December 13, 2015 3rd Sunday of Advent 8:50am & 11am Worship Services

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December 13, 2015

3rd Sunday of Advent

8:50am & 11am Worship Services

We exist to connect all people with Jesus Christ.

We do this by welcoming enthusiastically, growing deeply and serving courageously.

204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, Mo. 65201

(573) 443-3111


8:50 & 11 a.m. Worship

The prelude is a silent, personal preparation for the worship of God.

(+) Please stand as you are able and comfortable.
Responsive readings: One (Italics) All (Bold)
FWS = The Faith We Sing, UMH = United Methodist Hymnal
Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services.
Childrens worship and activity packets are available at the entrances.
They may be left in the pew or returned to one of the baskets following worship.


Savior of the Nations, Come (J.S. Bach)


Matthew 1:18-23 (NRSV)

Rev. Kendall Waller

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel


All: God with us, we give thanks that you strengthen us and walk with us as
we face the joys and challenges of life. At Christmas you sent Christ to live as
one of us, and to be the light that guides us. We celebrate with joy that Christ
continues to live among us, loving us and leading us. Help us to share our joy as
we proclaim that you are with us! Amen.
Jesus, the Light of the World (v. 2)
Hes the lamp that lights our way, Jesus, the Light of the World!
Step by step and day by day, Jesus, the Light of the World!
Walk in the light, beautiful light;
come where his love and his mercy are bright.
Shine all around us by day and by night, Jesus, the Light of the World.
FWS NO. 2233

Rev. Charity Goodwin-Rosario


Rev. Charity Goodwin-Rosario

Children are welcome to remain with their family in worship or may proceed now to
participate in one of these ministries:
Children 1 year 2nd Grade: Childrens Church and Serendipity Choir (W6)
Children Kindergarten and under: Nursery Care (W7)
Parents and children reconnect following worship at the room listed.

8:50 Agape Choir
Blessed Be Your Name (Joel Raney)

11:00 Chancel Choir
O Loving Father of the Stars (Joseph M. Martin)

Rev. Kim Parker

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Rev. Trista Soendker Nicholson

Winds Through the Olive Trees (Dale Wood)
To give your offering electronically, scan this QR code or
click the DONATE button at
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Rev. Hank Jenkins

Go Tell It on the Mountain 

Grace Notes Choir
The congregation will be invited to sing along near the end.


Go Tell It on the Mountain


Good King Wenceslas (Gordon Young)



Rev. Kendall Waller, Rev. Trista Soendker Nicholson
Rev. Charity Goodwin-Rosario, Rev. Hank Jenkins, Rev. Kim Parker
Marty Hook, Director of Music; Jenna Braaksma, Pianist; Craig Datz, Organist
Carter Datz, Guest Music Leadership
Flower Acknowledgments
The flowers that grace the chancel this Sunday morning are given to the glory of God
by Peter Davis in loving memory of Mary Lou Davis
by the Hinshaw family in memory of Val and Harold Hinshaw & in honor of Mickey and
Ralph Havener.


NOTE: The deadline for poinsettia dedications is TOMORROW at

9am. Please turn in your green sheet so you dont miss it.
Invitations - Be sure to pick up an invitation or two to invite a
friend, relative, co-worker or neighbor to Christmas Eve Worship.
Pecans! The Searcy Feely Circle has pecans in the Connector today.
2016 Altar Flowers - If youd like to provide flowers for morning
worship, please sign up on the chart in the Connector.

Opportunities to Serve

TODAY: Poinsettia Delivery - Help us deliver poinsettias to

the home-bound from our congregation. Stop by the Connector
anytime this morning and pick up a plant with delivery instructions.
THIS WEEK: Finals Week Snacks - We will be supporting our
students with hospitality, group study rooms, quiet rooms and study
snacks from Dec. 14-18. If youd like to bring study snacks and
comfort food for this ministry, please drop them off at the church.
CHRISTMAS EVE: Ushers & Greeters Share your hospitality
with our guests during the Christmas Eve services. Please respond
on the tearoff or contact Pastor Charity at [email protected].
CHRISTMAS EVE & SUNDAYS: Nursery Volunteers - The
nursery needs volunteers on Christmas Eve at the 5pm and 7pm
services. We are also looking for volunteers on Sunday, Dec. 27 and
Sunday, Jan. 3 from 9-10am as our college students will be on break.
Must be Safe Sanctuary certified. Please respond on the tear-off or
email Nancy Cooper at [email protected].
CHRISTMAS EVE: 5pm Family Worship Leaders Feel
called to be a shepherd, angel or king this Christmas? We are in
search of a few people willing to help guide our young worshipers
to their place in the live nativity during the 5pm service. Contact
Rev. Trista at [email protected].
CHRISTMAS EVE: Office Volunteers - Sign up to help for a
two-hour shift. Contact Kathy Carson, [email protected].
Worship Tech Volunteers - Training will be provided.
Golf Cart Drivers Needed - Volunteering for this team involves
a commitment of just two hours on one Sunday each month.
Contact Jo at 443-3111 or [email protected].

Coming Up

Open Door Ministry will be celebrating Christmas this Thursday,

Dec. 17 at 7pm in CLC 103. Please bring some holiday goodies and
join us as we share stories of our holiday traditions. Drinks will be
provided. We will also spend a little time planning for 2016.
Say Yes! Make Missouri Your Church Home - Welcoming
Sunday will be Dec. 20 at all services. Youve been coming to
worship at Missouri for the last months or the last few years and
now youre ready to say yes; yes, to God and yes to Gods church. If
you sense God calling you to join the church by baptism, transfer, or
profession of faith, we welcome you to do so that day. Simply email
Pastor Charity at [email protected] expressing your interest or
ask questions you may have that will help you make a decision later.

Welcome to Missouri
United Methodist Church
December 13, 2015
Our Presence
Please place this sheet in the offering plate.
o8:00Worship o8:50Worship o11:00Worship
Name ______________________________
Street Address ________________________
City, State, ZIP ________________________
Phone ____________________________
This is a new:

oAddress oPhone #

I am a/We are:
oGuest: o1st time o2nd time
oRegular Attendee(s)
oStudent at _______________________
How did you learn about us?

Our Prayers
oShare with Prayer Team & Caring Ministries
oShare with Prayer Team & Staff
oConfidential Pastors Only

Our Gifts
oMy offering is made via regular electronic funds
oPlease send form/instructions so I can begin
donating electronically.

Preferred Method of Contact:

I/We would like to:

oSubscribe to the weekly email newsletter,

The Messenger (provide email above)
oFind out more about
oWednesday Night Live
oGrowth Groups
oBarnabas Ministry
oChildrens ministry
oMUMY (Youth) activities
oCollege Age/Young Adult activities
oSinging in the Choir
oUnited Methodist Women
oLinked to Learn Tutoring Ministry
oPrayer Shawl Ministry
oDiscovery Days Preschool
oContainer Project
oHaiti Clean Water Team
oServe with Room at the Inn at MUMC Jan. 31
through Feb. 14
oServe with the Worship Technology Team
oServe on Christmas Eve
As an usher: o5pm o7pm o9pm o11pm
As a greeter: o5pm o7pm o9pm o11pm
oas a 5pm Family Worship Leader
oin the office for a two-hour shift
oin the Nursery 5pm Christmas Eve Worship
oin the Nursery 7pm Christmas Eve Worship
owith worship tech (slides & sound)
oas a golf cart driver

Advent Calendar
Tuesday, Dec. 15
121pm American Guild of Organists Advent Concert
Saturday, Dec. 19
Christmas Eve Acolyte Training at 9 a.m.
Sunday, Dec. 20
Hope for New Life - Worship at 8, 8:50 & 11am
Thursday, Dec. 24
Christmas Eve Worship at 5, 7, 9 &11pm

(Childcare at 5 & 7pm, bus available by reservation for 7pm service)

Wednesday Night Live does not meet Dec. 23 or 30.

oServe in the Nursery Sunday, Dec. 27

oServe in the Nursery Sunday, Jan. 3

I am interested in the following:

oHow to live a life of faith
oGeneral information
oBaptism information
oMembership information
oOther ___________________________

Are you a hungry college student? Do you know a hungry

college student? On Tuesday, join us for free pancakes
in honor of finals week! 7:30pm at Cornerstone Coffee
Shop. Hosted by MUMC Ignite College Age Ministry &
The Hub at Community UMC

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