This document outlines the course details for an International Business elective course, including:
1. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of international business concepts from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
2. The course is 36 sessions over 45 hours and covers topics such as the economic, political, and cultural environments of international business, as well as international trade, strategy, marketing, finance, and human resources.
3. Student evaluation includes assignments, presentations, exams, and case study analyses of global companies.
This document outlines the course details for an International Business elective course, including:
1. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of international business concepts from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
2. The course is 36 sessions over 45 hours and covers topics such as the economic, political, and cultural environments of international business, as well as international trade, strategy, marketing, finance, and human resources.
3. Student evaluation includes assignments, presentations, exams, and case study analyses of global companies.
This document outlines the course details for an International Business elective course, including:
1. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of international business concepts from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
2. The course is 36 sessions over 45 hours and covers topics such as the economic, political, and cultural environments of international business, as well as international trade, strategy, marketing, finance, and human resources.
3. Student evaluation includes assignments, presentations, exams, and case study analyses of global companies.
This document outlines the course details for an International Business elective course, including:
1. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of international business concepts from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
2. The course is 36 sessions over 45 hours and covers topics such as the economic, political, and cultural environments of international business, as well as international trade, strategy, marketing, finance, and human resources.
3. Student evaluation includes assignments, presentations, exams, and case study analyses of global companies.
Year II (Semester III) (W.E.F. January 2014)
Subject Name: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (IB) Subject Code: 2830006 1. Course Objective: The course is intended to provide a basic understanding about the finer aspects of international business to the students. It is aimed at making the students realize that international business is a combination of multiple disciplines brought together in a systematic manner. The integration of General Management, Operations, Financial Management, Marketing Management as well as Human Resource Management in an international perspective is essential to international business. 2. Course Duration: The course duration is of 36 sessions of 75 minutes each, i.e. 45 hours.
3. Course Contents: Module No: Module Content No. of Sessions 70 Marks (External Evaluation) I Globalization and International Business. The cultural environments facing business. The Political and Legal Environment facing business. The Economic Environment facing Business. 7 17 II Government influence on Trade. Cross-national cooperation and agreements. Global foreign exchange markets. The Determination of Exchange Rates. 7 17 III The Strategy of International Business. Country Evaluation and Selection. Export and Import Strategies. The Organization of International Business. 7 18
IV Marketing Globally. Global manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. International Accounting Issues. The Multinational Finance Function. Human Resource Management. 7 18 V Practical: Student shall study at least 4 to 5 Case Studies on International / Global Businesses. The faculty shall guide students on conducting research about how to go about Global / Country Study with reference to an International / Global Company. 8 Internal Evaluation (20 Marks 0f CEC)
4. Teaching Method: a) Case discussion covering a cross section of decision situations. b) Discussion on Issues and techniques of strategic aspects c) Project Assignment/Quiz/Class Participation, etc.
5. Evaluation: A CEC- Projects/ Assignments/ Quizzes/ Individual or group Presentation/ Class participation/ Case studies etc 50 marks (Internal Assessment) B Mid-Semester examination Weightage 30% (Internal Assessment) C End Semester Examination Weightage 70% (External Assessment)
6. Basic Text Books: Sr. No. Author Name of the Book Publisher Edition T1 Daniels, Radebaugh, Sullivan and Salwan International Business Elements and Operations Pearson Education Latest Edition T2 Mike W. Peng and Deepak K Srivastava Global Business Cengage Learning Latest edition T3 Charles Hill and Arun Jain International Business Tata McGraw Hill Latest edition
Note: Wherever the standard books are not available for the topic appropriate print and online resources, journals and books published by different authors may be prescribed. 7. Reference Books: Sr. No. Author Name of the Book Publisher Edition
R1 Onkovist and Shaw International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy Pearson Education Latest Edition R2 P. SubbaRao International Business: Text and Cases Himalaya Latest Edition R3 Dr. M B Rao, Manjula Guru International Business Vikas Latest Edition R4 O P Agarwal International Business Himalaya Latest Edition R5 R Chandran International Business University Latest Edition R6 Hyun Sooklee, R K Srivastava International Business : Country Culture and Corporate Culture Excel Latest Edition R7 Justin Paul International Business PHI Latest Edition R8 Barbara Parker Introduction to Globalization and Business-Relationship and responsibilities Sage India Latest Edition R9 Ajami International Business: Theory and Practice PHI Latest Edition R10 A Nag International Business Strategy Vikas Latest Edition R11 Johny Johnson Global Marketing; Foreign Local Marketing and Global Marketing Tata McGraw Hill Latest Edition
8. List of Journals/Periodicals/Magazines/Newspapers, etc. Journal of International Business Harward Business Review Business World SANKALPA: Journal of Management & Research (ISBN: 2231 1904) The Economic Times and Financial Express (Business Newspapers)
9. Session Plan: Session Nos. Topics to be covered 1 Globalization and International Business. 2-3 The cultural environments facing business 4-5 The Political and Legal Environment facing business. 6-7 The Economic Environment facing Business. 8-10 Government influence on Trade.
11 Cross-national cooperation and agreements. 12 Global foreign exchange markets. 13-14 The Determination of Exchange Rates. 15-16 The Strategy of International Business. 17-18 Country Evaluation and Selection. 19 Export and Import Strategies. 20-21 The Organization of International Business. 22 Marketing Globally. 23-24 Global manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. 25 International Accounting Issues. 26-27 The Multinational Finance Function. 28 Human Resource Management. 29-36 Practical: Student shall study at least 4 to 5 Case Studies on International / Global Businesses. The faculty shall guide students on conducting research about how to go about Global / Country Study with reference to an International / Global Company.