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21-1174 4-station Kit 21-1175 8-station Kit

Restriction Mapping
of Plasmid DNA
World-Class Support for Science & Math
2009 Carolina Biological Supply Company Printed in USA
Restriction Mapping of Plasmid DNA
Teachers Manual
Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Skills Required. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Time Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Pre-Lab Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fine Points of Laboratory Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Data Analysis Answers and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Answers to Practice Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Photocopy Masters
Student Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S-1
Practice Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S-4
Tea c her s Ma nua l 3
Students become molecular biologists investigating DNA of uncertain origin
given to them by a top military official following a UFO sighting. Students
perform electrophoresis with predigested pMAP plasmid DNA samples, and
perform data analysis to construct a restriction enzyme map of the plasmid.
Information is provided for the teacher to supply as hints to guide the students
through this data analysis. Through these activities, students
gain experience performing gel electrophoresis.
learn how to do restriction enzyme mapping.
practice analytical thinking.
Since the analysis part of this lab involves estimating DNA fragment sizes and
restriction enzyme mapping, students must have a firm understanding of the
action of restriction enzymes and the principles of gel electrophoresis. This
laboratory exercise is a good follow-up to the Restriction Enzyme Cleavage of
DNA Kit.
This kit contains all the necessary reagents needed to perform restriction
mapping of pMAP. The materials are supplied for use with this kit only.
Carolina Biological Supply Company disclaims all responsibility for any other
use of any of these materials.
Materials included in the 4-station kit:
Materials included in the 8-station kit:
Restriction Mapping of Plasmid DNA
Skills Required
4 vials pMAP/PstI
4 vials pMAP/PstI/HpaI
4 vials pMAP/PstI/SspI
4 vials pMAP/PstI/HpaI/SspI
4 vials lambda DNA/PstI size
7.5 mL CarolinaBLU in a
dropper bottle
4 staining trays
2 g agarose*
150 mL 20 TBE*
24 needle-point pipets
250 mL final CarolinaBLU stain
8 gloves
Teachers Manual with masters
for Student Guide and practice
8 vials pMAP/PstI
8 vials pMAP/PstI/HpaI
8 vials pMAP/PstI/SspI
8 vials pMAP/PstI/HpaI/SspI
8 vials lambda DNA/PstI size
2 dropper bottles of
CarolinaBLU, 7.5 mL each
8 staining trays
4 g agarose*
200 mL 20 TBE*
48 needle-point pipets
250 mL final CarolinaBLU stain
16 gloves
Teachers Manual with masters
for Student Guide and practice
*Quantities are sufficient for most mini gel systems.
The DNA samples in this kit have been formulated to be stored at room
temperature for short periods of time. This allows for shipment of the kit at room
temperature and saves on shipping charges. However, for storage longer than 6
weeks, the DNA samples should be refrigerated or frozen. All the other materials
in the kit can be stored at room temperature for extended periods of time.
Materials needed, but not provided:
gel electrophoresis chambers with well-forming combs (at least 5-well)
power supplies
masking tape for sealing gel-casting trays (depending on style of tray)
racks for vials of DNA
flask or beaker for agarose
container for 1 TBE electrophoresis buffer
microwave, boiling water bath, or hot plate
white-light box and/or overhead projector (desirable for viewing
stained gels)
camera (desirable for recording results)
Restriction mapping is the first step in characterizing a novel DNA sequence.
It is commonly used to confirm that a new fragment of DNA has been ligated
into a plasmid. It is also used to verify the identity of a plasmid, since the
pattern of DNA fragments produced by restriction digest can be like a
fingerprint of a plasmid.
In this laboratory exercise, students use data analysis to determine the number
and relative positions of cut sites for three restriction enzymesPstI, HpaI,
and SspIon the plasmid pMAP. Samples of pMAP have been incubated with
either PstI alone, PstI and HpaI, PstI and SspI, or PstI, HpaI, and SspI. These
single, double, and triple digests are key to determining the number and
relative positions of the restriction enzymes cut sites. The single restriction
enzyme digest will help students deduce the number of cut sites present; the
double and triple digests will allow the cut sites to be mapped relative to one
another. The PstI digested lambda DNA gives a series of fragments of known
size, to help students gauge the sizes of the pMAP fragments from the PstI,
HpaI, and SspI digests by comparing them with the lambda DNA fragments.
The amount of information given to the students is up to the teacher.
For example, the teacher could take any of the following approaches:
Tell the students only that it is a circular plasmid.
Tell the students that it is a circular plasmid of 5615 bp.
Tell the students that it has two PstI sites.
Tell the students that it has two PstI sites and one HpaI site.
Tell the students that it has two PstI sites and one SspI site.
More information can be given when the students hesitate in their analysis.
4 Tea c her s Ma nua l
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
Note: The sizes of the PstI digested lambda DNA fragments SHOULD be
given to the student. Without this information, the student will be unable to
estimate the sizes of the pMAP fragments.
DNA electrophoretic analysis requires several different activities. Plan your
time as follows:
Mix TBE Buffer
Because tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) buffer solution is stable, it can be made ahead
of time and stored until ready to use. For the 4-station kit pour 75 mL of 20 TBE
concentrate in a 2-L container. Add 1425 mL of distilled or deionized water. Mix.
For the 8-station kit make twice this amount. Any TBE that has precipitated can
be brought back into solution by microwaving. Heating it will not work.
Prepare Agarose Solution
Before class on Lab Day 1, prepare a 0.8% agarose solution. For the 4-station
kit, add 2 g of agarose to 250 mL of 1 TBE. For the 8-station kit, add 4 g of
agarose to 500 mL 1 TBE. Cover the agarose TBE mixture with aluminum
foil and heat in a boiling water bath (or double boiler) for 710 min. The
solution will become clear as the agarose dissolves. Swirl, and observe the
bottom to ensure that no undissolved agarose remains. Alternatively, heat the
solution at the high setting in a microwave oven for 47 min, without
aluminum foil. Swirl the solution at the first sign of vigorous boiling to avoid
boiling over. A hot plate may also be used. Cool the solution to approximately
60C before use. Cover with aluminum foil and keep warm in a 60C water
bath until ready to use.
Tea c her s Ma nua l 5
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
Day Time Activity
Lab Period 1
45 min1 hr
Pre-lab: Mix TBE buffer, prepare
agarose solution, set up
workstations, pool small volumes of
15 min
Practice pipetting, gel loading
1015 min Cast agarose gel
15 min Load gel
40+ min Post-lab: Electrophorese gel
20 min Stain gel
30+ min Destain gel
Lab Period 2 40 min
Data Analysis of Restriction
Digests (determine number and
relative position of restriction
enzyme cut sites)
Addition of Stain to Agarose
Gels may be run with or without using the CarolinaBLU gel and buffer stain.
Adding the stain to the gel and buffer lets you faintly visualize the bands during
the electrophoresis. The concentration of stain added to the agarose/buffer is
dependent on the voltage used for electrophoresis. If you are electrophoresing at
voltages less than 50 V, a slightly lower concentration is used than if you are
running at voltages greater than 50 V. The stain may be added to the entire
volume of agarose and distributed, or the agarose may be distributed to each lab
station and the stain added by the students at the rates listed below:
After the addition of the stain to the agarose, swirl to mix and immediately
pour the gel. Gels may be prepared one day ahead of the lab day, if necessary.
Gels stored longer tend to fade and lose their ability to stain the bands during
electrophoresis. Store the gels covered with a small amount of buffer (leaving
the masking tape in place) or store covered with buffer in the gel box with the
lid on. Do not try using more stain in your gel than is recommended. This
leads to precipitation of the DNA in the wells and can create aggregated DNA
bands in the agarose gel.
Addition of Stain to Buffer
Use the chart below for addition of the stain to 1 TBE electrophoresis buffer:
The dropper bottle provided delivers 4060 L/drop. If a calibrated pipet is
available, the dropper lid can be removed for quicker addition of larger
volumes of stain. The volumes of buffer and agarose required for Carolina gel
box options are listed below.
6 Tea c her s Ma nua l
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
Voltage Agarose Volume Stain Volume
< 50 V 30 mL 40 L (1 drop)
60 mL 80 L (2 drops)
400 mL 532 L (14 drops)
> 50 V 50 mL 80 L (2 drops)
400 mL 640 L (16 drops)
Voltage Buffer Volume Stain Volume
< 50 V 500 mL 500 L (12 drops)
1.5 L 1.5 mL (36 drops)
> 50 V 500 mL 960 L (24 drops)
1.5 L 2.9 mL (72 drops)
Type Gel Box
Volume Buffer
Volume Agarose
Carolina Gel Box, 1 tray 250 mL 50 mL
Carolina Gel Box, 2 trays 450 mL 100 mL
While CarolinaBLU is not toxic, we recommend that the students wear
gloves to prevent staining their skin. Buffer containing CarolinaBLU may be
reused three times within 48 hours. If you need to store the buffer for longer
than 48 hours, do not add CarolinaBLU to the buffer. Instead, use
CarolinaBLU as final stain only.
Pool Small Volumes of DNA
DNA may become spread in a film around storage tube walls or caps during
shipping. Prior to setting up workstations, pool samples at the bottom of their
storage tubes, using one of three methods:
1. Spin tubes briefly in a microfuge.
2. Spin tubes briefly in a preparatory centrifuge, using adapter collars for
1.5-mL tubes. Alternatively, spin tubes within 15-mL tubes and remove
3. Tap tubes sharply on the benchtop.
Set Up Student Workstations
1. Prepare student stations, each with the following materials:
vial pMAP/PstI masking tape (for casting gels)
vial pMAP/PstI/HpaI permanent marker
vial pMAP/PstI/SspI gel electrophoresis chamber
vial pMAP/PstI/HpaI/SspI power supply (may be shared)
rack for tubes staining tray
4 needle-point pipets student guide
2. Groups must share the following materials: agarose solution, TBE
electrophoresis buffer, and CarolinaBLU stain.
3. Hold agarose solution at 60C in a water bath.
Student Lab Briefing
Principles of Restriction Enzymology and Gel Electrophoresis
Background information and dry labs for teaching about restriction enzymes
and gel electrophoresis can be found in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: A
Guide for Teachers (Carolina catalog # RN-21-2240).
Practice Gel Loading (Optional)
You may wish to have students practice loading a gel. Practice gel-loading
stations are available (Carolina catalog # RN-21-1145).
Be alert to the following cautions when performing the experiments. Where
appropriate, discuss fine points with your students. For the detailed step-by-
step lab procedure, see the Student Guide masters.
Tea c her s Ma nua l 7
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
Fine Points of
Storing Cast Agarose Gels
If needed, students may cast gels a day before use. Keep gels covered with TBE
electrophoresis buffer to prevent drying.
Loading and Electrophoresing Gels
Make sure that your students record the order in which they loaded their
samples. This is important! If students do not know the loading order, they will
not know the sample identities and they will be unable to do the analysis.
If your students have difficulty using the pipets, suggest that instead of using
the bulb to control the sample, they pinch the middle section (directly below
the bulb) or lightly press the tapered section between the bulb and the middle
section when manipulating their samples.
The migration of DNA through the agarose gel is dependent upon voltagethe
higher the voltage, the faster the rate of migration. Best separation is achieved
when the loading dye band (bromphenol blue) nears the end of the gel. Do not
let the loading dye band run off the end of the gel. If it has been added to the gel
and buffer, CarolinaBLU intercalates into the DNA during electrophoresis,
allowing for immediate visualization of some bands. Times below are for
variable voltage minigel systems with an 84- 96-mm gel, using approximately
0.8% agarose. Exact run times will vary according to the apparatus.
Voltage Time
150 V 50 min
120 V 1 h
100 V 1 h 15 min
75 V 1 h 45 min
50 V 3 h
30 V 5 h 45 min
20 V 10 h
The distance between the bands should increase as the loading dye nears the
end of the gel.
CarolinaBLU Staining and Destaining
Although students may stain gels in class, it saves time to stain gels after class,
as recommended in the scheduling section. Destaining gels overnight
improves results.
Note: Wear disposable gloves during staining and cleanup.
1. Flood the gels with CarolinaBLU Final Stain, and allow them to stain for
1520 min.
2. Following staining, decant as much CarolinaBLU solution as possible
from the staining tray back into the original storage container. Place the
stained gel on the light box. DNA bands should be visible. If the bands are
faint, additional staining may be required.
8 Tea c her s Ma nua l
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
3. Rinse the gel in distilled or deionized water. Chlorinated water tends to
bleach bands with time. Let the gel soak for several minutes in several
changes of fresh water. DNA bands will become increasingly distinct as
the gel destains. For best results, continue to destain overnight in a small
volume of water. (Gel may destain too much if left overnight in a large
volume of water.) Cover staining tray to retard evaporation.
Viewing and Photographing Gels
Transillumination, where light passes up through the gel, gives superior
viewing of gels stained with CarolinaBLU. A digital or instant camera can be
used to record the gels. In some systems, a plastic hood extending from the
front of the camera forms a mini darkroom.
1. Examine your stained gel on a light box or
overhead projector.
2. Have your students assign sizes to their
lambda DNA/PstI size marker bands. The
marker band sizes are 514, 805, 1093, 1159,
1700, 1986, 2140, 2450, 2838, 4700, and
11,497 base pairs.
Note: This is not a complete list of lambda
DNA/PstI fragments. It has been abbreviated
in the interest of clarity. If you choose, you
may show students the schematic of a gel lane
in Figure 1, which has these size markers
labeled. The 805-bp fragment beneath the
1093- and 1159-bp doublet is a handy
reference point for getting started with
assigning fragment sizes.
3. Have your students assign approximate sizes to the restriction-digested
pMAP fragments by comparing them to the lambda DNA/PstI size marker.
Their estimates will not be perfectly accurate.
4. Have your students determine the total size of the digested DNA by
adding up the sizes of the fragments from each digest. They may take an
average size from the four digests: pMAP/PstI, pMAP/PstI/HpaI,
pMAP/PstI/SspI, and pMAP/PstI/HpaI/SspI. The students should
understand that because the same DNA was digested in each sample, the
fragment sizes should always add up to the same total.
Now the students will use the information they have to determine the
number and relative positions of the restriction enzyme cut sites. The
teacher may provide one of the additional hints below, if so desired.
Advanced students may want to have some time on their own to analyze
the data before the class as a whole goes through the data analysis.
Hint: You may tell the students that the DNA has two PstI sites and allow
them to deduce that it is a circular piece of DNA since the pMAP/PstI digest
produces two fragments instead of three, as a linear piece of DNA would.
Tea c her s Ma nua l 9
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
Data Analysis
Answers and
Figure 1 Lambda/PstI
size markers.
Hint: You may tell the students that the DNA is circular and have them
determine how many PstI sites are present.
5. Have your students draw pMAP with the PstI sites present. Since the sizes
of the PstI fragments are known, the total size of the DNA is known, and
the fact that the DNA is circular is known, the students should be able to
produce the drawing below:
Note: Although this drawing accurately depicts the relative sizes of the
fragments, the students do not have to determine the exact sizes of the
fragments in order to determine the relative number and position of the
restriction enzyme sites.
6. Have your students determine how many SspI sites are present by
comparing the pMAP/PstI lane and the pMAP/PstI/SspI lane. Since the
pMAP/PstI lane has two fragments, and the pMAP/PstI/SspI lane has
three fragments, students should be able to tell that there is one SspI site.
7. Have your students determine approximately where the SspI site must be
in relation to the PstI sites on the plasmid. Here, your students should be
able to determine that the SspI site is within the 4693-bp PstI fragment,
since the 923-bp PstI fragment does not change after SspI digestion.
8. Ask your students whether the SspI recognition site is close to the PstI
recognition sites, or if it is more in the middle of the 4693-bp fragment.
Given that the 4693-bp PstI fragment is cleaved into a 2106-bp fragment
and a 2586-bp fragment, your students should be able to determine that
the SspI site is in the middle of the 4693-bp fragment. They should now be
able to draw the plasmid map shown below.
Note: Although this drawing depicts the exact sizes of the fragments, the
students do not have to determine the exact sizes of the fragments in
order to determine the relative number and position of the restriction
enzyme sites.
10 Tea c her s Ma nua l
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
9. Have your students determine how many HpaI sites are present by
comparing the pMAP/PstI lane and the pMAP/PstI/HpaI lane. Since the
pMAP/PstI lane has two fragments, and the pMAP/PstI/HpaI lane has
three fragments, students should be able to tell that there is one HpaI site.
10. Now have your students determine approximately where the HpaI site
must be on the plasmid, relative to the PstI sites. It might be best if this is
done in a separate sketch from the SspI site sketch, since we have not yet
determined where the HpaI and SspI sites are relative to one another.
Since the 923-bp PstI fragment does not change after the HpaI digest, they
should be able to determine that the HpaI site is not within that stretch of
DNA, and therefore must be in the 4693-bp PstI fragment. This means
that both the HpaI site and the SspI site are within the 4693-bp PstI
Note: Although this drawing contains the exact sizes of the fragments,
the students do not have to determine the exact sizes of the fragments in
order to determine the relative number and position of the restriction
enzyme sites.
11. Have your students predict whether the 923-bp PstI fragment will remain
after pMAP is digested with both HpaI and SspI. They can confirm that it
does by examining the pMAP/PstI/HpaI/SspI digest on their gel. Ask them
if they understand why this is sothey should respond that neither HpaI
or SspI cuts within that stretch of DNA.
12. Now we are ready to determine where the HpaI and SspI sites are relative
to one another. Have your students determine which fragments are
unchanged from the pMAP/PstI/HpaI digest to the pMAP/PstI/HpaI/SspI
digest. The answer is the 849-bp fragment and the 923-bp fragment that is
between the two PstI sites. The other fragment (3843 bp) present in the
pMAP/PstI/HpaI digest is not present in the pMAP/PstI/HpaI/SspI digest.
13. Ask your students why the 3843-bp fragment disappeared. They should
reply that it contains an SspI recognition site.
14. Now have your students determine which fragments are unchanged from
the pMAP/PstI/SspI digest to the pMAP/PstI/HpaI/SspI digest. The answer
is the 923-bp PstI fragment, and the 2586-bp (the larger) pMAP/PstI/SspI
fragment. The other fragment, which has changed, is the 2106-bp (the
smaller) pMAP/PstI/SspI fragment.
15. Ask your students why the 2106-bp (smaller) pMAP/PstI/SspI fragment
disappeared. They should reply that it contains an HpaI recognition site.
Tea c her s Ma nua l 11
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
PstI 849
Answers to Practice Problem 1
Note: Plasmid drawings are not to scale.
1. HpaI HpaI/PstI HpaI/SspI HpaI/PstI/SspI
1200 1200
600 600 600 600
300 300
2. 3.9 kb (3900 base pairs)
3. This is circular DNA (plasmid). Restriction mapping can certainly be
done on linear DNA; however, it is slightly more complex and would call
for a different set of restriction enzyme digests.
4. Since there are two fragments after digestion with HpaI and three
fragments after digestion with HpaI and PstI, there is one PstI site.
12 Tea c her s Ma nua l
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
Answers to
PstI 849
16. Have your students draw the full plasmid map, with all restriction enzyme
recognition sites present in their relative locations. Your students should
draw either of the two following options. These are simply mirror-image
representations of the same plasmid.
Note: Remember, student fragment sizes do not have to be exact.
5. The PstI site is within the 3300 bp-HpaI fragment.
6. Since there are two fragments after digestion with HpaI and three
fragments after digestion with HpaI and SspI, there is one SspI site.
7. The SspI site is in the 3300-bp HpaI fragment.
8. Yes. No SspI or PstI sites are present within this fragment.
9. 600 and 1200 bp. The 2100-bp fragment disappeared because it contains a
SspI site.
10. 300 and 600 bp. The 3000-bp fragment disappeared, so it must contain a
PstI site.
11. Yes. It means that there is a fragment with an SspI site on one end and a
PstI site on the other end.
12. Full plasmid map; you may draw either of the following two options
(they are simply mirror images of one another):
Tea c her s Ma nua l 13
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
Answers to Practice Problem 2
Note: Plasmid drawings are not to scale.
1. SspI SspI/HpaI SspI/PstI SspI/HpaI/PstI
1200 1200
1000 1000 1000 1000
900 900
500 500 500 500
2. 4.0 kb or 4000 base pairs (bp)
3. There are three SspI sites.
4. Since the SspI digest has three fragments and the SspI/HpaI digest has four
fragments, there is only one HpaI site.
5. Since the 500- and 1000-bp SspI fragments are unchanged, the HpaI site
must be within the 2500-bp SspI fragment.
6. Since the SspI digest has three fragments and the SspI/PstI digest has four
fragments, there is only one PstI site.
14 Tea c her s Ma nua l
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
7. Since the 500- and 1000-bp SspI fragments are unchanged, the PstI site
must be within the 2500-bp SspI fragment as well.
8. Yes. Both the PstI and HpaI sites are within the 2500-bp SspI fragment.
9. The 500-, 1000-, and 900-bp fragments remain. The 1600-bp fragment
disappeared because it contains a PstI site.
10. The 500-, 1000-, and 1200-bp fragments remain. The 1300-bp fragment
disappeared because it contains an HpaI site.
11. The 400-bp fragment. It appears only in the SspI/HpaI/PstI digest because
it has an HpaI site on one end and a PstI site on the other end.
12. Full plasmid map; you may draw any of the following four options:
Tea c her s Ma nua l 15
R e s t r i c t i o n M a p p i n g o f P l a s m i d D N A
You are a molecular biologist working in a small university town. Things are normally very quiet around
here, and thats how the residents like it.
Last night, however, something unusual happened. While driving home late from your research lab, you
saw something in the sky over Hwy. 1175. A glowing red cloud surrounded a small black object in the
northern part of the sky. As you watched, the glow became more intense, and the black object hurtled
toward the ground. You braked your car and stared intently toward the black object. It passed behind the
trees, and you could not see whether or not it struck the ground.
Suddenly, a military truck filled with soldiers carrying firearms zoomed past you, and came to a halt in
front of you, forcing you to stop as well. A soldier jumped out of the cab of the truck and told you that
they were cordoning off the road and that you would have to find another way home.
The next day, you are working at your lab bench when suddenly a top military officer enters the room.
He is carrying a small tube filled with a tiny amount of clear liquid. The officer tells you that the tube
contains DNA of uncertain origin and it must be characterized immediately. He posts a guard outside
your lab door and leaves you to begin your work.
You know that restriction mapping is the first step in characterizing a novel DNA sequence. A
restriction map of a piece of DNA is like a fingerprint of the DNA. You set up different restriction
enzyme digests using three restriction enzymes that you already have on handPstI, HpaI, and SspI.
Because you want to know not only the number of cut sites present in the DNA sequence for each
restriction enzyme, but also the positions of those cut sites relative to one another, you set up a series of
four single, double, and triple digests. First, you digest the unknown DNA with PstI alone. Then, you
digest the unknown DNA with PstI and either HpaI or SspI. Finally, you digest the unknown DNA with
all three restriction enzymes.
You also set up a restriction enzyme digest of lambda DNA with PstI, to make a size marker to compare
to the unknown DNA.
Now you are ready to load the DNA onto the gel and begin gel electrophoresis. After the gel electrophoresis
is finished, your real work will begin when you analyze the unknown DNA to determine the number of cut
sites for each restriction enzyme and the positions of those cut sites relative to one another.
A: Cast Agarose Gel
1. Seal the ends of the gel-casting tray with tape, and insert the well-forming comb. Place the gel-
casting tray out of the way on the lab bench, so that the agarose poured in the next step can set
without being disturbed.
2. Carefully pour enough agarose solution into the casting tray to fill to a depth of about 5 mm. The
gel should cover only about one-third the height of the comb teeth. Use a pipet tip or toothpick to
move large bubbles or solid debris to the sides or ends of the tray while the gel is still liquid.
3. The gel will become cloudy as it solidifies (about 1015 min). Do not move or jar the casting tray
while the agarose is solidifying.
Student Guide Name
21-1174 21-1175 Date
Restriction Mapping of Plasmid DNA
2009 Ca r ol i na Bi ol ogi c a l Suppl y Compa ny S-1
4. When the agarose has set, unseal the ends of the casting tray. Place the tray in the gel box, so that
the comb is at negative (black) end.
5. Fill the box with 1 tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) buffer to a level that just covers the entire surface of
the gel.
6. Gently remove the comb, taking care not to rip the wells.
7. Make certain that the sample wells left by the comb are completely submerged. If dimples appear
around the wells, slowly add buffer until they disappear.
8. The gel is now ready to load with DNA.
Note: If this will be your stopping point for the lab period, cover the electrophoresis chamber to prevent
the gel from drying out.
B: Load Gel
Use a needlepoint pipet (or other gel-loading device) to load the contents of each reaction tube into a
separate well in the gel. Use a fresh pipet for each reaction tube. Write down the order in which you
load the samples. This is very important! If the loading order is lost, you will not be able to analyze your
1. Draw the sample into the pipet.
2. Steady the pipet over the well using two hands.
3. Be careful to expel any air in the pipet tip end before loading the sample. (If an air bubble forms a
cap over a well, the DNA/loading dye will flow into the buffer around the edges of the well.)
4. Dip the pipet tip through the surface of the buffer, position it over the well, and slowly expel the
sample. Sucrose in the loading dye weighs down the sample, causing it to sink to the bottom of the
well. Be careful not to punch the pipet tip through the bottom of the well.
C: Electrophorese
1. Close the top of the electrophoresis chamber, and connect the electrical leads to an approved power
supply, anode to anode (red-red) and cathode to cathode (black-black). Make sure both the
electrodes are connected to the same channel of the power supply.
2. Turn the power supply on and set the voltage as directed by your instructor. Shortly after the current
is applied, the loading dye (bromphenol blue) should move through the gel toward the positive pole
of the electrophoresis apparatus.
3. Bromphenol blue migrates through the gel at the same rate as a DNA fragment approximately 300
base pairs long.
4. Allow the DNA to electrophorese until the bromphenol blue band is about 2 cm from the end of
the gel. Your instructor may monitor the progress of electrophoresis in your absence; in that case,
omit Steps 5 and 6.
5. Turn off the power supply, disconnect the leads from the inputs, and remove the top of the
electrophoresis chamber.
6. Carefully remove the casting tray, and slide the gel into the staining tray labeled with your group
name. Take your gel to your instructor for staining.
2009 Ca r ol i na Bi ol ogi c a l Suppl y Compa ny S-2
Data Analysis
1. Examine your stained gel on a light box or overhead projector.
2. Assign sizes to the lambda DNA/PstI size marker bands on your gel. These marker bands are 514,
805, 1093, 1159, 1700, 1986, 2140, 2450, 2838, 4700, and 11,497 bp in size. Remember, small DNA
fragments migrate more quickly than large ones.
3. Now, assign approximate sizes to the DNA fragments of unknown size by comparing them to the
lambda DNA/PstI size marker. These approximations will not be perfectly accurate. That is all right
since exact sizing is NOT required for determination of the number and relative positions of the cut
sites of the restriction enzymes.
4. Determine the total size of the digested DNA by adding up the sizes of the fragments from each
digest. You should take an average size from the four digests: pMAP/PstI, pMAP/PstI/HpaI,
pMAP/PstI/SspI/, and pMAP/PstI/HpaI/SspI. Remember, the same DNA was digested in each
sample, so the fragment sizes should always add up to the same total.
Now you can begin the real data analysis to determine the number and relative positions of the
restriction enzyme cut sites in the DNA of uncertain origin.
Number of PstI sites: Number of SspI sites: Number of HpaI sites:
Sketch the positions of these sites, relative to one another. Include the approximate distances between
the sites in the DNA.
2009 Ca r ol i na Bi ol ogi c a l Suppl y Compa ny S-3
Problem 1: Digested with HpaI, HpaI/PstI, HpaI/SspI, and
1. Estimate the sizes of the DNA fragments (in base pairs) by comparing them with the lambda/PstI
size marker. These estimated sizes do not have to be exact. Sizing of the smaller fragments will be
more accurate than sizing of the larger fragments.
2. Determine the total size of the digested DNA by adding up the sizes of the fragments from each
digest. You may take an average size from the four digests. The same DNA was digested in each
sample, so the fragment sizes from the different digests should always add up to the same total.
3. There are two HpaI sites present. Based on the number of fragments obtained from the HpaI digest,
is this DNA linear or circular? Draw the DNA with the HpaI sites present.
Student Practice Problems Name
21-1174 21-1175 Date
Restriction Mapping of Plasmid DNA
2009 Ca r ol i na Bi ol ogi c a l Suppl y Compa ny S-4
lambda DNA/
HpaI/PstI HpaI/SspI HpaI/PstI/SspI HpaI
4. How many PstI sites are present?
5. Where is the PstI site? Draw the position of the PstI site on the plasmid, relative to the HpaI sites.
6. How many SspI sites are present?
7. Where is the SspI site? Draw the position of the SspI site on the plasmid, relative to the HpaI sites. It
might be best if this is done in a separate sketch from the PstI site sketch since we have not yet
determined where the SspI and PstI sites are relative to one another.
8. Will the 600-bp HpaI fragment remain unchanged after digestion with eitherPstI or SspI? (Check
the gel.)
9. Which fragments are unchanged from the HpaI/PstI digest to the HpaI/PstI/SspI digest? Which
fragments disappeared? Why did those fragments disappear?
10. Which fragments are unchanged from the HpaI/SspI digest to the HpaI/PstI/SspI digest? Which
fragments disappeared? Why did those fragments disappear?
11. Is there a fragment that appears only in the HpaI/PstI/SspI digest? What does this mean?
12. Draw the full plasmid map, with all restriction enzyme recognition sites present in their relative
2009 Ca r ol i na Bi ol ogi c a l Suppl y Compa ny S-5
Problem 2: Digested with SspI, SspI/HpaI, SspI/PstI, and
1. Estimate the sizes of the DNA fragments (in base pairs) by comparing them to the lambda/PstI size
marker. These estimated sizes do not have to be exact. Sizing of the smaller fragments will be more
accurate than sizing of the larger fragments.
2. Determine the total size of the digested DNA by adding up the sizes of the fragments from each
digest. You may take an average size from the four digests. The same DNA was digested in each
sample so the fragment sizes from the different digests should always add up to the same total.
3. This is plasmid DNA, which is circular. How many SspI sites are present? Draw the relative positions
of the SspI restriction sites on the plasmid.
Student Practice Problems Name
21-1174 21-1175 Date
Restriction Mapping of Plasmid DNA
2009 Ca r ol i na Bi ol ogi c a l Suppl y Compa ny S-6
lambda DNA/
SspI SspI/HpaI SspI/PstI SspI/HpaI/PstI
4. How many HpaI sites are present?
5. Where is the HpaI site? Draw the position of the HpaI sites on the plasmid, relative to the SspI sites.
6. How many PstI sites are present?
7. Where is the PstI site? Draw the position of the PstI site on the plasmid, relative to the SspI sites. It
might be best if this is done in a separate sketch from the HpaI site sketch, since we have not yet
determined where the HpaI and PstI sites are relative to one another.
8. Will the 500- and 1000-bp SspI fragments remain unchanged after digestion with either PstI or
HpaI? (Check the gel.)
9. Which fragments are unchanged from the SspI/HpaI digest to the SspI/PstI/HpaI digest? Which
fragment disappeared? Why did that fragment disappear?
10. Which fragments are unchanged from the SspI/PstI digest to the SspI/HpaI/PstI digest? Which
fragment disappeared? Why did that fragment disappear?
11. Which fragment appears only in the SspI/HpaI/PstI digest? Why is it present only in this digest?
12. Draw the full plasmid map with all restriction enzyme recognition sites present in their relative
2009 Ca r ol i na Bi ol ogi c a l Suppl y Compa ny S-7
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Phone: 800.334.5551 Fax: 800.222.7112
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