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Research Article


University Mohammed V Souissi, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Drugs Sciences, Laboratory of Pharmacology and
Toxicology, Research Team 10000 Rabat, Morocco,
Received: 03 Mar 2012, Revised and Accepted: 06 Apr 2012
Laboratory of Microbiology, Hospital Ibn Baja, 35000 Taza, Morocco.
Email: [email protected]
The antibacterial activity against six standard bacterial strains evaluated with the disc diffusion assay and the MTT assay to determinate the
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The result of the antimicrobial activity indicated by zone of inhibition of growth ranged from 13.0 to
22.2mm. The antibacterial activity demonstrated that all extracts have an inhibitory activity against bacteria with the lowest MIC at 3.125mg/ml.
The extract contains some major bioactive compounds that inhibit the growth of microorganisms thereby proving very effective as alternative
source of antibiotics. Our results support the ethno-pharmacological uses of this plant in folk medicine and could provide useful data for the
utilization of this extracts in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries.
Keywords: Anacyclus perythrum, Root extract, Medicinal plants, Antibacterial activity, Minimum inhibitory concentration

All over the world, infectious disease is the number one cause of death
accounting for approximately one-half of all the deaths in tropical
countries. This perhaps may be attributed to the increasing incidence
of multiple resistances in human pathogenic microorganisms in recent
years, largely due to the indiscriminate use of commercial
antimicrobial drugs commonly employed in the treatment of infectious
. Medicinal plants have been used for centuries as remedies
for human diseases as they contain components of therapeutic value
. Very few antimicrobial studies have focused on in vivo models
5, 6
Recently much attention has been paid to extracts and biologically
active compounds isolated from plant species used in herbal medicine.
However, there have been some efforts to mimic the traditional use of
plant material as noted by the addition of aqueous extracts in
screening assays
. Several methods are currently available to detect
the antibacterial activity of plant extracts using different principles to
assess bacterial growth or its inhibition. Some reports have focused on
the antimicrobial screening together with other pharmacological
investigations including toxicity
13, 14
. In Morocco, there is more than
42,000 species of plants; divided into 150 families and 940 genus used
in traditional medicine
2, 15
. Anacyclus Perythrum (AP) locally known as
Aud el-attas, Akkar Karha and Agargarha is a species commonly
used in Moroccan traditional medicine. The powder of the root is well
known as sternutatory, diaphoretic and used for many ailments.
Showing the root is considered to be sialagogue, and to relieve
toothache. In liver diseases is recommended, mixed with olive oil it is
used in rheumatism, sciatic, colds, neuralgic, and paralysis
. In
addition, the AP is also used as cardiotonic to treat typhus fever
. The
chemical analysis of the roots shows that they contain three fatty acids,
one sterol and ten unsaturated amides, more specifically: pellitorine,
anacycline, phenylethylamide, enetriyne alcohol, inulin, polyacetylenic
amides I-IV, and sesamin. The plant contains also tannins, gum and
essential volatile oil. Pyrethrine, an alkaloid, yielding pyrethric acid, is
stated to be one of the active principles
. However the antibacterial
activity has not yet been studied. Thus, the aim of this study is to
evaluate the acute toxicity and the antibacterial activity of the
methanolic and aqueous extracts of Anacyclus perythrum against
different bacterial strains which may be involved in such diseases,
using a prelimary bioassay screening and to quantify the minimum
inhibition concentration (MIC) using colorimetric method
Plant material
Anacyclus perythrum, from Asteraceae family, was collected in 28
March 2009, 5km east of Morocco with collection number 77765.
The plant was identified by a botanist M. Fennane from the Scientific
Institute of Rabat (Morocco), where a voucher specimen has been
deposited with number 3949.
Extraction procedure
The roots were air dried for 20 days, and then washed free from soil,
powdered and stored in airtight containers at room temperature
until extraction. 1kg of the powdered roots was extracted with
methanol through a maceration process within a period of 48h. The
dark residues were obtained after the evaporation of the solvent
under reduced pressure at 40C; the percentage of extracts yield was
12% (w/w). Simultaneously, water extract was prepared by adding
1.5L of distilled water to 1Kg of powdered plants roots and
macerated within a period of 48h. It was then filtered and
concentrated the extract under reduced pressure and percentage of
extracts yield was 10% (w/w) for plant material.
Acute toxicity
The toxicological study was conducted according to the method of
OECD Guideline 423. Swiss mice (20-30g) were kept at 23C of
temperature, 50% humidity, on a 12h light/dark cycle and were fed
at libitum with standard feed and water in the course of the study.
The animals were obtained from the elevage of animal centre of
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Mohammed-V Souissi
University, Rabat. The extracts of plant were administered by oral
route in a single dose. The mice of both sexes received the initial
dose of methanolic and aqueous extracts of AP that was chosen
2000mg/kg of body weight. The control group received only the
water. The animals must be individually observed, the symptoms
and weight variation was recorded during the first 30min and
regularly during the first 24h after treatment and daily for 14 days.
Care and treatment of the mice were in compliance with the
guidelines of the guide for the care and use of laboratory animals
(commission on life science, national research council, 1996).
Antibacterial Activity Test
Bacterial strains
Six bacterial strains, namely Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa ATCC 15442, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 53153,
Escherichia coli ATCC 54127, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538,
Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341, were used for antibacterial testing; The
cultures of bacteria were maintained in their appropriate agar slants at
+4C throughout the study and used as stock cultures.
Disk diffusion method and Minimum inhibitory concentration
Antibacterial activity of aqueous and methanolic extracts diluted in
sterile distilled water, was evaluated by paper disc diffusion method.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
ISSN- 0975-1491 Vol 4, Issue 3, 2012
A Ac ca ad de em mi ic c S Sc ci ie en nc ce es s
Doudach et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 4, Issue 3, 402-405
Disks impregnated with sterile distilled water served as negative
controls, Cephaxitin and Amikacin are used as positive control
19, 30,
. The viability indicator MTT (3-(4, 5 dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5
diphenyltetrazolium bromide, Sigma, Aldrich) and the quick
microplate metho
were used for the determination of the
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
. For the inoculum,
turbidity was adjusted to 1.5 x 108 CFU/ml with the reference to Mc
Farland turbidometer
The mean values and standard deviations of all replicates described
in the above tests were calculated using Delta Graph (USA). The data
of the extracts were statistically analysed by ANOVA. A students t-
test was computed for the statistical significance of the results.
Differences were considered significant with p < 0.05.
. Serial dilutions of extracts were dissolved in
distilled water and made in a concentration range from 25mg/ml to
200mg/ml in sterile test tubes. Each well of micro-titer plate was
inoculated with 20L of the bacterial suspension (15l of Mueller
Hinton broth and 5l of the bacterial Inoculum) and 20l of sample
of various concentrations of the extracts. The plate was incubated
under optimal conditions at 37C for 24h. After incubation, as an
indicator of bacterial growth 1 mg/ml of MTT was added to each
well, after incubation periods ranging from 3 to 5h at 37C, control
without plant extracts with MTT and bacterial inoculums were used
as negative control. Optical densities were measured at 570nm by
using a microplate reader. The bacterial suspension changed to blue
when bacterial growth occurred. The MIC is defined as the lowest
concentration of antibiotic or extract at which there is no visible
growth. All tests were performed in triplicate.
Statistical analysis
Acute toxicity of Anacyclus pyrethrum
During the 14 days, the evolution of the weight was established.
Abdominal contraction was observed by 20-25min after the oral
administration of aqueous extract of Anacyclus pyrethrum and no
mortality was recorded. Generally, no toxicity was demonstrated
at the dose of 2000mg/kg and the extracts of the plant does not
lead to mortality neither by oral route. Under the system of
global harmonization of chemicals (GHS), this product is
classified category 5, which the LD50 was higher than
Antibacterial potential of plant extracts
The antibacterial activity of methanol and aqueous extracts of AP
were assayed in vitro by a disk diffusion method (Table1) using
Cephaxitin and Amikacin as positif control against Gram positive
and Gram negative pathogenic bacteria. All the assayed extracts
significantly inhibited the growth of the bacterial strains, the
methanol extract showed the highest antibacterial activity
(P<0.05), the diameter of the zone inhibition ranging from 16 -
40mm (Fig.1).

Table 1: Diameters of the inhibition zones of the growth of the bacterial strains in mm induced by Antibiotics of third generation.

Standard reference bacterial strains
Gram-negative organisms Gram-positive organisms
The antibiotics EC KB BS SA PA ML
Cephaxitin 30 mcg/disc 28 32 33 26 18 35
Amikacin 30 ng/disc 24 26 26 23 14 25
BS: Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, PA: Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442, KB: Klebsiella pneumoniae CIP 53153, EC: Escherichia coli ATCC 54127,
SA: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and ML: Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341.

Fig. 1: Graph of the inhibition diameters in mm of methanolic extract tested on bacterial strains.
The significance was evaluated by means values S.E. of Student test in triplicate experiments: *p < 0.05 **p <0.01 ***p<0.001).
25 mg/ml 50 mg/ml
200 mg/ml

Doudach et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 4, Issue 3, 402-405

Fig. 2: Graph of the inhibition diameters in mm of aqueous extract tested on bacterial strains.
The significance was evaluated by means values S.E. of Student test in triplicate experiments: *p < 0.05 **p <0.01 ***p<0.001).

According to the results, methanolic and aqueous extracts (Figure 2)
were found to be active against all pathogenic bacteria and the best
results were observed with methanolic extract. The strongest
antibacterial activity was seen against Bacillus subtilis,
Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus with a
MIC value of 3.125mg/ml followed by MIC 6.25mg/ml while
Klebsiella pneumoniae methanolic extracts and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa aqueous extracts of AP. Overall, the reduction in bacterial
viability was dose dependent and it was higher (p<0.05) (Table 2).
Most of the researchers have evaluated first the antibacterial spectra
of plant extracts; secondly they have determined the chemical
composition of the extracts, and thirdly they have retroactively
attributed such activity to such molecule

. In this study the
extracts of AP showed higher antibacterial potential against
different bacterial strains, this antibacterial activity is may be
related to their secondary metabolites; alkaloids, phenolics and
terpenoids reported in this plant (Guide to Medicinal Plants in North

Table 2: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the extracts of the plant tested against different bacteria. Data represent the
MICs (mg/mL).
Standard reference bacterial strains
Gram-negative organisms Gram-positive organisms
Extracts EC KB PA SA ML BS
AE. AP 3.125 3.125 6.25 3.125 3.125 3.125
ME. A P 3.125 6.25 3.125 3.125 3.125 3.125
BS: Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, PA: Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442, KB: Klebsiella pneumoniae CIP 53153, EC: Escherichia coli ATCC 54127,
SA: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and ML: Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341, AE: aqeous extract; ME: methanolic extract; AP: Anacyclus perythrum.

Gram-negative bacteria which are responsible for a large number of
infectious diseases have a unique outer membrane that contains
lipopolysaccharides which render them impermeable to certain
antibacterial compounds
. All extracts (methanolic and aqueous
extracts of AP) showed antibacterial activity against both Gram-
positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This gives an indication of the
presence of promising antibacterial compounds. The selection of
bacterial strains was based on their pathogenicity lead to infectious
diseases, poor sanitary conditions, unclean unsafe drinking water
and inappropriate food storage conditions are common in poor
families that frequently suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. In most
cases, they treat themselves by using local herbs
. Our results
against these bacterial strains suggest the efficacy of plant claimed
by traditional healers. This plant may be a source which could yield
drug that could improve the treatment of infections caused by this
The data indicate that the extracts of the Anacyclus pyrethrum
species inhibit efficaciously some resistant bacterial strains which
make serious sanitary problems worldwide and confirm that there is
a good correlation between the reported traditional uses of the plant
for infectious diseases. This indicates that this plant may be useful
for developing alternative compounds to treat infections caused by
these antibiotic resistant pathogens. According to these results, it is
possible to conclude that Anacyclus pyrethrum had a strong and a
broad spectrum of antibacterial activity. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first study to provide data that the methanolic
100mg/ml 200mg/ml
Doudach et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 4, Issue 3, 402-405
and aqueous extracts of Anacyclus pyrethrum evaluated against a
wide range of bacteria.
The authors wish to thank all the individuals and institutions who
made this survey possible.
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