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MIUR Call 257/Ric/2012 (launched on 30 May
Call to the development and strengthening of
National Technology Cluster
Department for University, Higher Education
in Fine Arts, Music and Dance and for
Research - Directorate General for
oordination and Research Development
Deadline: 28 eptem!er 2012
" #08 million:
for Regions outside the Conergence areas! " 3$8
million# of $hich %& 'illion in the for' of non
re(a)a*le grant and &05 'illion in the for' of
eas) credit ter's+
for Conergence Regions! " ,0 'illion-
.he Call defines Cluster as!
organised aggregates of enterprises, universities and other pu!lic or private
research institutions, other sta"eholders including financial ones operating in
the innovation field,
divided into multiple pu!lic-private gatherings, including the e#isting
$echnology Districts, %hich are present on different territorial areas,
guided !y a specific Coordination and Management Body,
focused on a specific technological and application field,
suita!le to contri!ute to the international competitiveness of !oth the
territories of reference and of the national economic system&
/'ong the 8 thematic areas identified *) the Call# and
considered strategic for the deelo('ent of the

Agrifood is included as $ell $hich should hae the
(ur(ose of developing "no%ledge and technology for
the production of foods, also of marine origin, that is
safer and featuring higher 'uality characteristics and
authenticity, even through greater sustaina!ility and
environmental impact in the use of resources-
/ trategic Development %lan (5 )ears)+
&etter of 'ntent of the (egions affected *) the Cluster (e0(ression of
interest in su((orting the Cluster under s(ecific /gree'ents $ith the
Ministr) of Research)+
# %ro)ects (industrial research 1 e0(eri'ental deelo('ent 1
2ach (ro3ect 'ust hae functional autonomy and $ill *e ealuated
2cono'ic di'ensions of the (ro3ect! 10 to 12 million euros-
Ma* 8 proponents-
4uration! 3$ months for industrial research and e0(eri'ental deelo('ent
(ro3ects $hile the duration of the training (ro3ect should not *e less than 12
'onths and not 'ore than &% 'onths-
/t least 2 of the , (ro(osed (ro3ects 'ust *e i'(le'ented $ithin the
fra'e$or5 of international co+operation agree'ents in (lace or at startu(-
.here is no facilitation for the management of the Cluster,
'ncentives -ill only !e granted to the eligi!le costs related to
the # pro)ects (industrial research# e0(eri'ental deelo('ent
and training)!
Industr) (la)ers hae to incur directl) 506 of the total costs related to
research# training# e0(eri'ental deelo('ent (of $hich at least 156
incurred *) 7M2s)+
Uniersities and Research 8odies hae to incur directl) 206 of the total
costs of the (ro(osal+
.raining actiities! not less than 106 of the costs of the research (ro3ect+
.raining actiities! free grant of 1006 of eligi*le costs-
.C&,/,N,0 is (ro'oted and coordinated *) 1ederalimentare# the
Italian 9ederation for 9ood Industr)# and *) /ster# a Consortiu'
of 2'ilia Ro'agna regional authorit)# uniersities# research
*odies and associations of entre(reneurs-
.C&,/,N,0 mission: safeguard and increase of the national
econo'ic s)ste':s competitiveness $ith regards to the food+
production chain in all its parts# fro' agricultural (roduction to
(rocessing and to the related industrial sectors (e-g- (ac5aging#
logistics etc-)# u( to the distri*ution and consu'(tion# through
the sti'ulation of innovation# the (ro'otion of findings co'ing
fro' scientific and technologic research and the colla!oration
among research !odies2 companies and pu!lic administration-
Consistency -ith the Community strategic agendas
and a strong co''it'ent to the deelo('ent of
international lin5s are i'(ortant re;uire'ents for
the Cluster <C=-/->-? $hen 'a5ing (rogra''atic
also in ie$ of the (ossi*ilit) to e0(loit the s)ste' of
relations and the critical 'ass of the Cluster itself to
increase the success of (ro3ect (ro(osals to *e
(resented in the conte0t of the calls for the ne0t
1rame-or3 %rogramme .4ori5on 20200 and the
1lagship 'nitiatives of 6urope 2020-
.he 11 (egions that hae ta5en (art to the Cluster
are 6milia+(omagna# /pulia# %iedmont# icily#
Molise# Tuscany# /!ru55o# &om!ardy# 7m!ria and
@ther 8 (egions inoled through co'(anies or
other regional sta5eholders! 8eneto# Campania#
&a5io# 1riuli 8ene5ia 9iulia# Trentino /lto /dige#
Marche# :asilicata and &iguria-
.he >ational /grifood Cluster gathers the main sta3eholders of the agrifood
sector fro' all of the (roductie sections# researchers on a national leel-
;; sta3eholders (/ssociations/9ederations/@rganisations# Co'(anies#
.echnological 4istricts# Uniersities and Research Institutions# 7cience and
.echnolog) Aar5s# etc-) hae su*'itted the Cluster <C=-/->-? (the) are inoled in
the Boernance and/or in the , (ro3ects)-
.he follo$ing sta5eholders hae 3oint the Cluster <C=-/->-? through an e0(ression
of interest!
n< 8; Companies fro' the agrifood industr) (*oth 8ig and 7'all/Mediu'
n< = (esearch Centres $ith autono'ous legal status (ro'oted *) one or 'ore
n< 1$ Consortia and Consortium companies 'a3orit) o$ned *) (riate+
n< = cience and Technology %ar3s>
n< #= 7niversities2 research institutions and research organisations>
n< 1; /ssociations ? @rganisations,
.he , (ro3ects+
/ctiities to su((ort innoation and technolog) transfer+
/ctiities to su((ort the creation of RC4 (erfor'ers
/ctiities to su((ort the hu'an ca(ital gro$th+
/ctiities to su((ort internationalisation-
1, Nutrition and 4ealth: (reention of diseases associated to the diet (o*esit)#
dia*etes# and cardioascular (athologies) and (ro'otion of the health ageing
((h)sical and 'ental $ellD*eing)- /AAR@E24F
2, 1ood afety: (roduction of natural anti'icro*ials# reduction of (ossi*le
che'ical conta'inants# and deelo('ent of diagnostics s)ste's for the
a*ate'ent of the (ollutants along the su((l) chain u( to the consu'er-
3, %roduction: i'(le'entation# o(ti'iGation and stud) of the ne$ innoatie
(rocesses ai'ing at food ;ualit)- >@. /AAR@E24-
#, ustaina!ility: reduction of the $aste and aloriGation of the su*D(roducts#
their use for the other food a((lications and not# and reduction of the i'(act
of the agrifood industr):s (rocesses# fro' the (roduction u( to the final
consu'er- /AAR@E24F
6N6(9A &'16 C'6NC6
9(66N C46M'T(A
4eelo('ent of a complete relationship net-or3
a clear mission#
a shared governance
and ai'ed at the creation of actiities of great
i'(act and coherence# $hich $ill surel) (resent the
Italian food s)ste' $ith an o((ortunit) to hold a
'ore i'(ortant role at an international level for
research# innoation and econo'ic deelo('ent-

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