
d. 1/
Correct ans. ;c<
. At what phase of meiosis are homologous chromosomes separated5
a. 'rophase !
b. Anaphase !
c. 'rophase !!
d. Anaphase !!
Correct Ans. ;b<
$. The process by which homologous chromosomes being to pair with each other is
a. chiasma
b. interkinesis
c. crossing over
d. synapsis
Correct Ans. ;d<
). The points at which crossing over has taken place between homologous
chromosomes are called
a. Chiasmata
b. Centromeres
c. Synapsis
d. Centrosomes
Correct Ans. ;a<
+. Crossing over occurs during
a. leptotene
b. .ygotene
c. pachytene
d. diplotene
Correct Ans. ;c<
/. -uring what phase of meiosis tetrads are form5
a. prophase !
b. prophase !!
c. metaphase !
d. metaphase !!
Correct Ans. ;a<
0. -uring what phase of meiosis the nuclear envelop breaks down5
a. prophase !
b. metaphase
c. anaphase !
d. telophase !
Correct Ans. ;b<
C*A'TC, +
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. 4hich of the following is caused by bacteria5
a. Tetanus
b. %easles
c. %alaria
d. ,ingworm
Correct Ans. ;a<
. Food can be preserved when p* of the medium is:
a. acidic
b. basic
c. neutral
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
$. They play a role in the making of dairy products:
a. 6iruses
b. (acteria
c. Algae
d. Plasmodium
Correct ans. ;b<
). 6iruses belong to the group:
a. 'rokaryotes
b. Cukaryotes
c. %onera
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
+. Common cold is caused by:
a. (acteria
b. 6iruses
c. Fungi
d. Plasmodium Correct Ans. ;b<
/. They fi" atmospheric #itrogen:
a. 6irus
b. Fungi
c. (acteria
d. (oth A B (
Correct Ans. ;c<
0. !n lytic life cycle bacterial cell:
a. Continues its normal life processes
b. (ursts and dies
c. Starts division
d. Forms endospore
Correct Ans. ;b<
3. Amino acids are present in the cell wall of:
a. (ryophytes
b. Fungi
c. (acteria
d. :ymnosperms
Correct ans. ;c<
7. !nside photosynthetic bacteria1 Chlorophyll is:
a. 2ocali.ed in Chloroplast
b. 'resent inside %itochondria
c. -ispersed in the cytoplasm
d. Absent
Correct Ans. ;c<
18. !n blueHgreen algae nitrogen fi"ation occurs in speciali.ed cells called:
a. *armogonia
b. Akinetes
c. *eterocysts
d. ?ygospores
Correct Ans. ;c<
11. >nder ideal condition a bacterial cell divides about every 8 minutes. !t takes 88
minutes to fill a culture tube. *ow much time will it take to fill a test tube of
double si.e.
a. )88 minutes
b. 8 minutes
c. )8 minutes
d. $88 minutes
Correct Ans. ;b<
1. A virus that can reproduce without killing its host is called:
a. lytic virus
b. retroactive virus
c. temprate virus
d. virion
Correct Ans. ;c<
1$. 4hen a bacteriophage1 in its lytic phase carries some of the bacteriumAs partially
digested chromosome with it to another host cell1 the process is called:
a. transformation
b. transduction
c. transportation
d. con=ugation
Correct Ans. ;b<
1). 4hich of the following is not true of organisms in the kingdom %onera 5
a. they reproduce by mitosis
b. no cellulose cell wall
c. no nuclear envelop
d. have prokaryotic cellular organi.ation
Correct Ans. ;a<
1+. Slimy capsule of bacteria is made by:
a. lipid
b. protein
c. polysaccharide
d. sucrose Correct ans. ;c<
1/. Avery and his colleagues confirmed that the transforming material is that:
a. ,#A
b. -#A
c. 'rotein
d. 2ipid
Correct Ans. ;b<
10. 4hich of these is found in viruses:
a. cell membrane
b. ribosome
c. nucleic acid
d. tail and head
Correct Ans. ;c<
13. 4hich of the following is a true statement:
a. viruses carry with them their own ribosome
b. new viral ribosomes form after viral -#A enters the cell
c. viruses use the host ribosomes for protein synthesis
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;c<
17. 4hich of the following is an e"ample of a viral disease:
a. Tuberculosis
b. A!-S
c. Anthra"
d. Tetanus
Correct Ans. ;b<
8. The elimination of bacteria from a medium is called:
a. inoculation
b. sterili.ation
c. staining
d. fermentation
Correct Ans. ;b<
1. (acteria survive unfavourable condition by:
a. endospore
b. fission
c. con=ugation
d. moving
Correct Ans. ;a<
. 4hich of the following is nonliving character of virus5
a. genetic recombination
b. mutation
c. reproduction
d. crystalli.ation
Correct Ans. ;d<
$. 4hich of the following is not a viral disease5
a. small po"
b. tetanus
c. mumps
d. measles
Correct Ans. ;b<
). 'olio virus is:
a. rodHshaped
b. tadpole shaped
c. spiral
d. spherical
Correct Ans. ;d<
+. 4hich of the following is a viral disease5
a. %alaria
b. Crown gall
c. %umps
d. 'neumonia
Correct Ans. ;c<
/. 4hich of the following character of living things is found in vrisues5
a. respiration
b. genetic recombination
c. photosynthesis
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
0. 4hich of the following is present in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes5
a. %itochondria
b. ,ibosome
c. Cndoplasmic reticulum
d. All of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
3. (acterial are haploid organisms because the number of chromosomes in their cells
b. )
c. 3
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
7. 4hich of the following is present in the cytoplasm of bacterial cell5
a. :lycogen
b. 'rotein
c. Fats
d. Starch
Correct Ans. ;d<
$8. Cell membrane of bacterial cell invaginates producing structure called:
a. 'olysome
b. Cndosome
c. %esosome
d. Centrosome
Correct Ans. ;c<
$1. The chlorophyll of photosynthetic bacterial is locali.ed in:
a. nucleus
b. chloroplast
c. mitochondria
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
$. For the preparation of food1 chemosynthetic bacteria use:
a. solar energy
b. chemical energy
c. nuclear energy
d. thermal energy
Correct Ans. ;b<
$$. Curing of tobacco involves:
a. Fungi
b. Algae
c. Cyanobacteria
d. (acteria
Correct Ans. ;d<
$). The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates by bacteria is called:
a. #itrification
b. #itrogen fi"ation
c. -enitrification
d. (acteria
Correct Ans. ;b<
$+. !n the retting of fla" and hempcellulose fibers are freed by bacteria which
a. cellulose
b. pectin
c. starch
d. glycogen
Correct Ans. ;b<
$/. !n blueHgreen algae photosynthesis takes place in:
a. Chloroplast
b. Chromoplast
c. C"tensive system of membranes located at the router edge
d. %itochondria
Correct Ans. ;c<
$0. 4hich of the following diseases of plants is caused by bacterial5
a. ,ust
b. Crowngall
c. Smut
d. 'owdery mildew
Correct Ans. ;b<
$3. 4hich of the following is cultivated in rice fields for the increase of soil fertility5
a. Anabaena
b. Chlamydomonas
c. Rhizobium
d. Rhizopus
Correct Ans. ;a<
$7. >nicellular blueHgreen algae reproduce by:
a. fragmentation
b. con=ugation
c. cell division
d. hormogonia
Correct Ans. ;c<
)8. 4hich of the following is enlarged resting cell with thickened walls1 large food
reserve and -#A5
a. trichome
b. hormogonium
c. ovum
d. akinete
Correct Ans. ;d<
)1. 4hich of the following is not true of Nostoc5
a. Autotroph
b. Filamentous
c. >nicellular
d. *eterocyst
Correct Ans. ;c<
). #utrients are returned to the environment by:
a. producers
b. decomposers
c. herbivores
d. carnovores
Correct Ans. ;b<
)$. 4hich of the following is caused by bacteria5
a. chicken po"
b. leprosy
c. ring worm
d. A!-S
Correct Ans. ;b<
C*A'TC, /
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. !n ma=ority of the Fungi the chief component of the cell wall is:
a. Cellulose
b. 2ignin
c. 'rotein
d. Chitin
Correct Ans. ;d<
. Cellulose is absent in the cell wall of most:
a. Fungi
b. Algae
c. 'teredophytes
d. (ryophytes
Correct Ans. ;a<
$. The hyphae of Rhizopus are :
a. #onHseptate
b. Septate
c. >ninucleate
d. #on of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
). Rhizopus is:
a. 'arasite
b. Sporophyte
c. Tracheophyte
d. Saprophyte
Correct Ans. ;d<
+. The spores of Rhizopus are:
a. %otile
b. #onHmotile
c. Flagellate
d. #aked Correct Ans. ;b<
/. 4hich of the following is used in cheese production:
a. Amanita
b. Rhizopus
c. Penecillium
d. Neurospora
Correct Ans. ;c<
0. Smut is caused by:
a. (acteria
b. 6irus
c. 'lasmodium
d. Fungi
Correct Ans. ;d<
3. 4hich of the following is a human disease caused by Fungi5
a. 'owdery mildew
b. ,ing worm
c. ,usts
d. -owny mildew
Correct Ans. ;b<
7. Ulva is:
a. >nicellular
b. Filamentous
c. Tubular
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
18. Se"ual reproduction in which small male gamete is motile while the large female
gamete is immotile is called:
a. !sogamy
b. Anisogamy
c. @ogamy
d. 9aryogamy
Correct Ans. ;d<
11. %ycorrhi.a is association of:
a. ,ootHfungus
b. StemHfungus
c. AlgaHfungus
d. (acteriaHfungus
Correct Ans. ;a<
1. %ycorrhi.al association is:
a. 'arasitic
b. Symbiotic
c. Saprophytic
d. Chlorophytic
Correct Ans. ;b<
1$. Sporophyte generation produces:
a. :ametes
b. ?ygote
c. Cmbryo
d. Spores
Correct Ans. ;d<
1). The chromosome number in the gametes of Ulva is:
a. -iploid
b. Triploid
c. Teraploid
d. %onoploid
Correct ans. ;d<
1+. The number of chromosomes in the cells of the Sporophyte plant body of Ulva is:
a. -iploid
b. Triploid
c. Teraploid
d. %onoploid
Correct Ans. ;a<
1/. Euglena is an animal because it lacks:
a. #ucleus
b. Chloroplast
c. Cell wall
d. Cell membrane
Correct Ans. ;c<
10. %ycelium is a term used for:
a. %ass of spores
b. %ass of sporangia
c. %ass of hyphae
d. ?oospores
Correct Ans. ;c<
13. ,ootHlike hyphae of Rhizopus are called:
a. Stolon
b. Sporangiophore
c. ,hi.oids
d. ,hi.ophores
Correct Ans. ;c<
17. 'yrenoid is involved in:
a. conversion of sugar into starch
b. Conversion of starch into sugar
c. Synthesis of protein
d. 'hotosynthesis
Correct Ans. ;a<
8. Stigeoclonium is:
a. Fresh water unicellular green alga
b. Fresh water multi cellular blueHgreen alga
c. Fresh water multi cellular green alga
d. %arine multi cellular green alga
Correct Ans. ;c<
1. %orels and truffles are:
a. 'oisonous
b. #onHedible
c. -elicious
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;c<
. !n Rhizopus food is stored in the form of:
a. starch
b. glucose
c. lipid
d. glycogen
Correct Ans. ;d<
$. Amanita is:
a. >seful
b. Cdible
c. 'oisonous
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;c<
). !n which of the following reproductive organs are not surrounded by sterile cells5
a. Thallophytes
b. (ryophytes
c. 'teriodophytes
d. Spermatophytes
Correct Ans. ;a<
+. 4hich of the following lack chlorophyll5
a. algae
b. mosses
c. liverworts
d. fungi
Correct Ans. ;d<
/. The saprophytes
a. live on living organic matter
b. prepare their own food
c. live on nonHliving organic matter
d. do not need food
Correct Ans. ;c<
0. 4hich of the following is not the ase"ual method of reproduction in fungi5
a. fragmentation
b. budding
c. spore formation
d. con=ugation
Correct Ans. ;d<
3. 4hich of the following is common method of ase"ual reproduction in yeasts5
a. budding
b. binary fission
c. multiple fission
d. spore formation
correct Ans. ;a<
7. 4hich of the following is included in se"ual reproduction5
a. meiosis
b. fusion of haploid nuclei
c. formation of .ygote
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
$8. The hyphae of Rhizopus are:
a. without nuclei
b. >ninucleate
c. (inucleate
d. %ultinucleate
Correct Ans. ;d<
$1. 4hich of the following constitute the body of Rhizopus?
a. Stolon
b. Sporangiophores
c. ,hi.oids
d. All of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
$. 4hich of the following anchor the Rhizopus and absorb nutrients5
a. Stolon
b. ,hi.oids
c. Sporangiophores
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
$$. 4hich of the following form a network over the surface of the food5
a. stolon
b. rhi.oids
c. Sporangiophores
d. All of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
$). The dome shaped structure formed in the sporangium of Rhizopus is called:
a. crown
b. corona
c. columella
d. calyptra
Correct Ans. ;c<
$+. Cach gametangium in Rhizopus contains:
a. @ne nucleus
b. Two nuclei
c. %any nuclei
d. #o nucleus
Correct Ans. ;c<
$/. 4hich of the following is adaptation of fungi for terrestrial mode of life5
a. production of .oospores
b. heterotrophic mode of nutrition
c. presence of cell wall
d. absence of flagellated spores
Correct Ans. ;d<
$0. 4hich of the following is not true of .ygospore of Rhizopus5
a. without a wall
b. has diploid nuclei
c. has a thick wall
d. resistant to unfavourable condition
Correct Ans. ;a<
$3. 4hich of the following has been used e"tensively in understanding the principles
of inheritance5
a. Rhizopus
b. Agaricus
c. Neurospora
d. Penecillium
Correct Ans. ;c<
$7. 4hich of the following is edible5
a. Amanita
b. %orels
c. Rhizopus
d. All of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
)8. 4hich of the following causes rusts in cereals5
a. Rhizopus
b. Penecillium
c. Puccinia
d. Neurospora
Correct Ans. ;c<
)1. 4hich of the following causes smut in wheat5
a. Phytophthora
b. Ustilago
c. Agaricus
d. Aspergillus
Correct Ans. ;b<
). 4hich of the following diseases is not caused by fungi5
a. potato blight
b. fireHblight
c. powdery mildew
d. downy mildew
Correct ans. ;b<
)$. Athletes foot disease in man caused by:
a. Epidermophyton
b. Penecillium
c. Rhizopus
d. Agaricus
Correct Ans. ;a<
)). 4hich of the following is useful activity of fungi5
a. decomposition of food
b. causing diseases
c. recycling nutrient by decomposing organic compounds
d. destroying of timbers
Correct Ans. ;c<
)+. 4hich of the following is not present in Chlamydomonas5
a. cupHshaped chloroplast
b. eye spot
c. nucleus
d. central vacuole
Correct Ans. ;d<
)/. 4hich of the following is the method of ase"ual reproduction in
a. budding
b. fragmentation
c. Akinetes formation
d. ?oospore formation
Correct Ans. ;d<
)0. %eiosis in Stigeoclonium occurs:
a. before gamete formation
b. after gamete formation
c. in the .ygote
d. during .oospore formation
Correct Ans. ;c<
)3. 4hich of the following genera e"hibits an alternation of generations1 with haploid
and diploid multicellular phase5
a. Chlamydomonas
b. Stigeoclonium
c. Ulva
d. Euglena
Correct Ans. ;c<
)7. !n which of the following multicellular haploid phase alternates with unicellular
diploid phase5
a. Chlamydomonas
b. Stigeoclonium
c. Ulva
d. Euglena Correct Ans. ;c<
+8. 4hich of the following statement is true of Fungi !mperfecti5
a. produce gametes
b. reproduce se"ually
c. have se"ual phase
d. lack se"ual phase
Correct Ans. ;d<
+1. ?ygotes of species in the group Thallophyta
a. do not develop into embryo with in the parent plant
b. are flagellated
c. have triploid nuclei
d. form from the union of diploid cells
Correct Ans. ;a<
+. 4here there is alternation of generation1 the diploid multicellular plant is called:
a. gametophyte
b. saprophyte
c. Sporophyte
d. 'arasite
Correct Ans. ;c<
+$. 4hich of the following is mismatched5
a. Rhizopus heterotrophic
b. 'ink bread mold DDDDDD 'enecillium
c. Stigeoclonium heterotrichous
d. Ulva marine
Correct Ans. ;b<
+). 4hich of the following is the characteristic of all fungi5
a. autotrophic
b. parasitic
c. saprophytic
d. heterotrophic
Correct Ans. ;d<
++. The fusion of two motile dissimilar gametes is called:
a. !sogamy
b. Anisogamy
c. @ogamy
d. somatogamy
Correct Ans. ;b<
+/. ?ygospores are generally absent in a culture of Rhizopus hyphae developed from
a single spore due to:
a. deficiency of nutrients
b. e"cess of nutrients
c. presence of plus and minus strains
d. absence of plus and minus strains
Correct Ans. ;d<
C*A'TC, 0
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. They retain .ygote after fertili.ation in the female reproductive organ which
develops into an embryo:
a. Algae
b. Fungi
c. Cyanobacteria
d. (ryophytes
Correct Ans. ;d<
. !t is much more uniform habitat and better supplied with nutrients:
a. 2and
b. Air
c. 4ater
d. !ce
Correct Ans. ;c<
$. The reproductive organs of moss plants are located on the:
a. Side of stem
b. (ase of stem
c. Tip of stem
d. A"il of leaves
Correct Ans. ;c<
). The dominant generation in (ryophytes is:
a. Sporophyte
b. :ametophyte
c. Saprophyte
d. Tracheophyte
Correct Ans. ;b<
+. Antheridium produces:
a. Cggs
b. Sperms
c. Spores
d. ?ygotes
Correct Ans. ;b<
/. The se" organs of moss plant are:
a. >nicellular
b. (icellular
c. Tricellular
d. %ulticellular
Correct Ans. ;d<
0. The large nonmotile egg formed in heterogamy is full of:
a. stored food
b. water
c. air
d. waste matter
Correct Ans. ;a<
3. Cmbryos are present in all:
a. (ryophytes
b. 6ascular plants
c. Algae
d. (oth A B (
Correct Ans. ;d<
7. The .ygote in moss plant divides and produces:
a. Sperms
b. Cggs
c. Cmbryo
d. Spores
Correct ans. ;c<
18. !n moss plant1 spore on germination develops into:
a. Sporophyte
b. :ametophyte
c. 2iverworts
d. 'teredophytes
Correct Ans. ;b<
11. !n %oss plant:
a. :ametophyte is dependent on Sporophyte
b. Sporophyte is dependent on gametophyte
c. (oth are independent from each other
d. (oth are dependent on each other for food
Correct Ans. ;b<
1. Alternation of generation:
a. !ncreases the chances of survival
b. -ecreases the chances of survival
c. -oes not affect survival
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
1$. %eiosis ;reduction division< in moss plant occurs:
a. (efore gametes formation
b. (efore spore formation
c. After spore formation
d. After gametes formation
Correct ans. ;b<
1). 4hich of the following have unicellular reproductive organs5
a. mosses
b. algae
c. liverworts
d. 'teredophytes
Correct Ans. ;b<
1+. 4hich of the following characteristics are adopted by organisms for life on land5
a. multicellular plant body
b. heterogamy
c. formation of embryos
d. all of these
Correct ans. ;d<
1/. 4hich of the following is an e"ample of liverworts5
a. !unaria
b. "archantia
c. Ulva
d. Penecillium
Correct Ans. ;b<
10. The diffusion of o"ygen and carbon dio"ide in bryophytes take place through the:
a. epidermal cells
b. stomata
c. pores in the epidermis
d. cuticle
Correct Ans. ;c<
13. The female se" organs in moss plant are called:
a. archegonia
b. antheridia
c. sporangia
d. oogonia
Correct Ans. ;a<
17. 4hich of the following are produced in archegonia5
a. sperms
b. eggs
c. ovules
d. spores
Correct Ans. ;b<
8. 4hich of the following produces embryo with in the parent plant5
a. Rhizopus
b. Ulva
c. !unaria
d. Stigeoclonium
Correct Ans. ;c<
1. The alternation of generation in moss plant is:
a. isomorphic
b. heterosporic
c. isogamic
d. heteromorphic
Correct Ans. ;d<
. The gametophyte of a moss plant is:
a. %onoploid
b. -iploid
c. Triploid
d. 'olyploidy
Correct Ans. ;a<
$. 4hich of the following is mismatched in bryophytes5
a. archegonia DDDDD eggs
b. Antheridia DDDDD spores
c. (ryophytes DDD non DDvascular plants
d. :ametophyte DDDD dominant
Correct Ans. ;b<
). A moss sperm moves by means of:
a. pseudopodia
b. one flagellum
c. two flagella
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;c<
+. The bryophyte sperm attracted to the egg by:
a. moving currents of water
b. chemical secretions
c. opposite electric charges
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
/. Cmbryonic development of the bryophyte .ygote takes places in the:
a. protonema
b. sporogonium
c. Antheridium
d. archegonium
Correct Ans. ;d<
C*A'TC, 3
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. They are nonHvascular plants:
a. *osrsetails
b. Conifers
c. Club mosses
d. 2iverworts
Correct Ans. ;d<
. They are water conducting cells of "ylem tissue:
a. parenchyma
b. sclera chyma
c. trachieds
d. sieve tubes
Correct Ans. ;c<
$. !t is dominant generation in tracheophytes:
a. :ametophyte
b. Saprophyte
c. Sporophyte
d. Thallophyte
Correct Ans. ;c<
). !t is the oldest vascular plants:
a. Psilotum
b. Selaginella
c. #ycopodium
d. E$uisetum
Correct Ans. ;a<
+. !t is a fossil vascular plant:
a. Rhynia
b. Psilotum
c. Pinus
d. #ycopodium Correct Ans. ;a<
/. The branches of primitive vascular plants are:
a. >Hshaped
b. 6Hshaped
c. IHshaped
d. 4Hshaped
Correct Ans. ;c<
0. Jylem in the stem of primitive vascular plants is:
a. absent
b. e"ternal to phloem
c. none of these
Correct Ans. ;C<
3. The number of veins in %egaphyllous leaf is:
a. @ne
b. Two
c. Three
d. %any
Correct Ans. ;d<
7. The first step in the evolution of %egaphyllous leaf is called:
a. 4ebbing
b. Formation of out growth
c. 'lanation
d. 'lantation
Correct Ans. ;c<
18. !n Selaginella% roots are produced from leafless branches called:
a. ,hi.oids
b. ,hi.omorph
c. ,hi.ophores
d. Sporophore
Correct Ans. ;c<
11. The stem of Selaginella does not contain:
a. "ylem
b. 'hloem
c. Cambium
d. Cpidermis
Correct Ans. ;c<
1. %ale gametophyte develops from:
a. Archegonium
b. Antheridium
c. %egaspore
d. %icrospore
Correct Ans. ;d<
1$. The embryo of Selaginella develops into:
a. :ametophyte
b. Thallophyte
c. Saprophyte
d. Sporophyte
Correct Ans. ;d<
1). 'roduction of two types of spores is called:
a. %icrospory
b. %egaspory
c. *omospory
d. *eterospory
Correct Ans. ;d<
1+. All seed plants are:
a. *omosporous
b. !sogamous
c. *eterosporous
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;c<
1/. %egaspore develops into:
a. %ale gametophyte
b. Female gametophyte
c. %ale Sporophyte
d. Female Sporophyte
Correct Ans. ;b<
10. 'ollen tube is re&uired for the production of:
a. Cmbryo
b. Spore
c. ?ygote
d. Seed
Correct Ans. ;d<
13. !ntegumented mega sporangium in which megaspore is retained is called:
a. @vule
b. Seed
c. Cmbryo
d. 'ollen tube
Correct Ans. ;a<
17. !n Selaginella the embryo develops into:
a. ,oot1 stem1 leaves and cotyledons
b. ,oot1 stem1 leaves and flowers
c. ,oot1 stem1 leaves and seeds
d. ,oot1 stem1 leaves and fruits
Correct Ans. ;a<
8. 'rimitive vascular paints had sporangia at:
a. A"ils of leaves
b. (ases of branches
c. Tips of branches
d. (oth A B (
Correct Ans. ;c<
1. 4hich one of the following is necessary for the development of seed5
a. introduction of *eterospory
b. retention of the megaspore within mega sporangium
c. development of pollen tube
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
. 4hich of the following are nonHvascular plants5
a. club mosses
b. ferns
c. mosses
d. conifers
Correct Ans. ;c<
$. !n tracheophyte the Sporophyte generation is
a. dependent
b. dominant
c. without leaves
d. without roots
Correct Ans. ;b<
). 4hich of the following is not the character of gametophyts in tracheophyte5
a. large
b. reduced
c. short lived
d. small
Correct Ans. ;a<
+. 4hich of the following do not produce seeds5
a. ferns
b. club mosses
c. horse tails
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
/. The 'teredophytes are also called lower vascular plants because they:
a. contain cambium
b. do not produce seeds
c. produce flowers
d. non of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
0. 4hich of the following do not have true leaves5
a. Psilotum
b. Selaginella
c. E$uisetum
d. #ycopodium
Correct Ans. ;d<
3. The oldest known vascular plants were widespread about
a. $88 million year ago
b. )88 million years ago
c. +88 million year ago
d. /88 million year ago
Correct Ans. ;a<
7. !n which of the following only the stem performs the function of photosynthesis5
a. Psilotum
b. Selaginella
c. #ycopodium
d. E$uisetum
Correct Ans. ;a<
$8. 4hich of the following number of rows of leaves are present on the stem of
a. two
b. four
c. five
d. si"
correct Ans. ;b<
$1. 4hich of the following is not the part of Selaginella plant5
a. Stem
b. ,oot
c. Seed
d. 2eaves
Correct Ans. ;c<
$. ,eproductive leaves produced at the ends of upright branches in Selaginella are
a. sporophylls
b. sporangia
c. sporocarps
d. spermatia
Correct Ans. ;a<
$$. !n Selaginella% sporangia are produced:
a. at the lower margins of leaves
b. on the lower surface of leaves
c. in the a"ils of sporophyll
d. on the upper surface of sporophylls
Correct Ans. ;c<
$). %egaspores are produced inside
a. microsporangia
b. megasporangia
c. archegonia
d. antheridia
Correct Ans. ;b<
$+. %eiosis in Selaginella occurs
a. before .ygote germination
b. before gametes formation
c. before spores formation
d. after spore formation
correct Ans. ;c<
$/. !n Selaginella sperms are transported to the egg through
a. insects
b. water
c. pollen tube
d. air
correct Ans. ;b<
$0. 4hich of the following are trends towards seed habit e"hibited by Selaginella?
a. *eterospory
b. 'resence of pollen tube
c. #onHflagellated sperms
d. -ependency on water for fertili.ation
Correct Ans. ;a<
$3. !n which of the following sporangium is enveloped in a leaf5
a. E$uisetum
b. Psilotum
c. Selaginella
d. #ycopodium
Correct Ans. ;d<
$7. The sporangia of horsetail ;E$uisetum& cones are produced
a. in the a"ils of leaves
b. on the tip of branches
c. on little branches
d. enveloped in leaf
Correct Ans. ;c<
)8. !n which of the following sporangia are not properly protected5
a. Pines
b. Psilotum
c. Selaginella
d. #ycopodium
Correct Ans. ;b<
)1. 4hich of the following is not the character of seed plants5
a. *eterospory
b. 'resence of pollen tube
c. -ependency on water for fertili.ation
d. -evelopment of seed
Correct Ans. ;c<
). 4hich of the following are the characteristics of the ovule5
a. presence of integument
b. retention of megaspore
c. maturation into seed
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
)$. 4hich of the following helped the seed plants to adapt to a wide variety of
a. *eterospory
b. 'resence of roots
c. #o dependency on e"ternal water for fertili.ation
d. 'roduction of leaves
Correct Ans. ;c<
)). Sperms are transported to the egg in seed plants through5
a. water
b. pollen tube
c. insects
d. air
Correct Ans. ;b<
)+. A plant in the division Tracheophyta has a Sporophyte with
a. isogametes
b. flagellated and motile eggs
c. vessels that transport fluids
d. no independent life
correct Ans. ;c<
)/. !n Selaginella% of the two cells formed by the first division of .ygote1 only one
develops into an embryo while the other grows into an elongated structure called.
a. rhi.ophore
b. radical
c. suspensor
d. prothallus
Correct Ans. ;c<
C*A'TC, 7
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. 4hich of the following belongs to :ymnosperm group:
a. Cedrus
b. 4heat
c. Sugar cane
d. Tobacco
Correct Ans. ;a<
. The leaves produced by the Pinus plant are:
a. @ne type
b. Two types
c. Three types
d. Four types
Correct Ans. ;b<
$. Pinus produces:
a. Cones
b. Fruits
c. Flowers
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
). The numb of microsporangia in each sporophyll of male cone of Pinus is:
a. @ne
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
Correct Ans. ;b<
+. %egaspore divides by mitosis and forms:
a. %ale gametophyte
b. %ale Sporophyte
c. Female gametophyte
d. Female Sporophyte Correct Ans. ;c<
/. The seed of Pinus germinates and forms new:
a. Sporophyte
b. %icro gametophyte
c. Thallophyte
d. %ega gametophyte
Correct Ans. ;a<
0. The endosperm in Angiosperm is:
a. %onoploid
b. Triploid
c. -iploid
d. Teraploid
Correct Ans. ;b<
3. The Cndosperm in :ymnosperms is:
a. Triploid
b. -iploid
c. %onoploid
d. Tetraploid
Correct Ans. ;c<
7. Antheridia are produced by:
a. 'ine
b. 'ea
c. %ustard
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
18. They lack secondary growth:
a. :ymnosperms
b. Angiosperms
c. 'teredophytes
d. (oth A B (
Correct Ans. ;c<
11. 4hich of the following produce flowers5
a. (ryophytes
b. 'terdophytes
c. :ymnosperms
d. Angiosperms
Correct Ans. ;d<
1. 4hen caly" and corolla are not distinguishable1 they are collectively called:
a. 'anicle
b. 'edicel
c. 'rotoplast
d. 'erianth
Correct Ans. ;d<
1$. !t is a racemose inflorescence in which the main a"is is elongated and the flowers
are sessile:
a. Corymb
b. >mbel
c. Capitulum
d. Spike
Correct Ans. ;d<
1). !n Cassia 'istula the inflorescence is:
a. Typical raceme
b. Typical cyme
c. >mbel
d. Catkin
Correct Ans. ;a<
1+. A branched raceme is called:
a. 'anicle
b. Capitulum
c. >mbel
d. Corymb
Correct Ans. ;a<
1/. !n which of the following1 flowers are sessile and crowded together on a short
a. >mbel
b. Corymb
c. 'anicle
d. Capitulum
Correct Ans. ;d<
10. (beris ;Candytuft< is an e"ample of:
a. Spike
b. Catkin
c. Corymb
d. Cyme
Correct Ans. ;c<
13. !n Euphorbia% the inflorescence is:
a. >niparous
b. (iparous
c. %ultiparous
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;c<
17. !n wind pollinated flowers the petals are:
a. 2arge
b. Coloured
c. Scented
d. Small and dry
Correct Ans. ;d<
8. )riticum aestivum belongs to the family:
a. Solanaceae
b. 'oaceae ;:raminae<
c. (rassicaceae
d. 2eguminosae
Correct Ans. ;b<
1. Female gametophyte of an angiosperm consists of:
a. $ cells
b. + cells
c. 0 cells
d. 7 cells
Correct Ans. ;c<
. The male gametophyte of an angiosperm consists of:
a. one cell
b. cells
c. $ cells
d. ) cells
Correct Ans. ;c<
$. Cndosperm mother cell is:
a. %onoploid
b. -iploid
c. Triploid
d. Tetraploid
Correct Ans. ;b<
). Their cotyledons absorb the endosperm tissue and are greatly enlarged:
a. Castor oil
b. ,ice
c. Corn
d. (ean
Correct Ans. ;d<
+. The protective covering ;integument< of the ovule is transformed into:
a. Cmbryo
b. Cotyledon
c. *ypocotyl
d. Seed coat ;testa<
Correct Ans. ;d<
/. 4hich of the following produces winged fruits 5
a. :uavas
b. Coc*lebur
c. +odonaea
d. Coconut
Correct Ans. ;c<
0. !t is an underground stem that is short1 thickened1 and fleshy containing food
a. ,hi.ome
b. Tuber
c. Corm
d. (ulb
Correct Ans. ;c<
7. 4hich of the following type of stem is found in iris:
a. ,hi.ome
b. Tuber
c. Corm
d. (ulb
Correct Ans. ;a<
$8. 'otato is an e"ample of
a. ,hi.ome
b. Tuber
c. Corm
d. (ulb
Correct Ans. ;b<
$1. @rganisms in this kingdom are made of prokaryotic cells:
a. 'rotista
b. 'lantae
c. Fungi
d. %onera
Correct Ans. ;d<
$. @vary is obli&ue in:
a. (rassicaceae ;Cruciferae<
b. Solanaceae
c. 2eguminosae
d. :raminae
Correct Ans. ;b<
$$. Raphanus sativus is the botanical name of:
a. Turnip
b. Tomato
c. ,adich
d. %ustard
Correct Ans. ;c<
$). Their roots contain nitrogen fi"ing bacteria:
a. Tomato
b. 'otato
c. 2egumes
d. %ai.e
Correct Ans. ;c<
$+. The sporangia of conifers are located on the
a. tips of needles
b. scales of the cones
c. bases of the needles
d. a"ils of the branches
Correct Ans. ;b<
$/. The microspore of conifers divides by mitosis to produce a
a. multicellular embryo
b. male Sporophyte
c. male gametophyte
d. female gametophyte
Correct Ans. ;c<
$0. The plant body of a Pinus is
a. gametophyte
b. saprophyte
c. Sporophyte
d. 'arasite
Correct Ans. ;c<
$3. !n Pinus plant megaspore
a. is released from the asporangium before germination
b. is never released from the mega sporangium
c. is released from the mega sporangium after germination
d. develops into male gametophyte
Correct Ans. ;b<
$7. !n how much time the process of seed formation is completed in 'inus5
a. one year
b. two years
c. three years
d. four years
Correct Ans. ;c<
)8. 4hich of the following is not shared by both the 'teridophytes and
a. presence of vascular tissues
b. presence of archegonia
c. presence of antheridia
d. dominant Sporophyte generation
Correct Ans. ;c<
)1. 4hich of the following characters are shared by both the :ymnosperms and
a. *eterospory
b. Seed production
c. 'ollen tube formation
d. All of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
). 4hich of the following characters is not shared by both the :ymnosperms and
a. presence of vessels
b. pollen tube
c. seed production
d. *eterospory
Correct Ans. ;a<
)$. 4hich of these is not the characteristic of an Angiosperm5
a. enclosed seed
b. presence of archegonia
c. double fertili.ation
d. triploid endosperm
Correct Ans. ;b<
)). 4hich of the following is an e"ample of spike5
a. ,rassica
b. Achyranthus
c. (beris
d. Cassia
Correct Ans. ;b<
)+. 4hich of the following is an e"ample of (iparous cyme5
a. Silene
b. )radescantia
c. ,egonia
d. Euphorbia
Correct Ans. ;a<
)/. !n which of the following endosperm is involved in the process of fertili.ation5
a. :ymnosperms
b. 'teredophytes
c. Angiosperms
d. Algae
Correct Ans. ;c<
)0. 4hich of the following is part of an embryo5
a. hypocotyls
b. radical
c. epicotyl
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
)3. 4hich of the following is not part of an embryo5
a. cotyledon
b. endosperm
c. plumule
d. epicotyl
Correct Ans. ;b<
)7. !n which of the following the endosperm tissue continues to grows as the ovule
matures into a seed5
a. corn
b. bean
c. pea
d. gram
Correct Ans. ;a<
+8. 4hich of the following is not the feature of flowers pollinated by wind5
a. small petals
b. abundance of pollen grains
c. production of nectar
d. large feathery structure of the tip of pistils
Correct Ans. ;c<
+1. 4hich of the following is the character of insect pollinated flowers5
a. large petals
b. coloured petals
c. production of nectar
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
+. !n the life cycle of angiosperms meiosis occurs
a. during seed formation
b. before seed formation
c. after spore formation
d. during gametes formation
Correct Ans. ;b<
+$. 4hich of the following is not the part of Sporophyte of an angiosperm5
a. sperm
b. roots
c. leaves
d. stem
Correct Ans. ;a<
+). The corn grain is aKan
a. seed
b. embryo
c. spore
d. fruit with a single seed
Correct Ans. ;d<
++. The number of cotyledons present in bean seed is:
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
Correct Ans. ;b<
+/. 4hich of the following is the number of cotyledons in corn seed5
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
Correct Ans. ;a<
+0. The fruits of which of the following are provided with hooks5
a. +odonaea
b. Cocklebur
c. Coconut
d. :rapes
Correct Ans. ;b<
+3. 4hich of the following generally possesses only primary wood5
a. %onocotyledons
b. :ymnosperms
c. -icotyledons
d. All of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
+7. 4hich of the following fruits are parthenocarpic5
a. apples
b. oranges
c. mangoes
d. bananas
Correct Ans. ;d<
/8. !n which of the following the thalamus forms the edible part of the fruit5
a. pea
b. apple
c. grapes
d. mango
Correct Ans. ;b<
/1. The chief characteristic of the succulents is that the bulk of the plant body is
composed of
a. food storage cells
b. water storage cells
c. reproductive cells
d. dead cells
Correct Ans. ;b<
/. 4hich of the following is reduced if the leaves are succulents in the succulent
a. stem
b. roots
c. flowers
d. fruits
Correct Ans. ;a<
/$. 4hich of the following is not the characteristic of the succulents5
a. well developed cuticle
b. low rate of transpiration
c. volume of the shoot is less in proportion to the surface e"posed
d. volume of the shoot is great in proportion to the surface e"posed
Correct Ans. ;d<
/). 4hich of the following has stored food in the form of sugars5
a. stem tuber
b. bulb
c. corm
d. rhi.ome
Correct Ans. ;b<
/+. 4hich of the following established rules for binomial nomenclature5
a. *.C. :ram
b. C. 2innaeus
c. ,. 4hittaker
d. Stanley
Correct Ans. ;b<
//. 4hich of the following established five kingdom system of the living organisms5
a. Stanley
b. C. 2innaeus
c. 2ederberg
d. ,. 4hittaker
Correct Ans. ;d<
/0. 4hich of the following is not the characteristic of :ymnosperm5
a. stem
b. root
c. flower
d. leaf
Correct Ans. ;c<
/3. 4hich of these is an e"ample of uniparous cyme5
a. Euphorbia
b. )radescantia
c. (pomoea
d. Achyranthes
Correct Ans. ;b<
/7. 4hich of the following is the appro"imate number of species in the family
(rassicaceae ;Cruciferae<5
a. 888
b. $888
c. )888
d. +888
Correct Ans. ;b<
08. Sisymbrium irio belongs to the family
a. Solanaceae
b. Fabaceae
c. (rassicaceae ;Cruciferae<
d. 'oaceae
Correct Ans. ;c<
01. 4hich of the following belongs to the family Solanaceae5
a. Cicer arietinum
b. (beris amara
c. -ea mays
d. Capsicum annum
Correct Ans. ;d<
0. !n which of the following families :ynoecium consists of only one pistil5
a. 2eguminosae ;Fabaceae<
b. Solanaceae
c. (rassicaceae
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
0$. 4hich of the following are adapted to survival under conditions of a limit supply
of water5
a. (ryophytes
b. *ydrophytes
c. Jerophytes
d. %esophytes
Correct Ans. ;c<
0). 4hich of the following has hollow stem between the nodes5
a. 'oaceae ;:raminae<
b. Solanaceae
c. 2eguminosae
d. All of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
0+. !n which of the following flowers are produced in dense spikes5
a. Solanaceae
b. 2eguminosae
c. (rassicaceae
d. :raminae
Correct Ans. ;d<
0/. 4hich of these is mismatched5
a. pollen grain DDDDDDD male gametophyte
b. sunflower DDDDDDDD umbel
c. :ymnosperm DDDDDDDDD cones
d. 'otato DDDDDDD stem tuber
Correct Ans. ;b<
00. 4hich of these is found in seed plants5
a. comple" vascular system
b. pollen grain to replace swimming sperm
c. retention of the megaspore with in the mega sporangium
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
03. 4hich of these is mismatched5
a. anthers DDDDDDD produces microsporangia
b. pistil DDDDDD produces pollen
c. ovule DDDDDD becomes seed
d. ovary DDDDD becomes fruit
Correct Ans. ;b<
07. 4hich of the following is monocot family5
a. Cruciferae
b. Solanaceae
c. 2eguminosae
d. :raminae
Correct Ans. ;d<
38. 4hich of the following are seedless vascular plants5
a. mosses
b. horsetails
c. liverworts
d. legumes
Correct Ans. ;b<
31. All embryophytes have life cycle with
a. seeds
b. flowers
c. fruits
d. alternation of generation
Correct Ans. ;d<
3. 4hich of the following contains stored food for the germination of embryo5
a. stigma
b. endosperm
c. pollen grain
d. root
Correct Ans. ;b<
3$. !n which of the following food is not stored in the endosperm of the seed5
a. corn
b. castor oil
c. bean
d. wheat
Correct Ans. ;c<
3). 4hich of the following stores food in the cotyledon of the seed5
a. corn
b. wheat
c. castor oil
d. bean
Correct Ans. ;d<
3+. 4hich of these does not develop from the .ygote of an angiosperm5
a. endosperm
b. cotyledon
c. radical
d. plumule
Correct Ans. ;a<
3/. 4hich of these remain underground during hypogeal mode of germination5
a. plumule
b. cotyledon
c. epicotyl
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
30. 'hylogeny describes a species
a. reproductive compatibilities with other species
b. evolutionary history
c. morphological similarities with other species
d. geographic distribution
Correct Ans. ;d<
33. @f all the ta"a1 the only one that e"ists in nature as a biologically cohesive unit is
a. species
b. genus
c. order
d. kingdom
Correct Ans. ;a<
37. The part of the embryo between the point of attachment of cotyledons and the
radicle is called the:
a. hypocotyls
b. epicotyl
c. suspensor
d. plumule
Correct Ans. ;a<
78. The part of the a"is of embryo above the attachment of cotyledon is called the
a. plumule
b. epicotyl
c. radicle
d. hypocotyl
Correct Ans. ;b<
71. !n the seeds of leguminous plants1 food is stored in the
a. endosperm
b. testa
c. taegmen
d. cotyledons
Correct Ans. ;d<
C*A'TC, 18
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. 4hich of the following is the ase"ual method of reproduction in 'roto.oa5
a. !sogamy
b. AnHisogamy
c. @ogamy
d. (udding
Correct Ans. ;d<
. 4hich of the following se"ual method of reproduction is absent in 'roto.oa5
a. @ogamy
b. !sogamy
c. Anisogamy
d. Con=ugation
Correct Ans. ;a<
$. 4hich of these is shelled proto.oan5
a. Plasmodium
b. Paramecium
c. di''lugia
d. Amoeba
Correct Ans. ;c<
). 4hich of these is not the characteristic of 'roifera5
a. a&uatic habitat
b. pores
c. %ulticellular
d. 'resence of organs
Correct Ans. ;d<
+. %embers of the porifera reproduce se"ually by
a. @ogamy
b. !sogamy
c. AsHisogamy
d. Somatogamy Correct Ans. ;a<
/. 4hich of these is a fresh water sponge5
a. Sycon
b. #eucosolenia
c. Spongilla
d. Euplectella
Correct Ans. ;c<
0. Coelenterates are:
a. predominantly freshwater
b. predominantly marine
c. predominantly terrestrial
d. terrestrial and freshwater
Correct Ans. ;b<
3. 4hich of these is not the character of Coelenterates5
a. primitive plan of organi.ation
b. no left and right sides of the body
c. radical symmetry
d. bilaterial symmetry
Correct Ans. ;d<
7. The sacHlike internal digestive cavity of coelenterates is called:
a. enteron
b. nematocytes
c. e"eron
d. stomach
Correct Ans. ;a<
18. 4hich of these is the characteristic of coelenterates5
a. digestive cavity with a single aperture
b. presence of nematocytes
c. presence of tentacles
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
11. The units of the colonies of coelenterates is called:
a. .oospores
b. .ooids
c. cysts
d. akinetes
Correct Ans. ;b<
1. 4hich of the following is polymorphism in coelenterates5
a. production of one type of .ooids
b. production of two types of .ooids
c. production of may types of .ooids
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;c<
1$. 4hich of these are se"ually reproductive .ooids5
a. medusae
b. hydroids
c. nematocytes
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
1). 4hich of the following produce hard e"oskeletion5
a. =elly fish
b. *ydra
c. @belia
d. Corals
Correct Ans. ;d<
1+. 4hich of these develops from the endoderm5
a. nervous system
b. lining of the gut
c. reproductive system
d. skeleton
Correct Ans. ;b<
1/. 4hich of these develops from the mesoderm5
a. circulatory system
b. integumentary system
c. nervous system
d. digestive system
Correct Ans. ;a<
10. @rganisms possessing true body cavity are called:
a. acoelomata
b. coelomata
c. monoblastic
d. diplobalstic
Correct Ans. ;b<
13. 4hich of these are acoelomatic triploblastic animals5
a. corals
b. porifera
c. platyhelminthes
d. proto.oans
Correct Ans. ;c<
17. 4hich of the following character is e"hibited by platyhelminthes5
a. eggs without yolk
b. simple reproductive system
c. all are parasites
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
8. 4hich of these belong to platyhelminthes5
a. Ascaris
b. Fasciola
c. Trichinella
d. *ydra
Correct Ans. ;b<
1. Trichinella belongs to:
a. proto.oa
b. platyhelminthes
c. nematode
d. coelenterate
Correct Ans. ;c<
. 4hich of the following has a body cavity called pseudocoelom5
a. platyhelminthes
b. coelenterate
c. proto.oa
d. nematode
Correct Ans. ;d<
$. 4hich of the following is parasite in the intestine man5
a. Fasciola
b. 'lasmodium
c. Taenia
d. 'lanaria
Correct Ans. ;c<
). 4hich of these belong to the phylum nematoda5
a. planaria
b. dracunculus
c. corals
d. planaria
Correct Ans. ;b<
+. 4hich of the following causes sleeping sickness5
a. vorticella
b. Ascaris
c. Trypanosome
d. Taenia
Correct Ans. ;c<
/. 4hich of the following has segmented body5
a. coelenterate
b. proto.oa
c. platyhelminthes
d. annelida
Correct Ans. ;d<
0. 4hich of these is not true of Annelida5
a. 'resence of cuticle around the body
b. Segmented body
c. 2ack of blood vascular system
d. 'resence of true body cavity
Correct Ans. ;c<
3. 4hich of these possesses true body cavity ;coelom<5
a. Annelia
b. #ematoda
c. 'latyhelminthes
d. Coelenterata
Correct Ans. ;a<
7. 4hich of these is an e"ample of Annelida5
a. Ascaris
b. Chaetopteris
c. Trichinella
d. Taenia
Correct Ans. ;c<
$8. @f all the animal species in the animal kingdom the number of arthropod species
constitutes almost:
a. 0+F
b. +8F
c. +F
d. 18F
Correct Ans. ;a<
$1. The number of pairs of legs in insects are:
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
Correct Ans. ;c<
$. %ollusks are:
a. presence of envelop around the body
b. highly organi.ed body with comple" systems
c. segmented body
d. bilaterally symmetrical body
Correct Ans. ;c<
$$. 4hich of these is the habitat of mollusca5
a. freshwater
b. marine
c. mountains
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
$). Coiled shell is present in
a. bivalves
b. gastropods
c. cephalopods
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
$+. 4hich of the following are e"clusively marine5
a. %ollusca
b. Annelida
c. #ematoda
d. Cchinodermata
Correct Ans. ;d<
$/. 4hich of these is not true of Cchinodermata5
a. coelomata
b. bilaterally symmetrical
c. absence of brain
d. absence of head
Correct Ans. ;b<
$0. 4hich of the following proto.oans lives in the gust termites and helps them digest
a. 'lasmodium
b. Amoeba
c. Trichonympha
d. Trypanosome
Correct Ans. ;c<
$3. %ost sponges are
a. bilaterally symmetrical
b. radially symmetrical
c. vertically symmetrical
d. asymmetrical
Correct Ans. ;d<
$7. 4ater e"its from a sponge through the
a. spicule
b. osculum
c. choanocyte
d. choanocyte
Correct Ans. ;b<
)8. 4hich of the following is a radially symmetrical animal5
a. 'lanaria
b. ,otifer
c. Fluke
d. Sea anemone
Correct Ans. ;d<
)1. The body cavity of roundworms is called
a. acoelom
b. pseudoHacoelom
c. pseudo coelom
d. coelom
Correct Ans. ;c<
C*A'TC, 11
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. The characters of vertebrates are:
a. presence of vertebral column
b. internal living skiliton
c. three main body parts
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
. 6ertebrates are:
a. bilaterally symmetrical
b. radially symmetrical
c. vertically symmetrical
d. asymmetrical
Correct Ans. ;a<
$. 4hich of these is not true of 'isces5
a. presence of gills for breathing
b. tail as organ of locomotion
c. undeveloped skull
d. absence of middle ear
Correct Ans. ;c<
). 4hich of these are regarded as the first of the vertebrates5
a. bony fishes
b. =awless fishes
c. cartilaginous fishes
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
+. Sharks belong to
a. cartilaginous fishes
b. bony fishes
c. =awless fishes
d. none of these Correct Ans. ;a<
/. Lellyfish fish belongs to
a. bony fishes
b. cartilaginous fishes
c. =awless fishes
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
0. 4hich of the following are without =aws5
a. dogfish
b. trout
c. pike
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
3. 4hich of these has cartilaginous skeleton5
a. sharks
b. eel
c. pike
d. rohu
Correct Ans. ;a<
7. 4hich of the following is the character of amphibians5
a. living both in water and on land
b. cold blooded
c. least numerous of the terrestrial vertebrates
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
18. 4hich of these is not true of amphibians5
a. breathing by gills in the larval stage
b. breathing by lunge in the adult stage
c. mostly internal fertili.ation
d. cold blooded
Correct Ans. ;c<
11. Salamander is an e"ample of
a. bony fishes
b. =awless fishes
c. amphibians
d. cartilaginous fishes
Correct Ans. ;c<
1. 4hich of the following is not the character of amphibians5
a. cold blooded
b. do not depend on water for reproduction
c. hibernate in winter
d. breath by gills in the larval stage
Correct Ans. ;b<
1$. ,eptiles are
a. warm blooded
b. cold blooded
c. with internal fertili.ation
d. with a scaly skin
Correct Ans. ;b<
1). 4hich of these is not true of reptiles5
a. internal fertili.ation
b. predominantly terrestrial
c. tetrapods
d. dependent on water for reproduction
Correct Ans. ;d<
1+. 4hich of these is not the character of reptiles5
a. fertili.ation is internal
b. eggs are large shelled
c. lay eggs in water
d. cold blooded
Correct Ans. ;c<
1/. 4hich of the following is the character of reptiles5
a. dipods
b. tetrapods
c. pentapods
d. polypods
Correct Ans. ;b<
10. The heart of reptiles is
a. imperfectly two chambered
b. imperfectly three chambered
c. imperfectly four chambered
d. eight chambered
Correct Ans. ;c<
13. 4hich of the following is true of reptiles5
a. do not lay eggs
b. lay eggs in water
c. lay eggs on land
d. eggs are without yolk
Correct Ans. ;c<
17. !n reptiles amnion and allantois are e"tra membranes of:
a. egg
b. sperm
c. .ygote
d. embryo
Correct Ans. ;d<
8. 4hich of these is an e"ample of amphibian5
a. sea horse
b. rohu
c. newt
d. snake
Correct Ans. ;c<
1. 4hich of these is e"tinct reptile5
a. Turtles
b. (rontosaurus
c. Snake
d. Alligator
Correct Ans. ;b<
. 4hich of these do the ,eptiles and Aves not share5
a. Similar embryonic development
b. 'resence of forelimbs
c. Shelled eggs
d. Scales on hind limbs
Correct Ans. ;b<
$. 4hich of these is not true of birds5
a. cold blooded
b. heavy bones
c. weak pectoral muscles
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
). 4hich of the following birds cannot fly5
a. ,hea
b. Cassowary
c. 'enguin
d. All of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
+. !n mammals fertili.ation is
a. absent
b. internal
c. e"ternal
d. both internal and e"ternal
Correct Ans. ;b<
/. The ear of mammals is divided into
a. three parts
b. four parts
c. five parts
d. si" parts
Correct Ans. ;a<
0. The skin of mammals is provided with sweat glands for
a. respiration
b. temperature regulation
c. oily secretion
d. blood movement regulation
Correct Ans. ;b<
3. 4hich of these is not the mammalian character5
a. presence of hairs
b. right aortic arch
c. diaphragm
d. well developed large brain
Correct Ans. ;b<
7. 4hich of these is not true of the egg laying mammals5
a. feeding young with milk
b. presence of hairs
c. diaphragm
d. right aortic arch
Correct Ans. ;d<
$8. 4hich of these are the placental mammals5
a. prototherians
b. metatherians
c. eutherians
d. all of these
Correct Ans. ;c<
$1. %etatherians
a. lay eggs
b. have to teeth in the adult
c. do not have true placenta
d. have spiny skin
Correct Ans. ;c<
$. Flying mammals are included
a. ,odentia
b. Chiroptera
c. 'rimates
d. Cetacean
Correct Ans. ;b<
$$. Clephants are included in
a. carnivore
b. perissodactyla
c. artiodactyla
d. proboscidia
Correct Ans. ;d<
$). Artiodactyla include
a. moles
b. cattle
c. horses
d. wolves
Correct Ans. ;b<
$+. !n 4hich of the following young are born in rudimentary conditions5
a. kangaroos
b. .ebras
c. elephants
d. bats
Correct Ans. ;a<
$/. The vertebrates are
a. all unise"ual
b. all hermaphrodite
c. some unise"ual and some hermaphrodite
d. all neuter ;without se"<
Correct Ans. ;a<
C*A'TC, 1
-!6C,S!TI !# F>#CT!@# '2A#TS 4ATC, ,C2AT!@#S:
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. The water of guttation is forced out of the leaves by:
a. -iffusion
b. ,oot 'ressure
c. !mbibition
d. Active transport
Correct Ans. ;b<
. The movement of solvent molecules through a semiHpermeable membrane from a
region of low solute concentration to a region of high solute concentration is:
a. -iffusion
b. 'lasmolysis
c. @smosis
d. Active transport
Correct Ans. ;c<
$. The osmotic pressure of a solution
a. increases with increase in concentration of solute
b. decrease with increase in concentration of solute
c. remains unchanged with increase in concentration of sol
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
). The transport of substances from a region of its lower concentration to its higher
concentration is called:
a. @smosis
b. !mbibition
c. Active transport
d. 'assive transport
Correct Ans. ;c<
+. The taking up of a li&uid by a substance with the resultant swelling in volume is
a. 'lasmolysis
b. !mbibitions
c. -iffusion
d. Active transport
Correct Ans. ;b<
/. :ermination of seed involves the rupturing of seed coat because of:
a. @smosis
b. !mbibitions
c. -iffusion
d. Active transport
Correct Ans. ;b<
0. The shrinkage of protoplasm due to e"Hosmosis of water from the cell is called:
a. @smosis
b. -eplasmolysis
c. 'lasmolysis
d. !mbibition
Correct Ans. ;c<
3. The process where by water moves through the plants is known as :
a. Transpiration
b. Translocation
c. :uttation
d. @smosis
Correct Ans. ;b<
7. 4hich of the following conducts water inside plant body5
a. phloem
b. "ylem
c. corte"
d. pith
Correct Ans. ;b<
18. The e"udation of water drops from the leaves of intact plants is:
a. guttation
b. transpiration
c. evaporation
d. transportation
Correct Ans. ;a<
11. !n which of the following assimilates move along the concentration gradient5
a. sieve tubes
b. "ylem vessels
c. trachieds
d. fibers
Correct Ans. ;a<
1. 4hich of the following percentage of transpiration usually occurs through the
a. $8F
b. +8F
c. /8F
d. 78F
Correct Ans. ;d<
1$. The combined area of total stomatal pores as compared to the total leaf area is
a. 1HF
b. $H)F
c. +H/F
d. 0H3F
Correct Ans. ;a<
1). The number of stomata per s&uare centimeter of leaf surface of tobacco leaf is
a. 188
b. 188
c. 1888
d. 1888 Correct Ans. ;c<
1+. The processes involved in stomatal transpiration are:
b. )
c. 3
d. /
Correct Ans. ;a<
1/. 4hen leaf cells are fully turgid1 the transpiration rate is:
a. high
b. medium
c. low
d. not affected
Correct Ans. ;a<
10. The rate of water evaporation doubles for every temperature rise of:
a. 18
b. 8
c. +
d. +
Correct Ans. ;a<
13. @"ygen gas released during photosynthesis is comes from:
a. 4ater
b. C@

c. :lucose
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;a<
17. Chlorophylls c1 d and e are present in:
a. Angiosperms
b. :ymnosperms
c. (acteria
d. Algae
Correct Ans. ;d<
8. Chlorophyll is a large molecule with a central core of:
a. !ron
b. Sulphur
c. #itrogen
d. %agnesium
Correct Ans. ;d<
1. Chlorophyll mainly absorbs red light and:
a. :reen light
b. Iellow light
c. (lue light
d. @range light
Correct Ans. ;c<
. !n the photo system !!1 high energy electrons of chlorophyll molecule are accepted
a. 'C
b. 'M
c. #A-
d. AT'
Correct Ans. ;(<
$. -uring light reaction of photosynthesis1 AT' formation occurs when electrons are
transported between cytochrome:
a. a and b
b. b and c
c. b and f
d. c and f
Correct Ans. ;c<
). *igh energy electrons in photo system ! are transferred from F,S to:
a. AT'
b. 'C
c. #A-'
d. 'M Correct Ans. ;C<
+. As a first identifiable product of the dark reaction is:
a. ':A
b. ':A2
c. :lucose
d. ,u('
Correct Ans. ;c<
/. 2ight reaction of photosynthesis occurs in:
a. :ranum
b. Stroma
c. %itochondria
d. 2eucoplast
Correct Ans. ;a<
0. The break down of water molecule ;photolysis< in photosynthesis occurs during:
a. light reaction
b. dark reaction
c. :lycolysis
d. 9rebs cycle
Correct Ans. ;a<
3. The wave lengths of red light are in the range of:
a. )88H+88 nm
b. +88H++8 nm
c. /88H/+8 nm
d. 088H0+8 nm
Correct Ans. ;d<
7. 4hich of the following are the principal photoreceptors in the chloroplast of
green plants5
a. Chlorophyll b and c
b. Chlorophyll a and b
c. Chlorophyll and d
d. Chlorophyll d and c
Correct Ans. ;b<
$8. The se&uence of electron acceptors in the light reaction is
a. 'MHHHcyf fHHHcyt bHHHH'C
Correct Ans. ;d<
$1. 4hich of the following is the source of hydrogen in the glucose molecule formed
during photosynthesis5
a. 4ater
b. C@

c. AT'
d. #A-'
Correct Ans. ;a<
$. 4hich of the following are products of light reaction5
a. #A-'*

and 4ater
b. #A-'*

and AT'
c. A-' and AT'
d. #A-'*

and :lucose
Correct Ans. ;b<
$$. !n the dark reaction1 AT' and #A-'*

react with:
a. ,u('
b. ':A
c. ':A2
d. :lucose
Correct Ans. ;c<
$). Chlorophyll NaO occurs in all 'hotosynthetic plants e"cept:
a. :reen algae
b. (lue green algae
c. Angiosperms
d. 'igment containing bacteria
Correct Ans. ;d<
$+. 4hen the fluid outside a cell has a greater concentration of a given molecule than
the fluid inside the cell1 the e"ternal fluid is
a. isotonic
b. hypertonic
c. hypotonic
d. ultratonic
Correct Ans. ;b<
$/. The osmotic pressure of pure water is:
a. 8
b. 1
c. 18
d. 188
Correct Ans. ;a<
$0. The water potential of all solutions as compared to pure water is always:
a. higher
b. lower
c. e&ual
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
$3. The wavelengths of visible light are longer than the wavelengths of
a. infrared
b. ultraviolet
c. microwaves
d. radio waves
Correct Ans. ;b<
$7. The wavelengths of visible light are shorter than the wavelengths of
a. infrared
b. ultraviolet
c. "Hrays
d. gamma rays
Correct Ans. ;a<
)8. 4hich of the following colours of light work best for photosynthesis5
a. ,ed
b. Iellow
c. (lue
d. (oth a and c
Correct Ans. ;d<
)1. 4hich of the following is the worlds most common protein5
a. cellulose
b. ribulose biphosphate carbo"ylase
c. insulin
d. diastase
Correct Ans. ;b<
). 'hotophosphorrylation in a chloroplast is mot similar to which of the following
mitochondrial reaction5
a. substrateHlevel phosphorylation
b. o"idative phosphorylation
c. o"idative decarbo"ylation
d. hydrolysis
Correct Ans. ;b<
)$. A photosystem is an assemblage of pigment molecules together ranging from
a. 18 E 188
b. 188 E 88
c. 88 E )88
d. )88 E +88
Correct Ans. ;c<
)). The final acceptor of electrons during the light reaction of photosynthesis is:
a. Cyt. F
b. Cyt. (
c. AT'
d. #A-'
Correct Ans. ;d<
)+. 4hich of the following is obtained from phosphoglyceraldehyde in the dark
reaction of photosynthesis5
a. phosphoglyceric acid
b. glucose
c. carbon dio"ide
d. plasto&uinone
Correct Ans. ;b<
)/. 4hich of the following conditions in a plant cell would increase the uptake of
a. osmotic pressure is higher than the turgor pressure
b. osmotic pressure is e&ual to turgor pressure
c. osmotic pressure is less than the turgor pressure
d. both a and c
Correct Ans. ;a<
)0. 4hich of the following would occur when a plant cell is packed in a fluid with
high osmotic concentration than the cell sap5
a. imbibition
b. 'lasmolysis
c. -eplasmolysis
d. -iffusion
Correct Ans. ;b<
)3. 4ith the increase of ions in the "ylem its water potential becomes
a. more positive
b. more negative
c. .ero
d. neutral
Correct Ans. ;b<
)7. 4ater potential of a li&uid increases when solute concentration
a. !ncreases
b. -ecreases
c. ,emains unchanged
d. #one of these Correct Ans. ;b<
+8. 4hich of the following is not true of the e"udation of water5
a. water drops come out through stomata
b. water drops come out through hydathodes
c. water is forced out of the leaves by root pressu
d. water drops are not formed by dew
Correct Ans. ;a<
+1. 4ater in the "ylem vessel will ascend up until
a. its cohesive and adhesive strength is more than the gravitational pull
b. gravitational pull is higher then the cohesive and adhesive strength of
c. sufficient water is available in the soil
d. it is used in the photosynthesis
Correct Ans. ;a<
+. 'lants do not store carbohydrates as glucose because it
a. dissolves in water1 thereby altering the osmotic bala
b. attracts insects herbivores
c. is an unstable molecule
d. would replace ribose in -#A synthesis
Correct Ans. ;a<
+$. 4hich of the following processes is responsible for the entry of water into root
a. wall pressure
b. osmotic pressure
c. turgor pressure
d. atmospheric pressure
Correct Ans. ;b<
+). 4hich of the following forces are responsible for the ascent of water in plant
a. atmospheric pressure
b. root pressure
c. transpiration pull
d. both b and c Correct Ans. ;d<
++. @f the total sunlight reaching the earth1 the percentage used in the photosynthesis
a. F
b. 8F
c. $8F
d. +8F
Correct Ans. ;a<
+/. 4hich of the following products of light reaction of photosynthesis is not used in
the dark reaction5
a. AT'
b. #A-'*

c. @"ygen
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;c<
+0. The empirical formula of chlorophyll a is:
a. C
b. C
c. C
d. C
Correct Ans. ;a<
+3. 4hich of the following is true of chlorophyll5
a. absorbs all types of waves of sunlight
b. containing iron atom in the center
c. containing magnesium atom in the center
d. present in all cells of green plants
Correct Ans. ;c<
+7. The most effective light absorbed by the chlorophyll is:
a. yellow
b. orange
c. green
d. none of these
Correct Ans. ;d<
/8. 'hotosystem ! has an absorption spectrum of wavelengths of around
a. /88 nm
b. /+8 nm
c. /38 nm
d. 088 nm
Correct Ans. ;d<
/1. 4hich of the following is not necessary for photosynthesis5
a. C@

b. Chlorophyll
c. *

d. @"ygen
Correct Ans. ;d<
/. !n photosystem !!1 the electrons lost by reaction center are replaced by electrons
a. *

b. C

c. 'hotosystem !
d. AT'
Correct Ans. ;a<
C*A'TC, 1$
Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. !n animals the product of anaerobic respiration is:
a. (utyric acid
b. Alcohol
c. :lucose
d. 2actic acid
Correct Ans. ;d<
. The process of :lycolysis takes place in:
a. %itochondria
b. Cytoplasm
c. Stroma
d. :ranum
Correct Ans. ;b<
$. !n electron transport chain1 one pair of electrons passing from #A-
o"ygen produces
a. ) AT'
b. $ AT'
c. AT'
d. 1 AT'
Correct Ans. ;(<
). From which of the following plants gain weight5
a. ,espiration
b. Transpiration
c. 'hotosynthesis
d. Fermentation
Correct Ans. ;c<
+. Cambium is responsible for increase in:
a. 2ength
b. 'hotosynthesis
c. -iameter
d. Transpiration
Correct Ans. ;c<
/. !n which of the following cells elongate parallel to the long a"is of the stem or
a. 'ith
b. Trachieds
c. Corte"
d. 'arenchyma
Correct Ans. ;b<
0. Spiral thickenings of the walls of cells occur in:
a. 'arenchyma
b. Chlorenchyma
c. Jylem vessels
d. Corte"
Correct Ans. ;c<
3. The molecule which actually enters the 9rebs cycle is:
a. 'yruvic acid
b. AcetylHCoA
c. @"ao acetic acid
d. Fumaric acid
Correct Ans. ;b<
7. !n the 9rebs cycle o"aloacetic acid reacts with:
a. 'yruvic acid
b. Citric acid
c. AcetylHCoA
d. Succinic acid
Correct Ans. ;c<
18. @ne AT' molecule is generated during the 9rebs cycle in the step:
a. citric acid HHHHHHHHHHH Alpha 9etoglutatic acid
b. Alpha 9etoglutatic acid HHHHHHH Succinic acid
c. Succinic acid HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Fumaric acid
d. Fumaric acidHHHHHHHHHHH %alic acid
Correct Ans. ;b<
11. !t involves the liberation of @"ygen and absorbtion of C@

a. Aerobic respiration
b. Anaerobic respiration
c. 'hotosynthesis
d. (oth A B (
Correct Ans. ;c<
1. At the end of the electron transport chain during respiration1 electrons are
accepted by:
a. #A-
b. FA-
c. @"ygen
d. *ydrogen
Correct Ans. ;c<
1$. -uring growth fibers elongate greatly:
a. At right angle to the long a"is
b. 'arallel to the long a"is
c. @bli&uely to the long a"is
d. !n all directions
Correct Ans. ;b<
1). 4hich of these is the naturally occurring au"ins5
a. !ndole acetic acid
b. 1 )H-
c. Abscisic acid
d. (utyric acid
Correct Ans. ;a<
1+. The application of Au"in in small amount:
a. Stimulate the growth of leaves
b. ,etard the growth of leaves
c. Suppress the growth of leaves
d. -oes not affect the growth of laves
Correct Ans. ;d<
1/. 4hich of these increases the growth rate of isolated cells in a test tube5
a. Au"ins
b. Cytokinins
c. :ibberellins
d. #one of these
Correct Ans. ;b<
10. Chrysanthemum indicum is a:
a. Short day plant
b. 2ong day plant
c. -ay neutral plant
d. (oth A B (
Correct Ans. ;a<
13. Thigmotropism is a growth movement in response to:
a. sunlight
b. gravity
c. water
d. touch
Correct Ans. ;d<
17. 4hich one of the following properties are shared by photosynthesis and aerobic
a. C@

b. AT' synthesis
c. @

d. :lucose synthesis
Correct Ans. ;b<
8. The function of cellular respiration is to
a. make AT'
b. make #A-'*
c. get rid of glucose
d. get rid of carbon dio"ide
Correct Ans. ;a<
1. Cach chemical reaction in cellular respiration re&uires
a. a molecule of AT'
b. a molecule of FA-
c. a molecule of #A-
d. a specific en.yme
Correct Ans. ;d<
. The term anaerobic means
a. with glucose
b. with o"ygen
c. without glucose
d. without o"ygen
Correct Ans. ;d<
$. 4hich of the following processes makes direct use of o"ygen5
a. :lycolysis
b. Fermentation
c. Clectron transport chain
d. 9rebs cycle
Correct Ans. ;c<
). *ow many AT' molecules are formed during one turn of 9rebAs cycle5
a. .ero
b. 1
d. $
Correct Ans. ;b<
+. :lycolysis is a process found in
a. only eukaryotic cells
b. only prokaryotic cells
c. only most muscle cells
d. virtually all cells
Correct Ans. ;d<
/. *ow many molecules of o"ygen gas are used during the :lycolysis of one
glucose molecule5
a. non
b. 1
c. /
d. $3
Correct Ans. ;a<
0. 'hosphoglyceraldehyde is o"idi.ed during :lycolysis. 4hat happens to the
hydrogen atoms that are removed during this o"idation5
a. They o"idi.e #A-
b. They reduce #A-
c. They are transferred to 'yruvic acid
d. They are eliminated in the form of methane
Correct Ans. ;b<
3. -uring the first step of :lycolysis1 glucose is converted to glucose phosphate. The
phosphate group comes from
a. inorganic phosphate
b. phospholipids of the membrane
c. A-'
d. AT'
Correct Ans. ;d<
7. 4hich of the following is not true of :lycolysis5
a. substrate level phosphorylation takes place
b. the end products are carbon dio"ide and water
c. AT' is formed
d. AT' is used Correct Ans. ;b<
$8. 4hich of the following is not formed during alcohol fermentation5
a. acetyl coen.yme A
b. 'yruvic acid
c. Cthanol
d. Carbon dio"ide
Correct Ans. ;a<
$1. 4hich of the following is the end product of anaerobic respiration in animals5
a. ethyl alcohol
b. lactic acid
c. carbon dio"ide
d. water
Correct Ans. ;b<
$. !n the conversion of 'yruvic acid to acetyl coen.yme A1 'yruvic acid is:
a. o"idi.ed
b. reduced
c. broken into one carbon fragment
d. isomeri.ed
Correct Ans. ;a<
$$. At the end of the 9rebs cycle1 most of the energy removed from the glucose
molecule has been transferred to:
a. #A-*

and FA-*

b. AT'
c. @"aloacetic acid
d. Citric acid
Correct Ans. ;a<
$). !n the electron transport system1 the final acceptor electrons is
a. cytochrome c
b. cytochrome a
c. o"ygen
d. FA-
Correct Ans. ;c<
$+. !n aerobic respiration1 most of the AT' is synthesi.ed during
a. :lycolysis
b. @"idation of 'yruvic acid
c. The 9rebs cycle
d. Clectron transport
Correct Ans. ;d<
$/. *ow may AT' molecules are formed inside mitochondria from the breakdown of
one glucose molecule5
a. $ AT'
b. $/ AT'
c. $3 AT'
d. )8 AT'
Correct Ans. ;b<
$0. -uring electron transport1 each molecule of FA-*

produces a ma"imum of
a. AT'
b. $ AT'
c. / AT'
d. 3 AT'
Correct Ans. ;A<
$3. Fatty acids enter cellular respiration as:
a. one carbon fragment
b. two carbon fragments
c. three carbon fragments
d. long chain carbon
Correct Ans. ;b<
$7. !n a eukaryotic cell1 the 9rebs cycle and electron transport chain take place
a. on the rough endoplasmic reticulum
b. in the cytoplasm
c. with in the nucleus
d. within the mitochondria
Correct Ans. ;d<
)8. The main advantage of aerobic respiration over anaerobic respiration is that:
a. less carbon dio"ide is released
b. more energy is released from each glucose molecule
c. fats and proteins are not used
d. more carbon dio"ide is released
Correct Ans. ;b<
)1. A molecule of A-' differs form a molecule of AT' in that it has
a. diamine instead of thymine
b. fever phosphate groups
c. more phosphate groups
d. more energy
Correct Ans. ;b<
). Shoot apical meristem cells are distinct from other stem cells because of their
a. small si.e
b. enlarged water vacuole
c. thick cell wall
d. triploid nuclei
Correct Ans. ;a<
)$. #ew leaves are formed from the
a. shoot apical meristem
b. vascular cambium
c. lateral buds
d. pericycle
Correct Ans. ;a<
)). %ost of a plantAs au"in is produced in its
a. leaves
b. lateral buds
c. shoot ape"
d. root apical meristem
Correct Ans. ;c<
)+. The main effect of au"in is to stimulate
a. division
b. enlargement
c. differentiation
d. turgor
Correct Ans. ;b<
)/. Cytokinins stimulate cell
a. division
b. enlargemen
c. wall thickening
d. turgor
Correct Ans. ;a<
)0. 4hen its terminal bud is moved1 plant grows more
a. tall
b. bushy
c. slowly
d. rapidly
Correct Ans. ;b<
)3. 4hich of the following delays the normal process of aging in leaves5
a. au"ins
b. gibberellins
c. insulin
d. Cytokinins
Correct Ans. ;d<
)7. Cthylene is an unusual hormone in that it is
a. a gas
b. solid
c. transported by the "ylem
d. transported by the phloem
Correct Ans. ;a<
+8. An important effect of ethylene is to cause maturation of
a. leaf primordial
b. flower
c. fruit
d. stem
Correct Ans. ;c<
+1. !f a short day plant is grown under conditions of long nights and short days and
the dark period is interrupted in the middle by a brief e"posure to red light1 the
plant will
a. wilt
b. flower
c. fail to flower
d. die
Correct Ans. ;c<
+. !f a long day plant is grown under conditions of long nights and short days and the
dark period is interrupted in the middle by a brief e"posure to red light1 the plant
a. die
b. flower
c. fail to flower
d. wilt
Correct Ans. ;b<
+$. 4hich of these is not true of fermentation ;anaerobic respiration<5
a. net gain of only AT'
b. occurs in the cytoplasm
c. #A-* donates electrons to the electron transport system
d. (eings with glucose
Correct Ans. ;c<
+). The transfer of high energy phosphate bonds to A-' by the substrate is called:
a. o"idative phosphorylation
b. substrate level phosphorylation
c. photophosphorylation
d. carbo"ylation Correct Ans. ;b<
++. 4hich of the above properties are shared by fermentation1 aerobic respiration and
a. !H!!
b. !H!6
c. !H!!!
d. !!!H!6
Correct Ans. ;c<
+/. The ase"ual production of seeds is called
a. fragmentation
b. fertili.ation
c. parthenocarpy
d. apomi"es ;parthenogenesis<
Correct Ans. ;d<
+0. A hormone that controls closure of stomata in response to water stress is
a. gibberellins
b. Abscisic acid
c. Au"ins
d. Cytokinins
Correct Ans. ;b<
+3. 4hich of the following cellular organelles e"tracts energy from carbohydrates
and forms AT' molecules5
a. 2ysosome
b. Chloroplast
c. %itochondrion
d. Chromoplast
Correct Ans. ;c<
+7. The value of respiratory &uotient of amino acids is
a. 8
b. 1
c. more than 1
d. less than 1
Correct Ans. ;c<
/8. The primary plant body is covered with a layer of cells called
a. cuticle
b. epidermis
c. periderm
d. ground tissue
Correct Ans. ;b<
/1. ,oot hairs are formed from e"tension of the
a. ground tissue
b. periderm
c. epidermis
d. cuticle
Correct Ans. ;c<
/. Secondary growth involves activity of the
a. root tips
b. shoot tip
c. apical meristem
d. lateral meristem
Correct Ans. ;d<
/$. The function of root cap is to
a. produce embryonic cells
b. protect the root apical meristem from damage
c. absorb water
d. absorb minerals
Correct Ans. ;b<

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