Predictive Models To Understand and Analyze Student Performance in Post Graduate Entrance Examinations - A Case Study

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International Journal of Engineering Science Invention

ISSN (Online): 2319 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 6726 Volume 3 Issue 6 June 2014 PP.10-13 10 | Page
Predictive Models To Understand And Analyze
Student Performance In Post Graduate Entrance Examinations -
A Case Study.

, Narahari.N.S

Associate Professor & Ph.D student- Dept of Computer Science- School of Graduate

Professor and Head, Dept of Industrial Engineering & Management, R.V.College of Engineering Autonomous-
VTU - Bangalore-INDIA

ABSTRACT: Post graduate admissions in India happen mostly through entrance examinations. These
normally consist of multiple choice questions-While this format is suitable for many types of examinations, one
has to look at the student aptitude also while devising a question paper. There has to be a right balance between
the strength of the students and the difficulty level of the questions. This balance is difficult to achieve. This
paper discusses some techniques to know the students strengths and to devise questions based upon them. Data
mining techniques, Item analysis, Regression analysis and probabilistic techniques are used here.
.KEYWORDS : Data mining, Item Analysis, Predictive Model, Probability ,Regression Analysis,
Post graduate admissions in India happen mainly through entrance examinations. In this competitive
scenario, there are two facets- one is the examinee or the student who take the examination he has got his own
strengths and weaknesses- methods of answering knowledge about the subject etc. The other part is the actual
examination and the question paper which should cater to the multiple types of students taking the examination.
While the examiner focuses on giving as tough questions as possible, the examinee tries to find as many ways
and means of answering the maximum number of questions. In this regard, if there is some means by which the
examiner can come to know of the strengths and weaknesses of the student community that he is addressing,
then it becomes easier for him to set the question paper. This paper discusses some predictive methods to do
this and try to establish a model based on which the question papers can be set. The particular case study which
has been taken up is the Karnataka PGCET examination This paper includes two main parts. In the first part,
the methods to know the strengths and weaknesses of the students are discussed. This includes cluster analysis,
classification, Item analysis, Regression analysis all of these applied on the marks scored by the students. The
second part discusses a probabilistic model to devise multiple choice questions. The output of the first part is
given as input to the second part..
Data mining techniques have been used in Educational Data Mining to correlate the students data
across various levels. Item Analysis and variations of Rasch models have been used in analyzing the
examination scores to find out patterns of scoring.Probabilistic techniques have been used in studying the
patterns of scoring in various examinations.
The basic premise of this study is that the marks that could be scored by a student in the PG- entrance
examinations is directly proportional to the marks that he or she has scored in their graduate examinations. This
is because the aptitude of a graduate/post graduate student would have been built over a period of several years
and it is sensible to assume that the performance of the student in the graduate exams is an indicator of his future
performance in the PG- entrance examinations. There are exceptions to this assumption but nevertheless it is a
powerful dependency to be studied. So, in this study the marks that have been scored by the students in PG-
entrance test has been considered, the correlation between the degree marks and the entrance test marks for the
past three years have been studied. In the first stage, we study the dependency between the entrance test marks
Predictive Models To Understand And Analyze 11 | Page
and the rank scored by the students. The following snapshot shows this dependency. This snapshot has been
taken with the software Rapid Miner.

In the next level the dependency between the degree marks and the PG ranks have been studied.The
following snapshot shows this dependency which has been taken by SPSS software.

Observing the above we can infer that there are clusters of the students who have scored almost the same
marks but have been awarded different rankings. This is of course because of the fact that the weightage for this
marks is 50%-but the fact that has to be noted is that there are students with the same intelligence level who
have taken up the examination but due to some reason they have scored different marks in the PG entrance and
hence the different rankings.
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What we are essentially doing here is trying to analyze the clusters which have been formed based
upon the distribution of marks In the next step we can goto those individual clusters and use classification to
classify those clusters into classes created for our analysis purpose. For example, we can identify clusters in
which the PG entrance test marks is about 65 and the groups degree marks is around 60%.When this analysis is
done for the scores over many years (in this study, it has been three years)what comes out is that students who
are taking a certain marks in the degree are scoring a definite marks in the PG entrance test. This sets a kind of
upper limit and a lower limit on what marks that a student can score in the PG entrance test. Although the type,
number and weightage of the questions differ in these two examinations , indirectly or directly the degree marks
is a strong indicator of the marks that a student can score-in other words it speaks of the aptitude and strength of
the student. A predictive model can be established based upon this kind of an analysis which will tell us given
a cluster of students with a certain strength what are the strengths and weaknesses of that cluster of the students.
The above analysis gives us the number of clusters scoring a particular range but this study can be
further improved by performing a regression analysis on the scores. The independent variables here are two -
namely the degree marks and the entrance test marks and the dependent variable is the ranking that has been
obtained. The general model[1] that can be followed is that of multiple regression which looks like the
Y= a + b1x1 + b2x2 (1)
Here Y= the rank scored
X1 = the degree marks
X2 = the entrance test marks
b1 and b2 are the regression coefficients-

The above analysis is with respect to the marks scored. Now we can refine this analysis by looking into
the answers that a student gives in the actual examination. The questions that appear can be divided into many
categories like knowledge based, skill based memory based and so on. In each of these categories we can further
have difficulty levels assigned.[2] So by comparing the answers and trying to find their relationship with the
clusters that we have found in the previous steps, we can come to a definitive picture as to what is the aptitude
of a certain student. This can be studied over a set of years data and we can use the inferences to build a model
which would tell us what might be the answering level of a certain kind of clusters, before we can actually frame
the question paper. In effect, this method can be used as a valid elimination technique with a certain degree of
The problem of choosing the correct answer out of a set of answers is a decision problem. This
problem can be described in terms of the set A = {a1,} of possible alternatives, the set B= { b1,} of exhaustive , mutually exclusive relevant uncertain events , and the set of consequences
Cij=c(ai,bj) which may possibly result. Each of these results may be quantified with a utility value
uij=u(ai,bj),the possibility of uncertain events may be described with a probability distribution
{p(b1),p(b2)..p(bm)}(p(bj)>=0 ,p(bj)= 1 over the relevant uncertain events. The optimal alternative is the
one which maximizes the expected utility:
U#(ai) =
j= 1
u(ai,bj)*p(bj). (2)
It is to be stressed that probability is the degree of belief.
Let {d1, d2,.dk} be the possible answers to multiple choice questions which are all mutually exclusive and
assumed to contain the true answer d*.Conventional practice says that the candidate has to mark one of them to
be his choice 1 mark is awarded for correct answer ,0 if the question is left blank and c>=0 marks to be
subtracted if there is a wrong answer. From the candidates perspective, if he has to score maximum marks, he
has to maximize his answers in each of the questions. For each question the set of alternatives is {a0, a1,
a2..ak},where a0 denotes the choice of leaving the question blank, ai refers to marking the option di as the
correct answer, and the score function can be written as:
U(a0,dj) = 0,u(aj,dj) = 1,u(aj,dl) = -c , if l is not equal to j. (3)
Predictive Models To Understand And Analyze 13 | Page
Thus if pj= Pr[d*=dj] denotes the probability which the candidate actually chooses to answer dj as the
correct answer, then it follows from (1) that his expected utility for each possible alternative is given by:
U(a0)=0,u(aj) = (1+c)pj c, j= 1,2,k (4)
U(aj)>u(al) implies pj>pl
U(aj) >u(a0) implies pj>c/1+c
Thus, to maximize his score in the examination, in one particular question, the candidate has to
determine his most likely answer, in other words one mode of his belief distribution{p1,} and to
mark such a mode if and only if , its associated probability p*= maxjpj is larger or equal to c/1+c
It follows that the expected score in one question which acts optimally is
U(a)= max(u(aj)) =max{(1+c) p*-c,0} (5)
In particular, if the mark that the candidate might expect is one if he is convinced that the answer is
correct, while the marks he might expect if he has no idea of what is the correct answer , so that his belief
distribution (pj= 1/k) is uniform over all the answers is given by max{(1+c)/k-c,0} From the examiners point of
view, he has to set the paper in such a way that the penalty cost c of marking a wrong answer such that the
score associated with random guessing would be zero, and this is achieved if , and only if , (1+c)/k c=0, that is
, if and only if c=1/k-1, in which case the optimal strategy for the candidate is to mark a mode if its associated
probability p* is such that p*>=c/(1+c)= 1/k. Since this condition would be satisfied with any belief distribution
over the possible k answers. Setting this would ensure that the candidate would always want to mark the correct
answer, no matter how small the probability of marking a wrong answer. As an example, consider the PGCET
exam in Karnataka where there are 4 options for a question paper and one of them has to be marked as a correct
answer. Assuming that a negative mark of is deducted for each wrong answer c= and 1/(1+c)=1/3,the
above argument shows that the candidates optimal strategy is to mark all answers such that p* >=1/3,that is to
mark all the answers such that probability of more likely answer is at least 1/3.
Going further from this we can actually calculate a scoring rule which the examiner and the examinee
can/has to adopt. The examiner s intention is to set the questions in such a way that random guessing has to be
avoided at all costs- this he can bring about by setting up the proper amount of negative marking. By combining
the aspects of item analysis discussed earlier, the examiner can closely look at the options that could be set for
each and every question so that the answers could be confusing/clear to the extent desired. And if we have even
approximate a-priori knowledge about the students capability to answer a certain question in a certain manner
then we can combine the outputs of the regression analysis, item analysis and the above discussion into a
suitable means of devising the question papers

This paper discusses some techniques of measuring students capability of answering in post graduate
examinations when the questions are of multiple types. It also discusses techniques with which an examiner can
set limits on random guessing by the students. Combining these two question papers that are appropriate can be
We acknowledge the support of the Vice Chancelor,Jain University and Principal - R.V.College of
Engineering Autonomous-VTU Bangalore given to write this research paper.

[1] K.P.Soman,Shyam Diwakar and V.Ajay,Insight Into Data Mining Theory and Practice(New Delhi,PHI,2012)

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