Eat, Enjoy and Be Fit!

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(A No Stress, Worry Less Teenagers
partner through FITTIER TUMMY,

As the group two says Be fit, Be healthy, Be YOU, with a


Prepared and reported by: Group Two Corporation
FITNESS means readiness.
The word health is often associated only with physical fitness, but there are other components of health.
Physical Fitness is the ability of your body systems to work efficiently.
It involves physical, mental, emotional and social aspects

Kinds of Physical Fitness
Health - Related Physical Fitness (It helps you stay healthy )
Cardiovascular fitness: the ability to exercise your entire body for long periods of time.
Strength: the amount of force your muscles can produce.
Muscular endurance: the ability to use your muscles many times without tiring.
Flexibility: the ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.
Body fatness composition: is the percentage of body weight that is made up of fat when
compared to other body tissue, such as bone and muscle.
Skill - Related Physical Fitness (It helps you perform well in sports
and activities that require certain skills)
Different sports require different parts of skill -related fitness.
Many sports require several parts. For example, a skater might have good agility, but may not posses
good power.
Some people have more natural ability in skill areas than others.
Good health does not come from being good in skill-related fitness.
Factors to consider in Skill related fitness
Agility is the ability to change the position of your body quickly and to control bodys movements.
Power is the ability to use strength and speed
Balance is the ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or moving
Reaction time is the amount of time it takes to move once you realize the need to act. People with good
reaction time are able to make fast starts in track or swimming, or to dodge a fast attack in fencing or
Speed is the ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time. People with leg
speed can run fast, while people with good arm speed can throw fast or hit a ball that is thrown fast
Philippine Physical Fitness and Sports Talent
Getting your Body Mass Index Test for talent identification
Test for muscular fitness
Test for flexibility test
Test for cardio-respiratory endurance
Body Mass Index
It is also known as BMI
Step 1: Taking your weight
Step 2: Taking your weight
Step 3: getting your sitting height
Step 4: Taking your arm span
NOTE: Calculating your Body Mass Index would help you determine your weakest points.
Test for Muscular Fitness
Partial Curl-ups
Trunk lift
Right Angle Push-Ups
Test For Flexibility Fitness
Shoulder Stretch
Test For CardioRespiratory
1-kilometer Run/Walk

Smaller tummy, Bulky Body: A Teenagers guide through
healthy me.
1. Take back control
You must know how to control your appetite. Limiting the food you take is not appropriate at
your age but control will fit you the best, Learn to control your intake. Eat and drink whatever you
want but with proper moderation and control,
2. Fill up on Fun
Instead of killing yourself in running and jogging everyday, think of something fit yet fun!.
Dont kill yourself on too much exercise. Just make your every exercising sessions fun and
3. Don't play the shame game
Dont be afraid to try new things. Listen to what your health needs. You better ask yourself on
what should you do. Dont be too dependent on things or other resources that come your way, it is
way way better to understand yourself first before taking any suggestions.
4. Understand what you eat
Be aware of the food that you eat. Like we have said it is not vad to eat whatever you want
especially at our age. Teenage is one of the most demanding years of our lives. We are required to
eat foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins. Heres the thing, not all food that we eat in our diet
is appropriate for us especially in those who are in their diet routine. You better keep a diary or
list of food that is more fit to eat for you. It is also helpful to always remind you to the food you must
and dont need to eat.
5. Veg out and curb your carbs
Dont stress yourself out in too much diet. You are growing and you must be eating for
you to grow. Yes! You need to be more aware of your body, Yes! You are young!, but yiu really
need to be healthy.
Health and Wellness Benefits of Physical Activity
Reduces your risk of becoming obese by helping you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Reduces your risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, certain cancers and
Helps control blood pressure.
Improves blood cholesterol level
Helps build healthy bones, muscles,
and joints
Improves immunity
Boosts energy

Drawbacks of too much Exercising
It causes Impotency
Too mush exercising could make your reproductive system fail. This incident is very much prone
to males. When the veins and other muscles experienced overfatigue it could lead to erectile
dysfunction. This impotency on too much exercising is very much likely to happen on males because
female reproductive system is very much secured than of males.

Much prone to Injuries and disabilities
Stretching and warming up for about 3-5 minutes would ease the risk of having injuries

Reproductive system failures
Like we have said too much exercising could cause reproductive system dysfunctions
Body Disabilities

Is It REAL? Is It REAL? ( Myths and fallacies)
Crunches are the key to flat abs
Nowadays, it is very much regarded that crunches or sit-ups are the key to flat abs. Well, that is
not true. Moreover, too much crunches could only lead to severe backpain and back injuries. Too
much sit-ups could make deformity at your back and could cause backbone failure

The more you sweat, the more you burn
It is nit true that the more you become sweaty, you become sexy. Actually Sweating is a natural
behavior of our body. When we feel heat or hotness around, it is an environmental reaction of our skin
to excrete water through the spores in our skin.

Jogging and jogging, face sagging
Actually, jogging could make your facial tissues be stronger. It is not true that jogging could
make your face lupaypay for the mere fact that jogging could make it more stretched that could also
mitigate wrinkles on your face

Women impotency
Wome reproductive sytem is one of the most secured parts of a woman. Yes, too much
exercising could lead to impotency but not really to those women.

How can You say that you are Over exercising?
Placing increasing amounts of stress on the body causes adaptations that improve fitness; progression is
FI TT principle for overload:
FrequencyHow often
IntensityHow hard
TimeHow long (duration)
TypeMode of activity

Designing Your Own Exercise Program
Remember to make a starter or stretching about 5 to 10 minutes
Must practice avoiding too much eating unhealthy food. Vices such as Smoking, drinking, and drugs.
Setting goals
Time frame specific
Schedule time for physical activity
Knowing how important fitness is to your health does not automatically make it easy to incorporate
physical activity into your life. There are 1,440 minutes in every day. MyPyramid recommends you get
moderate to vigorous physical activity most days of the week.
30 minutes to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.
60 minutes to prevent weight gain in adulthood.
60 to 90 minutes teamed with a low-calorie diet to lose weight and keep it off.
Guidelines for Training
Train the way you want your body to change
Train regularly
Start slowly, and get in shape gradually; do not overtrain
Warm up before exercise
Cool down after exercise
Exercise safely

Good nutrition + physical fitness = healthy lifestyle
It is important to make physical activity a part of your daily routine.
A healthy lifestyle is a combination of good nutrition and physical fitness.
Remember, fitness is a life-long commitment of time and effort.

Lots of teens talk about their weight. Isnt it normal to worry?
( A Daily Dose)
Its common for teens to feel self-conscious. But always feeling bad about your body,
worrying about your weight or feeling guilty when you eat is not normal or healthy. This is
sometimes called having a negative body image. Teens that have a negative body image
often lack confidence in other areas of their lives as well.
`Taking good care of your body by eating well and being physically active is a good way to
feel better about yourself. Its important to be aware of the amount and quality of food you
eat, but you shouldnt be obsessed with it

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