Targeted Skill Area Skill Description Sample Class Activity
Targeted Skill Area Skill Description Sample Class Activity
Targeted Skill Area Skill Description Sample Class Activity
Skill Area
Study Skills/ Learning and independently Students are required to complete a task
Organization implementing such strategies as using analysis of a project, record realistic bench
a daily planner, recording benchmarks marks for progress of projects and have
for progress on projects, highlighting check in meetings.
relevant information, effective note
taking, pre reading strategies
Problem Solving Becoming independent thinkers in a Group project dilemma: the group must
variety of settings and situations. stand on a tablecloth on the floor and
Learning and implementing the steps without stepping off flip the cloth to the
to solve real- life as well as reverse side.
hypothetical problems individually
and in group settings.
Visual Spatial Organizing the visual world, visual Detect the subtle differences between two
Processing imagery, big picture thinking, almost identical pictures, virtual rubics
detailed-orientated thinking, patterns cube, carpet size Sudoku.
and sequences, understanding ones
relationship to one’s own body, the
body in relation to the environment.
Abstract The ability to see nuances of meaning, Social skills activities targeting the
Thinking weigh contradictory viewpoints, read understanding of the concepts: Integrity,
between the lines. loyalty, and fairness.
Motor Planning The ability to plan, organize, and Students design a multi step obstacle course
complete a series of movements that and navigate it either tied to a partner or
are directed towards a purpose. blindfolded.
Theory of Mind Understanding what others are Students complete a character analysis
thinking and feeling and responding graphic organizer of Boo from “To Kill a
appropriately Mockingbird” and through his words and
actions try to describe what he is thinking
and feeling.
Relaxation Understanding the causes and effects Students develop positive self talk, calming
of stress and anxiety and mantras, practice deep breathing with a
implementing effective strategies to balloon on their chest, follow relaxation
help reduce these effects scripts, use visualization, and doodle and
conduct to soothing music.