1. A cross currency swap allows parties to exchange interest payments in different currencies, providing flexibility beyond a regular interest rate swap. It eliminates exchange risk on principal while retaining currency exposure on interest flows.
2. To price a new cross currency swap, one can either use multiple yield curves and discount cashflows in their respective currencies followed by a FX conversion, or apply currency basis spread adjustments to construct a single yield curve for discounting.
3. Thomson Reuters' Swap Pricer recommends the latter approach, applying CBS quotes to convert the first leg cashflows into the second leg currency before discounting on a single curve. This allows pricing of non-standard cross currency swaps.
1. A cross currency swap allows parties to exchange interest payments in different currencies, providing flexibility beyond a regular interest rate swap. It eliminates exchange risk on principal while retaining currency exposure on interest flows.
2. To price a new cross currency swap, one can either use multiple yield curves and discount cashflows in their respective currencies followed by a FX conversion, or apply currency basis spread adjustments to construct a single yield curve for discounting.
3. Thomson Reuters' Swap Pricer recommends the latter approach, applying CBS quotes to convert the first leg cashflows into the second leg currency before discounting on a single curve. This allows pricing of non-standard cross currency swaps.
Original Title
FI - Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer
1. A cross currency swap allows parties to exchange interest payments in different currencies, providing flexibility beyond a regular interest rate swap. It eliminates exchange risk on principal while retaining currency exposure on interest flows.
2. To price a new cross currency swap, one can either use multiple yield curves and discount cashflows in their respective currencies followed by a FX conversion, or apply currency basis spread adjustments to construct a single yield curve for discounting.
3. Thomson Reuters' Swap Pricer recommends the latter approach, applying CBS quotes to convert the first leg cashflows into the second leg currency before discounting on a single curve. This allows pricing of non-standard cross currency swaps.
1. A cross currency swap allows parties to exchange interest payments in different currencies, providing flexibility beyond a regular interest rate swap. It eliminates exchange risk on principal while retaining currency exposure on interest flows.
2. To price a new cross currency swap, one can either use multiple yield curves and discount cashflows in their respective currencies followed by a FX conversion, or apply currency basis spread adjustments to construct a single yield curve for discounting.
3. Thomson Reuters' Swap Pricer recommends the latter approach, applying CBS quotes to convert the first leg cashflows into the second leg currency before discounting on a single curve. This allows pricing of non-standard cross currency swaps.
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer Agenda 1. What is a Cross Currency Swap, CRS/CCS ?
2. How to get indicative data on CRS/CCS rates ?
3. How to price a new CRS/CCS deal ?
4. How to mark-to-market an existing CRS/CCS deal ?
5. Conclusion
What is a
Cross Currency Swap ?
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 1. Loans : to borrow at a lower interest rate ? Interest Rate Swap may give you the flexibility to switch from fixed to float, or vice versa, for a single currency. But, Cross Currency Swap provides another degree of freedom. The currency to pay may be different from the currency to be received.
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 1.1 Cross Currency Swap Basics A Cross Currency Swap (EUR/JPY) has the features of an Interest Rate Swap while giving each counterparty access to a different foreign currency.
For example, Currency principal amounts may be exchanged at the outset and re-exchanged at maturity at the same Exchange Rates.
As a result, Exchange Risk on the principal amounts is eliminated, while retaining 1. the Interest Rate Exposure and 2. Currency Exposure on the Interest flows and 3. on the Net Result of any transaction that has been closed out prior to Maturity.
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 1.2 Different Combinations These cashflows (interest payments) could be: 1. Fixed against floating 2. floating against floating 3. Fixed against Fixed 4. Linked with the Returns on an Asset (example, Standard Chartered Banks Islamic Swap)
KRW Principal KRW Principal Floating KRW Interest payments
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 1.3 Cross Currency Swap, graphically
KRW Zero coupon curve or discount factors USD Zero coupon curve or discount factors
Currency Basis swap spread
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 1.4.1 Fixed/Fixed Cross Currency Swap vs FX Swap Notional : USD 1 million : KRW 920 million Tenor : 5 years FX ref : 920 (same rate : begin & end) USD fixed : 4.9% KRW fixed : 5.4%
Corp pays KRW 5.4% Corp receive USD 4.9%
Corp receives KRW 920 mio Corp pays USD 1 mio
Swap Bank Corporate Corp pays KRW 920 mio Corp receives USD 1 mio Notional : USD 1 million : KRW 920 million Tenor : 5 years
USD fixed : 0% KRW fixed : 0%
Corp receives KRW 920 mio Corp pays USD 1 mio
Corporate Corp pays KRW at 5Y outright rate Corp receives USD 1 mio Now 5 years Swap Bank Difference in FX rate = swap points
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 1.4.2 Fixed/Fixed Cross Currency Swap vs FX Swap
+ -
time + -
FX Swaps = Near leg + Far leg Cross Currency Swaps = S (FX swaps) assuming same frequency payment Borrow in KRW interest rate Lend in USD interest rate
= e.g. borrow KRW & lend USD Cross Currency Swaps = e.g. long USD bond & short KRW bond Long USD bond Short KRW bond
How to get indicative data
on CRS or CCS rates ?
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 2.1 How to get quotes on Cross Currency Swap ?
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 2.2.1 How to understand Cross Currency Swap quote ?
KRW 2.025% semi-annually USD 6 month Libor flat
Swap Desk Corporate Corporate pays KRW fixed
KRW 1.425% semi-annually
Swap Desk Corporate Corporate receives KRW fixed USD 6 month Libor flat Ignoring the exchange of principals for simplicity
For 5Y CRS
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 2.2.2 How to understand Currency Basis Swap quote ? Ignoring the exchange of principals for simplicity
USD 6 month Libor flat
Swap Bank Corporate
SGD 6M SOR - 9 bp
Swap Bank Corporate Corporate receives SGD 6M SOR USD 6 month Libor flat Corporate pays SGD 6M Swap Offer Rates SGD 6M SOR +1 bp For 1Y CBS,
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 2.2.3 Understand Currency Basis Swaps from CRS & IRS
Assume the same notional amount for all structures, in yields perspective :
Example, Fixed rate of CRS tenor = Fixed rate of IRS tenor + CBS tenor
( CBS : Currency Basis Spread )
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 2.2.4 Understand Currency Basis Swap from CRS and IRS Assume the same notional amount for all structures, in yields perspective : Fixed rate of CRS 1Y = Fixed rate of IRS 1Y + CBS 1Y where CBS : Currency Basis Spread 0.519% = 0.508% + (1.1/100)%
IRS CBS in bp CRS Prices are presented from the Brokers Swap Desk perspective, that is, ask followed by bid
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 2.2.5 Bird-eye View on Basis Spread & Currency Basis Spread
Term Yield(t 0 ) % Tenor
Term Tenor Yield(t 0 ) % CBS(t 0 )
SGD fixed / SGD 6M SOR IRS Curve
SGD fixed / USD floating CRS Curve
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 2.2.6 Usefulness of CBS : To construct the full FX outright Term Structure For the shorter term of the FX outright term structure (till 1 year) , we may use spot FX and swap points to construct it.
For the longer term of the FX outright term structure (more than 1 year) , we will use CBS spreads and other relevant information to construct it. USD/KRW curves
swap points USD/KRW outrights curve 1 year
USD/KRW CBS spread curve 30 years
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 2.2.7 Usefulness of CBS : To construct the full FX outright Term Structure USD/KRW curves
swap points USD/KRW outrights curve 1 year
USD/KRW CBS spread curve 10 years
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 2.2.8 Construct the full FX outright Term Structure CBS spread term structure USDs discount factors KRWs discount factors Spot USD/KRW
long term USD/KRW swap point +
long term USD/KRW outrights
short term USD/KRW swap point
How to price
a new CRS/CCS deal ?
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.1 Cross Currency Swap Model The model provides two way for valuating a Cross Currency Swap. CRS or CCS.
1. Spot : CBS adjustment are not applied (using 2 or more zero-coupon curves) i. Discount all expected cashflows using their own zero-coupon curves (e.g. USD, KRW) ii. Convert the second currency to the first currency using FX spot rate.
2. FX Curve : CBS adjustment are applied (using only 1 zero-coupon curve) < Financial Market preferred method and is adopted by Thomson Reuters in the design of Currency Swap Pricer >
For example, CBS quotes are applied for first leg : i. Convert all expected cashflows of first leg into the currency of the second using all the relevant FX outrights (that is, adjusted by CBS). ii. Discount all cashflows (include the converted ones) using the zero coupon curve of the second leg.
Note CBS spread adjustment : Currency Basis Swap spread adjustment
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.1.1 Cross Currency Swap Pricing Methodology CBS quotes are not applied CBS quotes are applied A few Zero Curves will be used for discounting purpose
Pricing of Cross Currency Swap
Only 1 Zero Curves will be used for discounting purpose. (first legs or second legs)
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.1.2 Currency Swap Pricing with 2 curves & 1 FX conversion
time 1. Get forecasted future USD cashflows (floating rate) from forward curve implied out from current US zero coupon rates. Present value the USD cashflows.
time 2. Guess a reasonable KRW Fixed rate. Generate the KRW cashflows. Present value the KRW cashflows.
+ - + -
3. Check the total present value from two cashflows but in only 1 currency, if the value is not equal to zero, go back to step 2.
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.2.1 Currency Swap Pricing Methodology CBS quotes are not applied CBS quotes are applied 2 or 3 Zero Curves will be used for discounting purpose Only 1 Zero Curves will be used for discounting purpose <Thomson Reuters approach> (first legs or second legs)
Pricing of Cross Currency Swap (tenor that is not standard, example, 25m, 25 months)
Calculate CBS quotes from Market Currency Swaps Quotes Market Interest Rate Swaps Quotes (standard tenors)
Market CBS quotes
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.2.2 Currency Swap Pricing with 1 zero coupon curve
time 1. Get forecasted future USD cashflows (floating rate) from forward curve implied out from current US zero coupon rates. Present value the USD cashflows.
time 2. Guess a reasonable KRW Fixed rate. Generate the KRW cashflows. Convert each with its relevant FX outrights. Present value the USD cashflows.
+ - + -
3. Check the total present value of the new set of cashflows, if the value is not equal to zero, go back to step 2.
CBS spread translated to relevant FX outrights
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.2.3 Construct the full FX outright Term Structure USD/KRW curves
For the shorter term of the FX outright term structure (till 1 year) , we may use spot FX and swap points to construct it.
For the longer term of the FX outright term structure (more than 1 year) , we will use CBS spreads and other relevant information to construct it. swap points USD/KRW outrights curve
1 year
USD/KRW CBS spread curve
30 years
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.2.4 Construct the full FX outright Term Structure CBS spread term structure USDs discount factors KRWs discount factors Spot USD/KRW
long term USD/KRW swap point +
long term USD/KRW outrights
short term USD/KRW swap point
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.2.5 Summary : Cross Currency Swap Pricing Methodology
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.3 Locate Currency Swap calculator and understand the calculation
Received Leg USD 3M Libor flat Paid Leg SGD Fixed rate 0.5971% semi-annually
Swap Bank Corporate For 5Y CRS,
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.4.1 Target Markets for Cross Currency Swaps, CRS or CCS There are 4 clear target markets :
1. Investors who wish to purchase foreign assets but seek to eliminate foreign currency exposure (The search for higher yield)
2. Debt issuers who can achieve more favourable rates by issuing debt in foreign currency (The search for lower cost of capital)
3. Liability managers seeking to create synthetic foreign currency liabilities. ( Example : Currency loss on the assets will be offseted by a corresponding Currency gain on the Cross Currency Swap)
4. Convert from float to fixed or vice versa in Structured Notes
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.4.2 Create Synthetic USD floating rate notes A US Fund Manager is seeking to purchase 3 year USD assets with a minimum credit rating of AA and a yield in excess of USD 6M Libor+12bp. However, there may be no such asset exist in reasonable volume at this time.
To create this asset synthetically, the Fund Manager may : US Fund Manager
GBP FRN Issuer
GBP 6M Libor+ 18bp
Swap Bank GBP 6M Libor + 18bp
USD 6M Libor + ??? > USD 6M Libor + 12bp Investor buys Bond -GBP 10 million Currency Swap +GBP 10 million -USD 20 million Initial cashflows Bond Redeems to Investor +GBP 10 million Currency Swap -GBP 10 million +USD 20 million At Maturity cashflows (irrespective of the prevailing exchange rate) Note : US Fund Manager bears the full credit risk of the underlying bond and should the bond default, the investor is still obliged to make all remaining payments under the Swap or reverse the swap at the book value at that time. If there is a GBP FRN that offers 6M Libor + 18bp, Fund Manager will take it.
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.4.3 Day Count Basis (per year) for onshore & offshore
Domestic for onshore banks computation. (for example, citibank in USA)
Euro for offshore banks computation. (for example, citibank in Singapore)
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.4.4 Create Synthetic USD floating rate notes
For 3 years, Corporate will pay GBP 6 month Libor + 18bp & receive USD 6 month Libor + 22.05bp that is, better than expected US Fund Manager GBP 6M Libor + 18bp
USD 6M Libor + 22.05bp > USD 6M Libor + 12bp
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.4.5 Create Synthetic USD floating rate notes
Ignoring the exchange of principals for simplicity For 3 years, Corporate will pay GBP 6 month Libor + 18bp & receive USD 6 month Libor + 22.05bp
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.5.1 Target Markets for Cross Currency Swaps, CRS or CCS There are 4 clear target markets :
1. Investors who wish to purchase foreign assets but seek to eliminate foreign currency exposure (The search for higher yield)
2. Debt issuers who can achieve more favourable rates by issuing debt in foreign currency (The search for lower cost of capital)
3. Liability managers seeking to create synthetic foreign currency liabilities. ( Example : Currency loss on the assets will be offseted by a corresponding Currency gain on the Cross Currency Swap)
4. Convert from float to fixed or vice versa in Structured Notes
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.5.2 Create Synthetic NZD debt or loan A New Zealand company is looking to raise NZD 100 million by issuing 9 years bonds. In the New Zealand domestic market, it would issue at a yield of NZD 6M bank bill + 300bp. Alternatively it can issue in Australia where there is a shortage of quality bonds, at a yield of 8%.
To create this liability synthetically, the New Zealand company may : NZ Company
AUD straight bond Investors
Swap Bank NZD 6M bankbill+??? bp < NZD 6M bankbill+300bp
AUD 8% Company issues Bond +AUD 80.2 million Currency Swap -AUD 80.2 million +NZD 100 million Initial cashflows Bond Redeems to Investor -AUD 80.2 million Currency Swap +AUD 80.2 million -NZD 100 million At Maturity cashflows (irrespective of the prevailing exchange rate) AUD 8%
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.5.3 Create Synthetic NZD debt or loan
For 9 years, Corporate will pay NZD 6 bankbill + 433.26bp & receive AUD 8% semi-annually. this is worse, so forget about AUD arrangement NZ Company NZD 6M bankbill + 433.26bp > NZD 6M bankbill + 300bp
AUD 8%
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.5.4 Create Synthetic NZD debt or loan
Currency Basis Swap Ignoring the exchange of principals for simplicity For 10 years, Corporate will pay NZD 6 month Bankbill + 433.26bp & receive AUD 8% semi-annually.
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.6.1 Target Markets for Cross Currency Swaps, CRS or CCS There are 4 clear target markets :
1. Investors who wish to purchase foreign assets but seek to eliminate foreign currency exposure (The search for higher yield)
2. Debt issuers who can achieve more favourable rates by issuing debt in foreign currency (The search for lower cost of capital)
3. Liability managers seeking to create synthetic foreign currency liabilities. ( Example : Currency loss on the assets will be offseted by a corresponding Currency gain on the Cross Currency Swap)
4. Convert from float to fixed or vice versa in Structured Notes
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.6.2 Motivation : Reduce the Volatility of Earnings A US company uses USD as its base currency but has Assets denominated in INR. The Board of Directors are concerned that any fluctuations in the spot FX will lead to an increase in the volatility of earnings.
In total, there are INR 40 billion Asset with no corresponding INR liabilities. The majority of company liabilities are denominated in USD.
The currency exchange rate is 1 USD = 54 INR.
Liabilities Balance Sheet before Cross Currency Swap
Equity Present Value in USD
Asset Market Value = INR 40 bn
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.6.3 Motivation : Reduce the Volatility of Earnings The Company has considered raising INR debt in the India market and repaying USD debt as a way to hedge this exposure and would need to pay INR 1Y Mifor ??? bp
Multi-national company
INR 1Y Mifor + ??? bp
USD 1Y Libor USD 1Y Libor
Swap Bank Banks
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.6.4 Motivation : Reduce the Volatility of Earnings There is no new requirement to generate cash and so the company elects not to exchange principal at the start of the deal, so there are no initial cashflows.
In effect, the company has transferred some of its USD liabilities into INR liabilities to offset the INR assets it owns and thereby reduce its currency exposure.
Liabilities Balance Sheet after Cross Currency Swap
Equity Present Value in INR
Asset Market Value = INR 40 bn From this point on, any Currency loss on the assets will be offseted by a corresponding Currency gain on the Cross Currency Swap.
Thus, the Cross Currency Swap has been used as an effective FX hedge much like the use of a FX swap contract.
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.6.5 Hedge FX risk
For 10 years, Corporate will pay INR 1 year Mifor 486.37bp & receive USD 1 year Libor flat
Multi-national company INR 1Y Mifor 486.37bp
USD 1Y Libor flat
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.6.6 Motivation : hedge FX risk
Multi-National Company
Swap Bank
IRS INR 1 year Mifor - 442.25bp USD 1 year Libor flat USD Fixed USD 1 year Libor flat INR 1 year Mifor USD Fixed CRS
Currency Basis Swap Ignoring the exchange of principals for simplicity For 10 years, Corporate will pay INR 1 year Mifor 442.25bp & receive USD 1 year Libor flat
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.7.1 Target Markets for Cross Currency Swaps, CRS or CCS There are 4 clear target markets :
1. Investors who wish to purchase foreign assets but seek to eliminate foreign currency exposure (The search for higher yield)
2. Debt issuers who can achieve more favourable rates by issuing debt in foreign currency (The search for lower cost of capital)
3. Liability managers seeking to create synthetic foreign currency liabilities. ( Example : Currency loss on the assets will be offseted by a corresponding Currency gain on the Cross Currency Swap)
4. Convert from float to fixed or vice versa in Structured Notes
Reverse engineering on Lehman Brothers Minibond series 9 & 10
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.7.2 Reverse Engineering on Minibond series 9 & 10 Credit Protection on Aviva PLCs bonds Credit Portfolio
CDS premiums
Single Tranche (e.g. AAA)
Cash comes from Noteholders ( some are Vulnerable Investors) No Default scenario Series 9 : SGD 4.3% pa for 4.75 years payable on 14 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
Funded credit link notes
possibly, US Treasury Bonds ELIGIBLE COLLATERAL FX converted cash to purchase Coupon Interests Credit Event Loss Payments (Par) Credit Portfolio contains mainly six 5Y CDS (physical settlement).
Credit Protection on PRC of Chinas bonds Credit Protection on HSBC banks bonds Credit Protection on Malaysias bonds Credit Protection on Prudentials bonds Credit Protection on Singtels bonds Coupon Interests after CRS + CDS premium
Default scenario Recovery Values
Protection Buyers IRS may be utilised to convert from fixed to floating and vice versa in series 10 (USD) Currency Swap may be utilised to convert multi-period cashflow, from 1 currency to another in series 9. Credit Events (should follow CR doc) Failure to Pay, Debt Restructuring, for Sovereign for other entities Repudiation/Moratorium Bankruptcy SP/Moody A+/A2 A/A1 AA/Aa1 A-/A3 A+/A2 A+/Aa2 INVESTMENT RISK & RISK FACTORS you could lose all or a substantial part of your investment in the Notes Minibond Limited is theSPC
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.7.3 The Incomplete Journey Sophisticated & vulnerable investors waiting in vain for the delivery The Titanic (Swap Counterparty/Guarantor) called Lehman Brothers riskfree US Treasury Bonds Yield Aviva, PRC of China, HSBC bank, Govt. of Malaysia, Prudential, Singtels CDS premiums
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.7.4 There are 2 Cross Currency Involved : First one is
Lehman Brother
Swap Desk
CRS USD Fixed 1.5%, semi SGD Fixed rates, qtr
Ignoring the exchange of principals for simplicity For 4Y9M years, the Lehman Brother will pays USD fixed rates same as the 5Y USD government Treasury Notes receive SGD fixed rates
5Y USD Treasury Notes USD Fixed 1.5%, semi
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.7.5 The first Cross Currency Swap deal is
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.7.6 There are 2 Cross Currency Involved : Second one is
Lehman Brother
Swap Desk
IRS USD Fixed ???, qtr SGD Fixed rates, qtr
Ignoring the exchange of principals for simplicity For 4Y9M years, the Lehman Brother will pays USD fixed rates = All 5Y CDS premium collected receive SGD fixed rates = 4.3% - the SGD fixed rate calculated from the first CRS or CCS
All 5Y CDS premiums USD Fixed ???, qtr
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 3.7.7 The second Cross Currency Swap deal is
for a Cross Currency Swap
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 4. Mark-to-Model/Market for an existing Cross Currency Swap deal
Company Agree to pay KRW 0.28% quarterly on an earlier trade date 17 Jan 2012 (1 year ago)
USD 3M Libor flat To unwind this position, Company will get KRW 675400.48 Locking the Maturity Date Locking the Agreed Fixed Rate
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 5.1 Conclusion 1. Learn how to get indicative data on IRS or CCS rates, <SWAP/1>
2. Learn how to price a new IRS or CCS deal with the Swap Pricer model. 3. Learn how to Mark-to-Model(Market) an existing IRS or CCS deal. - Key in (lock) the maturity date. - Key in (lock) contracted swap rate in the Fixed Rate cell - Mark-to-Model(Market) = Net Present Value (NPV)
Overview of Cross Currency Swaps via Swap Pricer 5.2 Where are CRS (CCS) in the Grand Scheme of Things ? Yield(t) %
Investors hope to lend at higher rate.
Debtors hope to borrow at lower rate. Libor curve
6M Libor(t) + ASW
10Y IRS(t) +CMS
Benchmark curve
Zero-coupon curve (constructed from US Treasury curve)