Safety With Sewing Machine

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i i
For the sewing machine, automatic machine and ancillary devices (hereinafter collectively referred to as
"machine"), it is inevitable to conduct sewing work near moving parts of the machine. This means that there
is always a possibility of unintentionally coming in contact with the moving parts. Operators who actually
operate the machine and maintenance personnel who are involved in maintenance and repair of the machine
are strongly recommended to carefully read to fully understand the following SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
before using/maintaining the machine. The content of the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS includes items which
are not contained in the specifcations of your product.
The risk indications are classifed into the following three different categories to help understand the meaning
of the labels. Be sure to fully understand the following description and strictly observe the instructions.


There is the possibility that slight to serious injury or death may be caused.
There is the possibility that injury may be caused by touching moving part.
To perform sewing work with safety guard.
To perform sewing work with safety cover.
To perform sewing work with safety protection device.
Be sure to turn the power OFF before carrying out "machine-head threading",
"needle changing", "bobbin changing" or "oiling and cleaning".




This indication is given where there is an immediate danger of death or serous injury if the person in charge or any third
party mishandles the machine or does not avoid the dangerous situation when operating or maintaining the machine.
This indication is given where there is a potentiality for death or serious injury if the person in charge or any third
party mishandles the machine or does not avoid the dangerous situation when operating or maintaining the machine.
This indication is given where there is a danger of medium to minor injury if the person in charge or any third par-
ty mishandles the machine or does not avoid the dangerous situation when operating or maintaining the machine.
Items requiring special attention.


There is a risk of injury if contact-
ing a moving section.


Be aware that holding the sewing
machine during operation can
hurt your hands.
There is a risk of electrical shock if
contacting a high-voltage section.
There is a risk of entanglement in
the belt resulting in injury.
There is a risk of a burn if contact-
ing a high-temperature section.
There is a risk of injury if you
touch the button carrier.
Be aware that eye defciency can
be caused by looking directly at the
laser beam.

The correct direction is indicated.
There is a risk of contact between
your head and the sewing ma-
Connection of a earth cable is
( I ) Explanation of risk levels
(II) Explanation of pictorial warning indications and warning labels
ii ii
1. When it is necessary to open the control box containing electrical parts, be sure to turn the power
off and wait for fve minutes or more before opening the cover in order to prevent accident leading to
electrical shock.
Accident means "to cause
personal injury or death or
damage to property."
Basic precaution
1. Be sure to read the instruction manual and other explanatory documents supplied with accessories of
the machine before using the machine. Carefully keep the instruction manual and the explanatory docu-
ments at hand for quick reference.
2. The content of this section includes items which are not contained in the specifcations of your product.
3. Be sure to wear safety goggles to protect against accident caused by needle breakage.
4. Those who use a heart pacer have to use the machine after consultation with a medical specialist.
Safety devices and warning labels
1. Be sure to operate the machine after verifying that safety device(s) is correctly installed in place and
works normally in order to prevent accident caused by lack of the device(s).
2. If any of the safety devices is removed, be sure to replace it and verify that it works normally in order to
prevent accident that can result in personal injury or death.
3. Be sure to keep the warning labels adhered on the machine clearly visible in order to prevent accident
that can result in personal injury or death. If any of the labels has stained or come unstuck, be sure to
change it with a new one.
Application and modifcation
1. Never use the machine for any application other than its intended one and in any manner other than that
prescribed in the instruction manual in order to prevent accident that can result in personal injury or
death. JUKI assumes no responsibility for damages or personal injury or death resulting from the use of
the machine for any application other than the intended one.
2. Never modify and alter the machine in order to prevent accident that can result in personal injury or
death. JUKI assumes no responsibility for damages or personal injury or death resulting from the ma-
chine which has been modifed or altered.
Education and training
1. In order to prevent accident resulting from unfamiliarity with the machine, the machine has to be used
only by the operator who has been trained/educated by the employer with respect to the machine oper-
ation and how to operate the machine with safety to acquire adequate knowledge and operation skill. To
ensure the above, the employer has to establish an education/training plan for the operators and edu-
cate/train them beforehand.
Items for which the power to the machine has to be turned off
Turning the power off: Turning the power switch off, then removing the power plug from the outlet.
This applies to the following.
1. Be sure to immediately turn the power off if any abnormality or failure is found or in the case of power
failure in order to protect against accident that can result in personal injury or death.
2. To protect against accident resulting from abrupt start of the machine, be sure to carry out the follow-
ing operations after turning the power off. For the machine incorporating a clutch motor, in particular,
be sure to carry out the following operations after turning the power off and verifying that the machine
stops completely.
2-1. For example, threading the parts such as the needle, looper, spreader etc. which have to be thread-
ed, or changing the bobbin.
2-2. For example, changing or adjusting all component parts of the machine.
2-3. For example, when inspecting, repairing or cleaning the machine or leaving the machine.
3. Be sure to remove the power plug by holding the plug section instead of the cord section in order to pre-
vent electrical-shock, earth-leakage or fre accident.
4. Be sure to turn the power off whenever the machine is left unattended between works.
5. Be sure to turn the power off in the case of power failure in order to prevent accident resulting of break-
age of electrical components.
1. Be sure to lift and move the machine in a safe manner taking the machine weight in consideration. Refer
to the text of the instruction manual for the mass of the machine.
2. Be sure to take suffcient safety measures to prevent falling or dropping before lifting or moving the
machine in order to protect against accident that can result in personal injury or death.
3. Once the machine has been unpacked, never re-pack it for transportation to protect the machine against
breakage resulting from unexpected accident or dropping.
1. Be sure to unpack the machine in the prescribed order in order to prevent accident that can result in
personal injury or death. In the case the machine is crated, in particular, be sure to carefully check nails.
The nails have to be removed.
2. Be sure to check the machine for the position of its center of gravity and take it out from the package
carefully in order to prevent accident that can result in personal injury or death.
(I) Table and table stand
1. Be sure to use JUKI genuine table and table stand in order to prevent accident that can result in per-
sonal injury or death. If it is inevitable to use a table and table stand which are not JUKI genuine ones,
select the table and table stand which are able to support the machine weight and reaction force during
2. If casters are ftted to the table stand, be sure to use the casters with a locking mechanism and lock
them to secure the machine during the operation, maintenance, inspection and repair in order to prevent
accident that can result in personal injury or death.
(II) Cable and wiring
1. Be sure to prevent an extra force from being applied to the cable during the use in order to prevent
electrical-shock, earth-leakage or fre accident. In addition, if it is necessary to cable near the operating
section such as the V-belt, be sure to provide a space of 30 mm or more between the operating section
and the cable.
2. Be sure to avoid starburst connection in order to prevent electrical-shock, earth-leakage or fre accident.
3. Be sure to securely connect the connectors in order to prevent electrical-shock, earth-leakage or fre
accident. In addition, be sure to remove the connector while holding its connector section.
(III) Grounding
1. Be sure to have an electrical expert install an appropriate power plug in order to prevent accident caused
by earth-leakage or dielectric strength voltage fault. In addition, be sure to connect the power plug to the
grounded outlet without exceptions.
2. Be sure to ground the earth cable in order to prevent accident caused by earth leakage.
(IV) Motor
1. Be sure to use the specifed rated motor (JUKI genuine product) in order to prevent accident caused by
2. If a commercially available clutch motor is used with the machine, be sure to select one with an entan-
glement preventive pulley cover in order to protect against being entangled by the V-belt.
Before operation
1. Be sure to make sure that the connectors and cables are free from damage, dropout and looseness be-
fore turning the power on in order to prevent accident resulting in personal injury or death.
2. Never put your hand into the moving sections of the machine in order to prevent accident that can result
in personal injury or death.
In addition, check to be sure that the direction of rotation of the pulley agrees with the arrow shown on
3. If the table stand with casters is used, be sure to secure the table stand by locking the casters or with
adjusters, if provided, in order to protect against accident caused by abrupt start of the machine.
During operation
1. Be sure not to put your fngers, hair or clothing close to the moving sections such as the handwheel,
hand pulley and motor or place something near those sections while the machine is in operation in order
to prevent accident caused by entanglement that can result in personal injury or death.
2. Be sure not to place your fngers near the surround area of the needle or inside the thread take-up lever
cover when turning the power on or while the machine is in operation in order to prevent accident that
can result in personal injury or death.
3. The machine runs at a high speed. Never bring your hands near the moving sections such as looper,
spreader, needle bar, hook and cloth trimming knife during operation in order to protect your hands
against injury. In addition, be sure to turn the power off and check to be sure that the machine complete-
ly stops before changing the thread.
4. Be careful not to allow your fngers or any other parts of your body to be caught between the machine
and table when removing the machine from or replacing it on the table in order to prevent accident that
can result in personal injury or death.
iv iv
5. Be sure to turn the power off and check to be sure that the machine and motor completely stop before re-
moving the belt cover and V-belt in order to prevent accident caused by abrupt start of the machine or motor.
6. If a servomotor is used with the machine, the motor does not produce noise while the machine is at rest.
Be sure not to forget to turn the power off in order to prevent accident caused by abrupt start of the motor.
7. Never use the machine with the cooling opening of the motor power box shielded in order to prevent fre
accident by overheat.
1. Be sure to use JUKI genuine oil and JUKI genuine grease to the parts to be lubricated.
2. If the oil adheres on your eye or body, be sure to immediately wash it off in order to prevent infamma-
tion or irritation.
3. If the oil is swallowed unintentionally, be sure to immediately consult a medical doctor in order to pre-
vent diarrhea or vomiting.
1. In prevention of accident caused by unfamiliarity with the machine, repair and adjustment has to be
carried out by a service technician who is thoroughly familiar with the machine within the scope defned
in the instruction manual. Be sure to use JUKI genuine parts when replacing any of the machine parts.
JUKI assumes no responsibility for any accident caused by improper repair or adjustment or the use of
any part other than JUKI genuine one.
2. In prevention of accident caused by unfamiliarity with the machine or electrical-shock accident, be sure
to ask an electrical technician of your company or JUKI or distributor in your area for repair and mainte-
nance (including wiring) of electrical components.
3. When carrying out repair or maintenance of the machine which uses air-driven parts such as an air cyl-
inder, be sure to remove the air supply pipe to expel air remaining in the machine beforehand, in order to
prevent accident caused by abrupt start of the air-driven parts.
4. Be sure to check that screws and nuts are free from looseness after completion of repair, adjustment
and part replacement.
5. Be sure to periodically clean up the machine during its duration of use. Be sure to turn the power off
and verify that the machine and motor stop completely before cleaning the machine in order to prevent
accident caused by abrupt start of the machine or motor.
6. Be sure to turn the power off and verify that the machine and motor stop completely before carrying out
maintenance, inspection or repair of the machine. (For the machine with a clutch motor, the motor will
keep running for a while by inertia even after turning the power off. So, be careful.)
7. If the machine cannot be normally operated after repair or adjustment, immediately stop operation and
contact JUKI or the distributor in your area for repair in order to prevent accident that can result in per-
sonal injury or death.
8. If the fuse has blown, be sure to turn the power off and eliminate the cause of blowing of the fuse and
replace the blown fuse with a new one in order to prevent accident that can result in personal injury or
9. Be sure to periodically clean up the air vent of the fan and inspect the area around the wiring in order to
prevent fre accident of the motor.
Operating environment
1. Be sure to use the machine under the environment which is not affected by strong noise source (electro-
magnetic waves) such as a high-frequency welder in order to prevent accident caused by malfunction of
the machine.
2. Never operate the machine in any place where the voltage fuctuates by more than "rated voltage 10 %"
in order to prevent accident caused by malfunction of the machine.
3. Be sure to verify that the air-driven device such as an air cylinder operates at the specifed air pressure
before using it in order to prevent accident caused by malfunction of the machine.
4. To use the machine with safety, be sure to use it under the environment which satisfes the following
Ambient temperature during operation 5C to 35C
Relative humidity during operation 35 % to 85 %
5. Dew condensation can occur if bringing the machine suddenly from a cold environment to a warm one.
So, be sure to turn the power on after having waited for a suffcient period of time until there is no sign
of water droplet in order to prevent accident caused by breakage or malfunction of the electrical compo-
6. Be sure to stop operation when lightning fashes for the sake of safety and remove the power plug in
order to prevent accident caused by breakage or malfunction of the electrical components.
7. Depending on the radio wave signal condition, the machine may generate noise in the TV or radio. If this
occurs, use the TV or radio with kept well away from the machine.
8. In order to ensure the work environment, local laws and regulations in the country where the sewing
machine is installed shall be followed.
In the case the noise control is necessary, an ear protector or other protective gear should be worn ac-
cording to the applicable laws and regulations.
9. Disposal of products and packages and treatment of used lubricating oil should be carried out properly
according to the relevant laws of the country in which the sewing machine is used.
This model is intended for commercial use.
When using the sewing machine, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: Read all
instructions before using
To reduce the risk of electric shock:
To reduce the risk of bums, fre, electric shock, or injury to persons:
1. Do not allow to he used as a toy. Close attention is necessary when this machine is used by or near
2. Use this machine only for its intended use as described in this manual. Use only attachments
recommended by the manufacturer as contained in this manual.
3. Never operate this machine if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped
into water. Return the machine to the nearest authorized dealer or service center for examination, repair,
electrical or mechanical adjustment.
4. Never drop or insert any object Into any opening.
5. Do not use outdoors.
6. Do not operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen is being administered.
7. To disconnect, turn ail controls to the off position, then remove plug form outlet.
8. Never operate the machine unless its oil pan has been flled with oil.
1. Never operate the machine with any air openings blocked. Keep ventilation openings of the sewing
machine tree from the accumulation of lint, dust, and loose cloth.
2. Keep fngers away from all moving parts. Special care is required aroung the sewing machine needle.
3. Always use the proper needle plate. The wrong plate can cause the needle to break.
4. Do not use bent needles.
5. Do not pull or push fabric while stitching. It may defect the needle causing it to break.
6. Switch the sewing machine off when making any adjustments in the needle area, such as threading
needle, changing needle, threading bobbin, or changing presser foot, and the like.
7. Always disconnect power source from sewing machine when removing covers, Iubricating, or when
making any other user servicing adjustments mentioned in the Instruction manual.
8. Keep your hands away from the needle when you turn the power switch ON or while the machine is
9. Do not put your fngers into the thread take-up cover while the machine is operating.
10. Be sure to turn the power switch OFF before tilting the machine head or removing the V belt.
11. While the sewing machine is in operation, be careful not to allow your or any other persons head or
hands to come close to the handwheel, V belt, bobbin winder or motor. Also, do not place anything close
to them. Doing so may be dangerous.
12. If your machine is provided with a belt cover, fnger guard or any other protectors, do not operate your
machine with any of them removed.
13. To achieve security, be sure that the power supply earth wire has been connected before operating the
sewing machine.
14. No motor sound is heard when the sewing machine is not operating. So, do not forget to turn the power
OFF at the end of work.
15. When you move the unit from a cold place directly to a warm place, dew condensation may result. Turn
ON the power to the unit after you have confrmed there is no fear of dew condensation.
16. In case of thunder, be sure to stop the unit and remove the power plug from the receptacle for extra
17. Whenever you connect/remove the power connector or the like, be sure to turn OFF the power switch

DDL-8700B-7 for JA
Precautions to be taken so as to use the DDL-8700B-7
more safely
Clean the sewing machine thoroughly before using it for the frst time.
Remove all dust collected on the sewing machine during the transportation.
Confrm that the voltage and phase are correct.
Confrm that the power plug is properly connected.
Never use the sewing machine in the state where the voltage type is different from the
designated one.
The direction of rotation of the sewing machine is counterclockwise as observed from the
handwheel side. Be careful not to rotate it in reverse direction.
To avoid malfunction and damage of the machine, confrm the following.
1. Neither open the pulley cover nor touch the parts inside the pulley cover with the
power remained on in order to prevent accidents due to electrical shock.
1. Do not operate the sewing machine with the pulley cover and the fnger guard
removed in order to protect against personal injury.
2. Neither place fngers, hair and/or clothes nor put anything in the area near the
thread take-up lever while the sewing machine is in operation in order to protect
against personal injury due to entanglement.
3. Keep fngers away from the thread take-up cover and the needle when turning the
power on in order to protect fngers and hands against injury.
4. To avoid personal injury, be careful not to allow your fngers in the machine when
tilting the machine head.
5. The hook rotates at a high speed while the machine is in operation. To prevent
possible injury to hands, be sure to keep your hands away from the vicinity of the
hook during operation. In addition, be sure to turn OFF the power to the machine
when replacing the bobbin.
6. So as to avoid personal injuries caused by abrupt start of the machine, turn OFF
the power switch and ascertain that the sewing machine does not run even if
the starting pedal is depressed when performing such works as inspection or
adjustment of the sewing machine, cleaning, threading, replacing the needle, etc.
7. So as to avoid electrical shock hazards, do not operate the machine with the power
supply earth wire removed.
8. So as to avoid electrical shock hazards and accidents caused by damaged
electrical components, be sure to turn OFF the power switch before inserting/
detaching the power plug.
9. So as to avoid personal injuries caused by abrupt start of the machine, turn OFF
the power switch when leaving the sewing machine table.
10. So as to avoid personal injuries caused by abrupt start of the machine, turn OFF
the power switch when the electricity fails.
11. To prevent fres, periodically draw out the power plug from the plug socket and
clean the root of the pins and the space between pins.
12. The motor does not produce noise while the machine is at rest. To avoid possible
accidents due to abrupt start of the machine, be sure to turn OFF the power to the
13. Be careful of handling this product so as not to pour water or oil, shock by
dropping, and the like since this product is a precision instrument.
14. This is a Class B product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio
interference, in which case the user may be required to make corrective actions.
Safety devices and warning labels
Thread take-up
lever cover
This is a cover for
preventing contact
between the human
body and the thread
take-up lever.
In addition, be aware that the safety devices such as the "eye protection cover" and "fnger
guard" are sometimes omitted in the sketches, illustrations and fgures included in the Instruc-
tion Manual for the explanation's sake. In the practical use, never remove those safety devices.
2 0
caution label
This label
warns that there
is a high-volt-
age part inside
Warning label
to the
label on
page i.)
The label gives the
minimum precau-
tions to be taken
when operating the
sewing machine.
Pulley cover
This is a cover for
preventing entan-
glement of hands,
hair and clothes by
the hand pulley.
Finger guard
This is a cover for
preventing contact
between fngers
and the needle.
Warning label
against pinching
This label indi-
cates that there
is a risk of pinch-
ing fngers under
the control box.
Warning label against
This label warns that
fngers or other parts
of human body can be
pinched in the thread
take-up lever.
Power switch
This is a switch for discon-
necting the power unit of
the sewing machine from
the power supply.
(Sewing machine for export in
general and for China type)
* The mounting location and
shape of the power switch
differs with the place of des-
(For CE type)
*3: Supplied with the sewing machine for export in general
*4: Supplied with the sewing machine for China
*5: Supplied with the sewing machine for CE
Power switch
This is a switch for disconnecting
the power unit of the sewing machine
from the power supply.
Selection of the power switch
(EU type)
Be sure to use the IEC60204-1-com-
pliant power switch with rated current
of 20A or more and short-circuit
breaking capacity of 120 A or more.

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