Being Parent

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Being a parent

Your feelings
As a parent you will feel all sorts of
emotions. You will feel love, joy and
pride, but also anger, panic, despair and
frustration. Sometimes parents feel they
are not appreciated by their children or
valued by others.
Its normal for parents to sometimes
feel tired or upset and question what
its all about. Remember you dont have
to be perfect, all parents feel they make
mistakes at times.
Information comes from
As a parent you can feel overwhelmed
by all the information given to you.
Suggestions from family and friends are
often well meant, but can make you feel
you are not doing a good job.
Be open to suggestions, thank people
for their interest and ideas, and
think about the advice given. Some
suggestions might work for you.
Remember to ask for help
from others when you need it
but be confdent about your
ability as a parent.
Working parents
Work can be a major part of
peoples lives. Sometimes parents
feel they are struggling to juggle
work and family life.
Many parents:
u feel guilty about not having
enough time with their children
u worry about what to do when
their children are sick
u worry about what others think of
them when things go wrong
u get stressed when faced with events
that throw the daily routine out.
Parents should work out how to
manage time so they can look after
themselves as well as their children.
Where two parents are involved, parents
need to talk about how responsibilities
will be shared. This requires planning,
organising and communicating with
each other.
Some things to think about:
u what is the frst priority?
u who does what tasks?
u what arrangements are there for sick
children / school events (who takes
time of to attend or stay at home?)
u fnd time to spend with partner /
u make time for self / leisure activity
u make time for family being together
u dedicate special time to each child.
being a parent
Becoming a parent is one of the most
challenging and rewarding tasks in
life. Its a huge responsibility thats
often taken for granted.
Its important to remember that
parents grow into their roles, and
cant expect to have the right answers
all the time!
being a parent
Things that might make
parenting easier
Learn about how children grow and develop
Remember you can do things diferently
Be strong enough to say you dont
know how to do some things
Be prepared to ask for
information or advice.
Accept your feelings
Understand that mixed feelings are normal.
At times of stress or when things change in
your family, you can be swamped with lots of
emotions. It is important to reach out - speak to
your partner, to your friends, to family members or
to someone not caught up in
the emotion.
Trust yourself
Everyone has their own ideas about
parenting. Its easy to become
confused or feel what youre doing
is not good enough. Listen to other
peoples ideas but do what feels right
for you and your children. Trust your
own judgement.
ork ou
t you
r ow
Clear values and beliefs are an
portant foundation w
hen raising
children. Try to reach an agreem
ith your partner if you have a
diference of opinion. A clear and
shared form
of parenting is less
confusing for your child. If you and
your partner difer, try not to put each
other dow
Take care of your relationship
As a parent its important you feel loved and supported
too. Your closest relationship will probably be with your
husband, wife or partner, or perhaps a special friend. Make
regular time for your adult relationships. Children learn
about relationships from whats happening around them.
et su
Parenting is hard to do w
ithout help
others. If you feel alone and cant
fnd support w
ithin your fam
ily, fnd
eone to talk to. Dont be afraid to
ask for help - it is not a sign that you
cant cope. You w
ill fnd that others
feel the sam
e as you.
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Look after yourself
Remember you are a person as well as a parent.
Dont expect too much of yourself or others. Praise
yourself for simple things. Dont dwell on mistakes
(mistakes are for learning from, not for making you
feel bad).
Try to fnd things to look forward to - even small
things like having half an hour to yourself to read a
magazine or ring a friend.
Value yourself
You are doing an important job. Be proud of the
efort you put in through the day, no matter how
small the achievement.
Never forget how important
parenting is.
Sorting and fxing
If you have violence in your home, money difculties,
ill health, arguments with neighbours or hassles at work,
try to sort out the problem. Avoiding action is likely to
make things feel worse for you. Maybe seek advice from a
professional if you cant sort it out within your family.
If you are experiencing domestic violence, call the
DoCS Domestic Violence Line on 1800 656 463.
Reward yourself
Do at least one thing a day
that makes you feel good. Ask
someone to help so you can
have time out to do whatever
you feel like doing. Have a
bubble bath, read a magazine,
kick a football, go for a walk, talk to a friend.
being a parent
Your style of parenting will shape your childs
life, so make the foundation solid.
Find out more about child development.
Mistakes only matter if you keep repeating
Plan, organise and communicate so you can
balance work and family responsibilities, and
meet your childs needs.
Dont waste your time and energy
feeling guilty change what you are
If you have a problem with anger or
violence, get help.
Seek help from others when you need it
but continue to believe in yourself.
Managing anger
There are times in all parents lives
when they feel very angry. Most of
the time parents manage to handle
it successfully, but sometimes the
anger can be in danger of getting
out of control. Try to do something
about whatever is causing the
underlying feeling. Work out when
you are most likely to lose your cool
and plan to do something diferent
at those times, e.g. when you frst
get home from work.
Note: If you have lost control
and hurt your child or have been
violent to others in your home
its important to get help.

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