Hardware RSA Accelerator: Group 3: Ariel Anders, Timur Balbekov, Neil Forrester May 15, 2013

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Hardware RSA Accelerator

Group 3: Ariel Anders, Timur Balbekov, Neil Forrester

May 15, 2013


1 Background 1
1.1 RSA Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Definition of Variables for the RSA Algorithm . . . . 1
1.1.2 Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.3 Decryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 RSA Algorithm for Hardware Implementation[1] . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Modular Exponentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Interleaved Modular Multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Implementation in C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 High-Level Design and Test Plan 4

3 Microarchitectural Description 5
3.0.1 Right to Left Binary Modular Exponentiator . . . . . 5
3.0.2 Interleaved Modular Multiplier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1 Implemented Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1.1 Integer Representation Explorations . . . . . . . . . . 8

4 Implementation Evaluation 9
4.1 Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.1.1 Modular Exponentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.1.2 Interleaved Modular Multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.1.3 Adder Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2 Final Design Results: Space, Timing, and Throughput . . . . 10

5 Design Exploration 11


Our project is implementing the RSA cryptographic algorithm in Bluespec.

The benefits of doing this in hardware are higher performance, reduced
power usage and size, and cost. Having reusable IP that implements RSA
would allow a device manufacturer to either reduce their power footprint, or
skip inclusion of a processor in a device that otherwise would not need one.
More specifically, our objective is to implement the encryption and de-
cryption protocols in RSA for 1024 bit messages on the Virtex5 FPGA using
Bluespec. As our implementation wouldn’t be useful if the performance was
too low, we tried to get throughput at least equal to that of an implemen-
tation running in software on a Raspberry Pi (a $35 single board computer
with an ARM processor). We also wanted the clock frequency to be above
50MHz. After tuning the design and making appropriate trade offs, we
achieved both of these goals.
Chapter 1


RSA is an encryption protocol that involves a public and private key. As

indicated by its name, the public key is known to everyone and is used
to encrypt messages, turning plaintext into ciphertext. The ciphertext can
then be decrypted using the private key, turning it back into plaintext. Our
implementation does not generate keys - software exists to do that already,
and the benefit of doing that in hardware is low. We perform the encryption
and decryption steps, so that people can include public key cryptography
in their Bluespec designs, without employing full blown processors if they
aren’t otherwise necessary.

1.1 RSA Algorithm

1.1.1 Definition of Variables for the RSA Algorithm
Public Key (n, e) A public key consists of the modulus n and encryption
exponent e

Private Key (n, d) A private key consists of the same modulus n and the
private decryption exponent d

Message (m) The plain text message converted into an integer m, such
that 0 ≤ m ≤ n

Ciphertext (c) The plain text message encrypted using the public key

1.1.2 Encryption
The ciphertext is generated by encrypting the plain text message using the
public key:
c ≡ me (mod n) (1.1)

1.1.3 Decryption
The plaintext message is generated by decrypting the ciphertext message
using the private key:
m ≡ cd (mod n) (1.2)

1.2 RSA Algorithm for Hardware Implementation[1]

A naive approach to RSA would simply raise m to the power of e (or c to the
d, and then compute that modulo n. However, since e and d may be 1024
bit integers, the intermediate result would take up more memory than could
be constructed using all the mass-energy of the visible universe. A more
efficient approach, such as the Right-to-left binary algorithm, is required.

1.2.1 Modular Exponentiation

The Right-to-left binary algorithm is a good compromise between speed,
memory usage, and complexity. The goal of the algorithm is to calculate
be mod m for very large values of b, e, and m. If the bits of e are e1 , e2 . . . en :
e= e i 2i (1.3)
then: n
Y i
be = ei b(2 ) (1.4)
and since:
a ∗ b mod m = (a mod m) ∗ (b mod m) mod m (1.5)
then every intermediate result can be taken modulo m to keep the size of
intermediate results manageable. Therefore, the following algorithm will
compute be mod m in a reasonable amount of time and memory:
b, e, and m are the inputs to the algorithm.
while e > 0 do
if e mod 2 = 1 then
c ← c ∗ b mod m
end if
b ← b ∗ b mod m
e ← be/2c
end while
c is the result of the algorithm.
The hardware realization of this is a circular pipeline. However, this assumes
the ability to multiply two numbers modulo a third, the naive approach to
which still requires hardware too large for the FPGA. Fortunately, as before,
there is a solution.

1.2.2 Interleaved Modular Multiplication
The Interleaved Modular Multiplication algorithm computes xy mod m. If
N is the size of the numbers (in bits, for example, N = 1024), and xi is the
ith bit of x, then the following algorithm will perform the required steps:
i←N −1
while i ≥ 0 do
if xi = 1 then
end if
if p ≥ m then
end if
if p ≥ m then
end if
end while
p is the result of the algorithm.
Again, this is a circular pipeline in hardware. However, this assumes that
addition and subtraction are solved problems. Unfortunately, a ripple-carry
adder (what you get when you write a + b in Bluespec), produces a very
long propagation delay when a and b are 1024 bits long. Therefore, we had
to write a carry look-ahead adder in Bluespec, and use that. The stack of a
Right-to-left binary Modular Exponentiator, built on an Interleaved Modu-
lar Multiplier, built on a Carry Look-ahead Adder is capable of performing
RSA on an FPGA.

1.3 Implementation in C
We have a working implementation of all our algorithms in C, that we
wrote from scratch. We verified its correctness by comparing its output
to libgcrypt. The C implementation, of course, is unable to operate directly
on 1024 bit integers, so we store them as arrays of 16 bit unsigned integers.
As a result, performing bit shifts, additions, and comparisons takes some-
what more code than it would take to perform the corresponding operations
in Bluespec.

Chapter 2

High-Level Design and Test


Our RSA module has three inputs: data, exponent, and modulus; this is
because the only difference between implementing encryption versus decryp-
tion is the inputs to our RSA unit. For example, to encrypt a plain text
message the input to our RSA unit is the message, the public key and its
modulus (in this case the "data" is the plain text message and the "expo-
nent" is the public key). The output of this unit is the encrypted ciphertext.
Alternatively, to decrypt the cipher text, the input to our RSA unit is the
ciphertext, the private key and its modulus. In our implementation, all
bit lengths are 1024 bits long and the input and output to the FPGA is
implemented using the SceMi test bench.
To verify the functionality of the RSA module, we compared the results
of the encryption and decryption blocks to the results of a software imple-
mentation. The two private keys for encryption and decryption modules are
passed by SceMi into the hardware. A SceMi testbench pushes a message to
the encryption block, along with an enable signal, message, and public key
of the software test-bench. The module generates an encrypted message,
and the software test-bench uses its private key to decrypt and verify the
correctness of the encrypted message.
For decryption, the process is reversed: the test-bench passes in an en-
crypted message instead of plain-text, and the decryption module uses the
private key of the software test-bench to decrypt the message. Then, the
test-bench verifies the plain-text for correctness.

Chapter 3


Our project is divided into two important modules: ModExpt.bsv and ModMultIlvd.bsv.
ModExpt.bsv performs right-to-left binary modular exponentiation, while
ModMultIlvd.bsv performs interleaved modular multiplication. The modu-
lar exponentiator instantiates a modular multiplier. The high level diagram
in Figure 3.1 depicts the interface between the modular multiplier and the
modular exponentiator.

3.0.1 Right to Left Binary Modular Exponentiator

The modular exponentiator is a circular pipeline (depicted in Figure 3.2).
On each cycle of the pipeline it supplies inputs to the multiplier (twice, when
two operations must be performed, i.e. when the low bit of e is non zero).
When the multiplier completes, it stores the results back into the registers.
On every iteration, the value of e is right-shifted by one bit. When e is zero,
the loop terminates.

3.0.2 Interleaved Modular Multiplier

The interleaved modular multiplier has the advantage of not requiring long
multiplies, and works with only left shifts, addition, subtraction, and com-
parison. Unfortunately, a step of the algorithm requires comparing the en-
tire length of the data in the worst case. Additionally, there are 3 possible
add/subtract steps at every step of the algorithm. Therefore, the propaga-
tion delay of each step of the algorithm is prohibitive without pipelining.
The naive, unpipelined approach did meet timing because of the long prop-
agation delay through the adders.
An overview of the module is pictured in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.1: High level overview.

Figure 3.2: Modular exponentiation

Figure 3.3: Interleaved modular multiplication

3.1 Implemented Modules
The modules we implemented are: SceMiLayer.bsv, RSAPipeline.bsv,
RSA.bsv, ModMultIlvd.bsv, ModExpt.bsv, PipelineAdder.bsv, CLAdder.bsv

SceMiLayer.bsv We developed two SceMiLayer modules to test different

types of designs: one for importing vmh files, and another for import-
ing libgcrypt for simulating our c code.
RSAPipelinetypes.bsv This is the general header file where we define all
constant values. This will make the overall product modular and easy
for others to change core elements of design such as number of bits per
RSA.bsv This is a dedicated alternative driver for the RSA module that
performs cosimulation with libgcrypt
ModMultIlvd.bsv The interleaved modulus multiplier based on the Mont-
gomery Algorithm. This function computes a ∗ b mod m.
ModExpt.bsv The modulus exponentiator implements the algorithm de-
scribed above. It creates two modulus multiplier to computer be mod
PipelineAdder, CLAdder.bsv, SlowClkAdder.bsv These modules im-
plement folded, carry look-ahead, and reduced clock frequency adders

3.1.1 Integer Representation Explorations

1. The first interface was a simple Int#(1024) representation. We cre-
ated a simple adder in order to synthesize our design. This is what we
wound up using.
2. The second type of interface is most similar to our C implementation
where integers are stored as 64 - 16 bit chunks.
3. The third type of interface uses BRAM to store chunks of the integer
throughout the implementation. (This is currently incomplete)

Difficulties Encountered
We created a simple adder in order to synthesize our design. Since we
had doubts about the success of this representation this was a vital step
before continuing our design. Our concerns were well-founded for the simple
Int#(1024) representation: the simple addition of two Int#(1024) were
unable to synthesize. We discuss the solutions to this and other problems

Chapter 4

Implementation Evaluation

4.1 Challenges
The primary challenges we encountered were making our design fit on the
FPGA, and run fast enough. We made many small tweaks to our design to
meet these goals. In order to reduce resource utilization, we scrapped most
of the FIFOs in our design, replacing them with Actions and ActionValues
that directly modified the state of the modules. Additionally, we made larger
changes to the following modules:

4.1.1 Modular Exponentiation

In the modular exponentiator we traded off parallelism for lower resource
utilization by instantiating one modular multiplier and making two consec-
utive requests per iteration. We originally intended to use two instances of
the module to which we would make requests concurrently, but this took
too much space.

4.1.2 Interleaved Modular Multiplication

Full length comparisons are nearly as bad a ripple carry adders in terms
of propagation delay (more on adders later). Unfortunately, the interleaved
modular multiplication algorithm requires you to subtract the modulus from
the intermediate result zero, one, or two times, until the result is less than
the modulus. Determining if the result is less than the modulus requires a
full length comparison.
Therefore, in order to increase the frequency at which we could run the
design, instead of performing a comparison to determine whether or not to
call a particular subtractor, we simply called all the subtractors at once, and
selected the result later by looking only at the most significant bits of the
results to see which, if any, of the computations underflowed. While it took
more space on the FPGA, the increase in clock speed made up for it.

4.1.3 Adder Implementation
Synthesizing a naive 1024-bit ripple-carry adder did not meet timing due to
the long carry chain. Therefore, we came up with several alternative adder

Carry Look-ahead Adder

The carry look-ahead adder performs the 1024 bit addition in one cycle, but
the critical path is shorter than that for the ripple-carry adder. However, this
topology used more space and we had to modify the ModExpt architecture
to make it fit on the FPGA. With some additional tweaking, we got it to

Multi-cycle Adder
The multi-cycle adder splits the 1024 bit numbers into two 512 bit sections,
and performs the calculation in two clock cycles. We did eventually get this
working, but performance was lower than with the carry look-ahead adder.

Reduced Clock Frequency Adder

This is a ripple-carry adder running at half the clock-frequency of the rest of
the design. While it simulated correctly, and passed synthesis, the synchro-
nizing FIFOs required for it to operate correctly took up nearly the entire
FPGA, and place-and-route ran for hours without finding a way to make it
fit. We could have reduced the width of the FIFOs, and passed operands
through in chunks, but performance would have been terrible.

4.2 Final Design Results: Space, Timing, and Through-

We met our goal of creating a 1024-bit RSA module that beats the per-
formance of the 700 MHz ARM11 on the Raspberry Pi. We can perform
approximately 5 modular exponentiations per second, while the Raspberry
Pi takes several seconds to perform a single modular exponentiation.
Our design took up approximately 60% of the FPGA:

• Slice registers: 42221 out of 69120 (61%)

• Slice LUTs: 41574 out of 69120 (60%)

Our design achieved a clock speed of 83.5MHz prior to place and route
(which caps timing at 50MHz).

Chapter 5

Design Exploration

We have a working implementation, and it meets our performance targets.

Given more time, however, we would like to explore alternative exponen-
tiation and multiplication algorithms that could offer better performance.
Furthermore, our entire device performs one operation at a time. During
the vast majority of this time the execution of the modular exponentiation
module is blocked, waiting for the modular multiplication module to finish
a computation. If we had a larger FPGA to work with, we could instan-
tiate multiple modular multiplication modules, and have a single modular
exponentiator hand out jobs to them. That way it could perform many
operations at once, and increase the performance to size ratio.
We would also like to implement probabilistic multi-cycle comparisons to
get around the multiple-subtractor trick we described in Section 4.1.2. The
reason we had to instantiate multiple subtractors was because full-length
comparisons produce a large propagation delay. However, in almost every
case it is possible to decide which of two numbers is bigger by looking only
at the first few bits. Therefore, we want to change our design so that the
modular multiplier only looks at the first few bits of a number. If it is
different, then it calls the appropriate subtractor. If the first few bits are
the same, then it waits until the next clock cycle, compares the next few
bits, and so on until a difference is found. In the vast majority of cases, this
will complete in one clock cycle, that clock cycle will not be excessivly long,
and it won’t take up much space with extraneous subtractors. However,
when necessary, this will take several clock cycles to complete. The only
reason we haven’t made this change already is that we ran out of time, and
our design works as it is.
We also have various ideas about how we might use BRAM to improve
our design. However, we never got around to fully exploring any of these.
Given more time, we would like to consider if our design could be made
smaller or faster through the judicious use of BRAM modules.


[1] "Efficient Hardware Architectures for Modular Multiplication on FP-

GAs". David Narh Amanor et al. FFPL’05, Pgs. 539-542, 2005


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