Strength of Material Manual
Strength of Material Manual
Strength of Material Manual
Strength of materials
Lab. Manual
Production Engineering
Strength of materials lab. manual
S.No. Title
1. Rockwell Hardness test 3
2. Brinell hardness test. 5
3. Impact test 8
4. Tension test 14
5. Torsion test 19
6. Bending test 21
7. Shear test 24
8. Compression test 26
Experiment No.1
Title Rockwell Hardness test
Objective To determine the hardness the Hardness of the given
Specimen using Rockwell hardness test.
Materials and equipments required
Rockwell hardness testing machine.
Black diamond cone indenter,
Hard steel specimen.
Rockwell test is developed by the Wilson instrument co U.S.A in 1920.
1. Thickness of the specimen should not be less than 8 times the depth of
indentation to avoid the deformation to be extended to the opposite surface of a
2. Indentation should not be made nearer to the edge of a specimen to avoid
unnecessary concentration of stresses. In such case distance from the edge to
the center of indentation should be greater than 2.5 times diameter of
3. Rapid rate of applying load should be avoided. Load applied on the ball may rise
a little because of its sudden action. Also rapidly applied load will restrict plastic
flow of a material, which produces effect on size of indentation.
1. Examine hardness testing machine (fig.1).
2. Place the specimen on platform of a machine. Using the elevating screw raise
the platform and bring the specimen just in contact with the ball. apply an initial
load until the small pointer shows red mark.
3. Release the operating valve to apply additional load. Immediately after the
additional load applied, bring back operating valve to its position.
4. Read the position of the pointer on the C scale, which gives the hardness
5. Repeat the procedure five times on the specimen selecting different points for
1. Take average of five values of indentation of each specimen. Obtain the
hardness number from the dial of a machine.
2. Compare Brinell and Rockwell hardness tests obtained.
Figure .1
Rockwell hardness test equipment
Rockwell hardness of given specimen is
Experiment No.2
Title Brinell hardness test.
Aim To determine the hardness of the given specimen using Brinell hardness
Specimen and specimen
Brinell hardness tester (fig.2)
Aluminum specimen
Ball indenter.
1. Thickness of the specimen should not be less than 8 times the depth of
indentation to avoid the deformation to be extended to the opposite surface of
a specimen.
2. Indentation should not be made nearer to the edge of a specimen to avoid
unnecessary concentration of stresses. In such case distance from the edge to
the center of indentation should be greater than 2.5 times diameter of
3. Rapid rate of applying load should be avoided. Load applied on the ball may
rise a little because of its sudden action. Also rapidly applied load will restrict
plastic flow of a material, which produces effect on size of indentation.
4. Surface of the specimen is well polished, free from oxide scale and any foreign
Hardness of a material is generally defined as Resistance to the permanent
indentation under static and dynamic load. When a material is required to use
under direct static or dynamic loads, only indentation hardness test will be useful
to find out resistance to indentation.
In Brinell hardness test, a steel ball of diameter (D) is forced under a load (F) on to
a surface of test specimen. Mean diameter (d) of indentation is measured after the
removal of the load (F).
1. Take average of five values of indentation of each specimen. Obtain the
hardness number from equation (!).
2. Compare Brinell and Rockwell hardness tests obtained.
1.Load to be applied for hardness test should be selected according to the
expected hardness of the material. However test load shall be kept equal to 30
times the square of the diameter of the ball (diameter in mm)
F=30.D 2
Where ball diameter, generally taken as 10 mm.
For guidelines hardness range for standard loads given below
1500 48 to 300
500 16 to 100
2.Apply the load for a minimum of 15 seconds to 30 seconds. [if ferrous
metals are to be tested time applied will be 15 seconds and for softer metal 30
3.Remove the load and measure the diameter of indentation nearest to 0.02 mm
using microscope (projected image)
4.Calculate Brinell hardness number (HB). As per IS: 1500.
5.Brinell hardness number
2 F
p D D - D 2
- d 2
where D is the diameter of ball indenter and d is the diameter of indentation.
Hardness numbers normally obtained for different materials are given below
(under 3000 kg and 10 mm diameter ball used)
Note: Brinell test is not recommended for then materials having HB over 630.
It is necessary to mention ball size and load with the hardness test when standard
size of ball and load are not used. Because indentation done by different size of
ball and load on different materials are not geometrically similar. Ball also
undergoes deformation when load is applied. Material response to the load is not
same all the time.
6.Brinell hardness numbers can be obtained from tables 1 to 5 given in IS: 1500,
knowing diameter of indentation, diameter of the ball and load applied.
Figure 2
Brinell hardness tester
The Brinell hardness number of the specimen is
Experiment No.3
Title Impact test
Aim To determine the Impact toughness (strain energy) through
Izod test and Charpy test
In a impact test a specially prepared notched specimen is fractured by a single
blow from a heavy hammer and energy required being a measure of resistance to
Impact load is produced by a swinging of an impact weight W (hammer) from a
height h. Release of the weight from the height h swings the weight through the arc
of a circle, which strikes the specimen to fracture at the notch (fig..
Kinetic energy of the hammer at the time of impact is mv 2 /2, which is equal to the
relative potential energy of the hammer before its release. (mgh),where m is the
mass of the hammer and v = 2 gh is its tangential velocity at impact, g is
gravitational acceleration (9.806 m/s 2 ) and h is the height through which hammer
falls. Impact velocity will be 5.126 m/s or slightly less.
Here it is interesting to note that height through which hammer drops determines
the velocity and height and mass of a hammer combined determine the energy.
Energy used can be measured from the scale given. The difference between
potential energies is the fracture energy. In test machine this value indicated by
the pointer on the scale. If the scale is calibrated in energy units, marks on the
scale should be drawn keeping in view angle of fall () and angle of rise (. Height h1
and h2 equals,
With the increase or decrease in values, gap between marks on scale showing
energy also increase or decrease. This can be seen from the attached scale with
any impact machine.
Energy used in fracturing the specimen can be obtained approximately as
This energy value called impact toughness or impact value, which will be
measured, per unit area at the notch.
Izod introduced Izod test in 1903. Test is as per the IS: 1598
Charpy introduced Charpy test in 1909. Test is as per the IS: 1499.
a. Izod test
Specimen and equipment
1. Impact testing machine.(fig.3)
2. Specimen and v notch is shown in the fig.4. Size of the specimen is 10mm
X 10mm X 75mm
Mounting of the specimen:
Specimen is clamped to act as vertical cantilever with the notch on tension side.
Direction of blow of hammer is shown in fig. (). Direction of blow is shown in fig
Figure. 3.a
Izod Impact testing equipment
Figure 3.b
Schematic impact testing
Figure 4
Position of specimen for Izod test
1. Measure the dimensions of a specimen. Also, measure the dimensions of
The notch.
2. Raise the hammer and note down initial reading from the dial, which will be
energy to be used to fracture the specimen.
3. Place the specimen for test and see that it is placed center with respect to
hammer. Check the position of notch.
4. Release the hammer and note the final reading. Difference between the
initial and final reading will give the actual energy required to fracture the
5. Repeat the test for specimens of other materials.
6. Compute the energy of rupture of each specimen.
Initial and final reading of the dial.
Result Strain energy of given specimen is
b. Charpy test
Specimen and equipment:
1. Impact testing machine. (Fig.6)
2. U notch is cut across the middle of one face as shown in (fig.5).
Figure 5
Specimen for Charpy test
Figure 6
Charpy impact testing equipment
Mounting of specimen
Specimen is tested as a beam supported at each end (fig.7). Hammer is allowed to
hit then specimen at the opposite face behind the notch.
Mounting of specimen
1. Measure the dimensions of a specimen. Also, measure the dimensions of
The notch.
2. Raise the hammer and note down initial reading from the dial, which will be
energy to be used to fracture the specimen.
3. Place the specimen for test and see that it is placed center with respect to
hammer. Check the position of notch.
4. Release the hammer and note the final reading. Difference between the
initial and final reading will give the actual energy required to fracture the
5. Repeat the test for specimens of other materials.
6. Compute the energy of rupture of each specimen.
Initial and final reading of the dial.
Result Strain energy of given specimen is
Experiment No.4
Title: Tension test
Aim: To determine the tensile strength of specimen
Specimen and equipments
Universal testing machine (fig7.a)
Specimen as shown in the( fig7.b)
Of different ferrous and non ferrous materials
Figure 7.a
The tensile test is most applied one, of all mechanical tests. In this test ends of a
test piece are fixed into grips connected to a straining device and to a load
measuring device. If the applied load is small enough, the deformation of any solid
body is entirely elastic. An elastically deformed solid will return to its original
position as soon as load is removed. However, if the load is too large, the material
can be deformed permanently. The initial part of the tension curve (fig.8), which is
recoverable immediately after unloading, is termed as elastic and rest of the curve,
which represents the manner in which solid undergoes plastic deformation is
termed plastic. the stress below which the deformation is essentially entirely elastic
is known as the yield strength of material. In some materials (like mild steel) the
onset of plastic deformation is denoted by a sudden drop in load indicating both an
upper and lower yield point. However, some materials do not exhibit a sharp yield
point. During plastic deformation, at larger extensions strain hardening cannot
compensate for the decrease in section and thus the load passes trough a
maximum and then begins to decrease. As this stage the’ Ultimate strength ‘, which
is defined as the ratio of the specimen to original cross –sectional area, reaches a
maximum value. Further loading will eventually cause ‘neck’ formation and rupture.
Usually a tension test is conducted at room temperature and the tensile
load is applied slowly. During this test either round or flat specimens (fig.7) may be
used. The round specimens may have smooth, shouldered or threaded ends. The
load on the specimen is applied mechanically or hydraulically depending on the
type of testing machine.
Figure. 8
Stressstrain diagram
1. Measure the dimensions of a specimen
Diameter=d= ,
Total length of a specimen,
Cross sectional area = Ao= ,
Mark gage length (Lo) at three different portions on the specimen,
covering effective length of a specimen.(this is required so that
necked portion will remain between any two points of gage length
on the specimen.)
2. Grip the specimen in the fixed head of a machine. (Portion of the specimen
has to be gripped as shown in the fig.7.
3. Fix the extensometer within the gauge length marked on the specimen.
Adjust the dial of extensometer at zero.
4. Adjust the dial of a machine to zero, to read load applied.
5. Select suitable increments of loads to be applied so that corresponding
elongation can be measured from dial gauge.
6. Keep speed of machine uniform. Record yield point, maximum load point,
point of breaking of specimen.
7. Remove the specimen from machine and study the fracture observes type
of fracture.
8. Measure dimensions of tested specimen. Fit the broken parts together and
measure reduced diameter and final gage length.
Specimen prepared from M.S bar/CI/Al
1. Diameter = d = mm
2. Gage length (lo)= 5Xd= mm
3. Original cross sectional area of the specimen
= Ao = mm 2
4. Final gage length obtained= Lo’=
5. Final diameter obtained = mm
Observation table 1
Sr. Load applied (N) Area of a Stress Modulus of
No (p) specimen N/mm 2 elasticity (E)
(Ao) N/mm 2
Observation table 2.
1. Use vernier caliper to measure diameter, gage length etc. for the specimen.
2. If C.I. specimen is to be tested only one observation will be taken at failure.
1. Calculate stress and strain for every interval of applied load.
Draw stressstrain curve as shown in the Fig.()
2. Compute the following;
a. Modulus of elasticity
Hook’s law states that stress is always proportional to strain within elastic
limit. The ratio of stress and strain is constant, called modulus of elasticity
or young’s modulus (E)
E= Stress/strain =Constant=E= ,
b. Yield stress (fy);
The point, at which strain increases without increase in stress, is known as
Yield point. Stress measured at yield point is called yield stress.
c. Tensile strength:
Maximum carrying capacity of a material in tension is called tensile
Tensile strength= maximum tensile load/ original cross sectional
d. Percentage elongation:
The extension produced in a gage length, expressed as a percentage
of its original value(LO)
% Elongation=[(LO’ – Lo)/Lo] X 100
where Lo’ is final gage length after fracture.
e. Percentage reduction in area:
= [(Ao Ao’)/Ao ] X100
where Ao’ is final reduced cross sectional area after fracture.
Experiment No.5
Title Torsion test
Aim: To find the modulus of rigidity.
Specimen and equipments
1. A torsion testing apparatus,
2. Standard specimen of mild steel or cast iron.
3. Twist meter for measuring angles of twist
4. A steel rule and calipers and micrometer.
Torsion equipment
A torsion test is quite instrumental in determining the value of rigidity (ratio of shear
stress to shear strain) of a metallic specimen. The value of modulus of rigidity can
be found out through observations made during the experiment by using the torsion
T C q Tl
= or C =
I p l I q
Where T=torque applied,
Ip= polar moment of inertia,
C=modulus of rigidity,
= Angle of twist (radians), and
l= gauge length.
In the torque equipment refer fig. One end of the specimen is held by a fixed
support and the other end to a pulley. The pulley provides the necessary torque to
twist the rod by addition of weights (w). The twist meter attached to the rod gives the
angle of twist.
1. Prepare the testing machine by fixing the two twist meters at some constant
lengths from fixed support.
2. Measure the diameter of the pulley and the diameter of the rod.
3. Add weights in the hanger stepwise to get a notable angle of twist for T1
and T2
4. Using the above formula calculate C
Modulus of rigidity of the shaft
Experiment No.6
Title Bending test
Aim To find the values of bending stresses and young’s modulus of the
material of a beam (say a wooden or steel) simply supported at the
ends and carrying a concentrated load at the center.
Material and equipment
1. Universal testing machine
2. Beam of different cross sections and materials (say wood or steel)
Specimen details and mounting
If a beam is simply supported at the ends and carries a concentrated load at the
center, the beam bends concave upwards. The distance between the original
position of the beam and its position after bending is different at different points (fig)
along the length if the beam, being maximum at the center in this case. This
difference is called ‘deflection’.
In this type of loading the maximum amount of deflection () is given by the relation,
Wl 3
d =
48 Ei
Wl 3
E =
48 EI
Where W= load acting at the center, N
l=length of the beam between the supports, mm
E=young’s modulus of material of the beam, N/mm 2
I=second moment of area of the cross section (moment of inertia) of the beam,
about the neutral axis, mm 4
Bending stress:
As per bending equation,
M s b
I y
Where M= bending moment, Nmm
I= moment of inertia, mm 4
s b =Bending stress, N/mm 2
y=distance of the fiber of the beam from the neutral axis.
Refer Fig.
Width of the beam=………mm (for rectangular cross section)
Depth of the beam D=…mm (for circular cross section)
Moment of inertia of rectangular section= bd 3 /12=………mm 4
Moment of inertia of circular section =………mm 4
Initial reading of the vernier= ….mm
(It should be subtracted from the reading taken after putting the load)
1. Make sure that the beam and load is placed at the proper position.
2. Cross section of the beam should be large
3. Note down the readings of the vernier scale carefully.
1. Adjust the supports alone the UTM bed so that they are symmetrically with
respect to the length of the bed
2. Place the beam on the knifeedges on the blocks so as to project equally
beyond each knifeedge. See that the load is applied at the center of the
3. Note the initial reading of vernier scale.
4. Apply a load and again note the reading of the vernier scale.
5. Go on taking reading applying load in steps each time till you have
minimum 6 readings.
6. Find the deflection (d) in each time by subtracting the initial reading of
vernier scale.
7. Draw a graph between load (W) and deflection (d). On the graph choose
any two convenient points and between these points find the corresponding
Wl 3
values of W and d. Putting these values in the relation E =
48 d I
Calculate the value of E.
8. Calculate the bending stresses for different loads using relation s b = as
given in the observation table.
9. Repeat the experiment for different beams.
a. Bending stress………..units
b. Young’s modulus………units
Experiment No.7
Title Shear test
Aim To find the shear strength of given specimen
Material and Equipment
1. Universal testing machine
2. Shear test attachment
3. Given specimen
Shearing fixture
Diameter of the pin d= ….mm
Cross sectional area of the pin(in double shear)
= 2 X p/4 Xd 2 =…. mm 2
Load taken by the specimen at the time of failure, W =. ……(N)
Strength of the pin against shearing (t)
4 W
t= =… N/mm 2
2 pd 2
1. Insert the specimen in position and grip one end of the attachment in the
upper portion and one end in the lower position
2. Switch on the UTM
3. Bring the drag indicator in contact with the main indicator.
4. Select the suitable range of loads and space the corresponding weight in
the pendulum and balance it if necessary with the help of small balancing
5. Operate (push) the button for driving the motor to drive the pump.
6. Gradually move the head control ever in left hand direction till the specimen
7. Note down the load at which the specimen shears.
8. Stop the machine and remove the specimen.
Repeat the experiment with other specimens.
1. The measuring range should not be changed at any stage during the test.
2. The inner diameter of the hole in the shear stress attachment should be
slightly grater than the specimen.
3. Measure the diameter of the specimen accurately.
Shear strength of the specimen ………N/mm 2
Experiment No. 8
Title Compression test
Aim To find the compressive strength of given specimen.
Material and Equipment
Universal testing machine,
Compression pads,
Given specimen,
This is the test to know strength of a material under compression. Generally
compression test is carried out to know either simple compression characteristics
of material or column action of structural members.
It has been observed that for varying height of member, keeping crosssectional
and the load applied constant, there is an increased tendency towards bending of
a member.
Member under compression usually bends along minor axis, i.e, along least lateral
dimension. According to column theory slenderness ratio has more functional
value. If this ratio goes on increasing, axial compressive stress goes on
decreasing and member buckles more and more. End conditions at the time of
test have a pronounced effect on compressive strength of materials. Effective
length must be taken according to end conditions assumed, at the time of the test.
As the ends of the member is made plain and fit between two jaws of the machine,
fixed end is assumed for calculation of effective length. Effective length is taken as
0.5 L where L is actual length of a specimen
Cross sectional area of the specimen perpendicular to the load=A=……mm 2
Load taken by the specimen at the time of failure, W=. ……(N)
Strength of the pin against shearing (s) = [W/A ] N/mm 2
1. Place the specimen in position between the compression pads.
2. Switch on the UTM
3. Bring the drag indicator in contact with the main indicator.
4. Select the suitable range of loads and space the corresponding weight in
the pendulum and balance it if necessary with the help of small balancing
5. Operate (push) the button for driving the motor to drive the pump.
6. Gradually move the head control ever in left hand direction till the specimen
7. Note down the load at which the specimen shears
8. Stop the machine and remove the specimen.
9. Repeat the experiment with other specimens.
1. Place the specimen at center of compression pads,
2. Stop the UTM as soon as the specimen fails.
3. Cross sectional area of specimen for compression test should be kept large
as compared to the specimen for tension test: to obtain the proper degree
of stability.
Compressive strength of the specimen ………N/mm 2