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ZeniWeb Setup Manual

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ZeniWeb Setup Manual

CSTC Co.,Ltd
1. Install program.
 Install default program.
- Click file to Setup.exe in CD.
- Select langue to be installed.

 Install guidance.
- Select the 'Next'.

 Input user’s information.

- Input user’s name in 'User Name'.
- Input position group’s name in 'Company Name'.
- Select the 'Anyone who uses this computer'.
 Setup Type
- Select the 'Typical'.

 Finished install.
- Select the 'Finish'.
 Cancellation to fire wall. (This is applicable only in Windows XP
- Open Apache Server's port to activate web service.
- Select the '차단해제'.

 Install Mysql. (Database)

- Select the 'Next'.
 Setup Type.
- Select the 'Typical'.

 Information for Install.

- Confirm information for install.
- Select the 'Install'.

 Registration to Mysql.
- Select the 'skip Sing-up.

 Mysql Setup Wizard.

- Select whether or not practice to establishment of environment
about Mysql server.
- Select the ‘Finish'.

 Establishment to environment of “Mysql” Server.

- Select the 'Next'.

 Select the type of configuration.

- Select the ‘Detailed Configuration'.
- Select the 'Next'.
 Select the type of Mysql Server.
- Select the ‘Server Machine'.
- Select the 'Next'.

 Select how to using database.

- Select the 'Non-Transactional Database Only'.
- Select the 'Next'.
 Establishment license of Access to database.
- Select the 'Manual Setting'.
- Select the 'Next'.

 Network options.
- Select the ‘Next'.
 Establishment language of Mysql Server.
- ‘Manual Selected Default Character Set/Collation'.
- Select language to user available.
- Select the ‘Next'.

 Select the practice option of service in windows.

- Select the ‘Install As Windows Service'.
- Select the ‘Next'.

 Security options.
- Select the ‘Modify Security Settings'.
- Input connection password that is a
- Select the 'Enable root access from
remote machines'.

 Application to option of Configuration.

- Select the ‘Execute'.

 Normal practice screen.

※Select [Cancel] when appearance Error in [Execute].

※ Run to the [Mysql Setup Wizard] again.
- Start->Program(All Program)->Mysql->Mysql 5.0 -> Select to
[MySQL Server Instance Config Wizard].
 Install the [Mysql administrator].
- Practice the [d:\Zeni\util\install\mysql-administrator-1.1.6-Win.exe]

- Select the ‘Next'.

 License Agreement
- Select the ['I accept the terms in the license agreement'].
 Select the ‘Mysql Administrator' program install folder.
- Select the ‘Next'.

 Setup Type.
- Select the 'Complete'.
 Install information.
- Confirm install information.
- Select the 'Install'.

 Completion Install.
- Select the 'Finish'.
 Install Mysql Query browser.
- Practice the d:\Zeni\util\install\mysql-query-browser-1.1.18-

- Select the ‘Next'.

 License Agreement
- Select the 'I accept the terms in the license agreement'.
 Select the ‘Mysql Query Browser' program install folder.
- Select the ‘Next'.

 Setup Type.
- Select the 'Complete'.
 Install information.
- Confirm install information.
- Select the 'Install'.

 Completion Install.
- Select the 'Finish'.
 Generating DB Table of Zeniweb.
- Select the Start ->Program -> Mysql ->Mysql Administrator.

 Login Mysql Administrator.

- ServerHost: localhost.
- Username: root.
- Password: 12root34.
- Select 'OK'.

 To summon DB Table.
- Select the ‘Restore’.
- Select the ‘Open Backup File'.

 Select file.
- Select the d:\Zeni\util\DB\Zeni_20060922_0440.sql.
- Select the ‘열기’.

 Select a DB Table.
- Select the 'Start Restore'.

 If following display is seen, [ DB Table ] is created normally .

2. Zeniweb Setup.
 Correct to connection IP for Information of DB.
- Open the file that [d:\Zeni\web\config.php] by agenda.
- Change IP of part registered in below picture to Zeniwep's IP.

 Practice the internet explorer.

- Input ZeniWeb server’s IP at Address indication blank.
- Input root / root to ID/Password blank.
- Click the ‘Login' button.
 Change information of channel to Server’s.
- Select the 'Setup' from the upper menu.
- Select the ‘ZeniSvr' from the Left side menu.
- Select the ‘채널’ from the right side upper.

 Addition to Server channel.

- Add Count: Count of channel that is going to add.
- Server Name: An applied server name.
- Board Type: SmartTap(default), Comvurgent, VOIP, SoundCard.
- Channel Number: Number of channel that is going to added.
- Rec Type: MS-GSM(default) / MPMLQ (G723.1).
- Detection Type: LoopStart / Voltage / Hook / VOX.
[This should agree with Extension establishment.]
- State: Whether or not of channel. (Active:Use /Inactive: Not
[Attention per interlock with Extension.]
- Data Path Count: Using count to storage folder.
- Data Path 1~3: Recording file appoints position to be stored.
File Type 1~3: Appointment to file's form to be storage. (1: G.723
/ 0 : WAV)
- Min Duration: Minimum recording time. (Does not record file of
brevity than here set time)
- Max Duration : Maximum recording time.
 Addition to Extension.
- Select to ‘setup” from the upper menu.
- Select to ‘Extension’ from the lift side menu.
- Select to ‘추가’ from the right side upper.

- 내선 수: Count of Extension to be addition. (Is added by automati

c as appointed number.)
- 시작채널: Appointment channel to be use.
- 시작내선: Appointment Extension’s number.
- 녹음방법: Appointment to recording way.

 Addition to Agent.
- Select to ‘setup” from the upper menu.
- Select to ‘Agent’ from the lift side menu.
- Select to ‘추가’ from the right side upper.
- 타입: Give user's power. (Agent / Manager / Supervisor).
- ID: Login ID.
- User Password: Login password.
- 이름: User name.
- 내선: Extension number to be use.
- 주민번호: Character number.
- 상태: Whether or not counselor’s use. (Active: Use / Inactive:
Not Use)

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