Placement Manual ECE

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How to Get
Electronics and Communication Engineering

Prepared By: Fawzan Yusuf, Prateek Bansal
Under the Guidance of: Dushyant Jha, Shaiv KashyaP

About The Manual

This manual is made in order to help the future batches of ECE students in
understanding how to prepare for any particular firm. It contains FAQ regarding
placements like: What a firm is looking in its applicants, real interview questions, the
package that the firm is providing (A very popular question in the PPTs), topics to focus
on before going for interviews etc. It also contains some interview experiences of the
2K9 batch (That we were able to glean by arduously pestering everybody).

This manual is prepared through the efforts of 2K9 electronics students and we hope
the reader would appreciate our efforts and reciprocate by adding something
beneficial to this manual and passing it on to next batch.

Godspeed for Your Placement Session
2K9/EC Batch

For IT Companies

For ECE students, this category mainly includes firms like Atrenta, Yahoo, One97, Tejas
Networks, Cavium Networks, Sapient, Indus Valley Partners, Aricent, Morgan Stanley
etc. In order to prepare for these firms first brush up your basics in C/C++.
1. C - Dennis Ritchie
2. C++ - Robert Lafore

3. Exploring C Yashwant Kanitkar (Very useful for cracking written tests)
4. Data Structures in C Tenanbaum

5. Cracktheinterview manual (or + An imp topic called
Prefix Trees (commonly called as Tries)
6. Operating System - Galvin(first 9 chapters only)

7. Other websites like and are also useful.
8. Cormen Introduction to Algorithm
9. Finally, the ultimate

Apart from this, those who find it difficult to implement questions from interview websites
and advanced data structures could buy this book: Data structures and Algorithms
Made Easy (Code Monk Publications)

We firmly urge the reader to follow this order; otherwise you risk not being able to solve
questions of next level. The level to which you have to study depends on the firm and
your interest in programming. Here are some firms that we have categorized according
to above criterion:

Yahoo Level 9
Atrenta, One97, Cavium, Tejas, Winshuttle, Cisco,Morgan
Stanley Level 6
Aricent, Sapient Level 4

Plus, if you are preparing for banks like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley start
preparing for group discussion also (second last round of both firms).

Companies like Cisco, Tejas and Cavium work on networking so people believe that
you need to know networking to enter these firms. This is complete farce!! Tejas and

Cisco had only few Qs on networking in their written test and they never asked
networking in interviews also. And Cavium had its paper and interviews based on
Operating System. (Note: Cavium doesnt offer hardware profile, and many people
where surprised to see there written comprising of mostly OS)


For Electronic Design Automation (EDA)

This category mainly includes: Atrenta, Mentor Graphics, Cadence and Synopsys. You
need to have good knowledge of software coupled with decent knowledge of
electronics. Although they mostly focus on digital electronics, Synopsys came with
two profiles to our campus (R&D Engineer and Software Engineer) and asked CMOS
for the first profile and software for the second profile (electronics students were not
allowed to sit for second profile and vice versa for computer students).


For Electronics Companies

These include firms like ST- Ericsson, Freescale, Synopsys, Rancore, NVidia,
NSys, Texas Instruments, CDOT, Broadcom etc.

If you are interested in the profile Design Engineer in firms like TI, NVidia, Freescale,
Broadcom (VLSI profile), Synopsys (CMOS profile) which they offer to electronics
students, then you need to have very good knowledge of CMOS. This is the favourite
topic for interview and written tests. You can study CMOS from books like:

1. CMOS: Digital Integrated Circuits - by Kang (Followed heavily)

2. Digital Integrated Circuits Rabaey (Freescale people recommended this).

3. Sedra & Smith (Microelectronics) 4
and 10
chapter complete (The 4

chapter contains CMOS inverter and some basics about MOS which is generally
the first question in almost every semi-conductor tech interview)

Next, you need to start practicing design questions like designing an OR gate using
MUX (simplest example), design a divide-2 counter with 25% duty cycle (Broadcom
VLSI profile written test question) etc. For questions regarding this topic, you have to
search on the net or read previous years placement papers.

Plus, there are two important topics in digital Setup and hold time (extremely
vital) and Finite State Machines (FSM)

For setup time and hold time, we will attach some important tutorials to this manual
plus you have to search the internet and placement papers again for this topic.

FSM is covered in our course in DSD (Switching Theory and Automata Zvi Kohavi).
Try all the back questions using Mealy and Moore models and also follow placement
papers. There was an important question in NVidias written test this year which,
according to me, is worth mentioning:

Draw the state diagram for a device that gives an output 1 when a number
entering serially in it is divisible by 5; and 0 otherwise.

Other reference material:

Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits Grey and Meyer(very
good book for Analog electronics)
Placement Manual from any senior or

Try to know questions asked by the firm in other colleges. This helps a lot
since many electronics companies dont change their written test and it
also helps to focus on important topics.

For PSUs

Those who are relying on PSUs solely based on their DRs should be well informed that
PSUs dont necessarily pick top DR students. But neither having a high DR or good
interview guarantees that you will get the job in that PSU. There is always an ambiguity
over who gets placed in PSU.


For Non Tech Companies

These include companies like Deloitte, ZS Associates, SmartCube, JPMC,
Dunnhumby, McKinsey Knowledge Centre, EXL services, Ernst & Young, Protiviti

Such companies are open for all branches, hence the competition is fierce. You need to
be at the top of your soft skills to crack them. There is resume shortlisting for some
companies, so an all-round performance is appreciated.

The written round for such companies is exclusively aptitude based, and any run of
the mill MBA coaching packages will help. Practising a few mock GDs is extremely
important as these companies look for good group dynamics.

A few companies may also have an essay or prcis writing round, so a little practise is
required in this regard.

Interview process:

Guesstimates- These present an out of the box thinking challenge. Sample-How many
TT balls can you fit into a Boeing 747 flight. For these questions, the approach is more
important than the answer.

Case Studies - On campus, case studies are asked in the written form. In these also,
as the problem is open ended, the means to reach the solution are more important

1) Vaults guide to Case Interview
2) Kellogg consulting club casebook
3) HBS case study guide
4) Case In Point

The Vaults guide also has proper techniques to deal with

Guesstimate problems. Plus, go to McKinsey and Bains official website; they have
three solved sample case studies.

Proper preparation is also required for Logic Puzzles. These are also asked in tech

Also for investment banks like JPMC and Nomura, it is good to have some basic
knowledge of finance and along with current business related news.
Refer NCFM modules on finance (easily available on Internet)



Preparation of basic HR questions is very important because it is the final round of
almost every company, because no matter how good you are, your colleagues have to
put up with you for the better part of the day.

Refer: for sample questions. Do prepare an About
Me, Greatest Strengths and Biggest Weaknesses answer very well.



We have gathered information regarding the interview experiences of some of our close
friends. These experiences have been entirely written by them with no alteration by
anyone. We have removed their names intentionally in order to avoid people from
pestering them for more information regarding the placement procedure. Also the pay
package and cut-off has been removed as they might be revised this year and we would
not want anyone to keep any false hopes from the very beginning. Please understand
that the data compiled is of 2010-11 and 2012-13 hence there may be companies that
may not turn up this year due to some issues. We sincerely request the reader not to
target a particular company from the very start. Targeting a particular domain is always

These experiences are listed by company name. If you find the same company name
written more than one time, then it means that different people have written them.
We hope these experiences clarify most of the doubts and myths regarding the
placement procedure of these firms. We deeply regret for any typo or grammatical
mistakes since this manual has been revised in haste.


Profile: Marketing

Round 1) C V shortlisting
Round 2) HR interview

Interview Questions:
Tell me something about yourself, strengths and weaknesses.
Will you be able to adjust if posted in remote areas?

Suggestions: Just be yourself and prepare your HR questions

Result: Selected

One97 Communication

Profile: Software Engineer


Round 1) Subjective Written Test: Mostly questions on coding from (no aptitude test).

Round 2) Tech1: C, C++, Coding, training in communications. Didnt had Tech2
round like others. Other students were also asked Operating System.

Round 3) HR: Simple HR questions like hobbies and all.

Interview Questions:
Union vs. Structures
How to find the middle of linked list?
Some questions asked in written test

Follow for coding , Exploring C for cracking written
test(for other companies) and Robert Lafore for C++ and C by Dennis Ritchie.

Result: Selected


Profile: Research Engineer

Round 1) Shortlisting
Round 2) Interview

Interview Questions: I had some discussion about the summer internship. In my
case topics like Digital Signal Processing were discussed. He asked about my
favourite subject. I said Digital Circuits & Systems, so design of counters and
their types and advantages etc. were discussed. Finally in the technical part
questions about microprocessors were asked.

Last 5-10 minutes was sort of HR. Discussion about family, why CDOT and nature
of work etc. were discussed.

Duration of interview - around 40 minutes

Suggestions: Stay calm. Prepare your 1 or 2 strongest subjects. Prepare
topics related to your internship.

Result: Selected


Profile: Analyst - Global Markets

Round 1) Interview (No written)
Round 2) Interview (Different Panel)
Round 3) NA

Interview Questions: Tell me about yourself, what you have done in college,
questions about stuff in CV.
Short Oral Case study to check ability to think on the fly
Finance knowledge, capital markets, anything you know they were talking
about that only
Why finance after engineering degree? Why Nomura?

Suggestions: Should have interest in finance, general awareness about
business world, up to date with news and confident

Result: Selected


Profile: Retail Consulting

Round 1) Form filled at Dunnhumby website, with a few long HR questions
as well.
Round 2) Online written test Duration of test was 1.5 hrs. having 6 timed
sections of Vedic Maths, Quant, DI (tough as hell!), English, RC and Essay.
Round 3) Group Case Study with actual Dunnhumby case data
Round 4) Final round of Interviews

Interview Questions: Did you feel comfortable with the data being dealt out
to you?
Why would you prefer Dunnhumby as your company to join?
A guess-estimate problem was given, which when I solved, I was counter
questioned on my assumption and a new question was created.

Suggestions: Stay sharp throughout, especially through the group Case
Study. A few students were selected (most probably) in that stage only. We
had our interviews for only about 5-7 minutes, whereas other selects were
grilled for about 30-40 minutes as well.

Result: Selected


Profile: Software Engineer


Round 1) Written test (30Q aptitude, 10Q DCS, 5Q software, 5Q
Round 2) Technical Interview
Round 3) HR interview

Interview Questions: Cleared written on basis of Aptitude & DCS. Dont
know much of software.

Suggestions: Generally they ask C++, DS & OS in interview. So go through
these properly. Dont forget to go through cracktheinterview manual before
sitting for a software company.

Result: Rejected


Profile: Design Engineer

Round 1) Written (simple aptitude, 15Q DCS, 5Q software)
Round 2) GD
Round 3) Tech interview

Interview Questions: Discussion on question attempted in 1st round, setup
time, hold time questions, delays

Suggestions: Go through DCS, state machines, timing diagrams properly

Result: Selected

Freescale Semiconductor

Profile: Design Eng.

Round 1) Subjective written
Round 2) Tech interview
Round 3) Mega round (1 on 12 HR interview)

Interview Questions: 30 minute discussion on my college projects, questions
on CMOS, to write a VHDL code of synchronous & asynchronous counter.

Suggestions: Good marks in written test will definitely give u an edge. Go
through DCS, state machines, timing diagrams and CMOS properly.

Result: Selected

Towers Watson

Profile: Risk Management (Consultant)

Procedure: The Company came to our campus for informing about the profile
and other things but overall it was off-campus.
Round 1) Aptitude (Data Interpretation and Verbal logic) + Prcis Writing
(similar to summary writing)
Round 2) Technical - One case study (monthly revenue of Delhi Metro), lots of
puzzle (go to, questions on transistor, diode (since I am an
electronics student), motor, physics (friction) etc.
Round 3) HR - Why are you interested in Towers Watson? Why
actuarial? Why consultant? Why not tech companies? Go to for complete info about this field.

One Decision Making Questions - If two project heads gave you two different
jobs and you can complete only one in time then what will you do. The project
heads will fire you if you said no to even one of them. You are not required to
add or remove something in this question.

Suggestions: The HR round was toughest according to me. It was taken by the
Head - HR and Head-of-actuarial-team so beware!!! . They are looking for
someone how is dying to get into actuarial. The initial package is less in this firm
but there are tremendous growth aspects. The package increases to 25 lakhs (not
exact figures) in four years!!!

Result: Rejected in HR round


Profile: Software Engineer

Round 1) Written test - Digital electronics + Programming + Aptitude
Round 2) Technical Interview -
Find loop in linked list??
D - Flip flop using JK?
And/ Or gate using 2:1 MUX
some questions related to written test
Macros, Hashing etc.

Suggestions: The questions were overall easy. All you need is speed!! For C
Dennis Ritchie, C++ - Robert Lafore, cracktheinterview manual for questions on

Result: Rejected in technical interview


Profile: Design Engineer

Round 1) Written test - Digital design + CMOS questions Round 2)
Technical - CMOS + Setup and Hold time questions Round 3) HR
round - Didnt reach :(
Round 4) Mega Round - Didnt reach :(

Interview Questions: Setup and hold time for a given circuit, whats your
GMAT, GRE, CAT, IIT, 12th n DCE score and Departmental Rank?? Any
chance for higher - studies??

Suggestions: Good marks in college are very important for this firm as all
those students how were hired had 75+ marks. Also they are looking for a
person that wont leave the firm easily.

Result: Rejected


Profile: Design Engineer

Round 1) Written
Round 2) Tech Interview + HR Interview
Round 3) Mega Round

Interview Questions:
Written round had questions on DCS, CMOS and timing problems. Besides
this, there were few aptitude ques. and 2 ques. on analog electronics also. My
tech Interview was focussed on gate realization using CMOS, 2 timing
problems (I answered only one) and few combinational circuit questions.

Prepare well for the written round, fundamentals should be clear as they were
asking conceptual questions in the tech interview. They were looking at the
approach and not the final answer. Also, do not panic in the mega round (12
people take interview together). Convince them why you are suited for the

Result: Selected


Profile: Software Engineer

Round 1) Aptitude and Technical written test There were questions on C,
networking, Linux commands, Operating System, etc.
Round 2) Tech1 Interview They asked questions on networking,
microprocessor, Operating System and C.
Round 3) Tech2 Interview There were questions like how to implement a
queue and how will you find substring in a given string using macros only.

Suggestions: They were not looking for someone with good coding skills but
rather someone who has good in-depth knowledge of C, Operating System and
networking. If you know about microprocessor then thats a plus point. Plus,
they were also looking for someone having coding skills in microcontroller or
networking domain.

Result: Rejected


Profile: Software Engineer


Round 1) Aptitude test conducted by e - Litmus.

Round 2) Technical Interview (1) round Questions were asked on linked list,
queues, basic C++ and Operating System.
Shortlisting was done after this round.

Round 3) Technical Interview (2) round (Different panel) Questions like:-
How to find intersection of two linked list?
Hashing and puzzles

Round 4) HR round Why do you want to join McAfee? I was also asked
about my family background and other basic HR questions.

Suggestions: The only person who was hired had good knowledge of virus,
Trojans, spyware and firewall systems apart from having basic computer
knowledge. Thus, have some brief knowledge about these topics. Do ask
questions of first technical round from your friends.

Result: Rejected in Last Round

Cadence Design Systems

Profile: Software Engineer

Round 1) Aptitude and Technical written test There were questions on C, C++,
Operating System, etc.

Round 2) Tech1 Interview (One Interviewer) They asked questions on
Polymorphism, VHDL, constructor and destructor, final year project etc.
Shortlisting was done after this round.

Round 3) Panel Interview (Two Interviewer) There was questions like

How remove elements common to two given lists when range of elements
of list was given?
How to search 5 most frequently occurring words in a text file?

Puzzle There are 23 coins total and two persons are selecting coins
from 1 to 4. You have the first chance of selecting the coins. How would
you select the coins so that the last coin is picked up by you?
How to make full adder using half adder?

Round 4) HR interview Questions like how was the technical interview, do
you want to go for higher studies, have you got any other offer, why
Cadence, etc.

Result: Selected

Texas Instruments

Profile: Design Engineer (Digital)


Round 1) Aptitude (45 min.) + Digital (30 min) written test

Round 2) Technical Interview Questions were asked on
CMOS/NMOS/PMOS, designing digital circuits, flip-flops etc. Some panels
were giving choice b/w CMOS and Microprocessor.

Round 3) HR interview Questions like why digital, would you work on analog
if I offer you an excellent project in it, family background, etc.

Suggestions: The Digital written test comprised of both analog and digital; and
many students were selected in this profile for second round. But cracking the
Analog interview test was very tough according to my friends (as it contained
some arbitrary topics like motors); and very few were selected for next round.
Also the written test was conducted in groups and the written test of first group
was similar to the one conducted in our college.

Result: Selected


Profile: Techno Manager


Round 1) Aptitude Test (similar to CAT pattern)

Round 2) Technical Interview Questions on training, projects,
communication systems and microprocessor (I answered this to be my
favourite subject) and some basic HR questions.

Round 3) HR interview Basic HR questions

Suggestions: The aptitude test was very tough, so prepare thoroughly for it and
the technical round varied for different persons. Some were asked technical
questions like PSK, QPSK and other communication concepts while some were
asked HR questions.

Result: Selected

Mentor Graphics

Profile: Member of Technical Staff (R & D)

Round 1) Aptitude and Technical written test Questions on C, C++,
Operating System, etc.

Round 2) Tech1 and Tech2 Interview

Pointers and memory management in C (Where is memory
provided for static local and global members)
References in C++

How will you store a class object into a binary file and then retrieve
the same object, 4x1 using 2x1 MUX, lots of Verilog programs
(worked on Verilog and VHDL in Cadence).

How to support Push, Pop and Find Min on Stack using O (1) time? I
gave answer using extra stack and then he asked me to reduce memory
a bit.

Given one unsorted large file and one unsorted small file, find the
intersection of data of the two files using minimum space and time

Result: Selected


ZS Associates


Written, GD, Case Study, HR Interview

Quant, DI, LR, puzzles
GD topic:
Should social media be censored? Group size 12
Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

Rigorous case study requiring the applicant to analyze 10 pages full of
numerical data and come up with a salesforce optimization solution within 30

Interview Questions(HR):

Go through common HR questions such as Why ZS?,why should we hire
you?,strengths and weaknesses etc.

Important Topics to Study:

No special preparation required if you are studying for exams like CAT.

You should be strong and quick with numbers. Try not to lie during interviews
and even if you do you should be well prepared with an answer if they counter
question you.
Result: Selected



Stages of process:

written and two rounds of interview

Brief about written:

aptitude, quant and english

GD topic and group size:


Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

What are your future planings?, Why AIG?, WHY NOT PSU?

Interview Questions(HR):

Tell me about yourself?

Important Topics to Study:

Knowledge about company


Be confident

Result: Selected


Idea Cellular

Stages of process:


Brief about written:

Aptitude,English, Personality Test

GD topic and group size:

9 students in a group. Topic- Is money required to earn more money.

Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

Antenna, Digital and analog communication

Interview Questions(HR):

Discussed my strengths and weaknesses, asked for a joke

Result: Selected



Stages of process:

Written+2 interviews

Brief about written:

Basic electronics and c language

GD topic and group size:


Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

From written paper and basics like bjt, opamp and setup & hold time

Interview Questions(HR):

Standard questions

Important Topics to Study:

bjt,cmos,opamp,c language,power electronics


Keep your basics to the point if u r going for a technical company and study
cmos, opamp, bjt, c language very very thoroughly

Result: Selected



Stages of process:

Written, Interview

Brief about written:

Coding OOPs concept data structure Aptitude

GD topic and group size:


Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

Projects, CV Based Questions

Interview Questions(HR):

Tell me about urself, how'll u manage and stay in our company, what do u
know about us?

Important Topics to Study:

Data structures, coding


Practise Aptitude, don't take it lightly

Result: Selected


Futures First

Stages of process:

written(1+1), Interview(1+1)

Brief about written:

calculations , logical questions

GD topic and group size:


Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

asked some calculations & guess estimate , basic hr

Interview Questions(HR):

Basic Hr questions

Important Topics to Study:

basic calculation and basic knowledge of Stock market

Result: Selected


ZS Associates

Stages of process:

Written, GD, Hr interview, Case Study, Partner Interview

Brief about written:

a typical aptitude paper with questions on maths english and logical

GD topic and group size:

Should social media be regulated by the govt, roughly 10-12 people

Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

1. HR: basic HR questions, questions on my CV and my resume , questions on
my GD, guess estimates
2. Case study: a data intensive case study in which specific questions have to
be answered utilising the data given
3. Partner interview: puzzles and riddles and resume based questions

Interview Questions(HR):

basic HR questions, questions on my CV and my resume , questions on my
GD, guess estimates

Important Topics to Study:

guess estimates and puzzles


know your resume well

Result: Selected



Stages of process:

written, interview

Brief about written:

digital electronics, cmos, cache memory, 2 C programs(very simple), 2 apti
ques (very simple)

GD topic and group size:


Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

Technical, depending on the written paper

Interview Questions(HR):

about yourself

Important Topics to Study:

cache memory, cmos, setup and hold time


Do basics of digital thoroughly, and important topics in good details for
cracking NVIDIA's test

Result: Selected



Stages of process:

Tech Interview

Brief about written:

There was no written test. Shortlisting was based on percentage obtained in
10th, 12th and engg. Then, there was a Tech Interview.

Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

Firstly, if you are lucky enough, they will ask you about your favourite subject
and then starts their Q-A round. They asked about VLSI, its full form and its
advantages. Moore's Law (in VLSI), a question on FSM (basically a sequence
detector), difference between Mealy and Moore Model of FSM and their
advantages. They asked why gray codes are used in K-map, a question on K-
Map. Then, the last question which, I guess, proved to be the milestone. They
showed me a circuit composed of gates (NAND,NOR,AND,XOR etc) which was
quite long at first sight that it was occupying almost a full A4 size sheet. They
asked me to get the final o/p in 10 sec without using pen or paper. And I was
able to find that the o/p would always be zero. :D

Interview Questions(HR):

There was no HR as such. However, they asked randomly about my future

Important Topics to Study:

If you are planning to get into Core EC company, then prepare a lil bit about
apti. Focus more on digital EC, analog EC (for very few companies), FSM,
CMOS, MOS internal details, timing issues (e.g setup time, hold time etc), lil bit
about VHDL/Verilog. Sometimes they may ask to write a code of any flip flop
or MUX in VHDL. A lil knowledge about C/C++ can be proved as your plus
point, so if you can, get some idea about C/C++ and data structures.


Have patience, have faith in God. He has planned best for you. :)

Result: Selected


Stages of process:

written,group case study,presentation of case study.

Brief about written:

aptitude,verbal,jumbled para-completion

GD topic and group size:

There's a telecom quartz company which wanted to install a software for client
request handling, financial tools n upgrade the previous hand written
methods. And question were on how to implement it,what would be business
perspectives,and there was delima with financial team about this package.

Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

tech was asked related to case study only..not in the interview

Interview Questions(HR):

Casual interview..resume based..on the spot thinking..communication skills
will be judged.

Important Topics to Study:

a little know how of C would definitely help, rest aptitude to crack the written


if u are well aware of the things happening around , interview than sud nt be a
barrier. GD u might have to prepare for that. And if you are presuming at this
very moment that deloitte is a company that you can crack easily then you will
fall hard on your face. Work hard.

Result: Selected



Stages of process:

Written, Two rounds of Technical Interviews, Two rounds of HR Interviews

Brief about written:

Basic Digital Electronics, Counters, Finite State Machine,

GD topic and group size:


Interview Questions(Technical/Nontech):

Design a frequency up-converter/down-converter, FSM based questions, setup
time hold time questions

Interview Questions(HR):

Tell me about yourself & family, Why Synopsys, in how many company tests
have you appeared

Important Topics to Study:

Counters, FSM, Setup time, Hold time

Result: Selected


Some advice
by Dushyant Jha and Shaiv Kashyap

Dont take a job just because it pays more. Because when you have to spend 8-
10 hours daily in the office, the work environment and culture of the firm matters
a lot. We have seen people whining about their jobs (just after 3 months of
joining) as their work isnt interesting to them and they took the job just for the
sake of better compensation.

Dont write anything in your resume that you dont know and thoroughly revise
your projects and technical skills.

Focus on those types of companies (e.g. software, electronics, communication or
non-tech) in which you are really interested otherwise you wont be able to
prepare effectively.

Dont get discouraged if you are not placed despite of preforming good in
interview or written test. Some of the firms have absurd criteria for hiring
students. Like the old saying quotes, God had decided something better for

Prepare well for HR round, as it is one of the most vital rounds especially for non
tech firms.

Prior to sitting for the interview of any firm, go through their official website so
that you have good knowledge of their work. To get the reviews about any firm,
you can go to and

Always keep an in-depth knowledge of your favourite subject.

It is good to have a few projects in your resume but if dont have basic knowledge
of electronics then they will not help you in getting through the interview.

Dont try to cheat in the written test because even if you crack the written through
plagiarizing the interviewer will definitely catch you later during the interview
round. And you might end up screwing chance of your fellow classmates.
This might later affect you only since these people might later get a job that
you had yearned for.

Lastly, prepare well for software companies as the good computer/software
students get placed in the beginning, and the remaining crowd is not very tough
to outsmart hence study software thoroughly if you want to go for a software


1. Trust your PCs

2. Trust them blindly

These are the guys who are going to help you get through and they shall stand with
you in any situation and help you out at every instance. Listen to them and they will
listen to you.
With this, we leave you for a healthy placement session ahead of you.

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