Bai Tap Adverb and Adjective

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Jun. 12
Exercise 1: Choose the correct form of the words in parentheses.
1. This apple tastes (sour/sourly).
2. He talked to her (rude/rudely).
3. The man seems very (polite/politely).
4. The hare ran very (fast/fastly)
5. The bank is (close/closely) to the post office.
6. Children cannot keep ( quite/quietly) all the time.
7. The weather gets (cold/coldly) in the winter.
8. Mary remains (single/singly) after her first love ended.
9. A snake crawled (quite/quietly) towards the meadow.
10. The ducks sounded (noisy/noisily) in the pond.
11. The car screeched (terrible/terribly) in the street.
12. A gecko goes (colorful/colorfully) when it is in danger.
13. The guest stayed (awake/awakely) overnight because of the noise.
14. He went home because the money ran (short/shortly)
15. The sea became (rough/roughly) during the storm.
16. Water stays (transparent/transparently) in the autumn.
17. That teacher looks (absentminded/absentmindedly) when he stays alone.
18. The furniture touched (dusty/dustily) in the desert house.
19. It feels (hot/hotly) in here.
20. The mother ape fought (brave/bravely) to protect its child when a leopard tried to catch it.
Exercise 2: Choose the correct answers in brackets.
1. We were all (horrifying/horrified) when we heard about the disaster.
2. Its sometimes (embarrassing/embarrassed) when you have to ask people for money.
3. Are you (interesting/interested) in football?
4. I enjoyed the football match. It was quite (exciting/excited).
5. It was a really (terrifying/terrified) experience. Afterwards everybody was very
6. I had never expected to be offered the job. I was really (amazing/amazed) when I was
offered it.
7. The kitchen hadnt been cleaned for ages. It was really (disgusting/ disgusted).
8. Do you easily get (embarrassing/embarrassed)?
9. Jack finds his job very ( bored/ boring)
10. Playing too much computer games makes kids exhausted/ exhausting)
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with adjective ing or ed
1. I seldom visit art galleries. Im not very inin art.
2. We went for a very long walk. It was very ti

Jun. 12
3. Why do you always look so b.? Is your life really so b?
4. He is one of the most b... people Ive ever met. He never stops talking and never says
anything in.
5. Im starting a new job next week. Im quite exabout it.
Exercise 4: Choose the correct answers
1. Shut the door quiet/ quietly
2. She looks happy/happily today.
3. This soup tastes nice/nicely.
4. Can you be quiet/quietly?
5. Dont go up that ladder. It doesnt look safe/safely.
6. We believe that the boy will arrive safe/safely on time.
7. Do you feel nervous/ nervously.
8. The father looked at the boy angry/ angrily.
9. Hurry up! Youre always so slow/slowly.
10. Alice and Stand are very happy/happily married.
11. It rained continuous/ continuously for three days.
12. It seems difficult/ difficultly to answer this question.
13. What a good/well-behaved boy! Tom cooks not very good/ well but he did a good/well job
when helping his mom with cooking.

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