A Quantitative Assessment of Student Performance and Examination Format

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Journal of Instructional Pedagogies Volume 18

A quantitative assessment of student performance and examination


Christopher B. Davison
Ball State University

Gandzhina Dustova
Ball State University


This research study describes the correlations between student performance and
examination format in a higher education teaching and research institution. The researchers
employed a quantitative, correlational methodology utilizing linear regression analysis. The data
was obtained from undergraduate student test scores over a three-year time span. The purpose of
this study was to investigate the predictive relationships between standardized examinations and
practical examinations. The data consists of 247 undergraduate students’ test scores spanning
three academic years. Computer Technology students were assigned to take a standard midterm
exam as well as a practical exam. The result of the analysis demonstrates that standardized
examination scores are not predictors of practical examination scores and may well be testing
different skill sets.

Keywords: Standard exam, practical exam, test score, assessment, predictive modeling.

Copyright statement: Authors retain the copyright to the manuscripts published in AABRI
journals. Please see the AABRI Copyright Policy at http://www.aabri.com/copyright.html

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This research study determined if any correlations exist between student performance and
examination format in a large, Midwestern research/teaching institution. The study data was
derived from student examination performance scores. The data was collected from two
technology-related courses over a three-year timeframe.
In this quantitative, correlational study using regression analysis, a predictive model was
created for each course. The research question proposed for this study is: are the standard
examination scores a good predictor of the practical (i.e., hands-on) examination scores.
Department of Technology faculty members noticed that there is a significant student
performance differential between the standard examination and practical examination formats.
Students who do well in the standard examination do not necessarily perform well in the
practical examination. Resultant from this observation, the correlation and predictive modeling
between the examination types were studied.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this is to examine the relationship between the standard examinations
(typical True/False and multiple-choice questions) and practical examinations (hands on system
administration tasks) for undergraduate students in a Midwestern computer technology program.
The program is a part of the Department of Technology at a large research and teaching

Research Question

Are scores from standard examinations good predicators of performance on practical

(hands on) examinations? To test this research question, data from two technology related
courses were analyzed. The data was obtained from three years of test scores from a 200-level
Systems Administration course and a 300-level Infrastructure Services course.


Null Hypothesis (H10): The midterm standard examination score does not significantly
predict the midterm practical examination score for undergraduate students in a Midwestern
computer technology program.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1A): The midterm standard examination score does
significantly predict the midterm practical examination score for undergraduate students in a
Midwestern computer technology program.
Both the Null and Alternative hypothesis were tested for two courses. The first course
was a 200-level computer technology course focusing on systems administration. The second
course was a 300-level computer technology course focusing on infrastructure services.


The independent variable selected for this study is midterm standard examination. This
variable was selected as a predictor for the dependent variable. The standard examination

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consists of a mix of 25 true or false and multiple-choice questions focused on MS Windows

Server systems administration. Each question is worth 2 points for a total of 50 points. The
majority of the test questions are derived from the textbook publisher’s test-bank that is derived
from the Microsoft 70-410 certification examination.
The practical exam is a series of 8 MS Windows Server systems administration tasks.
Each task is weighted between 10-20 points per successful outcome for an overall possible score
of 100 points. The practical examination tasks are derived from the textbook material and closely
related to the standard exam questions.
The context of all of the questions and systems administration tasks was the Microsoft
certification examinations. Specifically, the Exam 70-410 Microsoft Official Academic Course
for the System Admin Fundamentals (TCMP 211) Course and the Exam 70-412 Microsoft
Official Academic Course for the Infrastructure Services (TCMP 311) Course. These courses
prepare students for additional certification exams in their field of study for career enhancement.
Additionally, these two courses are required for the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Technology.

Environment and Control

Both the practical exam and the standard exam take place in a classroom. The time limit
for both examinations is 75 minutes. All students have finished both examinations within the
time allotted. No additional time was required or requested by the students in any testing phase
over the course of the data collection period.
The standardized exam is administered through the Blackboard system. Students open a
web browser, login to the course room, and then take the examination. The Blackboard system
scores the examination when the student submits it and immediately returns the score.
The instructor administers the practical examination. All systems administration tasks
are projected on a screen along with their concomitant point value (10-20 points per task). The
students select the tasks and the order in which the tasks are attempted. The students provide
screen shots of the tasks attempted or completed. All of the tasks are performed on a pre-
configured Windows Server 2012 virtual machine. Each student is provided a workstation with
the working virtual machine installed on it.
Both of the exams were administered in the same week at the same time of day. Both
courses meet twice a week at the same time for 75 minutes. The standardized exam was
administered on the first course meeting during Midterm week. The practical exam was
administered two days later.

Timeframe of Data Collection

The data collection period was three years. The data was analyzed for correlations using
SPSS software package.


Over the past two decades, there has been an upsurge of interest in how achievement
goals influence self-regulated learning and academic performance (Covington, 2000). There are
number of existing studies pertaining to academic performance and factors that contribute to
academic performance. Teacher engagement and student motivation are large areas of research

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in this domain (Zimmerman, Schmidt, Becker, Peterson, Nyland & Surdick, 2014).Additionally,
there exists pedagogical research comparing standard examinations to practical examinations
(Davison, 2015). However, there appears to be a gap in the research literature with regard to
using standard examination scores as a predictor of practical examination scores. In this research
article, this gap in the research literature is addressed by creating two predictive models (one per
course) using standard examination scores as the independent variable and practical examination
scores as the dependent variable.
Academic achievement (i.e., GPA or grades) is one tool to measure students’ academic
performance. Based on the Center for Research and Development Academic Achievement
(CRIRES) (2005) report, academic achievement is a construct to measure students’ achievement,
knowledge and skills. This measurement is holistically based on the students’ age, the students’
previous experience, and the students’ capacity related to social and education skills. To measure
academic achievement, educators use different types of assessment. Assessment is a continuous
process that brings some valuable information about the learning process (Linn and Gronlund,
1995). Hargis (2003) commented that the grading process is supposed to be motivating and
provide goals. On the other hand, grades can provide incentives to the students to cheat. Grading
has the additional benefit of provide records (data sets) of students’ academic achievements.
(Haladyna, 1999).
Factors such as confidence (Schunk, 1991), and motivation (Covington, 2000; Kohn,
1993; Stiggins, 2001; Tuckman, 1998) influence students’ ability to score well on exams.
According to Siang & Santoso (2016), educators have a number of tools at their disposal to assist
students. With regard to these tools, “perhaps the most entrenched strategy is that of tests and
grades, which operate in a punishment–reward fashion” (Myers & Myers, 2007, p. 227).
However, the efficacy of exams, from the classroom to college admissions, is debated and
controversial (Linn, 2001).
In the usual lecture/lab form of classroom instruction, midterms and final examinations
are common. However, a large number of researchers criticize these examinations formats as not
conducive to retaining information and student inclination to cram (Donovan & Radosevich,
1999; Willingham, 2002). A large body of research literature encourages alternative testing
strategies to better support student achievement and information retention (Bahji, Lefdaoui, &
Alami, 2013; Chen, & Liao, 2013).
With regard to the alternative testing strategies, the purpose of this study was to perform
a qualitative assessment of student performance versus examination format. Two assessment
methods of academic achievement among undergraduate students enrolled in two computer
technology courses were applied: a standard midterm examination structure and a practical
(hands-on) examination. The hypothesis guiding this research is that one examination format is
correlated to the other and could serve as a predictor.
There are a number of studies that examine correlations in examination formats and
quizzes. Haberyan (2003) studied undergraduate students and found no statistical correlation
between weekly quizzes and examinations. Graham (1999) found that psychology
undergraduates performed better on examinations when subject to random quizzes throughout
the semester. Furthermore, the lower GPA achieving students tended to benefit the most from
the random quizzes.
In the Ruscio (2001) research, random quizzes were administered in order to test whether
the students were performing the assigned reading. The result from this research indicates that
students achieving high quiz scores (because of performing the required reading) tended to do

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better on the other types of course assessments. Relatedly, Tuckman (1996, 1998) promotes a
multi-examination strategy to increase overall test scores and promote more studying.
According to Myers and Myers (2006) the effects of different examination formats on
student GPA scores are not precisely known. They do suggest that GPA score is higher when the
frequency of examinations are higher (bi-weekly as opposed to one midterm examination). The
studies that do focus on this area tend to be more short-term and do not track student
achievement over time. More longitudinal work in this research domain is necessary.


The research design selected for this study is a quantitative methodology utilizing a
correlational study design. Creswell (2005) encourages this design in order to produce predictive
models. In explaining correlation research, Shirish (2013) states, “this design is appropriate as
correlational research attempts to determine the extent of a relationship between two or more
variables using statistical data” (p. 71). It is important to note that a correlation between
variables is not necessarily causality.
The purpose of the study is to examine relationships (if any) between standardized test
scores and practical exam scores. As one of the outcomes from this study is a predictive model,
the research design utilized linear regression analysis. This design type also allows for
hypothesis testing. The methodology selection was driven by the research question.

Data Collection

The data was obtained from 247 undergraduate exam scores in the department. The data
was stored in the Blackboard system and retrieved for the purposes of this research. The data
was analyzed using the SPSS statistical package. Resultant predictive models were derived from
the SPSS analysis.


Data from two TCMP System Administration courses (TCMP211, TCMP311) was
analyzed. The data sets consist of several years’ worth of two Midterm examination types:
Practical Assessments and Standardized Examination (e.g., True/False questions, Multiple
Choice questions). The data from those examinations was analyzed in terms of correlations and
score prediction. Findings presented are aggregate findings from course scores over a three-year
The findings suggest that the average score for the 200-level standardized test is 73% (2.0
GPA). The practical exam average in that course is 76% (2.0 GPA) (see Table 1 in the
Appendix). The practical exam does have an interestingly high standard deviation at 20, while
the standard exam only has a standard deviation of 6.
In the 300-level course data set, the average score is 67% (1.3 GPA) for the standard
exam. The practical exam has a much higher average score at 84% (3.0 GPA). For the stand
deviations, the 300-level course data indicates a 24 for the practical exam and 8 for the standard.
Next, the overall score (final grade and GPA) for students was analyzed. The range of
course GPAs for the TCMP 211 course is .13 to 3.975. The range of course GPAs for the TCMP
311 course is .28 to 3.88.

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As presented above, the standard deviation for the practical assessment (20) is much
higher than the standard test (6) as is the Variance (379 vs. 33) in TCMP 211. Likewise, in
TCMP 311 the standard deviation is 8 in the standard exam and 24 in the practical exam and the
Variance is 64 and 571 respectively. This suggests a high degree of variation in the two sets of
test scores. This could be partially attributed to a higher spread in the MIN and MAX scores
between the two exams. However, much of this is caused by a significant amount of low scores
and high scores in the practical examination. This would indicate that students taking the
practical are either extremely proficient with regard to the course material or they are not.
The predictive model used the standard midterm examination as a predictor of the
midterm practical examination score. In both TCMP 211 and TCMP 311 the models
experienced a very high standard error of the estimate (see Table 2 in the Appendix). Relatedly,
the R2 for both courses was very close to 0. This indicates that student results on the
standardized midterm exam is not a predictor of their ability to perform on the practical midterm.
The practical exam and the standard exam are measuring separate skill sets.
For scientific purposes, the regression equations (e.g., predictive models) are presented
for both courses. As previously stated, each model suffers from low R2 values so the goodness-
of-fit of the values is poor. Relatedly, the TCMP211 regression equation is not statistically
significant (.073) while the TCMP311 regression equation is significant (.001) (see Table 3 in
the Appendix).
Predictive Model for TCMP211:
y = 57.572 + .516(x)
y= TCMP211 Practical Exam score (100 >= y >= 0)
x = TCMP 211 Standard Exam score (50>=x>=0)

Predictive Model of TCMP311:

y= 51.55 + .969(x)
y = TCMP 311 Practical Exam score (100 >= y >= 0)
x = TCMP 311 Standard Exam score (50>=x>=0)

Impact of Results on Hypotheses

For the TCMP 211 course, the Null hypothesis could not be rejected. For the TCMP 311
course, the Null hypothesis can be rejected, resulting in a statistically significant predictive
model presented earlier. However, in both cases, the R2 was close to 0 (see Appendix, Table 2).
This means that the resultant model (while statistically significant for the TCMP 311 course) is
not a good fit as the model suffers from high unexplained variance.


This research study explored the relationships of student scores from practical and
standard type of examinations. The methodology employed was a quantitative, correlational

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approach utilizing linear regression analysis to describe any predictive relationship between the
examination types. The results indicate that both predictive models (for the 200-level course and
the 300-level course) suffer from a high degree of unexplained variance. As such, the predictive
value of the standardized examination score in relation to the practical examination score is low.
While the resultant model was statistically significant for the 300-level course, the usefulness of
this model is limited due to the very low R2 value.
Based on the results of the data analysis, it appears that within the sample set the
standardized examinations are testing different skill sets than the practical examinations. The
students’ ability to answer True/False and multiple-choice questions regarding the subject
material is not a good predictor of the ability to apply the subject material in a hands-on,
practical fashion. This observation is limited to two courses that are required computer
technology specific courses.
This research is exploratory in nature and was specifically limited to the undergraduate
students in a large, public, Midwestern computer technology program. The results provided a
deeper insight into examination types and could assist educators in selecting a type of
examination to administer to their students.


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Haladyna, T. M. (1999). A Complete Guide to Student Grading. Needham Heights. MA: Allyn &

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Linn, R. L. (2001). A century of standardized testing: Controversies and pendulum swings.

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Linn, R.L. & Gronlund, N.E. (1995). Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, (7th ed.).
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Table 1.
TCMP 211 Descriptive Statistics

Mean Deviation N

Midterm_Practicum [Total
76.47 19.462 139
Pts: 100] |1551307
MidTerm [Total Pts: 50]
36.65 5.761 139

TCMP 311 Descriptive Statistics

Mean Deviation N

Midterm Practicum [Total

84.13 23.897 108
Pts: 100] |891197
MidTerm [Total Pts: 50]
33.74 7.996 108

Table 2.
TCMP 211 Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of

Model R R Square Square the Estimate

1 .153a .023 .016 19.304

a. Predictors: (Constant), MidTerm [Total Pts: 50] |1551316
b. Dependent Variable: Midterm_Practicum [Total Pts: 100]

TCMP 311 Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of

Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .324a .105 .097 22.713

a. Predictors: (Constant), MidTerm [Total Pts: 50]

b. Dependent Variable: Midterm Practicum [Total Pts:
100] |891197

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Table 3.
TCMP 211 Coefficientsa

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 5.44
57.572 10.581 .000

MidTerm [Total Pts: 50] 1.80

.516 .285 .153 .073
|1551316 8
a. Dependent Variable: Midterm Practicum [Total Pts: 100] |1551307

TCMP 311 Coefficientsa

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 51.440 9.520 5.404 .000

MidTerm [Total Pts: 50]
.969 .275 .324 3.528 .001

a. Dependent Variable: Midterm Practicum [Total Pts: 100] |891197

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