Quizz 2

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Question 1

[This topic was suggested by Devon. Thanks!]

A short distance runner is training for a 200m race. She is practicing regularly: sometimes in the morning and sometimes in the
evening. She decides to use one type of shoe with spikes and another type without spikes. And when she runs, she uses arm
positions held high or held lower down.
Recall the policy, shown in Quiz 1, for selecting all correct answers. Select all the options below that are true.
Your Answer Score Explanation
The measured outcome variable from the experiments
would be which type of shoe to use.
Correct 0.25 Not quite: the outcome variable was not specified. It might have been time
to complete the 5km. The choice of shoe is a factor in the experiments, but
not an outcome.
Using shoes with spikes can be assigned "minus" and
using shoes with no spikes can be assi gned as "plus" in the
standard order table.
Correct 0.25 That's correct. Though the other way around can also be assigned.
The racer will run 6 (2+2+2) experiments if she does a full
Correct 0.25 No, there will be 23 = 8 experiments.
factorial with no repetition (replicates)
There seem to be 3 factors in her experiment, as
described above.
Correct 0.25 Yes: A = time to run; B = shoe type; and C = arm position.
Total 1.00 /

Question Explanation

There are 3 factors in the experiment: A = time to run; B = shoe type; and C = arm position. So there will be 23=8 experiments.
Question 2
Consider the following two factor baking system:
A = Baking temperature (300C or 350C)
B = Mixing time (10 minutes or 20 minutes).
The experiments yielded the following data:

If you were to draw a cube plot, please predict in which direction the system will most likely show improved taste. Recall the
objective is to maximize the outcome.
Your Answer Score Explanation

Question 3
A fellow classmate taking this course, Geoffrey, has described his biking experiment on our YouTube channel. You can view
this video for background information, but it is not required to answer the question.
Consider these fictitious experimental results recording his time to get to the top of the mountain (in minutes)
Date A = Bicycle type B = Cycling position on the bicycle
y = Time to cycle up the mountain
12 July Mountain bike Standing 24
14 July Mountain bike Sitting 33
15 July Road racing bike Sitting 42
18 July Road racing bike Standing 27

Please select all correct answers below.
Hint: drawing a cube plot will help you to visualize and calculate the answer
Your Answer Score Explanation
If factor B in the model was coded as 1 for sitting and coded as +1 for standing, then we would see a term "6.0xB"
in the prediction equation.
Correct 0.33
Going from a standing position to a sitting position on the bike decreases the time to the top of the mountain by 12
minutes, on average.
Correct 0.33
Going from a sitting position to a standing position has no effect on the time taken.
Correct 0.33
Going from a sitting position to a standing position on the bike decreases the time to the top of the mountain by 12
minutes, on average.
Correct 0.33
Going from using a road racing bike to a mountain bike increases the time to the top of the mountain by 6 minutes, on
Correct 0.33
Going from using a mountain bike to a road racing bike increases the time to the top of the mountain by 6 minutes, on
Correct 0.33
Total 2.00 /

Question 4
Continuing on with the previous question about cycling and now we will show the complete set of data acquired:
Date A = Bicycle type
B = Cycling position on the
C = Carrying water bottle and backpack (extra
y = Time to cycle up the
Mountain bike Standing Yes 27
Mountain bike Standing No 24
Road racing
Standing Yes 31
Mountain bike Sitting No 33
Road racing
Sitting No 42
Mountain bike Sitting Yes 36
Road racing
Sitting Yes 46
Road racing
Standing No 27

You coded the effect of carrying extra weight as
C, where 1 is coded for no extra weight and +1 for carrying the water bottle and backpack weight
Now select the answer(s) below that correctly describe the effect of carrying extra weight on the time taken to reach the top of
the mountain.
Your Answer Score Explanation
the change from 1 to +1 in factor C will increase the time taken by 7 minutes on
Correct 0.50 it is half this amount, 3.5 minutes
the model will have a term +3.5xC for the weight effect
Correct 0.50 no, the model has a term +1.75xC
the extra weight means that your time to cycle up the mountain increases by 3.5
minutes, on average
Correct 0.50 this is the only correct option for this
the option of having extra weight with you will increase the time taken by 1.75 minutes
Correct 0.50 it is double that: 3.5 minutes
Total 2.00 /

Question 5
Another EFI classmate, Antowan, is investigating spinach seed germination. You can watch his video for background
information, but it is not required to answer this question. Of interest is how he has randomized the order of his experiments. He
investigated several factors, but we will only consider two below.
Imagine that Antowan's outcome variable was the percentage of seeds that successfully germinated within a 5 day period. He
calculated the following prediction model
from the data listed below.
Water amount Sunlight amount Percent germinated
1 glass Low 50
2 glasses Low 40
1 glass High 70
2 glasses High 100
W = amount of water (1 shot glass, or 2 shot glasses)
S = the amount of sunlight (1 is low amount of sunlight, and +1 is full/high sunlight).
Please select the correct interaction plot below. Hint: first create your own interaction plot using the experimental data and
compare with the answers in the question.
Your Answer

Question 6
As predicted in the lectures, the popcorn example strikes again! Suppose we use the popcorn data, except there is one subtle
difference (inspect closely!)
Factor A = cooking time, with low level of 160 seconds and high level of 200 seconds
Factor B = popcorn type with yellow corn coded as (minus) and white corn coded as + (plus)
The data here are the number of popped corns from each experiments:

Two hints and notes:
1. While considering the possible answers below, what do you notice is different from videos 2A and 2B?
2. While deriving the models below, practice including the interaction terms. In videos 2A and 2B we ignored the interaction, because I
wanted to only focus on main effects. But in video 2C I showed how to calculate interactions.
Now please select all options which are true.
Your Answer Score Explanation
The effect of switching from yellow corn to white corn is to reduce the
number of popped kernels by 8, on average.
Correct 0.33
When using yellow corn, the predicted number of popped corn at 180
seconds would be 71 kernels.
Correct 0.33
The effect of switching from white corn to yellow corn is to reduce the
number of popped kernels by 8, on average.
Correct 0.33 This option should not be selected. Going from white corn to
yellow corn increases the outcome by 8, on average.
A prediction model would be: y=67+10xA4xB+1xAxB
Correct 0.33
When using yellow corn, the predicted number of popped corn at 180
seconds would be 63 kernels.
Correct 0.33 This option should not be selected.
A prediction model would be y=67+10xA+4xB1xAxB .
Correct 0.33 This option should not be selected.
Total 2.00 /

Question 7
The following prediction model was built from a full-factorial experiment in 2 factors, with 2 levels per factor:
The factors were:
Factor A = raw material supplier, where the low level = BASF; and the high level is Dow Chemical Company
Factor B = melt temperature, with a low level of 320C and high level of 340C

and the y-value is the roughness of the plastic surface made from the plastic. Your company is making glossy covers for a hi-
tech consumer product (e.g. imagine a cover for a cell phone) and is aiming to minimize the surface roughness.
What is the predicted roughness when using the raw material from BASF with a melt temperature of 330C? Your
answer must be a single numeric value.
Answer for Question 7
You entered:

Your Answer Score Explanation
4 Correct 2.00
Total 2.00 / 2.00
Question Explanation

Note that the coding is xA=1 and that xB=0.
Question 8
Suppose a group of students have designed a 2-factor DOE to investigate optimizing plant growth using pea seeds.
They have decided to investigate the following factors:
Factor A = Amount of soil, with low level of 200 grams and high level of 400 grams
Factor B = Amount of water added daily, with low level of 50 mL and high level of 100 mL
The students collected the following data with the height of the plant after 14 days [in cm] being the outcome variable:

Then after analyzing the data the students determined the following prediction model:
Predict the height of the plant when using 300 grams of soil and 75mL of water.
Some hints:
Draw a cube plot of the system and mark the point in the square where you are making the prediction.
Do you see why this point is called the "baseline" now?
Superimpose contours on the square to check whether your answer is reasonable.
Your Answer Score Explanation



Correct 2.00
Total 2.00 / 2.00
Question Explanation

The coded value for xA=0, since 300 grams is midway between 200 and 400 grams.
The coded value for xB=0, since 75 mL is midway between 50 and 100 mL.
Substituting these two coded values into the equation gives y^=5.75+0+0+0=5.75
Notice that this is the intercept of the equation, which is one way to interpret the meaning of the word "baseline": it is the point exactly in the
middle of the cube plot.
Question 9
A company is struggling to improve the yield. Yield is the percentage of raw product that is converted to a final product. The
yield should be maximized, and the employee is trying to investigate two factors that affect the yield.
T = Temperature of the jacket: either 390C or 410C
D = Amount of additive: 0.5 kg or 1.25 kg.
(For background, please see Florian's video on our YouTube channel, but it is not required viewing).
The employee ran the experiments in random order and collected the following data:

with the aim of developing the following prediction model:
Determine the interaction factor coefficient; in other words, determine the numeric value of bTD. (Hint: re-watch lecture 2C if you need help
remembering how to calculate the interaction term.)
Your Answer Score Explanation

Correct 2.00


Total 2.00 / 2.00
Question Explanation

y change in T at high values of D: 89 - 81 = +8%
y change in T at low values of D: 79 - 77 = +2%
The half difference = 822=3
Report half this value as bTD = 1.5

y change in D at high values of T: 89 - 79 = +10%
y change in D at low values of T: 81 - 77 = +4%
The half difference = 1042=3
Report half this value as bTD = 1.5

or, for those of you that prefer the least squares model solution from the (XTX)1XTy equation: 777981+894=1.5

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