Oxidative Lipids Free Radicals Cell Membranes: Support, Without Diminishing Efficacy of Chemotherapy.)

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Scientific studies on wheatgrass Juice:

Animal models suggest that wheat grass may have hypolipidemic

FATS/CHOLESTEROL) and antioxidant
heat grass supplementation reduced plasma lipid peroxidation levels in healthy volunteers engaged
in regular exercise
. (Lipid peroxidation reer! to t"e oxidati#e de$radation o %ipid! & It i! t"e
pro'e!! in ("i'" ree radi'a%! )!tea%) e%e'tron! ro* t"e %ipid! in 'e%% *e*+rane! , re!-%tin$ in 'e%%
A small study and systematic review indicate that wheat grass "uice may #e helpful for ulcerative colitis

&ther studies are mixed on whether it can reduce the need for transfusions in patients with thalassemia


. T"a%a!!e*ia *a4or i! an in"erited or* o "e*o%5ti' ane*ia, '"ara'teri6ed +5 red
+%ood 'e%% 3"e*o$%o+in) prod-'tion a+nor*a%itie!&
heat grass "uice may decrease myelotoxicity in #reast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
(WGJ taken during FAC chemotherapy may reduce myelotoxicity, dose reductions, and need for GCSF
support, without diminishing efficacy of chemotherapy !
+eferences ,&-./ &. http:00www.ms1cc.org0cancer2care0her#0wheat2grass 343&+5A6 S6&A.
74884+5.9 :A.:4+ :4.84+
1. 7othari S; Jain A7; 3ehta S:; et al. <ypolipidemic effect of fresh 8riticum aestivum (wheat)
grass "uice in hypercholesterolemic rats. Acta "ol "harm 3ar2Apr 2=11>')(2):2*122*$.
2. Sethi J; ?adav 3; /ahiya 7; et al. Antioxidant effect of 8riticum aestivium (wheat grass) in
high2fat diet2induced oxidative stress in ra##its. #ethods Find $xp Clin "harmacol 3ay
!. Shyam +; Singh S.; @ats A; et al. heat grass supplementation decreases oxidative stress in
healthy su#"ects: a comparative study with spirulina. J Altern Complement #ed &ct
$. Ben2Arye 4; 9oldin 4; engrower /; et al. heat grass "uice in the treatment of active distal
ulcerative colitis: a randomiCed dou#le2#lind place#o2controlled trial. Scand J Gastroenterol
Apr 2==2>!(($):$$$2$$*.
%. .g S:; 6am ?8; 8soi 77; et al. Systematic review: the efficacy of her#al therapy in
inflammatory #owel disease. Aliment "harmacol Ther &ct 2=1!>!)()):)%$2)'!.
'. 3arawaha +7; Bansal /; 7aur S; et al. heat grass "uice reduces transfusion reDuirement in
patients with thalassemia ma"or: a pilot study. %ndian "ediatr Jul 2==$>$1(():(1'2(2=.
(. :houdhary /+; .aithani +; Aanigrahi 5; et al. 4ffect of wheat grass therapy on transfusion
reDuirement in #eta2thalassemia ma"or. %ndian J "ediatr Apr 2==*>('($):!(%2!('.
). Singh 7; Aannu 3S; Singh A; et al. 4ffect of wheat grass ta#lets on the freDuency of #lood
transfusions in 8halassemia 3a"or. %ndian J "ediatr Jan 2=1=>(((1):*=2*1.
*. Bar2Sela 9; 8salic 3; ,ried 9; et al. heat grass "uice may improve hematological toxicity
related to chemotherapy in #reast cancer patients: a pilot study. &utr Cancer 2==(>%)(1):$!2$).
1=. /as A; +aychaudhuri -; :ha1ra#orty +. 4ffect of freeCe drying and oven drying on
antioxidant properties of fresh wheatgrass. %nt J Food Sci &utr Sep 2=12>'!('):(1)2(21.
11. Shu1la @; @ashistha 3; Singh S.. 4valuation of antioxidant profile and activity of
amala1i (4m#lica officinalis); spirulina and wheat grass. %ndian J Clin 'iochem Jan
12. 9erritsen 34; :arley ; +anges 94; et al. ,lavonoids inhi#it cyto1ine2induced
endothelial cell adhesion protein gene expression. Am J "athol Aug 1**%>1$((2):2()22*2.
heat grass is a natural source of vitamins and minerals. 5n animal models; hypolipidemic effects
occur through increased fecal cholesterol excretion
; decreased total cholesterol and malondialdehyde
levels; and increased high2density lipoprotein cholesterol
. Some components may have antioxidant
effects; as increases in glutathione and vitamin : levels have #een noted

. +eductions in
neutropenic fever and infection with wheat grass may relate to anti2inflammatory properties of the
#ioflavonoid constituent; apigenin; which can inhi#it adhesion of leucocytes to endothelial cells

:laims that raw wheat grass can EdetoxifyF the #ody and that chlorophyll can augment hemoglo#in
production are not supported #y scientific evidence.
Wheat grass extract absorbs free radicals and
inhibits fat cells in rats
A second clinical study confirms the antioxidant properties contained in wheat grass extracts. 8he
capacity to a#sor# free radicals (&+A:) was o#served; using #oth aDueous (water2#ased) and ethanol
(alcohol2#ased) extracts. T"e *o!t potent ("eat $ra!! extra't! (ere t"o!e ("i'" (ere 7)
a%'o"o%8+a!ed, 9) t"e ("eat $ra!! "ad $ro(n or iteen da5! +eore "ar#e!tin$, and :)
t"e ("eat $ra!! "ad $ro(n in !oi% (it" n-trient!& .ot only did this type of wheat grass extract
have impressive antioxidant properties; it also significantly reduced fat (lipid) cells in rat liver
mitochondria. 8he &+A: value for #oth alcohol and water2#ased wheat grass extract was found to #e
higher than that of many other vegeta#les or extracts.
Sources for this article include:
Au#med.gov. Gheat grass "uice in the treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis: a randomiCed
dou#le2#lind place#o2controlled trial;G 4. Ben2Arve; et al. Scandina(ian Journal of Gastroenterology;
April 2==2: !(($): $$$2*. http:00www.nc#i.nlm.nih.gov0pu#med011*)*)!'
6earn more:
$ra!! in ear%5 !ta$e! o de#e%op*ent ta!te !(eet, e!pe'ia%%5 i !e%e'ted in t"e %ate
aternoon ("en t"e 'ar+o"5drate 'ontent i! %ar$e!t&
-n#ound 34/65.4 http:00www.un#oundmedicine.com0
Effect of Wheatgrass on Membrane Fatty Acid
Composition During Hepatotoxicity nduced by
Alcohol and Heated !"FA# $!%&'unsaturated fA((' ACDS)
Alcoholic liver disease encompasses the hepatic alterations leading to fatty liver; hepatitis; and fi#rosis
or cirrhosis. ,ried food items prepared with repeatedly heated polyunsaturated fatty acid (A-,A)
exacer#ate the distur#ances induced #y alcohol.
,rom the results o#tained; we conclude that 9 effectively protects the liver against alcohol and
KA-,A2induced changes in fatty acid composition and preserves mem#rane integrity.
34+:&6A: /rin1ing your "uice first thing in the morning can give you a natural energy #oost without
resorting to stimulants li1e coffee. Since the "uice is already in an easily digesti#le form; it can help
revitaliCe your energy levels within as little as 2= minutes.
)enowned nutritionist *r 'ernard Jensen found that no other +lood +uilders are superior
to green ,uices and wheatgrass %n his +ook -.ealth #agic Through Chlorophyll-
.e mentions se(eral cases where he was a+le to dou+le the red +lood cell count in a matter
of days merely +y ha(ing patients soak in a chlorophyll/water +ath 'lood +uilding results
occur e(en more rapidly when patients drink green ,uices and wheatgrass regularly0
&thers; li1e 3other .ature .etwor1;! point out that there are no medical studies to support /r. JensenLs
findings. According to /r. :hris +eynolds;$ who goes #y the moni1er E/r. heatgrass;F the #enefits of
wheatgrass are primarily #iological; not nutritional.
1)eynolds argues that there is plenty of e(idence to support wheatgrass extract2s role in
supporting +iological functions, including one preliminary study in the Journal of
$xperimental and Clinical Cancer )esearch,% which suggests that fermented wheatgrass
extract -exerts significant antitumor acti(ity-
The study concludes that the extract re3uires further e(aluation as a candidate for clinical
com+ination drug regimens,0 3other .ature .etwor1 writes.
heatgrass contains large amounts of chlorophyll; and is thought to have a wide variety of
health promoting properties> however these #enefits are largely related to the Duality of
how it is grown. 6i1e any food or supplement; Duality is highly varia#le and if you chose
to use it; this is important to pay attention to. 5t is far less expensive to grow your own; #ut
more importantly you can typically grow a much higher Duality grass.
<arvest time is crucial and that is typically around one wee1 after you germinate the seeds
at what is called the E"ointing stage.F Some stores that sell wheat grass will harvest it once
and then let it grow again for a second harvest Some also sell froCen wheat grass #ut this is
far less effective than freshly harvested wheat grass.
3ost wheat grass tastes very #itter 3any #elieve that they need to grow it in direct
sunlight #ut this actually contri#utes to the #itterness. 4xpose the grass only to indirect
sunlight; and harvest it right at the "ointing stage when it is at its sweetest.
&ne of the complications of growing wheat grass is that it is very easy to #e contaminated
with mold due to itMs tightly #ound roots in moist soil. 5f this occurs; the mold can ma1e you
sic1. 3old typically grows at the #ottom of the wheat grass near the soil. 7eeping a gentle
#reeCe #lowing; 1eeping the humidity low; and reducing the Duantity of seed so the growth
is less dense are three approaches to help limit this.
5f you decide to use wheat grass you need to #e very careful though; as excessive amounts
of wheat grass can cause you to #ecome very nauseous and catalyCe a healing crisis that
could ma1e you very sic1. 5t is also not a food #ut a detoxifying her# and should not #e
consumed every day for long periods of time.
5t is not uncommon for people who drin1 wheatgrass "uice daily for several months or years
to develop an aversion to the taste; or even #ecome nauseated #y it. Since it is such a highly
detoxifying medicinal her# that can cause cleanse or E<erxheimerF reactions; itLs a good
idea to use wheatgrass "uice "udiciously. hen first starting wheatgrass you should only use
one ounce once or twice a day; gradually wor1ing up to two ounces.
/uring sprouting; minerals; such as calcium and magnesium; #ind to protein; ma1ing them more
#ioavaila#le. ,urthermore; #oth the Duality of the protein and the fi#er content of #eans; nuts; seeds and
grains improves when sprouted. 8he content of vitamins and essential fatty acids also increase
dramatically during the sprouting process. hile you can sprout a variety of different #eans; nuts; seeds
and grains; sprouts in general have the following #eneficial attri#utes:
Support for cell regeneration
Aowerful sources of antioxidants; minerals; vitamins and enCymes that protect against free
radical damage
Al1aliniCing effect on your #ody; which is thought to protect against disease; including cancer
(as many tumors are acidic)
A#undantly rich in oxygen; which can also help protect against a#normal cell growth; viruses
and #acteria that cannot survive in an oxygen2rich environment
3y two favorites are pea and sunflower sprouts. 8hey provide some of the highest Duality protein you
can eat. Sprouted sunflower seeds also contain plenty of iron and chlorophyll; the latter of which will
help detoxify your #lood and liver. &f the seeds; sunflower seeds are among the #est in terms of overall
nutritional value; and sprouting them will augment their nutrient content #y as much as !== to 1;2==
percentN Similarly; sprouting peas will improve the #ioavaila#ility of Cinc and magnesium.

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