Chapter 3. Epanet User's Guide

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This provides a tutorial on how to use Giswater with EPANET.
If you are not familiar with the components that comprise a water distribution network and how these are
shown in a pipe network model, you might want ot consider taking a look at the first two sections of
Chapter 3 - EPANET's user's manual.
However, if you are familiar with the components that comprise a water distribution network and how
these are shown in a pipe network model, you must review the APPENDIX C of EPANET's user's manual.

3.1 Notes on network topology

GIS network will be created according to an arc-node topology. Arc-node topology has four basic rules.
The following rules apply:
1. Nodes are the main elements of the network. They are POINT geometry type
2. Arcs join the Nodes and the start point and endpoints are called Node1 and Node2. They are
LINESTRINGS geometry type.
3. Points (optional) along an arc that define its shape are called Vertices. They are POINT geometry type.
4. Every Arc has a direction (same or not as the hydraulic direction)

3.2 Database data storage

This provides a tutorial on how to use Giswater with EPANET with Database data storage. In order to
activate this data storage mode go to: Giswater Project preferences Data storage: Database

3.2.1 Quick start tutorial

A simple case can be performed following the steps below:
1) Start the project by creating the new project preferences file: File New project preferences
2) Select the Water software: EPANET
3) Select the Data storage: Database
4) Configurate the connection parameters
5) Create a new project data scheme: Fill the project name,the project title and select the SRID.
6) Create the GIS project: Fill in the information for project folder and project name.Also choose the water

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software and the data storage (in this case EPANET and data storage), and finally select the scheme name
7) Click on Accept on the Project Preferences menu
8) Select US or metric units: Options flow units. Choosing US flow unit; this means that all other
quantities of the project will be expressed in US units, while choosing a metric flow unit will force all
quantities to be expressed in metric units.
8) Complete the material catalogue at least with one record: Material catalog. The default formula used for
computing head loss for flow through a pipe is Hazen-Williams (H-W). It can be seen that in the
EPANET's user manual,it explains how to determine the roughness value. In addition, this can be changed
to the Head loss formula from: Options Head loss.
9) Open GIS project and build the network which should contain the next layers:
GIS PROJECT Sector. You must create at least one sector.
EPANET DATA Hydraulics - Node - Reservoirs. You must create and edit at least one reservoir. See
APPENDIX C EPANET users manual (JUNCTIONS and RESERVOIRS target) for more information.
EPANET DATA Hydraulics Node - Junctions. You must create and edit the junction records of your
network. See APPENDIX C EPANET users manual (JUNCTIONS target) for more information.
EPANET DATA Hydraulics - Arc - Pipes. You must create and edit the pipe records of your network
(joining the different nodes). See APPENDIX C EPANET users manual (PIPES target) for more
10) Configure INP file additional parameters. You can define how many sectors will be simulated: Sector
selection, and configure the simulation options, times and report data: Options / Times / Report.
11a) Generate INP file: export INP checkbox. In this way, Giswater driver will create a text file (inp
extension) stored on the selected folder.
11b) Execute the command line EPANET: Execute EPA software checkbox. Giswater will execute the
command line EPANET file with the inp file, and EPANET will generate two result files (*.rpt file and
*.out file.) stored on the selected folder.
11c) Import Results (optional): Import results check box. Giswater will read the result data stored on rpt
file and will write the values on the schema result tables with the project name selected.
12) Returns to the GIS project and enjoy the simulation's results on the different shapes and tables of

3.2.2 Database key relations

Key relations between features and tables should be mentioned at this point.
First of all, the key relations from ARC and NODE to other tables are defined as 'on delete cascade on
update cascade.' This means that if you delete one feature from these tables, all related features from other
tables will be deleted. On the other hand if you update values from these tables, values in all related
features will be updated in cascade too.
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Further, key relations from SECTOR and MATERIAL are defined 'on delete restrict on update cascade'.
This is quite different from the previous one, because it means that you can not delete used features from
these tables. On the other hand, if you update values from these tables, values in all related features will be
updated in cascade too.
The rest of features do not have relations. Elements as EMITTERS, ENERGY, STATUS, CONTROLS,
have key relations from theirs to other tables. In this way you must know that If you update features, the
values will not be updated on related tables (if they exist) and if you delete features, mentioned on related
tables will not be deleted (if they exist too).

3.2.3 Database sequences

Sequences are an interesting option of databases as PostreSQL. They are autonumeric and they can be used
in order to facilitate the work on several tables. Enjoy it!!

3.2.4 Additional information

For more information about the GIS Table Of Contents (TOC) of EPANET project, please visit the

3.3 DBF data storage

This provides a tutorial on how to use Giswater with EPANET on DBF data storage. In order to activate
this data storage mode: Project preferences Data storage: DBF
WARNING: Full capabilities are not allowed on DBF storage mode !!!

3.3.1 Quick start tutorial

A simple case can be performed following the steps below:
1) Create the new project preferences file
2) Select the water software: EPANET
3) Select the Data storage: DBF and define the data folder
4) Create a GIS project: Fill in the file folder and file name, check DBF data storage and a group of Shape
file and DBF will be created. Finally choose the GIS program you prefer and buid your own project.
5) On the GIS project, build your network according the topology rules.
You must create and edit at least one node as reservoir. See APPENDIX C EPANET users manual
(JUNCTIONS and RESERVOIRS target) for more information. The rest of nodes will be juction or tanks.

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See APPENDIX C EPANET users manual for more information.

You must create and edit the arcs as pipe of your network (joining the different nodes). See APPENDIX C
EPANET users manual (PIPES target) for more information. Valve and pumps are optional.
6) Generate and edit DBF files from node and arc according EPANET DATA MODELS. You will create
DBF from node shape file such as JUNCTION, RESERVOIR and TANKS and DBF from arc shape file
such as PUMP, PIPE or different types of VALVE.
7) Edit the control DBF files (OPTIONS, TIMES and REPORT).
8) Additional DBF file must be created (if you need it) according EPANET DATA MODELS. This DBF
9a) Generate INP file: Giswater Software EPANET export INP checkbox. In this way, Giswater
driver will create a text file (inp extension) stored on the selected folder.
9b) Execute the command line EPANET: Giswater Software EPANET Execute EPA software
checkbox. Giswater will execute the command line EPANET file with the inp file, and EPANET will
generate two result files (*.rpt file and *.out file.) stored on the selected folder.
10) Returns to the GIS project insert and join the different shapes and tables and enjoy of the simulation's

3.3.2 Additional information

DBF mode is a deprecated mode.
We encourage you to upgrade this work mode to database storage mode!!!

3.4 EPANET giswater menu

Depending on the operating data storage mode, the Giswater EPANET menu has different options enabled
or disabled. In order to simplify the maintenance of released version, only the latest version of EPANET
(built 2.0.012) is allowed.
If you are working on DBF data storage Giswater menu, it only allows Data folder, Export INP, Execute
EPA software and Import Results.
On the other hand, if you are working on DB data storage, Giswater menu allows Schema management,
Data and Pre-process options, post-process data Analysis and of course, Export INP, Execute EPA software
and Import Results.

3.4.1 Data manager

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The Data manager contains the different parameters such as Material catalog, curves, patterns, emitters,
demands, rules, controls and project data which are essential to configure our EPANET project.

Material Catalog
The material catalog defines the pipes used in the network including a description of each pipe.

Curves are graphical representations containing data pairs showing a relationship between two quantities.
In EPANET there are four different types of curves:
Pump curves
Efficiency curves
Volume curves
Head Loss Curves

Patterns refer to time patterns and are used in order to set a collection of multipliers in order to be applied
on a quantity to allow it to vary oever time. The components which allow time patterns include reservoirs,
nodes, pumps, water quality source inputs.

They are devices associated with junctions that model the flow through a nozzle or orifice that discharges
to the atmosphere. The flow rate through an emitter varies as a function of pressure at the node.

They are used to supplement the junctions and define different demands at different junction nodes. There
are different parameters which need to be defined to complete the demand on a junction node.

The Ruled-Based Controls allow link status and settings to be based on a combination of conditions that
may arise in the network after an initial hydraulic state of the system is computed.

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Controls are statements that determine how the network is operated over time. They specify the status of
selected links as a function of time,tank water levels, and pressures at select points.
The Simple Controls are used to change the status of or setting of a link based on different parameters on
the tanks, junctions, simulation and time of the day.

Project Data
The project data includes the title of the project, the author and the data which can be changed in this

3.4.2 Preprocess options

Sector selection
Sector selection allows you to select all the elements of a sector. However, with the 'Insert' button, you can
add more than one sector, which you can study with the set of elements of differents sectors.

Defines various simulation options.
Units: Sets the units in which flow rates are expressed where:
CFS = cubic feet per second
GPM = gallons per minute
MGD = million gallons per day
IMGD = Imperial MGD
AFD = acre-feet per day
LPS = liters per second
LPM = liters per minute
MLD = million liters per day
CMH = cubic meters per hour
CMD = cubic meters per day
For CFS, GPM, MGD, IMGD, and AFD other input quantities are expressed in US Customary Units. If
flow units are in liters or cubic meters then Metric Units must be used for all other input quantities aswell.
(See Appendix A os SWMM's Manual. Units of Measurement). The default flow units are LPS.
Headloss: Selects a formula to use for computing head loss for flow through a pipe. The choices are the
Hazen-Williams (H-W), Darcy-Weisbach (D-W), or Chezy-Manning (C-M) formulas. The default is H-W.
Hydraulics: Option allows you to either SAVE the current hydraulics solution to a file or USE a previously

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saved hydraulics solution. This is useful when studying factors that only affect water quality behaviour.
Quality: Selects the type of water quality analysis to perform. The choices are NONE, CHEMICAL, AGE,
and TRACE. In place of CHEMICAL the actual name of the chemical can be used followed by its
concentration units (e.g., CHLORINE mg/L). If TRACE is selected it must be followed by the ID label of
the node being traced. The default selection is NONE (no water quality analysis).
Unbalanced: Determines what happens if a hydraulic solution cannot be reached within the prescribed
number of TRIALS at some hydraulic time step into the simulation. "STOP" will halt the entire analysis at
that point. "CONTINUE" will continue the analysis with a warning message issued. "CONTINUE n" will
continue the search for a solution for another "n" trials with the status of all links held fixed at their current
settings. The simulation will be continued at this point with a message issued about whether convergence
was achieved or not. The default choice is "CONTINUE".
Viscosity: Is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid being modelled relative to that of water at 20 deg. C (1.0
centistoke). The default value is 1.0.
Trials: Are the maximum number of trials used to solve network hydraulics at each hydraulic time step of a
simulation. The default is 40.
Accuracy: Prescribes the convergence criterion that determines when a hydraulic solution has been
reached. The trials end when the sum of all flow changes from the previous solution divided by the total
flow in all links is less than this number. The default is 0.001.
Emitter exponent: Specifies the power to which the pressure at a junction is raised when computing the
flow issuing from an emitter. The default is 0.5.
Check freq:
Max check:
Damp limit:
Hydraulics fname:
Node id:
Specific Gravity: Is the ratio of the density of the fluid being modelled to that of water at 4 deg. C (unit
Diffusivity: Is the molecular diffusivity of the chemical being analysed relative to that of chlorine in water.
The default value is 1.0. Diffusivity is only used when mass transfer limitations areconsidered in pipe wall
reactions. A value of 0 will cause EPANET to ignore mass transfer limitations.
Tolerance: Is the difference in water quality level below which one can say that one parcel of water is
essentially the same as another. The default is 0.01 for all types of quality analyses (chemical, age
(measured in hours), or source tracing (measured in percent)).
Pattern: Provides the ID label of a default demand pattern to be applied to all junctions where no demand
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pattern was specified. If no such pattern exists in the [PATTERNS] table then by default the pattern
consists of a single multiplier equal to 1.0. If this option is not used, then the global default demand pattern
has a label of "1".
Demand multiplier: Is used to adjust the values of baseline demands for all junctions and all demand
categories. For example, a value of 2 doubles all baseline demands, while a value of 0.5 would halve them.
The default value is 1.0.

Times values
Defines various time step parameters used in the simulation.
Duration: Is the duration of the simulation. Use 0 to run a single period snapshot analysis. The default is
Quality timestep: Is the time step used to track changes in water quality throughout the network. The
default is 1/10 of the hydraulic time step.
Pattern timestep: Is the interval between time periods in all time patterns. The default is 1 hour.
Report timestep: Sets the time interval between which output results are reported. The default is 1 hour.
Start clocktime: Is the time of day (e.g., 3:00 PM) at which the simulation begins. The default is 12:00 AM
Hydraulic timestep: determines how often a new hydraulic state of the network is computed. If greater than
either the PATTERN or REPORT time step it will be automatically reduced. The default is 1 hour.
Rule timestep: Is the time step used to check for changes in system status due to activation of rule-based
controls between hydraulic time steps. The default is 1/10 of the hydraulic time step.
Pattern start: Is the time offset at which all patterns will start. For example, a value of 6 hours would start
the simulation with each pattern in the time period that corresponds to hour 6. The default is 0.
Report start: Is the length of time into the simulation at which output results begin to be reported. The
default is 0.
Statistic: Determines what kind of statistical post-processing should be done on the time series of
simulation results generated. AVERAGED reports a set of time-averaged results, MINIMUM reports only
the minimum values, MAXIMUM the maximum values, and RANGE reports the difference between the
minimum and maximum values. NONE reports the full time series for all quantities for all nodes and links
and is the default.

Report options
Describes the contents of the output report produced from a simulation.

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Pagesize: Sets the number of lines written per page of the output report. The default is 0, meaning that no
line limit per page is in effect.
File: Supplies the name of a file to which the output report will be written (ignored by the Windows
version of EPANET).
Status: Determines whether a hydraulic status report should be generated. If YES is selected the report will
identify all network components that change status during each time step of the simulation. If FULL is
selected, then the status report will also include information from each trial of each hydraulic analysis. This
level of detail is only useful for de-bugging networks that become hydraulically unbalanced. The default is
Summary: Determines whether a summary table of number of network components and key analysis
options is generated. The default is YES.
Energy: Determines if a table reporting average energy usage and cost for each pump is provided. The
default is YES.
Nodes: Identifies which nodes will be reported on. You can either list individual node ID labels or use the
keywords NONE or ALL. Additional NODES lines can be used to continue the list. The default is ALL.
Links: Identifies which links will be reported on. You can either list individual link ID labels or use the
keywords NONE or ALL. Additional LINKS lines can be used to continue the list. The default is ALL.
Elevation: The distance above some common reference of the junction. It is an essential information to
calculate pressure.
Demand: There are different types of demands such as base demand and demand patterns.
Head: the pressure head
Pressure: pressure of the system
Quality: quality of water at a location specified
Headloss: Selects a formula to use for computing head loss for flow through a pipe. The choices are the
Hazen-Williams (H-W), Darcy-Weisbach (D-W), or Chezy-Manning (C-M) formulas. The default is C-M.
Setting: Roughness for pipes, speed for pumps, pressure/flow setting for valves. The default is YES.
Reaction: Reaction rate. The default is YES.
F factor: Friction factor. The default is YES.

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3.4.3 File manager

The file manager controls the format at which files would be exported, imported and how we will analyze
our system. The latest refert to the option of executing EPA software and where the results would be saved.
The file manager exports INP files and executing an RPT file.

3.4.4 Postprocess options

Result selector
This selects the results we want to view on our GIS software. Only the result selected will be visible on our

Results catalog
This catalog includes all the results obtained in a network analysis showing the parameters which were

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