Grace Bulletin-July 27, 2014

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9:00 am Contemporary Worship Service

We come this morning to worship and give thanks for Gods overwhelming love.
May Gods promised gift through Jesus change the way we live within the

Welcome and Call to Worship Rev. Bryan Sisson

Passing the Peace

Praise and Worship Time Praise Band
You Hold Me Now
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)

Baptism and Profession of Faith Nancy Melissa Horvath
Congregational Response: Through baptism you are incorporated by the Holy
Spirit into Gods new creation and made to share in Christs royal priesthood.
We are all one in Christ Jesus. With joy and thanksgiving we welcome you as
a member of the family of Christ.

Prayers of the People The Lords Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is
the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Childrens Church is available for children age 4 through 2

Scripture Genesis 29:15-28

Message SUMMER OF STORIES Rachael Benton
A Tale of Two Rach(a)els Rev. Todd Noren-Hentz

Giving Our Tithes and Offerings

Closing Song How He Loves Praise Band

Words of Challenge Rev. Todd Noren-Hentz

Please stand as you are able

There are earplugs available at the back of the Sanctuary
for those who might need them.
Welcome to Our Guests!
Thank you for worshiping at Grace UMC! You are our honored guest, and
we hope you will make yourself at home this morning. We want to welcome
and follow up with you, so please fill out a First-Time Visitor Card in the
Attendance Pads and share your information. Also, please make sure to
introduce yourself to Pastor Bryan or Pastor Todd after the service.

Summer Sermon Series
Join the Grace UMC family in special time of worship this summer as we
share in a sermon series entitled Summer of Stories. Going through August
, each week we will have opportunity to hear from a Grace member as they
share their faith by offering ways that God has blessed their lives. Come and
celebrate the God-stories in each of us!
Grace Disc Golf Association Today
Join us today at Drake Springs (part of Brahan Springs Park - by lake and
softball fields) at 1:00 pm as we play disc golf. No equipment needed.

Providence Luncheon
Our annual luncheon to support the teachers at Providence School will be
held this Tuesday, July 29
, at 11:30 am. We can use donations of cut fruit,
chips, desserts, or side items that go along with sandwiches (e.g., various
kinds of salads) We can also use help setting up the luncheon and
transporting school supplies beginning at 10:00 am and clean up after the
luncheon. Please contact Pastor Todd at [email protected]
if you can donate any items or if you can help.
Providence School Supply Drive
We are collecting school supplies for Providence Elementary School. All new
school supplies are welcome. A supply list is available outside the Sanctuary
and on the church website for you to use in your purchasing. On July 29
we will be delivering the donated school supplies for distribution amongst the
teachers, so bring your donations soon!
Exploration Classes to Begin Soon!
Pastor Bryan will be leading a five-week class on Sunday afternoons at 3:00
pm for those new to the church and wanting to join. It will begin Sunday,
August 3
, and each week we will discuss topics pertaining to our faith and
spiritual journey here at Grace UMC. We will meet in Fellowship Hall #3,
and all are invited to come and learn more! Childcare will be available for
those who need it - just let us know! If you would like more information or
want to sign up, please contact Pastor Bryan at (256) 430-0003.
Church Workday
On Saturday, August 9
, Grace UMC's Trustees are heading up a workday to
focus on cleaning up the church grounds. We will gather from 8:00 am-
12:00 pm to work on trimming bushes, cleaning out shrubbery beds, and
general grounds clean-up. All are invited and welcome to join in! Please
bring tools (shovels, trimmers, etc.) and gloves. If childcare is needed, please
contact Kalyn Polatty at (256) 430-0003.
Upcoming Fall Adult Education Opportunities
Below are listed Adult Studies we are offering this fall. Sign-up sheets are on
the table outside the Sanctuary with more detailed information. Please
consider going deeper with God through study!

Tuesday Mornings - begins August 12

Children of the Day: A Study of First and Second Thessalonians
Tuesday Nights - begins August 12

Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation
Wednesday Nights - begin August 13

Science and Religion
Dare to Dream: Creating a God-Sized Mission Statement for Your Life

Sunday Nights - begins August 17

Parenting Class
The Children of Grace Need You!
Have you lived in another country? Are you willing to share your experiences?
We are looking for Grace members or friends to come and share their life
experiences with the children of Grace. We ask that you talk to the kids for
20 minutes one Wednesday night. You can share your experiences; games
you play; songs you sing; and favorite places to go. What a wonderful gift it
would be to them, so please consider sharing in this special way! Mission
Madness is starting soon. Contact Holly Cecil at [email protected] if you
would like to help.
11:00 am Traditional Worship Service
Through SONG, PRAYER, and WORD let us come before God this morning with
willing hearts. Come, Holy Spirit, and fill us with the power of your peace this
day of new beginnings!

Words of Gathering Rev. Bryan Sisson

Musical Invitation and Lighting of Candles Curtis Lindsay, piano
He Leadeth Me

Welcome & Announcements Rev. Bryan Sisson

Opening Hymn #145 Morning Has Broken

Passing the Peace

Ministry Moment Brian Mitchell, Mission Team Leader

Prayers of the People The Lords Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the
kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen!

Hymn #454 Open My Eyes, That I May See

Childrens Message Rev. Bryan Sisson
Childrens bulletins and Busy Bags are available in the gathering area outside the
double doors. Childrens Church is offered for children age 4 through 2

Anthem Hungry (Falling on My Knees) Jeff Rothermel

Scripture Reading Genesis 29:15-28

Message SUMMER OF STORIES Rachael Benton
A Tale of Two Rach(a)els Rev. Todd Noren-Hentz

Giving Our Tithes and Offerings Curtis Lindsay, piano
Allemande from French Suite No. 5, J. S. Bach

Words of Praise and Doxology #95
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here
below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost. Amen.

Closing Hymn #715 Rejoice, the Lord Is King

Blessing and Sending Forth

Please stand as you are able

The worshipers at Grace UMC are its ministers.
The staff who support them are:

Senior Pastor: J. Bryan Sisson
Associate Pastor: Todd Noren-Hentz
Director of Youth Ministries: Adam McNeil
Director of Childrens Ministries: Darcy Bierer
Office Administrator: Vicki Sheehy
Music Director: Gianna Gimenez
Praise and Worship Leader: Doug Wright
Accompanist: Curtis Lindsay
Facilities Manager: Ben Allen
Nursery Coordinator: Kalyn Polatty
Church Activities This Week*

Sunday, 7/27
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:05 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship
2:00 pm Youth Small Group Training
3:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry
5:30 pm MYF

Monday, 7/28
8:30 am Salvation Army Sandwiches

Tuesday, 7/29
11:00 am Providence Elementary Teacher

Wednesday, 7/30
7:00 pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm Pick-Up Basketball
Thursday, 7/31
5:30 pm Praise Band Practice

Sunday, 8/3
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:05 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship
1:00 pm Grace Family Fun Fly
3:00 pm Explorations Class
5:30 pm MYF
Please share additional concerns
during prayer time.

Helen Matthews, Joann Wiemers,
Herb Goodrich, Martha Rothermel,
Jim Martin, Stacey McIntyre,
& Harry Woolverton
Greeters: 9:00 Service Dave & Sun Hickman
Greeters: 11:00 Service Cindy Schwartz/Debbie McMullin
Acolytes: 11:00 Service Josie Sisson/Riley Sisson
Guest Deliveries: Callie Vincent/Emily Stinson
Childrens Church (9:00 Service) - Mandy Mitchell/Darcy Bierer
Childrens Church (11:00 Service) - Audra Johns/Darcy Bierer
Soundboard: Brent Jones/Steve Ward/Mark Schoen
2113 Old Monrovia Road
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 430-0003
Fax: (256) 430-0704

Blessing of the Backpacks
Hey kids and teens!! Bring your school backpacks to church next Sunday,
August 3
. During both services, Pastor Bryan will share in a special
blessing over them during the Childrens Message. So bring your packs,
and lets prepare for the first day of school TOGETHER!
Children's Church Has a New Name!
Beginning Sunday, August 10
, Childrens Church will become Children's
Worship and Wonder. We have some great stories and activities planned, so
don't forget to join us on Sundays during the 9:00 and 11:00 services.
Worship and Wonder is for 4-year-olds through 2
Wee Bible Zone & Bible Zone Starting Soon
WEE BZ and BZ classes on Wednesday nights are just around the corner!!
Come join us for some fun, interactive time with the Bible. Wee BZ, for
ages 2 years-Pre-K, will be a fun, age-appropriate time to learn about God's
love and His Son, Jesus. BZ, for Grades K-5
, will be all about Science and
how it relates to God. We'll have guest teachers who know their stuff,
games, and other awesome activities! It all begins on Wednesday, August
, at 6:00 pm, so make plans to join us!
* For a complete calendar of events at the
church, please visit our website.
The Mission of Grace UMC:
Praising God...Proclaiming Christ
Serving Others
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Volleyball Match
The youth are challenging all of Grace in a volleyball match to be held on
Sunday, July 27
, at 5:00 pm. Win or lose (and the youth will win...) we
will treat everyone to pizza afterwards. Please come and spend time with
our youth!
Living Stones
Sign-up for Camp Living Stones is underway. A $30 deposit is due by
August 3
. You may sign up in the youth room, or on
go/10C0D4CABAA29ABF85-living. For more information visit our web
page at, or our Facebook page at
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to fill Sunday School Team positions and Small
Group Leader spots. Sunday mornings, we will be splitting into Jr and Sr.
High classes for our study. On Wednesday nights this fall, we'll be in small
groups to talk about The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide for Teenagers
by Jonathan McKee. Ask Adam how you can help, or check out

Outdoor Church
Grace UMC is sponsoring Outdoor Church at the Manna House in
downtown Huntsville in Saturday, September 6
, from 8:00 am - Noon. If
youd like to help as a volunteer cooking food for the homeless on that
Saturday, please contact Brian Mitchell at [email protected] or
(256) 527-4583.

Serving Communion in Worship
Would you like to assist in serving communion during monthly communion
services and at other special services? You can sign up now on the bulletin
board across from the kitchen. Dates are available for all of 2014.

HAP (Huntsville Assistance Program) Food Pantry Donations
During the month of July Grace UMC is collecting toilet paper,
disposable diapers for infants and 2-3 year-olds, and wipes to support
the Huntsville Assistance Program. Please place donated food items in the
Food Pantry in Fellowship Hall Room #3.
Report for 7/20/14
Giving to 2014 General Fund

Average Weekly Goal $13,789.00
Given Last Sunday $5,864.60
Needed as of Last Sunday $399,881.00
Given as of Last Sunday $339,605.74

Other Gifts
Imagine No More Malaria $463.12
Meals to Grow $50.00
VBS $953.50

Attendance 207

Finding Our Place
in Gods Story
A Tale of Two Rach(a)els

Worship Flowers This Week:

The basket for Meals to Grow by the
altar this morning are given to the
glory of God by Jay & Faith Polatty in
memory of their dads, Maj. John G.
Polatty & Ivan R. Swanger.

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