Module Answer Key: Unit 1

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Module Answer Key

Unit 1

Unit 1 Answer Key:

Unit 1, Exercise #1 - Laboratory Glassware:

Picture 1: A – volumetric Flask
Picture 2: C – Erlenmeyer Flask
Picture 3: B – beaker
Picture 4: A, B & C (note; a graduated cylinder is also present.)
Question 5: b. To Deliver
Question 6: c. Class A Volumetric Flask
Question 7: a. True

Unit 1, Exercise #2 - Laboratory Equipment:

1. b. 1 pH meter buffers should not be used more than this number of days
2. d. 121 °C Autoclaves must reach this temperature
3. c. 3 Balances must be calibrated with this number of weights
4. a. 0°C Sample freezer temperatures must be under this amount
5. c. 3 pH meters should be calibrated with this many buffers.

Unit 1, Exercise #3 - Sample Collection Tips:

1. For these types of drinking water samples, fill the vial completely with the sample (creating a meniscus)
& check for air bubbles. Then, fill a second vial.

Ans: c. Volatile Organic Chemical samples

2. For these types of samples, if you are using a sterilized 125 mL blue-capped bottle prefixed with sodium
thiosulfate, remove the bottle cap and hold it in your hand. Do not touch the inside of the cap or bottle. Fill
sample bottle to neck (leave airspace) and do not overflow. Then cap the bottle and invert it several times
to mix.
Ans: b. Total or Fecal Coliform Bacteria samples

3. When collecting wastewater samples, the use of personal floatation devices (PFDs) around any body of
water (especially moving water) can save your life.

Ans: a. true

4. It is good to use commercial detergents for cleansing any glassware used in the storage or analysis of
samples for phosphorus determination.

Ans: b. False

Unit 1 Review Exercise:

1. Coliform bacteria themselves don’t usually cause illness but are usually present among other disease-
causing organisms, so they are used as an indicator of sanitary quality of foods and water.

a. True

b. False

Ans: a. true

2. Environmental laboratory temperatures are read in °C.

a. True

b. False

Ans: a. true

3. Under Chapter 252, every 14 months, laboratories are required to give their staff which types of
training? (Directions: choose the best answer)
a. Technical Training & Legal Training
b. Legal Training & Ethics Training
c. Technical Training & Ethics Training

Ans: b. Legal Training & Ethics Training

Unit 2

Unit 2 Answer Key

Practice #1 - Basic Math Calculations:

1. ( 85 x 17) + (22 x 12) =

Ans: 1,445 + 264 = 1,709

2. (145 x 9 x 2) – (14 x 9 x 2) + 162 =

(7 x 5) – (10/2) + 150

Ans: 2,610 – 252 + 162 = 2,520 = 14

35 – 5 + 150 180

Practice #2 - Decimal Calculation:

1. 11.85 + 1.5 + 14 =


Practice #3 – Calculating Averages:

1. A drinking water system measured the pH of their system water at 4 different points in their distribution
system. The pH levels were 7.5, 6.7, 7.7, and 6.5. Calculate the average of these pH readings.

Answer: b. 7.1

2. A drinking water system with a filter plant measured the finished water turbidity at the entry point to their
distribution system and found the following 5 readings: 0.21 NTU, 0.2 NTU, 0.113 NTU, 0.3 NTU and 1
NTU. Calculate the average of these finished water turbidity readings (keep all the decimal places in the

Answer: c. 0.3646 NTU

Practice #4 – Solving for X:

Directions: Solve for x in the following problems.

1. X = 2.4 X = ______

Answer: Multiply both sides by 200; the 200”s on the one side cancel out to leave x.

(200) X = 2.4 (200)


X = 480

2. 10 = 3000 X = ______
Answer: Multiply both sides by x to move it into the numerator (the x’s cancel out). Then divide by 10 on both
sides of the equation (the 10’s then cancel out).

(X) 10 = 3000 (X) 10 = 3000

X 10 10

X = 300

Practice #5 – Solving Percentage Problems:

1. What percentage is 45 of 150?

Step 1: Determine what is known and what is unknown.

% = unknown

Part = 45

Whole = 150

Step 2: Find your formula: We are using the formula % = Part x 100

Step 3: Plug in your known numbers:

In this case, we are solving for % , so we just plug the numbers into the equation as is (using X as the

X% = 45 x 100

X% = 0.3 x 100

X = 30%

2. What is 45% of 150?

Step 1: Determine what is known and what is unknown.

% = 45

Part = unknown

Whole = 150

Step 2: Find your formula; we are once again using the formula % = Part x 100

Step 3: Plug in your known numbers:

45% = X Part x 100


Step 4: Isolate x on one side of the equation

(150) 45% = X Part x 100 x (150) (We’ll multiply both sides of the equation by 150)

(150) 45% = (X Part) (100) (We’ll divide both sides of the equation by 100)
100 100

X Part = 67.5

Answer: 45% of 150 is 67.5

Practice #6 - Unit Conversions
1. How many milliliters (mL) are in 30 liters?

X mL =

Conversion relationship to use is 1 L = 1000 mL; vertical format can be written as 1,000 mL

X mL = 1000 mL x
X mL = 1000 mL x 30 L
1L Known
X mL = 1000 mL x 30 L

X = 30,000 mL

Answer: There are 30,000 mL in 1 liter

2. How many grams are in 2,500 micrograms (ug)?


Conversion relationship to use is 1 gram = 1,000,000 ug; vertical format can be written as 1g
1,000,000 ug

X g = 1 gram x
1,000,000 ug

X g = 1 gram x 2,500 ug
1,000,000 ug Known

X = 0.0025 grams

Answer: There are 0.0025 grams in 2,500 ug.

Practice #7 - Converting between ppm and ppb
1. How many ppb are in 5.3 ppm?

X ppb =

Conversion relationship to use is 1 ppm = 1000 ppb; vertical format can be written as 1,000 ppb
1 ppm
X ppb = 1000 ppb x
1 ppm

X ppb = 1000 ppb x 5.3 ppm

1 ppm

X = 5,300 ppb

Answer: There are 5,300 ppb in 5.3 ppm

2. How many ppm are in 1.5 ppb?

X ppm =

Conversion relationship to use is 1 ppm = 1,000 ppb; vertical format can be written as 1 ppm
1,000 ppb
X ppm = 1 ppm x
1,000 ppb

X ppm = 1 ppm x 1.5 ppb

1,000 ppb

X = = 0.0015 ppm

Answer: There are 0.0015 ppm in 1.5 ppb.

Practice #8 - Temperature Conversion:

1. What is the º F value for 121º C (the temperature autoclaves must reach)?

Ans: Fahrenheit = ( ºC x 1.8) + 32º

= (121º C x 1.8) + 32º
= (218º C) + 32º
= 250º F

3. If it is 30º C outside, will you need to wear a jacket?

Ans: Fahrenheit = ( ºC x 1.8) + 32º

= (30º C x 1.8) + 32º
= (54º C) + 32º
= 86º F; no you will not need a jacket!

Unit 2 Practice Quiz:

1. Solve the following equation: 385 + (21/7) – (5 x 13 x 4) = 385 + 3 – 260 = 128 = 32

17 + 11 – (6 x 4) 28 – 24 4

2. What is the sum of 1.1 + 0.98 + 1.231 + 2?

Line up the decimals places to add the numbers:


1. Given the temperatures of 93 °F, 99 °F, 101 °F, and 91 °F, calculate the average.

93 °F + 99 °F + 101 °F + 91 °F

= 96 °F

2. 4. Solve for X in the following equation: 5X = 20

X = 20


5. Solve for X in the following equation: 2.5 = 1,000


X (2.5) = 1,000 (X)


7.5 X = 1,000

2.5 X = 1,000
2.5 2.5

X = 1,000

X = 400

6. What percentage is 15 of 60?

X% = 15 x 100

X% = 0.25 x 100

X = 25%

7. What is 15% of 60?

15% = X Part x 100


(60) 15% = X Part x 100 x (60) (We’ll multiply both sides of the equation by 60)

(60) 15% = (X Part) (100) (We’ll divide both sides of the equation by 100)
100 100

X Part = 9

Answer: 15% of 60 = 9

8. How many centimeters are in 2 meters?

Step 1: List unknown data including units followed by an equal sign (you can use “X” for the
unknown number.

Unknown: X cm =

Step 2: Find data (known or conversion) that has the same numerator unit as the unknown
number. Place it to the right of the equal sign and add a multiplication sign. This positions your

Example: X cm = 100 cm x
1m Conversion
Step 3: To cancel unwanted denominator units, find data (known or conversion) that has the same
numerator unit. Place it to the right of the data used in step 2. Continue to place data (known or
conversion) into the equation to systematically cancel unwanted units until only the unknown
denominator units remain.

Example: X cm = 100 cm x 2 m
1m Known
Step 4: Do the Math (multiply all numerator values, multiply all denominator values (if there are
any), then divide the numerator by the denominator).

X cm = 100 cm x 2 = 200 cm

9. A 300 milliliter BOD bottle contains how many liters of sample?

Step 1: List unknown data including units followed by an equal sign (you can use “X” for the
unknown number).


Step 2: Find data (known or conversion) that has the same numerator unit as the unknown
number. Place it to the right of the equal sign and add a multiplication sign. This
positions your numerator.

XL= 1L x
1,000 mL

Step 3: To cancel unwanted denominator units, find data (known or conversion) that has the same
numerator unit. Place it to the right of the data used in step 2. Continue to place data (known or

conversion) into the equation to systematically cancel unwanted units until only the unknown
denominator units remain.

XL= 1L x 300 mL
1,000 mL

Step 4: Do the Math (multiply all numerator values, multiply all denominator values, then divide
the numerator by the denominator).

XL= 1L x 300 mL
1,000 mL

= 0.3 L

10. If the body temperature is 97°F, what is the equivalent Celsius temperature?

Celsius = (°F - 32°) x 5

Celsius = (97°F - 32°) x 5
Celsius = (65) x 5
= 36.1° C

Unit 3

Unit 3 Answer Key:

Exercise #1 - pH:

1. Choose whether the following are a. Acids or b. Bases

Chemical Is it an acid or a base?

a. Acid
Sodium Hydroxide - NaOH b. Base

a. Acid
Sodium Carbonate - Na2CO3 b. Base
a. Acid
Sulfuric Acid - H2SO4 b. Base

a. Acid
Boric Acid - H3BO3 b. Base

a. Acid
Barium Hydroxide - Ba(OH)2 b. Base

1. Answers:

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) = b. Base

Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) = b. Base

Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) = a. Acid

Boric Acid (H3BO3) = a. Acid

Caesium Hydroxide (CsOH) = b. Base

2. If Hydrochloric Acid – HCl - is added to water, will it raise or lower the pH?

Answer: b. Hydrochloric Acid is an acid, which will lower the pH

3. If Calcium Hydroxide – Ca(OH)2 – (known as slaked lime) is added to water, will it raise or lower the pH?

Answer: a. Calcium Hydroxide is a base, which will raise the pH.

Exercise 2 – Solution Dilution Concepts

1. We have 1.11 L of an 18 M H2SO4 solution. We dilute the solution to 200 L to create a 0.1 M H2SO4

Question 1-1: What is our stock solution concentration?

Answer: b. 18 M

Question 1-2. What are the units of volume for both our stock solution and diluted solution?

Answer: c. liters (L)

Question 1-3: What will be the concentration of our diluted solution?

Answer: d. 0.1 M

2. Reagent water may be prepared by distillation, adsorption or reverse osmosis. Reagent water may not
be prepared by deionization.

Answer: b. False (Reagent water may be prepared by any of these 4 methods; deionization uses an
ion-exchange process.)

Unit 3 Exercise:

1. Aportion of a total amount of a solution is known as an:

a. Analysis

b. Analyte

c. Acid

d. Aliquot

Answer: d. Aliquot

2. We dilute a solution by adding a diluent:

a. True

b. False

Answer: a. True

3. If Potassium Hydroxide - KOH - is added to water, will it raise or lower the pH?
a. Raise the pH
b. Lower the pH
Answer: a. Potassium Hydroxide is a base, which will raise the pH.

4. A 1.5 mL of a 1.0 M salt-water solution is being diluted to make 3 mL of a 0.5 M salt-water solution.

What is the concentration of the stock solution?

a. 1.5 mL

b. 1.0 M

c. 3 mL

d. 0.5 M

Answer: b. 1.0 M

5. You aliquot 5 mL of a 3 ppm standard. You dilute this solution with a diluent to make 15 mL of a working
solution at 1 ppm.

What is our stock solution concentration?

a. 1 ppm

b. 15 mL

c. 3 ppm

d. 5 mL

Answer: c. 3 ppm

Unit 4

Unit 4 Answer Key:

Unit 4, Practice 1 – Solution Dilution Calculations:

1. You have 1 L of a 0.13 M aqueous solution of salt water. You want to dilute the solution to 0.05 M of salt
water; what will be the volume of the diluted solution?

a. 1.67 liters

b. 26 liters

c. 16.7 liters

d. 2.6 liters

Answer: d. 2.6 liters

Step 1: Make a list of what is known and what is not:

• Concentration of Stock Solution (M 1) = 0.13 M salt water solution

• Volume of Stock Solution (V 1) = 1 L
• Concentration of Diluted Solution (M 2) = 0.05 M salt water solution
• Volume of Stock Solution (V 2) = unknown

Step 2: Find the formula you will use. Since both solution units are the same – they are both Molarity (M)
units - and both volumes are in liters (L), we can use M1V1 = M2V2

(Conc of solution 1)(Volume of solution 1) = (Conc of solution 2)(Volume of solution 2)

Step 3: Plug the numbers into the equation.

(0.13 M) (1 L) = (0.05 M) (X)

Step 4: Isolate the unknown item on one side of the equation:

(0.13 M) (1 L) = (0.05 M) (X) 2.6 L

0.05 M 0.05 M

d. The volume of the diluted solution will be 2.6 L (which means you add enough water to the salt
water solution to make 2.6 liters.)

2. What volume of a 1,000 mg/L NH3 stock solution must be used to create 1 liter of a 25 mg/l NH3 diluted

a. 0.025 L

b. 2.5 L

c. 0.4 L

d. 40 L

Answer: a. 0.025 L

Step 1: Make a list of what is known and what is not:

• Concentration of Stock Solution (M 1) = 1,000 mg/L NH3

• Volume of Stock Solution (V 1) = unknown
• Concentration of Diluted Solution (M 2) = 25 mg/L NH3
• Volume of Diluted Solution (V 2) = 1 L

Step 2: Find the formula you will use. Since both solution units are the same – they are both mg/L units -
and both volumes are in liters (L), we can use M1V1 = M2V2

(Conc of solution 1)(Volume of solution 1) = (Conc of solution 2)(Volume of solution 2)

Step 3: Plug the numbers into the equation.

(1,000 mg/L NH3) (X) = (25 mg/L NH3) (1 L)

Step 4: Isolate the unknown item on one side of the equation

(1,000 mg/L NH3) (x) = (25 mg/L NH3) (1 L) 0.025 L

1,000 mg/L 1,000 mg/L

Unit 4, Practice #2 - Solution Concentration Calculation:

You want to make 8 L of a 24 mg/L salt water solution. How many mg of salt will you need?

a. 3 mg

b. 0.333 mg

c. 19.2 mg

d. 192 mg

Answer: d. 192 mg of salt

Step 1: Make a list of what you know and what you don’t:

Solution Concentration (C) = 24 mg/L

Mass of Solute (M) = unknown
Volume of Solution (V) = 8L

Step 2: Find the formula you will use. Since we are dealing with solution concentration, solute mass, and
solution volume, we use the formula that has all of those variables.
Solution Concentration = Mass (of Solute) C=M
Volume (of Solution) V

Step 3: Make sure the concentration units are equivalent to the mass over volume units. In this case, they
are, so we can go ahead and plug in our numbers.

24 mg = M mg
1L 8L

Step 4: Isolate the unknown item on one side of the equation:

8 L x 24 mg = M mg x 8 L (8L) (24 mg) 192 mg of salt

1L 8L 1L

Unit 4, Practice #3 - Solution Concentration Calculation:

You want to make 800 mL of a 3,000 mg/L CaCl2 solution. How many grams of CaCl2 will you need?

a. 0.192 grams

b. 2.4 grams

c. 37 grams

d. 3.75 grams

Answer: b. 2.4 grams

Step 1: Make a list of what you know and what you don’t:

Solution Concentration (C) = 3,000 mg/L

Mass of Solute (M) = unknown
Volume of Solution (V) = 800 mL

Step 2: Find the formula you will use. Since we are dealing with solution concentration, solute mass, and
solution volume, we use the formula that has all of those variables.

Solution Concentration = Mass (of Solute) C=M

Volume (of Solution) V

Step 3: Make sure the concentration units are equivalent to the mass over volume units. In this case, they
are not, but can be converted.
We have to convert our volume (mL) to be equivalent to the volume in our concentration (the L in mg/L..)

X Liters =

XL = 1L x
1,000 mL

XL = 1L x 800 mL

1,000 mL

= 0.8 L

Now can go ahead and plug in our numbers into C = M/V

3000 mg = x mg
1L 0.8 L

Step 4: Isolate the unknown item on one side of the equation:

0.8 L x 3000 mg = x mg x 0.8 L (0.8L) (3000 mg) 2400 mg of CaCl2

1L 0.8 L 1L

We have one more step, since we are asked for grams; therefore, we have to convert milligrams to grams.


Xg = 1g x
1,000 mg

Xg = 1g x 2400 mg
1,000 mg

= 2.4 grams of CaCl2

Unit 4 Practice Quiz:

1. What volume of a 10.0 M aqueous salt water stock solution must be used to prepare 3.0 L of a 4.0 M salt
water solution?

a. 7.5 liters

b. 1.2 liters

c. 0.1 liters

d. 0.7 liters

Answer: b. 1.2 liters

Step 1: Make a list of what is known and what is not:

• Molarity of Stock Solution (M 1) = 10.0 M salt water solution
• Volume of Stock Solution in liters (V 1) = unknown
• Molarity of Diluted Solution (M 2) = 4.0 M salt water solution
• Volume of Stock Solution (V 2) = 3.0 L

Step 2: Find the formula you will use. Since both solution units are Molarity (M) units and both volumes are
in liters (L), we can use M1V1 = M2V2

(Molarity of solution 1)(Volume of solution 1 in liters) = (Molarity of solution 2)(Volume of solution 2 in liters)

Step 3: Plug the numbers into the equation.

(10.0 M) (x L) = (4.0 M) (3.0 L)

Step 4: Isolate the unknown item on one side of the equation:

(10.0 M) (x L) = (4.0 M) (3.0 L) 1.2 L

10.0 M 10.0 M

2. You have a 4000 ppm standard. You need to make 200 mL of a 40 ppm working solution. How many
mL of standard will you need?

a. 4 mL

b. 2 mL

c. 40 mL

d. 20 mL

Step 1: Make a list of what is known and what is not:

• Concentration of Stock Solution (M 1) = 4,000 ppm standard

• Volume of Stock Solution (V 1) = unknown
• Concentration of Diluted Solution (M 2) = 40 ppm
• Volume of Diluted Solution (V 2) = 200 mL

Step 2: Find the formula you will use. Since both solution concentration units are the same – they are both
ppm units - and both volumes are in milliliters (mL), we can use M1V1 = M2V2

(Conc of solution 1)(Volume of solution 1) = (Conc of solution 2)(Volume of solution 2)

Step 3: Plug the numbers into the equation.

(4,000 ppm) (x) = (40 ppm) (200 mL)

Step 4: Isolate the unknown item on one side of the equation

(4,000 ppm) (x) = (40 ppm) (200 mL) 8,000 mL

4,000 ppm 4,000 ppm 4,000

= b. 2 mL

3. How many grams of sugar would you need if you want to make 450 mL of a 2500 mg/L sugar water

a. 1.125 grams

b. 5.557 grams

c. 180 grams

d. 2.95 grams

Answer: a. 1.125 grams

Step 1: Make a list of what you know and what you don’t:

Solution Concentration (C) = 2500 mg/L

Mass of Solute (M) = unknown
Volume of Solution (V) = 450 mL

Step 2: Find the formula you will use. Since we are dealing with solution concentration, solute mass, and
solution volume, we use the formula that has all of those variables.

Solution Concentration = Mass (of Solute) C=M

Volume (of Solution) V

Step 3: Make sure the concentration units are equivalent to the mass over volume units.

In this case, they are not, but can be converted.

We have to convert our volume (mL) to be equivalent to the volume in our concentration (the L in mg/L..)

X Liters =

XL = 1L x
1,000 mL Conversion
XL = 1L x 450 mL

1,000 mL Known
X = 0.45 L

Now can go ahead and plug in our numbers.

2500 mg = x mg
1L 0.45L

Step 4: Isolate the unknown item on one side of the equation:

0.45 L x 2500 mg = x mg x 0.45 L (0.45L) (2500 mg) = 1125 mg of sugar

1L 0.45L 1L

We have one more step, since we are asked for grams; therefore, we have to convert milligrams to grams.


Xg = 1g x
1,000 mg

Xg = 1g x 1125 mg
1,000 mg

X = 1.125 grams of sugar

Unit 5

Unit 5 Answer Key:

Unit 5 Exercise:

Multiple Choice: Choose one best answer unless otherwise indicated.

1. Fill in the letter of the correct maximum sample holding time for the parameter. Selections can be used
more than once.
a. no max holding time; analyze immediately b. 30 hours c. 14 days d. 6 months

b. 30 hours Total Coliform Bacteria
a. No max holding time; analyze immediately Chlorine Residual
a. No max holding time; analyze immediately temperature
c. 14 days Alkalinity
d. 6 months Metals (except Hg)
a. No max holding time; analyze immediately pH

2. Under Chapter 252, for water baths, heating blocks, and ovens, temperatures are to be recorded once a
a. day
b. week
c. month
Ans: a. day

3. Calibrate analytical balances, pH meter, and conductivity meters weekly.

a. True
b. False

Ans: b. False (calibrate every day or before each use, whichever is less frequent.)

Circle the letter of the correct amount of calibration or monitoring time.

A = once a day

B = once a week

C = once a month

D = once every 3 months

E = once every 12 months


4. Check *burette delivery volume D = once every 3 months
*If not Class A glassware

5. Record refrigerator temperatures A = once a day

6. Calibrate conductivity meter A = once a day

7. Calibrate glass, liquid filled thermometers E = once every 12 months

8. Record incubator temperature A = once a day, four hours apart

9. Verify the autoclave sterilization capability C = once a month

(by utilizing appropriate biological indicators)

Unit 6
Unit 6 Answer Key:

Unit 6, Exercise #1 - QA and Quality Manual Questions:

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.

1. A quality manual must be kept by all _________________ Pa. laboratories.

a. operating
b. accredited
c. wastewater
Answer: b. accredited

2. A written laboratory document that provides detailed instructions for the performance of all aspects of a
test, analysis, operation or action is known as a _______.

a. SOP

b. QCP

c. QAP

d. OPS

Answer: a. SOP

Unit 6, Exercise #2 - QC Sample Definitions:

1. QC Sample Definition Matching Exercise Table:

Directions: Fill in the left hand column of the table with the name of the QC sample beside the proper

a. Blank Sample b. Sample duplicate c. Spike d. Reference sample

Letter of Correct Sample Title Description

i. b.
Replicate aliquots of the same sample taken through the entire analytical
ii. a.
A sample that lacks the parameters of interest.

iii. d. A quality assurance sample composed of standard reference material.

iv. c. A known and verified mass or activity of the target analyte of interest
added to reagent water or environmental sample to determine recovery
efficiency or for other quality control purposes.

Choose the best answer.

2. A double blind sample is identified as a quality assurance sample to the contract laboratory performing
the analyses, but the concentrations of the parameters of concern are unknown to laboratory personnel.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False – this is the definition for a single blind sample.

Unit 6, Exercise #3 – More QC Sample Definitions:

1. Sample duplicates are useful for analyzing laboratory performance, but PT samples are not.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False, since both types of samples are useful for analyzing laboratory performance.

2. Analytical quality control is important in an environmental laboratory because the concentration of

chemicals in a sample may be extremely low and close to the detection method of the analytical method.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True

Unit 6, Exercise #4 - General Laboratory QC:

1. In an analytical run, what is the highest amount of samples that can be contained in sample batch?

a. 5

b. 10

c. 15

d. 20

Answer: d. 20

Unit 6 Review Exercise:

Multiple Choice: Choose one best answer unless otherwise indicated.

1. Any time that a method has not been performed by the laboratory or analyst in a ______ month period,
an IDOC must be performed.
a. 3 months
b. 6 months
c. 9 months
d. 12 months

Ans: d. 12 months

2. A LCS is a sample of a controlled matrix known to be free of the analyte of interest, to which a known and verified
concentration of analyte has been added and that is taken through a few, but not all, of the preparation and analytical
steps in the method.

a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False, since a LCS sample is taken through all of the preparation and analytical steps in
the method.

3. Proficiency Testing (PT) samples must be analyzed at least once every ____ ________ for each analyte
and by each method used to analyze compliance samples.

a. 3 months
b. 6 months
c. 9 months
d. 12 months

Ans: d. 12 months

4. Any environmental samples associated with a contaminated method blank shall be reprocessed for
analysis. In addition, the source of contamination of the method blank shall be:

a. Disregarded since it was just the method blank, not the actual sample

b. Investigated and measures taken to minimize or eliminate the contamination.

c. Ignored, since these types of contaminant sources can never be determined anyway

Answer: b. Investigated and measures taken to minimize or eliminate the contamination.

Unit 7
Unit 7 Answer Key:

Unit 7 Exercise:

Multiple Choice: Choose one best answer unless otherwise indicated.

1. Your lab is going to obtain an additional field of accreditation from the state of Pennsylvania. You
perform PT studies (which you pass) and then do an IDOC analysis. Is this acceptable?

a. Yes, you are supposed to do PT studies prior to an IDOC analysis.

b. Yes, because you only need PT studies, not an IDOC analysis.
c. Yes, because you only need an IDOC analysis, not any PT studies.
d. No, you are supposed to do an IDOC analysis prior to PT studies

Answer: d. No, you are supposed to do an IDOC analysis prior to PT studies

2. Before your laboratory does the aforementioned testing in question #1, what other 2 steps should it do?

a. Choose an approved method and develop a SOP

b. Choose an approved method and send in the application for the FOA

c. Send in the application for the FOA and develop a SOP

Answer: a. Choose an approved method and develop a SOP

3. All Pennsylvania environmental laboratories performing testing or analysis of wastewater for compliance
with the Clean Streams Law must be accredited by the Pa. DEP or NELAP.

a. True

b. False

Answer: a. True

Unit 8
Unit 8 Answer Key:

Unit 8, Practice #1 – Rounding Calculations:

1. Round 9.875 to two decimal points.

Ans: 9.88

2. Round 9,637 to the nearest thousand.

Ans: 10,000

3. Round 9,637 to the nearest hundred.

Ans: 9,600

4. Round 9,637 to the nearest tens.

Ans: 9,640

Unit 8, Practice #2 – Rounding an Average:

1. A Pa. DEP wastewater permit was issued with an average monthly limit of 3.0 mg/L for ammonia-

Sample results for the monitoring period are as follows:

1.10 mg/L
3.52 mg/L
2.71 mg/L
3.56 mg/L

What is the average rounded result for the monitoring period?

a. 2.9 mg/L
b. 3.1 mg/L
c. 2.0 mg/L
d. 3.0 mg/L

Ans: = d. 3.0 mg/L.

Step 1: Average the unrounded results

2.10 mg/L + 3.52 mg/L + 2.71 mg/L + 3.56 mg/L = 11.89 mg/L = 2.9725
4 4

Step 2:
(a) Go one number past the last significant digit and underline that number, which you will use for
rounding. The last significant digit is .0.
(b) Cross out any other digit past the one significant digit, since they are not used in the rounding
(c) To round, if the number past the significant digit is 5 or more, round your compliance number up; if
not, keep the number as is and report with the proper number of significant digits.

Use the digit to the right of the last significant digit of the compliance number, and round the answer.

2.9725 3.0 (Note: this is not an exceedance.)

The 2 and 5 to the right of the 7 get ignored.

7 is more than 5, so the number 9 gets rounded higher.

= 3.0 mg/L.

2. A Pa. DEP drinking water system performed arsenic monitoring for 4 quarters; the drinking water MCL
for arsenic is 0.010 mg/L.

Arsenic sample results for the monitoring period are as follows:

• Quarter 1 = 0.0163 mg/L
• Quarter 2 = 0.0162 mg/L
• Quarter 3 = 0.0104 mg/L
• Quarter 4 = 0.0100 mg/ L

What is the average result for the monitoring period?

a. 0.014 mg/L
b. 0.013 mg/L
c. 0.012 mg/L
d. 0.031 mg/L

Ans: = b. 0.013 mg/L.

Step 1: Average the unrounded results

0.0163 mg/L + 0.0162 mg/L + 0.0104 mg/L + 0.0100 mg/L = 0.0529 mg/L = 0.013225 mg/L
4 4

Step 2:
(d) Go one number past the last significant digit and underline that number, which you will use for
rounding. The last significant digit is .000.
(e) Cross out any other digit past the one significant digit, since they are not used in the rounding
(f) To round, if the number past the significant digit is 5 or more, round your compliance number up; if
not, keep the number as is and report with the proper number of significant digits.

Use the digit to the right of the last significant digit of the compliance number, and round the answer.
0.013225 0.013 (Note: this is an exceedance, since it is greater than 0.010 mg/L)

The 2 and 5 to the right of the first 2 get ignored.

2 is less than 5, so the number 3 does not get rounded higher.

= 0.013 mg/L.

Unit 8, Practice #3 – Relative Percent Difference:

A duplicate analysis of a sample found results of 12 mg/L and 13 mg/L. What is the relative percent
difference of these results?

a. 20%

b. 200%

c. 8%

d. 0.08%

Answer: c. 8%

RPD = 100 x 12 mg/ L – 13 mg/L

(12 mg/L + 13 mg/L) ÷ 2

RPD = 100 x 1 mg/L

12.5 mg/L

RPD = 100 x 0.08

RPD = 8%

Unit 8, Practice #4 – Acceptance Criteria Determination:

An effluent sample is tested twice for a contaminant and the results obtained are 0.109 and 0.115 mg/L.
The relative percent difference for duplicate samples of this contaminant is required to be less than 10%. Is
the % difference between these duplicate levels acceptable?

a. Yes

b. No

Answer: a. Yes

RPD = 100 x 0.109 mg/ L – 0.115 mg/L

(0.109 mg/L + 0.115 mg/L) ÷ 2

RPD = 100 x 0.006 mg/L

0.112 mg/L

RPD = 100 x 0.053571

RPD = 5.357% (which is less than 10%)

Unit 8, Practice #5 – Acceptance Criteria Determination:

Using Standard Method 2540 C for total dissolved solids the acceptance criteria for the LCS is +/- 15%.
The laboratory LCS known concentration is 25 mg/L.

Which of the following LCS samples meets the acceptance criteria?

a. 29.1 mg/L

b. 22.3 mg/L

c. 21.05 mg/L

d. 32.23 mg/L

Answer: b. 22.3 mg/L

Step 1: We find our formula (the % calculation from Chapter 2.)
%= Part x 100
Step 2: We determine what parts of the formula we know and what we don’t know:
% = 15%
Part = unknown
Whole = 25

Step 3: We plug our numbers into the equation.

15% = Part x 100


Step 4: We make sure our unknown is on one side of the equation. Since it’s not, we work to cancel items
out from one side to the other.

25 x 1 5% = Part x 100 x 25

375 mg/L % = Part x 100

100 100

Part = 3.75

Therefore, 15% of 25 is 3.75

To determine + 15% of 25, we add 3.75:

25 + 3.75 = 28.75

To determine - 5% of 50, we subtract 2.5:

25 – 3.75 = 21.25

b. 22.3 mg/L is between 28.75 and 21.25, thus it would qualify as meeting the +/- 15% criteria

Unit 8 Exercise:

1. In order to produce a trend chart, data needs to be entered into a computer spreadsheet contained in a
graphical package such as Excel.

a. True

b. False

Answer: a. True

2. A standards curve is a graph of known concentrations that can be used to determine the concentrations
of the unknown.

a. True

b. False

Answer: a. True

3. The permit limit for a particular NPDES permit parameter is 1.0. Using EPA rounding principals, is a
calculated parameter of 1.06 a violation?

a. Yes, because it rounds to 1.1

b. No, because it rounds to 1.0

Answer: a. Yes

4. A duplicate analysis of a sample found results of 3 mg/L and 5 mg/L. What is the relative percent
difference of these results?

a. 50%

b. 0.08%

c. 80%

d. 0.05%

Answer: a. 50%

5. The standard method for a contaminant has an acceptance criteria for the LCS of +/- 5 %. If the known
value of the LCS is 30 mg/l, which of the following LCS sample results meets the acceptance criteria?

a. 36 mg/l

b. 35 mg/l

c. 29 mg/l

d. 25 mg/l

Answer: c. 29 mg/L

Step 1: We find our formula (the % calculation from Chapter 2.)

%= Part x 100
Step 2: We determine what parts of the formula we know and what we don’t know:

Part = unknown
Whole = 30

Step 3: We plug our numbers into the equation.

5 = Part x 100

Step 4: We make sure our unknown is on one side of the equation. Since it’s not, we work to cancel items
out from one side to the other.

30 x 5% = Part x 100 x 30

150 mg/L % = Part x 100

100 100

Part = 1.5

Therefore, 5% of 30 is 1.5

To determine + 5% of 30, we add 1.5:

30 + 1.5 = 31.5

To determine - 5% of 30, we subtract 1.5:

30 – 1.5 = 28.5

c. 29 mg/l is between 31.5 and 28.5, thus it would qualify as meeting the +/- 5% criteria

Unit 9
Unit 9 Answer Key:

Unit 9 Exercise:

Multiple Choice: Choose one best answer unless otherwise indicated.

1. In most cases, DMRs for NPDES permits must be received by the applicable Pa. DEP Regional Office
by the ______ day of the month following the monitoring period.
a. 1st
b. 10th
c. 28th

Ans: c. 28th

2. On the ____ day of each month as required by Chapter 109 of Title 25 of the Pennsylvania Code, all
drinking water data is cleared from DWELR and passed to the PADWIS for monthly compliance

a. 1st
b. 10th
c. 28th

Ans: b. 10th

Unit 10

Unit 10 Answer Key:

Unit 10 Exercise:

Multiple Choice: Choose one best answer unless otherwise indicated.

1. Unless otherwise specified in regulation, how long must records required under Chapter 252 be
a. 1 year
b. 3 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years

Ans: c. 5 years

2. To avoid confusion, records should be edited in a way that the erases the original entry.
a. True
b. False
Ans: b. False

3. Records are to be kept electronically in an organized fashion, which allows laboratories to dispose of
original handwritten records.
a. True
b. False
Ans: b. False

4. An environmental laboratory shall submit a corrective action report to the Department within 60
business days from receipt of an onsite assessment report from the Pa. DEP where deficiencies have
been found.
a. True
b. False
Ans: b. False (the correct answer is 60 calendar days)

5. Laboratory supply receipt records need be maintained and include which of the following:
a. Date received
b. Vendor
c. Amount received
d. Expiration date
e. a through d
f. c and d

Ans: e. a through d

6. Which of the following need to be recorded once a day for each day in use for all laboratory activities?

a. incubator temperatures

b. water bath temperatures

c. refrigerator temperatures

d. freezer temperatures

e. all of the above

Ans: e. all of the above

7. On April 5, 2013, Annette pulled an unopened laboratory chemical bottle off the shelves and saw it did
not have an expiration date, but someone noted it had been purchased over 5 years prior during 1-2006;
she went ahead and used it in her chemical analysis. Was this chemical considered too old to be used?

a. Yes
b. No

Ans: b. No (10 years is the limit for purchased chemicals)

8. The laboratory's QA plan should be readily available for inspection by auditors. On the other hand, the
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) do not need to be available, since the auditors would never look at
this information.

a. True
b. False

Ans: b. False (Both the laboratory's QA plan and appropriate Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs) should be readily available for inspection by auditors.)


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