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NC, NC codes, NC elements, CNC Machine tools, features of machining centre, turning centre, CNC part

programming, fundamentals manual part programming methods, computer aided part programming

NC: Numerical Control:
Flexible automation is implemented in machine tools in the form of the digital control. The
programs are in binary, in numerical form; strictly speaking numerical form strictly speaking alpha
numeric. These instructions when read by the system, regulates various slides of the machine tool /tools
to shape the object to the required profiles by positional and/or continues control. Such systems are
known as numerical control (NC) machines.

Advantages of Numerical Control:
1. Due to its flexibility its utilization is high.
2. The lead time is very largely reduced; therefore the prediction of the delivery schedule is more
3. Need of special purpose tooling, jigs and fixtures are mostly eliminated.
4. Consistency in quality is assured since the manufacturing is automatic.
5. Handling time is very largely reduced since most of the operations are carried out in minimum
no. of setups. With facility of ATC and APC etc.
6. Non machining time is eliminated to maximum extent.
7. Since a single machining centre can perform no. of operations the floor area is also reduced.
8. Since the input instructions can be easily modified design changes in the products can be easily
9. This is very advantageous in proto type manufacturing or in manufacture of similar parts in small
batch sizes.
10. Operators skill is no longer important since the accuracy depends on the program.
11. Reduces scrap loss and rework.
12. Sudden changes in demand can be easily handled because the system has in-built flexibility.
13. Work-in-progress, handling time and errors due to no. of setups reduced to a large extent.
14. Since all conditions are under control, the estimation of costs involved can be done quite
Demerits of Numerical Control:
1. Requires High investment.
2. Special skills in programming and maintenance are essential.
3. Redundancy in labour may be there. But it is again need careful consideration. When planning for
NC, re-training of staff for newer requirement must be taken in to account.
4. Down time of NC systems are very expensive. Therefore, it is very essential that the staff is
adequately trained in operation and maintenance at the supplier place before machine is delivered.

Applications of NC

i. Machine tool applications:
a. Milling, drilling, turning, boring, grinding
b. Machining centers, turning centers, mill-turn centers
c. Punch presses, thermal cutting machines, etc.
ii. Other NC applications:
a. Component insertion machines in electronics
b. Drafting machines (x-y plotters)
c. Coordinate measuring machines
d. Tape laying machines for polymer composites
e. Filament winding machines for polymer composites

NC Elements:
CNC: Computerized Numerical Control
CNC is a NC system that utilizes a dedicated, stored program computer to perform some or all of
the basic numerical control functions. As of this writing the typical CNC system uses a minicomputer as
the controller unit. It is expected that in future generations of computer numerical control,
microcomputers will become predominant. Because a digital computer is used in both CNC and DNC
there is often confusion surrounding the two systems.

Advantages of CNC machines
The foremost advantage of any CNC machine would be high productivity achieved by reducing cycle
time. Higher productivity is achieved through
1. Automatic & rapid positioning of slides.
2. Increased metal removal rates by employing increasing spindle speed and feed.
3. Reducing the tool change time by using ATC and reducing job setting time by using APC
4. Higher positional accuracy and repeatability of the machined parts because of the machine
construction and closed loop control system elements.
5. Higher flexibility for meeting frequent design changes with lesser cost.
6. Reduced labor cost, as CNC machine does not highly skilled manpower.
7. Reduced inspection requirements and reduced scrap and thereby reducing material cost.
8. Reduced inventory cost as the usage of CNC machines reduces lead time of production.
9. Reduced tooling cost, as the CNC machines does not require jigs, fixtures, templates
Disadvantages of CNC machines:
1. Higher Investment cost: CNC machine tool represent a more sophisticated and complex
technology, which costs more
2. Higher maintenance cost: Because CNC machine is a more complex technology the maintenance
problem becomes more acute
3. Need for trained personnel: Certain aspects of these machine operations require higher-level skill
than conventional machine operations
4. Unemployment is increased

Applications of CNC (CNC Machine Tools)

1. Metal cutting machines: Milling, turning, drilling, jig boring, gear cutting, grinding etc.
2. Metal forming machines: Press tools, injection / blow moulding / die-casting, tube bending etc.
3. Non-conventional machining process such as:
i. EDM Die sinking and EDM wire cut machines
ii. Plasma arc cutting machine
iii. Electron beam machining
iv. Ion beam machining
v. Ultrasonic machining
4. Welding machines: TIG, MIC, Submerged Arc welding, etc.
5. Inspection and Quality control systems: CMM and LMM
6. Assembly, Testing, and dispatch equipments and
7. Tool and work handling systems
Today the CNC concepts are applied to every aspect of manufacturing and its area of applications is
widening day-by-day.
The rapid evolution of CNC technology transformed the complete manufacturing technology and
leads to modern concepts of CIM - Computer Aided Manufacturing.
Comparison between NC & CNC
Hard wired hence functions are limited Software control, hence functions are many
Cannot be used for complex contour machining Can be used for complex contour machining
Reliability is poor Reliability is high
Memory is limited Memory is considerably large
Program editing was difficult Program editing is easier
No diagnostics was available Diagnostic program is available
Cheaper Comparatively costlier
Salient features of CNC Machining Centre:
1. Machine structure
High rigidity
High stiffness to weight ratio
Thermal stability
Good damping characteristics
2. Slide ways
Antifriction bearings like re-circulating ball packs, re-circulating ball bushings
Hydrostatic or aerostatic slide ways
Plastic or non-metallic liners like PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluro Ethylene), turcite B< etc
3. Spindle drive
High spindle power and wide speed range with step less variation of RPM
Full power availability at all speeds
Spindle orientation for Automatic tool change and fine boring applications
4. Feed Drive
Slides are actuated by precision pre-loaded re-circulating ball screw and nut mechanism
driven by servo motors.
Non-moving slides are held by powerful servo locks and are not mechanically clamped
5. Feedback system
The accuracy of positioning of any CNC machine is achieved by measuring the position
or displacement of the slide and comparing it with the commanded position as per the
part program
Some of the measuring devices are linear inductor, rotary inductor, optical scles with
6. Automatic Tool Changer
It is important element of machining centers responsible for increase in productivity
In an ATC unit the tool magazine could be drum type with capacity up to 40 tools or
chain type with capacity up to 132 tools.
The tool selection could be sequential or random type.
7. Automatic Pallet changer
Similar to ATC APC aids in increase of productivity by reducing the job set-up time
considerably. The function of the pallet changer is to interchange the pallet on the
machine that has the finished component and the other pallet changer with newly loaded
APCs could be dual type or multiple type
8. Other salient features
Thermal stabilization of headstock, feed drive elements and machine structural elements
by re-circulating refrigerated oil.
Axial calibration for all fixed mechanical elements.
Usage of Touch trigger probes for the process of metrology, tool condition monitoring
and tool measurement and setting
Lost motion compensation for backlash, axial and torsional deflections.
Centralized lubrication of slides etc.
Coolant system either mist or flood type.
Chip conveyors for collection and disposal of chips.
Auto diagnostic facilities to aid for maintenance and service personnel.

i. When the CNC machine casting started, the first thing caste is column & bed.
ii. These are the main horizontal &vertical structure of CNC machine.
iii. Various components & system are placed on that column & bed.

i. In case of CNC machine, we can see, there are 2, 3 or more than 3 axis in CNC
ii. Mainly the CNC lathes are of 2 axis CNC machine.
iii. We know that x and y are two mutually perpendicular axis. The axis is Z axis, which
is a vertical axis. If we draw a diagram, we can see that
iv. Z axis is perpendicular to both x& y axis. There is also a rotary axis called a, b or c
axis, mainly pallet or job movement is controlled on rotary axis. In modern days 5
axis CNC are produced.
v. Axis movement is controlled by servo motor and ball screw. axis is slide over the
slide ways/guide ways. Linear Motion bearing or turcite etc are used on guide ways.


i. Pallet is a part of AWC (Automatic Work Changers).
ii. CNC machine are equipped with AWC/APC to facilitate rapid of work piece to
reduce idle time of machine & increase productivity.
iii. It can be defined as a rotary tray over which work pieces are hold with fixtures.
iv. We can see that there are 4 directions of pallet; jobs are fixed on the pallet in all 4
directions for some machines.
v. Pallets are rotate on rotary axis. Pallet is the medium by which work piece is traveled
from operator to spindle for machining. Axis movement is controlled
by proximity switch.

Ball Screw :

i. Ball screw is assembly of screw, nut & ball. It is used for the movement of axis over
guide way.

ii. Same thread is cut in nut and screw & highly polished chromium plated ball is placed
between the thread of screw & nut.

iii. Nut is fastened on the axis and the screw is supported at both ends by angular contact
support bearing.

iv. Servo motor is coupled in one end of ball screw.

v. When servo motor rotates the screw the same rotation is implied on nut by means of
balls. Then nut along with the axis moves forward or backward direction smoothly.

vi. Lubrication is applied in the ball screw; lubricating oil is spitted after a certain time
period by preloaded programming.
ATC & Tool Magazine:
i. ATC means Automatic Tool Changer.
ii. It is the assembly of ATC arm, Tool magazine, ATC door.
iii. ATC arm is not compulsory for every CNC machine. Arm gripped tool by
both end or one end, old edge CNC machine used single ended tool
gripper ATC arm.
iv. The operation it is complicated and time taking.
v. In case of double ended tool griper arm, tool gripped simultaneously from
tool magazine and spindle.

i. Spindle is the part which holds the tool and rotates at high rpm, this highly
rotating tool cuts the job.
ii. Spindles are rotated by motor; power is transmitted from motor to spindle
through belt drive or gear drive.
iii. Now a days CNC machine uses integral spindle. No external motor and
belt drive or gear drive is used for power & torque transmission in integral
iv. Cooling is a very important matter for the integral spindle, if there is no
proper cooling arrangement, after a certain time period spindle will burned
v. Spindle coolant is used for the purpose of spindle cooling. Internally A
coil of pipe is fitted on the periphery of spindle, oil or water is flowed
between the pipe and the cold water or oil exchanged the heat of spindle,
thus the heat is dissipated from the spindle.
vi. Generally angular contact bearing is used in spindle because it has to
overcome rotating & axial thrust.

Chip conveyor:
i. Chip conveyor is the system by which the chips produced in the time of
cutting or drilling operations are moved away from the machine.
ii. Conveyor is motor operated.
iii. In some chip conveyor coolant and chips are carried away by conveyor,
chips are segregated due to gravity conveyor belt carry the chips in which
direction conveyor blade flows the coolant in other direction, then chips
are stored in a definite place and coolant are recycled some conveyor use
filter paper to separate the coolant and the chips.
Salient features of CNC Turning Centre:
i. In addition to usual shat, bar and chuck work a turning centre is able to perform
operations like off-centre drilling, contour milling, tapping making T-slots, and key
ways etc.
ii. Turrets having provision for 6-18 tools to take care of the job.
iii. Tail stock usually hydraulically operated

Bed Construction:

i. A slant bed is quite common through versions with horizontal and vertical beds
are available.
ii. A slant bed provides better swarf disposal around the tooling area in addition to
better and easier access.
iii. The bed construction is quite rigid and torsionally stiff.

Drive: Spindle and Axis Drives
Spindle Drive:
1. In CNC machines, large variation in cutting speed is required. The cutting speed may
vary from 10m per minute to 1000 m per minute or more. The cutting speeds are
provided by rotation of main spindle with the help of an electric motor through
suitable gear mechanism.
2. The multi change gear boxes with the fixed speed ratios used in conventional
machines are not suitable CNC machine tools.
3. The infinitely variable speed systems used in CNC machines employ either electrical
motors (A.C or D.C) or fluid motors
Electrical Motors:
i. The spindle is mainly driven by an electrical motor either an A.C. or D.C.
ii. The drive may be directly from motor to the machine spindle or indirect through belt
gear transmission.
iii. If belt drive is used toothed belts are employed, if constant meshing type of gear box
where gears are giving various ratios are usually in constant mesh and are operated by
remote controlled electromagnetic or hydraulic clutches.
iv. Stepped drives have limited use in CNC machines.
v. A.C. induction motors are used to drive main spindle directly.
vi. The A.C. induction motors are more reliable, easily maintainable and less costly
compared to other electrical motors.
vii. Speed variation can be obtained in A.C. motors by pole changing method.
viii. D.C. motors are being extensively used for step less speed variation of spindle. This
is obtained by varying the D.C. voltage applied to the motor.

Fluid Motors:
i. Fluid motors are also being used for driving the spindle.
ii. Pressurized oil or air supplied by a pump, running at constant speed, is directed on the
blades of the motor, which are capable of giving very high rotational speed.
Axis Drive

i. Servomotors control the entire axis in a CNC machine. The movement along the
different axis is required either to move the cutting or the work material to the
desired positions.
ii. In order to accomplish accurate control of position and velocity, stepper motors
are used for axis drive.
iii. The principle of working of a stepper motor is that on receiving a signal i.e. pulse,
from the control unit, the motor spindle will be rotated through a specified angle
called step.
iv. The step size depends up on the design of the motor and lies between 1.8 degrees
to 7.5 degree, which means that one rotation of the spindle can be divided into
200 parts.
v. If a single pulse is received from the control system the motor spindle will rotate
by one step.
vi. The control unit generates the pulses corresponding to the programmed value of
movement required of the tool or work.
vii. The rate of movement of tool or work is controlled by the speed at which the
pulses are sent to the stepper motor is accurately governed by the control system.
viii. Hence there is no need of providing positional or velocity feedback system.
ix. The use of stepper motor considerably simplifies the system, as feedback devices
are not used.
x. The cost of the machine tool is also less.
xi. However stepper motors are suitable only for light duty machines due to lower
Bar feeds:
i. For turning applications from the bar, high speed bar feeds available.
ii. The bar material can be contained in oil within the guide the tube so as to contained in oil so
as to eliminate metallic friction.
Parting off Slide:
This could result in considerable saving of product time because recessing or parting off
operations are very time-intensive machining phase.
Work auto gauge and Auto Tool offsets:
i. With the auto gauge system diameters can be measured directly.
ii. Tool compensation is automatic when measured diameters are differs from fixed
iii. For this purpose a touch trigger probe is fitted in place of inside or outer diameter of
Classification of NC System:
1. Based on feedback system:
Open loop system:
i. Open loop systems have no access to the real time data about the performance of the
ii. Therefore no immediate corrective action can be taken in case of system disturbance
the system is normally applied only to the case where output is almost constant and
iii. Open loop system is unlikely to be used to control the machine tool systems since the
cutting force and loading of a machine tool is never constant.
iv. The only exception in the wire cut machine for which some machine builders still
prefer to use an open loop system because virtually here is no cutting force in wire cut
v. Machine tool control having slide displacements, which do not make any provision
for a feedback signal to be compared with the input, to enable feed drive to correct
the slide position, are classified as open loop controlled machines.

Input O Out put


Closed loop System:
i. In a closed loop system, feedback devices closely monitor the output and
any disturbance will be corrected in the first instance.
ii. Therefore high accuracy is achievable.
M/C Tool slide
iii. These system is more powerful and applied to the case where the output is
subjected to frequent change.

Input O Out put

2. Based on control system:
Point-to-point system:
i. With point-to-point system the machine performs machining operations at specific
positions and does not affect the work piece while moving from one point to the next.
ii. Many of the machines were point-to-point machines.
iii. Point to point emphasizes product over process. In some machining operations, we do
not care about the path; we only care about the destination.
Ex: Drilling of holes: the important thing that the hole ends up at a correct destination. We dont
care about the how the tool is moved from the first hole to the second.

Straight cut or straight line system: it is an extension of point-to-point system
when the straight cut milling is capability.

Continues path or contouring system:

i. The continues path or contouring system calls for continuous,
simultaneous and coordinated or in other words interrelated motions
between tool and the work piece along different coordinate axes.
ii. This enables profiles, contours and curved surfaces to be machined.
iii. This means that the position of several slides must be controlled on the
machine tool so that relative positions and velocities must be established
at every point continuously, throughout the operation.
iv. In this method the tool will follow the prescribed path.
v. This type of method is useful in milling.
vi. The machines of the today are using this method

DNC (Direct numerical Control)

1. Direct numerical control (DNC) control of multiple machine tools by a single
(mainframe) computer through direct connection and in real time
2. 1960s technology
3. Two way communication
4. Distributed numerical control (DNC) network consisting of central computer connected
to machine tool MCUs, which are CNC
5. Present technology
6. Two way communication

General Configuration of a Direct Numerical Control system

Connection to MCU is behind the tape reader (BTR). In
distributed NC, entire programs are downloaded to each MCU, which is
CNC rather than conventional NC

Switching network:

Local area network (LAN):

Manual method for part programming:
To prepare a part program using manual method,
The programmer writes the machining instructions on a special form called a part
programming manuscript.
The instructions must be prepared in a very precise manner because the typist prepares
the NC tape directly from manuscript.
Manuscripts come in various forms, depending on the machine tool and tape format.
The manuscript is listing of the relative tool and work piece locations.
It also includes the other data such as preparatory commands, miscellaneous functions.
Speed and feed etc.
The part programming can be divided into two categories: point-to-point jobs and
contouring jobs.
Except for complex work parts with many holes to be drilled is ideally suited for point-
to-point applications.
Example: Write a manual part program for the following example
1.000 2.500



Speed (RPM) Feed (in/min)
0.484-in.-diameter drill 592 3.55
0.500-in.-diameter drill 382 3.82

The NC Drill press operates as follows.
Drill bits are manually changed by the operator, but speeds and feeds must be programmed on the tape.
Preparation of Part program:
First to define the axis coordinates in relation to the work piece.
Assume that the work piece is machined to all the four corners.
Let us define the lower left-hand corner as the target point and the origin of our axis system.
The complete manuscript would appear as below.
The first line shows x, y coordinates at zero point.
The machine operator would insert the tape and reads this first block in to the system.
The tool would be then positioned over the target point on the machine table.

0.500+0.002 diameter
3 places
= 0.015
The operator would then press zero buttons to set the machine.
The next line on the manuscript is RWS (rewinds and stop)
The signal is coded into the tape as holes in the columns 1, 2, and 4.
The symbol stops the tape after it has been rewound.
The lat line on the tape contains the M30 word, causing the tape to be rewound at the end of
machining cycle.
Other M words like M06 (which stops the machine for operator tool change) and M13 (which
turns the spindle and coolant)
Spindle clearance point




Coordinate system defined for the part


0.500+0.002 diameter
3 places

NC Part Programming Manuscript
Two axis point-to-point drill press
Tab sequential format

Part No:


Part name: Hole parts

Prepared by: VSS

Tab X
Tab Y
Tab Feed Tab Spe
Tab M-
Tab Comment

0 Tab 0 Tab 0 EOB zero
1 Tab 1.0 Tab 2.0 Tab 3.55 Tab
2 Tab 13 EOB Drill 1
2 Tab Tab 1.0 EOB drill 2
3 Tab 3.5 Tab 1.5 EOB Drill 3
4 Tab Tab 3.0 Tab Tab 6 EOB Tool change
5 Tab -1.0 Tab 1.5 Tab 3.82
2 Tab 13 EOB reamer 3
6 Tab 3.5 Tab 1.0 EOB reamer 2
7 Tab Tab 2.0 EOB reamer 1
8 Tab -1.0 Tab 3.0 Tab Tab 6 EOB Tool change
9 Tab Tab Tab Tab 13 EOB rewind
change part

CNC Part Programming
Word Address Programming:
1. The word address format for numerical control programming precisely controls
machining movement and function through the use of short sentence-like commands.
2. These commands consist of addresses, words and characters.
For example let us consider a simple operation that could be performed on a manual milling
machine and convert it to a word address command: Turn the spindle on in a clock wise
direction at a spindle speed of (RPM) of 600. On a manual machine, the operator would adjust
the gearing of the machine to choose an RPM of 600 and then turn the spindle on in a clock
wise direction.

The command to do this on a CNC machine would be: N0010M3S600.
The N0010 is a line number. The M03 tells the spindle to start in a clockwise direction. The S600
tells the spindle how fast to run. This would be considered one block of information.
Letter Address Commands:
The Command block controls the machine tool through the use of letter address commands.
Following are abbreviated descriptions of the most common letter address commands.
N is the letter address for the line number or sequence number of the block.
G-codes are preparatory functions, which set up the mode in which the rest of operations are
F is the feed rate of the controlled axis.
S is a spindle speed setting.
T is the letter address for a tool call.
M is a miscellaneous function. These machine functions include machine operations like
coolant on/off, spindle forward, and many others
H and D are examples auxiliary letter address codes used for tool offset storage
Word Address Programming Terminology:
A program word is composed of two parts: an address and a number
Address Number
Address Number

Address Number
In the first example G is the address and 01 is the number. Together they are called a word. A
G01 word commands the control to make a linear move
The second example of a word (X5.25) is composed the address of X and the 5.25 number.
The third example (M08) of a word is composed of an address M and a number 08. An M08
word commands the control to turn on flood coolant.
Word Word Word Word character
N 40 G01 X1.0 F8.0 ;
Block of code
Program Numbers:
Programs are stored in the controller by their program number. Control can store many
programs. Program number starts with the letter O. for example, O5 would be program 5. The
program number normally appears before the first line of a code in a program.
N is the sequence number
G is preparatory function specifies the mode of operation under which a command will be
X,Y,Z dimension words. These are used to specify the amount of axis of motion.
F is the feed rate for the move
S is speed for spindle
T is Designates the tool to be used
M Miscellaneous function code. Designates things such as spindle on/off, spindle direction,
coolant on /off etc.
H,D used to specify the tool offsets for height and diameter

N050 G01 X3.250 Y1.75 F8.0 S8000 M03
Sequence Preparatory Dimension words Feed Rate Spindle function Miscellaneous function
Number Function

Part Programming:
A part program is a simply a series of command blocks that execute motions and machine
functions to manufacture a part.
The individual parts of a word address part program
Part datum location: To program a part, need to determine where the work piece zero should be
located. The part datum is a feature of the part from which the majority of the dimensions of the part
are located.
Sequence Numbers (XXXX): Sequence numbers are a means of identifying the blocks of information
within the program. In some cases, sequence numbers are not required because the machine will
execute blocks of information in the order in which it reads them, although line or sequence numbers
can be very helpful in identifying the problems. The machine controller can be commanded to find the
blocks of information by their line numbers.
G-Codes (Preparatory Functions): G-codes set the control for various machine movements such as
linear interpolation (G01) and rapid traverse (G00). Linear interpolation means that the cutter moves on
a controlled linear path (line).A G followed by a two-digit number determines the machining mode in
that block or line.
G codes or preparatory functions fall into two categories: modal or non modal.
Non Modal or One-shot G-Codes are those command codes that are only active in the block in which
they are specified.
Modal G-Codes are those command codes that will remain active until another code in the same group
over rides it.

Code Description Type
G00 Rapid Traverse Modal
G01 Linear interpolation Modal
G02 Circular interpolation clockwise Modal
G03 Circular interpolation counter-clockwise Modal
G04 Dwell in seconds
G08 Acceleration at a smooth rate
G09 Deceleration at a smooth rate
G20 Inch input
G21 Metric input
G28 Zero or home position Non-modal
G33 Thread cutting, constant lead
G34 Thread cutting, increasing lead
G35 Thread cutting, decreasing lead
G40 Tool diameter compensation cancel Modal
G41 Tool diameter compensation left Modal
G42 Tool diameter compensation right Modal
G43 Tool height offset Modal
G49 Tool height offset cancel Modal
G54 Work piece coordinate preset
G70 Inch programming Modal
G71 Metric programming
G72 3 dimensional circular interpolation clockwise
G73 3 dimensional circular interpolation counter clockwise
G74 Multi quadrant circular interpolation cancel
G75 Multi quadrant circular interpolation
G76 Multiple threading cycle
G80 Canned cycle cancel Modal
G81 Canned cycle drill Modal
G82 Drill cycle with dwell
G83 Canned pick cycle drill (Intermittent or deep hole drilling cycle) Modal
G84 Canned taping cycle Modal
G85-G89 Canned boring cycle Modal
G90 Absolute positioning
G91 Incremental positioning
G92 Register preload code
G93 Inverse time feed rate
G94 Inches(millimeter) per minute feed rate
G95 Inches(millimeter) per revolution feed rate
G97 Spindle speed (RPM)

Spindle control functions: Spindle speeds are controlled with an S followed up by four digits. When
programming the machining centre, the spindle speed is programmed in RPM.
Miscellaneous Functions (M-codes) Miscellaneous functions or M-codes perform miscellaneous
machine functions such as tool changes, coolant control, and spindle operations. An M code is a two or
three-digit numerical value preceded by a letter address. M. M-codes similar to G-codes can be
modal or non-modal.
Code Description Type
M00 Program stop Non-modal
M01 Optional stop Non-modal
M02 End of program Non-modal
M03 Spindle start clock wise Modal
M04 Spindle start counter clock wise Modal
M05 Spindle stop Modal
M06 Tool change Non-modal
M07 Mist coolant on (Coolant through spindle) Modal
M08 Flood coolant on (Coolant through external pipes) Modal
M09 Coolant off Modal
M10 Chuck clamp (Automatic clamp)
M11 Chuck de-clamp (Automatic unclamp)
M12 Synchronize multiple axes
M13 Spindle clockwise and coolant on
M14 Spindle counter clockwise and coolant on
M15 Rapid motion positive direction
M16 Rapid motion negative direction
M17 Spindle and coolant off
M19 Spindle orientation
M20 Spindle orientation cancel
M21 30
orientation mirror image X axis*
M22 60
orientation mirror image Y axis*
M23 90
orientation mirror image off*
M24 120
M25 150
M26 180
M30 Program rest (End of program with return to beginning)
M32 Tail stock quill forward
M33 Tail stock quill retract
M34 Parts catcher forward
M35 Parts catcher retract
M40 Spindle low range
M41 Spindle high range
M46 Door open
M47 Door close
M54 Tail stock quill over ride on
M55 Chuck signal over ride on
M56 Tail stock quill inter lock on for cycle start
M57 Tail stock quill inter lock off for cycle start
M60 Door inter lock off
M61 Door inter lock on
M82 Tail stock body forward
M83 Tail stock body retract
M98 Sub program call
M99 End of sub program and return to main program

Other Addresses:
Code Description
A Rotary motion about the X-axis
B Rotary motion about the Y-axis
C Rotary motion about the Z-axis
D Angular dimension around a special axis. Also used for a third feed function
E Angular dimension around a special axis, or special feed function
I X-axis arc centre point
J Y-axis arc centre point
K Z-axis arc centre point
O Used on some controllers in place of N addresses for sequence numbers
P Special rapid traverse code, or a third axis parallel to X axis
Q Special rapid traverse code, or a third axis parallel to Y axis
Special rapid traverse code, or a third axis parallel to X axis. Also used for
radius designation
U Secondary axis parallel to X axis
V Secondary axis parallel to Y axis
W Secondary axis parallel to Z axis

Preparatory codes used in Milling & Turning
Code Function in Milling Function in Turning
G00 Rapid traverse positioning Rapid traverse positioning
Linear interpolation(Feed rate
Linear interpolation(Feed rate
G02 Circular interpolation clockwise Circular interpolation clockwise
G03 Circular interpolation counter clockwise Circular interpolation counter clockwise
G04 Dwell Dwell
G10 Tool length off set value Tool length off set value setting
G17 Specifies X/Y plane Specifies X/Y plane
G18 Specifies X/Z plane Specifies X/Z plane
G19 Specifies Y/Z plane Specifies Y/Z plane
G20 Inch data input Inch data input
G21 Metric data input Metric data input
G22 Safety zone programming Stored stroke limit on
G23 Cross through safety zone Stored stroke limit off
G27 Reference point return check Reference point return check
G28 Return to reference point Return to reference point
G29 Return from reference point Return from reference point
G30 Return to second reference point Return to second reference point
G40 Cutter diameter compensation cancel Tool nose radius compensation cancel
G41 Cutter diameter compensation left Tool nose radius compensation left
G42 Cutter diameter compensation right Tool nose radius compensation right
G43 Tool length compensation +ve direction
G44 Tool length compensation ve direction
G45 Tool off set increase
G46 Tool off set decrease
G47 Tool off set double increase
G48 Tool off set double decrease
G49 Tool length compensation cancel
G50 Scaling off
Programming of work coordinate
G51 Scaling on
G68 Mirror image for double turrets on
G69 Mirror image for double turrets off
G70 Inch program
G71 Metric program
G72 Stock removal in facing
G73 Peck drilling cycle Pattern repeat
G74 Counter tapping cycle Z axis peck drilling
G75 Groove cutting cycle, X axis
G76 Fine boring cycle Multi pass thread cutting
G80 Canned cycle cancel
G81 Drilling cycle
G82 Counter boring cycle
G83 Peck drilling cycle
G84 Taping cycle
Boring cycle (feed return to reference

Boring cycle (rapid return to reference

G87 Back boring cycle
G88 Boring cycle (Manual return)
G89 Boring cycle (dwell before feed return)
G90 Specifies about absolute positioning Specifies about absolute positioning
G91 Incremental positioning Incremental positioning
G92 Program absolute zero point
G94 Per minute feed
G95 Per revolution feed
G98 Return to initial level
G99 Return to reference level

Computer aided part programming:
1. The reliability of the part program is enhanced since all the calculations made by the computer
and thus programmer is less likely to make errors
2. The computer would have the facilities for some error detection to assist the programmer to get
good part.
Computer aided programming system:

The second set of programs is called post processor which convert cutter location data into the specific
codes of the machine tool.

Computer aided part programming languages:
APT (Automatically Programmed Tool)
ADAPT (Adoption of APT)
EXPAT (Extended subset of APT)
SPLIT (Substandard Processing Language Internally Translated)
The language was the product of the MIT developmental work on NC programming
Its development began in June,1956, and it was first used in production around 1959
Today it is most widely used in USA
Although first intended as a contouring language, modern versions of APT can be used
for both positioning and continues-path program up to 5-axes.
Versions of APT APTURN (for Lathe operations) APTMIL (for Milling and Drilling
operations) APTPOINT (for point to point operations.
It was developed by IBM.
It was intended to provide many of the features of APT to utilize a smaller computer.
It is not powerful as APT, but it can be used to program for both positioning and
contouring jobs.
This was developed in Germany based on APT
There are three versions
i. EXAPT I Designed for positioning (Drilling and straight cut milling)
ii. EXAPT II Designed for turning
iii. EXAPT III Designed for limited contouring operations
One of the important feature of EXAPT is that it attempts to compute optimum feeds and
speeds automatically
This package represents another attempt to adapt the APT language to use on smaller
This is a propriety system intended for substandard machine tools.
It can handle up to 5-axes positioning and contouring.
One of the unusual features of SPLIT is that postprocessor is built in to the program.
This package is available from Manufacturing Data Systems inc.(MDSI).
It is similar to SPLIT in many features.
It is one of the most widely used programming languages.
This is an interactive part programming language offered by Weber N/C System
It is designed for use with a variety of Machine tools including lathes, machining centers,
flame cutter and punch presses
This is a high level language developed by Cincinnati Milacron
It is facilitate programming of turning operations.
APT Language:
It is not only an NC language; it also the computer program that performs the calculations
to perform the calculations to generate the cutter positions based on APT statements.
APT is three dimensional system that can be used to control up to five axes.
It can be used to control a variety of different machining operations.
The four types of statements in the APT language:
1. Geometry statements: These define the geometric elements that comprise the work
part. They also called definition statements.
2. Motion statements: These are used to describe the path taken by the tool.
3. Postprocessor statements: These apply to the specific machine tool and control
system. They are used to specify speeds and feeds and actuate other features of the
4. Auxiliary statements: These are miscellaneous statements used to identify the part,
tool, tolerance, and so on.
1. Geometry Systems:
To program in APT, the work part geometry must be defined first.
The tool subsequently directed to move to the various point locations along the surface of
work part.
The definition of the work part elements must precede the motion statements.
The general form of an APT geometry statement is this

Symbol = geometry type/descriptive area 1

An example of such statement is P1 = POINT/5.0,4.0,0.0 2

The statement is made up of three sections.
i. The first symbol is to identify the geometric element.
ii. The second section of the geometry statement is an AT vocabulary word that
identifies the type of geometry element. Besides POINT , the other elements are
iii. The third section comprises the descriptive data that define element precisely,
completely and uniquely. These data may include quantitative dimensional and
positional data.

To specify a line, the easiest method is by two points through which the line passes:
L3 = LINE/P3, P4
A new line parallel to another line which is already defined
A plane can be defined by specifying three points through which it passes
PL1 = PLANE/P1, P4, P5
A plane parallel to another plane
The ground rules must be followed in formulating an APT geometry statement:
1. The coordinate data must be specified in the order of x, y, z. For example the statement
P1 = POINT/5.0, 4.0, 0.0
It is interpreted by the APT program to mean that x = 5.0, y = 4.0, and z=0.0
2. Any symbols used as descriptive data must have been previously defined. For example
The two lines L1and L2 must have been previously defined.
3. A symbol can be used to define any given element. The same symbol cannot be used to define
two different elements. For example
L1 = POINT/1.0, 1.0, 1.0
L2 = POINT/2.0, 3.0, 4.0
4. Only one symbol can be used to define any given element. For example, the following two
statements in the same program would render the program incorrect:
P1 = POINT/1.0, 1.0, 1.0
P2 = POINT/1.0, 1.0, 1.0

5. Lines defined in APT are considered to be of infinite length in both directions. Similarly, planes
extended infinitely and circles defined in APT are complete circles.

Example: Y
5 P4
2 P1
1 L1 P3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

To illustrate some of these geometry statements we will define the geometry of the work part. Except that
we have added the coordinate system and labeled various geometry elements. We also add the target point
P0 to be used in subsequent commands.
P0 = POINT/0, -1.0,0
P1 = POINT/6.0, 14.125,0
P2 = POINT/0, 0.0
P3 = POINT/6.0,0,0
P4 = POINT/1.75,4.5,0
L1 = LINE/P2, P3
L3 = LINE P2, P4
PL1 PLANE/P2, P3, P4
2. Motion Statements:

APT motion statement is a general format, just geometry statements do.

Example GOTO/P1
The above statement contains of two sections separated by a slash. The first
section is the basic motion command, which tells the tool what to do. The second section is
comprised of descriptive data, which tells the tool where to go. In the above example the tool is
commanded go to point 1.


The FROM is an APT vocabulary word which indicates that this is the initial point
from which other will be referenced. TARG is the symbol given to the starting point.

Example FROM/-2.0, 2.0, 0.0

Where the descriptive data in the above case are the x, y, and z coordinates of te
target point.

POINT-TO-POINT Motions: There are only two basic PTP motion commands:
GOTO statement instructs the tool to go to a particular point location specified in the descriptive
data. Example GOTO/P2 and GOTO/2.0, 7.0, 0.0

GODLTA command specifies an incremental move for the tool. For example GODLTA/2.0, 7.0
0.0 instructs the tool to move from its present position 2 in x direction, 7 in the y direction, the z
coordinates remain unchanged. Then the GODLTA command would be used to drill the hole, as
in following sequence

Contouring Motions: contouring commands are somehow what more complicated because the tools
position must be continuously controlled throughout the move. To accomplish this control, the tool is
directed along two intersecting surfaces which is having specific names in APT
A. Drive surface: This is the surface that guides the side of the cutter.
B. Part Surface: this is the surface on which the bottom of the cutter rides.
The part surface may or may not be an actual surface of the work part. The drive surface
must be defined for the purpose of maintaining continuous path control of the tool.

C. Check surface: This is the surface that stops movement of the tool in its current direction. In a
sense, it checks the forward movement of the tool.
The other APT motion commands are


Cutter coming form GOLFT
this position


Use of APT Commands
1. Postprocessor statements: To write a complete part program, statements must be written that
operation of the spindle, feed, and the other features of the machine tool. These are called
postprocessor statements. Some of the common postprocessor statements are

The postprocessor statements, and the auxiliary statements are of two types. Either with or
without slash(/). The statement with slash are self contained. No additional data are needed.
2. Auxiliary statements: The complete APT program must contain various other statements,
statements. These are used for cutter definition , part identification and so on.
The offset calculation of the tool path from the outline part based on the cutter definition
Would instruct the APT program that the cutter diameter is 0.500in. Therefore, the tool path must be
offset from the part outline by 0.020in.

Manual Data Input (MDI):
Involves the entry of part programming data through a CRT display at the machine site; hence the
use of punched tape is avoided.
The programming operation is usually carried out by the operator.
MDI systems are designed to facilitate the part programming process by using an interactive
mode to assist the operator through programming steps.
MDI uses the shop language rather than alphanumeric codes.
The great advantage is its simplicity.
The limitation on MDI is that the program should be relatively short and simple, since there is no
hard copy and on a CRT 20 to 25 lines can be visible so this adds to operator to visible problem.
The machine tool is not productive while programming accomplished.
It is very expensive.

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