This document is an application form for admission to a German university for international students with foreign academic qualifications. It requests personal details, contact information, educational background including transcripts of marks and certificates, language proficiency certification, desired degree program details, financial aid information, and confirmation that the applicant has read and accepts the terms of application. The form collects all information necessary to evaluate the applicant's eligibility and make an admission decision.
This document is an application form for admission to a German university for international students with foreign academic qualifications. It requests personal details, contact information, educational background including transcripts of marks and certificates, language proficiency certification, desired degree program details, financial aid information, and confirmation that the applicant has read and accepts the terms of application. The form collects all information necessary to evaluate the applicant's eligibility and make an admission decision.
This document is an application form for admission to a German university for international students with foreign academic qualifications. It requests personal details, contact information, educational background including transcripts of marks and certificates, language proficiency certification, desired degree program details, financial aid information, and confirmation that the applicant has read and accepts the terms of application. The form collects all information necessary to evaluate the applicant's eligibility and make an admission decision.
This document is an application form for admission to a German university for international students with foreign academic qualifications. It requests personal details, contact information, educational background including transcripts of marks and certificates, language proficiency certification, desired degree program details, financial aid information, and confirmation that the applicant has read and accepts the terms of application. The form collects all information necessary to evaluate the applicant's eligibility and make an admission decision.
Application for admission to German university for international applicants with
foreign academic qualifcation
Please read the instructions in the information sheet for application for admission. 2. Personal details (enter exactly as shown in your passport) Surname / Family name .
First / Given name(s) . Sex Male Female Date of birth .
19 (dd, mm, 19yy) Place of birth .
Nationality / Nationalities . 3. Postal address (Please write in block capitals) c/o .v House number / Street . Room no. . Postal code / City .
. Country . E-mail address .
Telephone number .
for the winter semester . / . summer semester .
at . (name of university) Not to be completed by the applicant. Eingang Registrier-Nr.
Datum der HZB:
Art der HZB: Note:
Direkte HZB DSH erforderlich DSH nicht erforderlich Feststellungsprfung erforderlich Besuch des Studienkollegs
Kurs externe Feststellungsprfung Ergnzungsprfung Zulassungsbesonderheiten nach Studienplatzvergabeordnung Fachbindung
Ablehnung Weitere Bearbeitungsvermerke:
4. Educational background You are required to substantiate the data below with certifed copies and translations (German or English) of your certifcates. Please submit these together with this application. Important: Some universities accept certifcates in other languages besides German or English. (Enquire at the university of your choice for more information.) Schooling (for university study, see below) from - to details
. Duration of schooling .
. (from primary school to end of .
. secondary school)
. 1. Desired degree programme Entry level 1.1. Desired subject of study (1 st choice) Which semester are you applying for? (Enter only if you have a credit transfer statement) 1. Major or core subject .
. 2. 2 nd major or minor .
. 3. 2 nd minor .
. Desired degree of your 1 st -choice subject of study bachelors masters doctorate state examination Diplom Magister no formal degree other degree / qualifcation . teacher certifcation (Lehramt) for .
(type of school) 1.2. Desired subject of study (2 nd choice) What is your 2 nd -choice subject of study if you are not Entry level admitted to the degree programme of your 1 st choice? Which semester are you applying for? (Enter only if you have a credit transfer statement) 1. Major or core subject .
. 2. 2 nd major or minor .
. 3. 2 nd minor .
. Desired degree of your 2 nd -choice subject of study bachelors masters doctorate state examination Diplom Magister no formal degree other degree / qualifcation . teacher certifcation (Lehramt) for .
(type of school) L a s t
u p d a t e :
D e c e m b e r
2 0 1 2 4. Educational background, cont. School-leaving certifcate Date Original name (e.g. baccalaureat, Lise diplomasi, Maturitt)
. Country .
Have you taken a university entrance examination Yes No If yes, please enter the date, .
in the country in which you received your schooling? name and result of exam .
from - to details
from - to details
. Other activities up to the date of application from - to details
. 5. Language profciency 5.1. German language profciency (please include certifed copies of certifcates) Have you learned German? Yes No If yes, where? .
Which level? . How many hours? .
Full name of institution .
Full name of the certifcates awarded .
Place and date awarded .
Reading / Comprehension / Writing / Speaking Have you taken the TestDaF test? Yes No If yes, please enter levels: .
. Have you taken the DSH exam? Yes No If yes, please enter levels: DSH 1 DSH 2 DSH 3 Have you taken the Goethe-Zertifkat C 2 ? Yes No Have you taken any of the following examinations: DSD I DSD II ZOP ZMP KSD GSD Other certifcates? Yes Exact name: . Grade, level .
Are you currently attending a German language course? Yes No If yes, please enter the full name of the institution: .
University preparatory / foundation course (Studienkolleg) If you attended a university preparatory / foun- dation course (Studienkolleg) in the Federal Republic of Germany or took the university qualifcation assessment examination (Fest- stellungsprfung), please enter the name and place of the course and, if applicable, when and how often you took or attempted the examination. Prior university study, advanced education, internships, vocational training in Germany and abroad Please list any periods of prior university- level education, the names of the institutions, countries, subjects of study, passed (and failed) examinations, gained qualifcations / degrees. 6. Other admission-relevant questions (as put forth by the German State Study Allocation Regulations) 6.1. Financial aid Have you been awarded a scholarship / grant? Yes No Name of institution .
Other sources of funding . (voluntary answer) 6.2. Have you been granted asylum in the Federal Republic of Germany? Yes No If yes, please enclose supporting documents. 6.3. Can the degree programme you are applying for be studied in your home country? Yes No
6.4. Are you a member of a German-speaking minority abroad? Yes No Which one? .
6.5. Are you taking part in an exchange programme with our university? Yes No Which programme? . Home university .
Please include certifed copies of all supporting documents 7. TestAS 7.1. Have you taken the Test for Foreign Students (TestAS)? Yes No If yes, what score did you receive in the core test? Standard value .
Percentile .
Which subject module did you complete? .
What score did you receive in the subject module? Standard value .
Percentile .
7.2. Other assessment examinations relevant for admission to your desired degree programme Name . Location . Date .
Name . Location . Date .
Please include certifed copies of all certifcates 8. Other applications Have you ever applied for admission to our university before? No Yes, for the winter semester . / . Yes, for the summer semester .
Degree programme . Please name all other German universities to which you have also applied / will apply for the coming semester. .
5.2. English language profciency (applicable for degree programmes which require English language skills) Have you taken any of the following examinations? Cambridge Certifcate If yes, which type? CAE FCE CPE * Grade, level . Remarks .
TOEFL If yes, which type? IBT CBT PBT ** Total Score .
IELTS academics Grade, level(s) .
. (Reading / Comprehension / Writing / Speaking) . Overall Band Score Other certifcates? If yes, please enter the exact name . Grade, level . 5.3. Profciency in other languages relevant for admission to your desired degree programme Language(s) .
. Which certifcates do you hold in this / these language(s)? .
Grade, level .
. Please include certifed copies of all certifcates * CAE (Cambridge Certifcate Advanced English) FCE (Cambridge First Certifcate in English) CPE (Cambridge Certifcate of Profciency in English) ** IBT (Internet based test) CBT (computer based test) PBT (paper based test) 10. Application for admission to the Feststellungsprfung (see info sheet) 10.1. Do you wish to apply for admission in the coming semester to a preparatory / foundation course (Studienkolleg) for foreign students to prepare for the Feststellungsprfung (university qualifcation assessment examination)? Yes No Have you already taken an entrance exam for a Studienkolleg? Yes No How often? . When? . Where? . 10.2. Do you wish to register for the exam as an external candidate on the next available date (i.e. without attending a Studienkolleg)? Yes No see info sheet! 10.3. If you have already passed the examination, do you wish to register for a supplementary exam on the next available date (i.e. after completing a second foundation course in another subject)? Yes No 11. Application for admission to a university preparatory German language course
(Important: Please enquire about course availability and details at the university of your choice see info sheet) Do you wish to register for a university preparatory German language course in the coming semester? Yes No I confrm that to the best of my knowledge the information I have provided on this form is true, complete and accurate. I have enclosed the required documents (certifed copies of certifcates, supporting documents, etc.). I am aware that intentionally or negligently providing false information constitutes an administrative offence and may lead to exclusion from the admissions procedure or if discovered at a later date to the cancellation of my admission or enrolment. I confrm that I have read the admissions information. In the case this application is sent to uni-assist, I hereby confrm that I have read and accept the general terms and conditions (AGB) provided by uni-assist e.V. on Please note: If you wish to provide any further reasons for your application, please use a separate sheet. All information provided herein will be stored and processed by the universities. They are fully subject to the data protection regulations currently in effect. By signing below, you confrm your agreement with these terms.
Place . Date . Signature For processing remarks by the university Is your application complete? Then print it out, sign below and dont forget to include all your documents! 9. Special reasons for your choice of university If you have any special reasons for wishing to take up study at our university, please specify them below. (please use an additional sheet if necessary) .