Re Ections On A Sofa-Bed: Functional Beauty and Looking Fit: Rafael de Clercq
Re Ections On A Sofa-Bed: Functional Beauty and Looking Fit: Rafael de Clercq
Re Ections On A Sofa-Bed: Functional Beauty and Looking Fit: Rafael de Clercq
Lingnan University
Abstract. This paper argues for two conclusions about functional
beauty, as this notion has been understood by Parsons and Carlson
in a recent book by the same name. First of all, it is argued that
functional beauty either is not a distinct kind of beauty or that the
members of this kind are not all and only instances of the property
of looking t. Second, it is argued that functional beauty is relative
only to categories corresponding to essential functions. The second
conclusion contradicts what Parsons and Carlson write about func-
tional beauty, but the rst conclusion does not, since they agree that
looking t is not necessary for functional beauty. However, their
agreement on this point is based on reasons that can be shown to be
mistaken. Moreover, contrary to what Parsons and Carlson claim,
looking t can also be shown to be insucient for functional beauty.
I. Introduction
Judging by the titles of some recent works, it seems that the term func-
tional beauty may be gaining currency among philosophers of art. The
reason probably is not just a growing interest in the aesthetics of everyday
objects. Also, and perhaps more importantly, a term that is somewhat sim-
ilar in meaning, adherent or dependent beauty, has proven to be hard
to unshackle from its Kantian origins, and so to put it entirely at the ser-
vice of current philosophical inquiry. In any case, no diligent scholarship
is needed to discover what functional beauty is most plausibly taken to
designate: a kind of beauty that objects have in virtue of their function,
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Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, vol. 2, 2010
Rafael De Clercq Reections on a Sofa-Bed
and whose appreciation requires knowledge of that function. But this de-
scription still leaves a lot unspecied. First, it does not specify whether
an objects functions usually, there is more than one are all equally
important from an aesthetic point of view. For example, are functions the
object has acquired in the course of its existence as important aesthetically
as functions the object was originally intended to perform? Similarly, are
functions the object essentially has as important aesthetically as functions
the object accidentally has? Second, the above elucidation of functional
beauty does not specify whether anything more can be said about what it
means to possess function-dependent beauty. For example, is functional
beauty really a distinct kind of beauty or is it just the general kind re-
stricted to functional objects? If the former, then what can be said about
the nature of this distinct kind of beauty? (If the latter, why is it worth
In what follows, my aim is to answer at least these two general ques-
tions (in reverse order), and to show that my answers are not vulnerable to
objections that can be found in Functional Beauty, a recent, and timely,
book written by Glenn Parsons and Allen Carlson. In a nutshell, my answer
to the rst question is that, from an aesthetic point of view, there is a hi-
erarchy of functions. In particular, essential functions are more important
than accidental ones, and original (for example, intended) functions are
more important than acquired functions. (This amounts to a total order-
ing if all essential functions are taken to be original. There do not seem to
be clear cases of acquired essential functions.) In a nutshell, my answer to
the second question is that functional beauty either is not a distinct kind
of beauty or that the members of this kind are not all and only instances
of the property of looking t. Of course, to make these two answers a bit
more substantial, more will have to be said about the nature of looking t
and about the sense(s) in which some features matter more aesthetically
than others.
II. What is Looking Fit?
Suppose that an object possesses functional beauty if and only if it is beau-
tiful as the kind of functional object that it is, for example, a car or a coee-
machine. This seems to be a plausible suggestion, but it does not follow
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Rafael De Clercq Reections on a Sofa-Bed
that functional beauty is a distinct kind of beauty, since functional ob-
jects may be beautiful as the functional objects they are for very dierent
reasons. Moreover, even if the reasons had something in common that dis-
tinguishes them from the reasons why objects possess other alleged kinds
of beauty, that would no more prove that there is a distinct kind of beauty
than that the existence of, say, dierent criteria of identity proves that
there are dierent kinds of identity.
However, although it would not prove that there is a distinct kind of
beauty, it could provide a good candidate to identify this kind with. And,
as a matter of fact, such a candidate can be found in the literature: the
property of looking t. Let us look, then, at what the recent literature has
to say about the nature of this property.
According to Parsons and Carlson (2008), who, for reasons to be dis-
cussed, do not identify functional beauty with looking t, the latter is a
plausibly considered to be a positive aesthetic property that an object ex-
emplies if it appears to satisfy the following four conditions:
(1) some of its perceptual features are standard for the functional
kind to which it belongs, that is, they are features whose absence
tends to disqualify an item from membership of the kind;
(2) some of its perceptual features are variable for the functional kind
to which it belongs, that is, they are features whose absence or pres-
ence does not aect kind-membership;
(3) none of its perceptual features are contra-standard for the func-
tional kind to which it belongs, that is, they are not features whose
presence tends to disqualify an item from membership of the kind;
(4) some of its variable features are indicative of functionality (p.
As an example of a variable feature that is indicative of functionality,
Parsons and Carlson cite a spoiler as found on so-called muscle cars. Pre-
sumably, a muscle car can easily lack a spoiler, but its having one provides
some indication that it has a rm grip on the road, in other words, that it
is functional in this respect.
Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, vol. 2, 2010
Rafael De Clercq Reections on a Sofa-Bed
III. Is Looking Fit Sucient for Functional Beauty?
Now the question is whether we can identify functional beauty with look-
ing t. We can do so only if looking t is both necessary and sucient for
the possession of functional beauty. Parsons and Carlson do not believe
that it is necessary, for reasons that we will turn to. But there is also rea-
son to doubt that looking t is sucient, in other words, that it should be
regarded as a form that functional beauty can take. For it seems possible
to perceive an object as t, and thus to ascribe the property of looking t
to it, without perceiving it as beautiful in any respect. To see this, con-
sider that looking t is little more than appearing to be capable of playing
a certain (causal) role. Every object is t, then, in some sense. (If there
existed an unt object, then it would at least be t to serve as an example
of an unt object.) But not every object is beautiful, let alone function-
ally beautiful. The weight of this consideration is not much lessened by
the fact that the relevant looking t the one that Parsons and Carlson
have in mind is looking t in respect of function, that is, in respect of
the (causal) role the object is somehow supposed to play. For it is entirely
unclear why assigning a function to an object that it is seemingly capable
of performing should guarantee that it is beautiful. For example, imagine
that there are two bags of standard-looking woodchip in front of you. The
rst bag contains woodchip that is merely a by-product of a manufacturing
process, while the second bag contains woodchip that has been produced
for recycling purposes. The woodchip in the two bags looks exactly the
same and is capable of playing the exact same roles, but on the view we
are considering, the woodchip in the second bag should be more beautiful
merely because it has been assigned a role that it is seemingly capable of
playing. That looks implausible, and so it seems that looking t cannot be
sucient for functional beauty.
IV. Is Looking Fit Necessary for Functional Beauty?
As said, Parsons and Carlson agree that looking t is not necessary for hav-
ing functional beauty. The reason, according to them, is that looking t
is not the only form that functional beauty can take. In particular, there
are two other types of functional beauty that Parsons and Carlson have
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in mind. (To the best of my knowledge, they do not intend this list to be
exhaustive.) The rst type is the functional beauty an object allegedly pos-
sesses when it appears to possess only standard features, and no features
that are variable or contra-standard for the functional kind in question.
According to Parsons and Carlson, this type of functional beauty is exem-
plied by modernist design and by sophisticated machines such as X-ray
diraction pattern detectors. In their estimation, it may be the most fa-
miliar type (p. 98). The second type that is supposed to be dierent from
looking t is the functional beauty an object possesses when it appears to
be functional and yet also to possess features that are contra-standard for
the functional kind in question. As examples of objects exemplifying this
type of functional beauty, Parsons and Carlson cite all kinds of artifacts
(steel cranes, chairs, buildings) that appear to be functional and yet also to
defy the law of gravity on which their functionality depends. For example,
they cite Viktor Schreckengosts Beverly Hills lawn chair, whose peculiar
steel frame makes the chair appear, when viewed from the side, to hold
its occupant without adequate support (p. 99).
The types of functional beauty distinguished by Parsons and Carlson
can thus be summarized as follows:
The rst of these involves aesthetic qualities, such as the tradition-
ally recognized quality of looking t, that things possess when the
functional category employed to perceive them causes us to see these
things as having no contra-standard features at all and as having, to a
high degree, certain variable features that are indicative of function-
ality. The second includes aesthetic qualities like simplicity, grace-
fulness, or elegance, which functional things possess when the func-
tional category used to perceive them causes them to appear as hav-
ing no contra-standard or variable features, but only the essential,
standard ones. In the third way in which functional categories can af-
fect aesthetic appearance, things appear able to perform their func-
tion, but the functional category that we apply in perceiving them
causes them to appear as lacking some standard features. In this
event, things, by still looking capable of performing their function,
may display a pleasing dissonance in their sensory elements. The re-
sulting aesthetic quality may be described as a surprising, even play-
ful visual tension (Parsons & Carlson 2008, p. 158).
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Rafael De Clercq Reections on a Sofa-Bed
The dierences between the three types of functional beauty can also be
represented as in Table 1.
Functional Relevant
Perceptual features that appear to be...
aesthetic qualities
Standard Variable Contra-standard
Type 1 Some Some None Looking t
Simplicity, graceful-
Type 2 All None None
ness, elegance
Type 3 Some (possibly) Some (possibly) Some (by denition) Visual tension
Table 1. Types of functional beauty distinguished by Parsons and
Carlson (2008).
Now one question is whether these types of functional beauty represent
genuine possibilities: can objects really possess all three of them? If they
can, then the next question to ask is whether their number really demon-
strates that looking t is not the only type of functional beauty. Obviously,
if the answer to this second question is what Parsons and Carlson take it
to be, that is, yes, then looking t cannot be a necessary condition for
functional beauty. However, there is reason to doubt that the two ques-
tions should be answered in the positive.
i. Type 2 Functional Beauty
First of all, it seems to me that type 2 functional beauty is not a genuine
possibility. The functional objects that we are familiar with always seem
to have perceptual features that one could regard as variable for the kind
in question. Chairs, for example, always seem to leave a choice of materi-
als, nishing, colors, and even shape-properties that is independent of the
The nal row mentions possibly twice between brackets because Parsons and Carl-
son do not say anything about the standard and variable features of objects exemplifying
type 3 functional beauty.
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Rafael De Clercq Reections on a Sofa-Bed
standard requirements imposed by the category of chair. In the case of X-
ray diraction pattern detectors, the choice may be more constrained but
still real, if only because of the casing. In fact, one may wonder if it is even
logically possible for an ordinary functional object to have only standard
properties. For suppose that there were such an object, and that there also
existed objects of the same functional kind with variable features. If such
were the case, then having only standard features would itself appear to be
a variable feature. (It does not seem plausible to construe it as a contra-
standard feature, however exceptional it may be.) So the object that, by
assumption, had no variable features turns out to have at least one variable
feature after all: contradiction.
Of course, the reductio assumes that for any object having only stan-
dard features there is at least one object of the same functional kind hav-
ing variable features as well. This premise may not hold as a matter of
conceptual truth. It may just happen to be true. However, suppose that
there is a kind of functional object whose instances have only standard
features; no variable features are found among the members of this kind.
Could such an object really strike us as simple, graceful or elegant when
perceived in the proper category? It seems not. It seems that all objects
within that category must look the same. They may look simple or graceful
when perceived in other, more general categories, but perceived in those
categories some of their properties will appear variable. So we have not
identied a case in which an object appears to have aesthetic properties
such as simplicity and gracefulness in virtue of the fact that it exemplies
only standard properties.
Let me try to make this last point a bit more clear by means of a con-
crete example. Suppose that there is a category consisting of all and only
instances of Mies van der Rohes Barcelona chair. If an undamaged in-
stance of the chair is perceived in this category it will appear to have only
standard features. As a result, it will not strike one as particularly graceful
or austere (because all the other chairs in the category are just like it). By
contrast, if it is perceived in the more general category of chairs, then it
may strike one as particularly graceful and austere. At that level, however,
the design of the chair has become a variable feature. So the chairs grace-
fulness and austerity do not emerge as a result of perceiving its features as
all standard. But that is equivalent to saying that it does not have type 2
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functional beauty.
In sum, my argument for the claim that type 2 functional beauty is un-
likely to have any instances boils down to a dilemma. Either the category
in which a functional object is perceived admits of instances that have
variable features, or it does not. If it does, then it does not seem logically
possible for the object to have only standard features. If it does not, then
it seems that the aesthetic properties characteristic of type 2 functional
beauty (for example, gracefulness and simplicity) will not become appar-
ent as long as the object is perceived within the category, that is, as long
as its features are perceived as all standard. Either way, the object will not
have type 2 functional beauty as dened by Parsons and Carlson.
ii. Type 3 Functional Beauty
Type 3 functional beauty, on the other hand, although no doubt a gen-
uine possibility, may not threaten the view that functional beauty can be
identied with looking t. For couldnt one say that a seemingly feeble but
functional chair such Schreckengosts presents us with two incompatible
looks at the same time, looking both t and unt? The looks would be
incompatible in the sense of supporting contradictory hypotheses about
the chair, and maybe also in the psychological sense of being dicult to
integrate into a single visual perception, but they would not be logically in-
compatible. An object may both look to have property Xand look to have
property Y, X being incompatible with Y, without there being a prop-
erty Z of looking a certain way that the object both has and lacks. This
fact about looks should not be found mysterious. It is no more mysteri-
ous than the fact that a person may believe contradictory things without
there being a property of believing something that the person both has
and lacks.
In sum, it seems possible to argue that type 3 functional beauty just is
type 1 functional beauty (that is, looking t) exemplied in a somewhat
special context, namely a context in which there is also an impression of
looking unt. If that is the case, then type 3 functional beauty does not
constitute a counterexample to the thesis that an object is functionally
beautiful only if it looks t, in other words, that looking t is necessary
for functional beauty.
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Rafael De Clercq Reections on a Sofa-Bed
iii. Another Argument against Necessity
So it seems that we cannot rely on Parsons and Carlson to provide an ar-
gument against the necessity of looking t. My own argument against the
necessity of looking t does not assume that functional beauty can take
dierent forms. It merely assumes that looking t can be understood
as Parsons and Carlson understand the term. In particular, it assumes
the condition that, in order to look t, an object has to have to a high
degree, certain features that are indicative of functionality (p. 96, 158).
To see why this condition constitutes a problem for the view that look-
ing t is necessary for functional beauty, think of an object that is super-
functional when properly constructed, but is super-dicult to construct
properly, so that improperly constructed instances almost inevitably out-
number properly constructed instances. Moreover, suppose that the prop-
erly and improperly constructed instances of this kind of object are often
perceptually indistinguishable. (The dierence in functionality may stem
from invisible properties of the materials used or from the invisible inter-
nal mechanism.) Under such circumstances, the perceptual features of a
properly constructed object would not be indicative of functionality, and
yet it seems that the object could be functionally very beautiful. A real-
life example of this sort of case may be constructed by comparing highly
sophisticated wristwatches to their fake, and often dysfunctional, coun-
It may be replied that the perceptual features of the properly con-
structed items (for example, wristwatches) are still indicative of function-
ality in properly constructed items. But that is either false or trivial, de-
pending on howindicative is understood. It is trivial if it is meant that the
probability of a properly constructed item being functional is high given
that it has the perceptual features. After all, what could properly con-
structed mean if not functional? It is false if it is meant that the proba-
bility of a properly constructed item being functional is higher in a case
where it has the perceptual features than in a case where it does not. After
all, as long as it is a properly constructed item it will function, whether or
not it has the same perceptual properties.
In light of the foregoing, it may be wondered if looking t again, as
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dened by Parsons and Carlson is of any aesthetic relevance at all. Of
course, a property may be aesthetically relevant even if it is neither nec-
essary nor sucient for the possession of an aesthetic property such as
functional beauty. Moreover, in these post-formalist days, it has become
very hard to deny the aesthetic relevance of any property. Anon-trivial cri-
terion of aesthetic relevance (such as being immediately perceivable) does
not seem to be immediately available. What is more, if such a criterion
had been available, then we could have saved ourselves the trouble of go-
ing through the above arguments, since an aesthetically irrelevant property
is an unlikely candidate when it comes to nding the essence of functional
V. Is There a Hierarchy of Functions?
Since Kendall Waltons Categories of Art appeared, there is widespread
agreement in aesthetics about the importance of the categories in which
objects of aesthetic interest are perceived. In particular, there seems to be
agreement on the fact that an object possesses a certain aesthetic property
if it appears to possess that property when perceived in the right category
(by a sensitive perceiver). However, when this fact is coupled with the un-
deniable fact that objects often belong to quite separate categories, then
the question arises whether objects possess aesthetic properties only rel-
ative to the categories in which they are correctly perceived. And if so,
whether this sort of relativity is a widespread phenomenon, or whether it
is only certain kinds of objects that may appear to have dierent aesthetic
properties relative to dierent categories.
In Functional Beauty, Parsons and Carlson argue that the aforemen-
tioned sort of relativity is quite common among functional objects. In
particular, they argue that an object may appear to have dierent, and
incompatible, aesthetic properties relative to each of the following cate-
functional categories to which the object necessarily belongs, in par-
ticular, categories corresponding to original function(s);
functional categories to which the object accidentally belongs, in
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particular, categories corresponding to original but inessential
function(s) and categories corresponding to acquired functions.
In my view, only the rst kind of category can be a source of relativism.
Thus, it may happen that an object is beautiful as an instance of functional
kind K(for example, sofa) but not beautiful as an instance of functional
kind K' (for example, bed), if Kand K' are both sortals or categories to
which the item necessarily belongs. However, Parsons and Carlson provide
examples of cases where the second kind of category is taken to be the
standard relative to which objects possess aesthetic properties:
[A] common secondary function of perfume bottles is symbolizing
the qualities of the person wearing the substance. But this could
easily constitute a standard or criterion or ideal of beauty: we can
imagine a perfume bottle that dispensed perfume poorly but ele-
gantly symbolized the wearers personality (perhaps it is fragile and
transparent). Indeed, secondary functions can ground aesthetic
judgments even when they are not intended at all, as when an old
perfume bottle is used as a bud vase and found, serendipitously, to
be beautiful as a bud vase (2008, p. 54).
In the above passage, Parsons and Carlson distinguish between two cases
in which there is relativity to concepts of secondary (that is, accidental)
functions. In the rst case, the secondary function is intended or original;
in the second case, the secondary function is unintended or acquired. Let
me deal with these cases in turn, because they may require a somewhat
dierent response.
First, as Parsons and Carlson themselves suggest in a footnote to this
passage, it is possible to question whether acquired or serendipitous
functions aect the aesthetic character of an object. True, a perfume bot-
tle may appear beautiful when viewed as a bud vase. However, it does
not follow that it is beautiful as a bud vase, for indeed it may not be a
bud vase, even if it happens to function as one (because someone or some
group decided to use it in this manner). Perhaps the relevant intuition can
be brought out more clearly by imagining two perfume bottles that are
exact replicas of each other. One is used as a perfume bottle throughout
its existence, while the other ends up being used as a bud vase. Would one
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say that there is a respect in which the rst one is beautiful and the other
is not? That the second one has an aesthetic quality which the rst one
lacks? Maybe intuitions will dier here, but my inclination is to say that
the two perfume bottles are aesthetically exactly alike. (Of course, they
may both have the property of appearing beautiful when viewed as a bud
Here is another case that one may use to demonstrate the aesthetic
importance of acquired functions. Allegedly, the pieces of lumber (barn
boards) used to make the walls of barns in the U.S. had never been consid-
ered beautiful until they were used in ordinary house interiors. One way
to describe this case is to say that barn boards are beautiful as paneling
but not as parts of an exterior wall, the latter being their original function,
the former being an acquired one. If this description is accurate, then it
is false to claim that aesthetic properties are not relative to acquired func-
tions. However, there is an alternative description of the case that does
not have this consequence. In particular, it is possible to say that a panel
made of barn boards is beautiful whereas an exterior wall made of the same
type of material is not. This description seems plausible and it does not
make the aesthetic properties of barn boards relative to their functions.
(In addition, one may wonder whether it is correct to say that constitut-
ing an exterior wall is the original function of barn boards. Perhaps it is
merely their original use, and their original function is vague and open-
ended. However, this point, if correct, is of minor importance.)
In any case, an accidental function can also be an original (for example,
intended) function instead of an acquired one. After all, most perfume bot-
tles have the intended function of symbolizing personal qualities, although
they could have been the kind of objects they are perfume bottles
while lacking that function. (In other words, the symbolic function is an
accidental one.) Does this provide an additional source of relativity, ad-
ditional to the relativity that exists because some items fall under more
than one sortal concept? In what follows, it will be shown how such rela-
tivity can be avoided, and why it cannot be avoided when dierent sortal
concepts are in play.
As a preliminary, it may already be worth noting that we do not usually
make our aesthetic evaluation of an object relative to concepts that apply
to it as a matter of accident. True, we say such things as This is beauti-
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ful for an amateur, meaning to compare the work in question to a certain
average or mean. However, here we are interested in a dierent kind of
judgment, one that is not based on such a variable and contingent standard
as the average or mean. This kind of judgment is usually expressed by ad-
joining as rather than for to the adjective (for example, beautiful). And
indeed, we do not usually say that an object is beautiful as a red object, or
as a damaged object, or as an expensive object (red, damaged and ex-
pensive being typical contingently applying terms). The reason, it may be
thought, is that the corresponding concepts do not allow us to divide the
objects perceptual features into standard, variable, and contra-standard
ones. But this cannot be the real reason, because in some cases, at least,
we can think of a division that would make sense. For example, the red-
ness of a red object could be regarded as its standard property; its size and
shape could be regarded as variable properties; and when it is borderline
red, it may have a property that is contra-standard for red objects.
Whatever the explanation, we rarely make our aesthetic judgments rel-
ative to contingently applying concepts. It seems that this is true even
when the concepts necessarily apply to other objects. For example, a per-
fume bottle is, or may be, contingently a symbol, but a countrys ag is
not: it is essentially symbolic. Still, it would be out of the ordinary, pace
Parsons and Carlson, to say of a particular perfume bottle that it is beau-
tiful as a perfume bottle and yet not beautiful as a symbol, or vice versa.
In such cases, it seems, the sortal concept the category to which the
object belongs as a matter of necessity dominates the other concepts
under which the object falls. That does not mean that the other concepts
are deemed aesthetically irrelevant. Rather, it means that, if an object is
essentially F and contingently f, it has to be perceived as an F that is f,
or an fF. For example, a common perfume bottle has to be perceived as a
symbolic perfume bottle or, what amounts to the same, a perfume bottle
that is a symbol. In other words, the symbolic function of the perfume
bottle is deemed relevant when it is judged aesthetically as a perfume bot-
tle (instead of being irrelevant, or only relevant when judged as a symbol).
In particular, it is deemed relevant as a feature that is standard, relative
or contra-standard as the case may be for the category of perfume
bottles, or for some subcategory of this category (say, Chanel bottles).
Here, then, is the sense which sortals dominate other concepts in
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aesthetic evaluation: although most or even all concepts may have stan-
dard, contra-standard and variable conditions of application associated
with them, only sortal concepts determine which features are to be per-
ceived as standard, contra-standard and variable. In other words, if a per-
ceptual feature is contra-standard for a sortal concept F, then it has to
be perceived as contra-standard, even if it is standard for a contingently
applying concept f. Only when it is perceived in this way will the object
appear to have the aesthetic properties that it actually has.
It is not my aim here to prove this thesis. My claim is merely that
it seems to cohere well with our actual practice of issuing aesthetic judg-
ments. Still, one may wonder how the above rule is to be applied when
an object falls under more than one sortal concept, for example, sofa and
bed. Is a multifunctional object such as a sofa-bed to be perceived as a
sofa that is (also) a bed or as a bed that is (also) a sofa?
My view is that it can legitimately be perceived in both ways, provided
that the resulting judgment is made suitably relative. Thus, the same ob-
ject could be beautiful as a bed (that is also a sofa) and not be beautiful as a
sofa (that is also a bed). When perceived in the rst manner, the property
of being a sofa would probably be regarded as variable or contra-standard;
when perceived in the second manner, the property of being a bed would
probably be regarded as variable or contra-standard. So it will be very hard,
if not impossible, to perceive the bed-sofa in both ways at the same time.
Nonetheless, it seems that there has to be some sort of agreement be-
tween the two ways of perceiving the object. In other words, it seems that
if the property of being a sofa is regarded as variable (rather than contra-
standard) when the object is perceived as a bed, then the property of being
a bed has to be regarded as variable (rather than contra-standard) when the
object is perceived as a sofa.
In the case of multifunctional objects such as sofa-beds, then, there is
relativity, namely relativity to sortal concepts or categories. However, an
ultimate, absolute aesthetic judgment about a multifunctional object can
be reached if the object turns out to have a certain aesthetic property no
matter how it is perceived (in our example, as a sofa or as a bed). Thus,
the suggestion, made in section 1, that an object is functionally beauti-
ful (period) if and only if it is beautiful as the kind of functional object
that it is, could be interpreted as: an object is functionally beautiful if and
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only if it is beautiful as each of the kinds of functional object that it is.
Alternatively, the suggestion could be relativized as follows: an object is
functionally beautiful as a Kif and only if it is beautiful as a K, where Kis
a functional kind to which the item (necessarily) belongs.
The sense in which some functions matter more aesthetically than
other functions can be made precise now. First, essential functions are the
most important ones because they determine which perceptual properties
are to be perceived as standard, contra-standard and variable. This makes
them directly relevant to aesthetic evaluation, for reasons that Walton
1970 has made familiar. It also makes them a source of relativity. Second,
original functions are more important than acquired functions because,
although acquired functions may change the appearance of an object, it
seems that they can also be safely ignored when it has to be determined
which aesthetic properties the object exemplies (as in the case of the per-
fume bottle that is serving as a bud vase). Because there do not seem to be
clear cases of essential acquired functions, the resulting order is as shown
in Table 2.
Position Example
in the hierachy
General case
(perfume bottle)
original function(s)
Containing a scented substance
original function(s)
Symbolizing personal qualities
acquired function(s)
Serving as a bud vase
Table 2. The relative importance, from an aesthetic point of view,
of an objects functions.
VI. Conclusion
In this paper, two conclusions have been reached. First, if functional beau-
ty is a distinct kind of beauty, then the members of this kind are not all
and only instances of the property of looking t; they are more likely to
Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, vol. 2, 2010
Rafael De Clercq Reections on a Sofa-Bed
be neither. Second, functional beauty, regardless of whether it is a distinct
kind of beauty, (probably) is not relative to contingently applying concepts.
More specically, it is not relative to concepts of acquired functions, and
it is not relative to concepts of accidental original functions. However,
it probably is relative to concepts of essential original functions, that is,
sortal concepts, which matter most from an aesthetic point of view.
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This paper was presented at the 2010 CEPHAD and ESA conferences in, respec-
tively, Copenhagen and Udine. I am grateful to various audience members, as well as to
Paisley Livingston and Robert Stecker, for helpful comments on an earlier version of this
Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, vol. 2, 2010