Computer Crime

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State of New Jersey Attorney General

Commission of Investigation of New Jersey

JUNE 2000

State of New Jersey Attorney General

Commission of Investigation of New Jersey




JUNE 2000

The Report, complete with hypertext links, is available on the

Commission’s Web site at


White House 21
Federal Bureau of Investigation and
Office of the U.S. Attorney for the
District of New Jersey 22
United States Customs Service 23
Federal Trade Commission 24
National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children 24
Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention 25
Cyber Angels and Other Help
Organizations 26
End Child Prostitution and Trafficking
(ECPAT) and the World Tourism
Organization (WTO) 28
Internet Service Providers 28
New Jersey State Police 29













In an unprecedented joint project, the State Commission of
Investigation (hereinafter “Commission” or “SCI”) and then-Attorney
General Peter G. Verniero held three days of public hearings on
computer crime on February 23, 24 and 25, 1999. The hearings, with
more than 30 expert witnesses, capped extensive inquiries by the
Commission and the Attorney General’s Office, headed since June 1999
by Attorney General John J. Farmer, Jr. They underscored the need for
law enforcement at all levels to coordinate efforts to control the
“dark side” of the computer revolution. This includes prosecuting
high-tech conduct offending criminal laws, pursuing civil remedies for
online wrongdoing, and helping adults and children to protect
themselves in cyberspace.

Computer technology and communication confer obvious advantages

on businesses, governments, schools and individuals. With nominal
resources, people and institutions can, via computers, leap state and
national boundaries to explore vast stores of information and benefit
from innumerable commercial opportunities. However, Commission Chair
Leslie Z. Celentano cautioned in her public hearing opening remarks
that “[as] on any frontier, … predatory elements seek to take
advantage of those reaching for new opportunities.” With proper
safeguards, adults and children should be able to enjoy and profit
from cyberspace — sometimes called the “digital highway” or the
“information superhighway” — without falling prey to schemers,
predators and intruders.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, 40 percent of

American households owned personal computers at the end of 1998. A
quarter of those had access to the Internet, a global group of
interconnected computer networks, communications equipment and
software. The Internet furnishes nearly 200 million worldwide users
access to measureless riches of information and services. According to
Forrester Research, Inc., which tracks Internet commerce, total U.S.
business trade on the Internet reached $43 billion in 1998 and is
projected to rise to $1.4 trillion in 2004. Spending on Internet
auction sites alone totaled $1.4 billion in 1998 and is predicted to
grow to $19 billion by 2003.

While each of the networks that make up the Internet is owned by

a public or private organization, no single organization or government
owns or controls the Internet. Originally created to further defense,
scientific and academic endeavors, the Internet, which also affords
users the ability to communicate via electronic mail (“e-mail”), grew
slowly but steadily until 1994. At that time, the World Wide Web (“the
Web”), the graphical user interface to the Internet, was introduced.

The Web prompted extraordinary growth in both the size and the
use of the Internet. Once limited to military and educational
undertakings, the Web has expanded to become an integral and even
essential part of vast numbers of businesses and households. It
consists of millions of electronic “storefronts,” or repositories,
called Web sites. Businesses, organizations, government agencies and
individuals set up Web sites, which may be a combination of text,
graphics, still pictures, videos and sounds. Each Web site has an
Internet address called a uniform resource locator (URL).

When it became clear that they could facilitate business-to-

business and consumer-to-business electronic commerce (“e-commerce”),
the Internet and the Web rocketed to importance in the economy. Online
businesses now abound, and credit card purchases over the Internet
occur 24-hours-a-day.

Befitting the vastness of cyberspace, which includes the

Internet, computer-related crimes impacting New Jersey are varied and
extensive. Child pornographers and pedophiles entice and exploit
children via the Internet. Extremists and hate groups take advantage
of high technology to rend society and foster bias-related crime.
Unscrupulous individuals intrude upon supposedly secure computers and
databases releasing catastrophic computer viruses and engaging in
industrial espionage. Swindlers in cyberspace undermine confidence in
e-commerce. With the aid of fly-by-night Web sites, identity thieves
glean personal information in order to enrich themselves at the
expense of their victims’ creditworthiness and reputations.
Unregulated Internet gambling operations dupe the unwary. Lastly, high
technology helps criminals foil law enforcement’s efforts to detect
and prosecute a host of traditional crimes.

Apart from the breadth of potential misconduct, the unique nature

of the Internet presents challenges not evident in the traditional law
enforcement milieu. Enforcers must overcome problems involving
jurisdiction, evidence access and preservation, applicability of
current laws, vulnerability of a virtually unlimited victim pool, and
practical obstacles to the identification of perpetrators.

The Attorney General’s Internet Working Group was established in

1997 and charged with coordinating the extensive high-technology
resources of the Department of Law and Public Safety in order to
enhance the ability of the State’s law enforcement community to
address Internet and advanced technology issues. The Internet Working
Group meets monthly to design strategies for handling computer-related
public safety issues, including: child endangerment, threats and
stalking, bias crimes, identity theft, online gaming, sale of drugs

and other illegal products, Consumer Fraud Act violations and
discriminatory practices. The Internet Working Group also advises the
Attorney General on matters concerning Internet legislation and
policy. Training is another important focus of the Internet Working
Group. Through the Department’s divisions, the Internet Working Group
ensures that law enforcement agencies throughout the State are advised
of emerging high technology crimes and trained in methods to
investigate and prosecute these crimes.

The Internet Working Group is in the process of constructing a

Web site that will provide information to the public about safe
computing practices and the proper methods for reporting high
technology crimes. The Web site will integrate information from a
variety of sources, to provide a single resource where individuals and
education, civic and business groups can keep abreast of developing
computer crime issues.

If an emergency or complex criminal matter requires it, the

Working Group can coordinate the State’s response. The Computer
Analysis and Technology Unit (CATU) in the Division of Criminal
Justice, the High Technology Crime and Investigations Support Unit
(HTC&ISU) in the Division of State Police, prosecutors’ office
personnel specializing in computer crime control, and the E-Commerce
Investigative Unit in the Division of Consumer Affairs are directly
involved in the effort. The Statewide Computer Crime Task Force
utilizes the combined assets of the HTC&ISU and the CATU. It includes
representatives of federal law enforcement as well as county
prosecutors’ offices and municipal police departments. The task force
is designing and implementing a training program for deputy attorneys
general and assistant prosecutors in the area of computers, computer
forensics, the Internet and the legal issues associated with the
investigation, presentation and admissibility of digital and
electronic evidence. The task force is proactive in disrupting
computer crime activities within the New Jersey area by identifying,
investigating, arresting and prosecuting individuals responsible for
violating the criminal statutes.

Although we conclude this report with several recommendations to

strengthen society’s ability to fight computer-related crime, no
amount of law enforcement can safeguard computer users better than
their informed precautions. Therefore, the report comprehensively
details lessons learned during the joint project and refers readers to
many helpful institutions, programs and individuals. In this way, we
expect to assist citizens, as well as their public officials.

This report contains a variety of links to Web sites and

references to resources available through government, nonprofit and
commercial entities. Hypertext links are available in the copy of the
report found at the Commission’s Web site ( The
links and references are provided solely for informational purposes.

Their inclusion does not constitute endorsement. References to
testimony in the report pertain to witnesses testifying at the
February 1999 public hearing.


It has been estimated that 11—15 million children in the United
States are currently online. Industry experts estimate that the number
will rise to 45 million by the year 2002. Through Urban League
community centers, free public libraries, Newark’s Millennium Project
and like programs, poor children will achieve online experience
comparable to those whose families can afford computers at home. More
and more “latchkey kids” in empty houses or participants in after
school programs will shun passive television and gravitate toward the
Internet, where they can interact with other children and adults.

Children use cyberspace to talk with friends, complete homework

assignments, and explore museums, libraries and universities. While
providing almost limitless opportunities to learn, this “information
age” has exposed children to supercharged versions of the old threats
of child molestation and child pornography. Child molesters and
pornographers take full advantage of Internet service providers
(ISPs), Internet relay chat (IRC) (hundreds of thousands of electronic
“chat rooms” where users can “talk” to others by typing on their
keyboards), and the Usenet (tens of thousands of bulletin board-style
discussion groups, often called “newsgroups”). These provide to such
predators abundant hunting grounds in which to find young victims.
Moreover, at nominal expense, and regardless of where they reside in
the world, they can, and do, readily view and trade or sell pictures
and movies of young or very young children being sexually molested by
adults, snuff erotica (real murder done for sexual arousal),
bestiality and the like.

IRC channels are similar to the chat rooms offered by ISPs, such
as America Online, but they are not proprietary and thus not subject
to any policing mechanisms ISPs often have in place. IRC channels are
accessible to anyone with an Internet connection and the necessary
free software (“shareware”). The users of these channels can
communicate in “real-time”; that is, they are able to type messages
that are seen by others instantly. They may convey their messages to
all of the other users on the channel, or they may communicate
privately one-to-one. They also may send and receive contraband files,
such as videos or photographs.

One significant difference between IRC channels and ISP chat
rooms is that subscribers to the latter have unique and traceable
screen names assigned to them. IRC channel users can assume any screen
name they want and change it at any time. This makes identifying and
tracking IRC users more difficult, but not impossible.

While newsgroups on the Usenet are great sources of information

on virtually any subject, they are, unfortunately, used by some as a
medium for distributing child pornography and for advertising services
involving the exploitation of children. Users’ messages are stored and
made available for many other people to read. A user may access and
read all of the messages other people have posted. Contrary to common
misconception, individuals who post illegal material to the Usenet
discussion groups may indeed be traced, arrested and convicted. People
who download child pornography from newsgroups may be traced, but not
as easily as those who post such material. Some system administrators
occasionally notice the downloading of files with unusual names and
notify law enforcement.

Some ISPs merely give their customers access to the Internet.

Others are also online service providers that make services, such as
“chat” areas, available to their members only. These “rooms” are
created by the ISP’s members themselves and cater to their private
interests, which sometimes extend to child erotica. Although the terms
of service (TOS) between ISPs and their customers often prohibit
vulgar and sexually explicit room and screen names, such rooms
flourish. Established ISPs, such as America Online, employ many
techniques to enforce their TOSs, including account termination for
accumulated violations. Currently, however, only a very small
percentage of the child pornographers reported to ISP authorities have
their accounts terminated. Even those who are terminated can switch to
other ISPs. Their activities are not curtailed significantly until
they are reported to capable, well-staffed law enforcement agencies
that cooperate with one another across jurisdictional boundaries.

Producers, purveyors and consumers of child pornography cause

great harm to children. As many as 70% of convicted child molesters
also collect child pornography. Since the advent of video technology
and digital photography, copious illicit images may be traded or sold
instantaneously. Moreover, digital images do not lose quality through
copying. Thus, enormous quantities of high-grade child smut are
available for rapid and widespread distribution.

So-called “cyber-stalkers” or “travelers” are nothing more than

child molesters seeking to have sex with the children they contact
online. Eugene J. (Gene) Weinschenk, former Director of the United
States Customs Service’s CyberSmuggling Center, has reported that 75%
of registered sex offenders routinely “surf” the Internet. Children
exploited and victimized by cyber-stalkers often join the woeful ranks
of the missing or abducted.

Child sexual abusers are rapidly turning the Internet and
commercial online services into red-light districts, where they can
distribute vast quantities of pornography — often depicting bondage
and other forms of violence, including murder — and organize with
like-minded individuals. The Internet gives child molesters and
pornographers unprecedented opportunities to target and recruit new
victims. It allows sexual predators to stalk juvenile victims
anonymously from the comfort of their homes.

The Internet provides child molesters with a cloak of secrecy.

Known solely by their computer code names, they pretend to be the same
age as their victims. Parents, who would hustle their children away
from such people at a playground, sometimes learn after it is too late
that they have been their children’s “bedroom buddies” via home
computers. Predators can stalk children in their homes, schools and
libraries without having to appear physically at those places. In this
way, Internet-based child sexual exploitation can be a “silent” crime.
Parents often first learn of such activity when a child tells of
molestation or disappears.

Mr. Weinschenk described a distressing scenario:

The example that I always like to use is … a little 10 or 11-

year-old boy will come in [to a chat room] and say, “My mom, she
won’t let me get a Sony Play Station.” The predator sits there
and makes these notes. He’ll wait awhile, try to figure out where
the child is. The kids will say what school they go to, what town
— eventually it will all come out.

If I’m the predator, if I’m 54-year-old Gene, I’ll go back in as

11-year-old Tommy and I’ll say, “You know what, my mom won’t let
me buy it either.” And 11-year-old Tommy will say, “I have an
Uncle Gene, and he’s going to take me out Saturday to the mall
and buy me a Play Station because he thinks I should have one.
He’ll buy one for you too. Why don’t you meet us at the mall.”
They’re on their way.

They show up at the mall … in front of Toys-R-Us. “Hey, I’m Gene.

Tommy is down in the store, you know, over in Macy’s somewhere.
He said for me to buy this for you” and go in and buy him the
Play Station. They’ll go in the car …. [Fifty-four] bucks or
whatever the Play Station [cost] and he’s got the child. Whether
or not the child is ever seen again, that’s another story.

The anonymity of Internet communications can work to the

advantage of law enforcers as well as predators. A trafficker in child
pornography, for example, could think he is talking to a child when he
really is talking to a detective. But sophisticated traffickers
counter such operations by screening out undercover detectives

pretending to be pornography dealers. Such traffickers insist that
their contacts forward child pornography before replying with their
own material. Since authorities will not release illicit images into
cyberspace, sophisticated traffickers can fend off undercover sting

Would-be molesters also bide their time to foil investigators.

They may monitor a “kids-only” chat room, not saying anything that
would get them into trouble. They then select certain children for a
“buddy list,” which reveals when designated individuals are online.
Later, when an intended victim goes online, the predator can send her
a direct instant message that bypasses e-mail. Thus, even parents
overseeing a child’s e-mail may not be aware of dangerous

National statistics on Internet sex crimes are scarce, but

officials believe such crimes are numerous and increasing. The Justice
Department cannot say how many crimes against children occur over the
Internet because it does not break out those figures from overall
statistics. However, the number of all child pornography cases filed
in federal court increased by 129% in 1996. William Megary, then-
Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Newark Division, testified, “I
can say with certainty that the number of predators that are out there
clearly exceeds the ability of law enforcement to address them,
without question.” The Crime Control Digest reported in August 1999
that since January 1998 the U.S. Customs Service, the U.S. Postal
Inspection Service and the FBI had made over 460 arrests involving the
exchange of child pornography on the Internet.

Mr. Weinschenk testified that child pornography, traditionally

restricted to bartering, is rapidly becoming a “very profitable”
cottage industry. He cited a Customs Service arrest about two years
ago “where people were making $25,000 a day showing CD-ROMs of child
pornography.” In May 1999, U.S. Customs Commissioner Raymond Kelly
reported that 95% of child pornography that comes into the United
States from abroad now arrives via the Internet.

On September 1, 1998, in a stunning example of what can be

achieved by worldwide law enforcement cooperation, authorities
coordinated raids targeting 180 child-pornography traders in 14
countries. The raids, assisted by the CyberSmuggling Center, resulted
in more than 40 arrests. Four of the original 14 arrested in the
United States committed suicide. The rest were prosecuted in federal
court. Authorities had targeted "wOnderland," the largest, most
sophisticated online child pornography ring yet discovered. The
project was called "Operation Cheshire Cat" in the United States and
"Operation Cathedral" in the United Kingdom. The members of wOnderland
included a resident of West Orange, New Jersey. Three United States
members were women. In order to be admitted to the club, a prospective

member had to have at least 10,000 pornographic images of children on
his or her computer.

WOnderland existed in Internet relay chat, where people can

communicate and exchange files anonymously. For less than $100 per
month, wOnderland members could buy access to the club. They then
could go online, enter a private chat room and agree to exchange
photos. The photos were encrypted with codes from the former Soviet
KGB to prevent outsiders from gaining access to them. To join the
club, potential members needed current members to vouch for them.

On October 28, 1998, 13 people and 2 Internet service providers

were arrested for involvement with a group called Pedo University.
Participants on three continents called themselves "faculty members"
and, in newsgroups, swapped images of children having sex. One of
those arrested was a 67-year-old Bridgewater, New Jersey, man calling
himself "MRPERFECT" and using the computer screen name "lovable." He
was arrested on state charges of endangering the welfare of a child.

Mr. Megary related a recent case involving two offenders who were
arrested after molesting a 12-year-old boy:

When a federal search warrant was executed at the suspects’

residence, investigators found four computer systems, one laptop
computer, a network server, four printers, a CD-ROM recording
system, a digital camera and two video camcorders. More than
1,700 computer diskettes and recordable CD-ROMs were also
recovered, as well as a number of used computer hard drives,
videocassettes, and numerous printed photographs. It was
determined that the subjects were videotaping their victims,
converting the images to CD-ROMS, and distributing them on the

A notorious New Jersey case illustrates the catastrophic

consequences that can flow from Internet child sexual exploitation.
Last year, a teenager pled guilty to the September 27, 1997 slaying of
11-year-old Eddie Werner, who had been selling candy door-to-door in
central New Jersey for a school fund-raiser. At the time of the
killing, the victim’s slayer was 15 years old. A 45-year-old Long
Island man pled guilty on July 22, 1999 to sexually molesting the
young killer in New Jersey after meeting the then-14-year-old in an
Internet chat room in 1996.

State and local authorities continue to uncover instances of

adults using the Internet to set up sexual encounters with children.
In January 2000, four New Jersey men were arrested for allegedly
arranging such meetings with 13-year-old boys and girls. The “victims”
were part of a sting set up by law enforcement officials from Ocean
and Monmouth counties, the State Police and the Wall and Dover

Township police departments. The officials responded to a parent’s
complaint that an adult had propositioned her minor son online.

The Internet also facilitates child sex tourism, which is

arranged by certain miscreant travel agencies. The resulting
seductions and assaults are recorded digitally, and images are shared
with other sexual predators worldwide. Mr. Weinschenk testified,
“There are whole groups that are dedicated to having sex with children
or trading pictures or images of sex with children under three, under
five.” In recent years, some 25 countries, including the United
States, France and Germany, have adopted laws allowing prosecution in
their home countries of people accused of having sex with minors



Not all persons with pedophilia are child molesters, but the ones
who are almost always collect child pornography. Many pedophiles are
law-abiding citizens who have a sexual attraction towards children but
control their desires and lead normal lives. Others act on their
impulses, with devastating consequences for the children they

Authorities must wait for pedophiles to act before they can

isolate them from society. Experts report that the average child-
molesting pedophile abuses 35 children before getting caught. Many
compulsively and systematically save collected child pornography to
validate their actions, or as mementos and souvenirs. When sharing
these treasured keepsakes, they gain strong reinforcement from like-
minded persons.

The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), established

in Boston in 1978, advocates abolishing the age of consent in sexual
relations. Its members contend that it is not wrong for adults to have
sex with children. Indeed, NAMBLA members profess that when they
cajole children into sex, they enrich the youngsters’ lives.

Active pedophiles attempt to project a benign image to their

victims. They try to separate children from adults who might protect
them. They ask the children to recruit others and advise them not to
tell their parents about any communication or rendezvous. They use
pornography to lower children’s inhibitions and to blackmail them into
keeping silent about the abuse.

The Internet allows child sexual predators to validate each

other’s degenerate behavior in pedophilia chat rooms and Web sites.
Parry Aftab, Executive Director of Cyber Angels and a New Jersey
lawyer, testified that her organization and Safeguarding Our Children

— United Mothers (SOC-UM) documented 17,000 Web sites on the Internet
devoted to child pornography and pedophilia. By May 14, 1999, the
number had jumped to 21,317, an increase of more than 4,300 sites —
more than 25 percent in less than four months. The Pedophile
Liberation Front (PLF) encourages the creation of Web sites devoted to
sex between adults and children, and it wants children to have access
to them. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
estimates that there are about 10,000 Web sites maintained by computer

However many such sites exist, they are like drops in the huge
ocean that is the World Wide Web. In a July 1999 report, computer
scientists at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton calculated that
there were some 800 million pages on the Web as of February 1999, more
than double the 320 million pages they reported in December 1997.

Computer pedophiles (typically white, middle or upper class

males, age 25 to 45) extol the virtues of sex with children and
provide neophytes with child pornography. This psychological
validation leads budding child molesters to believe that they are not
strange or different after all and that it is society, with its laws
declaring sex with children and child pornography to be criminal, that
is wrong. They then continue the downward spiral into child
exploitation, typically beginning by trading child pornography,
progressing to sexually explicit online conversations with children,
and eventually seeking child victims online for sex.

Computer pedophiles share methods and means by which to reduce a

child's inhibitions and facilitate seduction. Ms. Aftab testified:

What they’re doing is teaching each other how to do it better so

that when a child says, “It’s okay to say no,” because that’s
what we’ve told our children, they say, “When a child says to
you, ‘It’s okay to say no,’ this is your response,” and they
script out responses to get into the child’s trust. … [Children]
are not afraid of other children, not taught to be, so pedophiles
come [online] pretending they’re another child until they earn
the trust of this child, and then they become a little bit older
and a little bit older, and they meet them before they explain
their true age or not.

Some authorities believe that the problem is too vast for

Internet service providers to control, no matter how hard they might
try to eliminate such sites. America Online, for example, has 20,000
chat rooms every night. So far, its own cyber-patrols — and even a
computer system that monitors some rooms — have not prevented child
pornography from being traded. Bounced from one room, computer-savvy
pedophiles quickly create another and trade illicit images fearlessly.
They have been known to hide their identities behind phony accounts
financed with stolen credit cards or to use European e-mail systems

providing false identification numbers. Online, they trade information
about encrypted programs and other ways to escape detection.

There are no simple solutions to resolve the twin problems of
child pornography and molestation facilitated by computers. Rather,
law enforcement agencies at all levels, school and library systems,
private help organizations, software and Internet businesses, and
concerned parents must join forces to decrease the risks to children.
Legal solutions should be implemented, provided they do not curtail
the immense capability of the Internet to communicate and inform for
legitimate purposes.

Consideration is being given as to whether legislation should be

proposed to amend N.J.S.A. 2C:7-1 to -6 to require that the
information Megan’s Law registrants provide (and update) in the
registration form also should include all e-mail addresses the
registrants use and any Web sites they own or operate. Such a measure
would better enable the State Police to monitor the Internet
activities of these individuals in order to ensure that they are not
using the Web to disseminate child pornography, to lure minors, or for
other illicit purposes.

The Internet neither knows territorial boundaries nor recognizes

any nation’s sovereignty. Effective law enforcement occurs only when
officials shed turf consciousness and coordinate at all levels.


Most of the material on the Internet is not harmful to children.

In fact, much of it is beneficial, fun and educational. No legal or
technological panacea can prevent children from gaining access to
corrupting material on the Internet without simultaneously depriving
them of this enriching material. In the absence of foolproof screening
measures, experts agree that parental supervision and an ongoing
parent-child dialogue is key to having the Internet work for, not
against, a child.

Parents should not allow young children to have unsupervised

access to the Internet. They should instruct a child never to give out
his or her full name, e-mail address, telephone number or home address
to anyone met on the Internet. Friends in chat groups should receive
similar instructions. Time on the Internet should be limited. Parents
should explicitly tell their children never to arrange a face-to-face
meeting with another computer user, even if it is another child,
without parental permission.

Parents should encourage their children to report suggestive,
obscene, or threatening e-mail or bulletin board messages. If a
student uses a Web site to threaten violence toward his classmates,
they may report it confidentially to the Executive Director of Cyber
Angels, Parry Aftab, by clicking on KIDReportline at

It should be noted that the departments of Law and Public Safety

and Education have taken a number of steps to protect children from
hate crimes, which have the capacity to disrupt the educational
environment, to inflame tensions, to cause emotional harm, and to
presage outbursts of violence. The Attorney General’s Education-Law
Enforcement Working Group recently revised the “Uniform Statewide
Memorandum of Agreement Between Education and Law Enforcement
Officials” to deal specifically with hate crimes and bias-related acts
committed by or against school-aged children. The Memorandum of
Agreement, which all school districts are required to adopt and
implement pursuant to regulations promulgated by the State Board of
Education, spells out the procedures that school officials must follow
in reporting hate crimes and bias-related acts (acts that are not
criminal but that nonetheless are motivated by racial, gender,
disability, religious, sexual orientation or ethnic prejudice and that
have a potential to cause injury or provoke violent retaliation). The
Memorandum of Agreement recognizes that a prompt, coordinated response
is essential to defuse a potentially volatile situation and to prevent
further physical or emotional injury. The text of the Memorandum of
Agreement can be found on the Internet at

The Customs Service’s Gene Weinschenk testified:

[S]tep one is to put the computer in your dining room, in your

kitchen, in your den where people are going to go back and forth.
If you walk back and forth a number of times and see a blank
screen, the kids have a “hot button” set up. When they hear you
coming, they hit the hot button, so you may want to take a look
at what’s going on.

Ruben Rodriguez, Director of the Exploited Child Unit, National

Center for Missing and Exploited Children, testified about what a
parent can do:

… I keep telling [parents] the magic bullet basically is you,

parental involvement, educating your children. The same things …
you tell your children when [they] go out the door — “Cross on
the green; don’t talk to strangers” — all those things the parent
does with the children, they forget those things when the child
is home on the computer. …

Unfortunately, we find that a lot of parents are computer phobic.
They’re still … thinking, “If I touch it, I’m going to blow up
something.” That’s not true. I think it’s better for the child to
teach the parent on a lot of these issues so the parent can get
involved, and just put some fundamental rules and regulations on
the child so they understand what their problems are.

Parry Aftab authored A Parents’ Guide to the Internet … and how

to protect your children in cyberspace (SC Press 1997), a “user-
friendly” book for parents interested in protecting their children
from online pitfalls. Excerpts are available at
Ms. Aftab has prepared a second Internet safety guide, The Parent’s
Guide to Protecting Your Children in Cyberspace (McGraw-Hill 2000), to
replace her earlier book.

Ms. Aftab has drafted a contract for parents and children to sign
and then post beside the family computer. It delineates a child’s
rights online, and may displace so-called “mommy hacking” — parents
reading their children’s e-mail and spying on their surfing activity —
in households that have developed trust between parents and children.
The contract is available at the Cyber Angels Web site. Children
agree, among other things, to keep personal identifying information
secret, to tell their parents about any pictures someone sends to
them, to neither buy nor order anything without parental permission,
and to seek parents’ approval before calling or meeting anyone
encountered online.

The federal Department of Education has a pamphlet entitled

Parents Guide to the Internet (SC Press, Inc., November 1997). The
booklet is available in English and Spanish on the Department’s Web
site at The guide gives parents
an introduction to the Internet and suggests how they can allow their
children to benefit from it while safeguarding them from its potential

The Children’s Partnership has issued The Parents’ Guide to the

Information Superhighway: Rules and Tools for Families Online (2nd Ed.
May 1998), available over the Internet at The guide was developed in conjunction
with the National PTA and the National Urban League, with advisors
including the American Library Association. Child Safety on the
Information Highway, authored by Lawrence J. Magid, is available at It was produced jointly by the
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Internet
Alliance (formerly the Interactive Services Association).

America Links Up: A Kids Online Teach-In, located at, is a public awareness and education campaign
sponsored by a broad coalition of non-profit organizations, education
groups and corporations concerned with providing children with safe

and rewarding online experiences. Guides for online privacy are
available from the Center for Media Education at



Abhorrent online material ranges from pornography to hate

messages to information about the manufacture of bombs and
psychotropic drugs. Software that denies access to such material can
help parents protect their children from its inimical influence. It
especially can help to protect younger children. Parry Aftab testified
that such software is “relatively easy to install, and notwithstanding
what a lot of people think, the kids really can’t get around it. When
you try, it will turn off and put up this big notice in red saying,
‘Somebody tried to break into my system and go around it.’”

Censoring software has limitations, however, the most important

being its tendency to lull parents into complacency. Their children’s
friends’ houses, schools or public libraries may have computers that
lack the software. Meanwhile, censorial software often screens out
information that older children may find useful and non-offensive.

Blocking software prevents access to Web sites judged to be “bad”

by the software maker. No matter how frequently the list of such sites
is updated, however, the number of Web sites published each day far
exceeds the ability of blocking software creators to review the sites
and categorize them. Disturbing sites inevitably will get through.

Filtering software prevents access to sites containing certain

keywords, alone or in context with other keywords. In addition to
separate software, there are filtering features built into the popular
Internet browsers (the software used to access the World Wide Web).
Thus, parents can confine their children’s access to those sites
containing keywords that have been rated appropriate for children. The
biggest problem with using keyword filtering, however, is that
innocent sites may be blocked. In addition, some Web site operators
have learned to circumvent the filtering by misspelling the keywords
that typically are blocked.

Outgoing filtering software prevents children from sharing

certain information, such as their names, addresses or telephone
numbers. Even the best kids occasionally forget Internet safety rules.
Indeed, sharing personal information online with strangers may be far
more dangerous to children than seeing an image of a naked body or
someone smoking a cigarette. Thus outgoing filters serve as an
important safety valve.

Monitoring and tracking software allows parents to trace where

their children go online, determine how much time they spend online,

and find out how much time they spend on the computer offline —
playing games and the like. Some programs even permit parents to
control what times of day their children can use the computer. This is
particularly helpful when both parents are working outside the home,
or when a working single parent is trying to control a latchkey kid’s

A directory of parental control resources may be found at It should be remembered, however, that
engaged parents or guardians are the ultimate filter. Some screening,
blocking or monitoring products are:

Net Nanny® ( from Net Nanny Software

International, Inc.

Cyber Patrol® ( from The Learning Company.

SurfWatch™ ( from JSB Software Technologies.

CYBERsitter™ ( from Solid Oak Software, Inc.

Cyber Snoop™ ( from Pearl Software, Inc. is an

“after the fact” analysis tool that allows parents to view a
record of their child’s Internet activity. A click of the
“history” tab, or its equivalent, on a browser tool bar will
produce a list of links to every site the computer has visited
recently. Although computer-savvy youths know how to delete
incriminating evidence, programs such as Cyber Snoop create a
tamperproof database.

Bess® ( is an Internet filtering service from N2H2®,

Inc. The firm also markets Searchopolis, a filtered search engine
and resource site for K-12 students.

Internet Manager™( from ELRON Software,

Inc. tracks, reports, and, if necessary, blocks inappropriate Web

FoolProof Internet™ ( from SmartStuff Software

provides content filtering, guided activities and browser

Disk Tracy™98 ( is a product of WatchSoft, Inc.

One Tough ComputerCOP (

was developed by a former NYPD detective. It permits parents to
determine if their computers are being used to access offensive
material. It also retrieves deleted files if they have not been

The Disney/Infoseek GO Network™ ( offers the regular
staples of a Web portal: search engine, free e-mail, yellow
pages, maps and news. It also has GOguardian™, a way to filter
out "adult" content, such as pornography, in Web searches.

Preference options are available in both leading Web browsers:

Netscape Navigator and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Child-
friendly browsers, such as KidDesk Internet Safe from Edmark
Educational Software, Surf Monkey from MediaLive, and Bandai
Interactive, limit access to all but pre-selected sites.

The AltaVista™ search engine offers AV Family Filter at It
filters objectionable content in partnership with SurfWatch™. It
blocks sites pertaining to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling,
hate-filled speech, explicit sex, and violence. Lastly, it
removes inappropriate pages reviewed by editors and AltaVista

Bright Mail ( from Brightmail, Inc. is a free

service that screens out unwanted “spam” — unsolicited e-mail. It
routes a consumer’s e-mail through the company’s computers, scans
for telltale signs of spam and forwards everything else to the
consumer’s electronic mailbox. It filters out bulk messages with
sexual or get-rich-quick themes and blocks messages from known
spammers. The consumer receives a message each week listing the
spam messages found. The service does not yet work with certain
ISPs, most notably America Online.

America Online, the ISP used by more than 22 million households,

allows parents to limit incoming e-mail to a finite list of
“approved” correspondents. AOL also has built-in settings that
can bar children from all but full-time-monitored chat rooms and
pre-screened kid-friendly Web sites.


New Jersey Hangout: The site contains

Internet safety tips and links to child-friendly Web sites.

Kids Page: The U.S. Department of Justice

has provided information to guide children of different age groups
safely through the Internet.



Kid’s Wave: This site features a
partial list, organized by age-appropriateness, of Web sites that have
received the SafeSurf™ seal of approval.

Ask Jeeves for Kids:

KidsClick! provides a Web search for kids by librarians at!.

American Library Association’s Great Sites for Kids: This site lists 700-
plus Web sites compiled by the Children and Technology Committee of
the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the
American Library Association.

The Boston Computer Museum maintains a list of sites for children

and teens, including various e-zines, at

Web Wise Kids™:

Child Lures:


A minimal number of students actively seek inappropriate material

at school. According to Arthur Wolinsky of Barnegat, a consultant for
Southern Regional High School District in Manahawkin and an expert in
online safety for school children, schools had more problems with
inappropriate use of the Internet back in 1995 when computers were in
schools but not yet abundant in homes. Students now can access
forbidden sites in their own homes, or in the homes of their friends.
Therefore, they rely on school computers less for that purpose.

When an incident does take place in a school, inadequate

supervision usually accounts for it. School districts must provide
proper training to their teachers and administrators so that they may
ensure a safe, quality online environment in the classroom.
Organizations such as the non-profit Online Internet Institute
(, where Mr. Wolinsky is the Technical
Director, help educators to safely and effectively involve cyberspace
resources in the learning process.

Just as it is not a panacea against the intrusion of

objectionable material into home computers, screening software is not
the ultimate solution for preventing such material from invading
school computer networks. Schools also need to adopt and fully
implement effective acceptable use policies (AUPs) for filtered and
unfiltered stations on their networks.

The New Jersey Department of Education (DOE) has been providing
information to school districts to help them protect students from
dangers posed by inappropriate use of interactive technology systems
such as the Internet. The state’s High Technology Crimes and
Interactive Computer Services Protection Act, effective May 1, 1999,
requires the DOE to recommend guidelines and curriculum materials to
local school districts on the ethical use of computers and the
potential dangers to juveniles posed by those who use interactive
computer services for illegal purposes. The law mandates that school
districts include such information in their computer instruction, as
well as safe computing guidelines made available by the Department of
Law and Public Safety. DOE’s Web site to accomplish these tasks is

DOE’s Web site links to the text of the new law, sources of
filtering software and examples of AUPs developed by various school
districts. It contains current information on the debate between those
who would rely primarily on filtering programs and those who would
make students responsible for appropriate use of interactive
technology through clear AUPs. DOE has not adopted or imposed a model
acceptable use policy on local districts. An effective information
access policy (IAP) would probably involve some filtering, at least in
the lower grades; some instruction about dangers and ethics; and some
way to use unfiltered stations safely. Teachers need proper
professional development in this area. Schools need monitoring
software to track sites that students access and to check e-mail
generated by or coming into school computers.

The situation is complicated by free Web-based e-mail accounts

offered by hundreds of providers. They are anonymous and easy to
access. Also, Web-based chat rooms and communities have proliferated.
It has been suggested that New Jersey’s 21 Educational Technology
Training Centers (ETTCs) could provide a controlled e-mail, chat and
conference environment for students and teachers in schools that
cannot afford their own servers.

Meanwhile, there are many child-safe educational chat events in

which students may participate with their teachers. Making teachers
aware of these services offers them alternatives to the open chat
areas that present problems. Cable in the Classroom, located at, operates the Professional Development Institute,
which is the centerpiece of a new cable-TV industry program to provide
free Internet training and educational resources to teachers in 1999
and 2000. The site helps educators to overcome the technology gap.

The New Jersey School Boards Association hosted a July 1998

conference for school board leaders on “Perils of the Internet.” It
also held a curriculum conference on March 20, 1999 entitled “The

Internet — Policy and Perils.” The Association’s Web site,, provides some links to Internet safety information.

Project Fairfax, in the Virginia town of that name, recognizes

that child sexual predators, particularly those utilizing the
Internet, cannot be stopped by law enforcement activity alone.
Prevention and community involvement also must attack the problem.
Thus the CyberSmuggling Center, the Fairfax County Police Department,
the Fairfax County Public School System, the Fairfax County Library
System, the Fairfax County Social Service Agency, and the National
Center for Missing and Exploited Children have all joined in a
coordinated assault on the problem. In March 1999, the Fairfax County
Public School System contracted with URLabs for its I-Gear software
( to manage classroom Internet access.

In New Jersey, the Somerset Hills School District is testing

CyberSmart!, a non-profit program developed by Bernardsville resident
James Teicher. The program instructs teachers to give students tips on
how to avoid online sexual predators. WebManager
( from Sagebrush Corp. provides Internet content
management for schools and libraries.

Parry Aftab reported that Cyber Angels has worked with the
Baltimore County School System in Maryland to set up Parents Internet
Education, the largest program of its kind in the country. Her book, A
Parents’ Guide to the Internet, also is provided to schools on a
courtesy basis. In addition, a security company in Seattle produced a
video that dramatically illustrates dangers children may encounter on
the Internet. The video is distributed free to schools. Meanwhile,
volunteers on the Cyber Angels Sites Team rate Internet sites on their
suitability for children.

In April 1999, Ms. Aftab started a program called Teen Angels.

Local law enforcement, the FBI and Ms. Aftab trained volunteer high
school students. In early October 1999, they began instructing
Ridgewood School District students how to teach online safety to their

As is the case with schools, libraries must serve as guardians of

Internet safety. This includes the implementation of effective
policies to ensure safe and lawful online activities. The American
Library Association created The Librarian’s Guide to Cyberspace for
Parents & Kids,, a Web
site providing safety tips, help for parents and a list of “great
sites” for children and parents. Some libraries set aside filtered
Internet access stations for children. Others issue electronically
coded cards to Internet users. The cards permit different levels of
access according to age and parental consent. People over 18 can
choose any level they want.

Nancy Willard is an Oregon-based educator, lawyer and information
technology consultant. She wrote A Legal and Educational Analysis of
K-12 Internet Acceptable Use Policies,

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (S.97), sponsored by U.S.

Senator John McCain (R-AZ), would pressure schools and libraries to
filter sexual material received from the Internet. Those that did not
comply would be denied a portion of a recently created $1.9 billion-a-
year fund (paid by telecommunications companies and collected by the
Federal Communications Commission) available to pay for new Internet
service. The bill would leave it up to the local school district and
library board to determine the type of filtering technology to use. A
related bill is H.R. 543, whose primary sponsor is Robert Franks (R-
NJ), Co-chair of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children’s
Caucus. Critics of the bills include the National Education
Association, the American Library Association, and the Internet Free
Expression Alliance (an ad hoc group whose members include the ACLU,
the American Society of Newspaper Editors and People for the American
Way). The critics say the technology is far from foolproof and contend
that control decisions should be made locally and with great respect
for the First Amendment.


The United States has begun the process of assembling a combined

force of computer crime law enforcers, at federal, state and local
levels, aided by official prevention programs and private
organizations and individuals that report offenders and educate the
public. There should be a national clearinghouse to keep track of all
of the investigations. Otherwise, as more law enforcement agencies
begin to conduct isolated investigations, incidents of one agency
investigating another’s undercover operation will become more common.
This obviously would waste very limited resources.

If a member of the public comes across child pornography on the

Internet, he or she should not download the material and forward it to
an enforcement agency. This is a violation of law. If it were not
unlawful, child pornographers could cite their desire to complain
about images as the reason for having them in their systems.
Therefore, instead of downloading an offending image for forwarding,
the site name should be noted and passed on to law enforcement.


Since computer systems do not respect even international

boundaries, a worldwide effort must be made to control online child
exploitation. An eight-member UNESCO (United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization) committee is preparing worldwide

plans for online safety and activity to counter child pornography and
pedophilia over the Internet. The committee arose out of a January
1999 U.N.-sponsored conference in Paris on child exploitation and the
Internet. Parry Aftab is the only American on the committee, which
will implement an initiative: World Citizens Movement to Protect
Innocence in Danger. Ms. Aftab is presiding over and forming the U.S.
National Action Committee, which will serve as a model for the
national action committees of Internet-developed nations.

The Innocence in Danger program will help to set up "electronic

watchtowers," international cyber-hotlines serving different
populations. One hotline will help child abuse victims obtain help
from parents, police, peer counselors and medical professionals.
Another "umbrella" tip line will permit anyone, anywhere in the world,
to report a violation and direct the complainant to the proper
jurisdiction. A network of volunteers will monitor the tip line. It
also will link the international law enforcement community, allowing
users to share information and expertise online. Worldwide child
Internet safety programs will involve schools, libraries and community
groups. Programs will educate parents about the Internet. More
information may be obtained at

An organization chart showing the U.S. National Action Committee

and its industry task force advisory committees is at The relevant UNESCO Web site
may be found at

Often, there are no international treaties to allow extradition

of violators. Another problem is the disparity in laws from country to
country. Fewer than a dozen of the world’s nearly 200 countries have
laws that specifically address child pornography. A computer operator
in the United States who downloads illegal images is guilty of a
federal crime and can be prosecuted, but U.S. laws cannot be applied
to overseas child pornography dealers. At UNESCO’s annual meeting in
June 1999, members supported measures that would ban online child
exploitation, including the sale and trafficking of child pornography
over the Internet.


In June 1998, the White House held a Summit on Online Content for
Children. At an earlier, three-day Internet Online Summit for Kids in
December 1997, a "zero tolerance" policy on Internet child pornography
was announced. It called for increased cooperation between leading
Internet service providers (ISPs) and law enforcement. Most
participants indicated they would prefer to rely largely on market
solutions, such as software that filters out risqué material and
systems allowing Web sites to rate themselves.

The initiative included the National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children’s CyberTip Line. It also created a national public-
awareness campaign called "Think Then Link" to educate parents about
the benefits and dangers of the Internet. In addition, it included a
free Education Department manual, Parent's Guide to the Internet,
written to help parents find educational sites online. The entire book
is available on the DOE’s Web site at Lastly, key ISPs agreed to
remove child pornography from their own bulletin boards and services.



The FBI’s William Megary testified about the Northeast Regional

Child Exploitation Task Force (NERCET), which has been at work since
December 1998. Authorities decided to publicize the existence of the
Task Force as a deterrent. The Task Force, which may be reached at
732-469-7986, focuses on those suspected of using the Internet to meet
children for sex or to produce, manufacture, distribute or collect
child pornography. Usually, either the victims or perpetrators in Task
Force cases are located in New Jersey.

The Task Force is based on the Baltimore FBI Office’s "Innocent

Images" undercover operation, which began in 1995. The Task Force has
six investigators — three from the FBI and one each from county
prosecutors’ offices in Bergen, Somerset and Middlesex counties. The
FBI also has assigned research specialists to the Task Force. The
investigators pose as children in cyberspace in order to catch sexual
predators. Mr. Megary indicated that a half dozen counties were asked
to join the Task Force, but only three decided they could dedicate
limited personnel on a full-time basis.

Since 1995, Innocent Images has produced hundreds of convictions

for sex crimes facilitated by the Internet. New Jersey’s NERCET had
made 34 arrests as of March 2000. Two children were recovered from
“travelers” coming from their home states to have sex with children
they met online. A similar task force will exist in every state before
the year 2000 ends.

The FBI has required that all of its online child pornography and
child sexual exploitation investigations be coordinated by Innocent
Images’ central operation at the Maryland Metropolitan Office,
Baltimore Division. This may serve as an example for a much-needed
national clearinghouse of online child exploitation investigations by
all interested agencies and organizations.

As part of the Innocent Images program, the FBI conducts training

seminars around the country aimed at helping local police departments
upgrade their computer skills. One such seminar, held in Morris
Township, New Jersey, in mid-1998, stressed the importance of Internet

knowledge as a vital investigative technique to outwit computer-savvy
child predators.

A successful example of a task force with FBI support is the

Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE) Team. A regional law-
enforcement group, SAFE is made up of officers from local, state and
federal agencies in California. Since its inception in 1995, SAFE has
investigated various types of child exploitation cases, including
pornography, molestation and abductions. The team covers seven
counties. A FBI supervisory agent manages the program. An assistant
United States Attorney prosecutes cases investigated by SAFE.

In New Jersey, an assistant United States Attorney devotes full

time to prosecuting child endangerment cases. She has handled these
matters for 18 years and works with county prosecutors’ offices to
divide up the cases. She now gets three or four calls for assistance
per week from state authorities.

In 1998, the FBI published A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety.

Free copies are available from the FBI’s Office of Crimes Against
Children, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20535, (202)
324-3666, or from its New Jersey Division Office, 22nd Floor, Gateway
1, Market Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102 (973) 622-5613. It also may
be viewed on the FBI’s Web site at

The FBI’s National Sex Offender Registry — a computerized

database of convicted pedophiles — became operational in mid-summer
1999. It makes background checks immediately available to law
enforcement agencies. State participation in the registry, however, is


The United States Customs Service’s Child Pornography Enforcement

Program was established in 1985. Its CyberSmuggling Center was created
in August 1997. The Center focuses primarily on child pornography and
child sexual exploitation. It averages one child pornography-related
arrest every two days.

The CyberSmuggling Center also trains and assists state, local

and foreign law enforcement. The Center’s telephone Tipline is 1-800-
BE-ALERT, and its Web site is (click on
“Enforcement” and then “Reporting Child Pornography”). In a joint
project with the Florida Department of Justice, the Customs Service
has collected online resources for parents and children who want to
learn more about general Internet safety and how to recognize and
avoid child predators. Its Web site is


A 1998 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) survey of 212 child-

oriented Web sites found that 89 percent of them collected personal
information, but only one percent required parental consent. In
October 1999, the FTC issued a trade regulation to implement the
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, which was enacted in late
1998. The law and regulation, which the FTC began to enforce on April
21, 2000, control the collection over the Internet of personal
identifying information about children. The aim is to keep such
information out of the hands of people who might use it to harm or
exploit children.

The new law requires commercial Web sites generally to obtain

“verifiable parental consent” before asking children under 13 for
their names, addresses, telephone numbers or other identifying
information. Under the new FTC regulation, Web sites that share
children’s information with other companies must obtain a parent’s
permission through mailed or faxed paperwork, telephone calls to a
toll-free number, use of a credit-card number, or e-mail using a
password or budding “digital signature” technology. In two years, the
FTC will consider whether e-mail can be more widely used to seek a
parent’s permission, as techniques improve for ensuring the identity
of e-mail authors.


The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)

( based in Arlington, Virginia, is a private, non-profit
organization established in 1984. Operating under Congressional
mandate, it works with the United States Department of Justice’s
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. It trains
police and other professionals. Its toll-free CyberTipline (1-800-THE-
LOST) is run by a grant from the DOJ. The Center operates the
CyberTipline, online since March 1998 at
(, in conjunction with the U.S. Customs Service,
the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the FBI. The Center is working
with Internet service providers to promote the Tipline to their
members. Some have, and some have not.

On April 23, 1998, more than 50 law enforcement officers and

social workers from throughout central New Jersey took part in a live
national conference, "Protecting Children Online," via remote video
hookups. Somerset Medical Center in Somerville donated its satellite-
ready auditorium for the forum, sponsored by NCMEC and the Department
of Justice, which has a Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section.
Detective Mark Butler of the Somerville Police Department organized
the conference, in which the FBI also participated.

NCMEC offers two free brochures: Child Safety on the Information
Highway and Teen Safety on the Information Highway. They may be
obtained by writing to NCMEC at 2101 Wilson Blvd., Dept. P, Suite 550,
Arlington, VA 22201-3077.


In 1984, Congress enacted the Missing Children’s Assistance Act,

which established the Missing and Exploited Children Program (MECP)
within the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
(OJJDP). The MECP provides services to children, parents, educators,
prosecutors, law enforcement, and other professionals and interested
persons working on child safety issues. OJJDP brought its MECP Web
site online in April 1998. The Web site
( provides children with information to
help them avoid cyber-exploitation.

In 1998, OJJDP ( created the Internet Crimes

Against Children (ICAC) Program to respond to the emerging threat of
sex offenders using computer-facilitated online technology to sexually
exploit children. The initiative develops training and technical
assistance programs to assist state and local law enforcement agencies
in responding more effectively to the threat and to stimulate creation
of regional multidisciplinary task forces. At the end of 1999, law
enforcement agencies in 10 different states, not including New Jersey,
received assistance awards to implement regional task forces to
address and combat Internet crimes against children. This brought the
total number of states with ICAC programs to 20. The task forces
include representatives from law enforcement, victim services, child
protective service agencies, and other relevant government and non-
government agencies. According to the U.S. Department of Justice,
since the monetary awards were given to the initial 10 states, more
than 100 individuals have been arrested for sexually exploiting
children over the Internet.

Under the ICAC Program, federal funds are used to implement

safety education and prevention programs for children, parents and
educators; to develop response protocols that foster collaboration,
information sharing and service coordination; and to acquire
sophisticated training and cutting-edge equipment for investigators.
Ideally, the task forces will become part of a national law
enforcement network that will assist parents, educators, prosecutors
and other professionals working on child protection issues. In 1999,
OJJDP awarded funding to a minimum of eight additional jurisdictions
to develop and support regional law-enforcement task forces to address
the problem of Internet crimes against children.

OJJDP and NCMEC, in consultation with the FBI, U.S. Customs

Service, U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the Child Exploitation and
Obscenity Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, developed new law

enforcement training programs and sponsored a national teleconference.
The teleconference provided information regarding prevention,
investigation, applicable federal law and available resources to more
than 30,000 viewers in over 400 down link sites. The training courses,
Protecting Children Online and Protecting Children Online Unit
Commander, were developed for law enforcement investigators and
managers. In 1998, more than 400 law enforcement executives and
investigators participated in the two courses.

In 1999, OJJDP selected from competitive proposals to develop an

ICAC Task Force Training and Technical Assistance Program. The Program
will deliver advanced technical training related to computer-
facilitated sexual exploitation offenses, convene ICAC town meetings,
support the ICAC Task Force Review Board and assist task force
development in other ways determined by OJJDP.


Cyber Angels ( has operated since June 1995

as the largest online safety and educational program in cyberspace.
Parry Aftab has served as its Executive Director since mid-1998. Her
Web site is located at Cyber Angels has
hundreds of volunteers worldwide, including “hunt-and-track”
specialists, who submit to background checks. These volunteers use
special software and training to locate child pornography and
suspected predators online. They report leads to law enforcement

Dr. Nancy Faulkner is the Executive Director and Debbie Mahoney

is the Founder and President of Safeguarding Our Children — United
Mothers (SOC-UM). Its Web site is SOC-UM manages Cyber
Angels’ Internet Patrol. Dr. Faulkner also produces Pandora’s Box: The
Secrecy of Child Sexual Abuse, located at

Safe Kids International,, operated by Joseph

Florentine and Gary Schrader in Spring Lake, New Jersey, uses the
Internet to locate missing, runaway or abducted children. Akin to
using online milk cartons, the company sends pictures and information
about missing children to a network of volunteer “points of contact”
on the Internet.

The Internet Education Foundation runs GetNetWise,, which is sponsored by a consortium of non-profit
organizations and major corporations to help parents keep their
children safe in cyberspace. With the help of the American Library
Association and others, GetNetWise serves as a global clearinghouse of
tools to assist parents to screen out and report objectionable
material, monitor the amount of time their children spend online, and
tell where the children have been on the Internet. The site has a
glossary of Internet terms, a guide to online safety, directions for

reporting online trouble, a directory of online safety tools, and a
list of sites suitable for children to visit.

Lawrence Magid, a child online safety advocate, heads the Online

Safety Project and created SafeKids.Com ( and
SafeTeens.Com ( He also wrote The Little PC Book
(Peachpit Press) and the brochures Child Safety on the Information
Highway and Teen Safety on the Information Highway, both produced by
the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Another helpful site is, which is run by the

Klaas Foundation for Children of Sausalito, California. Captive
Daughters is a Los Angeles-based group that works against sexual
trafficking. It may be reached at 1-888-300-4918 or
PedoWatch is a non-profit organization monitoring pedophilia on the
Internet. Its Web site is Enough Is Enough actively
campaigns against pornography and online predators at
AntiChildPorn Org (ACPO), founded in March 1999, has over 500 members
that go after child pornography sites by providing detailed
information to law enforcement officials. Its Web site is The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA),, developed a ten-year national campaign, called
“Protecting America’s Children: It’s Everybody’s Business,®” to stop
child abuse and neglect and to promote child protection as a
community-wide responsibility.

Members of some anti-child pornography organizations may cross

the line into illegal vigilantism during well-intentioned efforts to
shut down offending sites. It has been reported that some people
affiliated with Hackers Against Child Pornography, Ethical Hackers
Against Pedophilia ( and
( have resorted to hacking into Web sites to take
them offline. When efforts to work with Internet service providers and
law enforcement have failed to elicit responses deemed sufficiently
rapid, such activity may occur, even though it may violate the posted
policies of some of the organizations.

Erasing hard drives and getting rid of information destroys

evidence that law enforcement could use to prove a case in court.
Information gathered by illegal means and turned over to police and
prosecutors may later prove inadmissible in court. Moreover, shutting
down a site is only a minor inconvenience to the person possessing and
posting child pornography. Unless brought within the justice system,
the predator is still able to continue harming and exploiting
children. Meanwhile, anti-porn hackers may themselves be committing
crimes by removing material that no court has yet ruled to be obscene.


End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT) is a global

network of organizations and individuals campaigning in over 30
industrialized and developing nations against child-sex tourism, child
prostitution and child pornography. Such activities often are
advertised on the Internet. ECPAT-USA, based in New York City, (212)
870-2427, tries to convince travel businesses to distribute a brochure
it produced on sex tourism, entitled “What You Should Know About Sex
Tourism Before You Go Abroad.” The brochure points out that under the
federal Child Sex Abuse Prevention Act of 1995, Americans can be
prosecuted for traveling overseas to have sex with minors. Along with
INTERPOL, ECPAT in 1997 published a 24-page booklet entitled “Child
Pornography on the Internet.”

In 1998, the World Tourism Organization (WTO),, the 133-member United Nations tourism body, launched an
international campaign against child-sex tourism. Based in Madrid,
Spain, the WTO adopted a “No Child Sex Tourism” logo to be emblazoned
on airline-ticket jackets, ads and hotel door tags. The WTO has urged
the prosecution of companies, individuals, agencies and clubs involved
in the promotion of child sex tourism and the punishment of tourists
involved in the sexual exploitation of children.


Certain Internet service providers (ISPs) cooperate with law

enforcement, but they will identify clients only when served with
search warrants or subpoenas. That makes investigations difficult,
because e-mail records are kept for only a few days. ISPs keep
membership records at best for only a few months after a customer
leaves. E-mail messages that have been read are stored for just a
couple of days, or not at all. Some providers do not keep any records.

According to D. Douglas Rehman, President of Rehman Technology

Services, Inc., a computer security firm, child pornography is
principally confined to a few known newsgroups (sometimes called
bulletin boards). Internet service providers (ISPs) subscribe to
thousands of newsgroups. When someone makes a posting to a specific
newsgroup, it is sent across the Internet. Any ISP that subscribes to
that newsgroup will receive that posting and maintain it on its system
for a set number of days or weeks. ISPs could discontinue carrying
exploitative groups or they could utilize software that would strip
images from postings but allow text postings in those newsgroups.

Some ISPs have programs to counter child pornography and

exploitation. America Online prepared a training video for law
enforcement. It also regularly turns over customer complaints to
authorities. Safe Surfin’, located at, is a safety

site from AOL that includes an Internet Driver’s Ed quiz, tips from
teen actors and other celebrities, and useful links.


The High Technology Crime and Investigations Support Unit

(HTC&ISU) in the Division of State Police investigates traditional
crimes that involve the use of computers, such as forgery, fraud,
theft by deception, terroristic threats, narcotics distribution and
organized crime activities. It also investigates crimes that have
developed with advances in technology, such as "cyberstalking." The
Unit also patrols the Internet daily looking for adults seeking sexual
encounters with minors. In addition to its own patrols and
investigations, the HTC&ISU assists other states with criminal
investigations. Recent cooperative operations included efforts to
prevent the luring of children over state lines, securing search
warrants and arresting suspects. The Unit also has assisted out-of-
state authorities with curtailing the manufacture and distribution of
child pornography.


Lawmakers recently have hardened New Jersey’s stance against

child pornographers, both within and outside of cyberspace.

New Jersey’s Computer Pornography and Child Exploitation

Prevention Act of 1998, P.L. 1998, c. 126, was signed by the Governor
on October 22, 1998 and took effect on April 1, 1999. Assemblywoman
Rose Marie Heck sponsored the legislation and chaired a committee that
held hearings on the subject in late 1997. It is now a crime of the
second degree to communicate child pornography to a child — any person
under 16 — via a computer or to lure or entice a child into sexual
acts. The conduct is a first-degree crime if done by a parent or
guardian. The law also clarifies that the crime of endangering the
welfare of a child includes use of the Internet for child pornography
or enticement. Moreover, the commission of these crimes, or contacting
a child unlawfully via the Internet, provides grounds for a civil
action. Strict liability applies if the child is under 16.

New Jersey obscenity law amendments, P.L. 1999, c. 227, were

signed by the Governor on September 30, 1999 and took effect on
November 1, 1999. Under the amendments, a person showing obscene
material to a person under the age of 18 is guilty of a crime of the
third degree if the perpetrator is at least four years older than his
victim and the showing is done with the knowledge or purpose to
arouse, gratify or stimulate the offender or another. Since “show" is
defined as “cause or allow to be seen,” it probably includes the act
of transmitting for display on a computer screen.

Federal laws dealing with sex crimes against children are tougher
than state laws, and federal authorities can pursue a case across
state lines more easily than state officials can. Moreover, federal
law puts the age of consent for sexual activity at 18, whereas New
Jersey’s age of consent is 16.

Under the Child Protection Act of 1984, the U.S. Customs Service
received the authority to investigate any cases involving the receipt,
transmission, manufacture or possession of child pornography shipped
in foreign commerce. In 1988, Congress passed a law outlawing the use
of a computer to transmit, manufacture or possess child pornography
shipped in foreign commerce.

In June 1997, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down portions of the
federal Communications Decency Act of 1996 on First Amendment grounds,
Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 117 S.Ct. 2329 (1997). The law
applied to non-commercial as well as commercial Web sites. The court
struck down Congress’ effort to protect children from sexually
explicit, but not legally obscene, material. However, on April 19,
1999, the Supreme Court, on direct appeal from a three-judge trial
court, unanimously affirmed the law’s ban on obscene e-mail. Such
material must be more than merely indecent. The free-speech protection
is lost only if the material appeals to prurient interests and depicts
sexual conduct in a patently offensive way. The determination is left
to a jury applying contemporary community standards.

The federal Child Online Protection Act (COPA) was signed into
law on October 21, 1998. It requires commercial Web sites to collect
credit card numbers or other access codes as proof of age before
allowing Internet users to view material deemed "harmful" to children
under 17. Violators are subject to up to six months in jail and a fine
of up to $50,000 per day. In November 1998, the federal District Court
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania temporarily restrained the
government from enforcing the law. American Civil Liberties Union v.
Reno, No. 98-CV-5591 (E.D. Pa.). The court issued a preliminary
injunction on February 1, 1999, shielding Web site operators from

The Child Protection and Sexual Predator Punishment Act was

signed into law on October 30, 1998, after Congress heard unspeakable
accounts of sexual predators making initial contact with their child
victims via the Internet. An amendment inserted by Representative
Robert D. Franks (R-NJ) requires Internet service providers to report
incidents of suspected child pornography to authorities or face fines
of up to $10,000. The new law:

• Prohibits contacting minors (those under 18 years old) on the

Internet, or through e-mail, for the purpose of engaging in
any sexual activity or transferring "obscene matter."

• Increases penalties for a variety of sex crimes, including
doubling the maximum prison term from five to 10 years for
enticing a minor to travel across state lines to engage in
illegal sexual activity and imposing a 15-year maximum term
for persuading a minor to engage in prostitution or a sexual
• Authorizes pretrial detention of federal sex offenders.
• Prohibits unsupervised access to the Internet by federal
inmates and encourages state officials to impose a similar ban
on state inmates.
• Provides for a prison term of up to five years for using the
Internet to transmit the name, address, telephone number or
other information about a minor for the purpose of encouraging
or soliciting criminal sexual activity.

The federal Child Pornography Protection Act of 1996 was adopted

to combat the use of computer technology to produce pornography that
conveys the impression that children were used in photographs or
images. The technology enables someone to take a perfectly innocent
picture of a child and alter it to show the child engaged in sex. The
simulation can be used by a pedophile to entice a child. In April
1998, the federal District Court in Maine ruled that the part of the
law that defines child pornography as a visual depiction that
"appears" to be a minor engaging in sex was unconstitutionally vague.
Meanwhile, a federal District Court in California ruled that the law
was constitutional.

In 1997, FBI Director Louis J. Freeh told Congress that, although

the transmission of child pornography over the Internet is illegal,
many potential cases are neither pursued nor prosecuted because
federal guidelines generally require that a suspect be shown to have
committed the offense at least three times.

New Jersey officials may charge a fourth degree crime against

those who “publicly communicate” over the Internet obscene material to
a person under age 18. N.J.S.A. 2C:34-4. In 1998, the statute
establishing the crime of endangering the welfare of a child was
clarified to include offenses involving child pornography on the
Internet. Any person who knowingly disseminates child pornography via
the Internet is guilty of a crime of the second degree in New Jersey.
N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4b(4)(a). Knowingly possessing or viewing child
pornography obtained via the Internet constitutes a crime of the
fourth degree. N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4b(4)(b). If the child depicted in a
prohibited sexual act or simulation is under the age of 16, the
responsible party is held strictly liable. N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4b(5).


All of society degenerates when individuals or groups infringe
the rights of others through prejudice against race, religion, gender,
ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or occupation. Cyberspace
permits hate mongers, bigots, racists waging what they call “RAHOWA”
(RAcial HOly WAr), extremists, Holocaust deniers, militias, "common
law courts," anti-government radicals, anti-Semites and immigrant
bashers to reach vast new audiences of potential adherents. Hate
groups taking advantage of the new technology include the Ku Klux
Klan, neo-Nazis, skinheads, Christian Identity, black separatists and
a host of others.

The membership of hate groups includes individuals from all walks

of life, who often trade business suits for Klan hoods, swastikas and
other emblems of hatred and intolerance. They exploit anti-government
sentiment, fears about non-white immigration, and demeaning theories
of so-called “race scientists” to expand extremist movements with
racist underpinnings.

According to the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law

Center (SPLC), 457 hate groups operated in the United States in 1999,
including five in New Jersey. To be included in this count, the groups
had to engage in racist behavior involving crimes, marching,
leafleting or publishing literature. Noting a 15 percent drop in the
number of such groups from the previous year, the SPLC pointed out in
a March 2000 report that “many individual white supremacists have
retreated to the Internet — increasing their propaganda reach but
diminishing the numbers of people actively engaged in the movement in
other ways.” The report continued:

The number of such individuals is growing. In 1998, 95 of the 254

[U.S.-based] hate Web sites were not affiliated with hate groups
active beyond cyberspace — 37% of the total. In 1999, the number
of unaffiliated sites swelled by 50% to 143 — 47% of the 305 hate
sites that the Intelligence Project counted in early 2000.

The SPLC report added that several of the largest hate groups
have increased in size as they absorbed members of smaller groups.
Thus, the reduction in the number of small groups has been offset by
the increase in membership in large groups.

White supremacist and neo-Nazi Web sites support hate groups

financially through e-commerce sales of hate rock recordings and other
paraphernalia. Much of the activity is underground. For example, hate

rock concerts, their locations rarely announced far in advance, are
promoted, in part, by e-mail limited to sympathizers and potential

According to the SPLC, 523 so-called "patriot" organizations

operated in America in 1998. In New Jersey, they include the U.S.
Taxpayers Party based in Cinnaminson, the New Jersey Militia based in
Trenton, with at least one offshoot in Salem County, the Council of
Conservative Citizens and the New Jersey Committee of Safety based in
Shamong. At least five of the top hate rock bands, showcased on such
hate Web sites as Pillage and Plunder and Hammerskin Nation, are based
in New Jersey. The five are Dying Breed; Aggravated Assault; Red,
White and Blue; Chaos 88; and Blue-Eyed Devil. Hate rock serves as a
powerful tool for hate groups seeking recruits among the hundreds of
fans professing to despise African-Americans, Jews, gays, immigrants
and other minorities.

A group called “The Remnants,” sometimes known as the “Avis Mills

Church,” is located in Salem, Camden, Gloucester and Cumberland
counties. Members believe they will be the remnant of society that
will survive RAHOWA. This is a common dogma of the Christian Identity
religion, which espouses racist and anti-Semitic views. Adherents are
preparing for a war against an incipient worldwide, centralized
government (a so-called “New World Order”) that they contend will
decimate the white race at the behest of non-white populations. They
refuse to recognize higher levels of government, such as state taxing
or motor vehicle authorities. In the tradition of posse comitatus,
they establish their own “private courts” at the county level and
ignore peace officers enforcing laws they find disagreeable.

The white separatist group National Alliance, based in Hewitt,

New Jersey, and neo-Nazi groups have given speeches in Sussex and
Passaic counties. The Ku Klux Klan held recruitment drives in Ocean
and Gloucester counties during the summer of 1999 and its Knights of
Freedom cell is based in Eatontown and Ocean City. A racist hate
group, Day of the Rope, operates out of Berlin.

The Anti-Defamation League reported that bias incidents against

Jews rose 16 percent in New Jersey from 1997 (197 incidents) to 1998
(229 incidents). In 1998, anti-Semitic vandals struck at least 166
times in New Jersey, an increase of 25 percent from 133 incidents in
1997. In August 1999, the State Police released the 1997 Bias Incident
Offense Report, which showed that New Jersey law enforcement agencies
reported 807 bias crimes stemming from 728 incidents. That represented
a 22 percent decline from 1996. However, Jews were targeted more than
any other religious group, accounting for 208 offenses reported.

Whether viewed as increasing or decreasing, how much of New

Jersey’s bias-related incidents may be attributable to the spread of
online hate messages remains a matter for debate. Hard core bigots,

disaffected loners and youths lacking in self-esteem succumb to such
messages and act out in destructive and violent ways. Cyberspace has
permitted propaganda hostile to victim groups to proliferate. This
vastly increases the opportunities for incitement to destructive

The Internet facilitates mass dissemination of slick propaganda

via Web sites accessible to millions. It provides a method for rapid,
confidential communication among members and sympathizers of hate
groups. Meanwhile, it creates a "virtual community" of like-minded
believers scattered around the country. The Internet also permits
"audio-on-demand" — digitized versions of speeches or broadcasts
available anytime the user wants to listen. Several Web sites also
publish online versions of notorious books and videos.

The Internet is the first mass medium that operates without any
significant moral, political or economic governor. With cyberspace now
readily available to ordinary people, the cost of reaching a mass
audience is insignificant. As a result, hate Web sites do not
experience the regulatory effect of a market where unappealing
products cannot bear the cost of continuing in business.

Five years ago, if a racist group wanted to get its message out,
its members had to struggle financially, find a sympathetic printer,
and work long hours compiling and editing, just to produce a pamphlet
that might reach a few hundred people. Then, in March 1995, a former
Klan leader created Stormfront, the first white supremacist site on
the Web. Since that time, accessing the Internet and creating Web
pages has become significantly cheaper and less technologically
demanding. Today, a lone racist can quickly pull down copy from other
sites, package it using high-quality photographs and graphics that are
already available on the Internet, and create a Web page that is
accessible worldwide. Often no financing at all is required.

Tallies of the number of Web sites involving violence and hate

vary widely, depending on how those sites are defined. There is a lot
of “churn” — sites closing down and reappearing at different addresses
or in different forms.

Brian W. Youngblood, Internet Information Specialist for the

Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, testified
that Center figures, released in February 1999, showed an increase in
the number of active hate Web sites from 163 in 1997 to 254 in 1998.
He added that the number of those sites presented as an activity of a
group increased from about 80 to 121. Holocaust denial sites and
"patriot" group sites were not included in the figures, which also
were limited to sites based in America.

Mark Weitzman, Director of the Task Force Against Hate at the

Simon Wiesenthal Center, testified that his organization, selecting

extremist sites with broader criteria — including anti-Catholic,
homophobic, abortion provider harassment, etc. — has counted more than
1,000. This does not include a multitude of other extremist
communiqués appearing in youth-oriented chat groups.

Hate groups used computer bulletin boards to communicate in the

late 1980s. Now the Internet offers a much larger virtual world in
which they easily may appeal to the uninitiated. Unsolicited e-mail —
“spam” — increasingly is used to send intimidating hate messages to
unsuspecting victims and to recruit new members. Extremist hackers
break into the e-mail accounts of innocent parties and use them to
forward hate spam.

Many of the new Web sites and chat groups are aimed directly at
children or teenagers, including upper-middle-class youth in the
suburbs. In particular, the hate groups target high school outcasts
because such students may be loners seeking an identity. Indeed, white
supremacist Benjamin Smith, who in July 1999 killed an African-
American and a Korean-American and wounded nine other Jews, Asians and
blacks before killing himself, grew up in affluent Chicago suburbs.
Smith had been a member of the East Peoria-based World Church of the
Creator, which had touted its intolerance message on a Web site with
separate pages luring small children with racist coloring books and
targeting teenagers and women.

High technology provides several advantages for extremists.

Encrypted messages, chat-room exchanges, e-mail and propaganda on Web
sites all give racists an empowering sense of community. Even lone
racists, with no nearby sympathizers, can feel they are part of a
movement. Brian Levin, Director of the Center on Hate and Extremism,
testified that cyberspace gives hate messages “a veneer of
credibility.” He added, “When you see something in color on a …
monitor, … [i]t also suggests there might be more people behind it
than there actually are.”

Free encryption technology makes secure communication among group

members easy, permitting them to organize and plot illegal activities
in private. Where such secret codes were once easily breakable, new
technology makes them far more formidable barriers to law enforcement

Web sites give hate groups the ability to raise revenue as never
before. Racist musical groups, whose recording sales were formerly
promoted solely to insiders via constricted-circulation magazines, now
reach wide new audiences by using the latest digital compression tools
to offer quick downloading of their audio tracks off the Internet.
This has stimulated the growth of labels, such as Resistance Records,
that produce music appealing to white supremacists and other

The Internet offers a wealth of information to assist those
inclined to express bigotry through violence. Such material ranges
from instructions on building ammonium nitrate bombs to methods for
converting semi-automatic weapons into full automatics.

Extremists may pirate seemingly innocuous online material and

easily pervert it to enhance their own hateful messages. Mark Weitzman
described how a professor in Michigan put an English translation of
the children’s book, The Poison Mushroom, on his county college Web
site in order to demonstrate its use as a propaganda device by the
Nazis from 1932 to 1945. An extremist Web site downloaded
illustrations from the book containing unflattering color caricatures
of Jews and used them to indoctrinate children with anti-Semitism. In
another example provided by Mr. Weitzman, a hate site “awarded” itself
a major ISP’s “top five percent” designation. The ISP was reluctant,
according to Mr. Weitzman, to remedy the misuse of its award because
the ISP was based in the Northeast and the offender was in California.
The ISP did not want to incur the expense of a distant lawsuit.

The Holocaust is the historic event that resulted in the mass

murder of six million Jews, and five million others, at the hands of
the Nazis and their collaborators in Europe during the period 1933-45.
Holocaust deniers’ propaganda insinuates subtle but hateful anti-
Semitic beliefs about Jews as exploiters of non-Jewish guilt and as
controllers of academia or the media. Steven E. Some, Chair of the New
Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, testified, “[C]hildren do
not have that ability to discern the differences between legitimate
research sites on the Internet and … illegitimate sites ….”

Mr. Some cited a recent instance in which a New Jersey teacher

had his class conduct a mock trial of Adolph Hitler to fulfill the
school’s Holocaust education curriculum. The teacher instructed his
students to use the Internet in their research but did not pay careful
attention to the search results. Mr. Some lamented that, as a
consequence, the students’ Internet inquiries led to the mock trial’s
acquittal of Hitler for genocide. He added that the students were
taken in by the scholarly façade of Web sites where deniers “are
masking themselves as legitimate sources of information on the


Our society, which cherishes freedom of speech, tolerates even
obnoxious utterances. Society need not, however, condone hurtful
conduct accompanying such expression. A major concern about all the
extremist activity on the Internet is whether it inspires violence.
Brutality motivated by antagonism toward minorities or the opposite
sex is intolerable. As delineated by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

"Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated.
Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the

Bias crime victims are targeted because of race, creed,

ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or handicap. Perpetrators
assault those of different races, desecrate cemeteries, bash gays,
burn crosses in people’s yards, vandalize synagogues, spray hateful
graffiti, and threaten multi-racial couples.

Bias crimes are more likely to involve excessive violence,

multiple offenders, randomness, irrationality and violations of
victims’ civil rights, including travel, housing, schooling and
employment. In addition, bias crimes generally are more likely than
other types of crime to traumatize an entire community.

Meanwhile, those who harbor animosity toward the opposite sex use
cyberspace as a tool to harass or intimidate victims more effectively.
The Prejudice Institute (, a Baltimore-
based, non-profit, non-partisan hate-crime research and education
organization, reported in 1998 that sexual harassment of women on
college campuses by e-mail was four to five times more common than
racial or ethnic harassment.

Cyberspace can be rough around the edges, frequented by many

users who sometimes fail to appreciate social propriety. As a result,
common online activities include rude behavior such as "flaming"
(unleashing a hyperbolically nasty attack) and "trolling" (making
provocative statements in order to get an angry reaction). Extremist
groups and individuals take full advantage of their First Amendment
rights in such a milieu. Most of their Web sites do not blatantly
promote violence, but they provide enough misinformation to
rationalize violent action by some of the sites’ adherents.

In response to a lawsuit filed in New Jersey in late 1999, a

federal court enjoined a Hazlet couple from accessing the
Web site. The defendants allegedly posted thousands of obscene, vulgar
and threatening messages in an attempt to shut down a breast-feeding
discussion board. The lawsuit, which seeks several million dollars in
damages, alleges that the defendants posted some of the offending
remarks under more than 70 user names and in at least one case
appropriated the screen name of a legitimate user. A
state judge in New York approved a subpoena for records from the
defendants’ ISP, which identified them as the senders of the messages.
The attorney for the plaintiff, iVillage, opined that the civil
process permitted a swifter halt to the conduct than referring the
matter to law enforcement officials.

To deal with the violence accompanying expressions of hate, the

Anti-Defamation League pioneered special criminal laws. In Wisconsin

v. Mitchell, 113 S.Ct. 2194 (1993) the United States Supreme Court
unanimously held that the First Amendment of the United States
Constitution does not prohibit a state from providing enhanced
punishment for a crime based on the actor’s discriminatory purpose in
committing the crime. In State v. Apprendi, 159 N.J. 7 (1999) New
Jersey’s Supreme Court validated this state’s hate crime law. The
statute, N.J.S.A. 2C:44-3(e), allows years to be added to a
defendant’s sentence if the judge determines by a preponderance of the
evidence that the criminal acted “with a purpose to intimidate …
because of race, color, gender, handicap, religion, sexual orientation
or ethnicity.” The defendant’s appeal in Apprendi was argued before
the U.S. Supreme Court in March 2000.

New Jersey first adopted hate crime legislation in 1981 and

expanded its coverage in 1990 by passing the Ethnic Intimidation Act,
which increases the penalties for any crime committed with a purpose
to intimidate an individual or group because of race, color, gender,
handicap, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity. The law also
affords civil remedies to victims, including punitive damages.
Although New Jersey’s stringent law enforcement reporting requirements
cause it to lead the nation in the per capita reporting of bias crime,
most bias crimes in the state involve harassment, terroristic threats
and criminal mischief in which the Internet is not the vehicle.
However, in 1998, the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice
successfully prosecuted a notorious case that involved the Internet in
State v. Gancarz, et al. In that matter, young adults carved a 70-foot
swastika in a cornfield and continuously harassed African Americans in
Burlington County. They communicated with each other and solidified
their prejudiced group identity via the Internet.

In March 2000, the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office and the

State Police investigated a threatening note linked to a now-defunct
Web site allegedly created by students at a South Bound Brook middle
school. At least one student was suspended, and authorities were
trying to locate the computers used to set up the Web site. The note
displayed two swastikas and racial slurs. It threatened by name to
“take out” two boys and to “get” one of them and “lock him up like a

In 1998, Pennsylvania Attorney General D. Michael Fisher sought

injunctive relief against those associated with White Power World
Wide, an offensive Web site created by a white supremacist. Others
sued included the Internet service provider (ISP) and the company that
registered the domain name. Mr. Fisher chose not to prosecute the
white supremacist for alleged terroristic threats and harassment. He
accomplished his goal of removing the offensive material, because the
Web site shut down. It is not known whether the white supremacist or
his ISP removed the site. Mr. Fisher moved ahead with the lawsuit
anyway. Although the ACLU labeled the action an unconstitutional prior
restraint against free speech, a court in mid-1999 enjoined the site

from appearing on the Web. The court found that a posted disclaimer
discouraging acts of violence was ineffective in the face of specific
posted threats.

Mr. Fisher’s lawsuit objected to three entries that appeared on

the Web site. One statement warned that people such as a named and
pictured anti-hate activist would be "hung from [her] neck from the
nearest tree or lamp post." The Web site also showed a computer-
generated image of the activist’s office exploding.

A bigot legally can put all sorts of racist invective on a Web

site, but he cannot simply threaten to kill someone over the Internet.
When deciding what is protected speech, we must consider the
likelihood that a particular statement will incite another to
"imminent lawless action." That is the standard set forth in 1969 by
the U.S. Supreme Court in Brandenburg v. Ohio to define the limits of
protected speech. The Internet complicates the analysis, however,
because it is a relatively emotionless medium. Messages in cyberspace
may be deemed too remote in time and space to incite an immediate
illegal reaction. However, a threat is a threat, and just because the
Internet is a new medium should not insulate an offender from

On September 20, 1996, a student who had flunked out of the

University of California at Irvine (UCI) sent an anonymous, profanity-
laced message to 59 Asian students. The message told them that if they
did not "get the ____ out of UCI," he would "hunt all of you down and
Kill your stupid asses." The message continued, "I personally will
make it my life career to find and kill everyone of you personally."
An administrator at the computer lab quickly collared the former
student, who carelessly included his own name (the only non-Asian one)
on the list of recipients so that he could receive replies. The former
student confessed to sending two such messages. School officials
banned the former student from UCI property, but the incident was not
reported outside the University community for several days. Local
police declined to prosecute, but the FBI heard about the case and it
became the first federal prosecution of a hate crime in cyberspace to
go to trial.

The former student was prosecuted under an obscure 1960s civil-

rights statute aimed at segregationists preventing black children from
entering public schools in the Deep South. The law seeks to punish
anyone who "by force or threat of force attempts to injure, intimidate
or interfere with … any person because of his race, color or national
origin and because he is or has been enrolling in or attending any
public school or public college." The jury convicted the former
student of one of two counts, and the judge sentenced him to a year in

On February 2, 1999, an anonymous federal civil jury in Portland,
Oregon, awarded $107 million in damages to Planned Parenthood and four
physicians against the American Coalition of Life Activists and
Advocates (ACLAA) of Portland and its officers. The defendants had
distributed wanted posters naming abortion providers and had submitted
a list of the providers, their employees and spouses, judges and pro-
choice advocates to a Georgia-based Web site called “The Nuremberg
Files,” which posted it as a high-tech “hit list.” The list included
home addresses, photographs and license plate numbers of the
providers, and, in at least one case, the names of their children and
the schools they attended. The site’s operators drew lines through the
names of those killed. Those who were wounded were grayed out.

The ACLAA case was brought under the federal RICO statute, 18
U.S.C. §1961 et seq., and the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances
Act of 1994, 18 U.S.C. §248, which makes it a federal crime to use
force or threat of force against anyone seeking or providing an
abortion. The case is on appeal. In charging the jury, the judge said
the Web site should be deemed threatening if it could be taken as such
by a "reasonable person." Some experts believe this might not meet the
Supreme Court’s incitement test because it may lack imminent risk of
harm. The Supreme Court eventually will be called upon to refine this
standard in the context of a medium capable of mobilizing a host of
zealots with a single keystroke.

Finding the line between protected and unprotected expression is

a delicate, fact-sensitive task. The Nuremberg Files’ ISP took the
site off-line for violating appropriate use policies. Later, the
federal court in Oregon enjoined ACLAA from publishing the posters and
submitting information to the Nuremberg Files for publication if such
publication was made with an “intent to harm.” The court concluded
that the defendants had crossed the line from idle threat, hyperbole
and the like, which the First Amendment protects, to a threat that
could be enjoined and fined, because of the context of the campaign of
violence waged against abortion providers.

On August 20, 1998, an individual posing as "John Blau" posted

information on the Internet indicating that Missouri FreeNet, an ISP,
would post information about law enforcement officers, such as photo,
name, address, phone number, and vehicle identification. Contributors
were asked to "HELP EXECUTE" a law enforcement officer by contributing
to the "LEO Information Project." In other postings, "Blau" openly
urged the execution of law enforcement officials. When concerned
citizens contacted Missouri FreeNet, they were told that "Blau" would
be permitted to continue the "LEO Information Site," minus the "HELP
EXECUTE" quote. Missouri FreeNet also confirmed that "Blau" is its
system administrator.

Hate groups and their leaders have been found liable in civil
lawsuits for the violent actions of members or those they purposely

orchestrated or negligently encouraged. The Southern Poverty Law
Center has taken the lead in bringing such lawsuits.

In 1987, a $7 million judgment bankrupted the Alabama-based

United Klans of America for its connection to the lynching of a 19-
year-old African-American named Michael Donald. In 1990, an Oregon
jury rendered a $12 million verdict against the Fallbrook, California-
based White Aryan Resistance and its leadership for promoting the
killing of a young Ethiopian immigrant named Mulegetta Seraw. In 1994,
the Church of the Creator — predecessor of the virulently racist World
Church of the Creator — lost a million-dollar lawsuit under a Florida
state civil RICO law for its part in the murder of a young African-
American Gulf War veteran, who was killed by a Church “reverend.” In
mid-1998, two Carolina Klan groups were held liable for $21.5 million
for their connection to the arson of two black churches.

Brian Levin testified that successful civil lawsuits have led

hate groups to adopt a new strategy of “leaderless resistance,”
mimicking a type of guerrilla warfare where individuals or autonomous
cells independently undertake violent acts against common enemies
without relying on a centralized command and control structure. The
concept has been promoted on the neo-Nazi Stormfront Web site and in
racist books like “The Turner Diaries” and “The Vigilantes of
Christendom.” “Vigilantes” misinterprets the Bible to encourage lone
wolves to anoint themselves “Phineas Priests” by committing violence.
The strategy guided a convicted felon who robbed banks and attacked
abortion clinics. “The Turner Diaries,” a novel revered by white
supremacists, has a protagonist who blows up a federal building and
randomly targets minorities for murder. The “Diaries” and “Homemade C-
4,” both readily available for free on the Internet, allegedly
inspired the bombing of the federal office building in Oklahoma City
in 1995. The convicted murderer of James Byrd in Jasper, Texas,
allegedly explained to his cohorts, before they dragged the hapless
Mr. Byrd to death behind a pick-up truck, that he was “starting the
‘Turner Diaries’ [revolution] early.”

Although the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution severely

limits government censorship, private Internet Service Providers
(ISPs) can eliminate anything they deem offensive from their systems.
While a few police the content of chat rooms and Web sites, others are
philosophically opposed to playing the role of censor or consider it
to be an exercise in futility. Most ISPs consider themselves to be
mere conduits to the Internet. Moreover, if an ISP shuts down
discussion groups espousing racism or intolerance, several more may,
in short order, pop up on its network of sites. Web sites that are
shut down seem to have little trouble finding new ISPs.

ISPs express concern that if they were to start regulating

content, it would open the door to all kinds of liability problems.
(But see §230 of the Communications Decency Act, which shields ISPs

from liability.) Still, many ISPs have developed a range of policies,
delineated in terms of service agreements, that define what is and is
not appropriate. Although they maintain they cannot possibly monitor
all members, in some cases numbering in the millions, these ISPs do
respond to complaints from both members and outsiders, including anti-
hate groups such as the Anti-Defamation League. By strictly enforcing
carefully drawn terms of service agreements, ISPs could stop hate from
spreading without the government having to violate free speech rights.


Solutions to cyberspace bias and hate are arduous in a society
that venerates freedom of speech. As observed by Oliver Wendell
Holmes, “The mind of the bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more
light you pour upon it, the more it will contract.” It follows that
prevention and education strategies to combat bias and hate need to be
expanded at the national, state and local levels. We must continue to
educate teachers and law enforcement. All children must be told about
the dangers that lurk on the Internet. Parents and guardians must
learn how to protect their children and help them to protect
themselves, especially with critical thinking skills. While these
laborious but necessary tasks are being accomplished, law enforcement
must enforce vigorously laws prohibiting violent action arising from
prejudice. Several private and public organizations currently take
part in monitoring, education and enforcement involving online bias

Government censorship would not work in cyberspace, even if it

were constitutional. The problem is not intractable, however, because
centers of reason have shed light on the situation before the whole of
the Internet could be compromised. Corporate leaders, especially, can
accelerate this sanitizing process by implementing standards for what
they will allow on their systems and by helping to provide effective
forums for positive forces. Jordan Kessler, Research Analyst for the
Anti-Defamation League, testified that Bell Atlantic stands out as a
corporation devoted to countering hate. He praised the company’s
funding of civil rights Web sites and its former CEO’s speeches
against online hate. Such efforts enable the Internet to foster
tolerance far better than it advances hatred. In this way, the
community can relegate hate messages to society’s margins.


The New Jersey Office of Bias Crime and Community Relations is

responsible for the statewide prosecution and monitoring of hate
crime. It is the only statewide office in the nation dedicated solely
to addressing hate crime. Created in 1992, it serves as a central

resource for hate crime information and gives national leadership on
hate crime policy and initiatives. Through the New Jersey Bias Crime
Training Program, the Office trains law enforcement officers in the
investigation of bias crime. It also offers a wide array of other
programs in hate crime awareness and prejudice reduction including the
Prejudice Reduction Education Program (PREP), a curriculum that
teaches students about hate crime prevention.

Among the training initiatives offered to address bias crime and

its underlying causes is Hate on the Internet, a one-hour program.
Begun in the fall of 1999, the program teaches educators and families
how to protect young people from the influence of hate groups and
their Web sites. Approximately 2,500 teachers and parents from across
New Jersey have attended the program since its inception. The Office
of Bias Crime and Community Relations also sponsors the New Jersey
Bias Crime Victims’ Support Service, 1-800-277-BIAS (2427), a program
that helps bias crime victims through telephone referrals to law
enforcement agencies, human service providers and trained volunteers.
The office also monitors hate Web sites throughout the country and
shares information with New Jersey law enforcement agencies as they
investigate hate crime activity.


The Division On Civil Rights (Division) enforces New Jersey’s Law

Against Discrimination (LAD). It is unlawful under the LAD for anyone
to circulate or publish any advertisement for employment or housing
that discriminates against individuals because of race, color, creed,
national origin, gender, marital status, or any other category
protected by the LAD. N.J.S.A. 10:5-12; N.J.A.C. 13:9 and 13:11.
Therefore, employers, employment agencies, homeowners, landlords and
real estate brokers who advertise on the Internet should ensure that
employment and housing ads contain no language that would tend to
discourage individuals from responding because of their membership in
a protected category.

The Division is taking steps, in conjunction with other Law and

Public Safety agencies, to monitor ads on the Internet to ensure that
they do not contain the discriminatory language prohibited by the LAD.
If a violation of the LAD is discovered, the Division will file an
administrative complaint against the perpetrator and will seek
statutory penalties and compensatory damages. Users who suspect that
an Internet posting may violate the provisions of the LAD should
contact one of the five Division offices, using the telephone numbers
appearing on the Division’s Web site at This
site also provides a detailed description of the protections afforded
by the LAD and the services provided by the Division. Users who desire
more information or technical assistance on how to make sure their ads
comply with the LAD should contact the Division’s Bureau of Prevention

and Citizen’s Rights at (609) 292-2918.

The Attorney General’s Internet Working Group is in the process

of developing an extensive, interactive Web site which will be an
important resource for those seeking information on recognizing and
combating online discriminatory practices and hate and bias issues.


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, founded in

1913, defends free speech and does not condone banning hate speech in
cyberspace. Instead, it promotes positive responses, believing that
the best way to combat hateful speech is with more speech. Its Web
site is An ADL report, High-Tech Hate: Extremist Use of
the Internet (1997, 86 pages), documents online racists and explores
hate Web sites. Other resources include a Guide to Hate Crimes Laws, a
hate crime training video, and Blueprint for Action, developed for the
November 10, 1997, White House Conference on Hate Crimes.

In libraries and bookstores, material can be labeled and

organized so as to enable parents to exercise discretion about what
their children see. Blocking software attempts to afford parents the
ability to exercise similar discretion over the Internet. In
cooperation with The Learning Company (TLC) of Massachusetts, the ADL
in 1999 released filtering software using the technology of TLC's
CyberPatrol® software. Entitled HateFilter™, this software blocks
access to Internet sites that, the ADL believes, promote hate. Since
the ADL seeks to balance the right to free speech with the need to
fight hate speech, it does not market HateFilter™ to schools,
libraries or public facilities. The software serves primarily to allow
parents to control their children’s computer use. It refers a blocked
user to an ADL site that explains why a site was blocked. HateFilter™
also prevents unauthorized users from using racist or anti-Semitic
chat lines and newsgroups, whose effectiveness as a means of spreading
hate over the Internet rivals Web pages.

As is the case with child pornography and pedophilia over the

Internet, screening software is not a panacea to the problem of online
bias and hate. According to Arthur Wolinsky, a New Jersey-based expert
in online safety for school children, students need exposure to
critical thinking and media literacy skills in order to determine what
is true and what is not. Mr. Wolinsky elaborated:

When it comes to hate groups and extreme views on the Internet,

filtering is NOT the solution. Students will eventually come in
contact with this type of information. If they have been
“protected” from it by filters, they will be at the mercy of the
hate groups when they finally do come in contact with them
elsewhere. If these hate and extremist sites are used within the

context of media literacy lessons, they will be able to deal with
the material whenever and wherever they come in contact with it.

In mid-1999, the ADL formed a task force to examine the recent

explosion of electronic hate expression. The task force is comprised
of representatives of ISPs, educators, law enforcement officials,
prosecutors and community leaders.


The Center on Hate and Extremism was established at Richard

Stockton College in Pomona, N.J., in August 1996. In the summer of
1999, both the Center and its Director, Professor Brian Levin,
relocated to California State University at San Bernardino.

One of the first such programs in the United States, the Center
analyzes trends and legal and criminological aspects of expressions of
hate, extremism and terrorism. It provides legislative testimony,
amicus curiae briefs and law enforcement training. It is non-partisan
and has an Advisory Board. It has developed a Model Hate Crime

In 1995, Professor Levin helped the New Jersey Attorney General’s

Office implement a federal pilot program that teaches law enforcement
officers how to handle bias crimes. He worked on the project with the
Office of Bias Crime and Community Relations in the Division of
Criminal Justice.


Founded in 1971, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), based in

Montgomery, Alabama, operates a Teaching Tolerance program and also
keeps close tabs on hate groups and their activities. The SPLC’s Web
site is located at The SPLC’s Intelligence
Project publishes a quarterly Intelligence Report. The organization
regularly conducts training sessions for police and community groups.

The SPLC created Klanwatch in 1981. It tracks the activities of

over 500 hate groups. The SPLC established a Militia Task Force in
1994. It monitors 523 militias and other groups espousing extreme
anti-government views. Six months before the April 1995 Oklahoma City
bombing, the SPLC warned the U.S. Attorney General that the new
mixture of armed groups and those who hate was a recipe for disaster.


The New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education,, (an offshoot of the New Jersey
Advisory Council on Holocaust Education) was created by statute in
1991 to recommend curricular material on the Holocaust and other
genocide. See N.J.S.A. 18A:4A-1 et seq. In 1994, the law was amended
to require every board of education to include instruction on the
Holocaust and genocide in the curriculum of all elementary and
secondary school pupils. The law provides:

The instruction shall enable pupils to identify and analyze

applicable theories concerning human nature and behavior; to
understand that genocide is a consequence of prejudice and
discrimination; and to understand that issues of moral dilemma
and conscience have a profound impact on life. The instruction
shall further emphasize the personal responsibility that each
citizen bears to fight racism and hatred whenever and wherever it

The Commission on Holocaust Education sponsors seminars to train

teachers on how to use the Internet properly for class projects. It
makes resources available to the education community and assists three
dozen Holocaust/genocide resource centers and demonstration sites
located at colleges and school districts around the state. In
addition, the Commission organizes an annual summer field trip for
about 30 teachers to spend 12 days in Eastern Europe and Israel
learning about the Holocaust. Corporate sponsors fund much of the cost
of the trips.


The Simon Wiesenthal Center, based in Southern California

(, distributes a CD-ROM called “Digital Hate 2000,”
listing hundreds of extremist Web sites. When the Center started
tracking such matters in April 1995 at the time of the bombing of the
Oklahoma City federal building, it identified just one hate Web Site.
The Center has a CyberWatch Survey project, a Task Force Against Hate
and a hotline.

Encouraged by the example of CNN and some newspapers denying a

forum to certain paying advertisers, the Wiesenthal Center wrote to
thousands of Internet service providers (ISPs) offering a voluntary
code of ethics. Only a handful responded. Although ISPs are in the
business of selling space for advertising, they have no obligation to
take money from all those interested in putting up Web sites. Most
ISPs say they operate like common carriers and are obligated to

transmit whatever messages come into their systems. Some ISPs have
catered to extremists.

The Center urges customers to complain if their ISPs allow hate

material on the sites that they host. It has criticized online
auctioneer eBay for permitting the sale of Nazi paraphernalia and
collectibles over its Web site. It also lambasted Internet booksellers
for carrying books such as Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf and a biography
of Nazi leader George Lincoln Rockwell.


HateWatch, a non-profit organization founded and directed by

David Goldman, a full-time law librarian, originated with a Harvard
University Library guide called "A Guide to Hate Groups on the
Internet." Although it has sparked controversy with those who oppose
drawing attention to hate groups, HateWatch, in an effort to “drag
these people out of the shadows,” posts information about a variety of
such groups on its own Web site, located at
HateWatch also lists ISPs that do not permit hate-spouting Web sites.

Mr. Goldman reported that economics is forcing a decrease in

sophistication and originality of hate material on the Internet. He
noted that many "orphan" hate-based Web sites lie dormant — without
updates or development. Others are low in quality and not very
persuasive, according to Mr. Goldman. He added that extremists are now
more likely to participate in chat groups. While concluding that the
activity of organized groups has leveled off, Mr. Goldman maintains
that harassing or threatening e-mail has increased.

HateWatch encourages customers to report hate traffic to their

ISPs. It also encourages people to start their own anti-hate Web sites
and is developing free software that will enhance such Web sites so
that they will better serve visitors.


The following organizations have programs and Web sites to

counter the activities of extremist groups and to promote diversity
and human rights.

InterGOV International ( is a central meeting

place where Internet enthusiasts can develop internationally accepted
standards for the online community and offer services to protect
children and to police the integrity of the Internet. The organization
recommends that victims of "flaming" notify the appropriate chat room
administrator and ISP immediately.

The Center for Democratic Renewal was founded in 1979 as the
National Anti-Klan Network. Its Web site, hosted by the Institute for
Global Communications (IGC), is IGC also sponsors
“Not In Our Town” (, a national movement against
hate crimes.

The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, located at, counters prejudice, extremism and hate crime in
America. Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.
( promotes study of the historical development and
lessons of the Holocaust and other examples of genocide.


Unauthorized accessing of computer systems — sometimes called
hacking, industrial espionage, intrusion, penetration or cyber-
terrorism — exhausts massive private and public resources.
Furthermore, such conduct threatens public confidence in national
defense, the ability of strategic industries to function and the
integrity of the cyber-marketplace.

An unsuspecting computer user can acquire software “viruses” by

downloading “infected” programs from Web sites or opening e-mail
attachments containing viruses. One of the newest viruses, BubbleBoy,
can intrude into a victim’s system if he or she merely previews the
list of incoming e-mail messages using Microsoft Outlook. Fortunately,
it is not harmful and is easily eliminated. If not removed or fended
off with regularly updated anti-virus software, many other computer
viruses can wreak havoc within computer systems, even erasing every
bit of data on the hard drive. The typical virus cannot, however, harm
hardware, including the hard drive itself.

American companies spent almost $6.3 billion on computer security

in 1997, according to DataQuest, a research firm. This mammoth expense
is expected to grow to $13 billion by the year 2000.

The San Francisco-based Computer Security Institute (CSI)

( is a trade organization that has assisted and trained
information system professionals since 1974. For the last five years,
in cooperation with the Computer Intrusion Squad of the FBI’s San
Francisco Office, it has released the results of an annual Computer
Crime and Security Survey. The survey results released in 2000 found
that 70 percent of 585 participating U.S. corporations, government

agencies, financial institutions and colleges reported serious
computer security breaches within the previous year. System
penetration by outsiders, unauthorized access by insiders and theft of
proprietary information all rose from the period covered by the survey
released in 1999. Almost 90 percent of the security professionals who
answered the survey detected a security threat. Only 42 percent of the
companies affected estimated the amount of damage suffered. The total
came to $266 million, more than double that of 1999.

By the end of 1999, the FBI had 800 pending cases involving
computer hacking and intrusion. This compares with 200 cases just two
years earlier.

Perhaps society’s greatest anxiety stems from concern about

terrorist groups and foreign governments bringing down defense or
economic infrastructures by using “information warfare.” In such
scenarios, hackers would disable the computers that control the
nation’s telephone system, banks and stock exchanges, as well as the
power grid or the pipes that pump gas, oil and water around the
country. The integration of America’s public and business computer
networks increases the risk that problems affecting one system also
will affect others, thus placing the nation’s computer-based critical
infrastructures at increased risk of severe disruption. Indeed, the
United States itself takes advantage of vulnerability in its enemies’
computer systems. On October 7, 1999, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff acknowledged that the U.S. military used offensive
information “weapons” against Yugoslavia during NATO’s Kosovo campaign
air war.

Less dramatic intruder activity can still have far-reaching

negative consequences for individual businesses. For example, cyber-
extortion occurs when an intruder plants a “logic bomb” on a computer
that might disrupt a system responsible for processing customer
transactions. The extortionist tells the company that unless he
receives money by a certain time, the system will be disabled.

According to Malcolm Skinner, Marketing Manager at Axent

Technologies, external hacking is growing by an alarming 36% each
year. Hackers make money through raiding bank accounts, credit card
fraud, telephone call selling, product/service fraud, espionage
(stealing and destroying information in government and business
computers) and hostage-taking/extortion (threatening to unleash

In February 2000, computer hackers using sophisticated

“distributed denial of service” attacks, disrupted Web sites operated
by several leaders of the electronic marketplace, including Yahoo!,
eBay,,, Time Warner’s, Etrade, Microsoft’s and ZDNet. The perpetrators flooded victim sites with massive
amounts of bogus message material, effectively closing them to routine

traffic the way a telephone switchboard could be swamped with too many
calls. Although no consumer data was compromised, the disruptions
jarred consumer and investor confidence in e-commerce, causing high-
tech stocks temporarily to register sizeable losses in value on stock

In April 2000, following a joint investigation by the FBI and the

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian authorities charged a 15-year-
old boy, using the computer name “Mafiaboy,” with two counts of
mischief for disrupting CNN’s Internet site. The boy allegedly used
software “tools,” readily available on the Internet, for denial of
service attacks that he boasted about in chat rooms frequented by
hackers. He faces a maximum sentence of two years in a juvenile
correctional center and a $650 fine.

Hackers have even turned security tools, such as network

firewalls, against organizations to mount denial of service attacks. A
firewall is a system of hardware and software configured to prevent
outsiders from accessing and using a computer network and any other
resources connected to the network.

Also in February 2000, the Computer Emergency Response Team

(CERT) of Carnegie Mellon University warned that harmless-looking Web
links could, in fact, be rigged with so-called “cross-scripting” to
damage, or steal information from, computers of unsuspecting Web
surfers. On Web sites collecting information from customers with
electronic forms hackers could interject harmful software commands to
steal banking or other personal information. Web site administrators
must constantly review their computer code to weed out such potential

In May 2000, the so-called “Love Bug” virus and its imitators
disrupted the computers of anyone who opened the attachment to an e-
mail titled “ILOVEYOU.” The virus crippled private sector and
government communications worldwide by clogging e-mail servers and
overwriting files. It also attempted to inject another program from a
Web site in the Philippines that would search computers for Internet
access passwords and e-mail those passwords back to an address there.
Damage estimates have run from hundreds of millions of dollars to $10
billion, mostly the result of lost productivity.

Experts agree that there is no network, Web site or system that

is 100 percent secure against hackers, who have been breaking into
computers over telephone lines since the late 1970s and now use the
Internet. In the original sense of the word, a hacker was someone with
a talent for determining how technology works and the skills to
program computers to perform advanced tasks. In the more common
vernacular, it has come to mean a person who attempts to intrude into,
or attack, computer systems so that they will do his or her bidding.
Other common terms for hackers include attacker, cracker and intruder.

Fear of unauthorized intrusion should not deter governments,
individuals or businesses from taking advantage of the unlimited
potential afforded by computers. For the most part people think
nothing of flying, although no one guarantees that there will never be
a plane crash. As long as people are satisfied that all that can be
done is being done, they will continue to fly in great numbers.
Similar reasoning should encourage participation in cyberspace, where
a mishap ordinarily would not end any lives.

An array of security measures is available to ensure that

commercial transactions over the Internet cannot be corrupted by
outside parties. Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) software,
developed jointly by Visa and MasterCard, reduces substantially the
potential for credit-card fraud. It uses encryption technology to
protect information from unauthorized viewing. When an online purchase
is made, the credit card information is stored in a digital envelope,
which the merchant cannot open. The merchant passes the envelope,
along with its digital identity, to the credit-card company for

Secure sockets layer (SSL) is a type of encryption technology

that protects credit card information by scrambling it before
transmission. To find out whether credit card information is secure,
consumers can look at the URL for the merchant’s Web page. A secure
URL page begins with the code "https" rather than "http."

Security-conscious consumers patronize Internet merchants

displaying security seals, such as Web Trust(SM), created by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. The seal assures online
customers that the businesses carrying it on their Web sites adhere to
standard business practices and controls and have the ability to
maintain privacy and security for Internet transactions.

If someone deliberately does something injurious to a computer,

chances are it is an inside job, ranging from theft of confidential
information to fraud to a grudge attack. The most dangerous motive is
revenge by a disgruntled employee. When something goes wrong with a
system, often one of its own information technology (IT) people is
responsible. Even if their own employees can be trusted, some
companies may have neglected to check the backgrounds or double-check
the work of outside contractors. Such internal offenders can easily
render firewall, anti-virus, network analysis and host-based
monitoring software protection useless. When trying to track the
perpetrator in such circumstances, one has to remember that it is
pointless to ask the internal offender to investigate himself. The
single most important measure a company can take to ward off
intrusions is to hire trustworthy employees and consultants.

David J. Goldstone, Trial Attorney in the U.S. Justice
Department’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section,
emphasized in his testimony the need to recognize inside

In my experience, the cases that I’ve investigated with the

Department of Justice, most common, and often most damaging,
kinds of hackers that attack private corporations are disgruntled
ex-employees, particularly ex-employees who work in the MIS
[Management Information Systems] Department. There are often very
few controls in the MIS Department in the way of background
checks. The MIS Department doesn’t conceive of itself as a
security department, but it is often essential to the security of
a business, particularly as we’re in the information age and so
much of a company’s value lies in stored information. If it
happens that one of the employees in the MIS Department leaves
the company under unhappy circumstances, then he can have the
motivation and the knowledge to shut that company down, and I’ve
seen that happen in a number of situations. I would say that’s
the most common motivation for hackers in the private sector.

In one of the first prosecutions of its type in the nation, the

former Chief Network Administrator of Omega Engineering Corp. was
convicted in the New Jersey federal district court in May 2000 of
planting a computer “time bomb” that cost the company more than $10
million. Demoted prior to being fired in 1996, the disgruntled
employee stayed after regular business hours programming and testing
commands that eventually would wipe out permanently all the design and
production programs vital to Omega’s New Jersey manufacturing
operations. The “bomb” had been designed to activate automatically if
a countermanding command was not received.

Although inside jobs remain an important threat, attacks against

computer security from outside the victim organizations are increasing
in frequency. Traditionally, internal attacks posed the greatest
threat to computer networks. They accounted for about 85 percent of
all attempted intrusions, while the remaining 15 percent came from
external sources. However, according to survey results released in
July 1998 by Internet Security Systems, 61 percent of corporate
respondents suffered computer system attacks originating from inside
the organization, and 45 percent of those attacks resulted in losses
over $200,000. Meanwhile, 58 percent of the respondents experienced
external attacks, with 50 percent of those attacks resulting in losses
over $200,000. The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) at
Carnegie-Mellon University also reported rapid growth in the number of
incidents of computer security breaches: from 1,334 in 1993 to almost
4,400 in just the first two quarters of 1999.

Meanwhile, the extent of the problem is substantially

underreported because private companies, shy of bad publicity, usually

want to avoid disclosure of intrusions to their systems. In a report
issued on October 4, 1999, the U.S. General Accounting Office stated,
“Private entities are reluctant to disclose known problems or
vulnerabilities that might weaken their competitive positions or
diminish customer confidence.”

The rise in penetration from external sources corresponds to the

boom in global Internet connections and the rush by businesses to
establish a presence on the Internet regardless of security
preparedness. More and more individuals and companies are sending data
across the Internet’s insecure lines. Those who entrust their
important confidential information to computer files will live to
regret any failure to take proper precautions to safeguard those
files. In most cases, the precautions are simple, easy and

If hackers do disrupt a weakly protected system, it may be

difficult to identify them. Hackers employ techniques, such as "onion
skin" technology, to make their presence on the Internet or e-mail
anonymous. They may penetrate multiple systems and “daisy chain” their
attacks (sometimes called “connection laundering”) to increase the
difficulty of tracing them back from their victims. They may work in
tandem with other hackers and store their hacking “tools” at remote
secondary sites in different states or countries. Interpol, the
international police agency, estimates there are 30,000 hacker-
oriented Web sites.

Joseph G. Degnan, a Special Agent with the Naval Criminal

Investigative Service responsible for New York, New Jersey and
Pennsylvania, testified about the typical hacker and how he poses a
threat to unprepared computer operations:

I can tell you a hacker is … a 14- to 25-year-old student. He is

isolated, technologically advanced. His parents don’t care what
he does at night sitting up in his room on his computer system.
But there are also people that are very good at speaking, [social
engineers who] can gain access to information that you shouldn’t
be giving out over the phone. So you need to educate and make
people aware of it, businesses and government entities and
everybody else.

That’s why I’m going out and speaking to defense contractors in

the State of New Jersey, so that they are aware that somebody is
very interested in the information that resides on their computer
systems, so that they properly protect and safeguard the
information, so that it is not downloaded or given away for free
to somebody that either asks over the telephone or dials into the
Web page.

Hacking offers the thrill of joy riding. It is like a game of
high-speed chess where the skillful seek bragging rights in the hacker
community. The hacker mentality, which used to be "look but don’t
touch" and included help from "white hat" good-guy hackers who pointed
out computer systems’ weak points, has expanded to more sinister
realms. It increasingly involves the quest for money or even "cyber-
terrorism," such as crashing a system.

Edward F. Skoudis, Technical Director and Program Manager in

Global Integrity’s Consulting Services Division, testified that
hacking threats are extremely diverse:

I think we have got to be very careful with this concept of

creating a hacker profile or defining in law what is hacking. …
[T]here are so many different individuals in so many different
walks of life that could do this kind of thing.

One thing that we caution our customers about is to not assume

that you will be attacked or hacked by a pimple-faced kid,
because that usually makes you underestimate your adversary. Yes,
the pimple-faced kids are very good, but there also may be some
extortionist or some organized crime type person trying to exact
a financial target rather than just cause annoyance. So you don’t
want to underestimate your adversary, and I don’t think you can
very easily classify what is a hacker.

Wannabe hackers obtain their skills in many ways. Much of the

how-to information and software tools that automate the hacking
process comes free-of-charge from the many online sites hosted and
frequented by hackers, rather than from underground sources. Mr.
Goldstone described why the learning curve to achieve basic hacking
capability is not very great:

I have seen Web sites with pages and pages of software programs,
and you don’t even need to learn the ABCs of hacking. All you
need to do is download the software program, point it at the
computer that you would like to attack, and let the program do
the work for you. So you don’t have to be a computer genius to be
a very effective hacker.

Some hackers abuse software available for free on the Internet

and intended for legitimate purposes. For example, in January 2000,
three Randolph High School sophomores allegedly used a keystroke
recorder program downloaded from the Internet to note teachers’
passwords as they logged onto certain machines in the school’s
computer network. Armed with a biology teacher’s password, obtained
when he logged onto a library computer, the three, pretending to be
the teacher, found a copy of the biology midterm examination and sold
it to some of their classmates.

Keystroke recorder programs allegedly were installed on at least
four computers in the school network. Such programs can be used
legitimately to back up data to mitigate the effects of hard drive
crashes or screen freezes. Parents also can use them to monitor their
children’s activities on the Internet. The Randolph High students also
allegedly loaded another program, called a password buster, on several
computers. That software moves progressively through all known words
in the dictionary attempting to match a password and gain admittance
to the network.

More secretive and complicated techniques also circulate widely

in the hacker underground. Thomas Welch, Chief Executive Officer of
Secure Data Technologies Corp. of Fairfield, New Jersey, testified how
conventions help to spread the word about successful hacking

[Hackers] use the same concepts as private business; they have

conventions. They have a major convention in Las Vegas every year
… had a major convention in New York about three or four years
ago. They share their secrets at these conferences and
One of the concepts of hacking is information is free and it
should be shared, and they do a very good job of sharing their
information. Unfortunately, we in the security field don’t do the
same type of sharing with our own knowledge, and that’s one thing
we have to learn from the hacker groups themselves.

Edward Skoudis described the challenge of coping with the

collegial hacker community:

What we’re seeing today is the rise of … very elite hacker

groups. …[I]t’s a fairly large number turning out extremely high
quality attack software. … [P]oint [the software] to the machine
… and it will attack that machine across the Internet. The
[hacking] software that’s coming out is very well-written, in
fact, remarkably free of errors compared to some of the
commercial software that’s available, and the stuff is available
for free across the Internet — point and click with a very simple
graphical interface. It’s actually quite impressive. And these
hacker groups are sort of becoming the Microsofts of the hacker
world, turning out their own products, releasing it widely to the
world so anyone can download it and use it.

"Sniffers" are programs that unobtrusively monitor network

traffic on a computer, picking out whatever type of data they are
programmed to intercept, such as any portion containing the word
password. When a user logs into an account from a remote location,
unless she takes special precautions, her password is sent,
unprotected, through perhaps hundreds of computers. Routers are big
computers that act as traffic cops, directing the flow of information

traffic from one crowded room to another. A sniffer installed on a
router has the potential to acquire thousands of passwords. Although
sniffer tools, which “listen” over the Internet to intercept
communication, criminally violate federal wiretap law, see 18 U.S.C.
§2511, such tools have proliferated.

A "Proggy" is a computer program that enables online criminals to

steal passwords and credit-card numbers, so that they can use their
victims’ online identities to send offensive messages or execute
financial transactions. Hackers post proggies around the Internet and
trade them like baseball cards. Attacks with proggies have been
especially prevalent on America Online, in part because of that ISP’s
size. They typically involve "phishing" (ph for f is a common hacker
substitution) for other users’ personal information. For example, a
hacker might transmit a message purportedly from the AOL billing
department, requesting that a user "validate" his or her password and
screen name so that the service can "fix" its records. The hacker
might threaten to terminate the user’s account if he does not comply.
"Carding," a form of phishing, employs various tricks to obtain a
user’s full name and credit card information. Hackers who engage in
such activity are called "snerts," an acronym for snot-nosed
egotistical rude twits.

In August 1999, the only hacker ever to make the FBI’s Ten Most
Wanted List was sentenced to 46 months in prison on federal computer
crime and wire fraud charges that included stealing thousands of
credit card numbers. A virtual cult figure among the hacking elite,
the defendant often did not use high-tech methods to access computer
systems. He sometimes gained access to computers by impersonating
company employees over the telephone in order to obtain codes and
passwords. The defendant is bound by his plea deal to repay the
damages he caused to victim businesses with any profits from any
future television or book deals.

The court ordered that for three years after his release from
prison, the defendant may not touch computer hardware, software,
peripherals or modems, and he may not work in the computer business in
any capacity. The 35-year-old high school dropout was arrested four
times for hacking during the 1980s and previously served a one-year
prison term. Prosecutors alleged that while on probation in 1992, the
defendant began hacking again. He remained a fugitive until captured
in February 1995. Incarcerated since that time, he was released from
custody on January 21, 2000 after receiving credit for time served.
The sentencing court acknowledged that monitoring the defendant, who
once breached the security of government computers and became an
underground legend among some young computer enthusiasts, might prove
impossible for probation officers.

In a 1998 war game, run by the National Security Agency, it was

shown that hackers could disable the U.S. Pacific Command and shut

down the national electrical grid. Hackers have boasted in U.S. Senate
testimony that they can bring down the national telephone network. In
February 1998, a teenage Israeli hacker, known as "Analyzer," claimed
to have high-level access to as many as 400 unclassified systems.

Unless proper defenses are in place, a hacker may “spoof” a

domain name system (DNS) server — convincing it, without permission,
that he is something or someone that he is not. The Internet uses the
DNS to connect numerical Internet protocol (IP) addresses to user
friendly Internet names. Once a DNS server has identified the IP
address of the site the user seeks, it stores that entry for future
reference. If the DNS server is compromised, forged data can be
planted. As a consequence, the compromised DNS server now directs the
user to a forged IP address substituting for the genuine site name.
Users may be directed to a spoofed Web site containing offensive,
untrue or damaging content. E-mail can be rerouted to another mail
server and, unknown to the sender, never reach the intended recipient.
A phony site may collect user names and passwords from unsuspecting
users seeking entry authorization. After entering the authorization
information, users may be misled with a message saying the site is
temporarily unavailable and would never know they had been spoofed.
The owner of the fake site then would possess a collection of user
names and passwords to use at the real site.

Hackers gain access through a variety of other means. These

include scanning, trashing, barrier code hacking (via guessing or
"brute force") and remote administration hacking. Mr. Skoudis
described the need for proper modem control:

Oftentimes the easiest way to break into a network is to do a

“war dial.” A war dial is a tool that you use to dial a
sequential set of telephone numbers … up through thousands and
thousands looking for a modem on a network. If you find that
modem, then you can use that potentially to get into the network,
because oftentimes, individual users will bring in their modem
and put it on their desktop so they can access their system at
home. Well, it’s also easy for the attackers to get into the
network because when these things are set up by individual users,
they’re often not protected. So having effective modem policy and
conducting periodic scans, to do your own war dial against your …
institution, is a very good idea to eliminate these back-door

Mr. Degnan described the need for proper Web site control:

Everybody has a Web server. The State of New Jersey has a Web
site, and everybody else has Web sites; the government is fraught
with them. … Now, some [of] those Web sites [are] not authorized,
and that is one of the easiest ways to break into a computer

system, through the Web site. So you need to isolate that and put
that on a stand-alone computer system with one address ….

Organized crime has joined the act, cashing in on schemes to

divert funds through bogus electronic transfers. For example, an
"inside/outside" job begins when a prospective victim company hires a
computer expert to build a network. For a small fee from a corrupt
group, this administrator will deliberately make a “dumb mistake,”
leaving an electronic hole through which others can siphon money to
private bank accounts.

Experts often say that the security of the system is the security
of the weakest password. Some of the blame rests on users who pick bad
passwords such as someone's name, a birth date or a word from a
dictionary. These may be easier to remember, but they also are very
easy to break. The following security tips offer protection for

When creating a password:

• Don’t use names or numbers associated with you in any form,

i.e. your user name, your spouse’s name, your dog’s name
spelled backward, your telephone number transposed, your
middle name in French, etc. Hackers are sophisticated enough
to make an educated guess.

• Don’t use names or dictionary words, including several words

strung together, in any language. Sophisticated password
cracking programs can discover passwords with effective
dictionary or brute force attacks.

• Do use upper and lower case letters, as well as punctuation

symbols or numbers, for passwords that are several characters

• Do use different passwords for different accounts and for

screen savers and share passwords. An intruder who cracks your
password on one network can use it to jump to other networks
where you also use it. The same applies to each Web site and
Internet business that requires passwords.

Once you have a password:

• Do change it frequently, at least every four to six months. If

you need to use the same basic word as your password, vary it

with unexpected numbers, symbols or misspellings. Sniffer
programs that intercept passwords are quite common, and
changing your password offers at least some protection.

• Don’t e-mail your password to anyone.

• Don’t tell anyone your password, no matter who asks for it. If
someone calls you claiming to need your password, refuse to
provide it. Any legitimate technician already will have
authorization to enter your system. If, for any reason, you
must share your password, change it as soon as possible. Some
secrets are too tempting not to use or share.

Encryption is the mathematical encoding of files and data, via
software, in such a way that, even if accessed by an intruder, they
cannot be read or viewed by anyone other than those with the secret
key to decode the message. Original text (known as “plaintext”) is
transformed into unreadable text (known as “ciphertext”). Although
someone may successfully access encrypted data or communications, he
may not use them for improper purposes if encryption renders them
unintelligible and the intruder cannot break the code. Even relatively
sophisticated encryption is readily and inexpensively available to
businesses and individuals. For example, Pretty Good Privacy’s (PGP)
Help Team of volunteers offers freeware encryption software at The program uses a system of complementary public and
private keys to encrypt and decrypt e-mail and other electronic files.

Public-key infrastructure (PKI) encryption is a popular method

for securing data transmitted online for e-commerce or other purposes.
It uses complex mathematical "keys" to encode and decode data. The
public key, used to encrypt the message, is one of two keys necessary
in a public or asynchronous (asymmetric) cryptographic system. The
public key usually is advertised to the rest of the world. The private
key, which usually is maintained secretly by its owner, is used to
decrypt the message. "Strong" encryption involves programs using
larger and, therefore, infinitely less decipherable keys.

In the United States strong encryption has always been available

to anyone. Until early this year, the federal government prohibited
virtually all export of strong encryption technology. On September 16,
1999, however, the White House agreed to permit U.S. companies to sell
even the most powerful data-scrambling technology overseas to private
and commercial customers after a one-time technical review of their
products. Exporters still have to seek permission to sell encryption
technology to a foreign government or military, and no sales can be
made to seven nations accused of terrorism: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria,

Sudan, North Korea and Cuba. The federal government adopted the new
regulations in early 2000.

Federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies contend that

organized criminals, terrorists, and hostile governments will elude
detection if strong encryption is generally available without
permitting government access to users’ keys, if necessary. Encryption
advocates retort that criminals can be caught by other methods. The
issue of government access to encryption keys has become caught up in
free speech, privacy and economic debates. Organizations such as
Americans for Computer Privacy have opposed federal efforts to control
encryption. Some companies maintain that previous federal control over
the export of hard-to-break encryption technology crippled exports and
impeded the adoption of anti-hacker defenses by U.S. companies and

For years, the federal government had designated an IBM-developed

mathematical algorithm known as data encryption standard (DES), a
secret, 64-bit key encryption scheme, to be the allowable format for
non-classified information. Critics have long suspected that the
government secretly weakened DES to enable surveillance teams to crack
messages easily. During a security conference contest in January 1999,
a team composed of privacy advocates, the Electronic Frontier
Foundation and a group called broke the DES code and
cracked a message encoded with it in less than 23 hours. Advanced
encryption standard (AES) is a new, tougher algorithm for the latest
generation of encryption products.

Sophisticated criminals, including terrorists, have for some time

been able to buy or download powerful encryption technology made
outside the United States. Now that the White House permits the export
of state-of-the-art U.S.-made encryption software, it is urging
Congress to give the FBI $80 million over the next four years to
develop techniques to break messages scrambled to shield criminal

Existing encryption schemes to protect financial transactions,

national security information and other significant communications
suffer two weaknesses: the numerical-based keys are potentially
vulnerable, and they can be intercepted. By contrast, photon-based
quantum cryptographic keys, developed by the Department of Energy’s
Los Alamos National Laboratory, are generated as needed between the
sender and receiver via satellite or optical fibers, creating a random
string of numbers known only to them. Any attempt to intercept the
shared communication or eavesdrop can be detected because of the
message’s quantum-based nature. Once the sender and receiver share a
unique key, they can code, transmit and decode messages securely. The
quantum key-distribution system could provide secure satellite
communications among cities anywhere in the world.

Meanwhile, as a computer system security device, strong
encryption, by itself, is like putting steel security doors on a grass
hut. Hackers typically do not break into computer systems by cracking
strong encryption defenses. Instead, they use weaknesses in computer
system structure or in application software.


Effective computer security requires cooperation and coordination
between government and the private sector. In addition, a national
reporting infrastructure and a central response system are required to
protect critical computer systems. Network professionals and the
agencies and companies for which they work need to take a proactive
approach, based on well-defined policies, in order to guard against
intrusions effectively. Given sufficient resources and training, units
dedicated to controlling computer crime at the state and local levels
of government can play an important role in these efforts.

In response to a blitz by hackers against several leading Web

sites, President Clinton announced on February 15, 2000 that several
companies had agreed to create a mechanism to share cyber-security
information. More than 130 companies formed the Partnership for
Critical Information Security. It will work with government to develop
new ways for business and government to share threat and vulnerability
information. The President also authorized funding to create a federal
Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection.

U.S. national security agencies are erecting their own

specialized intrusion defense systems. After hackers repeatedly
accessed vast amounts of sensitive information in Defense Department
computers, the Pentagon developed a surveillance system to counter
such activity. The system relies on “sniffer” software designed to
detect certain sequences of computer commands typically used by
hackers to try to sidestep the security features on government
computer networks. All communications involving the Pentagon’s main
unclassified computer system are now routed through eight large
electronic gateways that will be easier to monitor than thousands of
“back-door” connection points previously in existence around the
world. The system must still contend with “parking tools” installed by
the intruders. Such electronic “trap doors” may be used to evade
detection devices and to secretly regain access to a system. The
Pentagon recently assigned U.S. Space Command the responsibility of
coordinating both the defense of military computer networks and
attacks on enemy networks.

In September 1999, the Clinton Administration introduced a broad

plan to protect the federal government’s non-military computers
against intrusion. Intended as a computer security model for the

nation, the proposal includes a Federal Cyber Service Initiative to
focus on detecting intruders as they attempt to break into critical
systems. The Initiative also would create a Center for Information
Technology Excellence to train federal workers to meet the new
security challenges. In addition, the Initiative would train a special
cadre of students, called a Cyber Corps. In return for college
scholarships, students in the Corps would agree to work for a time in
computer security after graduation.

The Initiative includes a proposal for a system to alert

officials about intrusions involving a small number of very critical
computer systems within the federal government. This Federal Intrusion
Detection Network (known as FIDNet) would be completely installed by
the year 2003.

Under FIDNet, the federal General Services Administration would

collect data from civilian agencies, such as the IRS and Department of
Health and Human Services, whenever they encounter computer-security
problems. FIDNet would forward evidence of criminal activities to the
FBI for investigation. The broader presidential plan directed critical
industries to create their own cooperative anti-hacker defenses and to
forward information about hacker attacks to the federal government.

In October 1999, the banking industry became the first of several

industries to create a private computer network to share information
anonymously about electronic threats from rogue employees, software
viruses and hackers. The Financial Services Information Sharing and
Analysis Center, built by the Reston, Virginia-based consulting
company, Global Integrity, operates from a secret location. Only
licensed banks and other government-regulated financial firms that
become subscribers can exchange information or learn details about
known security threats. Names and other identifying details are
excluded from submissions to ensure anonymity. Although the U.S.
Treasury Department helped organize the Center, federal agencies will
not eavesdrop on the threat information disclosed by banks, but they
will volunteer details about security problems through the FBI’s
National Infrastructure Protection Center. These aspects will
encourage reporting by financial institutions that otherwise would be
concerned about misuse of the information by competitors or
reactionary scrutiny by regulators. Center organizers expect 500 to
1,000 financial institutions to join the network by April 2001.

Similar centers are planned to better protect the nation’s most

important industries from computer-system intrusion. They include oil,
gas, telecommunications, electrical power, transportation, emergency
services and water supply.

Civil liberties groups, such as the Washington-based Center for

Democracy and Technology ( have criticized FIDNet as a
potential invader of privacy, but there is much support in Congress

for the development of anti-hacker defenses. Opponents, such as the
Electronic Frontier Foundation (, claim FIDNet’s
contribution to needed hacker defenses will be minimal compared to the
risk of abuse. Some companies argue that information sharing is
unnecessary because, sooner or later, the marketplace will develop
strong anti-hacker defenses. They contend that society should
emphasize plugging holes in computer security rather than establishing
a huge monitoring system.

While the debate over FIDNet and other information sharing

systems proceeds, the 35-person, federal Critical Infrastructure
Assurance Office (CIAO) continues to coordinate government-wide anti-
hacker efforts and to persuade established industries to share
information about computer-hacking incidents, technologies and
vulnerabilities pursuant to a National Information Systems Protection
Program. The CIAO thus far has failed to establish a consensus among
federal government agencies, and some high-tech companies have refused
to cooperate.

The Federal Government already had become extensively involved in

intrusion detection through the inter-agency National Infrastructure
Protection Center (NIPC), located at FBI Headquarters. Created in
1998, the NIPC includes personnel from the Defense Department (which
has an Intrusion Detection Plan), the intelligence community and other
federal agencies, including the President’s Commission on Critical
Infrastructure Protection. States are represented, and there is an
Outreach Program.

The NIPC’s efforts to build alliances with its foreign

counterparts and affected industries paid off recently with the
arrests in March 2000 of two alleged hackers, both 18 years old, in
Wales, U.K. The defendants were charged with breaking into Internet
sites, stealing information on more than 26,000 credit card accounts,
and posting some of it on the Web. Over several months, the defendants
allegedly intruded on nine e-commerce Web sites located in the United
States, Canada, Thailand, Japan and the United Kingdom. The FBI, local
police in Wales, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Internet security
consultants, assisted by the international banking and credit card
industry, investigated the case.

The NIPC has a broader focus than the FBI’s Computer

Investigations and Infrastructure Threat Assessment Center (CITAC).
The NIPC gathers intelligence from private industry, domestic and
foreign governments and other sources. It responds to reports of
computer intrusion and sponsors educational efforts within industry
and law enforcement. The NIPC investigates cases involving teenage
hackers, organized crime groups, terrorist organizations and economic

A recent offshoot of the NIPC, InfraGard, involves businesses and
schools around the nation in protecting information systems. Chapters
throughout the country, including one launched in New Jersey in
November 1999, receive funding and administrative support from the
FBI. Membership is free and includes encrypted access to a secure Web
site through which members can exchange experiences and solutions,
anonymously if desired. In return for agreeing to report actual or
attempted disruptions of their computer networks, members receive non-
classified information on investigations that is not available to the
public, early alerts on threats, and training on vulnerabilities from
government and academic experts on security, including some from
Princeton University. The New Jersey chapter was organized by the
FBI’s Newark division and is one of 56 such partnerships around the
country. It started with two dozen companies, including PSE&G, IBM and
TD Waterhouse Securities. The New Jersey Division of State Police
participates in the InfraGard program.

The FBI’s National Computer Crime Squad (NCCS) is located within

the Washington Metropolitan Field Office. It has national jurisdiction
and investigates violations of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse
Act of 1986, which includes intrusions into government, financial,
most medical, and “federal interest” computers. A commercial computer
victimized by an intrusion coming from another state is a federal
interest computer.

The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT®) Coordination Center

( is part of the Networked Systems Survivability Program
in the Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and
development center at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
Founded in 1988, the Coordination Center serves as a public sector
information sharing and analysis center (ISAC). It collects and
responds to reports of computer security problems, including password-
based attacks. CERT is available on a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week
basis and receives far more requests for help than it can handle. As a
result, it deals with incidents on a triage basis, tackling the most
far-reaching crises first. One incident reported to CERT in July 1998
involved an intruder with a list of 186,000 passwords collected from
businesses and universities all over the world.

The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST)

(, was established as a worldwide coalition of about 70
government, commercial and academic organizations cooperating and
coordinating to prevent and rapidly react to security-related
incidents affecting computer systems and networks. It promotes
information sharing among its members and the general public. Eleven
initial members founded FIRST in 1990.

Computer security consulting is a rapid-growth industry. For

example,, Inc. (formerly the International Computer Security
Association, Inc.) assesses security threats and evaluates anti-virus

software for large corporations. The Big Five accounting firms also
have consulting groups to help clients cope with penetration of their
computer systems. The International Association of Computer
Investigation Specialists in Portland, Oregon ( provides
training to law enforcement officials. InfoWar.Com (
sells computer hardware, software and books relating to computer
security. It also provides free news and information regarding high-
tech security issues, including a free newsletter.

Tracing those who use the Internet, whether by sending e-mail or

otherwise, can be easy or impossible, depending on the sophistication
of the user. Every Internet user leaves behind “digital footprints”
that investigators may trace, similar to the way they use telephone
records. E-mail messages contain “header” information that leaves an
audit trail of their journey through cyberspace. Online accounts that
people use to surf the Web or send e-mail are assigned a unique stamp,
an Internet protocol address, that helps direct the exchange of data
between a Web site and its visitors. The IP addresses leave digital
footprints that may lead to cyber-hooligans, even if they attempt to
conceal their identities with pseudonyms, fake e-mail addresses and
stolen ISP accounts. Investigators also may trace intruders with
serial numbers embedded in documents written with popular word
processing programs. Also, ISPs are growing more willing to provide
timely release of user logs to investigators in response to warrants
or subpoenas.

"Ethical hacking" (sometimes called "white hat hacking," “tiger

team testing,” “penetration testing” or “intrusion testing”) pits
inside or outside experts against a computer system’s security
defenses in order to expose weaknesses and inadequacies. The security
experts "beat on" security products looking for flaws. They also
analyze the latest hacker tools.

LOpht (pronounced "loft"), based in South End loft space in

Boston, is a several-person hacker think tank that claims to have a
public-service mission to publicize computer system flaws in order to
strengthen security. When they find vulnerabilities in supposedly
secure systems, they publish their findings on the Web in the hope
that the companies that created the vulnerable software will fix the
problems (sometimes called “exploits”) for their customers. LOpht’s
members identify themselves only by their hacker nicknames, such as
Mudge, Space Rogue, Kingpin, Weld Pond and Brian Oblivion. Several
were called to testify before the U.S. Senate Committee on
Governmental Affairs in May 1998.

Although many corporations have implemented significant measures

to protect their computer systems from unauthorized access, many
others have done little, thus placing their systems in extreme
jeopardy. A good program to tighten computer security carefully
assesses needs and develops a plan. With proper hardware and software

in place, the company should thoroughly train employees and monitor
the system that is installed. The company should respond instantly to
security threats and involve law enforcement where appropriate.

After proper safeguards have been installed to keep down the

cost, companies may purchase insurance to mitigate the consequences of
unauthorized access to a computer system. At least one joint venture
now offers up to $50 million of insurance coverage against the effects
of external or internal intrusions.

Despite all the efforts within the public and private sectors to
convince businesses to report unauthorized intrusions, their
reluctance to do so remains a significant problem. A company often
fears, with some justification, that if it informs the government of a
hacker attack, its business reputation and bottom line will suffer as
the security breach or the information itself is leaked or presented
in court. A survey by the U.S. military indicated that 90 percent of
computer offenses are not reported. A survey of businesses in New
Zealand concluded that 70 percent would rather have suspected activity
investigated privately than involve the police. However, the
willingness to report may be improving. A striking finding of the
Computer Security Institute’s “1999 Computer Crime and Security
Survey” was the dramatic increase in the number of respondents
reporting serious incidents to law enforcement: 32 percent compared to
only 17 percent in the three prior years of the survey.

Most businesses are afraid to complain to law enforcement for

fear of exposing security vulnerability. Companies want to avoid
public relations disasters adversely impacting reputation. Despite the
government’s ability to gather evidence through compulsory process not
available to the private sector, companies are concerned that their
ability to gather the information they need to stop the intrusions and
to find the perpetrators may be restricted once the government becomes
involved. Corporations also fear that making it known to law
enforcement that intruders penetrated their defenses may invite
government regulation. They would rather institute their own system to
ward off attacks than comply with government-dictated controls.

For there to be an effective partnership between law

enforcement and the business community, the latter must have
confidence that any security breaches referred to law enforcement will
be handled as swiftly, competently and confidentially as possible. The
likelihood that corporate victims will report intrusions to law
enforcement will increase if (1) law enforcement’s technical
proficiency and reaction time improves, and (2) the investigation and
discovery phases of cases adequately preserve confidentiality. Law
enforcement expertise and resources must be available to handle a high
volume of routine cases as well as high profile matters, such as the
notorious Melissa computer virus case, which led to guilty pleas by

the defendant in state and federal courts in New Jersey in December

In March of 1999, a new breed of computer virus was launched,

called the "Melissa" virus. Unlike previous computer viruses, the
Melissa virus spread through e-mail systems and multiplied at an
exponential rate crippling tens of thousands of e-mail systems
worldwide, including systems belonging to governments, the military,
academia and business. Within a few hours of its launch on March 26,
1999, computer systems were impacted from the United States to Japan.
While the virus was isolated within a few hours, the incredible rate
at which it reproduced meant that there was very little that could be
done to stop it.

Almost immediately, experts from throughout the United States and

Europe began looking for the person responsible for the creation and
spread of the Melissa virus, one of the most disruptive computer
viruses in the short history of the Internet. Over the weekend of
March 27 and 28, 1999, federal law enforcement agencies and private
computer sleuths scoured the Internet looking for clues about the
source of the virus.

On March 29, 1999, a representative from the world’s largest

Internet service provider, America Online, provided the New Jersey
Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) with information identifying New
Jersey as a possible source of the Melissa virus. Within a few hours
of that telephone call a significant array of state computer
investigative resources was assembled to track down the leads
provided. DCJ, which had a specially trained prosecutor and three
high-tech crime investigators, teamed with the specialized computer
crime unit in the New Jersey State Police to form a task force to find
the virus’ creator. On March 30, 1999, America Online supplied the
team with the information that it had developed. Working round the
clock, the task force was able to identify the source of the virus,
its creator and his whereabouts by April 1, 1999. The task force was
expanded to include the Newark Field Office of the FBI and the U.S.
Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey. It apprehended the
Melissa virus’ creator in the evening of April 1, 1999. In cooperation
with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the case was prosecuted in federal
and state courts. Following guilty pleas by the defendant, sentencing
was scheduled for August 2000.

The “Melissa” investigation was a landmark case, not only because

of the devastating effects of the virus and the unusually quick
determination of its source, but also because it was the first such
case to showcase state technological expertise. A lasting legacy of
the investigation is the Statewide Computer Crime Task Force, which
includes members from the divisions of Criminal Justice and State
Police and investigative personnel from county and municipal law
enforcement agencies.

Matters that federal enforcers reject for prosecution — due to
the application of a high threshold of monetary damages, for example —
should be candidates for state enforcement action. The U.S. Justice
Department’s David Goldstone testified about the need for effective
state-level enforcement:

As I said, the leading cause of attacks in the private sector is

disgruntled employees. Those attacks will tend to be effectively
local crimes. … [T]hose kinds of crimes may be crimes that state
law enforcement may be in the best position to investigate and

In addition to that, there’s another class of crimes … relating

to juveniles, where juveniles are given often free rein by
parents and even teachers to spend a lot of time unsupervised on
a computer. With the … easy availability of hacker tools out
there, it is very easy for juveniles, even if they’re not
computer whizzes themselves, to wreak havoc and to get themselves
into an awful lot of trouble. … [I]n most cases involving
juveniles, we, the Federal Government, feel the appropriate
response is to refer the matter to the state because … New Jersey
has good provision for these services that supervise juveniles.

Nevertheless, our experience from the Department of Justice is

that in many states when the Division of Youth and Family
Services is confronted with a juvenile who’s a hacker, by
comparison to the other juveniles under their supervision, these
malefactors look comparatively good. They’re not crack dealers.
They’re not violent. And with limited resources, [these
juveniles] will not get any kind of supervision, which is, of
course, what got them into trouble in the first place.

Seeking civil remedies is another approach available to corporate

victims or their insurers. Mr. Goldstone testified about the frequent
ineffectiveness of this approach:

Civil penalties, of course, have an important role to play. I

think it is important also to recognize the limitation of the
civil means. First of all, investigating computer crime cases is
very difficult. Hackers give the appearance often of anonymity,
and it is very hard to investigate the cases. Now, law
enforcement, through its subpoena power and its ability to get
court orders for information from various Internet providers, as
well as search warrants as need be, can often be much more
effective in investigating crime than a civil party … by itself.
Second, the amount of damage that a hacker can do to a victim
often can be in the tens of millions of dollars. Most hackers
will be judgment proof, and a civil remedy will not be a
substantial deterrence.



John Kenneth Galbraith once observed that “the man who is admired
for the ingenuity of his larceny is almost always rediscovering some
earlier form of fraud.” Nearly all of the fraudulent schemes found on
World Wide Web sites and in e-mail are simply revised versions of
tried and true telemarketing or mail frauds that have been fooling the
unwary and the gullible greedy for centuries. The schemes involve
high-pressure sales tactics, refusal to provide written information,
and unrealistic claims of potential profits or earnings. Perpetrators
take advantage of the culture of benevolence and trust on the
Internet, as well as the multitude of opportunities presented by
instant access to millions of potential victims. Thus, the need to be
vigilant and report wrongdoing is greater than ever.

The National Consumers League (NCL) operates the National Fraud

Information Center, which estimates that there are 14,000 illegal
telemarketing operations bilking U.S. citizens of at least $40 billion
annually. Meanwhile, the proportion of fraudulent activity
attributable to online schemes is growing almost exponentially. For
example, Internet Fraud Watch (IFW), also operated by the NCL,
reported that the number of Internet fraud complaints it received rose
recently by 600 percent, from 1280 in 1997 to 7,439 in 1998. In the
first six months of 1999, IFW received over 8,000 complaints.

The Internet has created a whole new set of opportunities for

defrauders and problems for law enforcement. It is a powerful tool
helping swindlers overcome their two greatest challenges: identifying
victims and contacting victims. What is striking is the size of the
potential market and the relative ease, low cost and speed with which
a scam can flourish over the Internet. Victims may never have the
opportunity to see or even speak to the defrauder.

Eileen Harrington, Associate Director for Marketing Practices of

the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection,
testified that online defrauders benefit from “the very
characteristics that make e-commerce grow”: anonymity, the distance
between the buyer and the seller, and the instantaneous nature of the
transactions. She added, “Fraudulent operators on the Internet take
advantage of the fact that this marketplace is still a confusing one
to consumers.” Ms. Harrington emphasized the confounding speed of
online scams:

I think that with the Internet as the medium, everything happens
more quickly. The business sets up more quickly. They change
identities more quickly. I mean, you can throw up a new Web site
in an hour. It just has moved things to kind of a warp speed. So
you find that the life-span of one of these frauds is much
shorter than might have been the case where the frauds turned out
to rent office space, get phone lines, [and] do all of those
sorts of things. We find more and more that these scams are
operating out of homes.

Noting that fraud over the Internet requires access to some form
of payment system, just as every other kind of fraud does, Ms.
Harrington urged consumers to pay for their online purchases by credit
card. She explained that “consumers have important federal rights that
protect them from being held liable for unauthorized and fraudulent
transactions if they pay by credit card.”

Susan Grant, Vice President for Public Policy of the National

Consumers League (NCL) and Director of the NCL’s National Fraud
Information Center and Internet Fraud Watch programs, testified as to
why consumers must take extra care in cyberspace:

I think that people sometimes get so excited about the novelty of

the Internet that they lose sight of the same common sense that
they would use if somebody knocked on their door in the middle of
the night offering them something, and it was a stranger, or if
they got a telephone call out of the blue from somebody that they
didn’t know.

There’s a lot of talk about community on the Internet as though

it’s one big happy place with everybody dedicated to the pursuit
of knowledge and sharing information with each other, but in
fact, just like any community, there are bad guys lurking in the
alleyways. People need to be cautious. It’s no reason not to use
the Internet.

And actually, I think it’s ironic that, for instance, we see a

decreasing amount of credit card use for payment compared to
things like checks and money orders, and yet the credit card is
the safest way to pay because of your legal dispute rights.

I think that people may be so worried about giving their credit

card information on the Net, even though with the encryption
programs that are in place, it’s really, from what we can see,
relatively safe. And they’re not sufficiently worried about who
it is that they’re doing business with at the other end.

Online auctions alone are expanding e-commerce rapidly. Gomez

Advisors estimates that in 1999 online auctions connected 7.4 million
buyers and sellers transferring goods worth $4.5 billion. The

independent firm, which rates Web sites for consumers, expects online
auction sales volume to exceed $9 billion in 2000. According to IFW,
online auction complaints led all others with 68 percent of the
Internet-related fraud complaints it received in 1998. Auctions also
were first in 1997 with 26 percent. During the first six months of
1999, IFW received 5,287 auction complaints, surpassing the 5,236 it
received in all of 1998.

IFW reported that 93 percent of payments in response to

fraudulent Internet schemes were made “offline” by check or money
order sent to the defrauding company. By and large, consumers failed
to follow the safest course, which is to pay by credit card so that
the charges can be disputed if there is a problem. Giving cash, a
check or, worse, a bank-account number can make it impossible to get a
refund from online vendors. Since online auction sellers often lack
proper equipment to take credit card payments, IFW recommends that
buyers use escrow services, which hold payment from the buyer and only
pass the money along to the seller after verification that the goods
or services were satisfactory. Insurance is another safeguard that
sometimes proves beneficial.

Once online, consumers are bombarded with unsolicited commercial

e-mail (known as "spam") advertising everything from legitimate
services to fraudulent investment schemes. Millions of messages can be
sent out in a very short period. Although schemers can easily purchase
e-mail address lists from companies that do business online, they also
can use “harvester” software to conduct worldwide searches of Usenet
newsgroups, Internet directories and chat rooms in a very short amount
of time. In this way, they can collect thousands of e-mail addresses
for individuals likely to be vulnerable to certain types of schemes.
Others pirate names and e-mail addresses from membership directories
of Internet service providers. Spammers also use software that
generates e-mail addresses at random. Thus, people can get spam even
if they have never made online purchases or entered chat rooms.

Web sites abound offering both legitimate and fraudulent products

and services. Since buying online essentially is buying sight unseen,
the honesty of the seller is paramount. This is particularly important
in the booming online auction business.

The rapid growth of e-commerce has significantly transformed the

U.S. securities industry. In 1998, about 14 percent of all securities
trades were conducted online compared with virtually no such
transactions in 1995. However, this understates the impact on the
small investor because approximately 37 percent of all individual
trades are now online, up from 17 percent in 1997. Three million
people had online trading accounts in March 1999, a number expected to
reach 14 million by 2001.

Online investing is generally a positive development, giving
investors unprecedented access to company and investment information
and individual trading services. As in other areas, however, the
Internet has provided dishonest operators with an efficient medium to
defraud investors. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
reported a 330 percent increase in complaints regarding online
investments in 1998. Its Office of Internet Enforcement receives
between 200 and 300 complaints every day, of which 70 percent allege
Internet securities fraud. Many investors have not developed proper
skepticism about the quality some of the information they encounter

Robust education is even more important for cyberspace consumers

than it is for those buying in other marketplaces. The average
consumer has difficulty distinguishing between legitimate Web sites
and those that are scams. Anyone can put up on the Web a reputable
looking site. Criminals forge header information to mask their
identities and locations. Some cyber-crooks use "throw away" accounts
(easily created and discarded free accounts) and forged headers to
make it appear that testimonial e-mail and postings come from many
different people rather than from the crook himself.


Common fraudulent schemes found on the Internet and elsewhere


 Online Auction Frauds. Sellers may not deliver items, or

their value may be inflated. Sometimes shills drive up the
bids. In early 1998, the National Consumers League placed
auction frauds at the top of its list of Internet scams and
cautioned consumers to investigate any auction site before
placing a bid. The FTC, which received approximately 10,000
complaints about Internet auction fraud in 1999, has issued
similar warnings. Online auction buyers can guard against
fraud by placing payments in escrow accounts rather than
sending them immediately to the sellers. For details, see i-
Escrow® at Alternatively, using a charge card
makes it easier to obtain a refund. Also, some auction sites,
such as the popular eBay, sell fraud insurance. Ebay’s Fraud
Prevention Department takes complaints from its Community
Watch program and proactively monitors and suspends accounts.
Transgressors are referred to government authorities.

 General Merchandise Rip-offs. These involve sales of

everything from T-shirts to toys, calendars to collectibles.
The goods are never delivered, or they are not as advertised.

 Bogus Sales of Hardware or Software. Purchased computer
products may never be delivered, or they may not be as

 Shady Sales of Internet Services. There may be charges for

services that were touted as free, failure to deliver on
promised services and false representations of services.

 Work-at-Home Schemes. Two popular versions offer the chance

to earn money by stuffing envelopes or assembling crafts at
home. However, nobody is paid for stuffing envelopes or craft
assembly since promoters, claiming the work does not meet
their "quality standards," usually refuse to buy the finished

 Business Opportunity Scams. These promise significant income

for a small investment of time and money in a business — often
a franchise. Some are actually old-fashioned pyramid schemes
camouflaged to look like something else.

 Chain Letters, Pyramid Schemes and Ponzi Schemes. Any profits

are made from recruiting others, not from sales of goods or
services to end-users.

 Guaranteed Loans or Credit on Easy Terms. Some schemes offer

home equity loans, even for those who lack equity in their
homes. Others offer guaranteed, unsecured credit cards,
regardless of the applicant’s credit history. The "loans" turn
out to be lists of lending institutions, and the credit cards
never arrive.

 Credit Repair Frauds. Sometimes called “file segregation,”

these schemes are pitched over the Internet and e-mail to
consumers with poor credit histories. They lure consumers into
breaking the law by creating fake credit histories with
substitutes for their genuine social security numbers.
Consumers pay fees as high as hundreds of dollars to the so-
called credit repair companies. They are then instructed to
apply to the IRS for a taxpayer or employee identification
number, which is then substituted for their nine-digit social
security number. Thus, the credit repair scams actually turn
gullible consumers into criminals by advising them to use
false identification numbers to apply for credit. Scam
operators also offer to clean up credit histories for
exorbitant prices. The reality is that consumers can obtain
information about their credit history and correct
inaccuracies for free. If a credit report is accurate, it
cannot be “fixed.” By federal law, credit repair organizations
must give customers a copy of the pamphlet "Consumer Credit

File Rights Under State and Federal Law" before a contract is

 Advanced Fee Loans. These scams prey upon people’s

desperation to obtain loans. Operators claim that for a fee
they can find loans despite the victim’s poor credit history.
They also claim to be able to provide favorable interest rates
or other advantageous terms. Upon paying the advance fee,
however, the victim never hears from the scammer again.

 Employment Offers and Easy Money Schemes. Phony offers such

as "Learn How to Make $4,000 in one day," or "Make unlimited
profits exchanging money on world currency markets," appeal to
the desire to get rich quickly.

 Bulk E-Mail Scams. Victims are sold lists of e-mail addresses

and software with the claim that this will enable them to make
money by sending their own solicitations via bulk e-mail.
However, the lists are of poor quality; sending bulk e-mail
violates the terms of service of most Internet service
providers (ISPs); virtually no legitimate businesses engage in
bulk e-mailings; and several states have laws regulating the
sending of bulk e-mail.

 Health and Diet Scams. These bogus cure-alls are just

electronic snake oil.

 Get Something Free Scams. Consumers pay membership fees to

"qualify" to obtain free items, such as computers or long-
distance phone cards. After paying the fees, they learn that
they do not qualify until they recruit other "members."

 Fraudulent Stock Offerings and Market Manipulation. In

investment fraud, perpetrators (1) create a classy-looking but
phony Web page, complete with official-looking emblems, to
lure investors; (2) create enthusiastic endorsements from non-
existent customers; (3) send spam to potential investors with
a hyperlink to the phony Web site; and (4) create phony online
“buzz” about the investment in bulletin boards linked to the
Web page, discussion forums, chat rooms, and sham or bribed
newsletters. In market manipulation “pump and dump” schemes,
individuals who own a company’s securities spread positive but
false information about the company to increase investor
interest and drive up the price of the securities. The
individuals then sell their securities at a quick profit,
while later investors face large losses when the price of the
inflated securities declines. One new fraud involves
impersonating legitimate brokerage-firm Web sites. Investors
believe they are sending money to the broker when, in fact,

the address is a post-office box. When authorities detect
them, the perpetrators merely shut down the Web site and
impersonate the same or another brokerage firm using a
different Web address and another post office box.

 Stock Day-Trading Abuses. Stock day trading sometimes

involves false advertising or failure to ensure that people
have enough money to trade. Ordinary people can gamble on
short-term changes in stock prices from firms’ trading floors
or from home computers equipped with special software. It is
very easy for day traders to make mistakes and lose a lot of
money, even though they are not defrauded. With huge returns
commonplace in the stock market, many people are no longer
investing. They are gambling, which makes them more vulnerable
to a con game.

 Cable Descrambler Kits. For a small initial investment one

can buy a kit enabling the receipt of cable television without
paying the subscription fees. However, the kits usually do not
work, and stealing cable service is illegal.

 Vacation Promotions (Prizes, Certificates, Clubs, Etc.). E-

mail informs consumers that they have been selected to receive
"luxury" vacations at bargain-basement prices. However, the
accommodations are not deluxe and upgrades are expensive. If
the seller can delay the travel for 30 to 60 days, it is
harder for a buyer to get a credit-card refund. Consumers need
to find out if the seller is a travel agent belonging to the
American Society of Travel Agents, whose members subscribe to
an ethics code and pledge to help resolve complaints. Also,
the U.S. Tour Operators Association and the National Tour
Association have a restitution fund to protect travelers
against company bankruptcies.

 Fake Scholarship Search Services. Consumers pay a fee for

guaranteed assistance and merely receive a list of financial
aid offices or nothing at all.

 Page-Jacking. As many as 25 million of the roughly one

billion pages on the World Wide Web have been “page-jacked.”
Perpetrators prepare a page that impersonates an innocent
commercial or informational Web site and resubmit it to search
engines with a false address. When Web users search for the
original site, the sham site opens, often with pornographic
material. The page-jackers make money by selling ads, showing
clients that they receive a large number of page hits. Of
course, the hits come from unwilling users. Users attempting
to back up the Web browser or shut it down are merely
connected to more pornographic sites. Legitimate site owners

have to ask search engines to remove access to the phony
sites, a process that may not occur expeditiously enough to
forestall significant losses of profit and reputation.

 Sham Sweepstakes Prizes. The perpetrators demand payments

before authorizing the release of prizes. Of course, the
prizes never arrive.

 Sound-Alike Charities. Schemers masquerade as legitimate

charities to lure contributions from unsuspecting donors.

 West African (Nigerian) Oil Profits Deposit Swindles. Phony

“civil servants” ask U.S. citizens for their bank account
numbers so that they can assist in investing millions in oil
revenues in return for a percentage of the profits. The scheme
dupes American investors out of $100 million a year, according
to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. The Service received
108,000 complaints nationally between 1997 and 1998.

 Bogus Banks and Bank Instruments. Sham offshore banks,

operating online, solicit deposits with offers of huge
interest. They claim they can offer such interest because of
low overhead. They also claim they can protect customers from
government prying.

 Fraudulent Offshore Trusts. These are marketed over the

Internet as a means to evade taxation.

 Affinity Frauds. They target certain religious or ethnic


 Cyber-Smears. Perpetrators post false information or fake

press releases about companies on the Internet.


A number of conditions have hampered effective control of online
fraud. It is difficult to find reliable statistics on the extent of
the problem. Bulwark investigative agencies have only recently joined
in the fight against online fraud. Coordination among those agencies
is just getting started. Creation of a national strategic plan for the
control of such fraud remains in its early stages.

A national education campaign, called “kNOw Fraud™,” was launched

in November 1999 to warn the public about telemarketing fraud. More
than 120 million over-sized postcards listing fraud-prevention tips
and contact numbers were mailed to U.S. households. A Web site was
established at to explain the

program and provide prevention tips. Complainants may contact the
program’s toll-free hotline at 1-877-987-3728. Public libraries
received 16,000 informational videos. Coordinating the campaign are
the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Federal Trade Commission, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Justice, the
Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Association of
Attorneys General, the American Association of Retired Persons and the
Council of Better Business Bureaus Foundation. Many of kNOw Fraud’s
awareness tips also will help people to avoid becoming victims of
online fraud.


The FTC has interpreted its enabling legislation as permitting it

to regulate e-commerce. It has assumed that its regulations concerning
such things as fair marketing practices and mandatory disclosures
apply to the Internet. Eileen Harrington, the FTC’s Associate Director
for Marketing Practices, testified that the agency brought its first
enforcement action against a fraudulent operator using the Internet in
1994. By the end of 1999, the FTC had brought 107 such actions against
315 defendants. In February 2000, it published a report, entitled
Going, Going, Gone, highlighting its efforts to counter Internet
auction fraud (see

The FTC ( accepts reports of fraud at its Consumer

Response Center over a toll-free Consumer Help Line, 1—877-FTC-HELP
(382-4357). Many involve fraud over the Internet. In a joint project
with the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), the Council
of Better Business Bureaus, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and
Canadian partners, Canshare and Phonebusters, the complaints are
entered into a database called Consumer Sentinel. Over 1,000 law
enforcement personnel connected to the system via desktop terminals
search for repetitive schemes and offenders. Help Line counselors also
provide information to the callers. As of June 2000, the database,
maintained by the FTC and available to more than 240 law enforcement
agencies in the United States and Canada, contained in excess of
250,000 consumer fraud complaints filed with federal, state and local
law enforcement agencies and private organizations.

Ms. Harrington testified, “[O]ne of the great benefits of the

Internet for law enforcement is that we are more able than we have
been with any other medium to see what is going on as it happens and
to use the technology to fight the fraud.” At its Web page, the FTC
operates an online, real-time complaint form. When consumers fill it
out, their complaints go directly into the Consumer Sentinel database.

In addition, the FTC pioneered periodic, concentrated, daylong

“Surf Days,” searching the Internet for targeted fraudulent schemes in
partnership with state and local agencies throughout the country. New

Jersey’s Division of Consumer Affairs participates in these periodic
nationwide enforcement “sweeps.” Past targets have included bogus
“lotions and potions” health claims, pyramid schemes and credit repair
frauds. Scamming Web sites that have blocking programs to screen out
anyone using a government computer are accessed by investigators from
their home computers.

In February 2000, with the help of agencies in 28 countries, the

FTC, assisted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the
U.S. Postal Inspection Service, targeted more than 1,600 suspect Web
sites throughout the world. Law enforcement officers from other
federal agencies and 45 states, including New Jersey, participated in
the FTC’s 21st international sweep of companies touting get-rich-quick
schemes over the Internet. The site operators were warned that failure
to cease operations or change their claims would lead to enforcement

The FTC has a list called the "Dirty Dozen: 12 Scams Most Likely
to Arrive Via Bulk E-Mail.” Individuals can forward their scam spam
(unsolicited commercial e-mail, or UCE) to a special FTC e-mail
address [email protected]. The FTC receives more than 1,000 such messages a
day. It also issued a brochure about UCE entitled “Trouble @ the In-
Box.” In 1998, the FTC published a booklet called “Advertising &
Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the Road.”

Ms. Harrington testified that the FTC uses the Internet for
consumer education. Mimicking fraudulent offers with portions of
actual scam pages, FTC staff creates “teaser” Web sites that “look
just like what the scam guys do,” according to Ms. Harrington. If
consumers respond, they view a notice that begins as follows:

If you answered an ad like this, you could get scammed. We’re the
Federal Trade Commission. Here are some things that you need to
watch out for if you’re looking for a home-based business
opportunity on the Internet.

The site then directs the surfer to a series of links where consumers
can learn how to protect themselves from fraud on the Internet.

On February 2, 1999, the FTC and the attorneys general of several

states announced a crackdown on credit repair fraud. In 1997, the FTC
joined attorneys general in 12 states in Operation Trip-Up, an effort
to curtail travel-scam artists. Various operators were forced to stop
offending activities and, in some cases, to repay consumers.


In 1999, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) launched the

Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) in Morgantown, West Virginia.

It may be reached through the FBI’s Web site or Co-
sponsored with the National White Collar Crime Center, the IFCC
collects computer crime complaints from the public at its Web site. It
also serves as a clearinghouse of online fraud complaints collected
from a variety of organizations. Approximately 80 percent of the
complaints received do not meet the FBI’s threshold guidelines for
initiating an investigation. These are forwarded to state and local
law enforcement agencies. The National White Collar Crime Center,
which receives some project funding from the U.S. Department of
Justice, provides analytical support and training to the local and
state agencies. It is developing a curriculum for Internet fraud

The Complaint Center’s 150 personnel will develop a national

Internet fraud strategy, identify and track fraud, analyze crime
trends, triage complaints, develop investigative packets, and forward
information to the appropriate agencies. When a fraud has been
referred to a particular agency, similar complaints will be referred
to the same place. Within the FBI, a group of senior intelligence
research specialists conducts Internet fraud investigations.


Established in early 1999, the Internet Fraud Council (IFC)

( is a nonprofit organization of
corporations, trade associations and academic institutions working
with government and the media on preventing, interdicting and
prosecuting fraud committed over the Internet. Based in Richmond,
Virginia, the IFC is creating a clearinghouse of information regarding
the variety of economic crime perpetrated on the Internet. It is
studying and quantifying incidents of Internet fraud and disseminating
the information to its members and law enforcement agencies. The IFC
plans to develop tools and best practices that can be used by its
members to alleviate the threat of cyber-crime to their respective

Three privately funded anti-fraud groups support the IFC. They

are the National Fraud Center (a fraud and risk management consulting
firm established in 1982), the National White Collar Crime Center, and
the National Coalition for the Prevention of Economic Crime (NCPEC — a
non-profit research organization). The IFC, which is a division of
NCPEC, provides training to counter Internet fraud and forecasts
fraudulent activity. It gathers statistics and identifies trends in
online fraud.

The Council also has created a set of standards for companies

doing business on the Internet. It offers a fraud-free “seal of
approval” for such businesses.


The National Fraud Information Center (NFIC) was established in

1992 to combat telemarketing fraud. In 1996, the Internet Fraud Watch
(IFW) was created to operate in tandem with the NFIC, expanding the
scope of fraud-fighting efforts to scams in cyberspace. Both are
programs of the nonprofit National Consumers League (NCL), which was
founded in 1899. The NCL also has an Elder Fraud Project. The NFIC/IFW
toll-free hotline is 1-800-876-7060 (Web site: Trained
counselors help consumers identify the danger signs of fraud.

The Alliance Against Fraud in Telemarketing, a coalition of

private sector, government and nonprofit groups coordinated by the
NCL, promotes public awareness about telemarketing and Internet fraud.
Susan Grant, the Director of NFIC and IFW, testified that New Jersey’s
Division of Consumer Affairs “is a long time member of the Alliance.”

NFIC/IFW is the primary data source for the Federal Trade

Commission/National Association of Attorneys General National Fraud
Database (Consumer Sentinel), which, in turn makes information about
frauds available to law enforcement in the U.S. and Canada on a 24-
hour basis. NFIC/IFW also relays complaints to law enforcement,
including those filed by consumers using online fraud reporting forms
available through the NFIC.


Established in April 1997, BBBOnLine, Inc. is a wholly owned

subsidiary of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. (CBBB). The
BBBs contribute complaints about online fraud to the FTC’s Consumer

The BBBOnLine Reliability program was designed to help build

confidence in the electronic marketplace. Since its creation in April
1997, more than 2,600 companies have applied for BBBOnLine and in
excess of 2,300 have been accepted. Of these, more than 2,000 are
current, active participants. To be accepted into the program, online
businesses must comply with the following requirements:

 Own an operational Web site;

 Provide the BBB with information regarding company ownership
and management and the street address and telephone number at
which they do business, which will be verified by the BBB in a
visit to the company’s physical premises;
 Be in business a minimum of one year;
 Have a satisfactory complaint handling record with the BBB;
 Agree to participate in the BBB’s advertising self-regulation
program and correct or withdraw online advertising when

challenged by the BBB and found not to be substantiated or not
in compliance with the BBB’s children’s advertising
 Respond promptly to all consumer complaints; and
 Agree to arbitration, at the consumer’s request, for
unresolved disputes involving consumer products or services
advertised or promoted online.

Approved participants may place the BBBOnLine seal of approval on

their Web sites. Each seal links to the BBBOnLine database so a
consumer can click on the seal and confirm instantly that the seal
belongs to a valid BBBOnLine participant. Online shoppers can access a
BBBOnLine profile on the participant. Those seeking reliable
businesses of a particular type can search BBBOnLine Reliability at

BBBOnLine’s Web site,, links to many BBB tips

for avoiding scams found on the Internet. It also links to other BBB
services on the Web, such as online complaint filing, business and
charity report lookups and online safe shopping tips.

Russell Bodoff, BBBOnline’s Senior Vice President and Chief

Operating Officer, testified that most of the problems his
organization encounters in e-commerce involve misleading advertising
rather than fraud. He added:

What’s interesting when we go back to the companies though, we

get almost a hundred percent compliance in making changes to the
Web site. So it makes us feel that what we really have — I think
it’s an opportunity to work together through our local Better
Business Bureau and the law enforcement organizations in any
given state — is an education process, and reaching out to as
many businesses as possible, because we’re finding the problem
with smaller companies, and that’s the excitement of the
Internet. … That is, the small business [that] never before could
afford to advertise in anything more than a local penny saver,
now, through some creativity, can put up a Web site that can make
[it] look as good as Fortune 500 companies and can reach [its]
audience, but with a lack of sophistication.

So business education I think is going to be extremely critical.

It’s going to help cut down problems in the future where
consumers are going to be misled, not deliberately, but because
the company is just not comfortable. Because how many times do we
see on the Internet … companies’ claims of “world’s largest
selection” or “world’s lowest prices.” Well, in off-line media,
the company is expected to have substantiation for any of that
claim. And … we expect the same thing on the Internet, the
traditional advertising law to apply. But this has been
forgotten, and one of the prime reasons is that a lot of the

companies who are driving the Internet, Internet advertising and
creation of commercial Web sites, are a lot of new young startup
companies … who are not familiar with a lot of the traditional
criteria. So we really have to cite the education aspect.


The SEC has a new Office of Internet Enforcement that patrols

cyberspace looking for business fraud, stock fraud and other crimes.
The SEC has implemented a “Cyberforce” of more than 240 attorneys,
accountants and analysts, called “Cybercops,” specially trained to
detect fraud while surfing the Internet. For example, in November
1998, thirty U.S. state regulators, the British Columbia Securities
Commission and the Ontario Securities Commission joined together for
“Investment Opportunity Surf Day,” searching the Internet for
investment scams.

Online defrauders want to be found by potential victims. This

also affords the SEC Cyberforce opportunities to detect frauds as they
are developing. In some instances, the Cybercops can bring an
enforcement action before any victim loses a penny. Thus, the Internet
has become a powerful tool for law enforcement as well as scam

The SEC asked Congress for $150 million for its enforcement and
investor education programs for federal fiscal year 2001. The agency
plans to create an automated surveillance system to search public
online forums, such as Web sites, message boards and chat rooms for
telltale words or phrases indicating unscrupulous stock promotions.
SEC investigators currently do the job manually with computer search

The SEC’s Enforcement Complaint Center has an e-mail hotline,

[email protected], launched in June 1996. By early March 1999, it
was receiving more than 300 fraud tips a day, up from 15 a day two
years earlier. The Center’s toll-free telephone hotline is 1-800-SEC-

The SEC has established programs to educate investors about the

risks associated with Internet securities fraud, such as posting
relevant information on its Web site at The Office of
Investor Education and Assistance can be reached online at
[email protected]. The SEC warns investors to read its "Cyberspace Alert"
before purchasing any investments touted on the Internet. The document
can be accessed through the Investor Assistance and Complaints link at
the agency’s Web site.

Investors can, without charge, access company financial reports

that must be filed with the SEC via the agency’s Electronic Data

Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR) system, located at its Web
site. If a company’s reports are not listed on EDGAR, investors may
find out from the SEC (1-202-942-8090) whether the company filed a
stock offering circular under “Regulation A” or a “Form D” notice.

The SEC also lists its enforcement actions and trading

suspensions on its Web site. According to John Reed Stark, Chief of
the Office of Internet Enforcement, the SEC has brought over 100
Internet fraud enforcement actions since 1995 (38 in 1998).

Geraldine M. Walsh, Special Counsel to the Director of the SEC’s

Office of Investor Education and Assistance, testified about how
enforcers and consumers can take advantage of investment defrauders’
need to collect money eventually:

For investment frauds, at some point, the scamsters want to

collect money, and that’s where we’re able to track them down.

We do run into problems, though, of people just disappearing into

thin air. … [O]ne of the things that we caution investors to do,
this is what our enforcers do, is when you see a Web site that
looks like a scam, or if you see a Web site and you’re going to
invest based on that Web site, … print it right then and there.
And if your server doesn’t give you the date and time that the
information was printed, then write it down yourself, because in
two days or in two hours or two minutes, that information may not
be there.

So there is that phenomenon of people just disappearing into thin

air. But like I said, at some point these guys want money, and
that’s where we’re able to nab them.


Based in Washington, D.C., NASAA represents state securities law

enforcers. Investors can check its Web site ( for alerts
regarding particular schemes or types of investments to avoid. State
regulators or consumers can check the Central Registration Depository
(CRD) to determine if a broker promoting a particular stock, or the
broker’s firm, is registered or has a disciplinary history.


NASD can give investors a partial disciplinary history of a

broker or brokerage firm. Its toll-free public disclosure hotline is
1-800-289-9999, and its Web site is


The Division of Compliance and Consumer Affairs of the Federal

Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) operates a toll-free hotline at
1-800-934-3342. Its Web site to report suspicious sites or to check
them out using a consumer news link is

The FDIC has 20 examiners who surf the Net on a part-time basis
to locate bank scams.


A voluntary group of systems administrators from around the

world, calling itself the Mail Abuse Prevention System, maintains a
Realtime Blackhole List of notorious spammers — senders of unsolicited
e-mail. Appearing on the list, which started in 1997 and contains
about 1,400 entries, marks generators of obvious junk e-mail as
spammers. Enough Internet service providers refuse to deliver e-mail
produced by those on the list to separate them from about 40 percent
of the online world. By-and-large, this pleases the vast majority of
Internet users since the overwhelming majority of spam comes from
pornography sites or individuals pitching get-rich-without-working


The New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs

( has a specialized E-Commerce
Investigative Unit, also known as “cybercops,” drawn from the
Division’s sub-units, including the Office of Consumer Protection, the
New Jersey Bureau of Securities and the Office of Professional Boards.
The Unit was established in 1995 and is headed by a supervising
investigator. Ten investigators work on a full-time basis to uncover
fraudulent e-commerce, including, but not limited to, securities
fraud, prescription legend drug fraud, deceptive cyber-practices in
the sale of merchandise and unlawful offers of professional services
over the Internet. The Division’s cyber-unit has expanded its
operations to join with the Division of Gaming Enforcement to combat
cyber-gaming, the Division of Civil Rights in fighting discriminatory
housing rentals and the Division of Criminal Justice in fighting the
distribution of illegal drugs, including the date rape drug, GHB.

In March 1999, the Division implemented an online complaint form

that can be completed and electronically mailed at the touch of a
button. Prior to this, investors seeking to report suspicious
investment offerings made on the Internet had to download the Bureau’s
complaint form, complete it by hand and mail it to the Bureau.

In addition to inquiring at the SEC, investors should check with
New Jersey’s Bureau of Securities to see if it has additional
information. The Bureau can check the Central Registration Depository
(CRD) to determine whether the broker touting the stock, or the
broker’s firm, has a disciplinary history. It can also find out
whether the offering has been cleared for sale in New Jersey.

The Bureau’s surveillance efforts have led to the resolution of

registration or regulatory transgressions without the need for formal
enforcement action. During 1999, nearly 20 entities offering
investment products or services on the Internet have registered or
modified or deleted their Web sites in response to Bureau contacts. In
April 1999, the Bureau assessed civil penalties for violating New
Jersey’s securities laws against an unregistered Internet investment
adviser who misled 10 investors into making risky investments. He was
ordered not to apply for registration as a broker-dealer, agent or
investment adviser in the state. Also, in October 1999, the Bureau
sued a company offering unregistered shares of stock over the
Internet. Allegedly, five defendants pocketed more than $850,000 in
net proceeds from the sale of shares to state residents.

The Cyberfraud Unit also works in other areas under the

jurisdiction of the Division of Consumer Affairs. For example, on
February 16, 1999, investigators assigned to the Unit conducted the
Division’s first “Surf Day,” identifying suspicious Web sites
involving licensed professionals. Many were operating without proper
licenses. Several had prior disciplinary histories or failed to list
proper specialty designations or permit numbers.

In late 1999, the Division filed two civil cases under New
Jersey’s Consumer Fraud and Pharmacist Licensing laws involving
illicit sales of the drug Viagra over the Internet. In one case the
anti-impotence drug allegedly was shipped in response to a request
over the Internet in the name of an investigator’s dog. In the other
case two men who were not pharmacists allegedly offered Viagra over
the Internet and dispensed it when supplied with physician
prescriptions. Allegedly, in neither case did the purveyor take note
of any other medications the “patient” was taking and warn of
potentially harmful interactions. Meanwhile, one recent federal
investigation turned up 86 Internet sites offering Viagra without a

In March 2000, the Division filed a second round of complaints

against eight unlicensed pharmacies, based in six cities outside of
New Jersey, for allegedly selling medication over the Internet to New
Jersey patients. The companies specifically were accused of failing to
disclose to undercover investigators posing as online patients that
they were not licensed in New Jersey. Doctors working with the
companies allegedly prescribed medication in “virtual visits,”

although they were not licensed to practice medicine in New Jersey.
The “visits” required the patient to fill out a simple questionnaire
but included no medical examination.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration estimates that there are in
excess of 400 online pharmacies. According to the market research firm
Cyber Dialogue, more than 200,000 people bought prescription drugs
online from July 1998 to July 1999. The drug mills in the profession
hurt legitimate online pharmacies that work with reputable physicians
and have a genuine concern for patient safety. In December 1999, the
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy ( established
a voluntary certification program for Verified Internet Pharmacy
Practice Sites™ meeting the requirements of 17 review criteria.
Certifications have been awarded to,,
Merck-Medco Rx Services and

State medical and pharmacy boards have expressed concerns to the

FTC that their existing enforcement tools are not adequate to police
online sales of medication. In mid-1999, the FTC recommended that
Congress consider whether legislation requiring disclosure of
identifying information about the location of prescription drug Web
sites, online prescribing physicians and online pharmacies is
necessary to assist state law enforcement efforts.

In December 1999, the President asked Congress to give the Food

and Drug Administration (FDA) the power to review and certify hundreds
of drug-dispensing Web sites. Under the proposal, fines up to $500,000
could be levied for dispensing drugs without a valid prescription or
operating without FDA certification. The FDA also would have the power
to subpoena the records of online pharmacy sites during
investigations. $10 million for the 2001 budget would be available to
hire FDA investigators and upgrade computer equipment for the online
pharmacy program. The FDA opened a consumer-advice Web page
( to help patients ensure they are buying from legitimate
stores instead of dangerous quacks.

Stressing the importance of jurisdiction over the activities of

online pharmacies, the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs has
called for new legislation allowing it to license out-of-state
pharmacies doing business with New Jersey residents over the Internet.
Additionally, the Division formed a Telemedicine Task Force to study
potential problems associated with the delivery of health care via the

Telemedicine is a health care provider’s use of electronic

communication and information technologies to provide or support
clinical care to a patient at a remote location. Physicians use the
Internet, personal computers, satellites, video conferencing equipment
and telephones in telemedicine applications. The Division is
developing proposed legislation based on the Task Force’s

recommendations. The proposed legislation would create a limited
license that physicians outside the State would be required to possess
to diagnose or treat in-state patients through the use of electronic
devices. Provisions also are being drafted that would allow
physicians, including those who hold the new limited license, to e-
mail prescriptions for patients.

The Division also brought a civil case in October 1999 against a

Monmouth County woman who, using a variety of pseudonyms, offered to
sell Beanie Babies and Furby plush toys over several online auction
sites. She allegedly never delivered after collecting money for the
toys and for tickets to an August 1999 Bruce Springsteen concert.

As a result of its participation in a FTC-sponsored “Surf Day,”

the Division brought an action against a Paterson-based credit-repair
business operating via the Internet. The Division also has issued
warnings to nearly 20 dentists and chiropractors in connection with
irregularities in their Internet advertising. In addition, the
Division published a notice in a trade newsletter, NJ Car, warning
automobile retailers to follow proper Internet advertising practices.
Moreover, prompted by consumer complaints about online auctions, the
Division has requested and received information from eBay, Inc. in
accordance with the latter’s policy to share information with law

In the area of charitable fundraising, two previously

unregistered charities have registered after investigators discovered
that they were soliciting donations via the Internet. After the
Division contacted it, a Vermont organization, Volunteers for Peace,
added a disclaimer page to its Web site to make it clear that the
charity was not soliciting in New Jersey, where it is not registered.

In the fall of 1999, desktop high-speed Internet connections were

installed for investigators in the Office of Consumer Protection. This
has enabled the Division to accelerate investigator training and to
expand its focus from businesses that use the Internet as one of many
tools to deceive to those that exist primarily to take advantage of e-
commerce as an end unto itself. The Division specifically intends to
participate in training programs offered by the National White Collar
Crime Center. Moreover, efforts to educate the public about Internet
fraud have been incorporated into the Division’s consumer outreach



Identity theft undermines confidence in the integrity of
commercial transactions and invades individual privacy. The Internet
provides to perpetrators low-cost, efficient methods for capturing the
identities of unsuspecting victims.

Sometimes called “true-name fraud” or “account takeover fraud,”

identity theft commonly refers to a host of frauds, thefts, forgeries,
false statements and impersonations involving the use of another
person’s identifying information. Identity theft facilitated by the
Internet will grow as electronic commerce grows, which it is doing
exponentially. Cyber Dialogue, a New York-based Internet research
company, reported that by the third quarter of 1999, 19.2 million U.S.
adults had used their credit cards for online transactions, versus 9.2
million during all of 1998. The number of people worldwide buying
goods and services on the Internet should rise to 120 million in about
three years.

Once armed with an individual’s personal information, identity

thieves use it to open new accounts, take over old accounts, make
purchases or commit offenses in that person’s name. With a birth date
and an address an identity thief can obtain a birth certificate and
progress to obtaining a passport, driver’s license and credit, all in
someone else’s name.

While impersonating another, a wrongdoer can take out loans,

lease cars, buy merchandise, take trips, open bank accounts, cash
checks, obtain credit cards, sign up for cellular telephone service,
rent apartments, or acquire a home mortgage or equity loan. The
perpetrator can saddle an innocent victim with a criminal arrest
record or commit motor vehicle violations in the victim’s name.

Privacy concerns and fear of credit card fraud discourage online

purchasing. Nonetheless, most experts contend that consumers are at
much greater risk using credit cards at stores, restaurants or gas
stations than at secure Web sites. Encryption technology and Web site
authentication procedures ensure the security of online transactions
to most consumers’ satisfaction. Indeed, the National Consumers
League’s Internet Fraud Watch has not received a single complaint of
someone’s credit card number being stolen while transmitted to a
legitimate merchant over the Internet.

A couple of recently exposed incidents have diminished the
absolute confidence with which many consumers conduct e-commerce via
credit cards. In December 1999, an Eastern European hacker, using the
alias Maxus, allegedly stole the numbers of about 300,000 credit cards
from the database of an Internet Web site, CD Universe. When the firm
refused to pay a $100,000 extortion demand, about 25,000 numbers were
sold on a Web site, which has since been taken down.

In December 1999, British hackers attempted to extort $10 million

from VISA International after obtaining access to the company’s
computer system in July 1999. The firm maintained that the hackers
accessed some corporate servers and obtained some marketing material
but no credit card or transaction processing information. With
apparent confidence in its security system, VISA refused to pay the
demand and contacted Scotland Yard and the FBI.

Neither of these incidents involved a successful attack on data

in transit from customers to vendors or transaction processors. Secure
socket layer (SSL), the security protocol built into most Web
browsers, very effectively, if not perfectly, protects such data in
transit. However, when companies store consumer credit information in
areas that are connected to the Internet, they are asking for trouble,
unless they have installed state-of-the-art security measures.

Storing credit card information in a database typically is done

as a convenience to customers, but without proper safeguards, it may
involve security risks. If credit card information is stored, it
should be encrypted using the latest technology. Access to the
database should be severely restricted, and electronic “keys” should
be changed frequently. Vendors also must make sure that their own
computer staffs do not abuse the credit card information. As an extra
precaution, consumers may ask vendors not to save their credit card
numbers, or they may use a separate credit card for online purchases
only and cancel it at the first sign of vendor trouble.

Recent technological advances also are making bank account debit

transactions more secure. A Woodcliff Lake-based private network owned
by several large banks has developed a CD-ROM the size of a card to
securely authorize withdrawal of funds from a checking account to pay
for Internet purchases. Encrypted information from the “card” is
routed from the customer’s computer through the network to the online
merchant. Once the information is confirmed, including the personal
identification number (PIN) entered by the customer, the money for the
purchase is automatically debited from the customer’s checking
account. Because of the strength of the encryption, a cyber-thief
would have to steal the actual “card,” along with the customer’s PIN,
in order to access his checking account. No financial data is actually
typed into a keyboard or sent to a merchant’s Web site and stored.

Banks and credit card companies pick up the lion’s share of the

direct financial tab for identity theft. Under the Fair Credit Billing
Act, an individual’s financial liability is limited to $50 if he
promptly reports fraudulent use of a credit card to the credit-card
company. For similar protection, debit-card holders must notify their
banks within two business days. If they wait longer, users are liable
for as much as $500. Meanwhile, the corporate victims pass their
losses on to consumers, who bear the costs indirectly in the form of
higher prices and interest.

The indirect financial and "human" costs of identity theft for

the individual victim are quite substantial. People whose identities
are stolen must cope with reputations for substantial indebtedness,
ruined credit histories, difficulty finding employment, and trouble
renting or buying housing. For many victims, their only "fault" was
being on a list or in a file that was stolen, or being duped into
giving out information to the wrong people.

A victim may not even know that her identity has been stolen
until she is dunned for a debt about which she knows nothing.
Meanwhile, her credit reports, in the hands of national commercial
credit bureaus that report creditworthiness to vendors and lenders,
may contain errors for a number of years before they are fixed. Unless
the credit reporting companies promptly correct the information in
their files, the victim may have to continuously establish the
creditworthiness that other consumers take for granted.

Recent federal legislation allows consumers to seek restitution

for expenses from the criminal who carried out the identity fraud.
However, actually obtaining such restitution might prove impossible if
the criminal is not caught or if there is a long list of creditors
seeking similar restitution.

The significant financial losses incurred by identity theft

victims trying to restore equilibrium in their lives have prompted at
least one national property casualty insurer to offer identity fraud
expense coverage, starting in 1999. Available to homeowner and tenant
policyholders for an additional premium of about $25 per year, the
coverage reimburses victimized policyholders for up to $15,000 in
expenses they incur as a result of identity fraud. Expenses covered
include legal expenses, loan re-application fees, telephone and
certified mailing charges, notary expenses and lost wages for time
taken from work to deal with the fraud.

Although the volume of identity fraud in the United States and

New Jersey is difficult to quantify, available information indicates
that it is prolific, and undoubtedly one of our fastest growing
crimes. Loss prevention experts believe 20 people have their
identities stolen in New Jersey every day. MasterCard International
reported that identity theft accounted for $1 billion in losses in

Officials do not have comprehensive figures on how many identity
thefts occur annually because it is not broken out as a separate crime
in analyses of fraud schemes. The U.S. Secret Service’s national
tracking reveals that at least 1,000 Americans are victimized by
identity theft every day and that the cost almost doubled from about
$442 million in 1995 to $745 million in 1997. According to the Public
Interest Research Group (PIRG), up to 40,000 people are victimized by
identity theft every year.

Trans Union LLC — the only credit bureau to track identity theft
cases — reported that two-thirds of all consumer inquiries to its
Fraud Victim Assistance Department involve identity theft, according
to a 1998 General Accounting Office study. The number of cases
reported to Trans Union’s hotline jumped from 35,235 in 1992 to
522,922 in 1997, the GAO added. Another credit bureau, Equifax Credit
Information Services, Inc., received 1,200 calls a day on its fraud
lines in 1997, quadruple the number received in 1995. In 1996 and
1997, identity theft was the number one complaint at the Privacy
Rights Clearinghouse, based in San Diego, California.

Meanwhile, the Social Security Administration, which operates a

fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271, reported that it received 30,115
complaints about the misuse of Social Security numbers in 1999, most
involving identity theft. That was a tremendous surge from 11,013 such
complaints received in 1998 and 7,868 in 1997.

It is easy to understand why so many criminals, including

organized rings, have turned to identity theft in ever increasing
numbers in modern times. An identity thief runs up an average of
$20,000 to $30,000 in bills on each victim versus the average take
from a more risky bank robbery of just $2,500.

Retrieval of identity information via the Internet is just the

most recent of many methods by which perpetrators compromise others’
identities. According to the U.S. Secret Service, organized groups
account for 75 to 80 percent of identity fraud cases. Members of the
rings get jobs with housekeeping companies or security firms and then
snoop for sensitive information in computers, file cabinets and trash
bins. In March 2000, for example, Union County authorities arrested 14
people connected to an organized crime group whose main operation was
identity theft. Allegedly, an auto dealership employee provided to the
group’s leader driver’s license information for customers taking test
drives or applying for financing. Using high-tech methods to reproduce
official documents, the group allegedly created hundreds of phony
driver’s licenses used to apply for credit cards and instant credit at
electronic and home improvement stores. In some cases, merchandise
obtained by impersonators allegedly was sold — sometimes over the
Internet — to pay off their debts to at least one loan shark
associated with the group.

The Internet now affords perpetrators, whether operating
individually or as members of organized rings, access to a vast amount
of information about individuals and businesses with just a few
keystrokes. Until 1997, the Congressional Record’s Web site included
the Social Security numbers of military officers granted promotion
approval by Congress. Using the data on the government Web site, a
private site operator posted the numbers, along with those of many
prominent public figures. In December 1999, the Newark Office of the
Secret Service arrested three people for allegedly using the military
officers’ numbers to create hundreds of phony credit card accounts,
including at least one in the name of the former Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. Two Trenton residents pled guilty in U.S. District
Court in early 2000.

If an identity thief wants someone’s Social Security number, he

or she can purchase it from one of a host of vendors selling personal
information on the Internet. The ready availability of Social Security
numbers in the public domain has enabled at least one Web site,, to offer to retrieve a person’s Social Security number
in one day for a $49 fee.

Many legitimate companies obtain significant amounts of personal

information about Internet users and their children in order to pass
it on to marketers selling merchandise or services via e-mail or
advertising banners. In return for permission to collect and
distribute information about purchasing preferences and household
demographics, these companies offer incentives ranging from the
opportunity to win scholarships in sweepstakes to cash payments for
each e-mail received. If not careful, however, a person could respond
to a phony offer and provide information that could be used for
identity theft or other illicit purposes.

The human element is the weakest link in the information security

chain. Violators take advantage of human carelessness through high-
tech and low-tech snooping. Traditional methods include sorting
through discarded trash ("dumpster diving"), co-workers or cleaning
crews rifling through workplace desk drawers, theft of U.S. mail,
bribing bank employees, and soliciting information with false job
application schemes. With these methods exposure is limited, however,
by the physical process required to gather the information. Online, on
the other hand, aggregation of personal data can occur rapidly as the
perpetrator surfs from source to source with a few keystrokes and
without ever having to leave home.

With inexpensive but sophisticated "desktop publishing,"

criminals can quickly create high-quality false identity documents or
checks in someone else’s name. In the case of Internet transactions,
the wrongdoer does not have to present bogus identification documents,
whose falsity sometimes can be detected by careful inspection.

Criminals compromise real identities far more often than they
fabricate new ones. Thieves can capitalize immediately on a business’s
confidence in a longstanding relationship with a reliable customer.
The defrauder does not have to cultivate a new relationship with the
corporate victim.

It is likely that the private sector will, in the long run,

resort more and more to definitive methods for confirming consumer
identity: fingerprints, iris scans, face-recognition software, so-
called “smart cards,” and the like. IriScan, Inc. ( of
Marlton, New Jersey, for example, has developed iris recognition
technology for automated biometric systems. Visionics, Inc. of Jersey
City, New Jersey, developed software called FaceIt whose uses include
identification of customers at ATM machines via their distinctive
“face prints.” This helps people who lack bank accounts but wish to
cash checks. The company reported that about 645,000 people have
registered their face prints to cash checks and wire money at 500
Wells Fargo face recognition ATM machines in California, Texas,
Arizona and Florida. However, organizations such as the Online Privacy
Alliance ( and PIRG reject such methods as
invasion of privacy.

Law enforcement officials and privacy activists believe that

credit card companies and banks already have substantial "know-how" to
prevent a large portion of fraud and counterfeiting but are reluctant
to invest in the technology or assign the necessary resources. When a
"customer" requests a change of address, for example, the company
extending credit always should communicate with the customer of record
at the old address or telephone number in order to confirm the change.
Sometimes, careless lenders even permit transactions on closed credit
card accounts.

Creditors and credit bureaus could implement a fraud notification

system that would use software to identify patterns of fraudulent use
within the creditor or credit bureau’s databases. Once suspicious
transactions were flagged, timely notification could be given to all
interested parties, including the individual victim.

Most credit card issuers claim they already vigilantly monitor

customers’ buying patterns and quickly flag questionable transactions.
Several of the country’s largest credit card issuers are now building
a database, with assistance from the Secret Service, in order to share
information and identify common geographic locations where credit card
fraud occurs.

Although Post Office “mail drops” are essential for the success
of many schemes, including credit card and identity theft, in the past
there was little scrutiny to determine if they were being used for
illegal activity. Effective April 24, 1999, new U.S. Postal Service

regulations imposed stricter requirements on private mailbox (PMB)
customers and commercial mail receiving agencies (CMRAs). The latter
are private businesses that, through a written agreement, accept their
customers’ mail from the Postal Service, hold it for pick-up (private
mailbox) or re-mail it to other addresses.

Under the new regulations, CMRAs must register with the Postal
Service to act as an agency to receive delivery of mail for others.
They must ask those who rent PMBs from them to produce two forms of
identification, one with a photograph. They may not deliver mail to a
box unless the customer has identified himself in a Form 1583 that is
kept on file. The CMRAs are required to submit quarterly alphabetized
lists of their customers to the Postal Service. Their customers must
use the designation “PMB” and the relevant number in their mailing
address. An address format change will let correspondents know they
are dealing with the holder of a private mailbox at a specific street
address and not an occupant of a “suite” or “apartment.”

A large share of the responsibility for identity theft rests with

the credit card issuing companies and vendors who extend credit too
eagerly. Pre-approved credit card applications abound in everyone’s
mail and e-mail. John P. Lucich, President of Secure Data Technologies
Corp. of Fairfield, New Jersey, testified that his seven-year-old son
recently received one. Beth M. Grossman, the Federal Trade
Commission’s Identity Theft Program Manager, testified that Department
store chains constantly seek customers who will open a chain credit
account in return for a discount on a current purchase. She added that
in their zeal to grant credit instantly they do not check the
customer’s credit report, which might contain a fraud alert. By
failing to check, they provide additional opportunities for identity


Pretending to sell products and services, fake Web sites entice
customers with attractive looking deals. They ask the unsuspecting
victims for their names, addresses, credit card numbers and mothers’
maiden names. Sometimes the consumer will provide the information in
connection with an application for credit from a sham credit card
site. The site’s operators e-mail the consumer that her application
has been denied and simultaneously provide her personal information to
identity thieves.

John Lucich testified how a defrauder could turn a credit card

with a simple $1,000 credit limit into an illicit cash cow. Armed with
such a card under a phony or stolen identity, the perpetrator applies
for a credit card processing machine commonly advertised in magazines
for use by home businesses. The defrauder then obtains a legitimate

merchant’s credit card processing number and terminal ID number from
discarded receipts that he might find lying around a mall parking lot.
He programs the numbers into the credit card processing device. Then,
he makes purchase after purchase with the credit card. However, he
never exceeds the card’s credit limit because he uses the processing
terminal and the impersonated merchant’s numbers to enter returned
merchandise credits canceling the charges in the credit-card company’s
computer. By the time the credit-card company realizes what has
happened, the perpetrator, enriched by material goods from several
expensive purchases, is long gone.

Mr. Lucich pointed out that “[a]nybody can set up a Web site for
as little as $15 and attempt to defraud people.” Through online
financial newsgroups, the scammer can find out the e-mail addresses of
people interested in enhancing their credit. He then spams such people
with e-mail touting the easy availability of credit on his Web site.
Once lured there, they provide the information that allows the
perpetrator to steal their identities and leech their good credit
histories. In that way, the schemer can reach thousands or even
millions of specifically targeted potential victims with the click of
a mouse. It would take months, a large staff and significant expense
to reach such an audience with traditional solicitation by telephone
or so-called “snail mail.”

Pretending to be a consumer, Mr. Lucich showed how a phony Web

site dupes unsuspecting credit seekers. In a search engine for the
aviation industry, he pointed out a rotating advertising banner
offering a credit card with an especially low interest rate. By
clicking on the banner, the “consumer” could view a Web site that
usurped the logos of legitimate credit card providers, such as Visa
and MasterCard, and displayed an application form. The site also
contained a reassuring, but fake, certification of security and an
offer of a free credit report. The application form asked for personal
information, such as date of birth, social security number and
mother’s maiden name, as well as numbers and expiration dates of
existing credit cards. When Mr. Lucich submitted the completed
application, the screen displayed the message: “Currently … our Web
servers are overloaded. Please try again at a later time. Thank you
for your patience.” Although the “consumer” believes that his
completed form was never sent, a defrauder has now captured all his
pertinent credit information.

The FTC’s Beth Grossman testified how even a vigilant credit card
company can be duped by a thief armed with an individual’s identifying
information. The thief starts by telephoning the company to change the
address on the account. Armed with his victim’s personal information,
the thief can answer all of the questions asked by the company’s
representative to separate genuine customers from wrongdoers. The
thief knows the legitimate customer’s social security number, date of
birth and mother’s maiden name. Once the company assigns a new address

to the account, the thief can order expensive items with impunity,
collect them at various delivery addresses, and never have to fear
timely interruption by authorities tipped off by the victim. Discovery
of the scheme occurs only when substantial monthly bills are not paid
or bogus credits from an impersonated vendor are discovered. When the
true account holder is traced back to his original address, the
impersonator and his purchases are long gone. Ms. Grossman added, “The
frustration happens when people don’t find out about this until it’s
at the time they need credit. They go to get a mortgage or student
loan, and they find that their credit is all screwed up.”


A simple guideline is to assume that no personal information is
absolutely private or safe. Anthony F. Colgary, Assistant to the
Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Secret Service’s Newark Field
Office, testified potential victims “bear some responsibility to try
to monitor [their] credit reports to see what’s going on.” He added:

No credit can be gained in your name, whether it’s a credit card

or anything else, unless someone passes a credit check on you.
You need to constantly review that credit report and make sure
that no one has changed your address, no one has ordered goods or
services or credit that you haven’t authorized ….

People may protect themselves from identity theft by taking the

following steps:

• Get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three
major credit bureaus every year. Check to be sure that
everything, including addresses, is accurate. Under the federal
Fair Credit Reporting Act (amended by the Consumer Credit
Reporting Reform Act of 1996), a consumer who has been denied
credit during the last 60 days may receive a free copy of his
credit report. In New Jersey he is entitled to one free copy
annually, even if he has not been rejected for credit. The cost
is about $8.00 for each additional report.

To order credit reports from the three largest credit bureaus,

contact Equifax, Inc. (1-800-997-2493) (or 1-800-685-1111)
(; Trans Union LLC (1-800-916-8800)
(; and Experian ( (1-888-397-3742)
(formerly TRW).

• Monitor your account activity throughout the year by reading your

periodic statements thoroughly.

• Tear up or shred any pre-approved credit offer, receipt or other

personal information that links your name to an account number.
Do not leave your ATM or credit card receipts intact in the
trash. If you decide not to proceed with a loan or purchase, take
all unused copies with information home with you. Destroy or
delete social security numbers from any documents before throwing
them away.

• Credit card solicitations are generated from "pre-screened lists"

of credit reports provided by credit bureaus. If you do not want
to receive these offers, contact each of the Big Three credit
bureaus to remove your name from pre-screened lists.

• If your credit card or other bills are more than two weeks late,
do three things: First, contact the Postal Service to see if
someone has forwarded your mail to another address. Second,
contact your bank to ask if the statement or card has been
mailed. Third, contact the businesses that send you bills.

• Do not pay your bills by putting them in your home mailbox with
the red flag up. Use the Post Office or a postal mailbox for bill
payments. Protect your incoming mail with a locked mailbox or
Post Office box.

• Protect your account information. Do not write your personal

identification number (PIN) on your ATM or debit card. Do not
print or write your social security number, credit card account
numbers or driver's license number on your checks or on the
outside of envelopes when paying monthly bills. Cover the pad
when you are entering PIN numbers.

• Do not carry your social security card, passport or birth

certificate unless you need it that day. Take all but one or two
credit cards out of your wallet, and keep a list in a safe place
at home of your account information and customer service
telephone numbers. Keep tax records and other financial documents
in a secure place.

• Memorize your social security number and all passwords and PIN
numbers. Do not use common identifiers, such as mothers’ maiden
names and birth dates, as passwords or PIN numbers.

• Never provide personal, credit card or other financial

information over the telephone or online, unless you initiate the
contact. In a New Jersey case in January 2000, four students at
Absegami High School in Galloway Township allegedly purchased
about $8,000 in merchandise, delivered to unoccupied homes, using
credit card numbers obtained by tricking America Online and
Earthlink subscribers. The teenagers allegedly acquired
passwords, addresses, telephone numbers and credit card numbers

of people in New Jersey and at least six other states by, in some
cases, posing as online representatives of the service providers.
They told the subscribers that their account information had been
lost and should be provided again.

• Cancel, in writing, any credit cards that you do not intend to


• If a “creditor” contacts you, do not provide information about

your account without contacting the creditor via a telephone
number, address or e-mail address indicated on your monthly

• Do not put your genealogy online. It permits identity thieves to

acquire birth dates and maiden names.

• Check social security earnings and benefits statements once a

year to make sure the earnings are recorded correctly.

• You may want to have your name, address and phone number deleted
from marketers’ lists. Write to the Direct Marketing
Association’s Mail Preference Service (PO Box 9008, Farmingdale,
NY 11735) and Telephone Preference Service (PO Box 9015,
Farmingdale, NY 11735).


Despite precautions, growing numbers of individuals fall prey to
identity theft. Early detection and reaction is essential to minimize
the harm. It is important to quickly take the following actions:

• Immediately, make a complaint to your local police department.

Obtain a written copy of the police report for inclusion with
notification letters. Contact the Federal Trade Commission to
report the problem at 1-877-FTC-HELP.

• Immediately telephone the toll-free hotlines for the fraud units

of all three major credit bureaus and ask them to "flag" your
account with a “Fraud Alert/Victim Impact” statement. This tells
creditors that you are a victim of identity fraud and asks them
to contact you before opening any new accounts. The major credit
bureaus’ fraud unit telephone numbers are Equifax (1-800-525-
6285), Experian (1-800-397-3742) and Trans Union (1-800-680-
7289). Follow up in writing, attaching a copy of the police
report. The addresses are Equifax (P.O. Box 105069, Atlanta, GA
30348), Experian (Attn: Consumer Assistance Department, CBA
Information Services, P.O. Box 677, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003) and

Trans Union (P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92834).

• Order a copy of your credit report. The report is free if you are
a victim of identity theft or have been denied credit in the last
60 days. Anytime you apply for a loan of any type, you are
entitled to a copy of the credit report that is provided for you.

• Immediately notify your banks and obtain new account numbers for
all of your checking, savings and other accounts. Pick new PIN
numbers for your ATM and debit cards. Close all of your credit
card accounts and reopen them with new numbers.

• Immediately notify affected creditors by telephone and follow up

with written notification enclosing a copy of the police report.

• Immediately notify your local postmaster. Explain that you

suspect a false address is being used and would like help to find
out the address. Also notify the U.S. Postal Inspection Service
(Web site located at of any
suspected mail theft or use of impersonating addresses.

• Call the local field office of the U.S. Secret Service to report
any credit card fraud.

• Call the Division of Motor Vehicles to see if another license was

issued in your name. Put a fraud alert on your license. You may
want to request a new number.

• Contact the Social Security Administration’s Fraud Hotline: 1-

800-269-0271. Depending on the circumstances, you may want to
obtain a new social security number from the Social Security
Administration. You also may want to contact your local
telephone, long distance, water, gas and electric companies to
alert them that someone may try to open accounts in your name.

• Maintain a log of all contacts with authorities regarding the

matter. Write down each person’s name, title and phone number.
You may need to re-contact them or refer to them in future

• Do not allow yourself to be coerced by creditors into paying

fraudulent bills.


Recently, special laws to contend with identity theft have passed
at the federal level and in New Jersey. Previously, criminal

prosecutions were limited to fraud, theft, forgery and impersonation
charges associated with the identity theft. Victim loss thresholds of
$40,000 or more limited the number of offenses brought to court.


Effective May 21, 1999, N.J.S.A. 2C:21-17, concerning wrongful

impersonation, was amended to specifically include identity theft in
its provisions. Before the amendments became law, the offending
conduct had to fit the elements of theft by false representation
before it could be prosecuted criminally. The amendments also allow
authorities in New Jersey to prosecute those who make purchases in
another state using identity information from a New Jersey resident.
Gerald S. Flanagan, Legislative Director for New Jersey Public
Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) Citizen Lobby, testified that an
effective state law was needed because the majority of consumer
prosecutions take place on the state level.


The federal Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998

took effect on October 30, 1998. The new law makes it a separate
federal crime to use someone else’s social security number, date of
birth, mother’s maiden name or other identifying information to commit
fraud or engage in other unlawful activities. It recognizes as a
victim the person whose identity is stolen. It permits the victim to
seek restitution in court and imposes penalties based on how much was
stolen with the false identity. The federal Sentencing Commission has
examined what non-monetary factors should be considered in determining
the appropriate sentence for an identity thief.

The new law requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to

establish a centralized identity theft complaint center, similar to
Consumer Sentinel, to provide information to consumers, referrals to
law enforcement and advisories to credit reporting agencies. On
November 1, 1999, the FTC launched a special toll-free, identity theft
hotline, 1-877-ID THEFT (438-4338), where people can register
complaints and obtain information about identity theft. A complaint
form is available at The FTC also may be
contacted at or its Consumer Response Center: 1-877-FTC-
HELP. The agency has published a free brochure, "A Consumer’s Guide to
Travel in Cyberspace: Site-Seeing on the Internet."


The U.S. Secret Service ( is a law enforcement

bureau within the Department of Treasury. Historically, it has
investigated crimes that have interfered with evolving payment
methods, from cash to plastic and electronic media. In 1982, with the
passage of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act, the Secret Service
expanded its investigative mission to include the manufacture and
distribution of identity documents, such as social security cards,
state driver’s licenses, birth certificates, passports/visas, voter
registrations and alien registrations.

While the Secret Service has primary jurisdiction for

investigations involving credit card fraud, no federal agency has
overall jurisdiction regarding identity fraud. Various federal
agencies can investigate it as a crime in its own right under the
Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998 or as enabling
conduct that results in other crimes over which they have
jurisdiction. In the past, federal agencies concentrated their
enforcement efforts on crimes for which the theft of identity
information merely served as a predicate. These crimes include
fraudulent use or production of identity documents (18 U.S.C. §1028),
access device fraud (§1029), computer fraud (§1030), wire fraud
(§1343), economic espionage (§1831), money laundering (§1956), mail
fraud, social program fraud, bank fraud and tax refund fraud.

With the U.S. Secret Service as the lead agency, a West African
Task Force was formed recently in New Jersey to counter identity
theft. Other agencies in the Task Force are the FBI, the State
Department, the INS, the IRS, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the
Inspector General of HUD, the New Jersey State Police and prosecutors’
offices in Union and Essex counties. There are similar task forces in
other states, and agents are assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria.
In 1998, the New Jersey Task Force generated 31 federal and 62 county

The U.S. Postal Inspection Service

( focuses on methods of identity
theft involving the mail. It publishes a Credit Card Mail Security
Newsletter for law enforcement.


Preservation of privacy has become more important in today’s
world of instant access to electronic data. Property deeds and court
case data, complete with unlisted telephone numbers and other personal
information, used to be available solely to individuals who were
familiar with complicated county recording systems. Now much of that
information can be found on the Internet. Computerized database
services (sometimes called "individual reference services" or "look-up
services") are used widely by both public and private sector entities

to locate people or to verify their identities.

There are few laws restricting the collection and distribution of

personal data. Such information has been released continuously to
marketers, database managers and others via mailing lists supplied by
commercial entities and various state and local government agencies.
In 1997, there was an outcry when the Social Security Administration
implemented a short-lived program to make personal earnings and
benefit records available on its Web site.

Such concerns led to the passage in 1994 of the federal Driver’s

Privacy Protection Act. The law forbids states from disclosing,
without drivers’ consent, addresses, telephone numbers, medical
condition information, Social Security numbers, photographs and the
like contained in license applications. On January 12, 2000, the U.S.
Supreme Court unanimously upheld the federal law. New Jersey law
prohibits the sale of driver or registration information. Similar laws
would ensure that even as the details of people’s lives become more
eagerly collected by marketers and more readily available through the
Internet, widespread access would not go unchecked.

Credit reporting services (sometimes called credit bureaus)

collect information and sell assessments of creditworthiness. The
largest credit bureaus are Equifax, Inc., Experian (formerly TRW) and
Trans Union LLC. Each has files on more than 120 million Americans.
Together, they generate more than two million consumer credit reports
each day. Under the New Jersey Fair Credit Reporting Act, effective
January 27, 1998, anyone requesting a person’s credit report has to
state the purpose for the review — for example, renting an apartment
or processing a loan application. An employer may not obtain a
consumer report on a prospective employee unless that person has
authorized the procurement of the report in writing.

The credit bureaus provide a valuable service by giving lenders

the confidence to extend credit. However, their files often contain a
great deal of personal information that is valuable to identity
thieves or that can be compromised by impersonation activity.
Consumers should, therefore, carefully monitor their consumer reports
for accuracy and any unauthorized activity. New Jersey law permits a
consumer to receive an annual free report from any consumer reporting

New Jersey PIRG’s Gerald Flanagan testified how online vendors

have increased substantially the dissemination of personal

[O]ne of the intents [of an online business] is obviously to sell

a product. Number two is to establish a list of potential
consumers so they can sell it to another corporation, market,
whatnot. So while … selling a product is … the expressed intent

of the transaction over the Internet, the one that’s not
expressed is this intent to establish a list, a consumer profile,
that they can then sell to another marketer.

Mr. Flanagan pointed out that although the consumer clearly authorizes
the use of information necessary to complete the transaction, she does
not thereby consent to the sale of her personal information to a party
unknown to her.

Mr. Flanagan recommended restricting the information that may be

collected from a consumer to that necessary to complete a transaction.
He noted, however, that vendors and others obtain a great deal of
personal information through sources other than direct communication
with the affected individual. He recommended that government prohibit
the sale of such information without the knowledge and consent of the

The FTC’s Beth Grossman testified that her agency has been
working with major companies to encourage them to adopt online privacy
policies. She advised consumers visiting e-commerce sites to check
whether the sites display privacy policies. She listed what consumers
should look for when they buy online:

A good online site should have a privacy policy telling [the

consumer] what information they’re collecting, what they will use
that information for, and giving [the consumer] a means of opting
out of the sale of that information.

Ms. Grossman added that online consumers should apply some of the same
good sense that they use offline: “You deal with the companies that
you know. Don’t provide information that you wouldn’t provide to a
stranger in another context.”

In June 1998, the FTC reported that in its March 1998 review of
1,400 randomly selected Web sites, including 212 directed at children,
at least 85% solicited some sort of personal data. Less than 2% of the
sites disclosed how the information would be used. However, the Direct
Marketing Association, which opposes regulation of the Internet, did a
survey that showed that in May 1998, 70% of 100 popular children's
sites and 64% of popular business sites posted privacy statements.
This was a sharp increase from the figures of a January 1998 survey.

Nonetheless, the FTC recently began to implement regulations

adopted under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998.
The law and regulations control the collection over the Internet of
personal identifying information about children under age 13,
especially that collected without a parent’s permission. The aim is to
keep such information out of the hands of people who might use it to
harm or exploit children.

Under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, consumers and the
FTC can bring actions against consumer reporting agencies and data
furnishers if their information is inaccurate. The law permits
consumers to receive free disclosure of their reports within 60 days
of a credit, insurance or employment denial. It allows consumers to
challenge the accuracy of any item of information in the report and
require it to be re-verified within 30 days, or removed. The law
limits access to consumer reports only to those with a permissible
purpose and permits consumers to bring a civil action against anyone
who accesses a report for false purposes. Lastly, it permits consumers
to remove their names from credit bureau mailing lists sold to credit
grantors for the purpose of making credit card offers. This allows
consumers to stop receiving unsolicited "pre-approved" credit card

Through its subsidiary BBBOnLine®, located at,

the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) recently developed a
self-regulatory online privacy program. Businesses that post online
privacy policies that meet required “core” principles, such as
disclosure, choice, security and the like, receive a seal. BBBOnLine
also helps to settle participating companies’ disputes with their
customers. It monitors program compliance by requiring participating
companies to undertake an annual assessment of their online privacy
practices. Consequences of non-compliance may include seal withdrawal,
adverse publicity and referral to government enforcement agencies.

The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) of the CBBB

implements protections for kids’ online privacy. It specifies that
vendors need to obtain parental consent before requesting certain
sensitive information from children.

In 1997, the Individual Reference Services Group (,

a trade association of 14 of the largest information providers,
including the three major credit bureaus, LEXIS-NEXIS and West’s
Information America, Inc., agreed to comply with a set of self-
regulatory industry guidelines. Members agreed to refrain from
distributing to the general public certain personal information, such
as social security numbers, mothers’ maiden names and dates of birth.
Such information can be distributed to private investigators under the
guidelines, and information obtained from public sources, such as
DMVs, can be distributed to anyone. The guidelines prohibit the
dissemination of marketing data to the public. They also prohibit the
dissemination of information about children, except for cases
involving missing children. The participants also agreed to undergo
annual compliance reviews by an independent third party. The
guidelines took effect in December 1998.

For some time, the FTC maintained that voluntary industry

guidelines would control effectively the collection of personal
information online. Then, in February and March 2000, the agency

surveyed U.S. commercial Web sites to determine how personal
information is being collected from online consumers. In a 3-2 vote,
the FTC in May 2000 approved a report on the survey results to
Congress ( The
report, Privacy Online: Fair Information Practices in the Electronic
Marketplace, concluded that online businesses have not done enough to
ensure privacy. It recommended that Congress enact laws setting “basic
standards” for online collection of information not already covered by
the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

There are several patchwork bills in Congress aimed at

restricting the flow of intimate personal data in cyberspace. One bill
would require written consent before a computer service could disclose
a subscriber’s personal information to a third party. Pending bills
would require employers to inform job candidates if a background check
was the reason why they were not hired. Job prospects would be able to
fix bad information in a report.

A proposed Personal Information Privacy Act would prevent credit

bureaus from selling lists with personal identification ("credit
header") information, such as name, aliases, birth date, social
security number, and current and previous addresses. The bill would
permit the distribution of just name, address and phone number, if


Project OPEN is a joint effort of the Interactive Services
Association, the National Consumers League and leading online and
Internet service companies. It has created two brochures available
from the National Fraud Information Center’s Web site. They are Making
the Net Work for You: How to Get the Most Out of Going Online, a basic
primer for first-time online users, and Protecting Your Privacy When
You Go Online, which provides basic privacy tips and advice on how to
avoid fraud and abuse by safeguarding one’s personal information.
Project OPEN also offers advice for consumers about "spam,"
unsolicited e-mail.

The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) of San Diego is a

nonprofit consumer information program and an advocacy group for fraud
victims. Established in 1992, its Web site is
Its hotline is 1-619-298-3396. Along with the California Public
Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) ( the PRC
developed a two-page flyer entitled "Identity Theft: What to Do If It
Happens to You." The PRC recently published a 12-page guide on
Children in Cyberspace (available on its Web site). It also issued a
fact sheet, "Coping With Identity Theft: What to Do When an Imposter
Strikes." In addition, it published The Privacy Rights Handbook (Avon

Books, September 1997), which contains hundreds of tips for consumers
on how to safeguard privacy, including a chapter on identity theft.

Victims of Identity Theft (VOIT), on CALPIRG's Web site, is a

support group founded by identity theft victim Elsie Strong. Harry
Zuckerman wrote Good Credit: Your Own Fort Knox (sold over the
Internet). Robert B. Gelman and Stanton McCandlish, Program Director
for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, wrote Protecting Yourself
Online: The Definitive Resource on Safety, Freedom & Privacy in
Cyberspace (

Mari J. Frank, an activist victim of identity theft, wrote The

Identity Theft Survival Kit, which may be ordered at Ms. Frank also authored From Victim to Victor,
a step-by-step guide to ending the nightmare of identity theft.

Consumers concerned about privacy of the information they supply

to Web sites can look for seals from at least one of three helpful
organizations. A seal from TRUSTe ( means a Web site
has posted a privacy statement informing consumers what personal
information the site gathers. TRUSTe investigates complaints about its
members’ sites. The TRUSTe seal does not protect consumers from
problems related to the quality of products and services that are
offered by online vendors.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is a Washington,

D.C.-based watchdog group. Its third annual “Surfer Beware” report,
issued in March 2000 and on the Web at
beware3.html, assesses the privacy practices of the 100 most popular
shopping sites on the Internet. The report concludes, “Not one of the
companies adequately addressed all the elements of fair information
practices” outlined in privacy guidelines established in 1980 by the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (
The underlying study also examined the use in Web site operations of
profile-based advertising aimed at specific customers and “cookies,”
files that record users’ browsing habits. Of the 100 sites studied,
according to EPIC, 18 did not display a privacy policy, 35 had
profile-based advertisers operating on their pages and 86 used

The Center for Media Education ( is a nonprofit,

children’s advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C. The
September 1998 issue of PC World is dedicated to online privacy.
Junkbusters Corp. ( has frequently criticized the
FTC on privacy issues but called its recent regulations on children’s
online privacy a “remarkably good job.” To see how cookies work, visit,, a consumer protection site. To learn how
to view, manage and delete cookies, visit Cookie Central. Its Web site
is Privacy Companion™, free software from
IDcide™, can be downloaded from It works with an

Internet browser to alert users when they are tracked on the Internet
and by whom. Users can decide how much information they want to give
away in order to benefit from personalized services.



Despite questions about its legality in the United States,
Internet gambling (sometimes referred to as cyber-gambling,
“nambling,” virtual gambling or interactive gambling) is growing
exponentially. It offers all forms of gambling to every online
household 24 hours a day. Via the Internet, betters can indulge in
casino-style gambling, such as blackjack, poker, slot machines and
roulette. They can bet on sports, horse or dog races, lotteries,
bingo, tournaments, election results, sweepstakes and more. Many
observers believe that online trading in the stock market, especially
so-called “day trading,” is nothing more than gambling on stock market

On May 31, 2000, the Assembly Commerce, Tourism, Gaming and

Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee held an informational public
hearing on Internet gambling. Several witnesses compared prohibition
of the industry to regulation and expanded on why they preferred one
or the other. The Committee gathered facts from experts but made no
official recommendations. A transcript of the public hearing will
appear at

Long distance wagering has attracted the gambling public for a

long time. Currently, seven states permit the taking of bets on horse
races over the telephone from bettors in other states. Two permit
betting on horse races via computer. It may be possible one day to buy
lottery tickets over the Internet 24 hours a day.

The National Gambling Impact Study Commission (

reported in June 1999 that Sebastian Sinclair, a research consultant
for Christiansen/Cummings Associates, Inc., estimated that Internet
gambling more than doubled from 1997 to 1998. He concluded that the
number of Internet gamblers worldwide increased from 6.9 million to
14.5 million and that Internet gambling revenue rose from $300 million
to $651 million. Mr. Sinclair estimated that such revenue would reach
$2.2 billion this year. Some market analysts predict that Internet
gambling volume could reach $6 billion by 2003. By comparison, 450
commercial casinos in the United States had gross revenues totaling
$20 billion in 1998, while American Indian casinos brought in $7.2
billion, according to the American Gaming Association.

Although there is no central registry of Web sites offering
betting, most experts believe there are more than 850. The January 26,
1998 issue of Sports Illustrated noted that Internet sports-gambling
sites increased from two in 1996 to more that 50 by 1998. On February
1, 1999, the Web site Rolling Good Times listed 110 sports-related
Internet gambling sites.

By and large, Internet gambling providers have been confined

physically to locales outside the United States, but Americans have
easy access to their services via the boundless Internet. Most of the
cyber-gambling Web sites are located in the Caribbean, Australia and
continental Europe. Some are fly-by-night, unregulated operations and
some are under limited foreign regulatory control or government

Unregulated or poorly regulated Internet gambling operators can

abuse their customers with little accountability. Operators can alter,
move or entirely remove their sites within minutes, running away with
credit card numbers and money from deposited accounts. To counter such
abuses, several Web sites currently assess the pay out activity of
Internet gambling operations and rate them for reliability.

When a game of chance’s results are not tied to the outcome of a

public event, such as a horse race or a sports contest, an Internet
gambling operator can manipulate the software to achieve a result
which unduly favors the operator at the expense of its customers.
Inadequate or missing regulation enables dishonest operators to tamper
with results with impunity.

Some operators do little to scrutinize the age of online bettors

by verifying identification. Children sometimes have easy access to
their parents’ personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords,
credit card numbers and e-cash (electronic money), although such
access usually does not extend beyond the parents’ receipt of their
first monthly statement showing gambling debts. In the future, we may
see voice recognition, video verification, and thumb print or iris
verification. Currently, telephone-betting systems involving horse
race tracks have built-in safeguards to reduce access by minors.

David Safavian, a principal of Janus-Merritt Strategies, L.L.C.,

a Washington, D.C., consulting firm testified as a representative of
the Interactive Gaming Council (IGC), which is the trade association
for operators and suppliers of interactive wagering systems. Mr.
Safavian asserted, “It is in the operators’ best interest to screen
out minors from the system ….” He cited the operators’ desire to avoid
charge-backs and liability “down the road.” He added that, based on
his observation of some of the 62 operators with the IGC and the
technology available to them, they are “making their best efforts” to
avoid taking bets from children. Mr. Safavian contended that by

relying on credit cards and cross checking databases operators can
have gamblers verify who they are with a reasonable degree of

Mr. Safavian noted that the IGC has “called for hard hitting
third party governmental regulation of Internet gaming.” He testified:
“And let me take a second and say that no one in this [hearing] room,
I suspect, believes the current state of play is appropriate or in the
best interests of the Internet, the player [or] the gaming industry.
Open and unregulated interactive wagering is not a good idea.”

Australia has an official regulatory system in place in five

territories for Internet wagering involving horse racing and sports
betting. The system purportedly protects consumers and permits
taxation. Liechtenstein operates "Inter Lotto," which has a guaranteed
weekly jackpot. A “Big Five” accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers,
audits the site. Other countries with licensing laws for Internet
gambling include Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Cook Islands,
Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Finland, Germany,
Grand Turk, Grenada, Honduras, the territory of Kalmykia in Russia,
Mauritius, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent, South Africa, Trinidad,
Turks and Caicos Islands, Vanatu, and Venezuela. Unlike the situation
involving child pornography, where there is realistic hope that
through strenuous lobbying and enforcement those in favor of a ban may
convince the lion’s share of nations to crusade against such material,
Internet gambling is an activity gradually being embraced by much of
the world.

Of course, the fact that Internet gambling serves a growing

public demand cannot be determinative with regard to legalization.
After all, New Jersey, like most jurisdictions, continues to enact and
enforce laws against narcotics, prostitution, bookmaking and other
vices, even though complete eradication has proven impossible due to
ongoing public demand. And some governmental efforts at reducing
public demand, such as those involving tobacco products, have actually
met with success.


The justifications for the prohibition of Internet gambling were
outlined in the testimony of Assistant Attorney General John Peter
Suarez, Director of the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement, and
fall into three broad categories:

• Sovereignty Protection. Each jurisdiction has its own carefully

crafted policy on gambling, which has usually evolved over time,
and which theoretically takes into account the moral, legal and
economic considerations that will best address the needs and

desires of its population. Internet gambling nullifies this policy
by making casino gambling and sports betting available to all
citizens with access to a computer. This should not be viewed as
analogous to having its citizens travel to another jurisdiction
where gambling is legal, but, rather, as the equivalent of having
outsiders come in and open casinos or betting parlors within the
jurisdiction’s borders.

• Consumer and Public Protection. Internet gambling involving

casino-style games raises numerous consumer and public protection
concerns including: the integrity and financial resources of the
operators; the fairness of the games and the possibility of
tampering by operators or hackers; the availability of effective
consumer-dispute resolution procedures; underage gambling; problem
gambling; and criminal activity, including the misuse of patrons’
financial information, money laundering, etc. Except for the
fairness of the games issue — because the outcomes are public
knowledge and are presumably beyond the control of the operators —
Internet gambling involving sporting events still raises all the
other consumer and public protection concerns.

• Economic Protection. In jurisdictions that have legalized casinos

or sports books, such gambling businesses create jobs, pay taxes
and provide other economic benefits. Real gambling businesses,
which are closely regulated and generally bear the costs of their
own regulation, also participate in programs designed to address
the social problems associated with gambling activities. Internet
gambling presently competes unfairly with real gambling businesses
because it is not locally regulated or taxed. It also creates no
local economic benefits, simply siphoning off profits and leaving
all resulting social problems to be addressed by others.

Prohibition of Internet gambling could involve federal and/or

state activity. Prohibition has been recommended by the National
Gambling Impact Study Commission and, in its final report issued in
March 2000, by the Public Sector Gaming Study Commission.

In most cases, state and federal laws prohibiting various forms
of gambling were adopted before the creation of the World Wide Web.
Owing to the international nature of the business, such laws have
achieved only nominal success in curtailing Internet gambling. Whether
tightened prohibitions would have a significant impact on offshore
operators and their U.S. customers is not clear. Such operators often
are beyond the reach of U.S. laws, and their patrons can effectively
mask their activity.

According to the National Association of Attorneys General
(NAAG), of which New Jersey is a member, the federal Wire
Communications Act of 1961 (Anti-Bookie Act), 18 U.S.C. §1084,
insufficiently prohibits gambling over the Internet. The NAAG cites
six "major deficiencies" in the law:

• It only covers people in the gambling business. It is not a

federal crime to make a bet, even if it is illegal for someone
else to take it.

• The law clearly prohibits taking wagers on sporting events,

but it is unclear whether other forms of gambling, such as
lotteries or Internet casinos, are covered.

• It is a crime to send information that aids in the making of

wagers, but the law is ambiguous about receiving such
information. An Internet gambling operator could claim that
its computers were simply passively receiving bets.

• The law is limited to "wire" communications, meaning

telephones and telegraphs. An Internet operator could get
around the law by using microwave transmitters and home
satellite dishes.

• Telephone companies are not criminally liable if an illegal

bookie uses a telephone, but the NAAG wants Internet service
providers to fall under section 1084. The ISPs would have to
keep track of and censor messages sent by their Internet

• The present law does not allow a "prospective remedy" for law
enforcement. The NAAG wants Internet gambling operators closed
down before they commit crimes.

Thus far, the federal Department of Justice has brought charges

against 22 Internet gambling operators for alleged violations of the
Wire Communications Act. All the defendants operated their businesses
offshore and maintained that they were licensed by foreign

In March 1998, a federal grand jury in New York indicted 22

offshore Internet gambling operators for conspiracy to use telephone
lines to handle sports bets online. Some of the operators had U.S.
offices, including one who operated his business from Cliffside Park,
New Jersey. The operators charged were the most easily targeted: U.S.
citizens, some living in the United States at the time of their
arrests. Ninety percent of the customers were in the United States.
The companies advertised their services via magazines, spam and their
own Web sites. Bettors deposited $100 to $500 to open accounts and

then placed bets via computers or toll-free phone numbers.

The office of U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White sent letters to

telephone companies directing them to discontinue service to the
operators. Of the 22 defendants, 15 entered guilty pleas and six
remain fugitives. Only one defendant, the co-owner and operator of an
offshore sports book, elected to proceed to trial.

In February 2000, a federal jury convicted the defendant of

violating the Wire Act by accepting bets from Americans over the
Internet and by telephone. The defendant, who faces up to 19 years in
prison, was scheduled for sentencing in May and has indicated that he
intends to appeal.

Four states — Louisiana, Illinois, Michigan and South Dakota —

have prohibited online betting by statute. The National Gambling
Impact Study Commission reported that a number of state attorneys
general have initiated court action against Internet gambling owners
and operators and have won several permanent injunctions. Some
companies have been ordered to dissolve, and their owners have been
fined and sanctioned. However, in noting that the impact has been
limited, the Commission concluded: “The large majority of Internet
gambling sites, along with their owners and operators, are beyond the
reach of the state attorneys general.”

Legislation signed on July 17, 1997, made Nevada the first state
to explicitly prohibit — and allow — Internet gambling. The Nevada law
permits licensed race and sports books, off-track pari-mutuel betting
operators and casinos to accept wagers via the Internet. Therefore, it
is a state crime for a Nevada resident to make an out-of-state bet
over the Internet, but legal under that state’s law for certain Nevada
operators to accept wagers from anywhere in the world.

Florida Attorney General Robert A. Butterworth succeeded in

persuading Western Union to stop wiring money to 40 offshore sports
books. Some customers switched to Federal Express to forward checks to
the operators. Florida’s Office of the Attorney General also mailed
letters to media throughout the state advising them to “cease and
desist” advertising for offshore sports books. This did not foreclose
other forms of advertising, such as targeted e-mail, chat rooms and
the like.

On January 8, 1998, the Coeur d’Alene tribe initiated a "US

Lottery" in approximately three dozen states where lotteries are
legal. It ran the lottery through a server located on its reservation
in Worley, Idaho. In December 1998, the U.S. District Court in Idaho
ordered the tribe to cease operations. The tribe then notified players
that it had decided to shut down the enterprise.

Adversaries of illegal Internet gambling have enjoyed some

success attacking the financial transactions necessary to pay off
wagers. Some experts contend that about 85 percent of online bettors
use credit cards. The card issuers and banks worry about charge-backs,
where a player can stop payment on his losing bets. They have
considered banning gambling charges because of recent lawsuits by
bettors contending they do not have to pay debts incurred from illegal
activity. The National Gambling Impact Study Commission mentioned two
such cases. The lawsuits have caused some foreign operators to
conclude that they must have the money in hand in their countries, via
wire transfers or other forms of payment, before they can accept
wagers. This reduces the number of customers willing to patronize
those operations.

So long as they avoid stepping on U.S. soil, foreign Internet

gambling operators may effectively be beyond the reach of any American
law. With perfect scramblers coming online, crooked operators will be
able to hide anywhere in the world, according to Professor I. Nelson
Rose of Whittier Law School. They could post an official licensing
seal from Australia and pretend to their customers to be operating
legitimately. Under such conditions, authorities could put Internet
gambling out of business only by frightening away customers — an
endeavor that might be as futile as Prohibition was for the control of
liquor consumption.

Although gambling via home computer might violate state laws and
may be subject to creative legislation and civil and criminal
enforcement actions, only the federal government may have the full
panoply of resources to aspire to curtail such activity. Recognizing
the difficulties posed by Internet gambling, the NAAG, with the
approval of New Jersey among numerous other states, passed a
resolution in mid-1998 asking Congress to create a new federal crime
part of which would have made it a misdemeanor to make a bet on the
Internet. Wisconsin Attorney General James E. Doyle, who co-chaired
NAAG’s Internet Working Group, wrote to William A. Bible, Chairman of
the National Gambling Impact Study Commission’s Subcommittee on
Regulation, Enforcement and the Internet, that “NAAG has taken the
unusual position that this activity must be prohibited by federal law,
and that State regulation would be ineffective.”

Federal prohibition against bettors would force the federal

government to go after gamblers who make wagers from their personal
computers at home. The U.S. Department of Justice opposed the idea
because it did not want to be in the business of arresting gamblers.
Despite the practical difficulties of enforcement, however, the
National Gambling Impact Study Commission recommended a federal ban on
Internet gambling.

Although the U.S. Senate passed Senator Jon Kyl's (R-AZ) bill,
the "Internet Gambling Prohibition Act," the House counterpart, H.R.
4427, sponsored by Frank A. LoBiondo (R-NJ) died in the House

Judiciary Committee in October 1998. The bills would have amended the
Interstate Wire Act to punish Internet gambling operators and bettors
and to require Internet service providers (ISPs) to block out gambling
sites. The bills were reintroduced in 1999 (see S. 692). They would
provide an exception for pari-mutuels, but an amendment offered to the
Senate bill by Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) would require permission from
a state’s racing commission before an interactive wagering provider
would be permitted to accept accounts from residents of that state.

The 1999 version of the Kyl Bill (which does not criminalize the
act of betting on the Internet) was passed by the United States Senate
in November 1999. A companion bill in the House of Representatives
(H.R. 3125) was approved by the Judiciary Committee in April 2000. It
is not clear at this time whether a federal ban on Internet gambling
will ultimately be enacted, what form such a ban will take, or if any
ban will be enforceable and effective.

If enacted, the federal bills would provide a mechanism for

having interactive computer service providers remove or disable access
to offending Internet gambling sites at the request of federal or
state law enforcement authorities. This, coupled with other potential
legislation against credit card companies and other financial service
providers, advertisers, and other businesses which facilitate Internet
gambling, could be very effective in limiting the availability of such
gambling in New Jersey and the United States.

In any event, a legal prohibition does not need to be 100 percent

effective in order to achieve its goals. The prohibition would be
effective if it deterred a majority of law-abiding citizens from the
undesirable activity. Thus, while determined bettors in a prohibiting
jurisdiction may still find ways to gamble on the Internet, most
citizens will likely avoid Internet gambling in favor of other, legal
methods, at least where such alternative outlets are available and
convenient. And most substantial businesses and financial entities —
particularly those already involved in legal gaming — will probably
shun any industry tainted by the stigma of illegality.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that liquor

Prohibition led to the entrenchment of organized crime in America.
There is a concern that a large-scale investment of enforcement
resources might simply succeed in driving the would-be respectable
cyber-gambling operators out of business, leaving the field to
scoundrels. If it forced the remaining operators to congregate
offshore, prohibition might have the unintended effect of actually
increasing the exposure of children and compulsive gamblers to online
wagering. Meanwhile, it could create a black market that would enrich
offshore companies at the expense of domestic gambling enterprises and
the U.S. economy.

Some observers believe that prohibition promotes unlawful
activity while regulation diminishes it. Many believe that for the
protection of the industry and consumers Internet gambling should be
regulated by a federal agency with adequate enforcement powers. The
federal District Court in New York recently ruled in a pornography
case that it would burden interstate commerce unduly to have 50
different state laws apply to the Internet.

Mainstream gaming providers in the United States, such as

legitimate casinos and race tracks, might want to tap into the
Internet gambling market, but first a widely accepted regulatory
system would have to replace the prohibitive approach now guiding most
North American jurisdictions. Otherwise such providers would
jeopardize their standing in the legitimate casino and pari-mutuel
industries. For the time being, the absence of regulatory oversight in
the United States diminishes American consumers’ confidence in the
integrity of cyber-gambling and keeps demand relatively low. However,
Internet gambling businesses expect revenue to grow as they build
trust both within and outside regulatory mechanisms.

John E. Shelk, Vice President of Government Affairs for the

American Gaming Association (AGA), whose members are the principal
casino resort operators in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and elsewhere,
testified that self-regulation and voluntary guidelines would not be
sufficient. He noted that the minimum age for casino gamblers is 21,
but 18-year-olds can obtain credit cards. He added that casinos in New
Jersey, Nevada and elsewhere have to abide by strict licensing
requirements overseen by independent third parties.

Mr. Shelk pointed out that, putting aside Native-American gaming

with its unique legal status, commercial gaming of the type occurring
in Atlantic City is legal in just 11 of the 50 states. Sports betting,
which Mr. Shelk called “the predominant form of Internet wagering
today,” is legal in just two states: Nevada and, to a limited degree,
Oregon, which links certain lottery games to sports outcomes. Thus,
wholesale permitting and regulating of those two forms of gambling
alone over the Internet would in itself involve a major acceleration
of the official countenancing of gambling activity in America. Most
observers acknowledge, however, that a huge volume of such gambling,
as well as other varieties, already takes place in the underground
economy. Recognizing this “conundrum,” Mr. Shelk testified:

But at the present time, we do have a situation where we have

unregulated gaming taking place, and that’s what we’ve always
opposed, because we believe the integrity of the game is
fundamental to preserving the confidence the customers have in
the gaming opportunities that we and others offer.

Given a choice, most consumers will participate in a regulated
environment when it competes with an unregulated one, because they
want to avoid being victimized by unscrupulous operators. Although a
rogue company could always exist beyond any regulatory pale, its
customer base would shrink as a regulated industry satisfied consumer
demand. The cost of relocating to new Web addresses to avoid
regulatory sanctions would function as the ultimate market-driven
enforcement mechanism.

Some have suggested that an effective regulatory system would

require applicants to prove integrity, suitability, solvency, and
willingness to submit to regulations and a code of conduct. Any
regulatory scheme should prohibit cyber-gambling by minors and
effectively screen them from bettor ranks. It should forbid the
extension of excessive credit, mandate exclusion of problem gamblers,
protect players’ privacy, mandate disclosure of pay outs, require
adherence to complaint procedures, and institute licensing of all key
employees and owners of at least 5% interest. It also should require
submission to audits.

If the Australian Internet-gambling regulatory system proves that

the industry can be effectively regulated and that revenue can be
generated for the government, a similar model could prove to be
acceptable in the United States. Such a system promises to be much
more realistic and enforceable than prohibition.

Regulated online gambling regimes may utilize Remote Access

Verification Environment (RAVE) technology for non-Internet-based
cyber-gambling. RAVE is a product of Bally Gaming and Systems. It
restricts dial-up access to subscribers. As a proprietary “intranet,”
RAVE provides the foundation for an intrastate, closed-loop,
subscriber-based gambling system. Security is achieved through
sophisticated encryption techniques and the use of smart cards to
identify and authenticate users.

David Safavian testified that Alliance Gaming had received

approval in February 1999 from the Nevada Gaming Control Board to
install an interactive intrastate wagering system. According to Mr.
Safavian, a customer would dial into the gaming operator’s network
from his home computer modem number. The operator would use Caller ID
to confirm that the log-on came from the customer’s authorized
location in a state permitting the operator’s forms of gambling.

Several organizations have studied or are studying the complex

issues raised by Internet gambling. On November 30, 1999, the National
Fraud Center (a fraud and risk management consulting firm and a
founding member of the Internet Fraud Council) and Spectrum Gaming
Group (a consulting firm founded in 1993 and headquartered in
Pennington, New Jersey), began a joint project to help governments and

gaming companies regulate gambling over the Internet. The companies
provide regulatory services to governments and work with Internet
gaming companies on self-regulating the industry.

In January 1999, a non-partisan group of state legislators formed

the National Council of Legislators from Gaming States. Funded by a
university research grant, the group and its affiliate members
(various state and local government leaders) will focus on the impact
of gaming in the areas of state fiscal policies and budgets, law
enforcement, state credit ratings, peripheral supporting businesses,
educational programs, employment and families.

The Interactive Gaming Council (IGC) was formed in association

with the Interactive Services Association in December 1996. The Chair,
Susan Schneider, also is CEO and President of The River City Group,
LLC, which publishes a subscription-based electronic magazine,
Interactive Gaming News ( She served as CEO and
President of RGT OnLine, Inc. from 1995-98 where she built the Rolling
Good Times Online consumer publication ( The
Council has adopted a "Code of Conduct" for its members and is
pursuing the formation of an independent regulatory board for the
industry. Representing the IGC at the public hearing, Mr. Safavian
emphasized that the IGC “is seeking third party governmental

Mr. Safavian listed six recommendations for regulation proposed

by the IGC:

1. Enforcement efforts should be focused on the operator, not the

2. Internet gaming companies should submit to U.S. jurisdiction, via
a physical presence or a sizeable bonding requirement, before
offering gaming products to U.S. citizens over the Internet.
3. Operators should be licensed. Licensing compliance should involve
methods to check the integrity of the operations, screen out
problem and under-age gamblers, evaluate the backgrounds of
operators and their employees, and collect appropriate taxes.
4. Beyond some federal activity to cope with the international
aspects of Internet gambling, enforcement efforts should take
place at the state level.
5. In order to ensure parity between cyberspace and the rest of the
world, regulation should require operators to respect
jurisdictional boundaries, especially as evolving technology
permits them to determine the geographic locations of those
logging onto their gaming sites.
6. Open and unregulated gaming should not be acceptable.

Pointing out that “marketing is brand name identity,” Mr.

Safavian contended that major gaming companies would enter and alter
for the better a legalized Internet gambling market. He elaborated:

I would suspect that we have a number of operators offshore that
are merely biding their time until they can sell out, and I’ll
tell you why. If … I were going to [bet online], and I had a
choice between www-dot-no name-dot-com and Caesar’s Palace
Online-dot-com, I know where I’d put my blackjack bet, and I
think others do recognize that.

The North American Gaming Regulators Association (NAGRA)

( has a Cyberspace Gaming Committee. Frank Miller, Esq.,
a past President of NAGRA and the former Director of the Washington
State Gambling Commission, testified about cyber-gambling on February
4, 1998 before the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime.

Although nearly universal agreement exists regarding what an
effective system of Internet gambling regulation should require, it is
much less clear that current technology can insure that such
requirements are met. Many of the Internet gambling regulatory systems
currently extant appear to place significant, if not total, reliance
on the integrity of the operators. Although operator integrity is a
vital part of any gambling regulatory system, casinos and other real
gambling businesses are also subject to continuing and pervasive
scrutiny of their activities. Each gambling transaction is monitored,
each slot machine program is checked, and each chip is sealed into the

To provide regulators with the same or nearly the same comfort

level with regard to Internet gambling, the interactive gaming
industry would have to provide cogent and convincing answers to
questions such as the following:

1. How will regulators be able to assure themselves that the

"prototype" Internet gambling computer program is fair to bettors
and complies with all regulatory requirements?

2. How will regulators be able to assure themselves that the computer

games that bettors are playing are actually operating in the same
way as the "prototype" checked by the regulators?

3. How will regulators be able to assure themselves that the

"prototype" is safe from tampering by operators or hackers? How
will regulators know whether such tampering has occurred? If
tampering does occur, how will regulators deal with it?

4. Is a fair, effective and convenient dispute-resolution procedure

available to bettors? How will regulators be able to "recreate" or

audit gambling transactions that have already taken place? How can
they assure themselves that the computerized records furnished by
the operator have not been altered?

5. How will the Internet gambling operation effectively screen out

underage gamblers?

6. How will the Internet gambling operation effectively screen out

bettors from jurisdictions that prohibit Internet gambling?

7. How will the Internet gambling operation address the issue of

problem gamblers?

8. How will the Internet gambling operation protect the

confidentiality of bettors’ financial information from internal or
external misuse?

9. How will the Internet gambling operation avoid being used as a

vehicle for money laundering and other financial crimes?

10. How can the licensing jurisdiction assure itself that it is

receiving the amount of tax revenues to which it is entitled?

It may be that existing or evolving technology can provide

satisfactory answers to these questions, but such has not yet been

Compulsive people often succumb to the lure of gambling and
degenerate into insolvency, detachment from family and friends, and
despair. Internet gamblers are particularly susceptible to a “cave
syndrome” fostered by convenient, varied and isolated gambling 24
hours a day. Easy access to wagering exacerbates compulsive gambling,
and there is no greater access than that afforded by the Internet.

The National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc. recognized the

multiplying threat of Internet gambling to compulsive gamblers when it
established an Internet Committee. The Council on Compulsive Gambling
of New Jersey, Inc., which takes no position for or against legal or
illegal gambling, is an affiliate of the National Council.

Kevin O’Neill, Deputy Director of the Council on Compulsive

Gambling of New Jersey, testified that he developed the following
dozen recommendations for Internet gambling organizations that are
serious about helping compulsive gamblers:

1. Develop written policies outlining your organization’s commitment

to addressing the issue of compulsive gambling.

2. Provide links to compulsive gambling informational, referral and

help sites.

3. Participate in industry-sponsored responsible gaming programs like

the Interactive Gaming Council’s Helping Hand Program.

4. Post national and international compulsive gambling help-line phone


5. Initiate “loss limits” and cool-down periods for customers.

6. Allow customers who are compulsive gamblers to “self-exclude”


7. Promote corporate responsibility through financial and programmatic

support of both national and international Councils on Compulsive
and Problem Gambling.

8. Develop strict policies on the use of credit for gambling purposes.

9. Provide ongoing education for all personnel on compulsive gambling.

10. Encourage all operators to educate the public regarding available

software filtering products that can deter underage gambling.

11. Develop strong, highly visible warnings pronouncing “no underage


12. Support regulations of Internet gambling that clearly address

prohibitions of underage gambling and funding for compulsive
gambling awareness programs.

David Safavian testified that “the operators are trying to

develop a compulsive gambler or problem gambler database that … looks
for patterns of compulsion ….” He noted that the IGC has a code of
conduct binding its members to do all they can to screen out minors
and help problem gamblers. He cited a Helping Hand Campaign to
encourage the IGC’s members to provide links to compulsive gambler
help sites.

Sales of alcoholic beverages and tobacco over the Internet
present different problems for law enforcement than Internet gambling.
Whereas the cyber-gambling “product” can be accessed entirely online,
alcoholic beverages can be acquired over the Internet only by physical
shipment of bulky material, regardless of how the customer pays for

The Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) in the

Department of Law and Public Safety regulates the distribution and
sale of alcoholic beverages within the State of New Jersey. Current
law in New Jersey, N.J.S.A. 33:1-2, and most other states prohibits
“mail order sales” of alcoholic beverages to state residents by
producers and retailers in other states regardless of whether the
orders are transmitted via telephone, mail or the Internet. Such sales
bypass state regulatory systems for controlling liquor. They
facilitate the delivery of alcoholic beverages to underage persons,
the loss of liquor tax revenue and the transfer of alcoholic beverages
by unlicensed entities.

A bill pending in Congress, H.R. 2031, would permit the chief law
enforcement officer of a state to seek injunctive relief in federal
court against those violating state law regulating the importation and
transportation of alcoholic beverages. It would permit state
enforcement agencies to confront out-of-state shippers with more
confidence in their jurisdiction.

A major concern of opponents of online sales of alcohol and

tobacco is the potential that these products will fall into the hands
of minors on a grand scale. In the case of tobacco, the attorneys
general of 13 states, including New Jersey, have taken steps to stop
online merchants from selling to children a popular brand of hand-
rolled flavored cigarettes from India called bidis (pronounced bee-
dees). Whether orders are placed by telephone or via the Internet,
minors have been able to buy bidis without being asked their age. Law
enforcers and anti-smoking advocates are particularly incensed because
the candy or fruit flavoring added to bidis produced for the American
market make them appealing to young people, and their high nicotine
and tar content make them more harmful than regular cigarettes.

The online tobacco sellers maintain that their sales are legal
because a credit card is needed to make a purchase, and only
individuals over 18 can obtain a credit card legally. This defense
cannot succeed, however, for sales of liquor in those states, such as

New Jersey, requiring purchasers of alcoholic beverages to be at least
21 years old.

In the last six months of 1999, as many as 70 Web sites offering

cigarettes for sale at dramatically discounted prices have sprouted.
These vendors generally operate either from low-tobacco-tax states or
from Native-American reservations, where cigarettes can be bought free
of the 34-cents-a-pack federal excise tax. In either case, consumers
may avoid general sales, use or cigarette tax obligations to their
home jurisdictions.


Computer technology offers many advantages to law enforcement. A
computer terminal in a patrol car can help an officer who pulls over a
car in a remote area to determine whether he is about to confront
someone who has just stolen a vehicle. Another example of high
technology helping law enforcement is face-recognition software, which
was developed by a Jersey City company. In conjunction with closed
circuit televisions in public areas, the software is being used in
several areas in the United States and the United Kingdom to match
faces in the crowd on public streets with photographic databases of
known criminals.

Meanwhile, as society’s use of computers for good has expanded,

criminals have adapted the technology to unlawful activities. To
counter criminal conduct involving computers, law enforcement agencies
will have to enhance their high-technology capabilities, including
investigative techniques, equipment, training, and personnel
recruitment and retention programs. Moreover, the nature and volume of
cyber-crime require cooperation among agencies at every level.

More than perhaps any other area computer crime control requires
cooperation between the public and private sectors. Businesses must
have confidence that reporting computer crimes and cooperating with
investigations will have a positive impact on the bottom line. Law
enforcement must earn such confidence. It also must take full
advantage of the vast expertise available from private sources that
have a keen interest in clean e-commerce and the security and
integrity of cyberspace.


In addition to facilitating a host of high-technology crimes,
computers can help to organize traditional criminal enterprises. They
provide cheap, high quality counterfeits of financial and other

documents. The hard drives of drug traffickers contain financial
records and data about shipments and customers, and Internet
connections do away with the need for open-air drug markets that can
generate complaints from the surrounding neighborhoods. Bookmakers’
computers store records of bets and bettors. Prostitution rings track
employees and their customers electronically. Highly sophisticated
fraud operations have been detailed in computer records. Even detailed
plans for the commission of a murder have been recovered from a
perpetrator’s computer.

The speed, security and anonymity of cyber-payments (i.e. digital

currency or e-money) could render obsolete existing techniques to
track money obtained illegally, which currently center on monitoring
bank transactions. The U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN) ( is working with
other nations and the cyber-payments industry to attempt to develop
effective measures to prevent and detect financial crime and money
laundering. It is predicted that digital currency will be widely
available to the public by the year 2002.

Computers give participants in criminal schemes the ability to

communicate in secret via encrypted messages, over what public hearing
witness John Lucich called “virtual private networks.” For example,
the Cali Cartel, one of the key Colombia-based narcotics-trafficking
groups, has used high-tech encryption to make it difficult for law
enforcement officials to trace any telephone communications made by
cartel operatives.

Criminals sometimes hold “meetings” with co-conspirators on

Internet relay chat (IRC) channels where they can communicate person
to person. They can arrange that no one else “sees” what they say to
one another. These processes can be used to defeat judicially
authorized wiretaps. To discover and hold computer wrongdoers
accountable, law enforcement will have to contend with the near
perfect anonymity afforded by computer networks and the difficulty of
tracing computer communications to their destinations and sources.

Michael T. Geraghty, a member of the team that founded the High

Technology Crime and Investigations Support Unit in the New Jersey
State Police, now is Network Intrusion Detection Manager for the
Corporate Computer and Network Security Division of Lucent
Technologies. Mr. Geraghty testified how encryption technology can be
a mixed blessing in the fight against computer-related crime:

As [encryption] becomes easier to use, it’s going to be a

hindrance in carrying out investigations. However, at the same
time, and I know I’m not in the majority on this, I think
encryption is probably going to be the answer to a lot of our
privacy problems online, a lot of the intrusion problems online.
It’s going to take away a lot of the crime … if we can have

strong encryption over the Internet. No longer will you be able
to pull my credit card number out of a server if encryption is
used properly. So I think on the one hand, it’s going to hinder
law enforcement from looking at a bad guy’s hard drive or a bad
guy’s communications. On the other hand, I think it’s going to
protect the public like nothing else can protect the public.

Law enforcement must act quickly in order to preserve evidence of

computer-related crime. For example, in tracing those who use
computers for criminal activity, law enforcement can seek the
computerized records that Internet service providers (ISPs) keep of
their customers’ account activity. An Internet Protocol (IP) Address
identifies each online session during which a particular customer
connects to the ISP. It is located in the headers on each Internet
communication. The ISP can identify the account used to commit a crime
when provided with the proper legal document, the IP Address, and the
date, time and time zone of the communication. However, ISPs typically
keep their customers’ session records only for short periods of time.

Identifying the ISP account used to commit a criminal act is only

the beginning of identifying the perpetrator. Online criminals “steal”
Internet accounts to direct suspicion away from themselves and toward
innocent account holders. In these cases, law enforcement officials
have to trace money, deliveries or telephone calls to the criminal.

The public hearing highlighted the need to follow proper

procedures when searching for and seizing computer-based evidence.
Successful seizure, handling, retrieval and preservation of such
information — sometimes called computer forensics — require
specialized skills. Since online crime is committed via computer,
there are two scenes of the crime: the victim’s computer and the
criminal’s computer. Each may contain evidence or leads that may help
to thwart a crime in progress.

John Lucich testified about the need for a topflight computer

forensics operation at the state level, complete with highly trained
non-law enforcement personnel in support positions. He related that
Florida has “one of the most successful state run labs … in the United
States.” He added:

[Florida has] developed a system that when a law enforcement

officer seizes a piece of equipment, within a couple of hours,
they work on that and seize initial information off there for the
investigator to often go off and do more investigation. Today, in
a lot of other states, including … New Jersey, it’s often months
before somebody can get access to the initial information off
that hard drive. … But they have private individuals, non-law
enforcement, that support the law enforcement effort, and in that
respect, they are allowed to pay those individuals even more
money. But you also tap into expertise that law enforcement

officers may or may not have, and you can get up and running.

In 1994, the U.S. Justice Department’s Computer Crime and

Intellectual Property Section published federal guidelines for
searching and seizing computers. In April 2000, New Jersey’s Division
of Criminal Justice issued the New Jersey Computer Evidence Search &
Seizure Manual to guide law enforcement personnel looking for computer
and other digital evidence.

Law enforcers must continue to invest in expensive computer

hardware capable of scanning huge hard drives and compressing the data
to preserve it. They must purchase software that will expand the same
data onto CDs that can be presented in court as evidence. They must
learn how to penetrate “booby trapped” operating systems designed to
delete material before investigators can retrieve it.

As law enforcement agencies adopt more modern technology, they

will have to implement sophisticated security measures to safeguard
their sensitive information. In April 1999, for example, a computer
hacker compromised a police department’s investigation into a riot
near the campus of Michigan State University. The hacker broke into
the East Lansing Police Department’s computer through a Web site and
reportedly stole confidential information from nearly 200 informants
who were helping police catch rioters who smashed windows and burned a
police car after MSU’s basketball team lost in the NCAA tournament.

Assisted by high technology, criminals have harassed and

disrupted police investigations in other ways. For example, a
northeastern police department in the midst of a major drug
investigation learned from an informant that the targets were
intercepting the agency’s cellular telephone communications. Computer
hackers also have stolen investigators’ credit information to disrupt
their lives with phony credit charges, bogus liens and the like.

Jurisdiction is one of the greatest challenges to state and local
enforcement in the Internet age. Oftentimes, the person trying to
break into a computer or send pornography to, or lure, a New Jersey
child is doing so from another state. Likewise, the information
necessary to investigate the case may also be in another state. These
two scenarios point up the thorny problems of jurisdiction in a cyber-
world without borders.

The dilemma of trying to obtain the information necessary to

further an investigation is particularly vexing. Territorial
jurisdiction over a criminal episode is addressed in N.J.S.A. 2C:1-3,
which extends the jurisdiction of the courts of New Jersey over

matters where “conduct which is an element of the offense or the
result which is such an element occurs within [New Jersey].” Thus, a
person may be held criminally accountable in New Jersey for behavior
committed in another state.

The situation is not so clear-cut when it comes to obtaining the

evidence of the commission of a crime that exists out-of-state. Many
of the largest companies providing access to the Internet are located
outside New Jersey. It is the policy of many of those companies that
it is necessary to obtain appropriate process from the jurisdiction
where the company offices are located before they will disclose
requested information. This involves a complicated and time-consuming
process of either contacting law enforcement in sister jurisdictions
to put together the process necessary to obtain the requested
information, or the equally cumbersome process of obtaining interstate
subpoenas. Such a requirement is particularly frustrating in that
often the requested information involves records of communications
that took place between two individuals in New Jersey. However,
because the Internet service provider that maintains the records of
the New Jersey communications is out-of-state, law enforcement is
forced to follow time-consuming procedures to obtain that information.
Since computer evidence in general, and the records relating to
electronic communications in particular, are volatile and routinely
destroyed in the ordinary course of business, the delays encountered
in obtaining the process that the Internet service provider will honor
can result in the loss of crucial evidence. Any solution to this issue
is complicated because of the intricate jurisdictional relationships
between and among the states and the federal government that date back
to the mid-nineteenth century.

California recently enacted a law to address the issue of

jurisdiction in two related ways. Section 2105(a) of the California
Corporation Code requires foreign corporations doing business in
California to accept warrants for information and records of
electronic communication services or remote computing services located
outside the state. Section 1524.2 of the California Penal Code
provides that a foreign corporation shall produce the requested
records within five days of service (CAL PENAL § 1524.2(b)(1)). A
California corporation shall treat all warrants for information from
providers of electronic communications services or remote computing
services to the public from states other than California as if they
were issued in California (CAL PENAL §1524.2(c)). The effect of these
statutes is to require any corporation doing business in California to
provide records relating to the provision of electronic communication
services and remote computing services, as they are defined in 18
U.S.C. § 2701 et seq., even if the corporation’s offices and the
information sought are out-of-state. In addition, the legislation
substantially assists law enforcement from other states by making
California corporations subject to warrants from other states as if
California courts had issued them. California has unilaterally

established a system similar to an interstate compact, thereby
overcoming some of the jurisdictional hurdles that state and local law
enforcement encounter.

If a similar statutory regimen were enacted in New Jersey, it

would dramatically reduce the time it takes to obtain records and
other information from electronic communication services and remote
computing services such as Internet service providers. This type of
legislation also would subject foreign corporations, which do
substantial business in New Jersey, to the jurisdiction of this
state’s law enforcement for service of process to obtain crucial
information in the investigation of Internet-based crimes.


No single law enforcement agency can muster sufficient gadgetry
and know-how to address computer crime successfully in isolation. With
enhanced cooperation among large and small agencies, however, the same
technology that assists criminals can provide boundless opportunities
for even a small police department to take advantage of almost
limitless resources. For example, with a remote terminal in a patrol
car, a small-town police officer can obtain immediate help from huge
databases of motor vehicle, fingerprint, fugitive and criminal record

At a meeting of the National Association of Attorneys General in

January 2000, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno called for a LawNet
organization of federal, state, local and even international agencies
to control Internet lawbreakers. As envisioned, teams of highly
skilled computer crime prosecutors and investigators from various
agencies would have access to regional computer forensics laboratories
and other shared technology. Also, a new interstate compact would help
ensure enforcement of out-of-state subpoenas and warrants stemming
from Internet investigations. Thus, a significant role of the proposed
LawNet would be to address questions of jurisdiction.

New York City Police Department Detective Sergeant James Doyle

testified about several states and cities that have dedicated
specialized units to computer crime control. They include
Massachusetts; Sacramento and Santa Clara in California; Chicago;
Illinois State Police; New York City; New York State Police; New
Jersey State Police; Florida; Delaware; and Maryland State Police.
However, most of these units have modest resources. John Lucich
testified that “some of these units on a statewide level have two
people ….” He noted, “Pennsylvania, which is a very large state, has
now three people in that unit run by a corporal.”

Sergeant Doyle testified that his unit has nine law enforcers,

including six investigators, two sergeants and one lieutenant for “the
whole City of New York.” He said his caseload “has doubled every
year.” He bemoaned, “[A]nyone who has a computer crime lab at this
point, the minimum is about six months to get something looked at,
unless there’s some sort of compelling reason it has to get done right
away — for grand jury or something of that nature.” Sergeant Doyle
added that the State of New York’s unit “has four investigators right
now.” Abigail Abraham, who heads the Computer Crimes Investigation
Bureau of the Illinois State Police, testified that she had five
people working for her, with a promise of nine more.

No agency in New Jersey keeps statistics on how many municipal

police departments have officers trained to investigate computer
crimes. Even if law enforcement agencies all had substantial
resources, they would still have to coordinate with one another to an
unprecedented degree in order to combat computer crime successfully.
The boundless Internet, complexity of computer crime detection methods
and potential to tread unwittingly on each other’s cases all cry out
for extensive collaboration among a multitude of agencies with
overlapping jurisdiction. Such cooperation demands frequent and rapid
communication secured by a variety of authentication levels and
encryption devices.

Recognizing the extreme importance of sharing expertise and

coordinating efforts to combat computer crime, top former and current
law enforcement officials and high technology security personnel have
created helpful professional organizations. New Jersey-based
professionals are in the forefront of such activity. The High-Tech
Crime Network, for example (, is located in West
Caldwell, New Jersey. Its mission, since its founding in 1991, has
been “to unite the law enforcement and corporate sector in the fight
against high-tech related crimes.”

As noted above, the High-Tech Crime Network’s Founder and

President, John Lucich, a former top computer crime investigator for
New Jersey’s Division of Criminal Justice, testified at the public
hearing. Currently, Mr. Lucich is President of Secure Data
Technologies Corp. of Fairfield, New Jersey. The Chairman and CEO of
Secure Data Technologies, Thomas Welch, who also testified at the
public hearing, is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of The
Journal of Computer Crime Investigation & Forensics, which is
published quarterly by the High-Tech Crime Network.

Another witness at the public hearing, Michael Geraghty, is the

immediate Past President of the Northeast Chapter of the High
Technology Crime Investigation Association( Currently Network Intrusion Detection Manager
for a division of Lucent Technologies, Mr. Geraghty helped to form and
develop the High Technology Crime and Investigations Support Unit of
the New Jersey State Police. Public hearing witness Detective Sergeant

James Doyle — also a former President of the Northeast Chapter of the
High Technology Crime Investigation Association and its current First
Vice President — supervises the Computer Investigations and Technology
Unit of the New York City Police Department. Public hearing witness
Abigail Abraham, the head of the Computer Crimes Investigation Bureau
of the Illinois State Police, founded and was the first President of
the Midwest Chapter of the High Technology Crime Investigation
Association. These and similar organizations around the country
provide significant assistance to law enforcement personnel trying to
cope with the complexity of computer crime-related investigations. See
the Law Enforcement Internet Intelligence Report at

Computer crime control units have an important obligation to

reach out to students, parents, small businesses and the broader law
enforcement community to let them know how to recognize, prevent and
report computer-related crime. They should maintain Web sites to
educate the public about current computer crime threats and to receive
online complaints.

John Lucich testified about the utility of the task force

approach in controlling high-technology crime. He said he would like
to see a High-Tech Crimes Prosecutor similar to the Environmental
Prosecutor that once existed in New Jersey or the Insurance Fraud
Prosecutor that currently exists here. Such an office would coordinate
the activities of state and county officials, according to Mr. Lucich.

Michael Geraghty testified that one factor hampers New Jersey

agencies’ effective participation in task forces with federal agencies
and other states. Just to obtain subscriber information based on an e-
mail address provided by an ISP, New Jersey law enforcement
authorities must prepare affidavits for a communications data warrant
that can be issued solely by a limited number of specially designated
judges. A subpoena, which is satisfactory in other states or in
federal investigations, is not enough for New Jersey law enforcers. If
federal or non-New Jersey state or local authorities obtain
information via procedures not tolerated by New Jersey’s Constitution,
as interpreted by the New Jersey Supreme Court, the sharing of that
information with New Jersey authorities may jeopardize a prosecution
in New Jersey state court. This may prove to be an obstacle to
effective inter-jurisdictional task force activity in some

Mr. Geraghty added, “[T]he time that it takes to get a

communications data warrant can make or break your case in a lot of
these Internet cases, and that’s because Internet service providers
aren’t bound by any law to maintain records or maintain logs for a
period of time.” He concluded, “[T]he more time you take, the less
chance those logs or those records are going to be there ….”

New Jersey has concentrated much of its computer crime fighting
efforts in two specialized units: the High Technology Crime and
Investigations Support Unit in the Division of State Police and the
Computer Analysis and Technology Unit in the Division of Criminal
Justice (DCJ). These two units coordinate their activities to avoid
duplication of effort. Along with federal, county and municipal law
enforcement representatives, they comprise the Statewide Computer
Crime Task Force, created in December 1999 and growing out of the
cooperation established during the Melissa virus investigation. The
Task Force intends to combat computer crime proactively, but lack of
resources limits its ability to do so more than occasionally.


With just two deputy attorneys general and three investigators,

the CATU, which was established in 1998, performs four crucial
functions in the effort to control high technology crime:

 Technical assistance in the search and seizure of computer and

other digital evidence by DCJ, other state agencies, and county
and local law enforcement organizations.

 Legal advice and assistance to the above organizations.

 Forensic analysis of evidence.

 Investigation and prosecution of complex and high-priority

computer and Internet crimes.

The CATU’s workload is immense. It has seized entire computer

networks in aid of insurance fraud investigations.


Begun as a pilot program with a detective, a supervisor and two

civilian employees in December 1995, the HTC&ISU currently enjoys a
favorable reputation in law enforcement circles as one of the most
capable computer crime control units in the country. Now numbering
nine sworn law enforcement personnel and two civilian employees, the
Unit is one of the largest state organizations dedicated to fighting
computer crime. Initially tasked to install, maintain and support all
of the Criminal Investigations Section’s personal computers, the Unit
now devotes the vast majority of its resources to investigating or
assisting in the investigation of a broad range of computer-related
crimes, including forensic examination of computerized evidence. The
number of matters it has handled has roughly doubled every year since

The HTC&ISU provides training to any law enforcement agency, as
well as civic, business and educational organizations. It has been
overwhelmed by requests for training and hands-on presentations. The
number of such requests increased 50 percent from 1998 to 1999 and
came from agencies as far away as Michigan and New England.

Personnel from the HTC&ISU have helped prosecutors’ offices in

Burlington, Ocean, Salem, Somerset, Bergen and Monmouth counties to
establish their own computer crime investigation units. They also
assisted state police in Delaware, Maryland, Michigan and New
Hampshire with the creation of computer crime control units.

The State Police Web site is being updated to provide information

regarding computer safety and ethics, as well as the proper methods to
report computer crimes. This will implement the Department of Law and
Public Safety’s responsibilities under the High Technology Crimes and
Interactive Computer Services Protection Act, which took effect on May
1, 1999. The Unit also will help the Department of Education and
school boards to fulfill their obligations under the Act to safeguard
students using the Internet at school.

The HTC&ISU plans to provide computer security awareness training

for businesses. Not only would this help to prevent computer-related
crime, it would encourage victimized businesses to involve law
enforcement in the capture of perpetrators.

The HTC&ISU also plans to establish a database of information

about individuals using computers for criminal activity. The database
could serve as a central repository serving the entire state.

With its resources in constant demand, the HTC&ISU can only

occasionally engage in proactive investigations in which Unit
personnel, working undercover, search the Internet for those bent on
criminal activity. If more civilian personnel could be hired to
perform technical forensic assignments, it would free more of the
Unit’s sworn law enforcement personnel for proactive work, including
participation in task forces with other agencies.

Budget limitations and purchasing practices limit the Unit’s

ability to expeditiously obtain state-of-the-art hardware and
software. Although the private sector has offered to donate equipment,
software and services that would add to the Unit’s effectiveness,
ethical concerns restrict the Unit to the State’s resources and

Currently, the HTC&ISU is in the last year of a three-year Edward

Byrne Memorial Grant providing $100,000 per year for three years, with
$75,000 coming from the federal government and $25,000 coming from the
State each year. The money is used to update equipment and training

and was recently used to purchase computer furniture for expanded
quarters to house the Unit at State Police Headquarters.

It is crucial that a core group of investigators and prosecutors
receives enough training to handle computer-related cases properly. In
addition, it is vital that civil attorneys who investigate and
prosecute non-criminal violations of law relating to computers and the
Internet receive similar training. In New Jersey, the divisions of
Criminal Justice and State Police have begun to implement specialized
training programs for law enforcement. The Statewide Computer Crime
Task Force is in the process of designing and implementing a training
program for deputy attorneys general and assistant prosecutors who
must investigate and prosecute computer-related crimes.

Although training is essential to long-term success in

controlling computer-related crime, conducting it can distract the
current small group of experts from what Mr. Geraghty described as
“their normal everyday functions of solving crimes in their own
jurisdiction.” That is why a “train-the-trainers” activity, once fully
implemented, eventually will free the top experts to devote the bulk
of their time to crime fighting activity.

The State Police’s High Technology Crime and Investigations

Support Unit (HTC&ISU) provides training to local law enforcement
officers and makes informational presentations to civic, business and
educational groups. While no agency in New Jersey keeps statistics on
how many municipal police departments have officers trained to
investigate computer crimes, the number of requests for such training
increased 50 percent from 1998 to 1999.

From November 1997 to June 1998, a Deputy Attorney General in the

Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) was assigned to the U.S. Department
of Justice’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section under a
fellowship sponsored by the National Association of Attorneys General.
The first of its kind, the fellowship gave this Deputy Attorney
General, who in 1998 became Chief of DCJ’s Computer Analysis and
Technology Unit, the opportunity to study all aspects of high
technology crime and to share his expertise with training programs
throughout the country. The Division currently is working with other
state and federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Justice,
to develop high technology crime training programs for state and local
police and prosecutors in New Jersey and elsewhere.

In late 1999, DCJ established the Computer and Telecommunications

Coordinators (CTC) program in which select assistant prosecutors
representing New Jersey’s 21 county prosecutors’ offices meet

bimonthly with DCJ deputy attorneys general to address the impact of
emerging technologies on law enforcement in New Jersey. The CTC
program is designed to elicit input from experienced prosecutors in
order to identify new computer and telecommunication issues and
attempt to standardize practices for dealing with them. The
representatives then pass on what they have learned to their
colleagues and make recommendations for more formal training.

The High Technology Crimes and Interactive Computer Services

Protection Act, effective May 1, 1999, appropriated $150,000 to New
Jersey’s Department of Law and Public Safety to prepare for Internet
distribution guidelines and recommendations on computer ethics, proper
methods for reporting high technology crimes, safe computing practices
for children and their families, and methods to filter, screen or
block the receipt of objectionable material on interactive computer
services. In addition, the Department is designing a continuing
educational program to inform law enforcement, educational, civic and
business groups about the emerging issues of high technology crimes
perpetrated through the use of computers.

In recent years, helpful computer crime training has been

available to law enforcement from organizations such as the National
White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), SEARCH Group, Inc. (the National
Consortium for Justice, Information and Statistics), the Federal Law
Enforcement Training Center, and the International Association of
Computer Investigation Specialists (IACIS). The NW3C offers a
collection of Internet resource Web sites at The
IACIS, located at, offers a certification program for
computer examiners. The Computer Forensics Certified Examiner (CFCE)
designation is awarded to law enforcement personnel who complete the
IACIS training and off-site test problems.

Surveys taken in 1997 and 1998 at focus group sessions sponsored

by the Infotech Training Working Group (ITWG), which was organized by
the U.S. Justice Department’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property
Section (CCIPS) in October 1996, revealed that awareness of cyber-
crime remains low. There is a greater demand for training than there
is training available.

To properly address the growing need for training to cope with

high-technology crime, the ITWG evolved in April 1998 into the
National Cybercrime Training Partnership (NCTP) ( or, headquartered in Fairmont, West Virginia. Created
by state, local and federal law enforcement agencies in April 1998,
the NCTP’s primary mission is to train computer crime investigators
and prosecutors. It also helps to equip them and to coordinate their
efforts to curb crime in cyberspace. The NCTP is open to any law
enforcement organization whose mandate includes electronic crime
investigation, prosecution or training. The New Jersey Division of
Criminal Justice is a partner agency.

The NCTP is conducting a comprehensive assessment of the needs of
state and local law enforcement for coping with electronic crime. In
addition, it distributes a 3-part training video and accompanying
manual, Cyber Crime Fighting, to law enforcement personnel.

The U.S. Department of Justice, through the CCIPS, chairs the

NCTP. The National White Collar Crime Center provides full-time
staffers, including instructors, curriculum development specialists
and researchers. In addition to law enforcement agencies, the NCTP
includes technology research institutions, regulatory agencies whose
functions affect electronic crime, and law enforcement professional,
training and research organizations. A Vision and Policy Committee has
nine members representing key areas or initiatives.

In addition to training, the NCTP is creating and maintaining a

clearinghouse to provide points of contact to all law enforcement
agencies for technical, legal and policy issues. It is also developing
a Secure Collaborative Communications Network (SCCN) that will provide
a common platform and protocol among law enforcement agencies at all
levels. Moreover, it provides sources of expert guidance to
investigators. Lastly, the NCTP is supporting research and development
of cyber-tools for law enforcement through its partner agencies.

New Jersey’s Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) is developing

training to supplement the New Jersey Computer Evidence Search &
Seizure Manual, issued in April 2000. In addition, DCJ will
participate in the Judiciary’s annual Wiretap and Communications
Wiretap Data Conference to help judges prepare to review applications
for electronic surveillance of digital communications. County police
academies and prosecutors’ offices have begun to offer introductory
computer crime courses to municipal police and county investigators.

Addressing some of the concerns raised in testimony at the public

hearing, recent amendments to the New Jersey Wiretapping and
Electronic Surveillance Control Act, N.J.S.A. 2A:156A-1 et seq.,
permit better preservation of and quicker access to the records,
including subscriber information, necessary to investigate Internet
crime. New Jersey’s electronic surveillance law now also conforms more
closely to federal law. Thus, the changes enable a more rapid reaction
to the threat of Internet crime and better coordination between New
Jersey law enforcers and their counterparts in the federal government
and other states.


Even where law enforcement personnel have been properly trained
and equipped, there is no clear career path to effectively utilize the

experienced officer or prosecutor’s skills. Two of the witnesses on
the law enforcement panel testifying at the public hearing, Michael
Geraghty and John Lucich, cut short their law enforcement careers
after a few years to pursue high paying, computer security-related
jobs in the private sector. Although they found much that was
satisfying about their law enforcement service, they cited
“bureaucratic nightmares,” budget restrictions and lack of
appreciation of the need for hard-won computer skills as important
reasons for the high turnover among qualified computer crime experts
in New Jersey and elsewhere.

Ms. Abraham testified that, by not permitting salaries beyond

what an investigator’s rank within a larger organization allows, the
government’s pay structure fails to keep pace with the private sector.
She maintained, however, that there are “certain ways in which we can
make the [public] employees’ lives much better,” helping them to cope
with frustrations in government. She cited payment of tuition at
schools and seminars for specialized training and greater allowance of
out-of-state travel for training and coordination with other agencies
as prime examples.

According to Ms. Abraham, computer crime units need enough people

to have someone to fill in when other personnel pursue specialized
computer training or report for training, such as firearm re-
qualification, needed to maintain their status within the larger law
enforcement organization. She maintained that sufficient personnel
help to overcome the problem of turnover when certain members of a
specialized computer crime unit pursue opportunities within the larger
organization or the private sector. She elaborated that her unit
benefited from having a certain number of civilian employees, who tend
to serve for lengthy periods and provide continuity. She viewed the
higher turnover rate of sworn law enforcement personnel as a normal
consequence of career advancement. She indicated that such turnover
would not threaten a computer crime unit’s effectiveness so long as
sufficient training were available to replacement personnel and there
were some overlap with departing officers to ensure a smooth
transition. She noted that officers promoted out of the specialized
unit “cross-pollinate” the larger department with sensitivity to
computer issues and become the “enlightened managers that we need at
another level.”

Mr. Geraghty testified that builders of units dedicated to

computer crime control have to “start looking outside the box.” He
said they have to bring some civilian experts into the State Police
and other law enforcement agencies. However, he cautioned that such
computer security personnel would require a pay scale comparable to
that offered by the private sector.

New Jersey has taken significant steps over the years to ensure
that its laws give enforcement agencies the power to combat computer
crime. These laws also provide recourse for the victims of cyberspace
wrongdoing. In addition, although the State has taken steps to inform
the public and schoolchildren of online dangers, more remains to be

This state also has established a framework of computer crime-

fighting units. Their personnel are conscientious and adept but
overwhelmed with booming workloads. The insufficiency of state
resources devoted to countering high-tech crime will become more and
more conspicuous as society plunges headlong into the computer age.

State and local governments earnestly should devote more

personnel, training and equipment to controlling and preventing
computer crime. They need to increase computer literacy within the law
enforcement community. They also need to work more closely with
federal agencies and private organizations to seek out and neutralize
online predators, intruders and defrauders before their numbers
balloon to unmanageable levels. Lastly, they must increase outreach to
the community to promote confidence that law enforcement can help
individuals and businesses respond appropriately to computer-related
crime. These and other objectives would be advanced by implementing
the following recommendations.



New Jersey’s computer crime law, N.J.S.A. 2C:20-23 through 34,

was enacted in 1984 and should be revised to deal with computer-
related crime in a succinct but comprehensive statutory scheme.
Amendments should recognize technological changes, including the
establishment of the Internet, occurring over the last 16 years and in
the future. Sections recommended for revision appear in italics below
(bracketed material removed and underlined material added).

• N.J.S.A. 2C:20-23 should be amended to revise the definition of

“computer” to be consistent with the federal computer crime statute
and the definition of “data” to address the issue of data stored on
media that are not within the computer, such as removable disks and
external disk drives. The section also should be amended to include
definitions of “Internet” and “personal identifying information.”

2C:20-23. Definitions
As used in this act:

a. "Access" means to instruct, communicate with, store data in,
retrieve data from, or otherwise make use of any resources of a
computer, computer system, [or] computer network, or computer
storage medium.
b. "Computer" means an electronic, magnetic, optical,
electrochemical or other high speed data processing device or
another similar device capable of executing a computer program,
including arithmetic, logic, memory, data storage or input-output
operations[, by the manipulation of electronic or magnetic
impulses] and includes all computer equipment connected to such a
device, [in a] computer system or computer network, but shall not
include an automated typewriter or typesetter or a portable, hand
held calculator.
c. "Computer equipment" means any equipment or devices,
including all input, output, processing, storage, software, or
communications facilities, intended to interface with the computer.
d. "Computer network" means the interconnection of communication
lines, including microwave or other means of electronic
communication, with a computer through remote terminals, or a
complex consisting of two or more interconnected computers, and
shall include the Internet.
e. "Computer program" means a series of instructions or
statements executable on a computer, which directs the computer
system in a manner to produce a desired result.
f. "Computer software" means a set of computer programs, data,
procedures, and associated documentation concerned with the
operation of a computer system.
g. "Computer system" means a set of interconnected computer
equipment intended to operate as a cohesive system.
h. "Data" means information, facts, concepts, or instructions
[prepared for use] contained in a computer, computer system,
computer storage medium, or computer network. It shall also
include, but not be limited to, any alphanumeric, hexadecimal or
binary code.
i. "Data base" means a collection of data.
j. "Financial instrument" includes but is not limited to a
check, draft, warrant, money order, note, certificate of deposit,
letter of credit, bill of exchange, credit or debit card,
transaction authorization mechanism, marketable security and any
computer representation of these items.
k. "Services" includes but is not limited to the use of a
computer system, computer network, computer programs, data prepared
for computer use and data contained within a computer system or
computer network.
l. “Personal identifying information” shall have the meaning set
forth in subsection a. of section 1 of P.L.1999, c. 117 (N.J.S.
2C:21-17a.), and shall also include passwords and other codes that
permit access to a computer, data, data base, computer program,
computer software, computer equipment, computer system, computer

network or computer storage medium, where access is intended to be
secure, restricted or limited.
m. “Internet” means the international computer network of both
Federal and non-Federal interoperable packet switched data

• N.J.S.A. 2C:20-24 should be amended to give the law the ability to

account for the full expense of the harm or loss caused by an
offense. The law should include the cost of repairing or remedying
the harm done by an unlawful act and the cost of generating or
obtaining and storing data as components of the total value.

2C:20-24. Value of property or services

For the purposes of this act, the value of any property or
services, including the use of computer time, shall be their fair
market value, if it is determined that a willing buyer and willing
seller exist. Value shall include the cost of repair or remediation
of any damage caused by an unlawful act and the gross revenue from
any lost business opportunity caused by the unlawful act. The value
of lost business opportunity may be determined by comparison to
gross revenue generated prior to the unlawful act that resulted in
the lost business opportunity. [Alternatively, value] Value shall
include but not be limited to the cost of generating or obtaining
data and storing it within a computer or computer system.

• N.J.S.A. 2C:20-25 should be amended to provide that almost all

conduct that comprises computer crime falls within that section.
The section should include reference to computers, computer
systems, computer networks, data, databases, computer programs and
computer software. The offensive conduct should be segregated into
a series of steps of types of behavior ranging from unlawful access
to damaging or destroying computers. The statute should provide for
gradation of the offense taking into account the degree of damage
caused by the conduct. Also, the statute should make clear that the
conduct should be parsed so that a court would be required to
impose a separate sentence upon a violation for each type of

2C:20-25. Computer-related theft; unlawful access; damage

A person is guilty of computer criminal activity [theft] if he
purposely or knowingly and without authorization, or in excess of
a. [Alters, damages, takes or destroys] Accesses any data, data
base, computer program, computer software, [or] computer equipment
[existing internally or externally to a computer], computer,
computer system or computer network;
b. Alters, damages[, takes] or destroys a computer, computer
system, [or] computer network, data, data base, computer program,
or computer software;

c. Accesses or attempts to access any computer, computer system
or computer network, data, data base, computer program, or computer
software for the purpose of executing a scheme to defraud, or to
obtain services, property, personal identifying information, or
money, from the owner of a computer or any third party; [or]
d. [Alters, tampers with, obtains, intercepts, damages or
destroys a financial instrument] Obtains, takes, copies or uses any
data, data base, computer program, computer software, personal
identifying information, or other information stored in a computer
or computer storage medium; or
e. Accesses any computer, computer system, computer network,
data, data base, computer program, computer software, or computer
equipment and recklessly alters, damages or destroys a computer,
computer system, computer network, data, data base, computer
program, or computer software.
A violation of subsection a. is a disorderly persons offense. A
violation of subsection b. is a crime of third degree, except that
it is a crime of the second degree if the value of the damage
exceeds $75,000. A violation of subsection c. is a crime of the
third degree, except that it is a crime of the second degree if the
value of the services, property, personal identifying information,
or money obtained or sought to be obtained exceeds $75,000. A
violation of subsection d. is a crime of the fourth degree, except
that (1) it is a crime of the third degree if the data, data base,
computer program, computer software, or information has a value of
$500 or more, or it is or contains personal identifying
information, medical diagnoses or treatments, or governmental
records or other information that is protected from disclosure by
law or rule of court, and (2) it is a crime of the second degree if
the data, data base, computer program, computer software, or
information has a value of $75,000 or more. A violation of
subsection e. is a crime of the fourth degree, except that is a
crime of the third degree if the value of the damage is $75,000 or
more. A violation of this section is a crime of the second degree
if the offense results in a substantial interruption or impairment
of public communication, transportation, supply of water, gas or
power, or other public service.
A violation of any subsection of this section shall be a distinct
offense from a violation of any other subsection of this section,
and a conviction for a violation of any subsection of this section
shall not merge with a conviction for a violation of any other
subsection of this section or section 10 of P.L.1984, c. 184
(N.J.S. 2C:20-31), or for conspiring or attempting to violate any
subsection of this section or section 10 of P.L.1984, c. 184
(N.J.S. 2C:20-31), and a separate sentence shall be imposed for
each such conviction.

• N.J.S.A. 2C:20-26 through 30 and N.J.S.A. 2C:20-32 should be

repealed as the provisions of those sections would be incorporated
into the revised N.J.S.A. 2C:20-25.

• Amendments to N.J.S.A. 2C:20-31 and N.J.S.A. 2C:20-33 should be

made so those sections reflect the amendments to the computer crime

2C:20-31. Disclosure of data from wrongful access[; no assessable

damage; degree of crime]
A person is guilty of a crime of the third degree if he purposely
and without authorization, or in excess of authorization, accesses
a computer, computer system, computer network, data, data base,
computer program, computer software, or computer equipment [or any
of its parts] and directly or indirectly knowingly or recklessly
discloses or causes to be disclosed data, data base, computer
software, [or] computer programs[,] or personal identifying
information [where the accessing and disclosing cannot be assessed
a monetary value or loss].

2C:20-33. [Copy or alteration of program or software with value of

$1,000 or less] Affirmative defense
[The copying or altering of a computer program or computer
software shall not constitute theft for the purposes of chapters 20
and 21 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes or any offense under
this act if the computer program or computer software is of a
retail value of $1,000.00 or less and is not copied for resale.] It
shall be an affirmative defense to a prosecution pursuant to
subsection d. of section 4 of P.L.1984, c. 184 (N.J.S. 2C:20-25)
that the actor obtained, copied or accessed a computer program or
computer software solely for personal use, that the program or
software had a retail value of less than $1000 and that the
defendant did not disseminate or disclose the program or software
to any other person. It shall be the burden of the defendant to
prove by clear and convincing evidence this affirmative defense.


• Training for the Computer Analysis and Technology Unit (CATU) in

the Division of Criminal Justice and the High Technology Crime and
Investigations Support Unit (HTC&ISU) in the Division of State
Police should be maintained at levels that ensure that these units
keep stride with developments in and increased use of technology.
As computer related-crimes increase, resources allocated to these
units should similarly increase in order to permit the continued
efficient operation of investigative and prosecutorial functions.

• In addition to law enforcement personnel, it is critical that

investigators and attorneys who enforce civil laws that are used to
combat illicit online conduct (such as the Consumer Fraud Act and
the Law Against Discrimination) receive training in order to remain
current with technological developments and investigative and
litigation techniques related to computer evidence. Therefore,
ongoing training of employees of the Division of Consumer Affairs,
Division of Law and Division of Civil Rights should remain a
priority. Further, periodic reviews of staff and equipment levels
should be conducted and those levels adjusted as computer-related
cases increase.

• The Department of Personnel, coordinating closely with the

Statewide Computer Crime Task Force, should explore ways to
compensate key computer crime enforcement personnel to allow the
State to be competitive with private industry.

• Each prosecutor’s office should be encouraged to consider

establishing a specialized unit dedicated to computer-related crime
or forensics, such as the High-Tech Crimes Unit in the Union County
Prosecutor’s Office. Assisted by the Statewide Computer Crime Task
Force, police departments should assess whether they also could
benefit from establishing such units. At a minimum, every
prosecutor’s office and police department should send primary and
back-up personnel to computer crime and forensics training and give
them responsibility for such matters within the office or

• Computer crime and forensics curricula should be developed for a

complete “train-the-trainers” program for investigators, police,
deputy attorneys general and assistant prosecutors who investigate
and prosecute computer-related crime. Training available from
federal agencies and private organizations should be incorporated
into the program. Study of the Division of Criminal Justice’s
recently issued New Jersey Computer Evidence Search & Seizure
Manual should be integrated with the training.

• The Statewide Computer Crime Task Force should continue to help to

coordinate computer crime control activity among federal, state,
county and municipal participants. All agencies with dedicated
computer crime control units or personnel should participate at
some level. The task force should promote and coordinate effective
security measures for law enforcement computer networks and
electronic communication throughout New Jersey.

• Law enforcement agencies should encourage their computer crime

control staff to become members of the High-Tech Crime Network, the
Northeast Chapter of the High Technology Crime Investigation
Association or comparable organizations by subsidizing the cost of
membership and providing work time to participate in organization



 Adults need to develop “street smarts” about the information

superhighway in order to protect themselves and their children from
computer criminals. Therefore, all school district and community
college adult and extension education programs should offer
instruction on computer crime recognition and prevention. Four-year
colleges and universities should build into their curricula
components that alert students about online dangers.

 All public libraries should have at least one Internet access

terminal that uses software to screen out offensive material and
prevent children from providing personal information over the
Internet. Children’s library access to the Internet should be
limited to such terminals unless they have parental consent to use
unrestricted terminals. Terminals with unrestricted Internet access
and reserved for adults should be arranged so that only the user
can observe the screen.

 All public schools should determine if there is a need to install

monitoring or tracking software on their Internet-connected
computers and periodically review student use to detect behavior
that warrants counseling.

 All public school teachers whose courses involve student use of the
Internet should receive training in the instruction of Internet
safety and the application of critical thinking skills to online
information. Public school teachers can use the resources of the
Educational Technology Training Centers (ETTCs), that include
Internet safety training in each training session that addresses
Internet activities, and the Commission on Holocaust Education,
which works with the ETTCs to offer special training sessions that
incorporate topics such as Internet safety and false information
about the Holocaust.

 Even though 95 percent of the schools in New Jersey already have an

acceptable use policy, it is crucial that every public school
district should adopt and fully implement acceptable use policies
for filtered and unfiltered stations on their networks. Model
acceptable use policies are available on the Department of
Education Web site (

 The Department of Education (DOE) should ensure that all public

school districts fully implement the High Technology Crimes and
Interactive Computer Services Protection Act, which took effect on
May 1, 1999. The DOE addresses the requirements of the law through

a variety of means, including a special Web site located at The Web site offers
information about where guidelines and curriculum material on the
ethical use of computers, Internet safety, evaluating Web sites and
filtering information may be accessed. The Web site is constantly
evolving to meet the needs of schools on the potential risks and
dangers related to interactive computer services.

 Consideration should be given to providing additional resources to

the Commission on Holocaust Education so that it can study the
extent of false and misleading information about the Holocaust on
the Internet. Then, the Commission should present its findings
about the harmful effects of such information to the Department of
Law and Public Safety, the Department of Education and local school
districts for incorporation into Internet safety warnings and

 The Department of Law and Public Safety should issue safe computing
guidelines on a Web site and publicize its availability. This would
implement a key responsibility given to the Department by the High
Technology Crimes and Interactive Computer Services Protection Act.

 Internet service providers should be encouraged to prepare

carefully, and to enforce strictly, terms of service agreements
with their customers in order to bar material containing
expressions of hate, indulging in child pornography or
exploitation, touting get-rich-quick schemes, or encouraging other
offensive activity. Customers should patronize only those ISPs that
can demonstrate a significant track record of excluding such
offensive content.


 Internet service providers should be required to maintain their

customers’ session records so that law enforcement authorities can
make properly authorized inquiries concerning online criminal
activity or wrongdoing. The exact period for mandatory retention
should be determined by the technical capability to store such
records and the needs of law enforcement, as determined by
experience with previous investigations.

 State law should be reviewed to determine whether a new law is

needed in order to provide the state Attorney General additional
authority to issue administrative subpoenas for computer records.

 New Jersey should pass laws requiring any corporations doing

business in this state to comply, within five days of service, with
compulsory process from proper authorities in this or other states

seeking information and records of electronic communication
services or remote computing services located outside New Jersey.
Alternatively, New Jersey should encourage a new interstate compact
that would help ensure enforcement of out-of-state subpoenas and
warrants stemming from Internet investigations.


 By formal resolution, and in cooperation with the State’s Executive

Branch, the New Jersey Legislature should call upon the federal
government to enact and implement the following new federal laws,
enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), to enhance privacy
in cyberspace:

♦ Web sites, online vendors and interactive computer services

should be prohibited from collecting or storing information
regarding subscribers or customers without proper protection of
privacy interests. Unless dissemination of the information
collected is necessary to further the customer/vendor commercial
relationship, the subscriber or customer should be fully informed
of the potential dissemination and given an opportunity to
preclude it (“opt out”) by withholding consent. A procedure
should be established to inform the subscriber or customer of the
information maintained about him or her and to permit correction
of any errors. The law should require the FTC to promulgate
regulations to protect the privacy of the personal information
collected over the Internet from or about private individuals who
are not covered by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
of 1998. State attorneys general should be authorized to bring
federal actions against violators upon giving notice to the FTC.

♦ Using, or causing to be used, an electronic mail service

provider’s system in violation of its policy prohibiting or
restricting the use of its service or equipment for unsolicited
electronic mail commercial advertisements should be prohibited.
Providers should be afforded significant civil remedies against
violators, including liquidated damages set forth in the statute
and attorney’s fees.

♦ Sending unsolicited commercial electronic mail to another person

should be prohibited if the other person asks that it not be
sent. Specifically, the law should forbid failing to comply with
the request of a recipient of unsolicited e-mail, delivered to
the sender’s e-mail address, to stop sending such messages. The
law also should require the person initiating any such e-mail to
provide a bona fide name, physical address, e-mail address and
telephone number, as well as notice that no further transmissions
will occur upon receipt of a request to end them. Civil remedies

should be afforded to state attorneys general and aggrieved
private individuals.

♦ Sending unsolicited e-mail containing a false or misappropriated

name of the sender, e-mail return address, or name and phone
number of a contact person should be prohibited. The law also
should bar sending an unsolicited e-mail to an interactive
computer service with knowledge that the message falsifies an
Internet domain, header information, date or time stamp,
originating e-mail address or other identifier. Lastly, the law
should forbid using, creating, selling or distributing any
computer software that creates on an e-mail message false
Internet domain, header information, date or time stamp,
originating e-mail address or other identifier.

 New Jersey should enact a law prohibiting public, charter and

private schools from disclosing personal information about students
on their Web sites without first receiving parental consent to the
extent allowed under the federal Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act.


 Consideration should be given to adopting legislation to authorize

the New Jersey State Board of Pharmacy in the Division of Consumer
Affairs to license out-of-state pharmacies doing business with New
Jersey residents over the Internet.

 A new federal law should be passed permitting state attorneys

general to seek injunctive relief in federal court against those
violating state laws regulating Internet sales of intoxicating
liquor and tobacco.

 Federal legislation should be adopted prohibiting the sale of guns,

ammunition or explosives over the Internet.


 The Statewide Computer Crime Task Force should set up a 24-hour

toll-free hotline telephone service to receive complaints of
computer-related crime. The number should be publicized as a place
to report online child pornography, cyber-stalking, threats of
violence in schools or elsewhere, online fraud, and unauthorized
intrusions into computer systems.

 The Department of Law and Public Safety’s Web site for safe

computing guidelines should include electronic forms for filing
complaints of computer-related wrongdoing with enforcement


• As an unauthorized form of gambling, Internet gambling is illegal

in New Jersey, and the prohibition on such gambling should be

• New Jersey should not encourage additional legalized gambling and

should continue to support passage of Senator Kyl’s Internet
Gambling Prohibition Act of 1999 ("Kyl Bill") and its House
equivalent by Congress. New Jersey should similarly support
stringent enforcement of the Kyl Bill as well as the 1961 Federal
Wire Act as it pertains to Internet gambling.

• As one of the means of enforcing a prohibition of Internet gambling

by New Jerseyans, specific legislation addressing the issue should
be considered. For example, it may be possible to develop
legislation that would discourage credit card and other financial
service companies from providing the means to engage in illegal
Internet gambling.

• In the event a federal prohibition of Internet gambling is not

enacted, and state attempts at prohibition prove to be ineffective
or contrary to New Jersey’s interests, the regulation of Internet
gambling should expeditiously be reconsidered.

* * *
The State Commission of Investigation and the Attorney General wish to
extend special thanks to the following staff who assisted in the
preparation of the joint public hearing and this report:

• Robert J. Clark, Deputy Director, State

Commission of Investigation

• Christopher G. Bubb, Chief, Computer

Analysis and Technology Unit, Division of
Criminal Justice

• Brian J. Litten, Chief Legislative

Counsel, Office of the Attorney General

• Amy E. Melick, Legislative Counsel,

Office of the Attorney General


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