R&D Sop

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The key takeaways are that the R&D department aims to provide guidance for supply, crafting, recruiting, and documenting the guild's activities and exploits. It is divided into divisions for education, supply, recruitment, and press that each have specific responsibilities.

The main divisions within R&D are education, supply, recruitment, and press. Education helps maintain guides, supply provides crafted goods, recruitment brings in new members, and press documents the guild's progress. Each division is headed by a CO and XO who delegate tasks further down the chain of command.

The guild bank policies state that only the Supply CO and XO can access it outside of normal permissions. Other officers and NCOs must follow normal member limits. This ensures supplies are properly managed and distributed.

Wildstar Policies:Wildstar: Dominion R&D SOP

Wildstar Policies: Dominion Faction SOP

Supported Game within the Synergy Community
Standard Operating Procedures
Document Created by: Skorchy
Date: June 23, 2014

The purpose in the creation of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to be adoption of the Synergy Dominions
current SOP at time of writing to fulfill the outlined duties and responsibilities of the R&D Department. As currently
stated the role of Research and Development is:
[To] Ensure that development of all aspects of the community is being taken care so that advancements and
progression is a constant process for the members and leadership.

Table of Contents
Section 1: Department Overview
Section 2: Chain of Command
Section 3: Division Mandates
Section 4: Position Descriptions and Duties
Section 5: Department Policies
Section 6: Making Changes/Amending This Document

Section 1: Overview
The purpose of the R&D department is to provide guidance for supply and crafting needs, fulfillment for hardcore
groupings, advancing membership through recruiting, helping the Academies and Intelligence communities with
creating written guides for their works, and ensuring that newsletters and historians are recording and publishing
stories about the guild.
The tasks generated from this purpose will be delegated to the chain of command with the department as described

Section 2: R&D Chain of Command

1: Directors of Departments (DIR) [Director]
2: Director XOs of Departments (DIRXO) [Director]
3: Division Commanding Officers (Div CO) [Officer]
4: Division Executive Officers (Div XO) [Officer]
5: Division Staff (NCO) [Non-Commissioned Officer]

Section 4: Position Descriptions and Duties
Education To help maintain the Guild wiki page by helping update the guides using the forms and
standardizations created by this division
Supply To provide the guild with all requested crafted goods and materials through proper
requisition policies and gathering circles maintained by this division.
Recruitment To supply the guild with contact inflow of new recruits and help them progress through
the ranks while keeping in mind guild specific recruitment needs.
Press To provide the guild and Synergy Community with updates on the guild progress and exploits
to help promote Synergy in the Wildstar community

Section 4: Position Descriptions and Duties
Tier 2 Leaders - Directors
Research and Development Director - Skorchy
Description: Ensures that development of all aspects of the community is being taken care so that advancements and
progression is a constant process for the members and leadership.
Appointment: Elected by guild members. 90 day term
In-Game Rank: Director
KRA: Will create a SOP to govern and ensure that the mission of the department is being met. Will provide the 3IC
with department reports so that the GL and members will know what the department has accomplished and what's in
the pipe to be achieved in the future. Will participate in Guild Leadership Meetings. They will provide guidance for
supply and crafting needs, advancing membership through recruiting, helping the Academies and Intelligence
communities with creating written guides for their works, and ensuring that newsletters and historians are recording
and publishing stories about the guild.
Research and Development Director XO - Xax
Description: To be the second in command to the Department CO and help ensure that development of all aspects of
the community is being taken care so that advancements and progression is a constant process for the members and
Appointment: Appointed by Department CO
In-Game Rank: Director
KRA: Will help develop and appoint all Division COs as well as ensure the positions vacant under each CO is filled
accordingly. Any appointment Above an NCO must be run by the Department CO prior to acceptance. Will take on
the responsibilities of the Department CO during any extended absences which include weekly reports and any other
duties describes under this SOP or the guilds.
Tier 3 Leaders - Officers
Division of Education CO - Makkhiato
Description: The main role of Division of Education CO is to take the input information from the Academies and
Intelligence on their difference guides. The CO will ensure the format is correct and submit these guides for the
Synergy Dominion Guide Wiki.
Appointment: Appointed by Department CO
In-Game Rank: Officer
KRA: Will help develop and create all Wiki page guide forms and standardized submissions. Upon receiving
information from any Academy or Intelligence member the Division will ensure compliance with the standardization is
met prior to submission. These duties can be completed by the Division CO or anyone else that falls under their
Division of Education XO - Vacant
Description: To be the second in command to the Division CO and help take the input information from the
Academies and Intelligence on their difference guides. The XO will ensure the format is correct and submit these
guides for the Synergy Dominion Guide Wiki. This position DOES NOT need to be filled.
Appointment: Appointed by Division CO upon approval from Department CO
In-Game Rank: Officer
KRA: Will help develop and create all Wiki page guide forms and standardized submissions. Upon receiving
information from any Academy or Intelligence member the Division will ensure compliance with the standardization is
met prior to submission. These duties can be completed by the Division CO or anyone else that falls under their
responsibility. Will take on the responsibilities of the Division CO during any extended absences from the game.
Division of Supply CO - Mojomountain
Description: The main role of Division of Supply CO is to take the requests from the other departments for crafted
goods through the crafted good requisition process. The CO will ensure that all requisitions are being completed in a
timely manner by having the head gatherers and crafters complete them. This requires that the CO always ensures
every trade skill and gathering skill position be filled by a competent and appropriately leveled individual. The
requisitions can be for any crafted item including warplot FABkits, housing FABkits, Weapons, Armour, Socket items
and consumables.
Appointment: Appointed by Department CO
In-Game Rank: Officer
KRA: Completes all crafting requisitions in a timely manner and have all positions under their responsibility filled.
Make sure all lead crafters are contributing to the Department of Education and forums. Have all lead gatherers fill
the appropriate Social Circle in game with similar gatherers.
Division of Supply XO - Vacant
Description: To be the second in command to the Division CO and The main role of Division of Supply CO is to take
the requests from the other departments for crafted goods through the crafted good requisition process. The CO will
ensure that all requisitions are being completed in a timely manner by having the head gatherers and crafters
complete them. This requires that the CO always ensures every trade skill and gathering skill position be filled by a
competent and appropriately leveled individual. The requisitions can be for any crafted item including warplot
FABkits, housing FABkits, Weapons, Armour, Socket items and consumables. This position MUST be filled.
Appointment: Appointed by Division CO upon approval from Department CO
In-Game Rank: Officer
KRA: Help completes all crafting requisitions in a timely manner and have all positions under their responsibility filled.
Make sure all lead crafters are contributing to the Department of Education and forums. Have all lead gatherers fill
the appropriate Social Circle in game with similar gatherers. Will take on the responsibilities of the Division CO during
any extended absences.
Division of Recruitment CO - Vacant
Description: The main role of Division of Recruitment CO is to understand the current guild requirements for
manpower and help achieve them by recruiting the appropriate individuals. They will achieve recruitment goals by
using the General Recruiting Practice under this SOPs policies.
Appointment: Appointed by Department CO
In-Game Rank: Officer
KRA: Will help educate all members in the appropriate method of recruiting individuals for the guild. Helps the HR
Department with the transition of new recruits from Cupcake to Member by getting them the appropriate contact
and game information. Will appoint guild recruiters to help them complete these tasks.
Division of Recruitment XO - Vacant
Description: To be the second in command to the Division CO and helps to understand the current guild
requirements for manpower and achieves them by recruiting the appropriate individuals. They will achieve
recruitment goals by using the General Recruiting Practice under this SOPs policies. This position DOES NOT need to
be filled.
Appointment: Appointed by Division CO upon approval from Department CO
In-Game Rank: Officer
KRA: Helps educate all members in the appropriate method of recruiting individuals for the guild. Helps the HR
Department with the transition of new recruits from Cupcake to Member by getting them the appropriate contact
and game information. Will appoint guild recruiters to help them complete these tasks. Will take on the
responsibilities of the Division CO during any extended absences.
Division of The Press CO - Vacant
Description: The main role of Division of The Press CO is to be responsible for maintaining the histories of the guild,
along with providing the GL with monthly updates to add to our Legacies Page as the guild progresses. They will
work with their appointed journalists to write articles and compile news that will be reported weekly on the
Community Front page, (1 to 2 stories) and compile a newsletter that will be sent out to the Exiles and the Dominion
to keep both factions apprised of the latest news and workings of all the departments in the guilds on Wildstar.
Appointment: Appointed by Department CO
In-Game Rank: Officer
KRA: Will ensure their division is completing all press releases as required by this SOP. Will ensure journalists are
appointed as needed.
Division of The Press XO - Vacant
Description: To be the second in command to the Division CO and helps maintain the histories of the guild, along
with providing the GL with monthly updates to add to our Legacies Page as the guild progresses. They will work with
their appointed journalists to write articles and compile news that will be reported weekly on the Community Front
page, (1 to 2 stories) and help compile a newsletter that will be sent out to the Exiles and the Dominion to keep both
factions apprised of the latest news and workings of all the departments in the guilds on Wildstar. This position DOES
NOT need to be filled.
Appointment: Appointed by Division CO upon approval from Department CO
In-Game Rank: Officer
KRA: Will ensure their division is completing all press releases as required by this SOP. Will ensure journalists are
appointed as needed. Will take on the responsibilities of the Division CO during any extended absences.
Tier 4 Leaders - NCOs
Educator 2 Positions - Vacant
Description: To help the Division of Education CO with the input information from the Academies and Intelligence on
and ensure the format is correct for submission.
Appointment: Appointed by Division CO
In-Game Rank: NCO
KRA: Completes formatting and editing in a timely manner
Lead Crafter Multiple Positions
Lead Architect Phearon
Lead Armorer Vacant
Lead Outfitter Gizoh
Lead Technologist Vacant
Leader Weaponsmith Vacant
Lead Tailor Vacant

Description: To help the Division of Supply CO complete all requisitions that pertain to their appropriate tradeskill.
Post guide type information on the forums and submit this to the Division of Education using the Wiki formatting laid
Appointment: Appointed by Division CO
In-Game Rank: NCO
KRA: Complete all requisitions handed down in a timely manner. Always donating non tradeskill specific crafting
goods to the bank. Post forum guides regularly.
Lead Gatherer Multiple Positions
Lead Survivalist Evanne
Lead Miner Vacant
Lead Relichunter Vacant
Lead Farmer - Vacant
Description: To help the Division of Supply CO fill the bank coffers with crafting goods of the appropriate type based
on title. Will help with guild gathering events to ensure all crafting requisitions have the materials to be met
Appointment: Appointed by Division CO
In-Game Rank: NCO
KRA: Helps to fill the circles with guild members of their specific gathering skill. This will help members have a list
they can refer to for neighbour nodes.
Recruiter 2 Positions - Vacant
Description: To help the Division of Recruitment CO fulfill recruitment goals
Appointment: Appointed by Division CO
In-Game Rank: NCO
KRA: Follows the General Recruiting Practice
Journalist 2 Positions - Vacant
Description: To help the Division of The Press CO fulfill all press release goals
Appointment: Appointed by Division CO
In-Game Rank: NCO
KRA: Follows the SOP deadlines as delegated by the Education CO
Section 5: Department Policies
General Recruitment Policy
We are always recruiting. We do not discriminate in any way against any player to join. All players MUST pass the T1
Cadet Exit Exam within 7 days of joining the guild roster in game in order to become a member. If they do not do
this, recruiting will get with that person to complete the test, if you refuse to complete the test, you will be removed
from the guild for refusal to agree with the Code of Conduct to remain in the community. The T1 exam is a multiple
choice, open book, common sense exam that focuses on the simple practices of respect and basic rules governing
the community as a whole. If you cannot pass the test, please reach out to your recruit or any of the leaders to help
you pass the test, we want everyone to be able to play!

Everyone is a recruiter. You can passively recruit by simply answering questions or directing people to recruiting
when asked about the guild, or actively recruit by using forum boards or a recruitment message in game. Remember
that we promote growth and community, while still having plenty of hardcore groups that people can run in if they so

The official recruitment message we use in game is as follows:
The Synergy Dominion is recruiting players! Wildstar is one of the many games supported by our community . We
are a guild that doesn't require commitment/quotas but if you seek it, hardcore and end game 40 man raids and PVP
teams will run weekly. We have a dedicated TeamSpeak and Web server as well. For more info or an invite PST

Here is a sample recruitment message that you could use in forum boards:
Synergy is looking for members to join us in Nexus! We are a multi gaming community that has been around for over
4 years! Our guilds are departmentalized, which means we have different departments within our guilds. We have
PvE, PvP, raiding, crafting, contests, events and even some who do role playing. We are very well organized and
have a dedicated Website and Teamspeak server. We will have department calendars to organize weekly events and
evolutions for the guild. We have both an Exile and Dominion guild, so feel free to join one or both! If anyone is
interested in joining us, either PM me here, on our website:www.synergy-community.com (Fidens on there as well),
or feel free to hop on our Teamspeak server: ts3.synergy-community.com
We have power leveling groups organizing right now for head start, and are getting the organization set up for end
game content for when players cap out! It doesn't matter if you just want to craft, be a casual player with a bunch of
friends, or be hardcore, Synergy has a place for you!

Gatherer Circle Policy
All members of the guild which own a gathering node at their housing site and wish to participate in the guild
gathering runs must join the appropriate node circle. The idea behind these circles is to establish the following:
-A list of all members who have a Node of the matching guild circle on their housing plot
-Want others to come to their house regularly to farm these nodes
-Are willing to go others houses regularly to farm their nodes
Anyone participating in this program is expected to set their house sharing to AT LEAST 50% sharing with
neighbours. This is to promote people wanting to keep coming back to your house as well as help collect crafting
supplies for the guild.
R&D Bank Policy
Directors Will be granted access as per the Guild Bank policy outlines by the GL XO
Officers Only the Division of Supply CO and XO will be allowed to access the guild bank outside of normal member
permission. Even if Officer settings are set higher than the normal member setting the Division heads for Recruiting,
Education and The Press are to follow the normal member withdrawal and usage limits.
NCOs Only the Division of Supply NCOs will be allowed to access the guild bank outside of normal member
permission. Even if NCO settings are set higher than the normal member setting the NCOs for Recruiting, Education
and The Press are to follow the normal member withdrawal and usage limits.
Section 6: Making Changes/Amending This Document
This document will only be altered by the Elected Director of R&D of the Synergy Dominion Guild. Any changes made
outside that authorization must be proposed by a member or above of Synergy Dominion, ratified by at least 10
members or above, and voted upon in the next Guild Meeting in order to be adopted as policy in this document. All
changes must be dated and tracked.

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