The document provides an overview of the external assessment process in strategic management. It discusses the following key points:
1) An external audit identifies opportunities from external forces like economic, social, political, technological, and competitive factors that could benefit the firm. It also helps identify threats from these factors.
2) Performing an external audit involves gathering competitive intelligence and information about trends in various external factors. This information comes from sources like magazines, journals, the internet, suppliers, customers, and competitors.
3) Key external factors that impact firm performance include industry properties, the state of the global economy, economic variables, social and demographic changes, political/legal changes, and technological advances. Monitoring these factors is important
The document provides an overview of the external assessment process in strategic management. It discusses the following key points:
1) An external audit identifies opportunities from external forces like economic, social, political, technological, and competitive factors that could benefit the firm. It also helps identify threats from these factors.
2) Performing an external audit involves gathering competitive intelligence and information about trends in various external factors. This information comes from sources like magazines, journals, the internet, suppliers, customers, and competitors.
3) Key external factors that impact firm performance include industry properties, the state of the global economy, economic variables, social and demographic changes, political/legal changes, and technological advances. Monitoring these factors is important
The document provides an overview of the external assessment process in strategic management. It discusses the following key points:
1) An external audit identifies opportunities from external forces like economic, social, political, technological, and competitive factors that could benefit the firm. It also helps identify threats from these factors.
2) Performing an external audit involves gathering competitive intelligence and information about trends in various external factors. This information comes from sources like magazines, journals, the internet, suppliers, customers, and competitors.
3) Key external factors that impact firm performance include industry properties, the state of the global economy, economic variables, social and demographic changes, political/legal changes, and technological advances. Monitoring these factors is important
The document provides an overview of the external assessment process in strategic management. It discusses the following key points:
1) An external audit identifies opportunities from external forces like economic, social, political, technological, and competitive factors that could benefit the firm. It also helps identify threats from these factors.
2) Performing an external audit involves gathering competitive intelligence and information about trends in various external factors. This information comes from sources like magazines, journals, the internet, suppliers, customers, and competitors.
3) Key external factors that impact firm performance include industry properties, the state of the global economy, economic variables, social and demographic changes, political/legal changes, and technological advances. Monitoring these factors is important
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Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes
I. THE NATURE OF AN EXTERNAL AUDIT The purpose of an external audit is to develop a finite list of opportunities that ould !enefit a fir" and avoid threats. A. #e$ External Fores %. External fores an !e divided into five !road ate&ories' (%) eono"i fores* (+) soial, ultural, de"o&raphi, and natural environ"ent fores* (-) politial, &overn"ental, and le&al fores* (.) tehnolo&ial fores* and (/) o"petitive fores. +. External trends and events si&nifiantl$ affet all produts, servies, "ar0ets, and or&ani1ations in the 2orld. -. 3han&es in external fores translate into han&es in onsu"er de"and for !oth industrial and onsu"er produts and servies. An exa"ple of this is the rise of the U.4. une"plo$"ent rate in 5une +667 to over 7 perent. 8. The 9roess of 9erfor"in& an External Audit %. The proess of perfor"in& an external audit "ust involve as "an$ "ana&ers and e"plo$ees as possi!le. +. To perfor" an external audit, a o"pan$ first "ust &ather o"petitive intelli&ene and infor"ation a!out soial, ultural, de"o&raphi, environ"ental, eono"i, politial, le&al, &overn"ental, and tehnolo&ial trends. a. Individuals an !e as0ed to "onitor various soures of infor"ation suh as 0e$ "a&a1ines, trade :ournals, and ne2spapers. !. The Internet is another soure for &atherin& strate&i infor"ation, as are orporate, universit$, and pu!li li!raries. . 4uppliers, distri!utors, salespersons, usto"ers, and o"petitors represent other soures of vital infor"ation. -. One infor"ation is &athered, it should !e assi"ilated, evaluated, and prioriti1ed. .. #e$ external fators should !e i"portant to ahievin& lon& ter" and annual o!:etives, "easura!le, applia!le to all o"petin& fir"s, and hierarhial in the sense that so"e 2ill pertain to the overall o"pan$ 2hile others 2ill !e "ore narro2l$ foused. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes II. THE INDU4TRIAL OR=ANI>ATION (I?O) @IEA A. External Fators versus Internal Fators %. External fators are "ore i"portant than internal fators in a fir" ahievin& o"petitive advanta&e. Or&ani1ational perfor"ane is pri"aril$ deter"ined !$ industr$ fores. +. ;ana&in& strate&iall$ fro" the I?O perspetive entails fir"s strivin& to o"pete in attrative industries, avoidin& 2ea0 or falterin& industries, and &ainin& a full understandin& of 0e$ external fator relationships. 8. Fators Affetin& Fir" 9erfor"ane %. Fir" perfor"ane is pri"aril$ !ased on industr$ properties suh as eono"ies of sale, !arriers to "ar0et entr$, produt differentiation, and level of o"petitiveness. +. The &lo!al eono"i reessionBs i"pat on !oth stron& and 2ea0 fir"s has added redene to the notion that external fores are "ore i"portant than internal. ;an$ thousands of internall$ stron& fir"s in +66<C+66D disappeared in +66EC+667. III. E3ONO;I3 FOR3E4 A. Eono"i Fators Have a Diret I"pat %. Eono"i fators have a diret i"pat on the potential attrativeness of various strate&ies. For exa"ple, if interest rates rise, then funds needed for apital expansion !eo"e "ore ostl$ or unavaila!le. +. The 0e$ eono"i varia!les that a fir" should "onitor inlude' (%) shifts to a servie eono"$ in the United 4tates* (+) availa!ilit$ of redit* (-) level of disposa!le ino"e* (.) propensit$ of people to spend* (/) interest rates* (<) inflation rate* (D) une"plo$"ent trends* and so on. -. Trends in the dollarBs value have si&nifiant and uneFual effets on o"panies in different industries and in different loations. For exa"ple, the phar"aeutial, touris", entertain"ent, "otor vehile, aerospae, and forest produts industries !enefit &reatl$ 2hen the dollar falls a&ainst the $en and euro. A&riultural and petroleu" industries are hurt !$ the dollarBs rise a&ainst the urrenies of U4, U#, 3anada .. Risin& une"plo$"ent rates aross the United 4tates and 5a"aia has touhed off a rae a"on& states to attrat !usinesses 2ith tax !rea0s and finanial inentives. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes /. The slu"pin& eono"$ 2orld2ide and depressed pries of assets have dra"atiall$ slo2ed the "i&ration of people fro" ountr$ to ountr$ and fro" the ities to the su!ur!s. As a result, there is lo2er de"and for ne2 or used ho"es. I@. 4O3IAL, 3ULTURAL, DE;O=RA9HI3, AND NATURAL EN@IRON;ENT FOR3E4 A. 4oial, 3ultural, De"o&raphi, and Environ"ental I"pat %. 4oial, ultural, de"o&raphi, and environ"ental han&es have a "a:or i"pat on virtuall$ all produts, servies, "ar0ets, and usto"ers. +. 4oial, ultural, de"o&raphi, and environ"ental trends are shapin& the 2a$ people live, 2or0, produe, and onsu"e. Ne2 trends are reatin& a different t$pe of onsu"er and, onseFuentl$, a need for different produts, servies, and strate&ies. @. 9OLITI3AL, =O@ERN;ENTAL, AND LE=AL FOR3E4 A. The =overn"ent are "a:or re&ulators, dere&ulators, su!sidi1ers, e"plo$ers, and usto"ers of or&ani1ations. 9olitial, &overn"ental, and le&al fators, therefore, an represent 0e$ opportunities or threats for !oth s"all and lar&e or&ani1ations. %. For industries and fir"s that depend heavil$ on &overn"ent ontrats or su!sidies, politial foreasts an !e the "ost i"portant part of an external audit. +. 3han&es in patent la2s, antitrust le&islation, tax rates, and lo!!$in& ativities an affet fir"s si&nifiantl$. -. In the fae of a deepenin& &lo!al reession, ountries 2orld2ide are resortin& to protetionis" to safe&uard their o2n industries. ;an$ eono"ists point out that the urrent rash of trade onstraints 2ill "a0e it harder for &lo!al eono"i &ro2th to reover fro" the &lo!al reession. .. =overn"ents are ta0in& ontrol of "ore and "ore o"panies as the &lo!al eono"i reession ripples fir"s onsidered vital to the nationBs finanial sta!ilit$. As "ore and "ore o"panies around the 2orld aept &overn"ent !ailouts, those o"panies are !ein& fored to "arh to priorities set !$ politial leaders. 8. Loal and entral &overn"ent, and speial interest &roups an have a "a:or i"pat on the strate&ies of s"all, lar&e, forCprofit, and nonprofit or&ani1ations. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes @I. TE3HNOLO=I3AL FOR3E4 A. Revolutionar$ tehnolo&ial han&es and disoveries are havin& a dra"ati i"pat on or&ani1ations. %. ;$4pae expets a %D perent inrease in revenue in +667. Nearl$ half of the siteBs %-6 "illion "e"!ers 2orld2ide are -/ and older, and D< "illion of the "e"!ers are fro" the United 4tates. +. The Internet is han&in& the ver$ nature of opportunities and threats !$ alterin& the life $les of produts, inreasin& the speed of distri!ution, reatin& ne2 produts and servies, erasin& li"itations of traditional &eo&raphi "ar0ets, and han&in& the historial tradeCoff !et2een prodution standardi1ation and flexi!ilit$. -. To effetivel$ apitali1e on infor"ation tehnolo&$, a nu"!er of or&ani1ations are esta!lishin& t2o ne2 positions in their fir"s' hief infor"ation offier (3IO) and hief tehnolo&$ offier (3TO). This trend reflets the &ro2in& i"portane of infor"ation tehnolo&$ (IT) in strate&i "ana&e"ent. 8. Tehnolo&ial fores represent "a:or opportunities and threats that "ust !e onsidered in for"ulatin& strate&ies. %. Tehnolo&ial advane"ents an dra"atiall$ affet or&ani1ationsB produt, servies, "ar0ets, suppliers, distri!utors, o"petitors, usto"ers, "anufaturin& praties, and o"petitive position. +. Tehnolo&$ "ana&e"ent is one of the 0e$ responsi!ilities of strate&ists. Fir"s should pursue strate&ies that ta0e advanta&e of tehnolo&ial opportunities to ahieve sustaina!le, o"petitive advanta&es in the "ar0etplae. -. Not all setors of the eono"$ are affeted eFuall$ !e tehnolo&ial develop"ents. A reent Wall Street Journal artile detailed ho2 2ireless tehnolo&$ 2ill han&e %6 partiular industries. @II. 3O;9ETITI@E FOR3E4 A. An i"portant part of an external audit is identif$in& rival fir"s and deter"inin& their stren&ths, 2ea0nesses, opportunities, threats, o!:etives, and strate&ies. 3olletin& and Evaluatin& infor"ation on o"petitors is essential for suessful strate&$ for"ulation. 8. 4even onepts desri!e the "ost o"petitive o"panies' %. ;ar0et share "atters. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes +. Understand and re"e"!er preisel$ 2hat !usiness $ou are in. -. Ahether itBs !ro0e or not, fix it. .. Innovate or evaporate. AFuisition is essential to &ro2th. /. 9eople "a0e a differene. <. There is no su!stitute for Fualit$. 3. 3o"petitive Intelli&ene (3I) 9ro&ra"s %. 3I, as for"all$ defined !$ the 4oiet$ of 3o"petitive Intelli&ene 9rofessionals (43I9), is a s$ste"ati and ethial proess of &atherin& and anal$1in& infor"ation a!out the o"petitionBs ativities and &eneral !usiness trends to further a !usinessBs o2n &oals. +. =ood 3I in !usiness, as in the "ilitar$, is one of the 0e$s to suess. The "ore infor"ation and 0no2led&e a fir" an o!tain a!out o"petitors, the "ore li0el$ it an for"ulate and i"ple"ent effetive strate&ies. -. Three stron& "isoneptions a!out !usiness intelli&ene prevail a"on& U.4. exeutives toda$' a. Runnin& an intelli&ene pro&ra" reFuires lots of people, o"puters, and other resoures. !. 3olletin& intelli&ene a!out o"petitors violates antitrust la2s* !usiness intelli&ene eFuals espiona&e. . Intelli&ene &atherin& is an unethial !usiness pratie. .. The Internet has !eo"e an exellent "ediu" for &atherin& o"petitive intelli&ene. /. Fir"s need an effetive 3I pro&ra". The three !asi o!:etives of a 3I pro&ra" are (%) to provide a &eneral understandin& of an industr$ and its o"petitors, (+) to identif$ areas in 2hih o"petitors are vulnera!le and to assesses the i"pat strate&i ations 2ould have on o"petitors, and (-) to identif$ potential "oves that a o"petitor "i&ht "a0e that 2ould endan&er a fir"Bs position in the "ar0et. <. 3o"petitive infor"ation is eFuall$ applia!le for strate&$ for"ulation, i"ple"entation, and evaluation deisions. D. Unethial tatis suh as !ri!er$, 2iretappin&, and o"puter !rea0Cins should never !e used to o!tain infor"ation. D. ;ar0et 3o""onalit$ and Resoure 4i"ilarit$ %. 3o"petitors are fir"s that offer si"ilar produts in the sa"e "ar0et. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes +. ;ar0ets an !e &eo&raphi, produt areas, or se&"ents. -. ;ar0et o""onalit$ an !e defined as the nu"!er and si&nifiane of "ar0ets that a fir" o"petes in 2ith rivals. .. Resoure si"ilarit$ is the extent to 2hih the t$pe and a"ount of a fir"Bs internal resoures are o"para!le to a rival. @III. 3O;9ETITI@E ANALG4I4' 9ORTERB4 FI@ECFOR3E4 ;ODEL A. 9orterBs FiveCFores ;odel %. 9orterBs FiveCFores ;odel of o"petitive anal$sis is a 2idel$ used approah for developin& strate&ies in "an$ industries. Fi&ure -C- illustrates 9orterBs FiveCFores ;odel. The intensit$ of o"petition a"on& fir"s varies 2idel$ fro" industr$ to industr$. +. Aordin& to 9orter, the nature of o"petitiveness in a &iven industr$ an !e vie2ed as a o"posite of five fores' a. Rivalr$ a"on& o"petitive fir"s. !. 9otential entr$ of ne2 o"petitors. . 9otential develop"ent of su!stitute produts. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes d. 8ar&ainin& po2er of suppliers. e. 8ar&ainin& po2er of onsu"ers. -. These three steps an reveal 2hether o"petition in a &iven industr$ is suh that a fir" an "a0e an aepta!le profit' a. Identif$ 0e$ aspets or ele"ents of eah o"petitive fore that i"pat the fir". !. Evaluate ho2 stron& and i"portant eah ele"ent is for the fir". . Deide 2hether the olletive stren&th of the ele"ents is 2orth the fir" enterin& or sta$in& in the industr$. .. Rivalr$ a"on& 3o"petin& Fir"s a. Usuall$ the "ost po2erful of the five o"petitive fores. !. The strate&ies pursued !$ one fir" an !e suessful onl$ to the extent that the$ provide o"petitive advanta&e over the strate&ies pursued !$ rival fir"s. . FreeCflo2in& infor"ation on the Internet is drivin& do2n pries and inflation 2orld2ide. d. The intensit$ of rivalr$ a"on& o"petin& fir"s tends to inrease as the nu"!er of o"petitors inreases. /. 9otential Entr$ of Ne2 3o"petitors a. Ahenever ne2 fir"s an easil$ enter a partiular industr$, the intensit$ of o"petitiveness a"on& fir"s inreases. !. Despite nu"erous !arriers to entr$, ne2 fir"s so"eti"es enter industries 2ith hi&herCFualit$ produts, lo2er pries, and su!stantial "ar0etin& resoures. <. 9otential Develop"ent of 4u!stitute 9roduts a. In "an$ industries, fir"s are in lose o"petition 2ith produers of su!stitute produts in other industries. !. 3o"petitive pressures arisin& fro" su!stitute produts inrease as the relative prie of su!stitute produts delines and as onsu"ersB s2ithin& osts derease. D. 8ar&ainin& 9o2er of 4uppliers. a. The !ar&ainin& po2er of suppliers affets the intensit$ of o"petition in an industr$, espeiall$ 2hen there are a lar&e nu"!er of suppliers, 2hen there are onl$ a fe2 &ood su!stitute ra2 "aterials, or 2hen the ost of s2ithin& ra2 "aterials is espeiall$ ostl$. !. Fir"s "a$ pursue a !a02ard inte&ration strate&$ to &ain ontrol or o2nership of suppliers. Ho2ever, in "an$ industries it is "ore eono"ial to use outside suppliers of o"ponent parts than to selfC"anufature ite"s. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes . In "ore and "ore industries, sellers are for&in& strate&i partnerships 2ith selet suppliers to' %) redue inventor$ and lo&istis osts* +) speed the availa!ilit$ of nextC&eneration o"ponents* -) enhane the Fualit$ of the parts and o"ponents !ein& supplied and redue defet rates* and .) sFuee1e out i"portant ost savin&s. E. 8ar&ainin& 9o2er of 3onsu"ers. a. Ahen usto"ers are onentrated, lar&e, or !u$ in volu"e, their !ar&ainin& po2er represents a "a:or fore affetin& intensit$ of o"petition in an industr$. !. In partiular, onsu"ers &ain inreasin& !ar&ainin& po2er under the follo2in& iru"stanes' o If the$ an inexpensivel$ s2ith to o"petin& !rands or su!stitutes. o If the$ are partiularl$ i"portant to the seller. o If sellers are stru&&lin& in the fae of fallin& onsu"er de"and. o If the$ are 2ell infor"ed a!out sellersB produts, pries, and osts. o If the$ have disretion in 2hether and 2hen the$ purhase the produt. IX. 4OUR3E4 OF EXTERNAL INFOR;ATION A. A 2ealth of infor"ation is availa!le to or&ani1ations fro" !oth pu!lished and unpu!lished soures. %. Unpu!lished soures inlude usto"er surve$s, "ar0et researh, speehes at professional and shareholdersB "eetin&s, television pro&ra"s, intervie2s, and onversations 2ith sta0eholders. +. 9u!lished soures of strate&i infor"ation inlude periodials, :ournals, reports, &overn"ent dou"ents, a!strats, !oo0s, diretories, ne2spapers, and "anuals. 8. Ae! 4ites for &atherin& strate&i infor"ation'
X. FORE3A4TIN= TOOL4 AND TE3HNIHUE4 A. Foreasts %. Foreasts are eduated assu"ptions a!out future trends and events. +. Foreastin& is a o"plex ativit$ due to fators suh as tehnolo&ial innovation, ultural han&es, ne2 produts, i"proved servies, stron&er o"petitors, shifts in &overn"ent priorities, han&in& soial values, unsta!le eono"i onditions, and unforeseen events. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes -. Foreastin& tools an !e !roadl$ ate&ori1ed into t2o &roups' Fuantitative tehniFues and Fualitative tehniFues. a. Huantitative foreasts are "ost appropriate 2hen histori data are availa!le and 2hen the relationships a"on& 0e$ varia!les are expeted to re"ain the sa"e in the future. Linear re&ression, for exa"ple, is !ased on the assu"ption that the future 2ill !e :ust li0e the past. !. Aurate foreasts an provide "a:or o"petitive advanta&es for or&ani1ations. Ho2ever, no foreast is perfet, and so"e are 2ildl$ inaurate. 8. ;a0in& Assu"ptions %. 8$ identif$in& future ourrenes that ould have a "a:or effet on the fir" and "a0in& reasona!le assu"ptions a!out those fators, strate&ists an arr$ the strate&iC "ana&e"ent proess for2ard. +. Assu"ptions are needed onl$ for future trends and events that are "ost li0el$ to have a si&nifiant effet on the o"pan$Bs !usiness. -. Fir"s that have the !est infor"ation &enerall$ "a0e the "ost aurate assu"ptions, 2hih an lead to "a:or o"petitive advanta&es. XI. INDU4TRG ANALG4I4' THE EXTERNAL FA3TOR E@ALUATION (EFE) ;ATRIX A. An EFE ;atrix %. An EFE ;atrix allo2s strate&ists to su""ari1e and evaluate eono"i, soial, ultural, de"o&raphi, environ"ental, politial, &overn"ental, le&al, tehnolo&ial, and o"petitive infor"ation. +. There are five steps in developin& an EFE ;atrix as illustrated on pa&e E6 Ta!le -C%+. a. List 0e$ external fators as identified in the externalCaudit proess. Inlude a total of %6C+6 fators fro" !oth the opportunities and threats. !. Assi&n to eah fator a 2ei&ht fro" .6 (not i"portant) to %.6 (ver$ i"portant). These 2ei&hts sho2 the relative i"portane. The total of all the 2ei&hts should eFual %.6. . Assi&n a %C. ratin& to eah fator to indiate ho2 effetivel$ the fir"Bs urrent response strate&$ is' % I the response is poor, + I the response is avera&e, - I the response is a!ove avera&e, and . I the response is superior. d. ;ultipl$ eah fatorBs 2ei&ht !$ its ratin& to &et a 2ei&hted sore. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes e. 4u" the 2ei&hted sores for eah varia!le to deter"ine the total 2ei&hted sore for the or&ani1ation. XII. THE 3O;9ETITI@E 9ROFILE ;ATRIX (39;) A. The 39; ;atrix %. The 39; identifies a fir"Bs "a:or o"petitors and their partiular stren&ths and 2ea0nesses in relation to a sa"ple fir"Bs strate&i position. +. Refer to pa&es E% and E+ of text for exa"ples of 39; "atrix -. There are so"e i"portant differenes !et2een the EFE and 39;. First, the ritial suess fators in a 39; are !roader. These fators are also not &rouped into opportunities and threats as in the EFE. In a 39;, the ratin&s and 2ei&hted sores an !e o"pared to rival fir"s. 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes ANSWER TO Assurance Learning Exercise 3A Althou&h ans2ers 2ill var$, the follo2in& provides the steps and an exa"ple of 2hat an EFE ;atrix for ;Donalds should loo0 li0e. Five 4teps for Developin& an EFE ;atrix' %) List external fators. +) Assi&n a 2ei&ht fro" 6C% 2ith 6 !ein& not i"portant and % !ein& ver$ i"portant. The total 2ei&hts assi&ned "ust eFual %. -) Assi&n a %C. ratin& to eah external fator !ased on effetiveness of urrent strate&$. % I 9oor, + I Avera&e, - I A!ove avera&e, and . I 4uperior. .) 3alulate 2ei&ht J ratin&. /) 4u". The hi&hest sore is . 2hile the lo2est is %. The avera&e is +./. OPPORTUNITIES Weight Rating Weighted Score O%' Antiipated .K &ro2th rate in H4R industr$. 6.6< - 6.%E O+' Lo2 fat, lo2 alorie, health$ ha"!ur&er L first on "ar0et. 6.6D % 6.6D O-' ;an$ restaurants have outdated appearane. 6.6< - 6.%E O.' Respond to soial han&es !$ health$ food innovations. 6.6. - 6.%+ O/' Inreased !evera&e options (=our"et offees). 6.6< - 6.%E O<' 8rea0fast not availa!le at +/K of loations. 6.6< - 6.%E OD' 5oint ventures 2ith retailers an plae ne2 loations in hi&h traffi areas at lo2er apital ost. 6.6- . 6.%+ OE' 3ontinued fous on orporate soial responsi!ilit$. 6.6+ + 6.6. O7' IntBl expansion into e"er&in& "ar0ets. 6.6< - 6.%E O%6' Diversif$ portfolio. 6.6- + 6.6< THREATS Weight Rating Weighted Score T%' ;ore health onsious usto"ers. 6.6D - 6.+% T+' @ulnera!ilit$ in older, esta!lished "ar0ets to "odern upstarts. 6.6. - 6.%+ T-' =lo!al eono"i reession I redued onsu"er spendin&. 6.6< . 6.+. T.' ;ar0ets in U4 and EU are "ature and saturated. 6.6D - 6.+% T/' 4u!2a$ and GU;M 8rands expandin& into developin& "ar0ets at a hi&her rate. 6.6< + 6.%+ T<' Liti&ation 6.6- - 6.67 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David Strategic Management Chapter 3 Notes TD' 8rand eFuit$ at ris0' E6K of restaurants o2ned !$ franhisees. 6.6. - 6.%+ TE' 3onta"ination of the food suppl$ ould da"a&e sales, reputation, et. 6.6. . 6.%< T7' Intense prie pressure fro" o"petitors. 6.6D . 6.+E T%6' Ne&ative pu!li opinion a"pai&ns. 6.6- + 6.6< TOTAL !"## $"%$ ANSWER TO Assurance o& Learning Exercise 3' List ritial suess fators identified in the internal and external anal$sis. Assi&n to eah fator a 2ei&ht fro" .6 (not i"portant) to %.6 (ver$ i"portant). These 2ei&hts sho2 the relative i"portane. The total of all the 2ei&hts should eFual %.6. Assi&n a %C. ratin& to eah fator to desri!e the fator' %I "a:or 2ea0ness, + I "inor 2ea0ness, - I "inor stren&th, and . I "a:or stren&th. ;ultipl$ eah fatorBs 2ei&ht !$ its ratin& to &et a 2ei&hted sore. 4u" the 2ei&hted sores for eah varia!le to deter"ine the total 2ei&hted sore for the or&ani1ation. Do the sa"e for one or "ore o"petin& or&ani1ations usin& the sa"e ritial suess fators and 2ei&hts. Mc'ona(d)s *UM+ ,rands ,urger -ing .ritica( Success /actors Weight Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score =lo!al 9resene 6.%- . 6./+ - 6.-7 + 6.+< ;ar0et 4hare 6.6D . 6.+E - 6.+% - 6.%. 9rodut Hualit$ 6.67 - 6.+D + 6.%E . 6.-< 3usto"er 4atisfation 6.6E + 6.%< - 6.+. . 6.-+ Finanial 4ta!ilit$ 6.%. . 6./< + 6.+E - 6..+ Tehnolo&$ 6.6E . 6.-+ - 6.+. - 6.%< 9rodut Develop"ent 6.6/ . 6.+6 - 6.%/ + 6.%6 8rand A2areness 6.%< . 6.<. - 6..E - 6.-+ 9rie 3o"petitiveness 6.%- . 6./+ - 6.-7 - 6.+< Diversifiation 6.6D - 6.+% . 6.+E - 6.%. TOTALS !"## 3"01 $"12 $"21 9repared !$ Nordia 3a"p!ell, ;8A +6%+ ;a$ %< Extrated fro" 4trate&i ;ana&e"ent, 3onepts and 3ases %- th edition, Fred R. David