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HRM 3 Banquet, Function and Catering Services Procedures with Laboratory

Lec !
BANQUET- is a meal that has a menu preselected by the client for all the guests attending the event inside
the hotel.
Allows clients to invite a large group of people without the necessity of planning, buying , cooking and
serving food. Clients do not need to clean up after the function is over.
CATERING- brings the food and service to the guests venue.
Is a multi faceted segment of the food service industry. There is a niche for all types of catering
businesses within the segment of catering.
Pre-arranged service of food and drinks to clients for different occasions.
Catering Management- may be defined as the task of planning, organiing, and controlling. !ach activity
influences the preparation and delivery of food, beverage, and related services at a competitive, profitable
price. These activities work together to meet and e"ceed the customer#s perception of value.
Types of Catering
- There are two main types of catering which are$ on"#re$ise and o%% #re$ise&
On premise catering refers to food that is prepared and served in the same place to a group of people.
The caterer has his own dining hall with an attached kitchen or production area.
%or instance, a caterer within a hotel or ban&uet hall will prepare and cater all of the events without
taking any service or food outside the facility.
Types of events !ic! may occ"r in on-premise catering#
'. $ospita% Catering# vents that occur within a hospital environment(
). $ig! &c!oo%'e%ementary &c!oo% Catering# events that may occur anywhere in the school
property but food preparation is done in the school cafeteria.
*. University'Co%%ege Catering# Provides food and related services to students, faculty,
administrators and guests.
Off premise catering food prepared in a kitchen and then transported to the place where it will be served to
a group of people.
-is accomplished e"clusively by the caterer. The off-premise caterer transports all of the food,
serving products, and personnel to a location other than the building or facility where the food is
The caterer brings the complete service to the customers. This may be at a private home, church,
office, school or any type of outdoor affair. +e is provided with a kitchen. +e brings his own facilities
and e&uipment for food production, transport and service.
An important consideration for off-premise catering is that there must be access to e&uipment needed to
prepare the food. Caterers must also furnish their own refrigerated trucks or other e&uipment to keep food hot
or cold. In addition, transportation must be provided for the staff to get to the site. ,ome off-premise events are
so large that a caterer will have to rent buses to get the wait-staff to the location so they all arrive dressed
properly at the same time.
Types of off-premise catering#
() &"permar*et Catering# Provide items that can be picked up and taken home or to another location(
+) ,"a% Resta"rant-catering Operations# -hen a restaurant operator evolves into catering services
to strategically increase the efficiencies of the base operation(
-) Conventions an. e..ings catering# provides food service to support professional, .usiness and
social activities of a large group of people
/) Mo0i%e Catering# employs one or a fleet of trucks to support an assortment of food and beverages
for customers located at diverse locations.
On-premise an. Off-premise Com0inations) +otels and small restaurants may prepare food in their kitchen
and transport off-premise to another location to serve their guests.
'dvantages and (isadvantages
-hile there is an advantage for both on-premise and off-premise catering, some inherent problems may occur.
The distinct advantage of catering a ban&uet on-premise for one hundred-fifty people is that everything is
within reach. If an unforeseen problem strikes, a better opportunity to create a successful alternative may be
implemented. If a customer receives a steak they do not like, a caterer can immediately prepare another one. If
serving at an off-premise location, this may not be an alternative. .ecause every /ob is different, e"periences
teaches what has worked in similar circumstances in the past and will most likely work again in the present.
Commercia% &egment traditionally considered the for profit operations, includes the independent
caterer, the restaurant caterer, and the home-based caterer. In addition, hotel0motel and private club
catering operations are also found in this category.
Non-commercia% segment or the not-for-profit operations, consists of the following types of catering
activities$ business0industry accounts, college and university catering, health care facilities, recreational
food service catering, social organiations, and transportation food service catering.
Mi%itary segment encompasses all catering activities involved in association with the armed forces
and0or diplomatic events.
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Mi%itary &egment Commercia% &egment Non-commercia% &egment
-Military Functions -Independent Caterers -Business/ Industry Accounts
-Diplomatic Functions -Hotel/Motel Caterers -College and University Catering
-Home-Based Caterers -Health Care Facilities
-estaurant/Catering Firms -ecreational Food !ervice
-"rivate Clu#s -!chool Catering
-!ocial $rgani%ations
-&ransportation Food !ervice
Type of Operation
&ocia% Catering Providing food for private affairs or social events like weddings, holiday parties, receptions
and large scale parties. It often involves the presentation and service of the food as well as different aspects of
event planning. ,ome event caterers specialie in one kind of event, while others do them all.
In addition to using your chef#s skills, you can use other forms of creativity for decorating and planning
for the event and you can contract with musicians, rental companies, florists and venues to increase
your profits.
It is good space to form a solid word-of-mouth reputation. %or e"ample, when one wedding is catered
well, the bride and groom#s friend are likely to contract with you at future weddings or events.
If you do not en/oy this kind of work, it can be time-consuming and stressful. 1any talented chefs are
hesitant to go into event catering because the event-planning aspects do not appeal to them.
,ince you are catering an event that is probably very close and personal for your clients, a single
mistake on your part can send clients into a fit.
Corporate Catering ,upplying snacks or meals for large institutions or businesses like schools, prisons,
factories or airlines.
Corporate caterers usually sign annual or semi annual contracts, so they are guaranteed payment for a
long period of time.
,ervice is out of the picture. 1ost facilities and institutions provide their food in a cafeteria-style service,
or, in the case of airlines, through flight attendants.
It is very difficult to start out as an corporate caterer. 1ost caterers grow into this business or have
some pre-e"isting connections at facilities or institutions.
.ecause corporate caterers provide massive amounts of food, it is often difficult to maintain a high
standard of food &uality.

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