Plastic Bag Externalities and Policy in Rhode Island

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Plastic Bag Externalities and Policy in Rhode Island

By Adam Akullian, Caroline Karp, Kemen Austin, and Drew Durbin, Written for
Environmental Law and Policy

The environmental externalities associated with plastic bag production and
disposal, which include CO2 emissions, water pollution, and solid waste, exemplify a
classic tragedy of the commons. Individual consumers benefit from the use of plastic
bags because they can easily carry purchased goods without the burden of carrying
around reusable bags, while the population as a whole bears the collective cost of the
production and disposal of plastic bags. Rhode Island, in particular, has had problems
disposing of and properly containing litter at the rapidly filling Central Landfill, causing
concern from the solid waste management sector. While original policy efforts focused
on encouraging the use of biodegradable paper bags and the recycling of plastic bags, it
has become clear in recent years that these measures do not match the scope of the
problem. In fact, paper bags are not biodegradable in landfills and are more
environmentally damaging than their plastic counterparts.
In response to the problem, legislation in the form of an amendment to Chapter
23-18.11 Promotion of Paper Bag Usage of the Rhode Island Health and Safety Act has
been proposed in Rhode Island. This amendment aims to control litter from retail bags by
encouraging the use of reusable bags as opposed to plastic or paper bags. This bill seeks
to encourage consumers to utilize reusable bags through a 3 cent retailer-funded
consumer rebate for each bag an individual brings to the store.
While shifting the focus from promoting the choice of paper bags to encouraging
the use of reusable bags is certainly a step in the right direction, the incentive structure of
the proposed amendment is poorly designed and does not meet the needs of the plastic
bag problem in Rhode Island. In fact, through an extensive cost/benefit analysis, we
estimate the total social cost of a single 1 cent bag sold in Rhode Island at over 11 cents.
Although it would certainly be more politically challenging, Rhode Island legislators
should consider an 11 cent tax on the sale of plastic bags because it is the best policy to
internalize the externalities of plastic bag consumption.

Solid Waste Management in Rhode Island
As owners and managers of the central landfill, the Rhode Island Resource
Recovery Corporation (RIRRC) has an economic incentive to reduce the plastic bag
waste stream in Rhode Island. RIRRC is responsible for any trash blown off the landfill
to neighboring land.
As a result, they have received fines totaling $1 million annually
from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) for trash
found on the perimeter of the landfill.
As plastic grocery bags account for a large
quantity of this litter (192 million bags are consumed annually in Rhode Island), it is in
the best interest of RIRRC to reduce the number of plastic bags that it takes into the

Brown Policy Review Fall 2006
RIRRC has been proactive in the past in attempting to reduce the number of
plastic bags that come into its landfill. On September 1, 2005, RIRRC, along with the RI
Food Distributors Administration (RIFDA), initiated ReStore, a plastic bag recycling
program which provided receptacles to many supermarkets in Rhode Island. This project
has led to the recycling of 18 million plastic bags over the course of the past year, or a
9.2% recycling rate of plastic bags.
These collected plastic bags become a versatile,
nontoxic, composite product used as a wood substitute. However, this means that Rhode
Islanders are still sending over 180 million bags to the Central Landfill annually. Thus,
RIRRC and the Rhode Island Legislature have realized that they cannot simply encourage
recycling but must reduce the overall consumption to truly internalize the disposal
externalities of plastic bags.

The Evolution of Rhode Island Plastic Bag Legislation
Analyzing the Original Legislation
In response to the original concerns regarding the rapidly filling Central Landfill,
the Rhode Island legislature passed Chapter 23-18.11 Promotion of Paper Bag Usage
of the Rhode Island Health and Safety Act which sought to decrease plastic bag waste
and litter in the state. This act utilized two methods for prompting this change. First, the
bill stipulates that retailers must provide paper bags at equal cost to plastic bags in spite
of the higher cost of paper bags (0.03/bag for paper as opposed to 1/bag for plastic). It
also requires plastic bag recycling at retail stores selling greater than 8 millions dollars
worth of goods per year.
Contrary to the rationale behind the original bill, paper bags are not readily
biodegradable in landfills. Furthermore, externalities at all stages of a bag's life cycle,
including air pollution, water contamination, and solid waste production, are fewer for
plastic bags than paper bags (See Table 1.1). Thus encouraging a shift to paper bag
consumption did not address Rhode Islands landfill capacity problem.

The Current Amendment and the Future of Plastic Bag Regulation in RI
Recognition of the externalities associated with both paper and plastic bag use
prompted members of the Rhode Island Litter Task Force, including Barry Schiller (a
representative from the Sierra Club), to propose an amendment to Chapter 23-18.11
Promotion of Paper Bag Usage of the Rhode Island Health and Safety Act.
primary objective of the proposed amendment is to control litter from retail bags by
encouraging the use of reusable bags as opposed to paper or plastic bags.
In addition to
modifying the title of the statute to read The Promotion of Paper and Reusable Bag
Usage, the amendment seeks to reduce retail packaging by offering economic incentives
to consumers to bring their own bags to stores (rather than relying on the retailer to
provide either paper or plastic bags). The amendment obliges retailers to provide a 3 cent
credit rebate to consumers for each bag they bring to a retail establishment for reuse in
the packaging of their purchased goods. Rather than placing a Pigovian tax on packaging
consumption, which would place the burden of a tax on either the consumers or the store
owners, the amendment seeks to provide a reward incentive for consumers to provide
their own bags. This promotes consumers to recycle by creating an indirect economic
disincentive for the continued use of wasteful single use packaging.

Brown Policy Review Fall 2006
The amendment to the Litter Act was introduced to the House (House Bill 7001)
by Representative Schadone on January 31, 2006 and proposed by Senators Ruggerio,
Sosnowski, Paira-Weed, Badeau, Cicconeto to the Senate (Senate Bill 2669) on February
9, 2006. The amendment was referred to the House Corporations Committee, which
scheduled a hearing for consideration on February 7, 2006, and the Senate Environment
and Agriculture Committee, which scheduled a hearing for April 5, 2006. Both
committees recommended that the measure be held for further study.

Table 1.1: Environmental Externalities of Plastic and Paper Bags Compared
Plastic Bags* Paper Bags*
Energy Consumption 594 BTUs / bag 2511 BTUs /bag
Airborne Chemical
1.1 grams / bag 2.7 grams / bag
Waterborne Chemical
0.025 grams / bag 1.25 grams / bag
Materials 0.0048 gallons of oil 0.0014 trees
Number of Trucks to
Transport One
Shipment of Bags
1 truck 7 trucks
Rate 0.6 % of plastic bags 19.4% of paper bags
Energy Consumption 17 BTUs / bag 1444 BTUs / bag
non biodegradable in landfill
non biodegradable in landfill environment Landfill
often blow off landfill property 8x more massive than plastic bags
Litter 1000 years to biodegrade readily biodegradable
capable of absorbing one
million times the concentration
of compounds, including PCBs
and DDE, as seawater
leaches toxic chemicals stemming from
the heating of wood chips to make the
original bag
46,000 pieces of plastic/sq mile
in ocean

Plastic bags are linked to
100,000 marine deaths/yr

*All data from Franklin Associates LTD, 2004

A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Plastic Bag Consumption
While the amendment is clear in its purpose and mechanism, it does not contain
an analysis of the true cost and benefits of its implementation. An analysis of the bill
would not be complete without considering the opportunity cost of choosing this specific
approach for addressing the plastic bag problem. In other words, is this policy measure
better than the alternatives?
In order to determine the socially optimal policy solution to the plastic bag
problem, one must first identify the scope and nature of the problem. While the $1
million dollars paid in annual fines and cleanup costs by RIRRC is the primary

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motivation for the legislatures desire to reduce plastic bag consumption, the external
costs of plastic bags extend far beyond this problem. Using scientific articles on the
environmental damage of plastic bags and waste management data from cities across the
country, we were able to construct a table of environmental externalities. From this data
we quantified the external cost of production, transportation, and consumption
externalities (See Table 1.2 for an estimate of the social cost per bag and Appendix B for
the underlying calculations).

Table 1.2: Environmental Externalities of Plastic and Paper Bags Compared
Stage in Bags Life Cycle External Cost Borne by Society ( / bag)*
Emissions: 0.20 / bag
Emissions: unknown
Litter: 5.20 / bag
Landfill: 2.92 / bag
Improper Recycling: 2.20 / bag
Total Social Cost per Bag: 10.52 / bag
*See Appendix B for Calculations

Conservative calculations of the social cost of litter, CO2 emissions from bag
production, land filling, and improper recycling of plastic bags reveals that each 1 cent
plastic bag used at a retail outfit in Rhode Island costs over 10.52 cents for society as a
whole. We propose that the Litter Task Force should use this number as a baseline
representative of the magnitude of the market failure which the Rhode Island legislature
must address. Taking this statistic into account, the Litter Task Force should reconsider
their amendment and, ultimately, reframe it using a mechanism which most efficiently
aligns personal incentives with the social goal of reducing plastic bag consumption.

Analyzing the Current Policy
While politically feasible, the current policy proposal will be insufficient to
change behavior habits and thus cannot create a significant decrease in the 192 million
plastic bags consumed annually in Rhode Island.
We found three inherent flaws which
prevent the amendment from being effective. First, the amount of the subsidy is too small
to cover the actual cost as proven by our above calculations. Additionally, the small
amount of the rebate, 3 cents, will not be sufficient incentive for consumers to change
their behavior. Second, the subsidy is not a true subsidy, but a de facto 3 cent tax on
retailers for every consumer that brings their own bag. If plastic bags only cost 1 cent
for retailers to buy but they have to pay 3 cents for each reusable bag that a consumer
brings, then it is clearly in each retailer's self-interest to do everything possible to
discourage consumers from bringing their own bags. Third, in its current form, the policy
is dependent on the retailers publicizing the rebate. Since the success of the policy is
dependent on retailers, who are losing money from the deal, the bill will have little effect
on reducing plastic bag consumption.

Brown Policy Review Fall 2006
Considering the Alternative Policy Options
The simplest and most publicly acceptable solution for the Rhode Island
legislature would be an information campaign aimed at explaining the externalities of bag
consumption and encouraging the use of reusable shopping bags. In essence, this
program would be an expansion of RIRRC and RIFDAs ReStore program to facilitate
and encourage the recycling of plastic shopping bags. While ReStore clearly affected
behavioral changes, the change came at an initial investment cost of $400,000 to RIRRC.
Additionally, the program only encouraged consumers to recycle their bags, rather than
motivating a more dramatic behavioral change through economic incentives. Thus, while
a legislature-initiated campaign to implore the public to switch to reusable bags might
cause some change, it would most likely fail to adequately address the socially inefficient
over-consumption of plastic bags. Although RIRRC might agree to fund a portion of the
program, an information campaign would still cost the government thousands of dollars
in funds that simply are not available to the RIDEM in light of recent budget cuts. Even
though educational strategies are publicly acceptable, an information campaign would be
a poor (even unfeasible) public policy from a fiscal and cost-internalizing perspective.

Command and Control
A less expensive measure for reducing plastic bag consumption would be to
simply ban plastic bags as Bangladesh did in 2002.
After discovering that improperly
disposed plastic bags clogged drains and led to increased flooding during the monsoon
season, the government of Bangladesh banned polyurethane bags entirely. This command
and control policy made sense for Bangladesh because plastic bag externalities were
particularly high in the nation as a result of its weather (2/3 of the nation flooded in both
1988 and 1998) and high litter rate (85% for plastic bags).
Considering the presence of
jute bags as a biodegradable and locally available alternative to plastic bags for
Bangladesh, a mandated reduction in the countrys non-biodegradable waste stream was
both economical and feasible.
In Rhode Island however, a ban on these bags might lead to a socially inefficient
under-allocation of plastic bags. In some cases, such as the packaging of meat and
unpacked produce, plastic bags are the most sanitary option. For these health and safety
reasons, the 11 cent societal cost of the plastic bag would be worth the prevention of
possible illness or contamination. Additionally, a ban might push in-state plastic bag
producers out of business causing undue economic harm. In turn, this harm could create
a concentrated stake holder opposition to a bill with diffuse societal benefits, thereby
making it difficult to pass. In general, due to the contrasting external circumstances in
Rhode Island and Bangladesh, this command and control policy would not make sense
for Rhode Island.

Tradable Permits
Though unprecedented in Federal policy, Rhode Island could consider a
marketable permit solution to the plastic bag problem. Rather than banning plastic bag
consumption entirely, Rhode Island could assign each supermarket and retail outlet a
specific number of plastic bag credits. The total number of bag credits could be set to the

Brown Policy Review Fall 2006
amount that the state estimates to be the socially optimal level. This system would then
allow supermarkets that consume a large amount of plastic bags to trade for credits from
companies that could more easily reduce their plastic bag consumption. Although this
system would ideally lead to a socially efficient allocation of plastic bags, it would
involve extensive (and expensive) government oversight. If the government decided to
lower the amount of plastic bags below the initial ceiling, it would have to purchase a set
amount of plastic bag permits at additional cost to the taxpayers. Additionally, while it is
possible to estimate the externalities associated with plastic bags, it is far more difficult to
determine the number of plastic bags that should be consumed annually in Rhode Island
without any knowledge of the demand curve for plastic bags. Thus, although a creative
application of tradable permits, this is probably not the best or most politically feasible
approach to solving the plastic bag problem.

Transfer (Subsidy)
While a store-funded rebate clearly creates a system of perverse incentives, a true
subsidy would provide economic incentive to change behavior through positive
reinforcement of positive actions, hopefully dispelling the de facto cost on retailers.
Unfortunately, a true subsidy of reusable bags in the form of a consumer rebate would be
prohibitively expensive for the state government to fund. If the government wanted to
shift demand for plastic bags to the socially efficient level, they would have to offer an 11
cent rebate to each consumer that brings their own bags to a store. Even a more moderate
3 cent rebate would not be politically feasible as it could cost hundreds of thousands of
dollars while creating insufficient change in consumer bag purchasing patterns.

Transfer (Tax)
The final policy option for the Rhode Island legislature is a tax, imposed either
on the retailer or the consumer. Given the fact that a tax could be set equal to the value
of the external costs of a plastic bag, the socially efficient number of plastic bags would
not need to be known to policy makers. Unlike a subsidy, the tax would cost the state
little to enforce while generating revenue that could be used to address Rhode Islands
litter problem.
By analyzing and contrasting the similar plastic bag tax policies of Ireland (tax
on the consumer) and Denmark (tax on the producer), the socially optimal policy for
Rhode Islands plastic bag problem can be predicted. In March of 2002, Ireland
implemented a PlasTax of 0.15 euros on one-time use plastic bags (with exceptions for
bags used for packaging meat and produce).
Within months, plastic bag consumption
dropped over 90% and litter visibly decreased across the nation. (In a nation highly
dependent on tourism, the aesthetic detriment of plastic bags was a main catalyst for this
legislation.) In the next year, plastic bag consumption dropped from 1.2 billion bags to
60 million bags while 9.6 million euros were generated for environmental protection.

After initial opposition to the tax, retailers ended up strongly supporting the bill as the
average supermarket increased reusable bag sales while saving 50 million euros/year
from lower grocery bag stocking costs.
Finally, enforcement costs borne by the Irish
government were minimal as the tax receipts were provided to the government along with
revenues from the national Value Added Tax (VAT).

Brown Policy Review Fall 2006
Conversely, Denmark taxes retailers a similar amount as part of a general waste
tax. While this tax has reduced plastic bag consumption 66% since its implementation,
the results are less dramatic than Irelands because consumers are often unaware of the
increased cost of the bags they are purchasing as many grocery stores simply
incorporate the cost of the tax into the price of their products.
However, this tax does
provide incentives for retailers to find innovative ways to reduce bag consumption.
Overall, a Pigovian tax on plastic bags is much more effective if placed on the consumers
because the goal of the tax is to effect consumer behavior, not cause retailers to
incorporate the tax into their product pricing.

Policy Recommendation for Rhode Island State Legislature
While it would certainly draw the attention of anti-tax factions, the Rhode Island
legislature should push for a bag tax of at least 11 cents on plastic bags at the checkout
counter. A Pigovian tax on consumers is clearly the optimal policy to internalize the
quantifiable external cost of these environmentally damaging bags. In this case, market-
based policy would operate more efficiently than its command and control counterpart
because the external costs of plastic bags are known while the optimal number is
unknown due to the uncertain nature of the demand curve. While a subsidy would be
more politically popular than a tax, a true subsidy would be too expensive to fund and the
proposed store-funded rebate would be ineffective in addressing the environmental
problems as a result of the indirect effects of its incentive structure.
Following the success of its Irish counterpart, a Pigovian tax on consumers
would be the most effective policy to decrease litter and address the states landfill
crunch. For once, Rhode Island, a noted progressive state, could be the leader on an
important environmental issue rather than following in the footsteps of neighboring
Massachusetts. Instead of yielding to the political pressures against increased taxation,
the state should consider the environmental and quality of life issues at stake and pass a
Pigovian tax of at least 11 cents on all disposable bags.

Brown Policy Review Fall 2006

Appendix A: Plastic Bag Consumption in Rhode Island and US
I. Consumption

A. 192 million plastic bags/yr in Rhode Island

B. 100 billion plastic bags/yr in the US

C. 10 billion paper bags/yr in the US

II. Cost

A. Plastic Bags cost $ 0.01/bag

B. Paper Bags cost $ 0.03/bag

III. Disposal

A. Plastics comprise 11.3% of waste stream and a disproportionate
percentage of litter

B. RIRRC pays $ 1 million annually cleaning up plastic bags that are blown
off its property and paying litter fines for those bags that it is unable to

Appendix B: Cost Calculations of Plastic Bag Externalities
I. Estimation of the Cost of the Production Externalities/Bag
A. Social Cost of CO2 Emissions from Production of a Bag

It takes 594 BTUs to produce a single plastic bag. The production
process produces 6.1 kg CO2/ 210MJ

6.1kg CO2
0.029kg CO2

0.04lb of CO2

The estimated cost of CO2 is $0.05/lb. Thus, the social cost of 0.04 lb of
emissions is 0.05*0.04= $0.0020 /bag.

B. Social Cost of Waterborne and Chemical Wastes/Bag

It is virtually impossible to estimate the cost of the 1.125 grams of
atmospheric and waterborne chemical waste because there are so many
different types of chemicals in this mixture that cause vastly different

Brown Policy Review Fall 2006
amounts of environmental damage.
However, it is likely that the cost
of these byproducts of the production process are less than that of the
carbon dioxide emissions because there is much more CO2 emitted by
weight/bag than other chemical waste.

II. Estimation of the Cost of Transportation Externalities/Bag

It is very difficult to estimate the social cost associated with the transport of the
plastic bags from factories to retailers. First, it is difficult to estimate the amount
of externalities associated with a gallon of gasoline to begin with. Second, the
average transport distance of plastic bags is unknown.

III. Estimation of the Cost of Disposal Externalities/Bag

A. Social Cost of Litter

An estimate for the social cost of plastic bag litter was obtained through
finding the amount of money San Francisco paid cleaning up plastic bags
and dividing this by the total number of bags consumed annually.

Cost of Street Cleaning: $ 26,000,000/yr
Plastic Bags Percentage of Litter: 10%
Number of Plastic Bags Sold: 5,000,000/yr

$26,000,000/ yr
0.1plastic bags
1 unit of litter
5,000,000 plastic bags
= $ 0.052/bag

B. Social Cost of Land Filling Plastic Bags

RIRRC bears two principal costs from proper plastic bag disposal. The
first is the processing cost of the bags. This cost is $ 0.024/bag. The
second is the cost of litter pickup and fines stemming from plastic bags
that blow off of the Central Landfill site. This cost is $ 1 million/yr.
Since Rhode Islanders consume 192 million bags/yr, these cleanup costs
add an additional 1/192= $ 0.0052/bag.

C. Social Cost of Improper Recycling and Composting of Plastic Bags

Once again, data from San Francisco facilities will be used to calculate
the social cost from plastic bags in the recycling stream.

Cost of Removing Bags from Recycling Stream:
Cost of Clearing Machinery Jams Cause by Plastic Bags:

Brown Policy Review Fall 2006
Reduced Revenue on the Sale of Recyclables Due to Bag Contamination:
Cost of Removing Bags from Compost:

$ 1,094,000/yr *1/5,000,000 bags = $ 0.022/bag

IV. Total Social Cost of a Single Plastic Bag

CO2 Emissions: $ 0.0020/bag
Litter: $ 0.0520/bag
Landfill: $ 0.0292/bag
Improper Recycling: $ 0.0220/bag
Total: $ 0.1052/bag

Thus, a Low Estimate of the social cost of a single plastic bag is 10.52 cents.

Brown Policy Review Fall 2006

1. RI Senate Committee on Agriculture and the Environment. Personal observations. 5 Apr.
2. Bailey, Beth. "From Bags to Riches." Resource Recycling Feb. 2006: 16-20.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Bisson, Terri. Personal interview. 15 Mar. 2006.
6. Schiller, Barry. Telephone interview. 12 Apr. 2006. 4.
7. RI Litter Task Force Meeting. Personal observations. 12 Mar. 2006.
8. Bailey, op cit.
9. Reusable Bags. Facts and Figures Regarding the True Cost of Plastic Bags. 2006.
10. Ibid.
11. Convery, Frank and Simon McDonnell. Applying Environmental Product Taxes and Levies-
Lessons from the Experience with the Irish Plastic Bag Levy. Environmental Studies Research
Series: University College Dublin. 3 Mar. 2001.
12. Irish Bag Tax Hailed Success. BBC News. 20 Aug. 2002.
13. Convery, op cit.
14. Facts and Figures Regarding the True Cost of Plastic Bags, op cit.
15. Bailey, op cit.
16. Environmental Protection Agency. Plastic Trash Bags. United States Government. 2004.
17. Ibid.
18. Facts and Figures Regarding the True Cost of Plastic Bags, op cit
19. Ibid. 20. Plastic Trash Bags, op cit.
21. Bailey, op cit.
22.Halweil, Brian. Plastic Bags. Worldwatch Institute. 27 Apr. 2006
23. Ibid.
24.Haley, Robert. California Department of the Environment. 17 Nov. 2004.

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