Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (Mcsa) - Windows Server 2008

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: 12000/- INR
Cor!e Drat#o$ : 20 hours
Course Description : The course teaches the participants to confiure! "anae an# "aintain a $in#o%s
Ser&er 200' enterprise s(ste" an# )ea# to MCS*-$in#o%s Ser&er 200' certification+
Planning and Implementing Windows Server 2008
Course OutlineModule 1: Planning Server Deploment and !pgradeThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an
$in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 #ep)o("ents an# upra#es+"essons
-e&e)opin a -ep)o("ent Strate(
.irtua)i/ation Consi#erations
Se)ectin an *uto"ation Strate(
I"p)e"entin an *uto"ation Strate(
"a# : Planning and Implementing Server Deploment
0)annin a $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 -ep)o("ent
Mo#if(in a $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 I"ae
0reparin to -ep)o( the $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 I"ae
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
-e&e)op a #ep)o("ent strate(+
-eter"ine factors that affect the i"p)e"entation of &irtua)i/ation %ithin (our orani/ation+
Se)ect a strate( for #ep)o("ent auto"ation+
I"p)e"ent the se)ecte# auto"ation strate(+
Module 2: Planning Server Management and Delegated $dministrationThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an
for ser&er "anae"ent an# #e)eate# a#"inistration on $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2
Re"ote Ser&er Manae"ent Too)s
-ecentra)i/in S(ste"s *#"inistration Page 1
"a# : Implementing %ole&'ased Sstems $dministration
Create an a#"inistrati&e-)e&e) ro)e roup
Creatin an account "anae"ent roup
Ena1)e an# confiure au#itin for sensiti&e roups
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0)an for the i"p)e"entation an# use of $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 re"ote
"anae"ent too)s+
0)an an# I"p)e"ent #ecentra)i/e# s(ste"s a#"inistration+
Module (: Planning )etwor* $ddressing and )ame %esolutionThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an for I0&3
an# I0&6 a##ressin in (our net%or4 an# to p)an an# i"p)e"ent -NS an# -5C0 in a $in#o%s Ser&er 200'
an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ent"essons
0ro&isionin I0&3 *##resses on Enterprise Net%or4s
0ro&isionin I0&6 *##resses on Enterprise Net%or4s
Transitionin to I0&6
0ro&isionin -NS Ser&ices on Enterprise Net%or4s
"a# : Planning and Implementing D+CP and D)S
0)annin the -ep)o("ent of -5C0 an# -NS Ser&ers
I"p)e"entin -NS
I"p)e"entin -5C0
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0ro&ision an I0&3 a##ressin sche"e %ithin (our orani/ation+
0ro&ision an I0&6 a##ressin sche"e %ithin (our orani/ation+
0)an the transition to I0&6+
0)an an# i"p)e"ent -NS na"e reso)ution ser&ices %ithin (our orani/ation6s net%or4+
Module ,: Planning and Provisioning $ctive Director Domain ServicesThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an
an# pro&ision *cti&e -irector( -o"ain Ser&ices in $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2
-ep)o(in -o"ain Contro))ers in Mu)ti-Site Orani/ations
0)annin *#"inistrati&e an# Manae"ent Structures for *- -S
0)annin a Maintenance Strate( for *- -S
0)annin a 7ac4up an# Restore Strate( for *- -S
"a# : Planning -or $ctive Director Domain Services
0)annin an *cti&e -irector( Structure
*- -S 7ac4up an# Reco&er(
Confiurin *cti&e -irector( Rec(c)e 7in
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
I#entif( consi#erations for #ep)o(in #o"ain contro))ers in "u)ti-site orani/ations+
0)an a#"inistrati&e an# "anae"ent structures for *- -S
0)an a "aintenance strate( for *- -S Page 2
0)an a 1ac4up an# reco&er( strate( for *- -S+
Module .: Planning /roup Polic StrategThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an an# i"p)e"ent 8roup 0o)ic(
strate( n $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ents"essons
0)annin 8roup 0o)ic( Settins
0)annin the *ssin"ent of 8roup 0o)icies
0)annin the Manae"ent of 8roup 0o)ic( O19ects
"a# : Planning and Implementing /roup Polic
0)annin 8roup 0o)ic(
I"p)e"entin the 0ropose# 80O 0)an
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0)an 80O settins+
0)an the assin"ent of roup po)ic( o19ects to *- -S containers+
0)an ho% to "anae 80Os %ithin (our orani/ation+
Module 0: Planning $ctive Director Certi-icate ServicesThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an *cti&e -irector(
Certificate Ser&ices in $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o% Ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ents+"essons
Enterprise 0:I -ep)o("ent an# *#"inistration
Manain Certificate Te"p)ates
0)annin Certificate Enro))"ent an# Re&ocation
"a# : Con-iguring Certi-icate Services
0)annin Certificate Ser&ices -ep)o("ent
Confiure Stan#-a)one Root an# Enterprise Su1or#inate C*
Confiure :e( *rchi&in an# Reco&er(
Confiure On)ine Certificate Status 0rotoco) *rra(
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0)an enterprise 0:I #ep)o("ent an# a#"inistration
Manae Certificate te"p)ates
0)an certificate enro))"ent an# re&ocation
Module 1: Planning and Provisioning $pplication ServersThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an an# pro&ision
app)ication ser&ers in $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ents+"essons
0)annin an# 0ro&isionin $e1 Ser&ices
0)annin an# 0ro&isionin 0resentation .irtua)i/ation
0)annin an# 0ro&isionin *pp)ication .irtua)i/ation
"a# : Planning and Provisioning $pplication Servers
0)annin *pp)ication -ep)o("ent
Confiurin Re"ote -es4top 0o)icies
Insta))in an# Confiurin a Re"ote -es4top 8ate%a(
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0)an an# pro&ision %e1 app)ication ser&ers+
0)an an# pro&ision re"ote #es4top ser&ices Page ;
0)an an# pro&ision app)ication &irtua)i/ation ser&ers+
Module 8: Planning 2ile and Print ServicesThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an an# i"p)e"ent Fi)e an# 0rint
ser&ices in (our $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ent+"essons
0ro&isionin Fi)e Ser&ices
0ro&isionin an# Manain Storae
0ro&isionin an# Manain Net%or4 0rint Ser&ices
Miratin Fi)e an# 0rint Ser&ices
"a# : Planning and Implementing 2ile and Print Services
0)annin Fi)e Ser&ices
I"p)e"entin Fi)e Ser&ices in the 7ranch Office
I"p)e"entin 0rint Ser&ices in the 7ranch Office
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0)an an# i"p)e"ent the fi)e ser&ice ro)e+
0)an an# "anae storae+
0)an an# "anae share# printers+
0)an the "iration of fi)e an# print ser&ices to $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2

Module 3: Planning )etwor* $ccessThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an an# i"p)e"ent (our net%or4
infrastructure co"ponents in (our $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ent+"essons
0)annin Net%or4 Securit(
0)annin .irtua) 0ri&ate Net%or4s
0)annin Net%or4 *ccess 0rotection
0)annin -irect*ccess
"a# : Planning and Implementing )etwor* $ccess
0)annin Net%or4 *ccess
I"p)e"entin Net%or4 *ccess
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0)an net%or4 infrastructure co"ponents to i"pro&e net%or4 securit(
0)an an# i"p)e"ent .0Ns
0)an an# i"p)e"ent N*0
0)an -irect*ccess
Module 10: Provisioning Data and StorageThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to pro&ision #ata an# storae in (our
$in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ent+"essons
0)annin an# I"p)e"entin -istri1ute# Fi)e S(ste"
0)annin an# I"p)e"entin 7ranchCache
0ro&isionin Storae
"a# : Planning and Implementing Data $ccess
0)annin -ata *ccess
Insta))in an# Confiurin -FS
Ena1)in an# Confiurin 7ranchCache Page 3
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0)an an# i"p)e"ent the -istri1ute# Fi)e S(ste"+
0)an an# i"p)e"ent 7ranchCache+
0ro&ision an appropriate storae so)ution+
Module 11: Planning !pdate DeplomentThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an an# i"p)e"ent a $in#o%s
Ser&er <p#ate Ser&ice topo)o( an# ho% to #ep)o( an# "anae up#ates in (our $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an#
$in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ent+"essons
$S<S Topo)oies
<p#ate Manae"ent
"a# : Multi&Site WS!S Deploment
*na)(/e $S<S -ep)o("ent 0)an
Confiure a Rep)ica $S<S Ser&er
Confiure $S<S for 7ranchCache
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0)an an appropriate $in#o%s Ser&er <p#ate Ser&ices =$S<S> topo)o(
-ep)o( an# "anae up#ates
Module 12: Planning +ig4 $vaila#ilitThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an an# i"p)e"ent 5ih *&ai)a1i)it( in
(our $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ent+"essons
0)annin Net%or4 ?oa# 7a)ancin
0)annin Fai)o&er C)usterin
0)annin for Ser&ice *&ai)a1i)it(
"a# : Planning and Implementing +ig4 $vaila#ilit
0)annin 5ih *&ai)a1i)it(
I"p)e"entin 5ih *&ai)a1i)it(
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
0)an an# #ep)o( net%or4 )oa# 1a)ancin+
0)an an# #ep)o( fai)o&er c)usterin+
0)an for hih ser&ice a&ai)a1i)it(+
Module 1(: Planning Per-ormance and 5vent MonitoringThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an for perfor"ance
an# e&ent "onitorin in (our $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ent+"essons
Monitorin an# *na)(/in Ser&er 0erfor"ance
Manain E&ents
"a# : Planning and Implementing 5vent "og Management
0)annin Enterprise E&ent ?o Manae"ent
Confiurin E&ent Su1scriptions
Creatin Custo" .ie%s
Creatin E&ent Tas4s
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
Monitor an# ana)(/e ser&er perfor"ance+
Manae e&ents+ Page @
Module 1,: 5nterprise 'ac*up and %ecoverThis "o#u)e e,p)ains ho% to p)an for 1ac4 ups an# #isaster
reco&er( in (our $in#o%s Ser&er 200' an# $in#o%s Ser&er 200' R2 en&iron"ent"essons
-isaster Reco&er( Concepts
0)annin $in#o%s Ser&er 7ac4up
0)annin Reco&er( of -ata an# ser&ers
"a# : 'ac*ing !p and %estoring -rom 6+D
Creatin a -isaster Reco&er( 0)an
Confiure net%or4 1ac4up %ith $in#o%s Ser&er 7ac4up
Mount 7ac4up .5- an# E,tract -ata
Confiure a $in#o%s Ser&er 200' ser&er to 1oot fro" 1ac4up .5-
*fter co"p)etin this "o#u)e! stu#ents %i)) 1e a1)e to2
<n#erstan# -isaster Reco&er( Concepts
0)an $in#o%s Ser&er 7ac4up
0)an reco&er( of #ata an# ser&ers Page 6

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