Implementation of Rsa Key Generation Based On Rns Using Verilog

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International J ournal of Communication Network Security ISSN: 2231 1882, Volume-1, Issue-4, 2012



Dept. of Electronics and Communication Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore, INDIA
E-mail : [email protected] & [email protected]

Abstract - RSA key generation is of great concern for implementation of RSA cryptosystem on embedded system due to its
long processing latency. In this paper, a novel architecture is presented to provide high processing speed to RSA key
generation for embedded platform with limited processing capacity. In order to exploit more data level parallelism, Residue
Number System (RNS) is introduced to accelerate RSA key pair generation, in which these independent elements can be
processed simultaneously. A cipher processor based on Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA) is proposed to realize the
parallelism at the architecture level. In the meantime, division is avoided in the proposed architecture, which reduces the
expense of hardware implementation remarkably. The proposed design is implemented by Verilog HDL and verified in
matlab. A rate of 3 pairs per second can be achieved for 1024-bit RSA key generation at the frequency of 100 MHz.


Public key cryptography has gained extreme
popularity in many applications such as smart cards,
digital certificate and so on. One of the most widely
used public key algorithms is RSA .However, the
process of RSA key generation is very complex and
time consuming. Some implementations try to
generate the RSA key pairs on a desktop and upload
the pair, or only the private key, into a smart card.
Take communication security and high-performance
processing into consideration, the entire procedure of
RSA key generation is preferably performed totally
inside cipher chip in order to guarantee the efficiency
and the security of the applications. Nevertheless, the
limited computational power of embedded systems
cannot afford high speed RSA key generation. In this
paper, the issue about how to provide high processing
speed to RSA key generation for embedded platform
with limited processing capacity is discussed. An on-
card implementation is presented in which takes up to
6.82 seconds to create a key pair. A scalable
hardware architecture is proposed in they have
presented the architecture applied for the multiple
word Radix-2 Montgomery multiplication algorithm
and a processing element (PE) is designed. We
propose an efficient solution to accelerate RSA key
pair generation from both data and architecture level
parallelism, in which RNS and TTA are combined
closely. The advantage of RNS Montgomery
multiplication algorithm is that large number
multiplications can be divided into small elements
and each independent element can be processed
simultaneously. The advantages of Transport
Triggered Architecture (TTA) is that it can be used as
an application specific processor, especially as a
coprocessor for different DSP applications in SoC.
Comparing with the traditional ASIC, TTA is more
flexible in application and consumes less silicon area.
And comparing with traditional DSP processor, it has
more efficiency and better performance. In this paper,
function unit (FU)MMAC is elaborately designed,
which meets the highly parallelism of RNS
Montgomery multiplication and reduces redundant
data transmission. So an optimized architecture,
called TTA-like, is proposed to meet the desire for
high-efficient performance. In order to reduce the
expense of hardware implementation, division is
discarded in the process due to an appropriate
selection of algorithms. This improvement makes it
possible to fulfill RSA key pair generation with pure
hardware design, which is quite different from prior
methods that use software programming to do the
division. The rest of paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the RSA key pair generation and
details how to reduce timings related to prime finding
algorithm which is the kernel of the whole process.
Section 3 presents our architecture for it. The
implementation results in this paper are compared
finally, in section 4, the conclusions and future work
are discussed.


Common RSA key pair generator generally
includes a stage of trial division in the sieve function
procedure. We investigate in this section a way of
how to avoid this by utilizing invertible numbers
which is quite suitable for the hardware
implementation. Some algebraic techniques are
introduced to speed up modular exponentiation, so
the primality test, which is the most time-consuming
section practically, can be optimized greatly to
achieve a satisfactory implementation; and the private
key generation algorithm is improved as well for the
sake of limited computation resources in our
embedded processor.
Figure 1 gives out a common procedure of the RSA
key pair generation.

Implementation of RSA Key Generation based on RNS using Verilog
International J ournal of Communication Network Security ISSN: 2231 1882, Volume-1, Issue-4, 2012
2.1. Sieve Function
The purpose of the sieve function is to reduce the
times of the primality test which is the most time-
consuming part of RSA key pair generation. Unlike
ordinary sieve functions which use small primes to
divide the candidate number, trial divisions is
replaced by one-time modular exponentiation as
shown in Algorithm 1. According to the architecture
presented in this paper, modular exponentiation can
be done very fast and no extra hardware consuming is
needed. So the processing time of the sieve function
can be trivial and circuit area will be saved as well.
2.2. Primality Test
The candidate must be tested for primality in
order to be useful for the generation of a RSA key
pair. In this section, Miller-Rabins method is used
for our primality test. Since Miller-Rabin test is
dominant in the processing time of RSA key pair
generation, it is important to improve this part for the
sake of high performance. Take notice of b aumod
n which is the most timing-cost computation in
Algorithm 2, we focus on this part and make use of
2.3. Calculation of Private Key
The private key is the modular inverse of the
public key .The particular method chosen for
computing modular inverse avoids trial division to
make it easier to be implemented in hardware.
2.4. RNS Montgomery Modular Multiplication
Modular multiplication is the kernel operation of
RSA key pair generation which is called in quantity
and takes up the most time of the whole procedure, it
is of great importance to analyze this part and bring
out the optimal algorithm for
The hardware we present in this paper.
Algorithm 1 Invertible Number Generation
Input: randomly selected k _ = 74
i=1 pi; _(_) =
lcm(p1 1; p2 1; :::; p74 1); pi =3; 5; 7; :::;
379 L =8 _;M =3 pi
Output: q co-prime with the smallest 74 odd primes
if k_(_) mod _ =1 then
q =k +L
else k =k +1, go to 1
end if
if q is even then
q =q +M
end if

Figure 1 A common flow of RSA key pair generation.
Algorithm 2 Miller-Rabin Test
Input: Odd integer n 3
Output: Confirm the primality of n
Find u and k so that n 1 =u 2k
Let a be randomly chosen from 2; 3; :::; n 1
b a u mod n
if b 1; n 1 then
print "n is prime"
end if
for i =1 to k 1 do
b b2 mod n
if b =n 1 then
print "n is prime"
end if
if b =1 then
print "n is composite"
end if
end for
print "n is composite"
Algorithm 3 Improved Steins method for
modular inverse
Input: e(public key),_(n)(_(n) =(p 1) (q 1),p; q
are two primes )
Output: d =e1 mod _(n)
(X1;X2;X3) =(1; 0; e), (Y1; Y2; Y3) =(0; 1; (n))
Implementation of RSA Key Generation based on RNS using Verilog
International J ournal of Communication Network Security ISSN: 2231 1882, Volume-1, Issue-4, 2012
while X3 =1 or Y3 =1 do
if X3 is even then
if X1;X2 are even then
(X1;X2;X3) =(X1=2;X2=2;X3=2)
X1 =X1 +_(n),X2 =X2 e
end if
else if Y3 is even then
if Y1; Y2 are even then
(Y1; Y2; Y3) =(Y1=2; Y2=2; Y3=2)
Y1 =Y1 +_(n),Y2 =Y2 e
end if
else if X3 > Y3 then
(X1;X2;X3) =(X1 Y1;X2 Y2;X3 Y3)
(Y1; Y2; Y3) =(Y1 X1; Y2 X2; Y3 X3)
end if
if X3 =1 then
return X1 =e1 mod _(n)
return Y1 =e1 mod _(n)
Algorithm 4 RNS Montgomery Modular
Input: |X|a[b; |Y |a[b; (X; Y < 2N)
Output: [r]a[b; (r =XY A1)modN,r < 2N
for i=1 to k do
step1: zi =(xi yi) modai
step2: qi =(zi | N1|ai )modai
end for
step3: qj =BT(qi; 0)
for j=1 to k do
step4: zj =(xj yj) mod bj
step5: wj =(zj +qj Nj) mod bj
step6: rj =(wi |A1
i |bj ) (i =j)
end for
step7: ri =BT(rj ; 0x80000000)
Algorithm 5 Base Extension qj = BT (qi; _)
Input: [q]a
Output: [q]b; qr
for i=1 to k do
li =qi |A1
i |mi
end for
w =(_ +
i=1 li) >> 32
for j=1 to k do
qj =|
n=1 |An|ai li|mi
end for
return [q]b


In this section, a TTA-like architecture is
presented to illustrate the fast RSA key pair
generation in our way. The implementation results are
compared with in section 3.

4.1. Architecture Design
Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA) is
statically programmed ILP modular architecture
which is similar to VLIW architecture. Instead of
specifying operation typing and controlling the FUs
directly, TTAs specify the required data transports.
These transports may trigger operations as side effect
implicitly. Figure 2 shows the difference of
instruction format between VLIW and TTA. The
proposed architecture in this design is shown in
Figure 3. It mainly consists of five parts: FUs, RFs,
control logic, transport network and on-chip
RAM/ROM. Similar to common processors, the
control logic composes of instruction fetch,
instruction decoder and PC control units. In this
design, JMP unit can affect the PC value to realize
jump, branch and loop operations.

Figure 2.The difference of instruction format between VLIW
and TTA
The FUs are the key factors which decide the
performance of this processor. According to different
applications, various of FUs can be designed and
attached to the transport network. To implement RNS
Montgomery multiplication algorithm, modular
Implementation of RSA Key Generation based on RNS using Verilog
International J ournal of Communication Network Security ISSN: 2231 1882, Volume-1, Issue-4, 2012
multiplication and modular multiplication and-
accumulation are the key operations in n-bit level,
where n is the base size. So, the MMAC units are
designed to accelerate the execution speed of these
key operations. MMAC units can only do 32-bit 32-
bit modular multiplication, But combing them
together with RNS Montgomery multiplication
algorithm, long bit modular multiplication can be
done very fast. In this work, four MMAC units are
designed according to the maximum number of
function units used in the processing of executing the
operations in Figure 4 before TIME E which refers to
step 1 from step 3 in algorithm 4;

Figure 3. The proposed architecture design
The remaining operations after TIME E also
depend on these four MMAC units in order to
increase their usability of the architecture and save
the valuable hardware resources. Two ALU units are
included to implement the modular addition and
modular subtraction operations. And some controlling
operations are needed such as logical right-shift,
arithmetic right-shift and case-select. They are
included in ALU units to help finish the extra
operation in the process of RSA key pair generation
as well. There are three Load-store units (LDST), one
Look-up Table unit (LUT). LDSTs are connected
with the independent Data RAM. LUT are used to
store the pre-computed data. There are direct data
paths between LDSTs and MMAC units and also
between LUT and the group of MMAC, which are
used to reduce redundant data transmission. The
transport network is used to transport data from
source register to destination register. Four buses are
adopted in the transport network to fully exploit the
computation capacity of four MMAC units in
parallel. The width of each bus is 32-bit which is
decided by the selected base size.Figure 5 illustrates
the operational process of RSA key pair generation
from function unit level. The whole process has three
1) Sieve Function
2) Primality Test
3) Private Key Calculation
According to the algorithm analysis in section 2,
these function units are arranged to fulfil the RSA
key pair generation: MMAC units do the modular
exponentiation; ALU units complete the operation of
addition and subtraction To compare the performance
of our implementation with other works, the
processing time consumed in primality test, prime
finding and RSA key pair generation is analyzed.
Because of the architecture specified for modular
multiplication, the consuming time in primarily test is
reduced greatly and numbers of times in prime
finding are 36 which is a satisfactory compromise in
both circuit area and processing time. As shown in
Table 1, the proposed work requires less clock cycles
than the other works.

Figure 4. The operation process of RSA key pair generation
from functional unit level

Table1. RSA key pair comparison


The design was implemented by Verilog HDL
and the processing time of 1024-bit RSA key pair
generation is 306 ms in average, and the logic area is
131k gates. To compare the performance of our
implementation with other works, the processing time
consumed in primality test, prime finding and RSA
key pair generation is analyzed. Because of the
architecture specified for modular multiplication, the
consuming time in primarily test is reduced greatly
and numbers of times in prime finding are 36 which
is a satisfactory compromise in both circuit area and
processing time.

Implementation of RSA Key Generation based on RNS using Verilog
International J ournal of Communication Network Security ISSN: 2231 1882, Volume-1, Issue-4, 2012

Figure 5. The operation process of MMAC unit


This paper presents a novel RSA key pair
generation hardware implementation based on TTA,
and Montgomery modular multiplication based on
RNS is adopted in both sieve function and primality
test to improve the performance significantly. FUs
suiting the algorithms is designed on TTA,and direct
data paths are used to reduce redundant data
transmission. Above all, pipeline and parallel
technology to improve the computing speed are
introduced. At the frequency of 100 MHz, 1024-bit
RSA key pair generation needs 306 ms in average,
the logic area of the proposed architecture consists of
131k gates. This result shows that our proposed work
can achieve high performance and small area for RSA
key pair generation.

On-going and future developments include: (1)
Preparation for some pre-computed data especially in
RNS Montgomery multiplication can be optimized
which affect the rate of RSA key pair generation
significantly. (2) The conceptof scalable and
reconfigurable architecture is introduced, in which
not only 1024-bit RSA key pair but also 2048,
4096bit can be implemented in this platform.
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