Presentation On Robot Path Planning

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Mobile robots are used in wide range of real world applications
Ware house operations
Path explorer
Rescue mission
Major issue is path planning
Classical and heuristics methods
Main objective shortest & collision free path .
Degree of riskiness, smoothness of the path, computation time , also included .
Classification of path planning methods
Traditional method
Global visibility
graph algorithm
Potential field
Heuristic method
Particle swamp
Ant colony
Neural networks
Either optimal or no feasible solution.
Expensive computation.
Trapped in local minima .
Brittle in uncertain environment .
Heuristic method
Classical method
Near optimal solution
Reliable in dynamic environment
Less time consuming
To propose a shortest , smooth and collision free path for a mobile robot
in a uncertain environment where new obstacles or position of the
obstacles changes frequently using heuristic algorithm.
Minimum degree of riskiness.
Computation time .
Literature review
Adem & Mehmet (2012,gives new approach to dynamic path planning by introducing a new
mutation operator in GA. This proposed mutation method simultaneously checks the whole
free nodes close to mutation node instead of randomly selecting a node one by one. Then it
accepts the node according to the fitness value of total path instead of the direction of movement
through the mutated node.
Hong et al gives a improved GA presents an effective and accurate fitness function, improves
genetic operators of conventional genetic algorithms and proposes a new genetic modification
operator. Moreover, the improved GA, compared with conventional Gas, is better at avoiding
the problem of local optimum and has an accelerated convergence rate.
Literature review
Yong et all (2013) swarm optimization proposes a multi-objective path planning algorithm based
on particle swarm optimization for robot navigation in unknown environment. First, a
membership function is defined to evaluate the risk degree of path. Considering two performance
merits: the risk degree and the distance of path, the path planning problem with uncertain danger
Abdulmuttalib (2013) proposed a novel method for robot navigation in dynamic environments,
referred to as Visibility Binary Tree algorithm. To plan the path of the robot, the algorithm relies
on the construction of the set of all complete paths between robot and target taking into account
inner and outer visible tangents between robot and circular obstacles. The paths are then used to
create a visibility binary tree on top of which an algorithm for shortest path is run.
Research Gap
To extend the path planning algorithm to 3-D environment with various size of
To extend the algorithm to dynamic environment and multi-robots
To improve the smoothness of the path and improve the performance of the
algorithmby reducing the computation time.
To avoid bottleneck like time for graph construction and search for optimal
To find the with collision free path with minimum risk degree and shortest
Phase 1 Activity chat
4 months
Literature review
Proposing methodology
Identify the issues
and problems
Submit the phase-1
Particle swarm optimisation
Improved genetic algorithm
GA with Co-evolution
Visibility binary tree algorithm
High resample times
High cost
Average solution time
is more
Known environment
Graph construction
and search shortest
Extend it to dynamic
Lacks in performance
Bottle neck
Adem Tuncer , Mehmet Yildirim (2012) Dynamic path planning of mobile robots with improved genetic
algorithm ,computers & Electrical engineering volume 38, Issue 6 , November 2012, Pages 15641572.
Yong Zhang n, Dun-weiGong n, Jian-huaZhang (2013) Robot path planning in uncertain environment using
Multi-objective particle swarm optimization, Neurocomputing volume 103, 1 March 2013, Pages 172185.
Abdulmuttalib Turky Rashid (2013) Path planning with obstacle avoidance based on visibility binary tree
algorithm Robotics &Autonomous systems , volume 61, Issue 12, Pages 1440-1449.
Hong Qu a,n, KeXing a, TakacsAlexander (2013) An improved genetic algorithm with co-evolutionary strategy
for global path planning of multiple mobile robots, Neurocomputing , volume 120, Pages 509-517.
Atyabi, A & Powers, D M 2013, 'Review of classical and heuristic-based navigation and path planning
approaches', International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT), 5(14), pp.1-14.
Thank you

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