The Boneyard Project Year 2 2013 2
The Boneyard Project Year 2 2013 2
The Boneyard Project Year 2 2013 2
The Animal and Pet Trades, Dissections, Flesh-Eating Beetles, and the
Reconstruction of Skeletons!
Throughout this #ro$ect "e "ill %e e&#loring the !arious #ers#ecti!es surrounding
the animal and #et industries' (e %egin %) getting to kno" our classroom animals
and un!eiling "ho has "hat kind of #ets at *T*+,' As "e are gathering these data,
"e "ill also %e disco!ering the anatom) and #h)siolog) of mammals and re#tiles
through in-class dissections' During this #rocess "e "ill %e #re#aring these
organisms for our -esh eating %eetles and .eld e&#eriments %) remo!ing all organs'
The %eetles and "ild insects "ill do "hat the) do %est / decom#ose deceased
animal remains lea!ing %ehind onl) a %it of cartilage and %ones' As this occurs, )ou
"ill #re#are la% dra"ings and #hoto re#resentations of the dissections for
#resentation' nce the -esh) #ortions of the animals ha!e decom#osed, students
"ill reco!er the remains and reconstruct the skeletons for dis#la) at *allo"een and
Dia de los Muertos e&hi%itions/la%eling ke) features, ma$or %ones, and functions of
each skeleton'
Essential 0uestions
(hat are the ethics surrounding o"ning and1or su##orting organi2ations that
use animals and animal #roducts3
*o" do the anatom), #h)siolog), and skeletal structures of small mammals
and re#tiles com#are and contrast to the human %od)3
The Products
Product 45- 6n class animal care guides and school-"ide sur!e) of #et o"ners
Product 47- Pre#ared animals for %eetle and e&#erimental decom#osition
Product 48- Field decom#osition e&#eriments 9documentation and #hotos:
Product 4;- ,isual dis#la)9s: of reconstructed skeletons for *allo"een < Dia de los
+urriculum To#ics
Ethics surrounding the animal and #et industries
Anatom) and #h)siolog)
Pro$ect Timeline
(eek To#ics
(eek 5: August 7=-8> -Pro$ect launch "ith an introduction %)
*er#etologist1steologist Patrick (ilco& 9he is the
mastermind %ehind Bone?ard:
-(ho@s )our #et3 (hat@s their life stor)3
(eek 7: Se#tem%er 7-= -No School on September 2 Labor Day
-Form grou#s and discuss #ro$ect roles
-ur !er) o"n Alan Botterman sharing his !ast kno"ledge
of the #et industr)
-Animal care guides, sur!e), and .eld e&#eriment design
-Dissections 9animal 45:
(eek 8: Se#tem%er A-
-+ontinue animal care guides, sur!e), and .eld e&#eriment
-Finish dissection of animal 45 9if needed:
-Field tri# to the Batural *istor) Cuseum 9.nd ins#iration
for .nal #roduct9s::
(eek ;: Se#tem%er 5=-
-No School on September 16 Sta Day
-+ritiDue animal care guides, sur!e), and .eld e&#eriment
design animal care guides, sur!e), and .eld e&#eriment
-Eather and #re#are %ones for reconstruction
-6dentif) necessar) su##lies
-6dentif) %ones and strategi2e reconstruction
(eek F: Se#tem%er 78-
-Reconstruct 9anatomicall) correct: skeletons 9animal 45:
-Sho" oH )our Bone)ard kno"ledge / E&am 6
-Dissections 9animal 47:
-Finali2e animal care guides
-+onduct sur!e) and .eld e&#eriment
(eek =: Se#tem%er 8>-
ct' ;
-+ontinue reconstruction 9animal 45:
-Brainstorm e&hi%ition design, dis#la)s, lighting, etc'
-+om#ile sur!e) results
(eek G: cto%er G-55 -Reconstruct 9anatomicall) correct: skeletons 9animal 47:
-+reate museum Dualit) skeleton dis#la)9s:, sur!e) and
.eld e&#eriment #resentations
-No School on October 11 !all "ol#$ay
(eek I: cto%er 5;-5I -No School on October 1% &ol'mb'( Day
-+ontinue "orking on museum Dualit) skeleton dis#la)9s:,
sur!e) and .eld e&#eriment #resentations
-Pre#are for e&hi%ition
(eek A: cto%er 75-7F -Finali2e *allo"een E&hi%ition 9at *T*+,: room design
-Finali2e Dia de los Cuertos e&hi%ition design 9do"nto"n
+hula ,ista:
(eek 5>: cto%er 7I-
Bo!' 7
-Final set-u#
-"allo)een E*h#b#t#on on +e$ne($ay, October -. /at
-Dia de los Muertos E*h#b#t#on on !r#$ay, No1ember 1
/&h'la 2#(ta0
(eek 55: Bo!em%er ;-I -Permanentl) dis#la) our Bone?ard #ro$ect #roduct9s:
-Sho"-oH )our Bone?ard kno"ledge / E&am 66
-Socratic Seminar