Knut Bjørlykke

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Knut Bjrlykke

Professor emeritus

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[email protected]
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Visiting addressGeologibygningenSem Slands vei 10371 OSLO
Postal addressPostboks 1047 Blindern0316 OSLO
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Academic Interests
Petroleum Geology
Reservoir Geology
Compaction, fluid flow and stress in sedimentary basins
GEO 4250 - Reservoir geology
Higher education
1964. Cand Real degree ( MSc) in Geology at the University of Oslo.
1974. Dr. Philos degree at the University of Oslo.
Employment history
2008-Present Professor emeritus, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo.
1984-2008 Professor of Sedimentology and Petroleum Geology, Department of
Geology/Geosciences, University of Oslo.
1998 autumn Visiting Professor at the University of Bern and University of Newcastle, UK.
1994 August-December Visiting Professor at Colorado School of Mines. Golden, Colorado,
1981-82 and 1/2 year 1990-91. Visiting professor at University of California, Santa Barbara,
1976-84 Professor of Petroleum Geology, Department of Geology, University of Bergen,
1971-76 1. Amanauensis (senior lecturer) in Sedimentology at the University of Oslo.
1969-71 University Lecturer at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
1966 Visiting research fellow (6 month) at the Sedimentology Research Laboratory, University
of Reading, UK.
1965-69 Amanuensis (Lecturer) at Department of Geology, University of Oslo.
1963-65 Research assistant at Department of Geology, University of Oslo.
2009 Recived The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Honorary Award.
2009 Received Brggerprisen (the Brgger Price) from the Norwegian Geological Society.
2008 Appointed Member of The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters.
2003 Received the Grover E. Murray Memorial Distinguished Educator Award for 2003 from
the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
2003 Boyd Visiting Lecturer at University of Texas, Austin, USA.
1999-2000 Appointed Distinguished Lecturer for a lecture tour of North America by the
American Association of Petroleum Geologist.
1996-97 Appointed The Distinguished Lecturer for a lecture tour of Europe by the American
Association of Petroleum Geologist.
1994 Best paper award from the American Chemical Soc. for the paper by Karlsen, D.,
Nedkvitne, T., Bjrlykke, K. & Larter S. (Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta. 57, 3641-3659)
1992 Elected Honorary Fellow of Geological Society of London.
1992 Awarded DGMK-Kolleg and invited by "Deusche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fr
Erdl, Erdgass und Kohle" to give a series of Honorary Lectures sponsered by this society at
German Universities.
1991 Statoils Research Prize (Statoils Forskerpris) (First year the prize was awarded)
1985 Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
1970 The Reusch Medal for younger researchers from the Norwegian Gological Society.
Tags: Geology, Sedimentology, Diagenesis, Petroleum geology, Reservoir
geology, Compaction
Scientific articles and bookchapters
Bjrlykke, K. & Jahren J. (2012). Open or closed geochemical systems during diagenesis in
sedimentary basins. Constraints on mass transfer during diagenesis and the prediction of
porosity in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. AAPG Bull In press.
Ehrenberg, S.N, Walderhaug O., & Bjrlykke, K. (2012). Carbonate porosity cretation by
mesogenetic dissolution: Reality or Illusion? AAPG Bull. 96, 217-233-
Maast, T.E, Jahren, J., & Bjrlykke, K. (2011). Diagenetic controls on reservoir quality in Middle
to Upper Jurassic sandstones in the South Viking Graben. AAPG Bull. 95, 1937-1958.
Fawad, M., Mondol.N.H., Jahren, J. & Bjrlykke, K. (2011).Mecahnical compaction and
ultrasonic velocity of sands with different texture and mineralogical composition. Geophysical
prospecting. 59, 697-720.
Gundersen, E. ,Flekky, E.G., & Bjrlykke, K, Feder, J., Jamtveit, B. (2011). Fracture spacing
during hydro-fracturing of cap-rocks. Geofluids. 11, 280-293.
Bjrlykke, K. (2011). Open-system chemical behaviour of Wilcox Group Mudstones. How is
large scale mass transfer at great burial depth in sedimentary basins possible? A discussion. In
press. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28, 1381-1382
Bjrlykke, K. (2010). Petroleum Geoscience. From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics.
Springer 508 p.
Thyberg, B., Jahren, J. Winje, T. Bjrlykke, K. & Faleide, J.I., & Marcussen . (2010). Quartz
cementation in Late Cretatceous mudstones, Northern North Sea. Changes in rock properties
due to dissolution of smectite and precipitation of micro-quartz crystals. Marine and Petroleum
geology, 27,1752-1764.
Bjrlykke K., Jahren J., Aagaard, P. & Fisher, Q. (2010). Role of effective permeability
distribution in estimating overpressure using basin modelling. Marine and Petroleum Geology
Manzar F., Mondol,N.H., Jahren,J. & Bjrlykke, K. (2010). Microfabric and rock properties of
experimentally compressed silt-clay mixtures. Marine and Petroleum Geology 27.1698-1712
Manzar F., Mondol,N.H. Jahren,J., & Bjrlykke, K. (2010). Experimental mechanical
compaction to measure the influence of pore pressure on compressional wave velocity in
unconsolidated sand. First Break 28, 9-15.
Croize. D. Ehrenberg, S.N., Bjrlykke, K. Renard, F., & Jahren J. (2010). Physical properties of
bioclastic carbonates: Implications for porsity controls during burial. Marine and Petroleum
Geology 27.1765-1774.
Marcussen, , Faleide, J.I., Jahren, J., & Bjrlykke, K. (2010). Mudstone compaction curves in
basin modelling: a study of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sediments in the Northern North Sea. Basin
Research Basin Research, 22, 324-340.
Croiz, D., F. Renard, Bjrlykke, K. & Dysthe, D.K. (2010). Experimental calcite dissolution
under stress: Evolution of grain contact microstructure during pressure solution creep. J.
Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2010JB000869.
Croiz, D., Bjrlykke, K., Jahren,J. & Renard F. (2010). Experimental mechanical and chemical
compaction of carbonate sand. J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2010JB007697.
Fawad, M., Mondol, N.H., Jahren, J. & Bjrlykke, K. (2010). Seismic velocities from experimental
compaction: New porosity and velocity-depth relations for sands with different textural and
mineralogical composition SEE Extended Abstract, p. 2480-2485.
Marcussen, ., Maast, T.E., Mondol, N.H., Jahren, J., Bjrlykke, K. (2010). Changes in physical
properties of a reservoir sandstone as a function of burial depth-The Etive Formation, northern
North Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2009.11.007
Mondol, N.H., Grande, L., Aker, E., Berre, T., rbech, T., Duffaut, K., Jahren, J., Bjrlykke,
K. (2010). Velocity Anisotropy of a Shallow Mudstone Core, Extended Abstract, EAGE Shale
Workshop, Nice, France.
Manzar, F.,Mondol, NH., Jahren, J., & Bjrlykke, K. (2009). Microfabric of experimentally
compressed silt-clay mixtures. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 27.1698-1712.
Voltolini, M., Wenk, H-R, Mondol, N.H., Bjrlykke, K., & Jahren, J. (2009). Anisotropy of
experimentally compressed kaolinite-illite-quartz mixtures. Geophysics, v.74, p. D13- D23
January-February 2009.
Croize, D., Ehrenberg, S.N., Bjrlykke, K., Renard, F., Jahren, J. (2009). Petrophysical
properties of bioclastic platform carbonates: implications for porosity controls during burial, Marine
and Petroleum Geology, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2009.11.008
Fawad, M., Mondol, N.H., Jahren, J., Bjrlykke, K. (2009). Microfabric and rock properties of
experimentally compressed silt-clay mixtures. Marine and Petroleum Geology,
Thyberg, B., Jahren, J., Winje, T., Bjrlykke, K., Faleide, J.I., Marcussen, . (2009). Quartz
cementation in Late Cretaceous mudstones, northern North Sea: Changes in rock properties due
to dissolution of smectite and precipitation of micro-quartz crystals. Marine and Petroleum
Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo. 2009.07.005.
Mondol, N.H., Fawad, M., Grande, L., Jahren, J., & Bjrlykke, K. (2009). Vs Estimation in
Mudrocks - Implications about Mineralogy and Grain Size. EAGE Extended Abstract, Z012,
Thyberg, B., Jahren, J., Winje, T., Bjrlykke, K., & Faleide, J.I., (2009). From mud to shale: rock
stiffening by micro-quartz cementation. First Break, 27, 27-33.
Marcussen, ., Thyberg, B.I., Peltonen, C., Jahren, J., Bjrlykke, K., & Faleide, J.I. (2009).
Physical properties of Cenozoic mudstones from the northern North Sea: Impact of clay
mineralogy on compaction trends, AAPG Bulletin, 93, 127-150.

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