ERA Refrigerator Analysis Program Model Development - From DOE Final Rule TSD Residential Refrigerators

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The Energy-efficient Refrigerator Analysis Program (ERA), formerly called the EPA
Refrigerator Analysis Program, serves as an important tool in the engineering analysis, described
in Chapter 5 of the TSD. This appendix provides background description of the evolution of the
program since its creation in the late 1980s, provides details regarding changes made to the
program as part of this rulemaking, and provides program operation guidance for the user. ERA
has undergone extensive analytical upgrades and has also been converted to a Window-based
program. The program has its own internal help utility to provide additional assistance to the user
beyond the information provided in this appendix.
ERA has seen several major improvements since its creation. This section describes the
characteristics of the initial version of ERA and the subsequent modifications to the model prior
to the current DOE rulemaking, including involvement in the Thailand refrigeration appliance
efficiency standards analysis and in refrigerator energy use analysis training workshops in China
in the 1990s.
5-B.2.1 DOE Refrigeration Appliance Efficiency Standards
Preparation of the current DOS version of ERA (EPA Refrigerator Analysis Program)
was initiated under EPA-sponsorship during the late 1980s. This was undertaken by the EPA as
part its involvement in the establishment of energy standards for refrigerators, refrigerator-
freezers, and freezers under the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 (NAECA).
A developmental version of the program was used by the DOE (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
as a partial basis for the energy standard established in 1989 (effective in 1993). The LBL work
also involved an extensive testing of the model against manufacturer-supplied refrigeration
appliance design and test data. Based on these comparisons and manufacturer review comments
through its industry organization (AHAM), development of the model continued until its release
in 1997 [1].

ERA combined an analysis of the refrigeration load requirements of the cabinet with a
simulation of the capacity and efficiency of the refrigeration cycle. The cabinet loads module
was a modest enhancement of a program developed for the DOE during the late 1970s [2],
including the consideration of door-opening effects on the load and an ability to deal with
complex insulation systems. The cycle module was a derivative of the NIST CYCLE 7 program
[3] which used the CSD equation of state to represent the thermodynamic properties of pure and
mixed refrigerants [4], adapting routines for calculating refrigerant properties from REFPROP3
[5]. Using this new program, EPA carried out an extensive investigation of the potential for
energy efficiency improvements [6].


The program, and its Users Manual, were first released to the public in 1993, and for a few
years were downloadable from the EPA website [7].

Subsequent to the 1993 final rule, DOE published updated standards for refrigerators,
refrigerator-freezers and freezers in 1997, becoming effective in 2001. This involved use of the
final released EPA version of ERA [1].

5-B.2.2 Thailand Refrigeration Appliance Efficiency Standards
Under three separate contracts from the Thai National Energy Policy Office, a modified
version of the program was used by the program author

to establish minimum efficiency
performance standards (MEPS) for residential refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers used in
Thailand [8, 9, 10]. The first study established goals for two categories of appliances: a one-door
manual defrost refrigerator, and a two-door automatic-defrost refrigerator-freezer. Three levels
of MEPS were proposed, a long-term goal (assumed to be achievable within 10 years, and
tier1 and tier 2 standards which allowed 30% and 15% energy use over the long-term goal.
As in the earlier DOE work, the local manufacturing industry was involved in the review
and assessment of the proposed standard.

In response to highly negative comments on the achievability of any of the proposed
efficiency levels, a second contract was awarded to prepare and test refrigerators that would meet
or exceed the long-term energy target. Working with Sano Electric Company of Thailand, four
prototype units were designed and tested: 31-liter and 41.5-liter one-door refrigerators, and 78.5-
liter and 126.5-liter two-door refrigerator-freezers. Using available technology, the achieved
energy reductions were over 20% for the one-door units, and over 34% for the two-door units,
meeting the long-term target levels. Within several years, the proposed standards became law.

5-B.2.3 ERA Training Workshop in China
In response to a request from Chinas State Bureau of Technical Supervision (SBTS),
LBNL hosted a training seminar on the use of ERA for three research engineers. The results of
this training provided an increased understanding of approaches to achieve improved standards,
leading to a more substantial series of cost-effective cooperative efforts towards creating Chinas
standards program [11].

As part of a subsequent large program sponsored by the UN Global Environmental Fund (GEF),
ThermoSoft carried out a one-week training workshop in Beijing [12]. The participants included
40 engineers from 20 manufacturers located throughout China. Although focused on the use of
ERA as a design tool, the workshop covered the then-current component technologies available

A consultant, established under the name ThermoSoft. This work was subcontracted through ERM-Siam.

worldwide, providing an opportunity for a lively exchange of ideas. Each of the participants
utilized ERA to perform analyses of their proprietary appliance models.
ERA was developed employing then-current computer technology of the 1980s. The
cabinet loads module was a minor upgrade of an earlier program used for efficiency standards,
and an existing simplified heat pump cycle model was adapted to represent the refrigerator cycle.
Written in FORTRAN, with a very extensive set of assembly language routines to provide a
smooth user-interface, the program was hosted in DOS.

Because of the complexities of the program, and the limitations of DOS, it was broken
into three modules, linked by data files and a batch file that managed the information and
program execution flow. Both the MENU module (which provided the user-input interface) and
the cycle execution module used nearly all of the available 600+ Kbytes of DOS accessible

This memory limitation, inherent in DOS (which can address only 655,360 bytes of
conventional memory, 10 x 2
), imposed a fundamental limitation on the design of the program
and the details that could be considered in any analysis.
ERA was constructed to take maximum advantage of the available capabilities provided
by DOS, leading to somewhat complicated coding and sharing of memory spaces for certain
functions. Because of the limitations imposed by DOS, ERA was designed to fit within the
capabilities of a specific compiler, Microsoft FORTRAN 5.0, which was discontinued in the
early 1990s. As a result, ERA is not compliable with any other version FORTRAN compiler.
Further, the program requires access to the specially-developed assembly language user-interface
module. As a consequence, although the source code has been made available upon request, no
entity other than ThermoSoft has been able to compile it.

Because of these restrictions, the thermophysical property routines within the DOS
version cannot be upgraded beyond Refprop 4.0, nor can additional fluids be considered.

Hence, no changes to the refrigerant properties capabilities of ERA have been made since the
5-B.3.1 Modifications to ERA Since its Public Release
Given the DOS-imposed restrictions, options for upgrades to the model have been limited
within this environment. However, during on the work in Thailand, several minor enhancements
were made:

Of course, the program executable object had to load within this space, limiting the available memory space for
data objects.
Later versions of Refprop use a different structure.


Calculation of the hot-wall effective heat transfer area. This involved specification of the
tubing routing and additional details about the wall area. The outer shell, to which the
tubing is pressed by the expanded foam, was treated as a thermal fin to estimate the
effective heat transfer area. This capability was used during the development of the
prototype models in Thailand while investigating the effects of improved hot wall design
of the energy use.

Addition of a similar analysis sub-model to calculate the effective heat transfer area for a
cold-wall evaporator.

Added multiple-speed capability to the compressor model. The efficiency-based model,
which was valid only for R-12, was removed to provide this capability.

Improved evaporator analysis in the single-door refrigerator to more correctly incorporate
the radiative heat transfer effects. This led to an improvement between the model
predictions and test results for the compact-refrigerator category.

Although no changes to the model were made in the models use of compressor maps,
experience working with Thai manufacturers highlighted the importance of high-quality
calorimeter data.

As a result, each of the manufacturer-supplied maps was analyzed for
consistency by examining the corresponding volumetric and isentropic efficiencies. An ability to
qualify a compressor map on the basis of the underlying volumetric and isentropic efficiencies is
built into the current revision of the model (see below).

Similar experience with poorly constructed manufacturer-supplied compressor maps was encountered during the
EPA Multiple Pathways project [6].


A thorough revision of the ERA program, now entitled the Energy-Efficient
Refrigerator Analysis program, is being undertaken for the current rulemaking to meet the
following objectives:

Enhancement of the user-interface to a Windows environment

Employment of the most current refrigerant property routines

Incorporation of a broad range of evaporator and condenser algorithms that correspond to
the technologies now found in modern refrigerators

Improved compressor modeling, with built-in procedures for validating supplied
compressor maps

Improvements where desirable in the cabinet loads analysis and cycle performance

Preparation of internal documentation of the program through extensive context-sensitive
Help files.

In addition to these objectives, support has been provided in the use of the DOS-version
of ERA for the current standards development work. To assist this effort, a small suite of stand-
alone programs has been prepared to calculate the required input values to ERA. This suite
consists of:

ERAEVAP for the calculation of the net heat transfer capabilities of a variety of
evaporator designs;

ERACOND for the calculation of the net heat transfer capabilities of a variety of
condenser designs; and

COMPMAP a program to validate compressor maps by the calculation and display of
isentropic and volumetric efficiencies, and the construction of new maps based on
methods for smoothing the efficiencies as a function of compression ratio.

Each of these models contains algorithms that will be incorporated into the final
Windows version of ERA, including the refrigerant algorithms. They are stand-alone programs,
designed only for interim use. However, since they provide a technical basis for the new version
of ERA and have been used in the ongoing engineering analyses, they are described next.

5-B.4.1 Evaporator Analysis Program ERAEVAP

User Interface
ERAEVAP is a data-wizard based
Windows program that guides the user
through several steps in the specification
of the evaporator design parameters.

Step1 requires selection of the heat
exchanger type (roll-bond freezer
compartment, tube and fin fan-forced
evaporator, or a chest freezer cold-wall).
Three options are represented for a tube
and fin configuration: plain fin, smooth
wavy fin, and herringbone fin.

Refrigerant choices are: R134a, R152a, R290 (propane), R404A, R507A, R600a (isobutane), and
R744 (carbon dioxide). Refrigerant properties are calculated using the NIST Refprop 8.0
routines, supplied as a linkable dll.

Other typical value operating parameters are user-specified: refrigerant mass-flow, refrigerant
saturation temperature, refrigerant inlet quality, return or cabinet air temperature, and the airflow
rate and corresponding fan efficiency (fan-forced analyses only).

Step 2 depends on the heat exchanger
configuration selected above. The
illustration shows the input dialog for a
tube and wavy fin design. In this
instance, the tube dimensions, vertical
pitch (normal to the air flow) and
horizontal pitch (along the direction of
the air flow) are specified.

Each data dialog contains a simple
illustration of the component under

These data must be user-defined since the program is not integrated into an overall cycle analysis.


Step 3, in this example, presents a dialog
that requests information on the design of
the fin. For the example of a wavy fin,
the requested data are: fin thickness and
pitch, fin thermal conductivity, fraction
of the tube row that is finned, and fin
pattern depth.

The number of steps required to define
the evaporator depends on the design.
For example, roll-bond and chest freezer
evaporators only require two steps.

Results displayed depend on the type of
evaporator modeled. In the case of a tube
and fin design, the output includes the fin
heat transfer area and effectiveness, the
total effective heat transfer area, air-side
pressure drop and fan energy, and the
refrigerant-side pressure drop. In
addition, the display lists the overall U-
values that are to be used as input to
ERA. These are shown specific to the
input requirements of the DOS version of

Roll-bond Evaporator
ERAEVAP uses the Dittus-Bolter equation [13] to determine the heat transfer coefficients for the
air and the vapor phase of the refrigerant. A radiative component is added on the air-side.
Liquid phase heat transfer is calculated using the Bo Pierre correlation [14]. The overall heat
transfer rate is dominated by the air-side resistance. Heat transfer resistance across the roll-bond
surface is assumed to be negligible.

The pressure drop in the evaporating heat transfer regime is calculated by marching stepwise
downstream, calculating the local pressure gradient, and summing the local pressure drops to
determine the total pressure drop. The local pressure drop is calculated using the Lockhart-
Martinelli correlation [15].

As noted earlier, the stand-alone programs are intended only as an assist towards preparing input values needed by
DOS ERA. Hence, they are considered an interim step in the development of the final Windows version of the
updated ERA program.


Chest Freezer Cold Wall
Both air-side and refrigerant-side heat transfer rates are determined in the same manner as with a
roll-bond. Calculation of the refrigerant pressure drop also uses the Lockhart-Martinelli

The refrigerant tubes are pressed on the inside surface of the chest freezer liner, which because
of its small thickness acts like a thermal fin. With adjustment made for the end tubes, each
parallel tube is represented as having a fin of width:

= Width of plate normal to the tube / (2 * number of tubes),

The effectiveness for this equivalent fin is:

q (k o / h)
tanh [W
* ( h / k o)
] / W

For typical designs the effectiveness should be close to unity.

Tube and Fin Evaporator
Three fin options are modeled for the tube and fin design: plain fin, wavy fin, and herringbone
fin. Refrigerant-side heat transfer and pressure drop are calculated in the same manner as
described above. The air-side heat transfer rate depends on the type of fin and its design.

Equations for representing plain fin and herringbone fin designs were based on studies by Wang
[16]. The wavy fin configuration was represented by correlations published by Mirth and
Ramadhyani [17].

Because the correlations are quite complex, they are not reproduced here.
However, both references are readily available.
The modeling and calculation approaches used in ERAEVAP will be employed in the final
Windows version of ERA where analyses of the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of
the evaporator will be built into the program. ERAEVAP will not be part of the Windows ERA

Reference [16] is a summary of many studies performed and published by Wang and his colleagues for a wide
variety of fin configurations, including louver fins, and slit-fins. It includes a summary of the work done on wavy
fins by Mirth and Ramadhyani, but incorrectly reproduces their correlation.

5-B.4.2 Condenser Analysis Program ERACOND

Condenser Design Options
Four generic classes of condensers are
modeled: 1) static condenser, 2) various
tube and fin designs, 3) microchannel
design, and 4) a hot wall condenser. For
each of these, the user defines the
refrigerant mass flow rate, the saturation
temperature, and the temperature of the
environment (room or under-cabinet).
The air flow rate and fan efficiency are
also specified for the fan-forced designs.

Static Condenser
The static condenser model uses
correlations developed by Bansal and
Chin [18], who relied heavily on the
work by Tagliafico and Tamda [19].
Design data include tube spacing and
length, wire diameter, conductivity, and
length, and the number of wires on both
sides of the tubing. Heat transfer from
the connecting bare tube is included in
the analysis.

Refrigerant-side heat transfer is calculated according to the Shah correlation [20, 21]. Pressure
drop is calculated according to the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation, assuming for the purposes of
analysis that 15% of the tube is in the superheated vapor phase regime, 80% in two-phase
condensation, and 5% in the subcooled regime.

All of the condenser models to be described use the same approach to determining refrigerant-
side heat transfer and pressure drop.
Wire Fin Condensers

This assumption will be replaced by the cycle model for the condenser in the Windows version of ERA, which will
model the entire cycle system.

Wire fin condensers are found in many
domestic refrigerators. ERACOND
provides three options for air flow across
the unit, listed in the data dialog as along
the W-, L- or H-directions. Since the heat
exchanger is normally located under the
cabinet in the compressor space, not all
of the air flow will cross the unit. Hence,
a required input is the fraction of the total
air flow through the condenser.

Calculation of the air-side heat transfer rate employs the Lee, et al correlation [22], which
accounts for the orientation of the heat exchanger relative to the air flow.

Tube and Extended Fins
Calculation of the fin heat transfer uses
the Wang correlations [16] for the plain
fin, the herringbone fin, and the slit fin
configurations. Representation of a wavy
fin heat transfer uses the Mirth and
Ramadhyani correlation [17].

Both sets of correlations also estimate the
air flow pressure drop thought the fins.
Although calculated and displayed in the
output, they do not consider other air
flow restrictions, and therefore represent
low values for the fan energy.

Hotwall Condenser
A hotwall condenser can be modeled as a
single wall, as in a chest freezer, or by
multiple walls, as in an upright freezer or
refrigerator. The heat transfer
effectiveness of each wall is determined.
As with the evaporator cold wall, the
major heat flow resistance is on the air-
side. An overall pressure drop is
calculated for the connected tubing using
the Lockhart-Martinelli algorithm, with
the Shah correlation used for the
refrigerant condensing regime.

Microchannel and Louver Design
A microchannel condenser is assumed to
use a louver-type fin. The refrigerant-
side design determines the refrigerant
flow rates and corresponding heat
transfer coefficients and pressure drop.
Design parameters for the louver
determine the air-side heat transfer and
air flow pressure drop. They are
calculated using correlations developed
by Wang [16].

These same correlations, adopted by ERA, are used in the current (Mark VI) on-line version of
the Oak Ridge heat pump model [23].

Compressor Model COMPMAP

COMPMAP is an auxiliary program to the Windows version of ERA. The program graphically
displays the isentropic and volumetric efficiencies implied by a compressor map, as a function of
pressure ratio, providing a visual indication of whether the map is well formed. If desired, the
map can be rebuilt based on various options for smoothing these underlying efficiencies.

COMPMAP may also be used to scale an
existing map to a different COP and/or
capacity. The program can import maps
previously used with the DOS version of
ERA or prepare new maps for use with
the DOS version

COMPMAP can be used in stand-alone
mode or can be directly called by ERA.
This provides a built-in tool to validate
and prepare maps for use in a simulation.

No assumption is made about the specific dependence of isentropic or volumetric efficiency on
pressure ratio, other than that some correlation should exit. Using the efficiency values
calculated for the particular map, the user is offered a choice of using the map as-is, or using a
linear or quadratic smoothing of the efficiencies against the pressure ratio. This can be done for
individual condenser temperatures if desired, preserving much of the original map while
removing apparent randomness of performance as a function of the evaporator temperature.

5-B.4.3 Windows Version of ERA

User Interface

ERA uses a highly-graphical interface, providing multiple options for selecting from the various
cabinet and component choices. It is designed to guide the user carefully through the data input
and editing process to ensure data consistency. Prior to an actual simulation of the refrigeration
appliance performance, the user is presented a summary of the selected design variables.

Cabinet Mode
ERA operates in one of four view modes:
1) cabinet design mode (shown in the
image), 2) cycle design mode, 3)
simulation mode, and 4) reports mode.
Each is characterized by its own sidebar,
containing hotspots for selecting
component or report options. The color
of the sidebar provides an additional
visual clue to highlight the particular
mode that is current.

To define a new analysis, the user may either begin with a default set of design parameters and
proceed through the editing process, or may read in an existing data file to be used as-is or

Each analysis must begin with a selection of the basic cabinet design parameters: cabinet
category (shown on the desktop) and the overall dimensions of the unit. Once these basic choices
have been made, the remaining categories of cabinet design data may be specified in any order.
Data wizards, similar to those illustrated above for the stand-alone programs, guide the user at
each stage.

As each category of data is processed, a check mark is drawn on the sidebar to indicate the
completeness of the editing progress.

In some instances, special-function dialogs may be
summoned to assist in the preparation of an input value.
For example, the image to the right shows a dialog used to
calculate the effective resistivity of a cabinet wall that
contains a vacuum panel or some equivalent high thermal
resistance element.

Cycle Mode
Once the basic cabinet type has been
selected, the user may specify the cycle
parameters. This would begin with a
selection of the basic cycle type (single
evaporator, dual loop, dual evaporator, or
Lorenz cycle). Once this choice has been
made, a simple schematic of the chosen
cycle category is displayed on the
desktop. The user may then continue to
define the cycle parameters by clicking
on the desktop to select the component of
interest, or may use the sidebar or the

the drop-down menu to select the next component to be defined.

The displayed desktop image and its associated hotspots depend on the specific cycle category

Simulation Mode
Prior to simulation of the cabinet loads
and cycle behavior, the user is presented
with a summary of the defined input. A
data item can be selected for further
editing by double-clicking on the
summary line displaying the item in the
data review dialog.

Once the data has been reviewed and
accepted, the user selects the Continue
button to start the simulation.

Reports Mode
At the completion of the simulation (which
is instantaneous for the cabinet loads), the
program automatically switches to reports
mode and displays the results on the
desktop. The example here shows the
calculated cabinet loads. Results for the
cycle analysis, overall performance
parameters, or a more detailed summary,
can be selected using the side-bar or the
drop-down menu for reports.

Cabinet Loads
As of this preliminary documentation, only the cabinet loads have been modeled.

Each of the cabinet walls has at least one beveled edge where it joins another wall. Hence, some
adjustment needs to be made for the difference between the inside and outside surfaces of the
wall that is, the conduction is not strictly one-dimensional. Detailed finite difference
calculations carried out for a flat wall with adiabatic beveled edges (where the walls connect)
show that a very good approximation can be obtained by representing the beveled wall as an
equivalent wall of one dimensional heat transfer, where the equivalent wall area is:

= 0.25 Area
+ 0.75 Area

This is nearly identical to the method adopted in the DOS version of ERA, which also made
adjustments for corner effects where three walls join. Hence, the previous methodology was
retained, with minor corrections made as needed.

The loads analysis does not yet consider cycle-dependent interactions such as hot- or cold-walls,
fan energies, defrost, or other cycle-dependent heat terms. These will be incorporated during the
cycle portion of the simulation.

Refrigerant Properties
The fluid choices for the refrigeration cycle are: R134a, R152a, R290, R404A, R507A, or
R600a. Thermodynamic properties are based on Refprop 8.0 [24]. To speed the computations,
an approach to using the Helmholtz equation of state outlined by one of the authors of Refprop
[25] has been adopted as the primary simulation option for ERA. This reference contains
required property data for R-404A and R-507A. Data for the other refrigerants represented by
ERA have been obtained from the Refprop fluid database.

A secondary option to use the full set of the more comprehensive, but considerably slower,

Refprop routines will be offered for those instances when the user might wish to confirm the
simulated performance.
Because Refprop does not supply a complete set of thermophysical properties for all of the
refrigerants over the full set of temperatures and pressures, correlations for the thermal
conductivity and viscosity were developed from refrigerant manufacturer literature. In general,
uncertainties in these properties are less important than uncertainties in the thermodynamic
properties since the net heat transfer resistance is normally dominated by the air-side.

Cycle Analysis

The cycle model, currently under development, will adopt the general approach employed in the
DOS version of ERA. An iterative solution procedure will be required to simultaneously satisfy
the heat transfer and mass flow equations throughout the loop. Where the cycle components
affect the cabinet loads, adjustments to the loads will be calculated.

Several major differences will appear between the Windows and DOS versions of ERA:

Only a map-based compressor model will be used. This decision is based on experience
gained using ERA with actual equipment, where compressor information for the actual
unit was needed to accurately reflect the energy consumption. The accompanying
compressor module, COMPMAP, can be employed to create or modify map data.

The heat exchanger performance routines will be integrated into the overall cycle
simulation. Hence, the effects of parameters such as refrigerant mass flow, and entering
temperature and pressure on the heat exchanger performance will be automatically taken
into account at each stage of the simulation.

An improved iteration approach will be used to ensure rapid and proper convergence.
The solution method used in the ORNL Mark series heat pump looks promising [26].


The new version of ERA provides several tools to assist in preparing the program inputs and in
interpreting the results:

Compressor Map program. COMPMAP may be run directly from ERA by selecting this option
from the Tools menu. It provides a means of viewing and/or adjusting a map that is to be used in

Both Lemmon [25] and ThermoSoft experience obtained with a heat pump model confirm that the Helmholtz
method can result in computation time reductions of a factor of 30 to 40 over the full set of Refprop routines.

the cycle simulation. When selected, ERA is minimized until the compressor map program is

Refrigerant Properties. A calculation of the refrigerant properties for the selected refrigerant
can be made given certain specified state points. The calculations are carried out using the
Helmholtz method.

Unit Conversion. This tool can be used to convert to different units values of length, flow rate,
temperature, thermal conductivity, volume, energy, or power.


1. ERA 1.2E, EPA Refrigerator Analysis Program, Users Manual, Report to the
Environmental Protection Agency Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Division, Arthur D.
Little, Inc., February 1997

2. "Engineering Computer Models for Refrigerators, Freezers, Furnaces, Water Heaters, Room
and Central Air Conditioners," Report to U.S. DOE, by Arthur D. Little, Inc., November

3. McLinden, M., "Theoretical Vapor Compression Cycle, CYCLE7," unpublished.

4. Morrison, G., and McLinden, M., "Application of a Hard Sphere Equation of State to
Refrigerants and Refrigerant Mixtures," National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 1218,

5. "NIST Standard Reference Database 23: NIST Thermodynamic Properties of Refrigerants
and Refrigerant Mixtures Database, Version 3.0," NIST, December 1991.

6. Multiple Pathways to Super Efficient Refrigerators," U.S. EPA, Global Change Division,
Office of Atmospheric Programs, 1993.

7. EPA Refrigerator Analysis (ERA) Program: Users Manual, Version 1.0. United States
Environmental Protection Agency. EPA-430-R-93-007. June 1993. with Version 1.2 Update,
November 1994.

8. Energy Efficiency Standards Regime Study: Refrigerator Manufacturer Workshop, ERM-
Siam Co Ltd, May 1999.

9. Energy Efficient Refrigerator Prototype Development, ERM-Siam Co. Ltd, September 2001.

10. Draft Standard: Household Refrigerators, ThermoSoft, June 2002.

11. State Bur. Tech. Superv. China. 1999. Maximum Allowable Values of Energy Consumption
and Evaluating Values of Energy Consumption for Household Refrigerators, GB12021.2-
1999. Beijing: China Stand. Publ. House

12. ERA Training Workshop Module, The Use of Computer Modeling and Design Tools for
Energy-Efficient Refrigerators, ThermoSoft, September 2000.

13. Dittus, F. W., and Boelter, L. M. K., "Heat Transfer in Automobile Radiators of the Tubular
type", Publications in Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2, pp. 443-461, 1930.


14. Pierre, Bo, Kytlteknisk Tidskript, 3, May 1957, p. 129.

15. Lockhart, R. W., and Martinelli, R. C., "Proposed Correlation of Data for Isothermal Two-
Phase, Two-Component Flow in Pipes," Chemical Engineering Progress, 45, 1, pp. 39-48.

16. Wang,, Chi-Chuan, Recent Progress on the Air-side Performance of Fin-and-Tube Heat
Exchangers, International Journal of Heat Exchangers 1524-5608 (Vol 1 (2000), pp. 49-76.

17. Mirth, D.R. and Ramadhyani, S., Correlations for Predicting the Air-Side Nusselt Numbers
and Friction Factors in Chilled-Water Cooling Coils, Experimental Heat Transfer, 7:143-
162, 1994.

18. Bansal, P.K. and Chin, T.C., Modeling and Optimization of Wire-and-Tube Condenser,
International Journal of Refrigeration 26 (2003) 601-613.

19. Tagliafico, L. and Tanda, G., Radiation and Natural Convection Heat Transfer from Wire-
and-Tube Heat Exchangers in Refrigeration Appliances, International Journal of
Refrigeration, 20 (1997) 461-469.

20. Vera-Garcia, F., et al., Assessment of Condensation Heat Transfer Correlations in the
Modeling of Fin and Tube Heat Exchangers, International Journal of Refrigeration 30
(2007) 1018-1028.

21. Shah, M.M., A General Correlation for Heat Transfer During Film Condensation in Pipes,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 22 (1979) 547-556.

22. Lee, Tae-Hee, et al, Determination of Airside Heat Transfer Coefficient on Wire-on-Tube
Type Heat Exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 1767-


24. Lemmon, E.W., Huber, M.L. and McLinden, M.O., Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and
Transport Properties, NIST Standard Reference Database 23, Version 8.0.

25. Lemmon, E.W., Pseudo-Pure Fluid Equations of State for the Refrigerant Blends R-410A,
R-404A, R-507A, and R-407C, International Journal of Thermophysics, Vol 24, No 4, July
2003, pp. 991-1006.

26. Rice, C.K., The ORNL Modulating Heat Pump Design Tool Mark IV Users Guide, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL/CON-343, September 2001.

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