BASF Products Leather Industry-Dyes and Pigments

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The document describes BASF's range of leather chemical products.

The document describes soaking auxiliaries, liming auxiliaries, biocides, bating agents, deliming agents, degreasing agents and picking agents for the wet end/beamhouse processes.

The document describes mineral tanning agents, auxiliaries for chrome tanning, pretanning agents, synthetic tanning and retanning agents, polymeric tanning agents, resin tanning agents, aldehyde tanning agents and oil tanning agents for tanning.

The complete range

for quality leather

BASF products for the leather industry
Dear Customer,
The aim of this brochure is to help you to find your way
through our extensive range of products.
Each product in the range is listed with a brief descrip-
tion of its most important features in order for you to
select the most appropriate products for your require-
Please consult the technical information leaflets and
safety data sheets for individual products, and the pat-
tern cards for dyes and pigments, for more detailed
information. Our local technicians and sales represen-
tatives are available to advice on matters that require
special attention, or you can contact us directly at
or by e-mail: [email protected].
BASF products for the leather industry
Wet end
Beamhouse Soaking auxiliaries 6
Liming auxiliaries 7
Biocides 8
Bating agents 8
Deliming agents 9
Degreasing agents 10
Pickling agents 11
Tanning Mineral tanning agents 12
Auxiliaries for chrome tanning 12
Retanning Pretanning agents 13
Synthetic tanning and
retanning agents 13
Polymeric tanning agents 19
Resin tanning agents 21
Aldehyde tanning agents 23
Oil tanning agent 24
Tanning auxiliaries 25
Fatliquors and Polymeric fatliquors 26
water repellents Fatliquors, anionic 26
Fatliquors, cationic 32
Fatliquoring auxiliaries 33
Water repellents 33
Drum dyeing Anionic dyes 36
Miscellaneous dyes 40
Reactive dyes 41
Dyeing auxiliaries 41
Dyes and Liquid dyes for
pigments use in finishing 44
Pigment preparations 45
Binders Acrylic binders 47
Compact binders 49
Polyurethane binders 51
Protein binders and top coats 54
Lacquers and Water-based top coats 55
top coats Nitrocellulose emulsions 58
Auxiliaries Crosslinking agents 60
Fillers and waxes 61
Miscellaneous auxiliaries 64
Pull-up oils and waxes 66
Handle modifiers 67
Wet end Beamhouse
Soaking auxiliaries

S 20 Enzymatic soaking auxiliary for green

and salted raw stock.
Activity approx. 2000 LVU/g.

FB-WT Wetting agent, particularly suitable

for accelerating the wetting back
Only South Asia
process along with removing the dirt
during soaking, deliming and bating.

OC High-performance degreasing agent

for use on all types of leather and
fur. Good wetting power and emul-
sifying action.

OE Degreasing agent for use on all

types of leather and fur. Good wet-
ting power and emulsifying action.

W Low-foaming surfactant used to

speed up the soaking of salted and
dried skins. Excellent wetting power.

BW Soaking auxiliary. Accelerates the

soaking process. Can be used for
salted and dried hides. Offers ad-
equate protection against bacterial

HW Soaking auxiliary for hair-save and

hair-pulp processes. Prevents the
hair roots from being immunized and
enables hairs to be removed more
Wet end Beamhouse
Liming auxiliaries

L 10 Enzymatic liming auxiliary. Can be

applied in hair-save and hair-pulp
processes on all types of raw stock.
Loosens hair roots, helps to open
up the skin and makes hair and
melanin easier to remove. Activity
approx. 1000 LVU/g. Very effective
in combination with Mollescal

or Mollescal


AB Amine based liming auxiliary.

Prevents pelts from swelling too
strongly during liming and gives
cleaner pelts. Promotes the penetra-
tion of lime and prevents the accen-
tuation of growth marks.

AG Slipping agent used to reduce the

friction between pelts and the walls
of the drum. Helps to prevent me-
chanical damage such as chafe
marks and false backbones.

LS Auxiliary for use in hair-save and

hair-pulp liming processes. Loos-
ens the hair and reduces swelling.
Enables the COD and sulfide con-
tent of the effluent to be reduced.
Performs well in combination with

L 10.

MF Liming auxiliary, free of sodium

sulfide and amines. Can be used in
conventional hair-pulp liming pro-
cesses and in hair-save processes.
Gives very smooth, clean pelts.
Pelts limed with Mollescal

MF form
the ideal starting point for producing
all types of leather.
Wet end Beamhouse

PN Used to reduce processing times

for the soaking and liming of cattle
hides and for the soaking of fur
skins. With Mollescal PN the neces-
sary amount of lime can be reduced
and smoother and cleaner pelts are

SF Liming and unhairing auxiliary with

a pulping action. Opens up the skin
well and gives clean pelts. Can be
used to replace all or part of the
sodium sulfide and sodium hydro-
sulfide that is usually used, giving a
cleaner effluent. Minimizes the sul-
fide content of pelts, which makes
deliming and pickling safer. Improves
the fullness and yield of leather
compared to liming processes that
employ sulfides.

BAC Highly effective biocide that can

(formerly be used to protect all types of raw

BAC) stock from being damaged by bac-

teria during soaking. It can be used
in combination with conventional
and enzymatic soaking auxiliaries.

FUN Fungicide which is effective against

(formerly a broad spectrum of molds, yeasts
Cortymol FUN) and bacteria.
Bating agents

1000 Universal bating agent for all types

of raw stock and all types of leather.
Activity approx. 1000 LVU/g.
Wet end Beamhouse

B 10 Bating agent, free of ammonium

salts, for all types of raw stock. It
except Europe
gives clean pelts with a tight grain
and also an optimal disaggregation
of the structure of the skin. Activity
approx. 1000 LVU/g.

C 10 Bating agent based on pancreatic

enzymes for use on all types of raw
stock. Activity approx. 1000 LVU/g.

CH Highly concentrated enzyme prepa-

ration that can be used to bate all
types of pelts. It is particularly re-
commended for use in all deliming
and bating processes that are free
of ammonium salts or that only em-
ploy low levels of ammonium salts.
Activity approx. 10000 LVU/g.

CM Bating agent, free of ammonium

salts, for use on all types of leather.
Especially recommended for use in
all deliming and bating processes
that are free of ammonium salts or
employ only small amounts. Activity
approx. 3000 LVU/g.

CS 10 Special enzyme preparation for

opening up small skins and fur skins
in acid media. Activity approx. 900
Deliming agents

A-N Nitrogen-free deliming agent that

makes sulfides easier to remove by
except Europe
catalyzing their oxidation and con-
tributes to increased safety. Quickly
penetrates through thick pelts and
assists in the bating process on ac-
count of its weak hydrotropic action.
Wet end Beamhouse

ES-N Ecological, nitrogen-free deliming

Liquid agent, effective at pH > 8. Pelts are
very clean and pale in color. Has a
mild degreasing action.

N/ Deliming agents with a complexing


N action, based on non-swelling acids.

Liquid Used to dissolve lime deposits and
to clean pelts. Can also be used in

RN Very high solvent capacity for lime.

Especially recommended for delim-
ing unsplit hides quickly in short

U Non-swelling deliming agent, which

is recommended for rapid deliming
of thick, unsplit pelts. Decaltal U is
suitable for all types of raw stock
and for the production of all types
of leather. The product speeds up
the deliming process and gives
leather with a very fine, tight grain
and superior fullness.

Pic S Mixture of dicarboxylic acids, free

(formerly Bascal

S) of ammonium. Promotes the action

of other deliming agents. In com-
bination with other deliming agents
it is also possible to use it in short
float systems.
Degreasing agents

OC High-performance degreasing agent

for use on all types of leather and
fur. Good wetting power and emul-
sifying action.
Wet end Beamhouse

OE Degreasing agent for use on all

types of leather and fur. Very good
wetting power and emulsifying
Pickling agents

Pic S Especially effective as a pickling

(formerly Bascal

S) agent in quick, simple chrome tan-

nages. Improves the uptake and
fixation of chrome. The leather be-
comes softer and fuller and has a
tighter grain.

Pic PP Non-swelling acid for pickling. Used

Liquid alone, Implenal

Pic PP Liquid
(formerly Picaltal

enables salt to be dispensed with

Penta Liquid) when pelts are pickled before being
tanned in a short float, which
except Europe
simplifies the process.
Wet end Tanning
Mineral tanning agents

BN Aluminum tanning agent that can be

used in tanning and retanning pro-
cesses to improve the quality of the
leather by giving it a tighter, denser
grain. This allows the grain layer to
be dyed more deeply and to be buf-
fed more effectively. Approx. 50 %

CRN Aluminum tanning agent that also

contains chrome. For tanning white
leather and retanning chrome-
tanned leather. Promotes the pe-
netration of mineral tanning agents,
consolidates the fiber structure,
and gives a tighter grain, a better
response to dyeing and a fine, short
nap. Approx. 20 % basicity.

FN Aluminum complex tanning agent

for white leathers and wool skins,
approx. 20 % basicity.
Auxiliaries for chrome tanning

DC Salts of dicarboxylic acids for use as

Liquid/ masking and basifying agents.
Implenal DN These products promote the uptake
and fixation of chrome, enhance the
fullness of chrome-tanned leather
and improve its response to dyeing.
They also improve the fullness of
small skins.

UR Salts of dicarboxylic acids for use

Liquid as masking and basifying agent.
This product promotes the uptake
Only South America
and fixation of chrome, enhances
the fullness of chrome-tanned
leather and improves its response to
dyeing. It also improves the fullness
of sheep and goat leathers.
Wet end Retanning

Complex-forming neutralizing agent

and mild basifying agent. Gives
leather with a full handle, a tight
grain and a good response to
dyeing. Can be used to inhibit the
formation of Cr(VI).

MOS Basifying agent with slow solubi-

lity. This product prevents large
variations in pH, ensures very even
chrome distribution and gives a fine,
smooth, tight grain.
Pretanning agents

RS-3 Pretanning agent applied prior to

vegetable tanning. Accelerates the
penetration of vegetable tanning
agents. Gives pale leather with a fine

TM Pretanning agent for lightening the

Liquid color of vegetable-tanned leather.
Can also be used as a retanning
agent for lightening the color of
chrome-tanned leather.

FB-P Pretanning agent for leather to be

vegetable tanned. In special cases
Only South Asia
also used as retanning agent for
chrome leather.
Synthetic tanning agents
and retanning agents


AN For retanning leather that is intended

to be dyed to full, intense shades.
Can be combined with chrome and
aluminum tanning agents.
Wet end Retanning

AS Sulphone tanning agent that con-

tains aluminum. It has an extremely
low residual monomer content and
high fastness. Leather that has been
retanned with Basyntan

AS has a
very fine, tight grain and responds
very well to buffing. The leather can
be dyed to brilliant, level shades.
Particularly recommended for use on
automotive leather and all types of
corrected-grain leather.

C2-E Special retanning agent for fuller,

tighter and bouncy leather. Imparts
Only South Asia
good buffing properties to the
leather. Synergistic effect in both
retanning and neutralization.

D Retanning agent for leather with a

full, pleasant handle. Can be used to
lighten the intrinsic color of chrome-
tanned and vegetable-tanned

D Liquid retanning agent for leather

Liquid with a full, pleasant handle. Can be
used to lighten the intrinsic color
of chrome-tanned and vegetable-
tanned leathers.

DLE All-round tanning agent for full, soft

leathers. Gives leather with a full
handle and a very pale pigmenta-

DLE Extremely versatile retanning agent.

Liquid Its very pale pigmentation makes it
also suitable for white and pale
Only East Asia
leathers. Leathers respond very well
to dyeing, and brilliant, level shades
can be obtained.
Wet end Retanning

Syntan with a strong tanning action

DLX-N and very high fastness. Very appro-
priate for tanning wet-white leather
and reptile skins. Can also be recom-
mended for retanning white leather
and other types of leather that are
required to have high lightfastness
and high heat resistance.

EF Formaldehyde-free and phenol-free

Liquid New alternative to conventional syntans.
Leather that has been retanned
with Basyntan

EF Liquid New has

a fine grain pattern and a soft, full,
pleasant handle. The leather can be
dyed to very brilliant shades, and
the retanning agent does not lighten
the color of the leather to any great
extent. Especially recommended for
garment and automotive leather.

FB-6 Lightfast resin retanning agent for

chrome leather and corrected grain
Only South Asia
side leather; improves tightness of
grain and buffing properties.

FB-DI Produces full and resilient leather.

Used for all types of leather, inclu-
Only South Asia
ding very light colored leather, for
retanning chrome leather. Has pro-
nounced dissolving properties for
vegetable tanning agents.

Versatile synthetic retanning agent

FB-FFS for excellent grain tightness and im-
proved fullness. Recommended for
Only South Asia
retannage of formaldehyde free

Synthetic retanning agent for all

FB-DFF types of leather. Imparts good full-
ness, mellow handle and smooth
Only South Asia
surface feel. Recommended for re-
tannage of formaldehyde free
Wet end Retanning

Retanning agent based on modified

FB-VB vegetable extract. It makes the
leather fuller and tighter, but re-
Only South Asia
tains softness and resiliency. Ren-
ders maximum filling throughout
the leather.

FC Auxiliary tanning agent with a

bleaching action and an excellent
dispersing action. Can be used
to neutralize and retan chrome-
tanned leathers with a delicate grain
structure and can be employed in
combination with vegetable tanning

FL Versatile synthetic retanning agent

with low formaldehyde content.
Gives leather with a full handle and a
tight grain that can be dyed to brilli-
ant, level shades. Particularly recom-
mended for retanning upholstery
leather, shoe upper leather, fancy
leather, splits and all types of buffed

FO Retanning agent, free of formalde-

hyde that enhances the fullness of
the leather, especially in the loosely
structured areas of the skin. It does
not cause the leather to harden,
and it improves the leveling of dyed
leather without lightening the shade.
Especially developed for use on
leather that is expected to have a
tight grain and a full, soft handle.
Wet end Retanning

New compact retanning agent,

FR-BC free of formaldehyde. It has a
strong filling effect, especially in
Only East Asia
the loosely structured areas of the
skin without making the leather har-
der. It is designed for all types of
leather which require a full handle
and a tight, soft grain as for example
soft nappa types. It is also suitable
for a wide range of shoe upper,
furniture, garment and split leathers
and for all types of buffed leather.

HL Compact tanning agent with a pro-

nounced effect on the fullness of
the leather, especially in the loosely
structured areas of the skin. Spe-
cially developed for leather that is
expected to have a full, soft handle
combined with a tight grain, such as
softy nappa leather.

IS Sulfone tanning agent, free of form-

aldehyde for retannages applied to
chrome-tanned leather and tanning
agent for chrome-free leather. All
types of leather that formerly had to
be retanned with vegetable tanning
agents can now benefit from the ex-
cellent filling action of Basyntan

and its much higher fastness. Parti-
cularly effective for use on automo-
tive leather and upholstery leather.

Resin based retanning agent, with

LB-BE equalizing and dispersing actions,
suitable for all types of uncorrected
Only South America
or corrected grain chrome leathers.
Improves the grain firmness, the
fullness and the buffing properties of
the leather.
Wet end Retanning

MLB/ Especially recommended for all


MLB types of milled leather such as

Liquid upholstery, automotive and garment
leather and nappa shoe uppers. The
leather has moderate fullness and a
fine, even grain after milling. It can
be dyed to very level, intense shades
and high standards of fastness can
be achieved.

N Very appropriate for all types of

soft, full leather. Has an excellent
tanning action and gives a very full
handle. Especially recommended for
garment leather and small skins, as
well as for bag leather in combina-
tion with vegetable tanning agents.

SL Retanning agent with high fastness

for use on soft leathers with a full
handle and a fine, tight grain. Es-
pecially appropriate for shoe upper

SW Retanning agent, free of formal-

Liquid dehyde that performs very well in
tannages and pretannages applied
to all types of wet white, especially
chrome-free automotive leather. Also
recommended for use as a retanning
agent for all types of automotive and
upholstery leather, and for garment
leather, upper leather for sports
footwear and all varieties of white
leather. The leather has a fine, tight
grain, and can be dyed to brilliant,
level shades.

UR All-purpose synthetic tanning agent,

free of formaldehyde with a high
level of fastness that gives well filled,
soft leathers.
Wet end Retanning

UT Environmentally advantageous sul-

fone tanning agent for wet white and
wet blue. In retannages it imparts
good fullness, a fine tight grain and
a pleasant handle to the leather.
Dyeings are clear and brilliant, and
the leathers are easy to buff. In the
pretannage of wet white, a tight fiber
structure especially in the belly is
achieved and the tightness of the
grain is improved.

WL For retanning all types of leather with

Liquid high fastness. The leather has a fine
grain and responds well to buffing.
Polymeric tanning agents

A Polymer with an above-average dis-

persing action. Can be used to steer
and enhance post-tanning treatment
processes. Excellent fastness, odor-
free, and low fogging, which makes
it a very appropriate choice for auto-
motive leather.

AME Amphoteric, polymeric dyeing auxili-

ary to level and deepen the shades.
Only South Asia
Improves coverage of slight grain
defects and tightens the grain, which
improves the quality of the leather.
Wet end Retanning

FS Alternative to conventional resin tan-

ning agents for all types of leather
that imparts excellent fullness even
in the flanks and bellies. Further-
more the leather has a soft, pleasant
handle and a fine, tight grain. It also
has excellent lightfastness, heat
resistance and resistance to migra-
tion. Its advantages are that it is free
of formaldehyde and it has a low
residual monomer content and low
inorganic salt content. It is therefore
particularly recommended for use on
leather that has to satisfy stringent
ecological demands.

Full ES Eco-friendly and economic soft po-

lymeric retanning agent that gives
excellent fullness. The leather has a
soft, round handle with a fine grain.

Full ES has superior light,

heat and migration fastness. It is
free of APEO, AOX and formalde-
hyde. It is recommended for use in
all types of leathers where fullness
and softness are required.

LA-MA Polymeric tanning agent based on

elastomers that impart a special full-
Only South America
ness to the leather with a soft round
handle and a fine and tight grain.
Improves light and heat fastness.
Can be used in different stages in
the retanning due to its stability
against electrolytes and low pH.
Specially indicated for all types of
leather where fullness and softness
are required.
Wet end Retanning

RE Can be used to improve the fullness

and the tightness of the grain of all
types of leather. The leather has a
soft, round handle. Has little effect
on the depth of shade of dyed

RF Can be used to obtain leather with

an extremely fine grain and substan-
tially improves the exhaustion and
fixation of chrome tanning agents.

RV Improves the fullness of chrome-tan-

ned leathers and the tightness of the
grain, and reduces their elasticity.
Very effective in combination with
vegetable tanning agents. Speeds
up vegetable tanning processes,
improves the fullness of the leather
and lightens its intrinsic color.

SE Alternative to conventional syntans.

Very effective in retannages applied
to soft, milled leather that is ex-
pected to have high lightfastness
and high heat resistance. Can be
used to manufacture very elegant
chrome-tanned or chrome-free
leather with a natural appearance
and extremely high fastness.
Resin tanning agents

D Lightfast resin tanning agent for all

types of full-grain and corrected-
Only East Asia
grain chrome-tanned leather. Gives
a fuller handle and enhances the
buffability and tightness of the grain.
Wet end Retanning

DLF/ Employed in retannages to enhance


DLF the fullness of the skin, especially in

Liquid the loosely structured regions. Ena-
ble the leather to be dyed to very
level shades and have a negligible
effect on the depth of the shade.
Enhance the nap of nubuck and
suede and allow them to be dyed
to more brilliant shades. Particularly
recommended for all types of leather
that are required to have especially
low formaldehyde content, such as
automotive leather or childrens shoe

K-E Retanning agent for loosely struc-

Liquid New tured leathers, especially sheep and
goatskins. It gives excellent fullness,
Only Europe
compactness and soft suede.

M-E Recommended for retanning loosely

Liquid structured leathers as for example
sheep and goatskins. It gives excel-
Only Europe
lent fullness, compactness and soft

SLF Resin tanning agent with a disper-

sing and leveling action. The leather
responds well to buffing and can be
dyed to brilliant shades.
Wet end Retanning

Tight Innovative polymer syntan that gi-

FR-NF Liquid ves excellent tightness. It results in
flat leathers with fine and smooth
Only East Asia
grain. It enables level dyeing with
full intense shades. Relugan

FR-NF Liquid has neutralizing action,
but differs from conventional neutra-
lizing syntans as it has a tightening
and filling effect by reconnecting the
reticular layer with the grain layer.
Leather that has been retanned
with Relugan

Tight FR-NF Liquid

responds very well to buffing, which
makes this product an excellent
choice for nubuck and suede. It is
recommended for use in all types of
leather where a tight, fine, smooth
grain is required and which have
to meet stringent specifications for
Aldehyde tanning agents

GM Special masked glutaraldehyde

tanning agent that is very effective
for manufacturing wet white. It
penetrates very well through the
cross-section of the leather, but it
also has the excellent tanning action
of pure glutaraldehyde. Relugan

GM is fairly insensitive to variations
in the processing conditions, and
the wet white is very pale in color
and has a full, round handle. Espe-
cially recommended for automotive
leather, upholstery leather and shoe
upper leather.
Wet end Retanning

GT 50/ A 50 % or 24 % solution of glutar-


GT 24 aldehyde that can be used to tan

and retan all types of leather. High
dispersing capacity for fats. Give
soft, perspiration-resistant leathers.
Excellent also for shrunken grain

GTW Modified glutaraldehyde tanning

agent that imparts less intrinsic color
to the leather, which makes it easier
to dye, and enables it to be dyed to
brilliant shades. Gives leathers with
high lightfastness and a fine, flat

GX Odorless aldehyde tanning agent

used to retan chrome-tanned
leather. Gives soft leather that can
be dyed to very level, brilliant sha-
des. Excellent resistance to yellow-
ing, which enables it to be used for
white leather and leather dyed to
pastel shades. Can also be used to
wet back crust without any ammo-
nia having to be used.
Oil tanning agent

Oil tanning agent for soft, white

Tan BB leathers such as glove leather and
garment leather, which are expected
to be tear-resistant and washable.
Can be used in combination with
fish oil for tanning chamois leather
and with Lutan

BN for tanning
glace kid-type glove leathers.
Wet end Retanning
Tanning auxiliaries

GA Neutralizing agent for all types of

chrome-tanned leather. Improves
the softness and fullness of the
leather and the elasticity of the grain.
Enhances the nap on suede. Gives
more level shades when dyed, and
speeds up vegetable retannages.

M Dispersing agent used to promote

the uptake and enhance the distri-
(North America:

bution of vegetable tanning agents
through the skin. Improves the pe-
netration and leveling of dyes on
chrome-tanned leather.

NF The excellent buffering capacity of


NF assists in the neutrali-

zation of chrome-tanned leather. It
can be employed in retannages to
disperse retanning agents and dyes,
and the leather can be dyed to brilli-
ant, level shades.

NNOL Tanning auxiliary with a neutralizing,

retanning and leveling action. Espe-
(North America:

cially appropriate for white leathers
and leathers dyed to pale shades
that are required to have high light-
Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents
Polymeric fatliquor

Soft HF Polymeric, synthetic fatliquor, with

good softness, used alone or in
combination with other fatliquors.
High exhaustion, odorless, low
fogging, high yellowing resistance,
fullness. For garment, upholstery,
automotive leather, shoe uppers and
leathers that are expected to have
high fastness properties also wash
fastness and resistence to dry
Anionic fatliquors

Ready to use fatliquor based on

Eco AS regenerative raw materials with
excellent bath exhaustion and very
low odor. Excellent dyeability, excel-
lent dispersing power. Resistant to
yellowing by sunlight and high tem-
peratures, very low fogging. Tight-
ness in combination with softness.

Eco AS can be used

to fatliquor all types of soft leather
such as automotive, upholstery and
garment leather, nappa shoe uppers
and soft, milled leathers. Active
content approx. 40 % (but replaces
conventional fatliquor 1 : 1).

Sulfited natural oil for good filling

Liquor 2FB properties; suitable for shoe upper,
bag and industrial glove leathers.
Only South Asia

Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents

Chrome-resistant fatliquor based on

Liquor A1 sulfited esters with very low odor.
Resistant to yellowing by sunlight and
high temperatures, very low fogging.

Liquor A1 can be used

to fatliquor all types of soft leather
such as automotive, upholstery and
garment leather, nappa shoe uppers
and soft, milled leathers.

Gives very soft leather. Odorless,

Liquor CMG low-fogging and high fastness. Espe-
cially recommended for automotive
leather, upholstery leather, garment
leather and nappa shoe uppers.

Special combination of sulfited

Liquor E-A1 esters made from regenerative
raw-materials for fatliquoring very
Only Europe
soft leathers, such as garment
leather, nappa upper leather and all
types of milled leathers. Extremely
stable in the presence of chrome
and electrolytes. Furthermore it is
extremely low fogging and heat-
resistant, which makes it a very
appropriate choice for fatliquoring
automotive leathers.

Fatliquor with excellent penetration

Liquor ELS for specific light small skins and ex-
cellent emulsifying action.
Only Europe


Fatliquor containing natural, sulfi-

Liquor E-XE ted oils with high fastness for univer-
sal application. It softens the leather
without loosening the grain, and it
gives a slightly greasy handle. Also
recommended for fatliquoring auto-
motive leather and upholstery leather
because of its low fogging and the
high standards of fastness that can
be achieved.
Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents

Natural and synthetic sulfited

Liquor E-XF oils for fatliquoring leather and fur. It
is deposited very evenly, has high
lightfastness and heat resistance,
and it makes the leather soft and
elastic. Especially recommended for
lambskins, sheepskins and rabbit

Fatliquor based on refined vegetable

Liquor E-XL material for universal application.
The leather is soft, even through the
cross-section, after it has been trea-
ted with Lipoderm

Liquor E-XL and

it has an elegant, silky appearance
and a pleasant, waxy handle. The
product is also recommended for
use on vegetable-tanned leather.
The leather is very soft and has a
pleasant, natural handle. Because of
its distinctive properties, recommen-
ded for use on all types of soft leather
such as glove leather, garment leather
and softy leather.

Fatliquor based on sulfated vege-

Liquor E-XM table and synthetic oils that can be
applied to all types of leather. It can
be applied in combination with anio-
nic and nonionic fatliquors and with
untreated oils.

Sulfited natural fatliquor that can

Liquor E-XN be applied to all types of leather. It
gives the leather a soft handle but it
does not cause the grain to become
loose. The leather has a slightly
greasy handle and high lightfast-
Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents

Synthetic fatliquor that is specially

Liquor E-XP recommended for use as the sole
fatliquor on all types of soft leather
that are required to have high light-
fastness, high heat resistance and a
low density. Lipoderm

Liquor E-XP
can be applied in combination with
water repellents to obtain leather
that has a soft handle but is still
resistant to water. It has a very high
affinity for the leather fibers, which
enables it to be used in the manu-
facture of washable leather.

Native fatliquor that gives a very soft

Liquor E-XS handle and is ideal for fatliquoring
nappa leather and garment leather.
Also recommended for fatliquoring
automotive leather and upholstery
leather because of its low fogging.

Sulfated fatliquor that can be used

Liquor E-XU to obtain leather with a very full
handle and a tight grain. It can be
applied alone or in combination with
the other fatliquors in our Lipoderm

range. Especially recommended for
shoe upper leather, bag leather and
fancy leather.

Anionic, fairly lightfast. Replacement

Liquor FB-20 product for sulfited fatliquors contai-
ning sperm oil.
Only South Asia


Synthetic fatliquor for good softness

Liquor FB-BW and an absolutely dry feel. Specially
recommended for glazed and all
Only South Asia
types of shoe upper leather.
Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents

Semi synthetic fatliquor based on

Liquor FB-GL synthetic oil, fatty ester and modified
natural oil. It has good exhaustion
Only South Asia
characteristics and imparts a waxy
feel to the leather. Recommended
for industrial gloving leather.

Anionic lightfast synthetic fatli-

Liquor FB-SA quoring agent. Can be used with
natural oils. Also suitable as a com- Only
East & South Asia
ponent in multicharge fatliquors.

Anionic synthetic lightfast fatli-

Liquor FB-SAF quoring agent. Exerts a penetrative
fatliquoring effect and imparts parti- Only
East & South Asia
cularly waxy feel and an elastic grain
to leathers.

Highly penetrative synthetic fatliquor

Liquor FB-SS for all types of soft leathers. Brings
excellent softness to the leather with
Only South Asia
elastic grain. Produces light weight
leather with pleasant surface touch.

Lecithin based fatliquor that gives

Liquor LA the leather a soft, silky surface
texture and a full, crushable handle.
Recommended for all types of soft
leather, especially upholstery leather
and garment leather. The very high
fastness and extremely low fogging
of Lipoderm

Liquor LA make it
an excellent choice for fatliquoring
automotive leather. It needs to be
employed in combination with other
fatliquors such as Lipoderm

A1. It can also be used as a handle
improver for nubuck.

All-around fatliquor, based on sulfi-

Liquor LA-2 ted natural oil.

Only South America

Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents

Blend of natural and synthetic oils. It

Liquor LA-BE is a complete fatliquor that can be
used as a sole product for the fatli-
Only South America
quoring of soft articles, especially
furniture upholstery. Provides excel-
lent penetration, softness and a silky

Blend of lecithin and synthetic oil.

Liquor LA-LE All-around fatliquor. Gives excellent
softness and a pleasant superficial
Only South America

Sulfited, deodorized fish oil and

Liquor LA-LP phospholipids. Provides excellent
softness and good fullness to the
Only South America

Refined and sulfated neats-foot oil.

Liquor LA-NAE Has good light fastness, gives a silky
touch and excellent results in physi-
Only South America
cal tests.

Sulfochlorinated tallow oil. All-

Liquor LA-PC around fatliquor, especially for shoe
uppers. Shows excellent light and
Only South America
heat fastness and has low fogging
values. Helps to maintain the firm-
ness of the grain.

Balanced mixture of partially sulfo-

Liquor LA-SLF chlorinated fatty substances. All-
around fatliquor, stable to electro-
Only South America
lytes, with a good light fastness and
very low fogging values.

Fatliquor based on synthetic oils.

Liquor LA-SLW It is lightfast, has an excellent pene-
tration and is indicated for all types
Only South America
of soft and washable leathers. Can
be combined with Densodrin

brands during the water repellency
process, in order to improve the
Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents

Lightfast, synthetic fatliquor for soft

Liquor PSE leathers. High penetration, high
emulsifying power for synthetic oils,
resistant to chrome.

Synthetic fatliquor with a high

Liquor SA fastness profile that can be used
universally. For fatliquoring,

Liquor SA can be com-

bined not only with other anionic
fatliquors, but also with Lipoderm

Oil N1 or natural oils. Furthermore, it
can also be used as anionic compo-
nent in combination fatliquors.

Mixture of natural and synthetic oils.

Liquor SC Can be used as the sole fatliquor
applied to shoe uppers.

Leather fatliquored with Lipoderm

Liquor SP Liquor SP is soft, even though it
has a tight grain and a full handle. It
also has a low odor. Can be used to
fatliquor all types of leather, espe-
cially wet-white shoe upper leather
and automotive upholstery leather.

Liquor SP can be applied

as the sole fatliquor or it can be ap-
plied in combination with the other
fatliquors in our Lipoderm


Fatliquor based on sulfited natural

Liquor WF oil that reduces the water absorption
and wettability of the leather, enhan-
ces the fatliquoring effect, and gives
a tight grain and a greasy handle.
Cationic fatliquor

Lightfast, natural fatliquor, suitable

Cat NO for use in multi-charge liquors, espe-
(formerly Lipamin

cially on leathers that are vacuum
Liquor NO) dried.
Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents
Fatliquoring auxiliaries

N Anionic emulsifier and stabilizer for

anionic fatliquors, with an additional
fatliquoring action. Can be applied
to washable leathers.

Oil Lightfast synthetic oil; replacement

FB-SK for neats foot oil; inhibits fatty spew.

Only South Asia


Oil N1 Native oil with an action comparable

to that of neats foot oil. Can be
used as an additive to improve the
deposition of fat on the surface. The
leather is soft and has a full, round
handle and a very smooth, fine grain.
Recommended for use on all types
of chrome-tanned leather, especially
shoe upper leather. Can also be used
to oil the grain of vegetable-tanned
leather. Consists of 100 % oil and
contains no hydrophilic groups. Can
be used in the Densodrin


Lightfast fatliquoring auxiliary. Inhi-
Tan BB bits exudation and increases the
tensile strength of the leather.

Fix OK Stabilizer for cationic fatliquors, with

Liquid an additional fatliquoring action.


(North America:

Fix OK Liquid)

Water repellents
All BASF water repellents mentioned below are lightfast
and heat resistant. They do not contain organic solvents
or organic halogen compounds, and so do not make
any contribution to the AOX content of the waste water.
The water repellent effect can be generally improved by
fixation with metal salts.
Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents

CD Anionic water repellent for leather

that is expected to fulfill the highest
standards of water resistance. Espe-
cially appropriate for leather tested
by the Maeser method. Contains

DS Anionic water repellent for leathers

with excellent fastness that are
expected to fulfill moderate to high
standards of water resistance.

DS can be used in the

manufacture of all types of water-
repellent leather and it is particularly
recommended for use as the sole
water-repellent fatliquor applied to
shoe upper leather. Contains sili-

DP Water-repellent fatliquor for all types

of leather that are tested by the Bally
Penetrometer method. Leather that
has been treated with Densodrin DP
has a full handle, it can be dyed to
very level shades and it responds
well to buffing. Densodrin DP can be
used for all types of water-repellent
chrome-tanned leather, but it is
especially recommended for shoe
upper leather. Excellent VOC and
fogging results make it an excellent
choice for fatliquoring automotive
leather. Contains silicone.

EN Anionic water repellent for less

demanding applications.

ENS Anionic water repellent with high

fastness for leather with a moderate
to high degree of water resistance.
Especially appropriate for leather
tested by the Bally Penetrometer
method. Contains silicone.
Wet end Fatliquors and water repellents

EP High-performance water-repellent
that is very effective for use on all
types of leather that are tested by
the Bally and Maeser methods.
Leather that has been treated with

EP has a full handle, it

can be dyed to very level shades
and it responds well to buffing.
Especially recommended for shoe
upper leather.

OF Anionic, silicone-based additive for

use in an aqueous float in combina-
tion with other Densodrin

types as
the main water repellent. Enhances
the water resistance and softness of
the leather and gives a smooth, silky
handle. Can also be employed as a
handle improver in finishing.

S Anionic, silicone-based additive

used to boost the water repellency
of leather. Applied in an aqueous
float with other Densodrin

types as
the main water repellent.

SI Anionic, silicone-based additive used

to boost the action of water repel-
lents, especially in combination with
other Densodrin

types as the main

water repellent. Gives a silky handle
when applied to crust or finished
leather as a handle improver.

A Anionic polymer based additive that

is very effective for producing water-
resistant leather. Boosts the pene-
tration of water repellents, speeds
up the process, prevents drawn
grain and enhances the leveling and
penetration of dyes. Helps to stabi-
lize fatliquor emulsions.
Wet end Drum dyeing
Anionic dyes

and Lurazol

dyes can be used to dye all types

of leather. Information is given on the most appropriate
applications for all brown and black dyes in the range.
The range also contains a variety of dyes for fashion
colors. Metal-free dyes and iron-complex dyes in the
range can be used for wet-white leathers. Further in-
formation on our dyes is contained in our shade cards.
Luganil dyes
Homogeneous anionic dyes for all types of leather. Ex-
cellent coloristic properties and reliable fastness.

Brilliant, greenish yellow; metal-free.

Yellow G

Yellowish, brilliant orange; shading

Orange GGC component for high fastness requi-

Reddish orange with high fastness.

Orange NR

Pale, yellowish brown for all types

Light Brown NG of aniline leather (shoe uppers,
upholstery leather and garment
leather) with high lightfastness

Pale, slightly reddish brown, espe-

Brown GOL cially recommended for all types
of aniline leather (shoe uppers,
upholstery leather and garment
leather) with high lightfastness

Vivid, slightly reddish medium

Brown NG brown. Metal-free, especially recom-
mended for finished garment leather.

Rich medium brown, recommended

Brown NK for all types of finished leather.
Wet end Drum dyeing

Rich, yellowish medium brown, es-

Brown NGB pecially recommended for all types
of finished leather (shoe uppers,
upholstery leather and garment
leather) and for nubuck and suede
shoe uppers.

Brilliant, reddish medium brown, for

Brown MFR shoe uppers (aniline, nubuck and
suede), upholstery leather and
garment leather (aniline and finis-

Yellowish olive brown. Iron-complex

Olive Brown N dye that can be used to improve the
lightfastness of all types of shoe
uppers, garment leather, upholstery
leather and automotive leather.

Yellowish medium-to-dark brown

Brown NGT iron-complex dye with high lightfast-
ness. Especially recommended for
all types of upholstery leather, auto-
motive leather, garment leather and
aniline shoe uppers.

Yellowish, dark brown iron-complex

Brown NT dye. Especially recommended for
all types of shoe upper, upholstery
leather and garment leather.

Slightly reddish dark brown for deep

Brown NR shades; metal-free, for finished,
nubuck and suede shoe uppers and
finished upholstery leather.

Dark, medium brown iron-complex

Brown RL dye. Especially recommended for
all types of shoe upper leather with
high lightfastness requirements, and
for unfinished upholstery leather and
garment leather.
Wet end Drum dyeing

Vivid pale brown, especially recom-

Brown FB-3GN mended for shoe lining leathers.
Very good shading component for
Only South Asia
attractive brown shades.

Very reddish medium brown with

Red Brown NB high lightfastness. Gives excellent
results on aniline, nubuck and suede
shoe uppers, unfinished upholstery
leather, garment leather and auto-
motive leather.

Fiery, yellowish red; metal-free.

Red NG

Slightly bluish, metal-free red dye

Red EB with relatively high lightfastness.

Neutral bordeaux.
Bordeaux B

Very brilliant, vivid medium blue for

Blue NL fashionable blue and turquoise

Neutral, vivid blue; metal-free.

Blue NGR

Slightly reddish blue.

Blue N

Navy blue for deep shades; metal-

Dark Blue NB free.

Dark green dye with high color

Dark Green N strength, metal-free.

Vivid, yellowish green.

Green NG

Yellowish grey with high lightfast-

Grey GC ness.
Wet end Drum dyeing

Reddish black. Especially recom-

Black CN mended for improving the lightfast-
ness of black aniline, nubuck and
suede shoe uppers and all types of
upholstery, automotive and garment

Metal-free black dye for deep

Black NT shades. Recommended for all types
of shoe upper, upholstery, automo-
tive and garment leather.

Neutral to slightly reddish black.

Black TN Liquid

A range of anionic dyes that consists of dyes of uniform
composition and of mixtures. Can be used to dye all
types of leather.

Neutral beige.
Beige LF

Slightly reddish brown, especially

Brown N3G appropriate for finished shoe uppers
and nubuck.

Slightly yellowish, dark brown,

Dark Brown B metal-free dye for finished garment
leather, upholstery leather and shoe

Slightly bluish red.

Red BN

Clean, vivid blue; metal-free.

Brilliant Blue SBN

Very strong black for deep, reddish

Black EE-HC shades.

Bluish black for all-round applica-

Black FB-BB tions.

Only South Asia

Wet end Drum dyeing

Very strong and deep black with

Black GB slightly greenish tone for all types of
jet black leathers.

Strong and deep black with slightly

Black RB reddish tone for all types of intense
black shade.

Slightly reddish black, metal-free

Black MRN dye. Especially recommended for
finished shoe uppers, nubuck and
suede and for finished upholstery
and garment leather. Suitable as
shading and dulling component.

Black Economic deep black providing

S-NT 150 % visual strong shades especially for
garment leather.
Miscellaneous dyes

C Cationic, reddish black dye with high

Black VM Liquid color strength. Recommended for
(formerly: Leather sandwich dyeings in combination
Black VM Liquid) with anionic black dyes of the

and Lurazol

Wet end Drum dyeing

Colorlock Technology

dyes are a new, innovative class of dyes for

leather coloration. With these dyestuffs it is possible to
achieve standards of wet fastness on chrome tanned
as well as on chrome free leather, which are up to now
unsurpassed. All products are free of heavy metals.
With a new application process, Lugafast

dyes form
irreversible covalent bonds with the collagen in the
leather fibers. Even in deep shades the dyes are resis-
tant to bleeding, staining or migration.

Neutral black
Black AN

Yellowish dark brown

Brown BB

Slightly reddish medium brown

Brown BC

Neutral red
Red RR

Greenish yellow
Yellow GG

Navy blue with high color strength

Blue NB
Dyeing auxiliaries

OC Surfactant used to wet back wet

blue and crust.

OE Nonionic surfactant with excellent

wetting power.

A Anionic polymer solution used to

boost penetration and leveling. Can
also be used to wet back crust.

N Anionic leveling agent and disper-

sing agent with a mild fatliquoring

Fix FL Liquid fixing auxiliary for the color-

lock technology with Lugafast

that offers considerable advantages
over the usual fixing agents, e. g.
soda. The use of Lugafast

Fix FL
cuts dosing times and reduces the
length of the dyeing process in the
fixing phase. It makes control of the
pH value significantly easier through-
out the entire dyeing and retanning

Fix OK Cationic auxiliary used to reverse the

Liquid charge and deepen the shade of an-
(formerly ionic dyes. Can also be used to fix

OK) anionic dyes.

(North America:

Fix OK Liquid)


Fix PF Formaldehyde-free fixing agent for

Liquid fixing anionic products, especially
(formerly Bastamol

dyes, to chrome-tanned and chrome-

PF Liquid) free leather. Tamol

Fix PF Liquid
enables the washfastness and per-
(North America:

Fix PF Liquid)
spiration resistance of all types of
leather to be increased. The leather
can be dyed to very level, brilliant

GA Lightfast anionic leveling agent for

leather dyed to dark shades with an-
ionic dyes. Mordant for basic dyes.

M Anionic dispersing and leveling

agent for improving the penetration
(North America:

of anionic dyes and tanning agents.

M Liquid Liquid dispersing and leveling agent

for improving the penetration of
Only Europe
anionic dyes and tanning agents.

NA Dispersing agent for retanning

agents and dyes. Has a pronounced
Only East Asia
buffering effect and enables leather
to be dyed to intense, level shades.
Wet end Drum dyeing
Wet end Drum dyeing

NF Because it has an excellent buffering

action, Tamol

NF can assist in the

neutralization of chrome-tanned
leather, and it can also be used to
basify wet white pretannages in a
controlled manner. Tamol

NF can
be used in retannages to disperse
the tanning agents and dyes, which
enables the leather to be dyed to
brilliant, level shades.

NNOL Lightfast, anionic leveling agent for

pale shades dyed with anionic dyes.
(North America:

Liquid dyes for use in finishing

E liquid dyes
The Eukesolar

E liquid dyes are special metal-complex

dyes that are mainly applied by spraying, roll coating
and printing. They can also be used to dye and shade
finishes and to print designs on leather. Dyes of this
type are distinguished by their brilliance, their high
lightfastness and their resistance to spotting by water

Greenish yellow
Yellow EG Liquid

Reddish yellow
Yellow ER Liquid

Neutral, intense shade

Orange ER Liquid of orange

Neutral red
Cherry Red EG Liquid

Bluish red
Red EB Liquid

Classic shade of rubine

Rubine EB Liquid

Light Yellowish brown

Brown EG Liquid

Red Deep reddish brown

Brown ER Liquid

Violet shade of brown

Brown EB Liquid

Dark Dark brown

Brown ER Liquid

Deep brilliant blue

Brilliant Blue EB Liquid

Intense, reddish blue

Royal Blue ER Liquid

Deep, neutral black

Black ER Liquid
Finishing Dyes and pigments

Very deep,
Black ES Liquid reddish black

Slightly greenish
Turquoise EB Liquid brilliant blue

Greenish Brown
Brown FB-RG Liquid

Only South Asia
Pigment preparations


Aqueous, casein-free pigment preparations with high
coverage, high wet rubfastness and very high lightfast-
ness and resistance to migration. The Lepton

ments can be used to formulate finishes with a natural
appearance, excellent ageing resistance and very high
fastness. The finished leather has a very fine grain. They
are recommended for use on all types of leather, in
aqueous finishes for aniline leather as well as in highly
pigmented finishes.
All of the products in the range can be applied as full

Black N Neutral black. Very economical

when used for shading.

Dark, neutral black used for shading

Deep Black BN and for dyeing black finishes.
Besides the basic colors listed above, which are
globally available, some regions have their specific
pigment ranges:
East Asia:

Full color range

Colors FR-FE
Finishing Dyes and pigments
Finishing Dyes and pigments
South Asia:

Neutral black for black finishes.

Black FB-1

Deep Black for aniline finishes.

Deep Black FB-1

Neutral pure white for white and

White FB-1 pastel shades.

Pure white with high covering pro-

White FF-CN perties for white and pastel shades.
Finishing Binders
Acrylic binders

All of the Corial

binders are aqueous acrylic polymer


Forms a tough, elastic film with low

Binder BAN tack. Used in very elegant finishes
with a natural appearance and high

Can be used as the sole binder in

Binder CW various formulations for base coats.
Provides soft finishes with good
Only South America
coverage and with excellent pattern

Soft binder with excellent cold flex

Binder DN properties. Gives finishes with a
good fill and high flexometer values.
Free of NMP and NEP.

Basic component for finishing com-

Binder EL pounds for base and color coats
with a pronounced filling and an ex-
cellent sealing effect of the surface.
Free of solvents (esp. NMP, NEP).

Has a pronounced filling action and

Binder EV excellent sealing of the surface of the
leather. It is usually applied in combi-
nation with other acrylic and polyure-
thane binders, and it can be used as
an alternative to butadiene binders.
Particularly recommended for finishing
splits, corrected grain and full-grain
upholstery leather and nappa leather.
Free of solvents (esp. NMP, NEP).

Very soft film; used in conjunction

Binder FB-OHN with other bottoming agents as
plasticizing component in pigment
Only South Asia
coats; for glove and garment leather.
Finishing Binders

Soft, acrylic binder that forms a

Binder FB-UB transparent film with brilliant look
and good gloss. Can cater to
Only South Asia
season coats on all types of articles,
especially with aniline requirement.

Acrylic binder with soft and very elas-

Binder FF-OK stic films. Imparts good covering
and is characterized by high wet
Only South Asia
fastness properties.

Binder IF Finely divided, flexible and water-

resistant. Used in impregnation, in
adhesion coats and in pigmented

Can be used as the sole binder in

Binder LB-CH various formulations for base coats.
Provides finishes of medium hard-
Only South America
ness with good coverage and with
excellent pattern retention.

Forms a soft, low-tack film. Can be

Binder ON thickened with ammonia.

Finely divided polymer dispersion for

Microbinder AM aniline and semi-aniline finishes with
a natural break that does not ac-
centuate defects in the grain. High
water resistance.

Very finely divided dispersion with

Microbinder P outstanding penetration properties
for very natural-looking finishes with
Only Europe
a high fastness profile. The product
is therefore especially suitable for
aniline and semi-aniline finishes. Can
also be used for impregnation.

Soft, non-tacky binder with excel-

Ultrasoft NT lent hiding power for defects in the
grain. The leather has a natural
break after it has been milled, it has
high fastness and it responds very
well when it is embossed. Free of
NMP and NEP.
Finishing Binders

Ground F Acrylic polymer solution. Penetrates

(formerly deeply into the leather and tightens
Leather Ground F) the grain. Impregnating agent for
corrected-grain leathers.
Compact binders

The Lepton

binders are compact binders, i. e. they

are specially formulated from a combination of binders,
waxes and fillers, which makes it possible to simplify the
processes of standard finishes.

Compact binder that has been

Binder AE specially developed for use in base
coats applied to corrected-grain
upholstery leather. The leather
responds very well to embossing
at temperatures of up to approx.
100 C without any danger of the
plate cutting through the film.

Compound binder of a new ge-

Binder FR-CU neration especially developed for
application in base and middle/
Only East Asia
color coats of upholstery leather.

Binder FR-CU achieves

high-coverage without compromi-
sing the soft and natural feel and
appearance of the leather.

A very finely divided compact bin-

Binder FR-NA der for finishing full-grain leather. It
does not impair the natural appea-
Only East Asia
rance or the handle of the leather.
Appropriate for use in highly pig-
mented base coats applied to full-
grain leathers.
Finishing Binders

Specially developed for finishing

Binder LB-AR shoe splits, but can also be
applied on furniture upholstery. The
Only South America
splits respond very well to em-
bossing at temperatures of up to
approx. 100 C without any danger
of the plate cutting through the film.
The product can also be used on
formulations applied by curtain coa-
ting and roller-coater machines.

Compact binder that has been

Binder LB-EC specially developed for use in base
coats applied to corrected-grain,
Only South America
usually for furniture upholstery
leather. It is also recommended
for shoe, nappa and motorcycle
clothing leather. The leather re-
sponds very well to embossing with-
out any danger of the plate cutting
through the film. Provides an elegant
aspect to the finish.

Compact binder that has been spe-

Binder LB-GU cially developed for extremely soft
upholstery nappa and clothing
Only South America
nappa. Provides a natural aspect
to the finish, without overloading
the grain. It responds very well to
embossing, especially with small
patterns, like pores.

Very finely divided compact binder

Binder NA for finishing full-grain leather. Does
not impair the natural appearance or
the handle of the leather.

Compact binder with a very pro-

Binder SD nounced filling effect on full-grain
leather and on splits. Very high fast-
ness and easy to use. Especially
recommended for full-grain shoe
upper leather.
Finishing Binders

Binder formulated from an acrylic

Binder SP polymer and polyurethane. Used in
finishes with high coverage and ex-
cellent flexibility that respond well to
embossing. Especially recommen-
ded for use on high-quality splits
and corrected-grain cattlehide, such
as bag leather or shoe upper leather.
Polyurethane binders

Generally the products in the Astacin

range of finishes
consist of aqueous polyurethane dispersions.

High-performance polyurethane
Finish PE binder with excellent fastness that
can be used to finish all types of full-
grain and corrected-grain leather. It
performs particularly well in finishes
applied to high-quality splits that are
destined for use as shoe uppers, but
it is also a very appropriate choice
for finishing automotive leather. Free
of NMP, NEP and alkyl tin com-

Soft, elastic polyurethane binder for

Finish PR use in base coats and color coats.
Recommended for all types of
leather that require high levels of
fastness and hydrolysis resistance,
especially for automotive and
upholstery leather and for athletic
shoes. Free of NMP, NEP and alkyl
tin compounds.

Soft, non-tacky polyurethane binder

Finish PS which has excellent fastness and
is easy to process. Particularly re-
commended for use in finishes that
are resistant to spotting by water
droplets, such as those applied to
bag leather and for shoe upper lea-
ther. Excellent fastness properties
make Astacin

Finish PS also a very

appropriate choice for finishing all
types of leather with high fastness
demands like e. g. automotive lea-
ther. Free of NMP, NEP and alkyl tin

High-performance polyurethane
Finish PT binder with excellent fastness that
can be used to finish all types of full-
grain and corrected-grain leather. It
performs particularly well in finishes
applied to high-quality splits that
are destined for use as shoe up-
pers. Excellent fastness properties
make Astacin

Finish PT also a very

appropriate choice for finishing au-
tomotive leather. Free of NMP, NEP
and alkyl tin compounds.

Matt polyurethane dispersion with

Finish PTM excellent fastness which is easy to
process. Astacin

Finish PTM is very

versatile and can be used for all ty-
pes of full-grain and corrected-grain
leather. The main application is as a
binder for use in base coats and top
coats applied to leather with high
fastness, e. g. automotive leather.
Free of NMP, NEP and alkyl tin com-

Aqueous, solvent-free polyurethane

Finish PUD dispersion for use in highly elastic
finishes with high fastness.
Finishing Binders

Soft, solvent-free polyester-poly-

Finish PUM urethane dispersion. Forms a film
that is very effective for filling and
sealing the surface of the leather.
Gives finishes with high cold crack
resistance and excellent adhesion
Free of NMP, NEP and alkyl tin com-

Solvent-free dispersion of a soft

Finish PUMN TF polyester-polyurethane. Has a good
filling action and helps to seal the
surface of the leather. Finishes
respond very well when they are
plated or embossed, and they have
high cold crack resistance and ex-
cellent adhesion. Free of NMP, NEP
and alkyl tin compounds.

Fulfills the highest standards of fast-

Finish SUSI TF ness. Astacin

Finish SUSI TF is
distinguished by its softness and
flexibility. Particularly recommended
for use in very elegant finishes with a
natural appearance. Free of solvents
(esp. NMP, NEP) and alkyl tin com-

Cationic polyurethane binder, mainly

Ground FB-KP used in the ground coat to get very
good sealing as well as excellent
Only South Asia
adhesion of the subsequent finish.

Improves the adhesion of finishes

Ground UH TF applied to oily or water-repellent
leathers without impairing their water
repellency. Free of solvents (esp.
NMP, NEP) and alkyl tin compounds.
Finishing Binders
Protein binders and top coats

Non-thermoplastic casein-based
Binder FB-U binder for plated and glazed finishes;
improves resistance to acetone
Only South Asia
and fastness to hot plating of poly-
mer finishes.

Casein based cationic ground mainly

Ground FB-PC used in the ground coat to level out
the absorption of subsequent coats
Only South Asia
in the leather. Can be polished.

Casein based binder mainly used

Binder FB-ST to obtain a transparent finish with
very good adhesion properties. It is
Only South Asia
mainly recommended for obtaining
adherent films; suitable for glazed

Thermosetting binder and top coat

Binder U for plated and glazed finishes. Im-
proves the resistance of finishes to
acetone and their resistance to pla-
ting at high temperatures.

Base coat that is applied before

Ground EI leathers are polished or glazed. It
forms an exceptionally smooth coat Only
East & South Asia
that seals the surface and has a
leveling effect that readily covers up
grain defects and open pores.

Lustre E Elastic, thermosetting binder for

glazed finishes.

Lustre TE Elastic, thermosetting binder for

glazed finishes. Reduces the tack of
polymer finishes.

Matting Matting agent for thermosetting

finishes. Can also be used as filler
for many types of plated finishes.
Free of NMP and NEP.
Finishing Binders
Finishing Lacquers and top coats

Top Tough top coat that responds well to

embossing. Especially appropriate
for use in finishes applied to aniline

Casein based binder; coating agent

Top FB-EL mainly used for high gloss glazed
finishes, which respond well to
Only South Asia
glazing and ironing.

Casein based top coating agent

Top FB-GT primarily intended for glossy leather.
It imparts brilliance, natural shine
Only South Asia
and roundness to the leather.
Water-based top coats

Matt polyurethane dispersion. Finishes

Matting HS based on Astacin

Matting HS are
resistant to hydrolysis, which makes
it especially appropriate for finishing
automotive leather and high perfor-
mance upper leather for sports foot-
wear. Free of alkyl tin compounds,
NMP and other organic solvents.

Matt polyurethane dispersion with a

Matting LB-WE special feel modifier. Free of alkyl tin
compounds, NMP and other organic
Only South America
solvents and has very low VOC
figures. Finishes with Astacin

ting LB-WE are transparent, matt,
elastic and have a silky touch.

Matt polyurethane dispersion for use

Matting LV TF in aqueous top coats. Does not
contain NMP or NEP and has an
extremely low VOC content. Can be
used to finish all types of leather.
Especially recommended for finishes
for automotive leather that are free
of NMP and have an elegant ap-
pearance and high cold crack resis-

Polyurethane dispersion. Gives a

Matting MT more matt, water-resistant finish
with a pleasant handle and high cold
flex resistance. Free of NMP and

Innovative, intrinsic polyurethane-

Novomatt DM based matting agent, free of inor-
ganic (e. g. silica) matting additives.
Imparts a very matt surface that
cannot be repolished. Leathers have
a pleasant, soft, warm and waxy
handle and fulfill highest standards
of fastness. Especially recommen-
ded for use on upholstery leather
and automotive leather as well as
for high quality shoe upper leather.
Free of solvents (esp. NMP, NEP)
and alkyl tin compounds.

Innovative polyurethane-based mat-

Novomatt GG ting agent. Gives a matt finish that
cannot be repolished. The leather
has and a soft, waxy handle and
fulfills the highest standards of
fastness. Astacin

Novomatt GG is
especially recommended for use on
upholstery and automotive leather.
Free of NMP, NEP and alkyl tin com-

Top coat with excellent fastness

Top EE-US and high gloss. It is especially
recommended as an alternative to
Only Europe
nitrocellulose emulsions and cellu-
lose acetobutyrate lacquers in thin,
elegant finishes that are applied to
aniline leather, etc. Free of NMP and
alkyl tin compounds.
Finishing Lacquers and top coats

Top LL For all types of water based patent

leather with high gloss and excellent
properties. Astacin

Top LL can be
used as the glossy component in
the top coats of aqueous finishes
that are required to fulfill the highest
standards of fastness. Free of NMP
and alkyl tin compounds.

Top UT Polyurethane dispersion for lightfast

top coats with medium gloss, high
fastness and high cold crack resis-
tance. Free of NMP and NEP.

Reduces the gloss of leather

Matting EO finishes. It has excellent fastness
and it performs very well in combi-
nation with polyurethane binders in
top coats. Free of NMP and NEP.

For obtaining transparent finishes

Aquatop TG with high gloss. Especially recom-
mended for use on shoe upper
leather. Free of NMP.

Aqueous formulation of polymeric

Top FR-ZA binders with special additives.
Applying Lepton

Top FR-ZA in the

Only East Asia
top coat offers a simple but effec-
tive means of obtaining transparent
finishes with medium-high gloss and
extremely natural touch. Especially
recommended for use on shoe up-
per, glove and garment leather.
Finishing Lacquers and top coats

Top LC Colorless top coat for solvent-free

finishes with a medium gloss that
improves the soil repellency and
ageing resistance of the leather. It is
one of a new generation of acrylic-
based top coats that provide distinct
ecological and economic advan-
tages in finishes applied to leather.
Particularly recommended for use
on upholstery leather, upper leather
for sports footwear and automotive
leather. Free of solvents, esp. NMP
and NEP.

Top MA Colorless auxiliary for water based

top coats. It improves the abrasion
resistance of finishing formulations
and is therefore recommended es-
pecially for all leather articles that
have to fulfill tests like Taber, MIE,
Wyzenbeck or Gakushine. With

Top MA crackle effects can

be achieved, which make it a very
appropriate choice for fashionable
shoe upper leather. Free of solvents,
esp. NMP and NEP.
Nitrocellulose emulsions

EM For top coats with a pronounced

Finish Black filling effect and excellent fastness.

EM Nitrocellulose emulsion that can be

Finish F diluted with water and water-
miscible solvents. The product is
Only South Asia
mainly used as a top coat and for
effect finishes applied with the roller
Finishing Lacquers and top coats

EM Nitrocellulose emulsion that can be

Finish G used as a top coat or as a co-bin-
der. Gives leathers with a pleasant
luster, a natural handle and high

EM Top coating emulsion for aqueous

Finish KE finishing which provides a glossy
surface with very good fastness pro-
Only Europe
perties and a very pleasant, smooth

EM Nitrocellulose emulsion that can be

Finish KN used as a top coat or as a co-binder
in combination with polymer dis-
persions. Leather finished with this
product has a very high gloss, ex-
cellent wet rubfastness and a natural

EM Nitrocellulose emulsion with a mat-

Finish M ting effect. Gives a matt or silky
matt finish with high fastness and a
smooth, pleasant handle.
Finishing Lacquers and top coats
Crosslinking agents

Crosslinking agent for aqueous

Hardener CA finishes based on polycarbodiimide.
It enhances the pattern retention
when the leather is embossed, im-
parts higher wet rubfastness and
improved stability against hydro-
lysis. It brings about a substantial
reduction in the tack of base coats
and top coats that have been cross-
linked with isocyanate. Free of sol-
vents, esp. NMP and NEP, does not
contain alkyl tin compounds.

Especially developed for use in

Hardener CI conjunction with automatic in-line
metering systems. Because Astacin

Hardener CI is applied in a closed
system, it makes a large contribution
to improved industrial hygiene in
leather finishing plants. Astacin

Hardener CI is based on a polyfunc-
tional isocyanate. Free of NMP, NEP
and alkyl tin compounds.

Highly concentrated isocyanate

Hardener CN crosslinking agent for use in aque-
ous finishes. Very easy to mix into fi-
nishes. Fulfills the highest standards
of fastness. Free of NMP, NEP and
alkyl tin compounds.

Crosslinking agent for polymer bin-

Hardener AN ders and aqueous top coats based
on a polyaziridine. Causes a sub-
stantial improvement in the fastness
of finishes, especially their wet fast-

Crosslinking agent for casein-based

Hardener EE-CH finishes. The surface of the finishing
obtains an excellent water resistance
Only South Asia
and a high gloss.
Finishing Auxiliaries
Fillers and waxes

Auxiliary used to boost the coverage

Enhancer CP of aqueous base coats. Small
amounts can be added in order to
obtain very high hiding power for
defects in the grain without impai-
ring the natural appearance of the
leather. Improves the response of
the leather to embossing. Especially
recommended for use in base coats
applied to low-quality crust (up-
grading). Free of NMP and NEP.

Unique filler that expands when it is

Enhancer LT subjected to heat, providing an out-
standing upgrading effect of defects
on the leather surface. Very smooth,
non-tacky base coats can be formu-
lated with Lepton

Enhancer LT. The

product neither affects the adhesion
of the finish nor the physical fast-
ness properties of the leather such
as its flexing endurance. It is recom-
mended for all types of leather made
from low-quality raw material. Free
of NMP and NEP.

Foam stabilizer used to formulate
Filler AF finishes applied by the BASF Air-
foam System. Free of NMP and

Can be applied as a sole auxiliary for

Filler CF various finishing formulations. Provi-
des soft finishes, improving the co-
Only South America
verage and the matting effect of the

Improves fullness in bottoming

Filler FB-K coats, reduces tackiness on piling
and plating.
Only South Asia

Finishing Auxiliaries

Acts as a filler and gives leather with

Filler FCG a smooth, settled appearance.
Especially recommended for use
in finishes with high hiding power
applied to corrected-grain cattlehide
and splits and for upgrading leather
made from low-quality raw stock.
Free of NMP and NEP.

Filler H Modified wax emulsion for improving

the leveling and fill of finishes. Gives
a silky, waxy handle. Free of NMP
and NEP.

Auxiliary for extremely soft leathers,

Filler LB-ST such as clothing and upholstery
nappa. Improves the leveling, filing
Only South America
and the uniformity of the surface,
providing a pleasant touch and a
natural look.

Reduces the gloss of aqueous top

Matting AL coats to give a matt finish with
a very settled appearance and a
pleasant handle. Enables very matt,
deep black shades to be obtained
without any haziness. Free of NMP
and NEP.

Used in base coats to fill the sur-

Matting LB-F face of the leather and to obtain a
very matt, non-tacky finish. Can be
Only South America
employed in pigmented and semi-
aniline finishes applied to full-grain
and corrected-grain leather. Free of
NMP and NEP.

Wax 11 Employed in base coats and top

coats as a plate-release agent and
to improve the response of the finish
to glazing. Used in base coats as a
pull-up wax after polishing or pla-
Finishing Auxiliaries

Wax 16 Plate-release agent for use in base

coats and aqueous top coats. Gives
a soft, muted handle.

Wax A Cationic wax emulsion. Improves the

handle and fill of finishes, and pre-
vents the leather from sticking when
it is plated or piled. Gives a waxy
handle. Free of NMP and NEP.

Wax BN Nonionic wax emulsion. Improves

the handle and gives a smoother
surface. Excellent plate-release ac-
tion. Especially appropriate for use
in finishes based on thermoplastic
binders. Free of organic solvents, in
particular free of NMP and NEP.

Imparts excellent and durable water,

Wax EE-HW oil and stain repellent properties to
the leather surface without impairing
Only Europe
the natural leather characteristics.
Can be used alone or diluted with
water as an impregnation agent for
double face.

Can be applied as an intermediate

Wax E-XP coat on top of the base coat to
obtain special effects such as a co-
Only Europe
lored pull-up effect. Especially re-
commended for use on fashionable
shoe upper leather and bag leather.

Very effective auxiliary that is used to

Wax E-ZP finish fashionable leather with a high
gloss. It is applied at the end of the
Only Europe
finishing process to obtain a whitish,
frosted surface which can easily be
polished to a high gloss. The leather
has a silky handle. Especially recom-
mended for use on fashionable shoe
upper leather and bag leather.
Finishing Auxiliaries
Finishing Auxiliaries

Cationic wax emulsion, improves

Wax FB-A handle and fullness, inhibits tacki-
ness on plating and piling.
Only South Asia


Concentrated wax emulsion for use

Wax P 60 in base coats. Gives very high, even
coverage, which makes it particularly
effective for upgrading fancy leathers,
shoe uppers and upholstery leather
made from low-quality raw stock.
Free of NMP and NEP.

Wax emulsion that is employed in

Wax SW aqueous finishes in order to obtain
a pull-up effect and other special ef-
fects. Particularly recommended for
use on upholstery leather and shoe
upper leather with a pronounced
pull-up effect.
Miscellaneous auxiliaries

EE Defoaming emulsion that can be

used in most of the processes of
Only Europe
leather production.

IP/ Used to enhance the penetration of


E-IP impregnating agents applied to

corrected-grain leathers and finishes
applied by spraying.

Glazing agent for nubuck and suede.

Lustre VN Used to increase the strength and
brilliance of the shade.

SW High-performance auxiliary that

prevents production problems from
occurring as the result of poor leve-
ling, and it improves the leveling of
finishes applied by all methods inclu-
ding curtain coating. Amollan

improves the wettability of leather
surfaces and makes finishes easy to
Finishing Auxiliaries
respray. It prevents fish eyes from
being formed as the result of the
poor wettability of the surface. Free
of NMP and NEP.

VC High-performance leveling agent

for all types of finishes. Particularly
appropriate for use in highly viscous
finishes applied by forward and re-
verse roll coating. Free of NMP and

VM Wetting agent used to improve

the leveling of all types of finish.
Prevents the formation of fish eyes
caused by insufficient wetting of the
substrate. Does not impair the gloss
or the physical properties of the fi-
nish. Free of NMP and NEP.

High-performance additive for fi-

Additive TL nishes. Provides a simple and effici-
ent means of adjusting the viscosity
of finishes applied by all methods.
This product maintains the viscosity
constant over very long periods,
which ensures that the best results
are obtained. Improves the leveling
of finishes, has a defoaming action
and makes finishes easier to apply
to all types of leather. Free of NMP
and NEP.

Used to adjust the viscosity of aque-

Paste VL ous finishes. Very effective for use
in finishes formulated with poly-
urethane binders. Free of NMP and
Finishing Auxiliaries

Added to top coats in order to ob-

Protector SR tain a soil-repellent finish. Helps to
prevent soil from being deposited
on the surface of the leather and
makes the leather easier to clean.
Recommended for use on all types
of leather dyed to pale shades and
sensitive shades, especially automo-
tive and upholstery leather. Free of
NMP and NEP.

Cationic oil emulsion, capable of

Oil Ground being dyed with basic dyes. Compa-
tible with anionic binders. Reduces
the absorbency of the leather and
improves its elasticity. Free of NMP
and NEP.
Pull-up oils and waxes

For pronounced pull-up effects.

Oil 4070

For pronounced pull-up effects with

Oil 4080 a waxy handle.

Oil GN Solvent-free oil that can be used to

obtain natural-looking pull-up effects
and a pleasant handle on full-grain
leather and buffed leather. It is par-
ticularly recommended for use on
all types of water-repellent leather,
because it does not impair the wa-
terproofing properties (Maeser and
Bally) and the high water vapor per-

Oil HP For pull-up effects on water-resistant

leathers. Free of organic solvents.
Does not impair the water resistance
of the leather. Can also be used as a
handle improver for suede.
Finishing Auxiliaries

Oil OW Improves the fullness and gloss of

finishes that will be polished or
Only Europe

Solvent-free wax that contains sili-

Wax GW cone. It has been specially develo-
ped for use on water-repellent
leather. It is employed in hydro-
phobic pull-up finishes with a waxy

Wax SV Pull-up wax dissolved in an organic

Handle modifiers

Wax EBT Handle improver for aqueous and

solvent-based finishes. Gives a
slightly tacky handle.

Auxiliary for leather finishing for all

Wax F-EG types of leather that imparts a
smooth, silky soft handle and Only
East & South Asia
enhances the rubfastness in many
cases. The product can be used in
both aqueous and non-aqueous top
coating systems.

Wax H Water-repellent wax dissolved in

organic solvents for application by
spraying. For Nappalan, nubuck and
suede. Can be used in all types of
solvent-based finishes.

Wax CS Handle improver for aqueous finishes.

Gives a soft, smooth handle and
improves the wet rubfastness. Free
of NMP and NEP.
Finishing Auxiliaries

Wax DS The addition of Lepton

Wax DS to
top coats gives the leather squeak-
reducing properties. Disturbing
noises resulting from the rubbing
together of leather and leather or of
leather and plastic are reduced con-
siderably. Free of NMP, NEP or any
other organic solvents and VOC.

Wax HM Handle improver that contains si-

licone and imparts a warm natural
handle on the surface of the leather.
It also improves the rubfastness of
the leather and makes it less sensi-
tive to abrasion and soiling. Particu-
larly recommended for use on upper
leather for sports footwear and
safety footwear and on upholstery
leather and automotive leather. Free
of NMP, NEP or any other organic

Wax NS Handle improver that imparts a soft,

smooth handle.
Only Europe


Wax WN Silicone-based product used to im-

prove the leveling of finishes applied
to all types of leather. It also boosts
the performance of the leather in the
Taber abrasion test, and has a very
beneficial effect on its wet rubfast-
ness. The leather has an attractive
smooth, silky handle. Lepton

WN does not contain NMP or any
other solvents and it is free of vola-
tile organic compounds.
The information and advice given in our Safety Data
Sheet should be observed for all the products
described here. Due attention should also be given to
the precautions necessary for handling chemicals.
The data contained in this publication are based on our
current knowledge and experience. In view of the many
factors that may affect processing and application of
our products, these data do not relieve processors from
carrying out their own investigations and tests; neither
do these data imply any guarantee of certain properties,
nor the suitability of the products for a specific purpose.
Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, propor-
tions, weights etc. given herein may change without
prior information and do not constitute the agreed
contractual quality of the products. It is the responsibil-
ity of the recipients of our products to ensure that any
proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are
July 2012
Zurichtung Hilfsmittel
[email protected]
FK/P 546 e
July 2012
Supersedes edition of April 2010

= registered trademark of BASF SE

Leather Chemicals
67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany

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