Exhibit C - Notice of Release and Acknowledgment
Exhibit C - Notice of Release and Acknowledgment
Exhibit C - Notice of Release and Acknowledgment
all-- in the
peoples common law recording of the family scripture; and ministerially recorded in the public record to notify all public
cite # that yahuwah s ambassador and yahuwah s ministr y things stewarded thru him are released from the
COMM!C"#$ CO!%O!#& %O'! O( #%%O")&M)& via*
+,-,.a,.b / applicable scriptural law of exodus 19:5-6, 23:32-33, leiticus 1!:1-5, 19:2, 2 corinthians
0,1 6:1"-1!, reelation 1!:", 222 & recogni#ed as acknowledged as being released via*
/ common law of release 3cf2 rcw ++*41 -release, 2225 and via
/ $roof that notice of release was receied and via
/ applicable due-$rocess of constructie notice via foreign-state in-comity law
with the highest-level of federal-and-state elected public servants ---and by-&-thru
them for all $ublic serants in accord with the highest law of s$iritual release
6 -yohanan !:32, 36; a certified copy of yahuwahs notice of release & acknowledgment
is being made available through maricopa county recorder, ari7ona, united states of america,
8ingdom of yahuwah*
to the one acting as #!"9O)# #&&O!): ;)!#$ tom horne -as &!<=& of the purported
COMM!C"#$ CO!%O!#& %<>$"C &!<=& ?noticed that yahuwah s release for his ambassador
and stewardshi$ is recogni#ed as acknowledged
by u2s2p2o2 registered mail on gc* @@@@@@@@ ; and
to the one acting ministerially as ari7ona secretary of state 8en bennett -as 8eeper of the
highest-level of public record ?notifying all $ublic serants that yahuwah s release from the
COMM!C"#$ CO!%O!#& %O'! O( #%%O")&M)& to the %<>$"C &!<=& for his
ambassador and stewardshi$ is recogni#ed as acknowledged by u2s2p2o2 registered mail on gc* @@@@@@@@
; and
comes now representing yahuwah aluhiym manifesting the presence of
yahuwah-ban-shuwah hamashiyach in spe cial forei gn-state conflict-of-laws
in-com it y visi ta tion only without consent to any A<!"=B"C&"O) not ac8nowledging
applicable scriptural truth and the 8ingdom of yahuwah aluhiym concerning*
yahuwahs notice of release and acknowledgment
+* yahuwah aluhiym for-and-on-behalf-of the undersigned ambassador for
C hamashiyach -2 corinthians 5:1%-21 and citi7en of the saints of the household
D of yahuwah -e$hesians 2:1-22 declares that the following is true, relevant, and certain
to the belief and 8nowledge yahuwah witnesses thru his e88lesia so far;
said ambassador*
/ has given +EEF allegiance to yahuwah aluhiym ?to manifest yahuwahs covenant
4,+E righteousness thru hamashiyach yahuwah-ban-shuwah -exodus 2&:1-1%, matthew 22:3%-"&
++ and thru ruach of yahuwah aluhiyms eternal life -romans !:1-6;
+- / has no outstanding debt, and freely shares yahuwahs good news -acts ":31-35;
G.a,.b / is not part of any COMM!C"#$ CO!%O!#& %<>$"C &!<=& -leiticus 1!:1-5, 19:2;
G0 and has expatriated from any C$#"M to the contrary -2 corinthians 6:1"-1!;
/ is acknowledged as a foreign-state non -'())*+',-. ambassador
+. for the kingdom of yahuwah -2 corinthians 5:1%-21 --the only state foreign
to the COMM!C"#$ CO!%O!#& <)"&B =&#&=, all =<>="B"#!: =&#&s,
G1 and all of the H");BOMs-O(-&I"=-'O!$B -reelation 1!:"2
yahuwahs notice of release and ac8nowledgement of foreign-state immunity exhibit c page +
-* the following five J1K exhibits are proof of evidence of the recogni#ed as acknowledged foreign-state nature,
cause, & immunity for yahuwahs said ambassador and careta8ing*
exhibit a Lyahuwahs declaration of ambassadorshi$ for hamashiyachM
being recorded at ari7ona maricopa county;
exhibit b Lyahuwahs declaration that ambassador is in yahuwahs kingdomM* yahuwahs*
Ldeclaration of ex$atriationM from <2=2 C"&"9)=I"% and =&#& !="B)C:,
Lrevocation of signature rescinding all COMM!C"#$ #BI="O) CO)&!#C&=M,
Lnotice of releaseNconstructie notice for ac8nowledgment -timely res$onse re/uiredM,
Lwitness of ac8nowledged release upon default to constructive noticeM;
being recorded at ari7ona maricopa county;
exhibit c Lyahuwahs notice of release and its constructie acknowledgmentM,
being recorded at ari7ona maricopa county;
exhibit d Lyahuwahs country recording and $ublic news$a$er constructie notices of exclusie
foreign-state release, dominion, and immunityM being published for two J-K wee8s in accord with deuteronomy
19:15-16 & matthew 1!:15-2& and the law of release notifying all creation of yahuwahs release for his
ambassador & ministry things
from any COMM!C"#$ CO!%O!#& %<>$"C &!<=&; being published by 3wic8enburg sun5 public
newspaper notices, with notari7ed proof of publishing; being recorded at ari7ona maricopa
county, with notice also being published at california sacramento county and washington thurston county2
exhibit e Lyahuwah aluhiyms ekklesiastical common law entry of default and default
0udgment of Oreleased 1(2*+ (3 -11(,45)*45 from the COMM!C"#$ %<>$"C
&!<=& for yahuwahs non-'())*+',-. foreign-state ambassador and ministry
things ta8en care of thru himM will promptly be issued upon / constructive notice default of
exhibits LcM & LdM by those receiving exhibits La thru dM; and / with proof of service of exhibits
La thru dM on #!"9O)# #&&O!): ;)!#$ tom horne, ari7ona secretary of state 8en
bennett, and president of the u2s2a barach obama recorded at ari7ona maricopa county2
.* there are four J0K star-witnesses acting as $ublic record eidence that every %ublic =ervant and COMM!C"#$
)&"&: in all =&#&= N =tates N states recogni7ed as ac8nowl-edged that yahuwahs said
ambassador & yahuwahs ministry things ta8en care of thru him are of a foreign state non- '())*+',-.
nature, cause, dominion, and immunity*
sw-1 / exhibit c notice of release ,
sw-2 / exhibit sos-" $roof that notice of release was receied, and
sw-3 / exhibit e Jsee paragraph aboveK
sw-" / 3cf2 %=# +1E--+1E.5 exam$le of 65-5* .-2 exce$ting foreign status
yahuwahs notice of release and ac8nowledgement of foreign-state immunity exhibit c page -
sw-1: exhibit c -this notice of release for yahuwahs said ambassador and ministry things
ta8en care of through him- is being served to each of / the =&#& #&&O!): ;)!#$
and / the state secretary of state -the rePuired two J-K recipients per due process of
applicable foreign-state in-comity law of release- 3cf2 see rcw ++*41 -release5*
along with the rePuired $roof of serice establishing force and effect to said release
+0, +1 / per yahuwahs 8ingdom covenant law -deuteronomy 19:15-2&; matthew 1!:15-2&, &
/ in accord with M#)-M#B $#' based upon the common law of release
3cf2 rcw ++*41 -release*5 which states that once the =&#& #&&O!): ;)!#$
receies Jnot approvesK yahuwahs Lnotice of releaseM from the COMM!C"#$
CO!%O!#& %<>$"C &!<=& for his said ambassador and ministry things ta8en care of
thru him, they are released and such release is in full force and effect, and
when such is noticed to the state sec2 of state, then release for yahuwahs said ambassador
& yahuwahs ministry things ta8en care of thru him is in full force and effect
for all $ublic serants, 178.,' 6*+9-456, & '())*+',-. *45,5,*6, and
when such is newspaper noticed, it is noticed to all creation2
& coupled with M#)-M#B $#' 3cf2 article "Q section + of the u2s2a constitution5
such release extends said full force and effect to all 1ublic 6erants in all 6tates2
sw-2* exhibit sos-" L$roof that notice of release is being receiedM
the receipts of registered mailings are proof that the =&#& #&&O!): ;)!#$ and state
secretary of state receied yahuwahs said Lnotice of releaseM, and are more star witnesses that yahuwah s release
releases his ambassador and yahuwah s ministr y things ta8en care of thru him from the COMM!C"#$
CO!%O!#& %O'! O( #%%O")&M)& to the %<>$"C &!<=& and is proof that
such release is in full force and effect,
sos-", witnesses formal recognition of the foreign-state non- '())*+',-.
nature : cause as a $ublic -ct, +ecord, and 0udicial 1roceeding --which carries
with it foreign-state immunity in accord with 3cf2 -D <=C R+6E+-+6++5*
and such for ei gn-state immu nit y extends to all =tates 3cf2 #rt2 "Q R+ u2s2a2 constitution5*
sos-" is being recorded at ari7ona maricopa county2
%ublic =ervants recogni7e what is inside of their Q)< and A<!"=B"C&"O)
and %ublic =ervants acknowledge what is out side of their Q)< and A<!"=B"C&"O)2
yahuwahs ambassadors recogni7e what is inside of yahuwahs exclusive dominion
and we acknowledge what is against of yahuwahs exclusive dominion2
yahuwahs notice of release and ac8nowledgement of foreign-state immunity exhibit c page .
Lforeign states not in COMM!C are immune from the Surisdiction
of the Courts of the <)"&B =&#&= and of any =&#&2M
L(ull (aith and Credit shall be given in each =tate
to the #cts, !ecords, and Sudicial %roceedings of every other =tate2M
sw-3* exhibit e Lyahuwah aluhiyms ekklesiastical common law entry of default and default
0udgment of Oreleased 1(2*+ (3 -11(,45)*45 from the COMM!C"#$ %<>$"C
&!<=& for yahuwahs non-'())*+',-. foreign-state ambassador and ministry
things ta8en care of thru himM is issued as truth in law and at law with preSudice, latches, and res
Sudicata ---resulting from applicable due-$rocess of constructie notice via foreign-state in-comity law which
is being served upon the highest-level of federal-and-state elected public servants* / =&#& #&&O!):
;)!#$, / state secretary of state, / president of united states of america, / all people, / all creation,
and / all %!=O)s2
via yahuwah aluhiyms scriptural law of silence2 3cf2 see also M#)-M#B foreign-state in-comity law constructive
notice in accord with -D <=C R+6ED JdK -time to respond5* sixty J6EK days rePuired by due process of in-
comity constructive notice from the time of receiving this notice of release and constructie
notice is given to each recipient to timely deny or rebut aerred acknowledgement of
release, foreign-state dominion, and immunity stated in yahuwahs constructive
notice --and yahuwahs in-comity courtesy travel documents for his said ambassador &
ministry thingsT
any res$onsie res$onse is to be sent -via first-class mail- on a point -b y-point basis
with established $roof of eidence in the public record that overcomes yahuwahs declaration of ambassadorship
to yahuwah --the only one with exclusive dominion concerning yahuwahs ambassador eric Sohn of yahuwah
yahuwah-ban-shuwah ruach of hamashiyach aluhiym and yahuwahs careta8ing assigned to him;
otherwise, after each recipient receiing yahuwahs notice of release & constructie notice and each recipient
timely defaulting by not responsively responding within 6E days --is thenceforth deemed as tacitly
acknowledging acce$tance in law and at $#' of the ordained and established truth of foreign-
state immunity averred-to; whereby default and default 0udgment is promptly entered into the $ublic record
against all public servants, %<>$"C =!Q#)&=, or (O!";) #;)& %!=O)= for all 178.,'
6*+9-456 eerywhere2
the above said default 0ud gment specifically states*
Lno one except yahuwah aluhiym in the shem-name of yahuwah-ban-shuwah
has exclusive dominion or any #<&IO!"&: over yahuwahUs said
ambassador or yahuwahs ministry things ta8en care of thru him2 so
all (B!#$ & =&#& %<>$"C =!Q#)&= are duty-bound via the
oath of office ta8en before yahuwah aluhiym to ac8nowledge what their
=<%!"O!= have recogni7ed as ac8nowledged for them* yahuwahs
foreign-state non-COMM!C"#$ nature, cause, dominion, and immunity
is indefeasible (cannot be defeated or ignored) and ministerial
(non-discretionary non-COMMERCIAL) truth for all creation2M and
/ that yahuwah s said ambassador and yahuwah s ministr y thin gs
eer taken-care of thru his ambassador are exclusiel y
in the forei gn-state non- '())*+',-. kin gdom of yahuwah
and exclusiely sub0ect to yahuwah s eternal coenant scri $tural
+6 way, statutes, mandates, right rulings, and testimonies -1 kings 2:32
as written in the original languages using the best available original ancient
hebrew and gree8 language & interlinear covenant shem-name (manifesting
the presence of the eternal one with his salation) scripture scrolls as a basis
with much ruach spiritual discernment to be able to stand under them, and
/ that yahuwahs said ambassador and stewardship are exclusively in the kingdom
of yahuwah and are exclusively sub0ect to the dominion of yahuwahs law of life
yahuwahs notice of release and ac8nowledgement of foreign-state immunity exhibit c page 0
G++ in hamashiyach with yahuwah-ban-shuwah -romans !:1-6 & scriptural summary
+C, G4 of yahuwah s eternal coenant law Tthe +E mandates -exodus 3":2%-2!,
+D,G+E 2&:1-1%, deuteronomy 5:1-21, matthew 22:3%-"&, !!!" and
/ that yahuwahs said ambassador is not a ("C&"O)#$ %!=O) of C#=#!, and
/ that yahuwahs things ta8en care of thru his said ambassador are not $art of
any COMM!C"#$ CO!%O!#& %<>$"C &!<=&, and are out of the Q)<= and
A<!"=B"C&"O)= of the COMM!C"#$ CO!%O!#& <)"&B =&#&=, any =<>="B"#!:
=&#&, any <)"&B )#&"O), or any of the H");BOMs-O(-&I"=-'O!$B,
through the performed law of release and by recognition by the highest-level of
foreign-state elected public servants, all $ublic serants acknowledge the foreign-state
non-COMM!C"#$ nature, cause, and immunity for yahuwah, his ambassador,
& stewardshi$ in accord with the highest law of s$iritual release -yohanan !:32, 362
a certified copy of yahuwahs notice of release & acknowledgment is available
at maricopa county recorder2
sw-" 3cf2 psa +1E--+1E. exception5 example of one =&#& excepting foreign status from registration ?all =&#&s
have similar provision in &I"! CO$O!-O(-$#'2
0* since 1-1!-595" Jgc* 0-4-+44.K, per any one of the public record " star witnesses
of ordained, established, and ac8nowledged foreign-state immunity
for yahuwahs ambassador and ministry things ta8en care of thru him*
sw-1 / exhibit c notice of release ,
sw-2 / exhibit sos-" $roof that notice of release was receied, and
sw-3 / exhibit e Lyahuwah aluhiyms ekklesiastical common law entry of
default and default 0udgment of Oreleased 1(2*+ (3
-11(,45)*45 from the COMM!C"#$ %<>$"C &!<=& for
yahuwahs non-'())*+',-. foreign-state ambassador and
ministry things ta8en care of thru himM
sw-" / 3cf2 %=# +1E--+1E.5 exam$le of 65-5* .-2 exce$ting foreign status
all $ublic serants are barred from making any '.-,) in law or at $#'
a gainst yahuwah , his said ambassador , or yahuwah s ministr y thin gs
ta8en care of thru him -latches, with preSudice; res Sudicata2
yahuwahs notice of release and ac8nowledgement of foreign-state immunity exhibit c page 1
as such, since 1-1!-595" Jgc* 0-4-+44.K, said ambassador and stewardship are not part of any COMM!C"#$
CO!%O!#& %<>$"C &!<=& that is in any way associated with the COMM!C"#$ CO!%O!#&
<)"&B =&#&=, any =<>="B"#!: =&#&,
any <)"&B )#&"O), or any H");BOM-O(-&I"=-'O!$B*
anyone C$#"M"); the contrary is not only sinning against yahuwah almighty and his said
release by brea8ing yahuwahs coenant with all creation* +E
mandate ?Lno covetingM,
?Lno lyingM, and D
? Lno stealingM, but also committing the following M#)-M#B felonies*
/ misrepresenting ministerial material fact 3cf2 +D <=C R+EE+5
/ obstructing Sustice by denying due process of in-comity law 3cf2 +D <=C R+1E65
/ perSuring the public record 3cf2 +D <=C R+6-+5
/ concealing public record evidence 3cf2 +D <=C R-EC+5
/ treason against oath of office or CO!%O!#& CI#!&! 3cf2 art . R . u2s2a2 const25
do not perSure the public record or do any of the above ($O)"= against yahuwahV
-hebrews 1&:3&-31* it is fearful to fall into the hands of the living yahuwah aluhiym2
thank you sincerely to each receiing this declaration*
for your careful consideration, attention, and your part in seeing that the manner in which this
matter is handled is such that it furthers favorable foreign-state relations between the 8ingdom
of yahuwah and each of your states that are foreign to the 8ingdom of yahuwah2
- mark 16:15-1!* Lgo into all the world and publish this good news to every creatureM
+4 signed with the 7eal of yahuwah of host ?yashayahu JisaiahK 9:6-% per the sovereign power of
-E,-+ hamashiyach yahuwah-ban-shuwah ?matthew 2!:1!-2&, e$hesians 1:15-23 and direction of
-- ruach of yahuwah ?romans !:1-6 this twenty-third day of the second month of the scriptural year
five thousand nine hundred and seventy six of the reign of yahuwah aluhiym 3gc2 1-.+--E+05
nunc pro tunc ab initio -now for then from the beginning Jgc* .-4-+44.K2
yahuwah aluhiym through his Lt2r2u2t2h2M 8ingdom corporation sole gift agent*
-.,-0 two or three witnesses establishes every matter -deuteronomy 19:15, matthew 1!:16
we, the undersigned, witness that the above ambassador is authori7ed by yahuwah aluhiym
via hamashiyach yahuwah-ban-shuwah to affix yahuwahs signature to the foregoing*
yahuwahs notice of release and ac8nowledgement of foreign-state immunity exhibit c page 6
release of the 1(2*+6 (3 -11(,45)*45 ;<cf= rcw 11=95=&1&-&3&>
+'2 11=95=&1& +eleases=
-ny $ower exercisable by deed, will, or otherwise,
other than a $ower in trust which is im$eratie, is releasable,
either with or without consideration, by written instrument
signed by the holder and deliered as hereinafter $roided=
+'2 11=95=&3& +eleases - ?eliery=
@1A ,n order to be effectie as a release of a $ower, the instrument of
release must be deliered to any trustee or co-trustee of the $ro$erty,
and the $erson holding the $ro$erty, to which the $ower relates=
@2A "n addition to the delivery rePuired under subsection J+K of this section,
a copy of the instrument of release may be published in a legal newspaper
of general circulation in the county in which all or the greatest portion of
the property is located at least once within thirty days of the delivery
rePuired under subsection J+K of this section, which shall from the time
of $ublication constitute notice of the release to all other $ersons2
note that the gc* +441 revision of rcw ++241 relieved the secretary of state of the duty of recording releases
by repealing Lrcw ++2412E1E ? (iling with secretary of state ? (eeM2 and changing
Lrcw ++2412E.E ?deliveryM to common law public newspaper notice2
even so, the intent of common law of release was and is more clearly stated
in the previous to gc* +441 version of rcw ++2412E.E ?delivery, which was*
B?eliery of a co$y of the instrument of release may be made
to the secretary of state, which shall from the time of deliery
constitute notice of the release to all other $ersons=C
the previous stated common law duty of the secretary of state did not go away2 it still exists
and can be accessed as before2 the secretary of state is simply no longer ?upon rePuest-
rePuired to provide written evidence of such release2 however an apostille of the same can
still be obtained from the secretary of state --but with a notary and at a higher fee2 &he
apostille can then be noticed to all via placing it & supporting pages in the county record2
yahuwahs notice of release and ac8nowledgement of foreign-state immunity exhibit c page C
Cite #
.a, .b
exodus +4*1-6
exodus -.*.--..
leviticus +D*+-1, +4*-
Jsee also Sudges -*+-.K
- corinthians 6*+0-+D
revelation +D*0
Sohn D*.-, .6
- corinthians 1*-E
ephesians -*+---
exodus -E*+-+C
matthew --*.C-0E
romans D*+-6
acts 0*.+-.1
- corinthians 1*+C--+
deuteronomy +4*+1--E
matthew +D*+1--E
+ 8ings -*.
exodus .0*-C--D
deuteronomy 1*+--+
yeshayahu 4*6-C
matthew -D*+D
ephesians +*+1--.
romans D*0
deuteronomy +4*+1
matthew +D*+6
yahuwahs notice of release and ac8nowledgement of foreign-state immunity exhibit c page D
yahuwahDs exclusie dominion scri$tural law citedE
notice of release & ac8nowledgment to #;, sos, all public servants