Adverbial Clause - Concession

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CLAUSE OF CONCESSION (Mnh trang ng chi s nhng b / tng phn)

They enjoy working in the garden although / even though it is vey hard work.
chi s tng phn, v thng i cng cc t ni chi s tng phn nh:
but - although / even though / though - in spite of / despite - hoeve! - "et - hile /
he!eas - neve!theless, etc.
but She had a cold, but she went to work.
although / even though / though # $lause
- Even though manh hn l although. Though thng c s dung thng dung v c th ng cui
Although / Even though / %hough she had a cold, she went to work.
She went to work although / even though / though she had a cold.
She had a cold. She went to work, though.
in spite of / despite # noun & 'ing fo!(
n spite of / Despite the bad weather, they sat in the garden.
(NOT: Despite of the bad ...)
They sat in the garden in spite of / despite the weather being bad.
in spite of / despite the fa$t that # $lause
In spite of / Despite the fa$t )that) the weather was bad, they sat in the garden.
hoeve! / neve!less (lun s dung du phy sau hoeve! / neve!less)
He was well-qualified for the job. *oeve! / Neve!theless, he didn 't get it.
hile & he!eas
Your flat is big, hile / he!eas mine is small.
yet (formal)
Tom ran well, "et he lost.
1. Rewrite the sentences using the word(s) in brackets.
1. Your car is new and fast. My car is old and slow.
(hile) Your car is new and fast, while my car is old and slow.
2. He went to bed early. He was tired the next day. ("et) He went to bed early, yet he was tired the next day.
3. The Smiths go on holiday to Spain. The Millers go to Switzerland. (he!eas)
4. He had passed his exams. He couldn't find a good job. (although)
5. They ate all the food. t was tasteless. (in spite of)
6. The performance was bad. Everyone applauded at the end. (neve!theless)
7. We had a map. We got lost. (though)
8. He didn't go back to work. He felt better. (despite)
3. The Smiths go on holiday to Spain, whereas the Millers go to Switzerland.! Whereas the Smiths go on holiday to Spain, the Millers go to
4. Althogh he had passed his exams, he !oldn"t #ind a good $ob.%He !oldn"t #ind a good $ob althogh he had passed his exams.
&. They ate all the #ood, in spite o# it%its being tasteless.%'n spite o# the #ood being tasteless, they ate it all.%They ate all the #ood, in spite o# the
#a!t that it was tasteless.%ln spite o# the #a!t that the #ood was tasteless, they ate it all.
(. The per#orman!e was bad. )e*ertheless, e*eryone appladed at the end.
+. We had a map. We got lost, thogh.%We got lost, thogh we had a map.%Thogh we had a map, we got lost.
,. He didn"t go ba!- to wor- despite .his/ #eeling better.%0espite .his/ #eeling better, he didn"t go ba!- to wor-.%He didn"t go ba!- to wor- despite
the #a!t .that/ he #elt better.%0espite the #a!t .that/ he #elt better, he didn"t go ba!- to wor-.
2. Choose the correct answer.
1. _________ being shy, Jim gave a speech at the concert.
A However B Yet C Despite
2. _________ he hated shopping, he went to the supermarket.
A However B 1*en thogh C While
3. Jane works very hard, _________ Kate is lazy.
A whereas B even though C despite
4. This car is fast, _________ it is also very noisy.
A despite B bt C in spite
5. She likes Peter. She doesn't like his brother, _________.
A whereas B but C thogh
6. _________ the rain, the football match went ahead.
A 'n spite o# B However C While
7. _________ of being tired, Jeff went to the party.
A 'n spite B Despite C Although
3. Complete the sentences.
1. n spite of the heavy traffic, got to work on time.
Although the traffic was heavy, got to work on time.
2. Despite winning the race, Sam still wasn't happy.
Even though he had won the ra!e, Sam still wasn"t happy.
3. Although it rains a tot in England, love living there.
Despite the #a!t that it rains a lot in 1ngland, ' lo*e li*ing there.%the rain in 1ngland, ' lo*e li*ing there.%the rain, ' lo*e li*ing in 1ngland
4. Even though Tom is a qualified doctor, he doesn't have a job.
In spite o# .his/ being a 2ali#ied do!tor, Tom doesn"t ha*e a $ob.%o# the #a!t that Tom is a 2ali#ied do!tor, he doesn"t ha*e a $ob.
5. Despite the fact that was hungry, didn't eat anything.
Even though ' was hngry, ' didn"t eat anything.
6. Even though he was ill, Jim went to work.
Despite .his/ being ill%the #a!t that he was ill, 3im went to wor-.
7. n spite of losing her job, she didn't get depressed.
Although she had lost her $ob, she didn"t get depressed.
8. Although he doesn't like his boss, he works very hard.
In spite o# the #a!t that he doesn"t li-e his boss%o# .his/ not li-ing his boss, he wor-s *ery hard.
9. Even though it is very cold, she is only wearing a T-shirt.
Despite the #a!t that it is *ery !old%it%its being *ery !old, she is only wearing a T4shirt.
10. n spite of her busy schedule, she makes time for her children.
Even though she has a bsy s!hedle, she ma-es time #or her !hildren.
T cm thn l cc t hoc cc cu c s dung din t s ngac nhin, ngng m.. Cu
cm thn thng i vi hat (a/an), ho, su$h, so hoc mt cu nghi vn ph jnh (negative
*o # ad-e$tive & adve!b
*o tall she is! *o $a!efull" he drives!
hat # a&an )# ad-e$tive. # singula! $ontable noun
/hat a p!ett" bab"!
/hat an a(a0ing sto!"! /hat an e,pe!ien$e!
hat )# ad-e$tive. # un$ontable / plu!al noun
/hat $olou!ful paintings!
/hat ho!!ible eathe!!
(NOT: What a horrible weather!)
so # ad-e$tive / adve!b
She's so polite! He ran so fast!
su$h # a&an )#ad-e$tive. # singula! $ountable noun
He's su$h a gene!ous (an!
su$h )#ad-e$tive. # un$ountable / plu!al noun
They're su$h polite $hild!en!
He gave me su$h useful advi$e!
negative 1uestion
Isn2t it great to be here!
4. Fill in what ( a /an ) or ho.
1. What beautiful earrings she is wearing!
2. ____________ clever of you to pass all of your exams! How
3. ____________ delightful restaurant this is! What a
4. ____________ cold it is this evening! How
5. ____________ wonderful taste in paintings you have! What
6. ____________ outstanding performance she gave! What an
7. ____________ stupid of me to forget his birthday! How
8. ____________ kind of you to visit me in hospital! How
9. ____________ terrible mistake it was to invite Sarah! What a
10. ____________ awful bullies those two boys are! .-e hay b5t n6t/ What
11. ____________ exciting news! What
12. ____________ rude of Tara to ignore me all evening! How

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