Basic Theory

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Basic Theory :
2.1 Multiple the point of contact
Point of contact is a switch to open-close or hook-decided, some or all of the
electrical circuit, as shown in the picture below.The point of contact of a switch
consists of moving parts (mobile) and the stationary (fixed), as in the picture b

Picture : contact point
Based on how it works, the contact point is divided into three kinds, namely: the
contact point a, point b and point of contact contact c
2.2 The contact point a :
The point of contact a is the point of contact that closes / connected if given energy
from the outside and open / disconnected if not obtain energy from the outside. This
energy can be in the form of electrical energy mechanical energy, electromagnetic
energy, heat energy, or a pun the touch of a hand.

Picture : The contact point a

The working of the point of contact a can be seen, next picture.

Picture : the working point of contact a
While the symbol of the contact point a can be seen in the picture below, where
contact motion (moving parts) is shown on the right of the circle separate terminal
(contacts still).

Picture : A symbol of the point of contact a ( NO )
Because of the nature of the point of contact a which in the normal condition of being
in a condition open, the point of contact a called also the point of contact no (
normally opened ).
2.3 The contact point b :
The point of contact b is the point of contact that being in a condition open when
given energy from the outside and be in the shut position under normal
circumstances or don ' t get energy from the outside. In other words contact b is
contact breakers.

Picture : The contact point b
The working of the point of contact b can be seen, next picture.

Picture : the working point of contact b
The symbols to contact b shown below, in this picture where a moving part ( moving
contact ) shown in touch with the left-hand part of a point terminal ( contact still )

Picture : A symbol of the point of contact a ( NC )
Because of the nature of the point of contact b on the normal condition of being in a
closed, the point of contact b called also the point of contact nc ( normally closed )
2.4 The contact point c :
The point of contact c was a combination of points of contact of a and b. the point of
contact points of contact it has three terminals namely: terminal c ( common ),
terminal contact nc ( b ) and terminal NO ( contact a ). Under normal conditions c-NC
connected and c-no being in a condition disconnected. And when the point of contact
received energy from the outside, c-no will connect and c-NC being disjoined. Hence
contact c called also change contact .

Picture : The contact point c
The working of the point of contact c can be seen, next picture.

Picture : the working point of contact c
While a picture symbol of from contact c shown below, such as a drawing where
contact motion come into contact with terminal nc and will be turned over to the
terminal no if given energy.

Picture : A symbol the point of contact
2.5 the equipment In Sequence Control (shape, function and Symbol)
Switch button is used to control equipment portsetup / to give signs hyphen
staak etc. And switch connected / disconnected in a pressing manner / draw
by hand.

types of button switches and the symbol
- NO Button Switch.
No button switches according to his name is in a position open ( open
) under normal conditions ( button switches not repressed ) and will be
connected if pressed ( see picture ).

NC Button Switch.
Nc button switches according to his name is in a position closed (
closed / connected ) under normal conditions ( button switches not
repressed ), and will disconnected / open when pressed ( see picture

NO/NC Button Switch.
NO/NC Button is a combination of NO and NC button switch

Rele Magnet

Rele a magnet is a switch that work automatically because the effects of a magnetic
field. There are two type of magnetic rele hinge, namely rele type where ' s the point
of contact ' type c ( change overs contact ) and rele type plunger, where ' s the point
of contact ' type a / b ( NO / NC ).

a. Rele Type Hinge

b. Rele Type Plunger

a. Coil OFF
b. Coil ON

Examples of control rele desperdiciar and sequence

In this series, when the button is pressed a switch BS current will flow to the coil of
the rele and point of contact R connected so that lights will turn on SL.
b. Coil OFF c. Coil ON

Timer switch is working based on electromagnetic and takes in moving the point of
contact. In fact the same timer with magnetic kontaktor, only there are contact points
on the timer delay that works takes time according to the setting of the time. The
working principle of the timer can be explained as follows:

Picture :Terminals on a timer
On condition of the neutral or coil not using and the condition of the point of contact
no on an open position and the point of contact nc in a position to be connected. If a
coil given voltage electric then the point of contact gtalk instant directly move ( the
point of contact no will close and nc ), will open being the point of contact a delay will
work / moving moments later in accordance with setting time ( the point of contact no
will close and nc will open ).


Titik kontak
Titik kontak

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