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Topic : Current Affairs
Nepals CPN (UML)-led government announces that 4,008
Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) personnel, disquali-fied as
combatants by the United Nations Mission in Nepal, will
be discharged.
Opening the NAM First Ladies Summit in Sharm-El-Sheikh,
Egypt, Suzanne Mubarak, wife of Egyptian President Hosni
Mubarak, says the nations face a very dangerous situation,
in which 51 million more people, of whom 22 million are
women, can lose their jobs by the end of 2009
The 15th NAM summit concludes in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt
with an agenda that is both focused and compact,
emphasising the need for collective ac-tion on the principal
global issue of the day.
In a concluding declaration barely five pages long, Non-
Aligned Movement leaders end their summit in Sharm-el-
Sheikh, emphasising the need for collective action on the
principal global issues of the day.
17 July, 2009
Henry Allingham, the worlds oldest man and oldest world
war I veteran passes away at the age of 113.
Dr. Anand has been appointed as executive di-rector of the
USDA Centre for Nutrition Policy and Promotion.
The Obama administration in the United States has
appointed Indian American Rajen Anand to a key agriculture
post that will give him the re-sponsibility to improve the
nutrition status of 306 million people of the country.
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and Sri Lankan
President Mr. Mahindra Rajapaksa hold a bilateral meeting
at the sidelines of the NAM Summit in Sharm-el-Sheikh,
Egypt, and discuss several issues such as the fate of the
internally displaced people, the devolution of power and
the development of the war-ravaged regions of the island
Pakistans Supreme Court sets aside opposition leader
Nawaz Sharifs conviction in the so-called plane hi-jack case,
ensuring it will not come in the way of his stand-ing for
election again.
Walter Cronkite, the premier TV anchorman, called the most
trusted man in America, dies in New York.
18 July, 2009
Sikhs in the United States slam a draft Oregon state law
that would bar teachers in public schools from wearing
religious dress, including turbans, a move that may spark
a racial row.
Anti apartheid icon Nelson Mandela, South Africas first
African President, celebrates his 91st birthday with the
launch of a special day for good deeds to be done in his
Charge-sheets are filed against the five arrested suspects
of the Mumbai terror attacks in the Supreme Court of
Nicolas Sarkozy pays back more than euro 14,000 to the
state after it emerged that personal and family bills were
put through the Elysee Palace accounts.
Two astronauts, at the International Space Sta-tion-
Endeavour shuttle complex, venture out to help attach a
platform for science experiments to the stationthe third
and final piece of Japans huge billion-dollar lab.
The World Crafts Council (WCC) chooses Vienna to
showcase African arts and crafts such as abstract soap-
stone creations, wooden tribal masks, walking canes, and
wildlife handicraft carvings.
19 July, 2009
The formation of a new pro-tem party, for cham-pioning
the rights of Malaysias ethnic Indian minority, is
announced in Kuala Lumpur.
Israel rejects a United States demand to suspend a planned
housing project in east Jerusalem, threatening to further
complicate an unusually tense standoff with its strongest
ally over settlement construction.
Irish-American author Frank McCourt, best known for his
moving memoir Angela Ashes, passes away in New York.
The book was adapted into Hollywood film in 1999 starring
Emily Watson and Robert Carlyle.
Turkey - a nation of smokers - extends a ban on indoor public
smoking to bars, restaurants, and even to traditionally
smoke-filled village coffeehouses.
20 July, 2009
The former Peruvian President, Alberto Fujimori, is
sentenced to seven and half years years in prison for
embezzlement after he admits illegally paying his spy chief
$15 million in government funds.
In a major operation in restive northwestern region, Pakistani
forces kill 106 Taliban militants and loses six soldiers as they
face renewed resistance from the insurgents despite claims
of having flushed them out from Swat, Lower Dir and Buner
in the NWFP.
The former Iranian President, Mohammad Khata-mi, calls
for a nationwide referendum on the legitimacy of the
The pro-democracy Myanmar leader and Nobel laureate
Aung San Suu Kyi is felicitated with the Mahatma Gandhi
International Award for Peace and Reconciliation in Durban.
21 July, 2009
Prime Minister Taro Aso dissolves the powerful lower house
of Japans Parliament and vows his divided ruling party will
make a new start in national elections in August 2009
Nepal President Ram Baran Yadav presents the
Parliamentarians International Forum Award to K.V. Rajan,
Executive Vice-Chair, UPF-India and con-vener IILM India
Forum, for his diplomatic work in the cause of peace and
development, at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, Kathmandu.
Australian Trade Minister Mr. Simon Crean announces at
the meeting of Trade Ministers of Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) Forum in Singapore that Australia
wants to strengthen its relationship with India on the
bilateral trade front.
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