The Brain Behind Ux

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The Limbic System

The Cerebral Cortex

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Designed by @Erik_UX
Disclaimer: The brain is more complex than any poster could show, and no region does all the work alone. All processes are diffused and somewhat
distributed throughout the whole brain. The descriptions are just to illustrate the focus of each region, and to get us all thinking. Have fun with it.
The Brain Behind UX
The brain is where UX takes place. Seeing its structures
and fuctions help us know why UX works the way it does.
Voluntary action is started here. When the user has decided on an action, the
primary motor cortex initiates the movement with the right part of the body.
Anything that is touched or felt comes through here, the
primary somatosensory cortex. When an experience involves tactile
interaction, this area processes where it came from in the body and
links that to the rest of the experiential information.
Sensory Input
When complex coordination of the body is necessary, the
pre-motor cortex controls how that happens. Things like using the
hands and fngers to control interfaces come from this region.
Complex Movement
All the visual data that is received has to be processed and turned
into information the rest of the brain can understand. Almost 30%
of the outer cortex is dedicated to visuals! All the visual stimuli is
sent here, the visual association area, to be interpreted. Patterns and
aesthetic are sorted and turned from neural stimulus to information that
can be connected to the rest of the experience.
Visual Processing
What we call thinking happens here. When a user is trying
to solve a problem, piece together complex thoughts, or use
predictive reason, it is powered by the pre-frontal cortex.
Thought and Reason
The eyes are at the front, but the information comes from the
back! Visual stimuli is perceived here, in the visual cortex,
so any visual design or UI elements have to be noticeable
enough to be prioritized and sent on to the rest of the brain.
Visual Input
When it is time to speak, this little area regulates the actual
execution of speech through language. Any time an experience
involves speaking, the Brocas area is at work.
Expressive Speech
This is the cerebellum, its a base-level area that controls gait and
makes gross motor movements smooth. Its more of a feedback area
that responds to the users proprioception, where is my body in space.
Balance and Coordination
Sound is a complicated thing. When the ears receive
input, the auditory cortex processes the information
into impulses the rest of the brain can understand.
Experiences that involve listening start here.
Sound Processing
Understanding language is a separate region than speaking
language. Anything a user hears that involves language is sent
here, to the Wernickes area, to be interpreted.
Receptive Language
All the input that comes into the brain has to be routed somehow,
and the thalmus acts as that switchboard. The torrent of information
the body receives is prioritized here, so choosing which areas of the
brain you want your experience to engage is critical.
The Switchboard
When memory is written to the brain, the hippocampus acts as the pen. A
users immediate, short-term memory is initiated here, and if not processed into a
learned memory, it is discarded. When more brain functions are engaged, it makes
writing the experience to memory more effective.
The Pen
An experience is a combination of emotion and thought. By combining them together, we
learn to associate things. The cingulate gyrus is the limbic structure that facilitates the
interaction between the limbic system and the outer cortex.
Emotion, Memory, Learning
Intense emotions are originated here, in the amygdala. When an experience is particularly
pleasant or painful, the amygdala helps strongly attach it to a memory or learning
experience... sometimes permanently. Involuntary fght or fight is largely initiated here as
well. Engaging the amygdala is a key aspect of sticky, powerful experiences.
Raw Emotion
The senses are processed here, in the somatosensory cortex.
Information is taken from the input areas of the brain and
combined into the resultant sensory experience. This lets the
users brain attach the sense experience with the memory.
Sensory Processing

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