Key Answer-Environmental Law June 2010 Annual Examination: Part-A 1

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June 2010 Annual Examination


 Powers
1. Powers of Entry;
2. Inspection;
3. Taking samples;
4. Consent;
5. Launching Prosecution;
6. Instructing the other agencies of state (Water supply, electricity, etc.);
7. acting on complaints;
8. requiring Information disclosure;
9. Enforcement of standards and
 Functions
1. Creating awareness
2. Education
3. Building capacity and
4. Extending technical assistance & Expertise.

 Significance of Biological Diversity:
1. Ecological Balance;
2. Source of food;
3. Source of medicine;
4. source of livelihood ;
5. article of commerce;
6. Life-support and carbon sink
 International Legal Developments:
Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 & Biosafety Protocol 2000-Salient features
and Evaluation.

 Umbrella Law: Analyse S.24 & S.26 of EPA, 1986- Status of Rules,
Notifications & Authorities- same as that of EPA (Aqua culture Case).
 Background: Stockholm Conference 1972 & Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984. Need
for a law to deal with environmental problems.

Waste Management Laws in India:-
Rules for different types of wastes( Municipal wastes; Hazardous Substances;
Hazardous Microorganisms; Hazardous Chemicals; Chemical Accidents; Bio-medical
wastes; Lead Acid Batteries etc)
- Obligations of waste Generator, Transporter and Disposer
- Waste Segregation, Labelling and handling
- Application of principles of Polluter Pays and Precaution.

Common Law & Pollution Control:
- Nuisance- Public and Private;
- Sic utere tuo ut alienum non loedas
- Negligence
- Strict Liability- No fault Liability- Absolute Liability- Public Liability
Insurance Act, 1991.

Environmental Summits
- Stockholm, 1972: Human Environment – Idea of UNEP- reflections on
Environmental Crisis- Environment Day-Commitment to enact and enforce
national Environment Protection Laws.
- Rio de Janeiro, 1992:Environment & Development: Rio declaration;
CBD;UNFCCC; Forestry Principles: Agenda 21; Commission on Sustainable
- Johannesburg, 2002: Sustainable Development- Participation of Industry and
Civil Society Organizations- Review and Revision of environment Protection
goals- Continuation of the good work of the II summit.

7. a)
Analyse Sections 16 &17 of EPA, 1986.
7. b)
Individual right to initiate legal proceedings: Analyse S. 49 of water Act, 1974.

8. a)
Public Trust: Analyse M.C Mehta v. Union of India (Kamalnath, 1997) - Article
48A of the Constitution.
8. b)
Precaution: Concept & Analysis- Analyse Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum v.
U.O.I (1996)

9. a)
Wildlife Protection Act: Analyse the basis; classification; Authorities & their
functions- 2002 Amendment and impacts of the law.
9. b)
Trail smelter Arbitration- Case of Transborder Pollution and fixing liability- case
between Canada &U.S- Analyse.

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