Red Fort
Red Fort
Red Fort
Soon after laying the foundation or his new Capital city of Shahjehanabad Shah Jchan
started construction of the red sandstone Red Fort or Lal Quila in 163 !"#" on the
ban$s of the ri%er Ju&una" 'he fort too$ nearly nine years to co&plete" (ithin the
walled city) the fortress is in the shape of a rectangle *++ &etres by ,,+ &etres" 'he
ra&part walls are about 3- &etres high" ! &oat surrounds the ra&part" 'wo of the fi%e
gateways of the fort are three storeyed structures flan$ed by octagonal towers" 'hese
are the Lahori .ate and the #elhi .ate" Figures of two huge elephants flan$ the #elhi
.ate" 'he &ain entrance to the fort is through the Lahori .ate" ! co%ered passage
with shops on either side leads to the palaces inside the fort" /arrac$s for soldiers)
audience halls) horse and elephant stables) and orna&ental gardens are other features
of the fort"
So&e of the beautiful buildings are the #iwan0i0!&) #iwan0i01has) 2oti 2ahal) 3ira
2ahal and Rang 2ahal) the latter three) all halls decorated with pietro dura and
patterns in gold and colour and floors pa%ed with &arble slabs" 'he 2oti 2asjid was
added later in 16,- !"#" and is an e4cellent speci&en of the balance and rhyth&
&aintained in 2ughal constructions"
'he #iwan0i0!& 53all of 6ublic !udience7 is an arched pillared durbar hall" ! white
&arble throne) e&bellished with coloured inlay wor$ stands under a &arble canopy"
/elow the throne is a &arble dais inlaid with se&i0precious stones" /ehind the throne)
the wall has beautiful panels of flowers and birds in coloured inlay wor$"
'he #iwan0i01has 53all of 6ri%ate !udience7 is a rectangular central hall with aisles
of arches and painted pillars" 'he four corners of the roof ha%e pillars with chhatris on
the&" 'he walls ha%e the fa&ous %erses of !&ir 1husro which says that 89f there is
paradise on earth it is here:
Humayun's Tomb
3u&ayun;s to&b was built by his widow 3aji /egu& in 1,6, !"#" in #elhi in
1,6*!"#") fourteen years after his death" 'he &ausoleu& stands in the centre of a
s<uare enclosed garden" 'he garden is di%ided and sub0di%ided into s<uares) typical
of 2ughal gardens" 'he lofty double storeyed structure is built on a huge high
platfor& terrace which has a row of calls with arched openings" 'he central cha&ber
is octagonal in shape and contains the to&b" =ach side of the &ausoleu& has a large
arched alco%e in the centre with s&aller ones on either side" 9t has a high &arble
double do&e in the centre and pillared $ios$s with cupolas surrounding it" /uilt of
red sandstone with an inlay of blac$) white and yellow &arble it presents an i&posing
picture" 6lanned by a 6ersian architect and constructed by 9ndian wor$ers) it is a
co&bination of both 6ersian and 9ndian styles of architecture" =ntrance to the
&ausoleu& is through two double storeyed gateways"
Agra Fort
! greater part of the fort at !gra was constructed by !$bar starting in 1,6, !# and
co&pleted it in 1,>- !"#" Situated on the ban$ of the ri%er Ja&una) it is a &assi%e
and grand structure" 'he special feature of this fort is the ?", $&s" long and ?1
&etres high circuitous wall of solid red sand stone" 'he stones are lin$ed with iron
rings so close that not e%en a hair can pass through" 'he entrance to the fort is
through two gateways" 'he &ain entrance $nown as #elhi .ate was the cere&onial
entrance to the fort" 'he other s&aller gateway is called the 3athi 6ol or =lephant
.ate because of the two huge elephants on either side of the gate and was &eant for
pri%ate use"
'he #elhi .ate entrance archway is flan$ed by two double storeyed octagonal
bastions crowned by octagonal do&ed $ios$s" ! balcony separates the two storeys"
'he structure abo%e the balcony has arched recesses" 'he gateway is decorated with
beautiful panels of coloured tiles and &arble inlay wor$"
'he fort is surrounded by a deep &oat" 'he fort for&erly contained nu&erous
buildings of red sand stone but these were later de&olished in the reign of Shah Jehan
who constructed &arble pa%ilions instead" So&e of the i&portant buildings inside the
fort are the Jahangiri 2ahal built for Jahangir and his fa&ily) the 2oti 2asjid) and
2ena /a@aars" 'he Jehangiri 2ahal is an i&pressi%e structure and has a courtyard
surrounded by double0storeyed halls and roo&s" 'he corbel brac$ets) doorways and
the chajja abo%e the& are profusely car%ed"
'he elaborate architecture of the brac$ets see&s to be an i&itation of wood wor$"
'he planning and construction of the fort show that Rajput architectural styles were
freely adopted"
Buland Darwaza
! &agnificent gateway was added later in 1,>10>? to co&&e&orate his con<uest of
.ujarat" /uilt of red sand stone and &arble it is said to be the 8&ost perfect
architectural achie%e&ent in the whole of 9ndiaA" ! flight of steps lead to the gateway
which is about ,3 &etres in height and 3* &etres in width" =ntrance is through a
huge arched do&ed recess" ! broad rectangular strip bordering the archway has
calligraphic inscriptions on it" !t the corners are slender turrets" 'he beautiful
perforated parapet and the row of $ios$s with cupolas add to the dignity of the
&onu&ent" !n inscription on the gateway testifies to !$bar;s religious toleration"
Jehangir though a lo%er of art was fond of natural beauty and so de%oted his ti&e to
the laying of beautiful gardens such as the Shali&ar and Bishat /agh in Srinagar)
1ash&ir and to &iniature paintings" Cut of the few of his constructions of note are
!$barDs to&b at Si$andra and the to&b of his father0in0law 9t&ad0ud0#aula both near
Akbar's Tomb, Sikandra
'he 2ausoleu& of !$bar at Si$andra near !gra was started by !$bar and co&pleted
by his son Jahangir in 161? !"#" who changed the original design of his father"
#esigned on the &odel of a /uddhist Eihara) it is set in the centre of a s<uare
garden" 'he enclosure wall on each side has a gateway" 'he &ain gateway has four
white &arble &inarets in the four corners" 'he 2ausoleu& has fi%e terraces) rising
fro& the base&ent) one abo%e the other) di&inishing in si@e as they ascend" 'he red
sand0stone entrance gateway is the largest and is richly decorated with inlaid coloured
stone wor$" (ith its char&ing proportions) it is by itself a wor$ of art"
Jama Masid, Del!i
'he Ja&a 2asjid in #elhi is the largest &os<ue in 9ndia and was built between 16,+0
16,6!"#" 9t is constructed on a high platfor& and approached by a flight of steps on
three sides" 'he &ain entrance is a double storeyed gateway and leads to a %ast s<uare
courtyard which is enclosed by pillared corridors" 'he prayer hall) rectangular in plan
has a facade of ele%en arches" 'he high central arch is flan$ed by tall slender &inarets
with cupolas" (hite &arble panels with inscriptions fra&e the arches" 'hree do&es
with alternate blac$ and white &arble stripes sur&ount the prayer hall" Cn the eastern
corners) stand two tapering four storeyed &inarets"
Fate!"ur Sikri
!$bar;s greatest architectural achie%e&ent was the construction of Fatehpur Si$ri) his
Capital City near !gra" 'he construction pf the walled city was started in 1,6* !"#"
and co&pleted in 1,>- !"#" contained so&e of the &ost beautiful buildings F both
religious and secular which testify to the =&peror;s ai& of achie%ing social) political
and religious integration" 'he religious edifices worth &entioning are the Ja&i
2asjid and Sali& Chisti;s 'o&b" 'he to&b built in 1,>1 !"#" in the corner of the
&os<ue co£ is a s<uare &arble cha&ber with a %erandah" 'he cenotaph has an
e4<uisitely designed lattice screen around it"
'he secular ones include Jodh /ai;s palace) the 6anch 2ahal) the #iwan0i0$has and
the /uland #arwa@a" Jodha /aiDs palace is a large building consisting of roo&s on all
four sides of a courtyard" 'he centre part and four corners of the building are doubled
storeyed" ! s&all chapel attached has niches in the wa$$s for idols" 'he panch 2ahal
is a fi%e stored structure) each storey s&aller in si@e as they go up) the last one being
only a $ios$"
'he #iwani 1has) an outstanding structure was &eant for the =&peror to sit in
audience with his &inisters and listen to disputes and discussions" ! no%el structure)
it is a large hall with a giant &onolithic pillars in the centre with a circular railed
platfor& on top li$e a cup which is supported by a circular array of beautifully car%ed
brac$ets" Fro& the Central platfor& branch out four diagonal railed galleries
sy&boli@ing !$bar;s supre&acy o%er his do&inions" 'he gallery is continued on all
four sides of the hall" 'he audience sat in the galleries and in the hall below gi%ing it
the effect of a two0storey building" Sitting in the centre) !$bar heard discourses and
discussions on religions"
Ta Ma!al
'he 'aj 2ahal in !gra) a drea& in white &arble was built by Shah Jehan as a
&e&orial to his belo%ed wife 2u&ta@ /egu&" /uilt on the ban$s of the ri%er Ju&na)
it was started in 163? !"#" and too$ ?? years to co&plete" 2arble fro& 2a$rana and
precious stones fro& different parts of the world were used in its construction"
6lanned by 9sa) a 6ersian architect it is a &asterpiece of architecture" 'he 'aj is
situated in the centre of a high &arble terrace" ! &arble &inaret of four storeys
stands on each of the four corners of the terrace" 'he &inarets are crowned with
do&es" 'he &ain structure is a s<uare" ! huge) %aulted recess with s&aller arched
recesses in two storeys on either side &a$e up the facade of the building on all sides"
!n octagonal hall with an e4<uisite perforated &arble screen contains the cenotaphs
of 2u&ta@ and Shah Jehan" 'he %aulted ceiling is crowned in the centre by a large
bulbous do&e which tapers off into a foliated crest" !round the do&e are four
cupolas" 'he surface of the walls F e4terior and interior and the cenotaphs are
beautifully decorated with pietra dura) floral and geo&etrical designs" /orders of
inscriptions decorate the &ain archways"
! 2os<ue on the west and a corresponding structure on the east in red sand0stone
co&plete the effect of sy&&etry" Situated in a large enclosed rectangular garden with
fountains) orna&ental pools and water0courses) entrance to the 'aj is by a &ajestic