Visit To Ceylon
Visit To Ceylon
Visit To Ceylon
Ernst Haeckel.
rmnn ameuicak
New York :
Fulton Street.
A. naturalist's voyage to IndiaFrom Jena to TriesteThe good ship
EeliosFrom Trieste via Brindisi to Port SaidThe heat in the
Red SeaAdenMedusse in the Indian Ocean ... ,,, ... 1
Arrival in BombayThe town and islandMalabar HillThe Hindoos
Parsi funeral ritesThe Palm-Grove of MahimThe village of
ValukeshwarFakirsElephanta Tropical vegetationAn ex-
cursion to the DekhanThe Palmyra palmTemple-cave of Karli 42
Arrival in CeylonCinghalese canoesThe town and anburbs- -Indian
gardensThe population of Ceylon ...
.^ ., ... 73
MuiwalThe history of the bungalowMangrove thicketsThe garden
Whist Bungalow
The museum at ColomboPrecautions
gainst the tropical climateIndian meals ,
.^ ,. 93
Horses and carriages in CeylonThe outskirts of ColomboThe situa-
tion of Kaduwella on the Kalauy RiverRest-housesThe juDgle
A larfie IguanaThe cocoa-nut pa!m ... 114
Botanical Garden Railway from Colombo to KandyKadup:anawa
walk through the plantationsTamil cooliesThe hospitality
of Englisli planters ... ... ... ... ... ... 274
I hi i
The climate of the plateauNevvera EUia as a sanatariumThe flora
of the hill country Kxpeditions from Newera ElliaThe highest
point of CeylonRangboJJe and Hackgalla ... ... , 288
AT THE world's END.
Horton's PlainThe patenasThe primaeval forestNilloo jungle
Shooting the rapids ... ... ... ... ... ... 313
The last week in ColomboFarewell to CeylonA delightful voyage
Two days in CairoThe petrifitd forestA comparison of Egypt
with CeylonThe date and cocoa-nut palmsEnglish policy in
EgyptEnglish colonial governmentHome to Jena ... ... 826
"What ! Beally, to India?" So my friends in Jena exclaimed,
and so I myself exclaimed, how often I know not, when at
the end of last winter (1880-81), and under the immediate
influence of our dreary North German February, I had finally
made up my mind to spend the next winter in the tropical
sunshine of Ceylon, that island of wonders. A journey to
India is no longer an elaborate business, it is true
in these
travel-loving and never-resting times there is no quarter
of the globe that is spared by the tourist. We rush across
the remotest seas in the luxurious steamships of our days
in a relatively shorter time and with less
and danger than, a hundred years since, attended the much-
Italian tour," which is now an every-day affair.
a voyage round the world in eighty days " has
become a familiar idea, and many a youthful citizen of the
world, who is rich enough to do it, flatters himself that he
can, by a journey round the world occupying less than a
no longer finds his microscope, his dissecting knife, and a
few other simple instruments a sufficient equipment, as he
would have done twenty or even ten years since. The
methods of biological, and more particularly of micro-
scopical research, have been developed and perfected within
the last decade in a very remarkable degree
; an elaborate
and extensive array of instruments of the most various
kinds is indispensable to enable him at all to meet the
requirements of the present day.
In fact, no less than sixteen trunks and cases were
shipped at Trieste as my luggage. Two of these were filled
with booksnone but the most necessary scientific works
two others contained a microscope and instruments for
observations in physics and the study of anatomy. In two
other cases I had apparatus for collecting and materials for
preserving specimens; soldered tins, containing different
kinds of spirit and other antiseptic fluids, carbolic acid,
arsenic and the like. Then two cases contained nothing
but glass phialsof these I had some thousandsand two
more were packed with nets and appliances of every kind
for snaring and catching the prey ; trawls and dredging nets
for raking the bottom of the sea, sweeping and landing nets
for skimming the surface. A photographic apparatus had
a chest to itself, and one was filled with materials for oil
and water-colour painting, drawing and writing; another
was packed with a nest of forty tin cases, one inside the
other, and so arranged that when I should have filled one
with specimens I could myself easily solder down the flat
tin lid. Then another contained ammunition for my double-
barrelled guna thousand cartridges with diflerent sizes of
shot. Most of these fourteen cases were covered with tin
years of teaching had of course made me familiar with the
problems of my own department of zoological research, and
being acquainted beforehand with the special questions on
which my journey was to throw light, I could no doubt
solve them better and in a shorter time now, when I had
experience to aid me, than a quarter of a century earlier
thus I might look forward to fuller results. But was not
I myself by so many years older ? Had I not lost so much
of my elasticity of mind and vigour of body ? And would
the actual living wonders of the most luxuriant tropical
scene make as vivid impression on me now, when I had
so far mastered the more abstract generalizations of natural
science, as they undoubtedly would have made then ? Had
I not once more reached a stageas I had often done before
where my excited imagination had conj ured up a magical
picture which, when I approached the sober reality, would
vanish into vacancy, like the Fata Morgana ?
These and similar reflections, mingled with sadness at
parting from my family and home, floated across my mind
like dark clouds as I was carried along the Saale railway
from Jena to Leipzig, early on the 8th October ; and a cold,
dim, autumn fog hung round me, filling and shrouding the
pretty Saale valley. Only the highest points of our Muschel
Jcalk hills stood out above the rolling sea of miston the
right the lengthy slope of the Hausberg with its
gleaming summit," the proud pyramid of the Jenzig, and
the romantic ruins of Kunitzburg ; on the left the wooded
heights of "Rauthal, and farther on Goethe's favourite
retreat, delightful Dornburg. I registered a solemn promise
to my old and beloved mountain friends, that I would
return in spring, in g-ood health and loaded with treasures
from India
and they, in ratification, sent me back a morn-
ing greeting, foi even as we swept past their feet, the haze
rolled away from their heads and sides before my eyes, and
the victorious san mounted in golden radiance, while the
clouds cleared from the sky ; a most exquisite autumn
morning sun shone out in all its beauty, and the dewdrops
twinkled like beads on the delicately fringed cups of the
lovely dark blue gentians which abundantly gemmed the
grassy slopes on each side of our iron road.
I took advantage of a few hours' detention in Leipzig
to fill up some deficiencies in my outfit, and to refresh myself
with gazing in the picture gallery at the masterpieces of
the landscape painters, Preller, Calame, Qudin, Saal and
others. In the afternoon I proceeded to Dresden, and from
thence, by the night express, reached Vienna in twelve
hours. After a short rest I set out again by the southern
line of railway for Gratz. It was a splendid autumn
Sunday, and the Alp-like scenery of Semmering smiled in
perfect beauty. Here, in the wooded gorges and on the
flowery downs of lovely Steiermark, I had botanized,
twenty-four years before, with really passionate zeal : every
height of the Schneeberg and of the Rax-Alp was fresh in
my memory. The young M.D. had devoted himself far
more eagerly to the interesting flora of Vienna, than to
the learned clinical lectures of Oppolzer and Skoda, of
Hebra and Siegmund. When drying the prodigious
quantities of exquisite and minute Alpine plants which
I collected on the hills of Semmering, often had I dreamed
of the widely different and gigantic flora of India and
Brazil, which display the plasmic force of vegetable vitality
with such dissimilarity of form and size; and now, in a
few weeks, that dream would be realized in tangible
At Gratz, where I spent a day, I found capital accommo-
dation at the Elephant Hotel. The first inn where it was
my fate to put up on my way to India could have had no
more appropriate name ; for, not only is the elephant one
of the most important and interesting of Indian beasts,
but it is the badge of the island of Ceylon. And I took
it as of good omen for my future acquaintance with the
real elephants which I hoped so soon to see, both tame and
wild, that the Elephant at Gratz should, meanwhile,
entertain me so hospitably and comfortably. I will take
this opportunity of introducing an incidental remark for
the use and benefit of such travellers as, like myself, look
rather for kind attention at an inn than for a crowd of
black-coated waiters. During my many years* wanderings,
having had occasion to pass the night in hotels and
inns of every degree, it has struck me that the character
of these public refuges may be, to a certain extent, guessed
at, merely from their name and sign. I divide them into
three classes : the zoologico-botanical, the dubious, and the
dynastic. Now by far the best inns, on an average, are
those with zoologico-botanical signs, such as the Golden
Lion, the Black Bear, White Horse, Bed Bull, Silver Swan,
Blue Carp, Green Tree, Golden Vine, etc. You cannot
count so confidently on good and cheap entertainment in
such inns as I have designated as dubious, belonging
neither to the first class nor the third; they have a
great variety of names, often that of the owner himself,
and are too miscellaneous as to quality for any general
rules tc be given forjudging of them. On the other hand,
I have had, for the most part, the saddest experiencemore
especially of the converse relation of bad entertainment
and high pricesof those hotels whicH I call dynastic;
such as the Czar of Russia, King of Spain, Elector of Hesse,
Prince Carl, and so on. Of course I do not pretend that
this classification is of universal application ; but, on the
whole, I believe that all judicious and unpretentious
travellers, particularly the young, will find it justified,
especially artists, painters, and naturalists. And the Ele-
phant at Gratz was perfectly worthy of its place of honour
in the zoological class.
I had been tempted to spend a day in Gratz by the
friendly invitation of a distinguished landscape painter
residino^ there. Baron Hermann von Konio^sbrunn. He had
written to me some months since, saying that he had heard
of my proposed voyage to Ceylon, that he had passed eight
months there of great enjoyment, twenty-eight years before,
and had made a large collection of sketches and pictures^
more particularly studies of the vegetation, which might
perhaps prove interesting to me. This kind communication
was of course most welcome. I myself could have no bettei
preparation for sketching in Ceylon than looking through
the Gratz painter's portfolios. He had made a tour through
the palm forests and fern-clad gullies of the cinnamon isla
in 1853, in the society of Captain von Friedan and Professoi
Schmarda, of Vienna. The professor has given a full account
of his residence in the island in his "Voyage round the
World." Unfortunatel}'- the numerous very admirable
drawings which Baron von Konigsbrunn made on the spot,
and which were intended to illustrate Schmarda's travels,
have never been published. This is the more to be regretted
because they are among the best and most highly finished
works of the kind that I have ever seen. Even Alexander
von Humboldtcertainly a competent judgewho laid
bhem before King Frederick William IV., spoke of them in
terms of the highest praise. Konigsbrunn's studies in
Ceylon combine two qualities which almost seem incom-
patible, and which unfortunately are very rarely met with
together in works of this kind, though both are equally
necessary to give them the true stamp of perfect resem-
blance : on one hand, the greatest truth to nature in render-
ing with conscientious exactitude all the details of form ; on
the other, a delightful artistic freedom in the treatment of
each part, and effective composition of the picture as a
whole. Many works by our most famous landscape painters,
which fulfil the second of these conditions, utterly fail in
the first. On the other hand, many studies of vegetation, as
represented by practised botanists, are painfully devoid of
the artist's independent feeling for beauty. But one is just
as necessary as the otherthe botanist's analytical and
objective eye, the artist's synthetical and subjective mind.
If a landscape is to be a real work of art it must, like a
portrait, combine perfect truth and nature in the details
with a broad grasp of the character of the model as a whole
and this is conspicuous in the highest degree in Konigs-
brunn's pictures of Ceylon. In these respects they quite
come up to the mark of Kittlitz's famous work, " The Aspects
of Vegetation," which Alexander von Humboldt declared
to be, in his day, an unapproachable model beside which
few could hold their own. I may, perhaps, venture in
this place to express my best thanks to an artist who is as
amiable and modest as he is original and gifted, and at the
same time a hope that his noble works may ere long find
their way out of the peaceful obscurity of his studio and
meet with public notice and the recognition they deserve.
After taking an affectionate leave of many old and new
friends in Gratz, I set out southwards again on October
11th for Trieste direct. An elderly man took his seat
opposite to me in the carriage, whom I recognized as an
Englishman at the first glance, and who, in the course of
half an hour's conversation, introduced himself as a person-
age of the greatest interest to meSurgeon-General Dr. J.
Macbeth. He had served for thirty-three years as surgeon
to the English forces in India, had taken his share of toil in
several wars and in all parts of India, from Afghanistan to
Malacca, and from the Himalayas to Ceylon. His wide
experience of the country and people, as well as his observ-
ations as a medical man and a naturalist, were to me of
course highly interesting and instructive, and I almost
regretted that, at ten o'clock that evening, our arrival at
Trieste put an end to our conversation.
The three days in Trieste before the Lloyd's steamer was
to sail, were for the most part taken up in anxieties concern-
ing my outfit and luggage, which I had deferred till the last.
I stayed at the house of my dear and honoured friend,
Heinrich Krauseneck (a nephew of my father's old friend
and comrade, the Prussian general, famous in the war for
liberty). The warm and friendly reception which I had
already found here on many former occasions was now
especially comforting to me, and greatly softened the pain
of quitting Europe. Other kind friends also met me with
their wonted heartiness, and once more I bid farewell to
the great Austrian port and emporium with a feeling of
leaving a portion of my German home behind me. And tbi
hours flew by so quickly that I could not even pay a visit
to the poetic site of Miramar, that matchless castle by the
sea, whose beauty and situation seem to point it out as the
most fitting scene for an act in the tragedy of the Emperor
Maximilian of Mexico. What a subject for some dramatist
of the future
Nor was there time even for an excursion to the neigh-
bouring bay of Muggia. This lovely bay, teeming
marine life, is rendered famous to naturalists by Johannes
Miiller's discovery ofthe singular umvalve Entoconcha mira-
bills, which lives inside the Holothuria. On former
to Trieste I had often dredged there, and almost always with
success ; but now the prospect of Indian fishing threw the
Mediterranean into the background. Besides, my
baggage absorbed all my attention. By the day before the
start all the cases were safe on board the ship, and all my
preparations were complete. With regard both to the
packing and transport of all this luggage, as well as in all
that regarded my personal accommodation and comfort as
a passenger, I met with the kindest attention and most
efficient aid from the directors of the Austrian Lloyd's Com-
pany, particularly with reference to the scientific aim and
object of my journey. That liberal and intelligent body
having already afforded special assistance and facilities to
other scientific voyagers, I hoped for some such help in my
own expedition. This I received to the very fullest extent,
and I am doing no more than my duty in recording here
my heartiest and sincerest gratitude to the chairman of the
company, Baron Marco di Morpurgo, as well as to the
board of directors, and among them particularly my distin-
gnished friend, Captain Radonetz, of the Austrian navy.
Not only was I provided with a special and most effective
letter of recommendation to each and all of the company's
agents and officers, not only was one of the best first-class
cabins onboard the ship I sailed in devoted to my exclusive
use, but a considerable reduction in expense was allowed
me and every possible comfort ensured.
And now on board at last ! on the fine, safe steamship
which is to carry me in four weeks to the shores of India.
I had my choice of two first-class vessels belonging to the
company, both starting on October 15th from Trieste for
India vid the Suez canal. The first, the Helios, touches
only at Aden and proceeds direct to Bombay; there it
remains for eight days and then goes on to Ceylon, Singa-
pore and Hong Kong. The second steamer, the Follu.ce, on
its way from Suez down the Red Sea, touches at Djedda, the
port for Mecca, and then proceeds from Aden to Ceylon and
on to Calcutta. I selected the Helios, as this would give me
an opportunity of seeing Bombay and a part of the Indian
peninsula, which I otherwise could scarcely have accom-
plished. Moreover, the Helios was the finer, swifter, and
larger vessel, quite new, and of a most inviting appearance.
Finally, the name of the ship attracted me strangely, for
could the good ship which was to transport me within
the short space of one month, as if it were Faust's magical
cloak, from the grey and foggy shore of my northern home,
to the sunlit and radiant palm-groves of India, have a name
of better omen than that of the ever-youthful Sun-god ?
Was it not my very purpose to see what the all-powerful
and procreating Sun could call into life in the teeming earth
and seas of the tropics ? Noinen sit omen f And, after all.
why should not I cherish my scrap of superstition like any
other man ? Moreover, I could surely count on the good
graces of the Helios, since I had already called a whole class
of humble phosphorescent Protozoa Heliozoacreatures of
the Sunand only a few weeks previously, when completing
my new system of classification of the Radiolaria, had named
a number of new genera of these elegant atoms in honour of
Helios: Heliophacus, Heliosestrum, Heliostylus, Heliodry-
mus, etc. So, I beseech thee, adored Sun-god, that this my
zoological tribute may find favour in thine eyes ! Guide me,
safe and sound, to India, that I may labour in thy light, and
return home under thy protection in the spring
The Austrian Lloyd's steamship Helios is one of their
largest and finest vessels, and as that floating hotel was for
a whole month my most comfortable, clean and hospitable
home, I must here give some account of her build and
accommodation. She is long, narrow and three-masted
her length being 300 feet (English), her breadth 35 feet,
and her depth, from deck to keel, 26 feet. Above this a
saloon is built, nine feet high. She registers 2380 tons ; the
engines are of 1200 horse-power (400 nominal). The fore-
part contains the second cabins with a saloon ; and over it,
the stalls for our floating cattle farm, including a few cows
and calves, a flock of fine Hungarian sheep with long
twisted horns, and a large number of fowls and duclcs.
The middle portion of the vessel is occupied by the mighty
engines, which work not only the screw, but the rudder,
the various cranes, and the machinery
for the electric light
the apparatus for distilling drinking
water is also con-
nected with them, and behind is a large hold for storing the
passengers' luggage. The after-part
of the ship is princi-
pally occupied by the best cabins, which have two spacious
and airy saloons, one above and one below the deck; an
open gallery runs round the upper saloon, and the cabins
open into the lower one. Half a dozen sleeping cabins,
more roomy and pleasant than the others, adjoin the upper
saloon, and one of these was assigned to me. All the cabins
are well furnished, have good-sized windows and electric
bells. Behind the upper saloon there is a smoking-room;
there are baths and other conveniences, which are absolutely
indispensable to the luxury-loving travellers of the present
day, more particularly a large ice-room at the bottom of
the hold. The kitchen and apothecary's stores, and most
of the officers' cabins, are in the middle. Comfortable
divans, fitted with leather cushions, run round the upper
saloon, with two rows of wide tables, where some of the
passengers are engaged in eating, playing games, writing,
painting, and other occupations. In fine weather they sit
for the most part on the upper deck or roof of the saloon,
which is shaded from the fiery shafts of the Helios of the
tropics by a double canvas awning, and by curtains at
the sides. Here they can walk up and down, or lean over
the railing and gaze into the blue sea, or lie at full length
in the long Chinese cane chairs, and dream as they stare at
the sky.
On the very first day of the passage, with a somewhat
rough sea, we discovered that the vessel rode the waves in
capital style, and particularly that she hardly rolled at all.
The perfect cleanliness on board was a pleasure in itself,
and the absence of that horrible smell, compounded of the
odours of the kitchen, the engine-room, and the cabins,
which is a prevailiig characteristic of the older vessels, and
contributes far more to produce .sea-sickness than the rolling
or pitching of the ship; and in fact I, as well as most of
the other passengers, escaped sea-sickness throughout the
vo^^age. The weather was uninterruptedly fine, and the sea
calm. Of all the many voyages I have ever made, this
which was the longest, was also the pleasantest. 'Excellent
company contributed in no small degree to make it agree-
able, and the friendliness of the amiable and cultivated officers
of the ship. I have the pleasure of expressing my warmest
thanks to them all, and particularly to Captain Lazzarich
and Dr. Jovanovich, the ship's surgeon, for their obliging
kindness during the whole passage. The service and enter-
tainment also left nothing to be desired, as I have usually
found to be the case on board the Austrian Lloyd's steam-
The regular service by steam between Europe and India
is carried on by four different companies. First, the Austrian
Lloyd's ships from Trieste ; secondly, the Italian Rubattino
Company from Genoa to Naples ; thirdly, the French Mes-
sageries Maritimes of Marseilles ; and fourthly, the English
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, which
carries the weekly overland mails from England, via Brin-
disi and Suez. It is also used by most of the English, and
by all to whom the highest possible speed is a matter of
importance. The regular mail steamships of the P. and 0.
make from eleven to twelve nautical miles an hour, while
the other companies make at the most from eight to ten
the Helios averaged nine. This considerable difference in
speed is simply a question of money. The additional cost
of high speed is out of all direct proportion. A steamship
which makes twelve instead of eight miles an hourone-
third moreconsumes, not one-third more coals, "but three
times as many ; not twelve loads of coals instead of eight,
but twenty-four. This enormous disproportion is covered
in the case of the P. and 0. by a special subsidy from the
English Government, since it is, of course, of the first im-
portance that the weekly mails between England and India
should be conveyed with the greatest possible dispatch.
Other companies, who have not this compensation, cannot
compete with the P. and 0. But then a first-class through
ticket from Brindisi to Bombay costs 66, and by the
Austrian Lloyd's
a difference of one-third, making a
difference in the double journey of 44 ; and for that sum
a pleasant little tour may be accomplished in Switzerland
next autumn, after the return home.
Greater speed is, however, the only advantage offered by
the English company. The service and comfort are con-
spicuously inferior to those on the vessels of the other three'
and the officers and menfrom the captain and the first-
lieutenant to the steward and cabin servantsare not, as a
rule, distinguished by their polite and obliging conduct.
Besides this, these ships are usually crowded, and the
passengers' servants are chiefly native "boys," who are
officious rather than helpful. This is an inconvenience also
met with on board the French Messagerie vessels, which, in
other respects, are admirable. The Italian Rubattino vessels,
on the other hand, leave much to be desired as to comfort
and cleanliness in the cabins. I give these remarks for the
benefit of other travellers to India, from information derived
from several passengers whom I asked, both on this and on
former journeys, and whose reports agreed, though much
more than half of my authorities were themselves English.
Thus the Austrian Lloyd's ships are the most to be recom-
mended, and next to these the Rubattino line, or the Messa-
geries Maritimes; the P. and O. standing lowest on the
The party who had assembled on board the Helios by
noon on October 15thand who were all going to disembark
at Bombay, with the exception of a Hungarian count who
was bound for Singapore, and myselfconsisted chiefly of
English, some being officers and civil servants, and others
merchants. The smaller half were Germans and Austrians,
some of them merchants and some missionaries. The fair
sex was but feebly represented by one German and five
English women. Our amiable countrywoman contributed
materially to the pleasures of conversation, and her
singing in the evenings to the piano delighted the whole
company. She had been spending the summer with her
children at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, and was now returning
for the winter to her husband at Bombaya half-yearly
alternation of her affection as a mother and as a wife,
which, unfortunately, is a duty with most English and
German women in India, who watch over the growth and
education of their children. Most families of the educated
class are forced to send their children to England or Ger-
many after the first few years of their life, not merely on
account of the unfavourable effects of a tropical climate
on the delicate constitutions of European children bom in
India, but, even more, to avoid the evil moral influence
incurred at every moment through intercourse with the
natives, and to gain the benefit of a well-directed education.
Besides my charming fellow-countrywoman, there were
English ladies on board who, like her travelled regularly
between Europe and Bombay, passing the summer with
their children and the winter with their husbands. But,
quite irrespective of the two months spent in travelling,
this must be a very uncomfortable mode of family life, and
it is very natural that a European merchant should strive
above everything to shorten his residence in India as much
as possible, and gain as quickly as may be such a fortune as
will enable him to return to his northern home. A passion
for that home is to almost all of them the guiding star of
their indefatigable activity, however much they may become
spoilt in some respects by the ease and luxury of a residence
in India.
As is always the case on long sea voyages, the passengers
were fairly acquainted within a day or two, and segregated
into groups who settled into closer intimacy. The German
and English missionaries, and with them an American, Mr.
Rowe, who has written a capital book called "Everyday
Life in India," formed a party by themselves ; a second
consisted of the English officers, civilians and merchants ; a
third of the German and Austrian passengers, who were
joined by the captain and doctor and myself. The weather
was almost always serene, the sky bright and cloudless, 'the
sea calm or but slightly ruffled, and our good ship reached
its stopping places punctually to its time. Sea-sickness
claimed but few victims, and those only for a short while ; but
then, on the other hand, the very monotony of a perfectly
calm passage increased for most of the passengers the inevit-
able tedium. Every occupation usually taken up as a
remedy had lost its effect by the end of the first week
reading and writing, chess and cards, piano and singing ; and
the five meals which, on board Indian steamships, divide
the day into five periods, gained in importance every day.
Unfortunately the limited capacity of a poor German pro-
fessor's stomach is in my case aggravated by a weak con-
stitution. Although I am rarely sea-sick, and then only in
very rough weather when the motion of the ship is con-
siderable, I always lose my appetite on a long sea voyage,
while most other passengers find theirs increase in direct
proportion to their days on board. However, I could with
the greater ease constitute myself an impartial observer of
the colossal capacities of others, and of the incredible pitch
which what physiologists style hypertrophy can reach at
sea ; the absorption, that is to say, of superfluous quantities
of food and drink absolutely unnecessary for the mainten-
ance of a healthy frame. I had long wondered with silent
envy at the amazing powers in this respect of our more
fortunate cousins on the other side of the English
on land as well as at sea, far transcending those of most
Germans ; but what I saw an English major
on board the Helios surpassed everything I ever saw before.
Not only did this worthy gentleman consume a double
allowance at each of the five regular meals, and wash it
down with a few bottles of wine and beer, but he contrived
to fill up the short intervals between them, in a most in-
genious manner, with snacks and biscuits and a variety of
drinks. This gastronomical marvel appeared to me to liave
reached the extreme limits of such development as consists
in the uninterrupted activity of the organs of digestion;
and I am inclined to believe that this activity was kept up
throughout the night, for quite early in the morning I have
seen him reeling, totally incapable, out of his cabin-door.
Indeed, I
repeatedly heard it asserted that most of those
English who sicken and die in India incur their fate
through such intempeiance.
The five grand meals on board the Indian steamships
constitute a far too importantindeed, to many of the
passengers, the most importantincident of daily life for
me to feel it less than a duty to acquaint the curious reader
with their composition according to contract. In the
morning, at eight, coffee and bread are served ; at ten, a
breakfast with eggs dressed in two ways, two kinds
of hot meat, curry and rice, vegetables and fruit ; at one, the
Indian tiffina meal of cold meat, with bread, butter,
potatoes and tea ; at about five, dinner, consisting of soups
three varieties of meat, with concomitants, puddings, and
dessert of fruit and coffee
finally, at eight, tea again, with
bread and butter, etc. I limited my own gastronomical
efforts to the first, third, and fourth of these tasks, and
could never fully perform even those. Most of the
passengers, however, never missed one of these entertain-
ments, and after each would go to the upper deck and there
promenade for half an hour, or throw themselves into a
cane chaise-longue and, while they stretched their limbs,
contemplate surrounding naturethe clouds in the sky or
the blue waves. A most welcome excitement is occasioned
under such circumstances by the sight of some creature
breaking the monotonous level of the waters; schools of
dolphins, which tumble round the ship in graceful sport,
raising their backs high above the water; sea mews and
petrels, soaring in wide circles and dipping suddenly for a
fish ; flying-fish, skimming the smooth surface in shoals, and
like ducks for a longer or shorter space on the
glassy water. I myself was delighted above all to recognize
my old favourites, the fragile Medusse, whose floating
s warms I never failed to find in the Indian seas, as well as
in the Mediterranean. I only lamented, as I had so often
done before, that the rapid course held by the ship pre-
vented my bringing the lovely sea-nettles on board in a
bucket. I met with two large Medusse (Rhizostomse), which
are extremely numerous in the Mediterraneanthe blue
Pilema pulmo, and the golden-brown Cotylorhiza tuher-
culata; in the Indian seas, on the other hand, two fine
Semostomse were particularly abundant, a rose-coloured
Aurelia and a dark-red Pelagia.
Our twenty-four days' passage from Trieste to Bombay
was, under these favourable conditions, so normal and un-
eventful that there is little to be said of it on the whole.
The Helios weighed anchor at four in the afternoon of
October 15th, and, bidding an affectionate farewell to our
Trieste friends, we steamed out in a most beautiful autumn
evening and away down the blue Adriatic. On former
voyages on this sea I had for most of the time had a view
of the picturesque coasts of Istria and Dalmatia, and the
rosemary-scented isles of Lissa and Lesina, where, in 1871
I had spent a delicious month in the romantic Franciscan
convent with the worthy Padre Buona Grazia. But on this
occasion the Helios took a more westerly course at once,
towards the middle of the gulf, since we were to put in to
Brindisi to take up some more passengers. Over the
heights of Canossa hung a black cloud; the shadow, per-
hapsbut politics are out of place here.
By the morning of the 17th we reached Brindisi and lay
there till noon. I spent two or three hours on shore, visited
the few insignificant traces of ancient Brindusium and
wanc^ered along the ramparts to the railway station. This
is no more worthy of the importance of the place than the
modern town itself, which, since the opening of the Suez
Canal, has risen to be the focus of the world's commerce
with the East. Immediately after the arrival of the mail
train at Brindisi, the overland post-bags are transferred on
board the mail-ships, and even the passengers, whether
going to or returning from India, appear to feel no desire to
stop in Brindisi, even for a short rest. At any rate, the
only hotel is generally empty and deserted. It was quite
characteristic of the place that silence as of the grave
reigned in the station, and that excepting the telegraph clerk
and one porter, not a soul was to be seen at ten o'clock^
on a Monday morning. The flat coast near Brindisi, with
its market gardens and cane plantations, and here and there
a few scattered date-palms, offers little of interest. An
ancient convent to the south of the town, with a tall, slender
tower and a fine cupola, is the only subject for the sketch-
book, forming a pretty picture, surrounded as it is with a
garden run wild and a foreground of opuntias and agaves.
An English general with his family and servants, whom
we were to have taken up, failed to appear, their luggage
having been left behind by the railway officials; so we
steamed away again without them, the same afternoon. On
the following morning, in the same calm and sunny weather,
we passed the Ionian Islands. I was glad to send a greeting
to stately Cephalonia with its forest-crowned head, the
proud Monte Nero. I had spent a never-to-be-forgotten
day in April,
1877, under the guidance of the kindest of
hosts, the German Consul Tool, of Argostolion its snowy
summit, lulled by the rustling branches of the spreading
Pinus C'phalonica, while we encamped among the huge
trunks of this noble fir, which is found on this island and
nowhere else. Farther on we sighted Zante,
Fior di
Levante^' and steamed so close to its picturesque southern
shores that we could ])lairily see the long row of vaulted
caves and chines in the riven red marble cliffs of its rocky-
coast. In the afternoon the highlands of Arcadia were
visible to the left, and to the right the solitary island of
Stamphania; late in the evening we passed Navarino,
famous for its battle. No less lovely and picturesque were
the views we had of the fine island of Candia, along whose
deeply indented southern coast we were steaming almost the
. whole day of October 19th, still under the most beautiful
lights. Thin white clouds, chased by a fresh breeze, swept
across the deep blue sky, and threw fleeting shadows over
the huge rocky mass of the noble island. The snow-crowned
peak of Ida, the many-fabled throne of the gods, looked
down on us, sometimes veiled in clouds and sometimes clear
of them. After passing the two Gaudo Islands the same
evening, on the following day there was only sea in siglit.
The proximity of the African coast made itself felt by a
considerable increase of warmth, and we exchanged the
warm clothing we had hitherto worn for light summer
When we came on deck on the morning of the 21st,
nothing was as yet to be seen of the Egyptian coast ; but
the Mediterranean had already lost its incomparably pure
deep-blue colour, and was faintly tinged with green. The
farther we advanced the stronger did this green hue appear
by midday it passed into a dirty yellow-green, the effect of
the muddy waters of the Nile. At the same time we came
among a crowd of little sails belonging for the most part to
Arab fishing-boats. A large sea turtle, Chelonia caouana,
swam in front of our vessel, while numerous land birds flew
on board. At noon we saw the lighthouse of Damietta ; at
four o'clock the Arab pilot came out to us in a small steam
launch, and an hour later we were at anchor at Port Said,
the northern station of the Suez Canal. As the Helios was
to take in coals and provisions to last till Bombay was
reached, it lay here a whole day. I went on shore in the
evening with some of the passengers, and amused myself
with watching the gay outdoor life of an Egyptian town.
I met in a caf^ with the doctor and some of the passengeru
of the Polluce (Austrian Lloyd's), which was to proceed to
Ceylon and Calcutta direct, and which had arrived here at
the same time as ourselves.
On the following morning, the 22nd, I climbed to the
top of the lighthouse of Port Said. It is one of the highest
in the world160 feet highand its electric light is visible
at a distance of twenty-one nautical miles. Its strong walls
are built of blocks of the same concrete as the mole of the
harbourimmense cubes of artificial stone, composed of
seven parts of desert sand and one part of French hydraulic
lime. The view from the top did not in any respect answer
my expectations, for, beyond Port Said itself and its imme-
diate neighbourhood of flat sand, nothing is to be seen but
water on every side. I next visited the magnificent artificial
harbours which have been constructed at enormous cost
and pains to secure the northern entrance of the Suez Canal.
Not only was it necessary to dredge out the harbour basin
itself to a great depth, but two colossal dams of stone run
parallel far out into the sea, to defy the two arch-foes of the
hardly-won possession: the muddy sediment which is
carried eastward from the mouths of the Nile by the strong
current from the west, and the clouds of sand which are
blown into the sea by the prevailing north-west winds.
The western mole is, therefore, about three thousand m^res
(more than a mile and three-quarters) long, and much more
strongly constructed than the eastern, which is of about
half the length. Above thirty thousand blocks of concrete
were used in making it, each measuring ten cubic metres
(or thirteen cubic yards), and weighing twenty thousand
kilogrammes (between nineteen and twenty tons).
From the harbour I walked to the Arab quarter of the
town, which is divided from the European settlement at Port
Said by a broad strip of desert; but both alike consist of
parallel streets, regularly crossed by others at right angles.
The motley and picturesque bustle of the dirty Arab quarter
otters the same variety of quaint and original pictures as
every other small Egyptian town, such as the suburbs of
Alexandria and Cairo. The European quarter consists
chietly of rows of shops ; the whole population is about
ten thousand. The hopes formed at the first building of
the town, that it might blossom into magnificence, have not
been altogether realized; the splendid and palatial Hotel
des Pays Bas, opened in 1876, is already neglected and
So much has already been said and written about the
Suez Canal, the modern wonder of the world, that I will
devote no space to repeating well-known facts, but limit
myself to a few remarks on its present condition. When 1
was in Suez in 1873, three years after the passage had been
opened, pessimist views as to its success were in the
ascendant ; it was believed that the cost and difficulty of
keeping it open must always be greater than the probable
revenue. Eight years have entirely reversed this
not only
has the solvency of this great work been amply proved, but
its income has reached an unexpected figure, and continues
to increase steadily. The English Government, when, in
1875, to the great consternation of the French, it acquired
the larger portion of the shares, did a great stroke of
business, not merely from a political, but from a financial
point of view. The maintenance of the Canal, however,
particularly as regards the dredging which is perpetually
necessary, is at all times very costly ; but the increase of
revenue is so steady and so large that it may be expected in
a short time to yield a considerable surplus. One great
obstacle to rapidity of transit lies in the fact that for most
of its length the breadth of the Canal allows of only one large
vessel navigating it, and that drawing not more than
twenty-four to twenty-five feet of water. At intervals,
however, deep bays have been constructed, where ships
meeting each other find room to pass, and here one vessel
has frequently to lie several hours till the other has gone by.
It is probable that in the course of the next century the
Canal will either be dug out to more than twice its present
width, or even be divided into two, so that two trains of
ships, one proceeding northward and the other southward,
may constantly pass without delay or interruption.
The whole length of the Canal is 160 kilometres, about
99 English miles; the width at the surface is from 265 to
360 feet, but at the bottom of the trench it is no more than
72 feet. The passage generally occupies from sixteen to
twenty hours, but it is prolonged when several ships have to
be allowed to pass at the different stations, or when a ship,
as not unfrequently happens, sticks in the mud. We our-
selves lost a whole day not far from Suez, because an English
steamer had run aground and could not float again until
she had partly unloaded. Every vessel that passes through
the Canal is guided by a pilot, whose chief duty it is to see
that the speed at no time exceeds five miles an hour, as
otherwise the heavy wash would seriously damage the
banks. As a rule, ships navigate the Canal by daylight
only, or, under a full moon, during part of the night. The
Helios had to pay about two thousand francs in tolls
ten francs per ton, and twelve francs per head for passengers.
We got through the greater part of the Suez Canal in
the course of the 23rd. Morning rose over Lake Menzaleh
refreshingly cool and bright, and the sandbanks in the lake
were crowded with pelicans, flamingoes, herons, and other
water-birds. Beyond Lake Ballah we got into the nar-
rowest part of the Canal, which is cut through El Gisr, or
"the threshold." This is the highest ridge of the Isthmus
of Suez, lying at an average height of fifty feet above the
level of the sea. The high sand dykes on each side of the
Canal are here densely covered in spots with grey-green
tamarisk shrubs. Numbers of naked Arab children made
their appearance, begging for bakhshish, and some of the
boys played the flute and danced with a good deal of grace.
About noon we passed the deserted town of Ismailia, founded
by Lesseps, and in the evening cast anchor in the large
Bitter Lake.
After dark the chief engineer of the Helios made some
experiments with the electric light, which were a brilliant
success. In obedience to his kind bidding, I inspected his
newly constructed apparatus in the lower engine-room
motor was worked by the steam engine that also worked
the screw. I here met with a slight accident, which
might have had very serious consequences. While the
details of the apparatus were being explained to me, in
taking a step nearer to see it better, my right foot slipped
on the smooth floor, and at the same moment my left leg,
which was lifted to move, was struck just below the knee
by the motor of the electric apparatus, making 1200 revo-
lutions in a minute. I fell, and was afraid the bone must
be broken ; however, I happily had only received a severe
contusion. But if I had fallen in the other direction, the
machine must inevitably have pounded me to atoms. I
immediately applied compresses with ice, and continued to
do so for two days, which to a great extent averted any
serious consequences ; still, the limb remained much swollen
for fully a fortnight, and I did not recover the use of it till
shortly before we reached Bombay. Of all the imaginable
perils of a voyage in the tropics such an accident as this
was the last I should have thought of, and it was all the
more vexatious, because it occurred just as we were entering
the Red Sea, and compelled me to lie below in my cabin for
several days.
The Red Sea is dreaded by all Indian voyagers as the
hottest and most unpleasant part of the passage ; and
although we were already at the coolest season of the year,
we had ample reason to be convinced of the justice of this
opinion. The northern third of the Red Sea, or Arabian
Gulf, lies, it is true, outside the tropic, but for all this it
must be regarded throughout its whole length as a truly
tropical sea. Its character is invariable from Suez to Perim,
from SO'^' to IS'^* N. lat. ; its flora and fauna are alipost the
same, and its physical peculiarities identical throughout.
dilference between the two extremes of the gulf, which
is three hundred miles from north to south, is far less con-
spicuous in every particular than that between the Red Sea
at Suez and the Mediterranean at Port Said, although they
are divided only by the narrow bridge of the isthmus. But
this narrow bridge which joins Asia to Africa has existed
for millions of years, and, as a consequence, the animal and
plant life in the two neighbouring seas have developed quite
independently of each other. Those of the Mediterranean
have affinities with the creatures of the Atlantic ; those of
the Red Sea, on the other hand, belong to the Indian Ocean.*
Both the shores of the Red Sea, both the Eastern or
Arabian coast and the western or Egyptian, are for by far
the greater part bare of all vegetation, and everywhere
desolate, parched, and barren, nor does any large river shed
its waters into the gulf. Beyond the coast on each side lie
long stretches of mountains, which likewise are among the
wildest and most desolate on the face of the earth; and
between these high, sun-baked parallel ranges lies the
narrow Arabian Gulf, like a ditch shut in between high
walls, so that the intense heat which is radiated from the
waterless sand-hills and cliffs gives rise to no vegetable
products. In the hot summer months the thermometer in
the shade at noon rises to about
centigrade, and the
officers of the Helios, who had made the voyage at that
season, assured me that this infernal heat had seemed so per-
fectly unendurable that they had feared it might affect their
reason. Even now, at the end of October, it was bad enough.
Corals of the Red Sea," 1876, pp. 26, 41.
For the greater part of the day the thermometer on deck
stood at
under the double awning, rising once to
and in the airy
cabins it marked
and day. At the same time the hot breeze itself was oppres-
sively sultry, and every attempt to find refreshment was
vain. To have such a draught, at any rate, as was possible,
every window and port-hole was open day and night ; air
was conveyed from the deck to the lower part of the ship
by means of chimney-like ventilators, and, finally, the
Indian punkah in the saloons was kept in constant motion.
This was very effectually contrived on board our ship by two
rows of fan-shaped frames stretched with stuff", which swung
on horizontal poles that ran along the whole length of the
saloon and were moved by the engine. The air given by
these huge fans, and an enormous consumption of iced water,
considerably mitigated our sufferings from the tremendous
Our vessel was detained for a day shortly before we
reached Suez by a steamship having run aground, so it was
not till noon on the 25th that we were lying in the Suez
roads, and we remained but a few hours. By next morning
we found ourselves opposite Tur, an interesting Arab town
lying at the foot of Mount Sinai. In March, 1873, I had
derived infinite enjoyment from an examination of the fine
coral reef hard by. I had then been on board an Egyptian
man-of-war, generously placed at my disposal for this de-
lightful trip by the Khedive, Ismail Pasha, and I was so
enchanted by the glories and wonders of this submarine
coral -garden that my old longing to see the not remote
splendours of India had come over me with aggravated
Ah I if only I could see the marvellous shores of
Ceylon, surrounded with corals I " And now, eight yeansi
afterwards, here I was on my way thither !
In the bright gleam of dawn I saw the picturesque peaks
of the Sinaitic peninsula glide by, which I had before seen
in the purple glow of the evening sun. Of the six days of
misery in the Red Sea which now ensued there is little to
be said. Our vessel kept steadily to the middle channel,
so we saw very little of either coast. At seven in the even-
ing of the 27th we crossed the tropic of Cancer, and I
breathed for the first time the glowing atmosphere of
tropical nature. While the starry sky bent over us in un-
clouded brilliancy, a heavy black storm-cloud hung over the
Arabian coast to the eastward, parted every instant and
almost incessantly by vivid flashes or broad pale sheets of
lightning. No thunder was heard nor did any refreshing
rain pass over us. The same spectacle was repeated every
evening over the eastern horizon, while to the west it was
perfectly clear, and day after day only light fleecy clouds
ever floated across the deep blue sky. During the first three
nights in the tropics the thermometer never fell below
centigrade in the saloons or cabins, while all stood open.
I and most of the other gentlemen slept on deck, where the
temperature was at least four degrees lower and we also
had a breath of air. We passed the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb
in the night of October SOth, and the island of Perim, for-
tified by the Englishthe Gibraltar of the Red Sea. By
ten in the morning of the 31st we had cast anchor in the
Gulf of Aden.
Aden, as everybody knows, is built on a rocky peninsula,
connected with the mainland of Arabia by a narrow isthmus,
just like Gibraltar. It was taken and fortified by the
English so long ago as 1839, and of late years this great
emporium on the route to India has grown to immense im-
portance, particularly since the opening of the Canal. The
popiilation already numbers more than thirty thousand. Most
ships stop here to take in coal and victuals ; we were already
provided at Port Said, for we did not know whether com-
munication with Aden v/as considered safe, an epidemic of
cholera havino: broken out there about two months since.
We were told, however, that all danger was now over. No
sooner had we arrived than the Helios was surrounded by
Arab boats, whose dark-brown passengers clambered on
board to offer the produce of the country for saleostrich
feathers and eggs, lion and leopard skins, antelope horns,
huge saws from the sawfish, prettily woven baskets, bowls,
and so forth. But the sellers were far more interesting
than their merchandise : some of them genuine Arabs, some
negroes, some Somalis and Abyssinians. Most were dark
brown in colour, verging in some on copper-colour or
bronze, and in others nearly black. Their black curly hair
was in many cases stained red with henna or white-
washed with chalk. The garments of most consisted merely
of a white cloth round the loins. Most amusing, too, were
the swarms of little brownish-black boys from eight to
twelve years old, who came out singly or in pairs in little
canoes formed of a tree-trunk burnt hollow, and displayed
their diving powers. We threw small silver coins over-
board, which they dived for and caught with amazing skill,
and struggled under water for them with the greatest
As we did not land we saw but little of the town and
fortifications. The barren volcanic rock on which the
houses are scattered seemed to be deeply riven, and in some
places highly picturesque ; the prevailing colour of the bare
lava is dark brown. No form of vegetation clothes its
stark and naked sides to qualify the heat of the tropical
sun, though here and there isolated and meagre plantations
were to be seen. A residence in this scorching rock-settle-
ment during the summer is the purgatory of the English
garrison, and it is not without reason that the officers call
it the
Devil's Punch-bowl." The aspect of the naked lava
cliffs reminded me forcibly of Lancerote in the Canary
After a stay of six hours the Helios quitted inhospitable
Aden to proceed on her way to Bombay. The eight days'
passage across the Indian Ocean again offered no incident
worthy of record. We all rejoiced in the exquisite autumn
weather ; the refreshing north-west monsoon told upon us
more and more every day. We perceived its influence
with keen satisfaction as soon as we were out of the Red
Sea. Although, even now, the thermometer never fell
centigrade, and generally stood at
at noon,
the fresh breeze felt like a different atmosphere, and, above
all, the nights w^ere no longer sultry, as in the Red Sea, but
deliciously cool. The sea was in constant motion under
the fresh breath of the monsoon ; its colour was a delicate
blue-green, or sometimes a greenish lapis-lazuli, but never
the pure deep blue of the Mediterranean : in the Red Sea
the blue had verged on violet. The sky was sometimes
quite clear, sometimes dappled with light clouds. At noon
numerous masses of clouds invariably gathered and packed,
towering above each other, and riding from the north-east
towards the south-west. The Indian sunset afforded the
most gorgeous effects of light, an ever new and ever splen-
did spectacle, vanishing only too quickly before our eyes.
For hours together I could stand forward by the bowsprit
and watch the shoals of flying fish which constantly
fluttered up close to the ship and shot across just above
the water, like swallows.
Still, nothing could prove so strongly attractive as my
beloved Medusae, which appeared in the mornings between
nine and twelve, at first singly and then in swarms : blue
Rhizostoma, rose-coloured Aurelia, and reddish-brown
Pelagia. I regretted extremely being unable to fish up
and examine the remarkable social Medusae or Siphono-
phorae, called Forpita, and of which numerous fine speci-
mens were seen, though always singly, on November 4.
On some evenings the beautiful phenomenon of a phos-
phorescent sea was finer than I ever had seen it. The whole
ocean, as far as the eye could reach, was one continuous
and sparkling sea of light. A microscopical investigation
of the water in a bucket showed that the greater number
of the phosphorescent creatures were minute crustaceans,
and the rest were Medusae, Salpae, Annelidas, etc., but the
brightest light proceeded from the Pyrosoma. I spent the
greater part of three weeks of enforced idleness in writing
this account of them.
November 8th, 1881, was the glorious and memorable day
in my life when I first set foot in a tropical land, admired
tropical vegetation, and gazed in astonishment at tropical
life in man and beast. Exactly a month before, on the
8th of October, I had left my home in Jena, and here I
was already brought by the Austrian Lloyd's steamship
Helios across thirty-four degrees of latitudefour thousand
miles away from my German homestanding on the
wonder-teeming soil of India. By an hour before sunrise I
was already on deck, and saw the deeply indented coast
of Bombay grow gradually out of t^he filmy mist of dawn,
with the weirdly shaped outline of the hills known as the
Bhor Ghauts. These form a boundary wall between the
broad tableland of the Dekhanthe highlands of the penin-
sula of Hindostan, lying at about two thousand feet above
the seaand the narrow flat strip of the coast of Konkan,
the littoral lowland. The steep rocky walls which stretch
away in a long chain, consist of basalt, syenite, and other
plutonic rocks, so that the horizontal line of the high plateau
appears to be guarded by a number of colossal fastnesses,
forts, towers, and battlements.
The twilight eastern sky over the Indian shore was
swiftly dyed with the most delicate and tender hues, and
then, suddenly, the Indian Helios appeared in all his splen-
dour, sending his burning shafts from between two broad
strata of clouds to greet the vessel that bore his name.
We could now distinguish the details of the coast we were
approaching; first, the extensive groves of the Palmyra palm,
and then the vast harbour of Bombay, affording shelter to
thousands of ships. Of the town itself, the detached houses
of the Kolaba quarter were now visible on the projecting
south-eastern point of the island of Bombay
presently we
saw the noble buildings of the fort in front, and in the
background the long green ridge of the Malabar Hill, form-
ing the south-western rampart of the island, and covered
with villas and gardens. But, more than these, what riveted
our eyes was the strange concourse of ships in the wide
harbour, which is one of the best in India. Here, close
before us, lay the two iron-clad monitors, painted white,
which very effectually complete the fortifications of the
place; there, hundreds of English soldiers were standing
on the decks of two gigantic troop-ships carrying from
three to four thousand men. As we went on we passed
through a whole fleet of different steamships, which convey
passengers and freight from Bombay to every country under
heaven ; and strangest of all was the motley swarm of
small boats and canoes manned by the natives, whose bare
brown bodies are generally clothed only with a white apron
or loin-cloth, and their heads protected against the tropical
sun by a coloured turban.
Soon after sunrise our ship was at anchor close to the
Apollo Bund, the usual landing-place for passengers ; officers
of health and custom-house men came on board, and as
soon as they learnt that all the passengers had never left
their floating hotel for twenty-four days since leaving
Trieste, we were free to land. A few last friendly greet-
ings were hastily exchanged, address-cards and good wishes
for the rest of the journey, and then each one went down
the ship's side as fast as possible with his belongings, and
into a boat that was to convey him to the longed-for land.
I myself accepted the kind invitation of a worthy fellow-
countrj^man, Herr Blaschek, of Frankfort-on-the-Maine,
who came on board to meet his wife, our amiable travelling
companion. He begged me, for the week I was to spend
in Bombay, to stay at his villa on Malabar Hill, and I
accepted the invitation all the more readily because the
English hotels in the great Indian cities, with their incon-
venient hours, their stiff etiquette, and their swarms of
tiresome servants, hamper the movements of travellers in a
very disagreeable manner.
Although in the Villa Blaschek, among palms and bananas,
I was surrounded by the elaborate comforts which are a
matter of course to all wealthy Europeans residing in India
though to a German stranger they seem almost too luxu-
riousI at once felt myself perfectly at home ; and I owe
my delightful recollections of this week in Bombay as
among the pleasantest in all my travels, at least as much
to this hearty and liberal hospitality as to the endless suc-
cession of wonderfully various and beautiful scenes which,
during these eight days, passed before my eyes.
A week, of course, cannot in the remotest degree suffice
to make the traveller fully acquainted with such a city of
wonders as Bombay, and I do not in the least pretend in
these pages to give a complete description of it, nor even
a general sketch ; I must, on the contrary, confine myself
to a meagre outline of the deep and grandiose impressions
made on my mind during my brief visit. I had heard
and read but little of Bombay ; I knew scarcely anything
about it beyond the fact that, next to Calcutta, it was the
largest and most important city of British India, with an
extensive commerce by land and sea, and a very mixed
population. Nor do I remember ever having seen any
views of this city, or of its suburbs, in our picture exhibi-
tions. I was therefore greatly surprised to find here a
wealth of beautiful and magnificent views which, so far
as my own experience serves, I can only compare with those
of Naples in Europe, or of Cairo in Egypt, or, better still, a
singular combination of both those famous capitals, dis-
similar as they are. Bombay may be compared to Naples
in regard to its magnificent situation on a deeply indented
and hilly coast, beautified by a glorious vegetation, and its
chain of islands and rocks enclosing the wide and splendid
bay ; on the other hand, Bombay resembles Cairo in the
motley aspect and picturesque figures of its inhabitants
mixture of all the most dissimilar races of the southin the
amazing crowd and bustle of its street-life, and the vivid
colouring in which nature and art alike clothe their
The town of Bombay covers a little island of twenty-two
square miles (English) in extent; it is in
18 56'
N. lat.
72 56'
E. long. The island was first discovered by
the Portuguese in 1529; they took possession of it and
named it Buona Bahia (Bonne-bay), on account of the fine
harbour formed by its connection with other neighbouring
islands and the coast of the mainland of India. Some
writers, it must be added, derive the name of Bombay from
the Indian goddess Bamb^'-Bevi, or Maha Devi. In 1661
the Portuguese ceded Bombay to the English, who at first,
however, did not make much of it ; extensive sw^amps and
the consequent unhealthy climate w^ere a serious hindrance
to any extensive settlement. As soon as these swamps were
drained and the conditions of life improved, Bombay de-
veloped rapidlychiefly since 1820, when the illustrious
Mount-Stuart Elphinstone was appointed governor; and
during the past half century it has grown to be the third
commercial city of Asia, next only to Canton and Calcutta.
The population now amounts to about 800,000, including
8000 Europeans and 50,000 Parsis ; whereas in 1834 there
were but 234,000 inhabitants, in 1816
160,000, and in
1716 only 60,000. With respect to the commerce and
traffic generally of the Indian Peninsula and the intercourse
between Asia and Europe, Bombay now holds a position
as important as that of Alexandria at the time of its
ancient prosperity. The most important staple of its
trade is cotton ; in this commodity it is surpassed only by
New Orleans, U.S. The extensive harbour, which is as
safe as it is spacious, is the finest trading port in all India.
It is open to the south, and protected on the north-east by
the mainland, on the west by the island of Bombay, and to
the north by a, group of small islands lying in close
The shape of the island is a long square, its greatest
length lying north and south. The northern end is con-
nected by several bridges with the large island of Salsette,
and this again with the mainland. A large part of the
uorthern half of the island is occupied by the palm-wood of
Mahim. The southern end runs out into two long hilly
points which have been compared to the unequal claws ot a
crab's nippers, and which enclose a finely curved but shallow
bayBack Bay, as it is called. Of these parallel promon-
tories or tongues of land the western is the shorter and
higher, a good deal like Posilippo. This is the Malabar
Hill, the beautiful suburb of villas. Here delicious gardens,
luxuriantly full of all the glorious plants of the tropics,
enclose the numerous elegant villas or bungalows in which
the richest and most important residents livesome
Europeans and some Parsis. A pretty road, leading between
these gardens along and up the highest ridge of the basalt
back-bone of Malabar Hill, affords a series of magnificent
views now to the west over the palm-crowned shores of
the open ocean, and now to the east over the wide stretch of
Back Bay and the noble city which is built round it. The
most southerly extension is towards the point of Kolaba,
which is the eastern and longer cape of the two. This is the
chief scene of the cotton-trade, and principally occupied by
tents and barracks for European troops.
At the north end of Kolaba Point, between it and the
contiguous Fort, lies the much-talked-of Apollo Bund, the
handsome quay where most passengers disembark, and where
I myself first trod Indian soil. This busy landing-place is
not named after the splendid Sun-god, but from a corruption
of the Indian word Fallow, fish, into Apollo. The Pallow-
hund was originally the Indian fish-market. Here there is
now an excellent restaurant, the only large or elegant place
of the kind in all Bombay ; and out on the balcony, which
has a glorious view over the harbour and hills, I eat my
first breakfast in India, at the invitation of a friendly fellow-
countryman. The open square of the Apollo Bund, like
Santa Lucia at Naples, offers the most exciting and busy
scenes in the evening. Military bands often play, and all
the beauty and fashion of Bombay meet here. Numbers of
fine carriages are to be seen, in the cooler hours, returning
along the strand by Back Bay to Malabar Hill, and on the
open grass-plots the busy doings of the natives are to be
seen, who after their fashion enjoy life here too, squatting
round fires and gambling.
The wide expanse of the southern half of the island
between Malabar Hill and Kolaba Point is occupied by the
two most important quarters of the town, the Fort and the
Native Town. The Fort, as it is called, was formerly an
isolated citadel; it lies at the north end of Kolaba, and
includes by far the larger part of the European settlement.
Here we find, in the first place, most of the public build-
ings, erected on spacious squares ornamented with fountains,
and, in the second place, most of the counting-houses
and offices of the Europeans, all close together; these
constitute the "city" properly speakinga scene of eager
bustle. Most of the great public buildingsthe govern-
ment offices, post-office, university, schools of art, bank, town
hall, etc., have been erected at a great expense within the
last twenty to thirty years. They are all fine structures in
the Gothic style, with pointed arches and colonnades ; most
of them in the peculiar style which is seen in many old
palaces in Venice. These grand Veneto-Gothic buildings
form a strange contrast with the luxuriant tropical vege-
tation which surrounds them and the motley Indian low
life whifeh surges in the streets at their feet.
, The chief centre, however, of this national ^^p
"^'es in the
Native Town, as it is called. This is perfectly distinct botli
from the Fort which lies to the south of it, and from Malabar
Hill to the west, and its vividly coloured and strangely
foreign population is to every European highly attractive
and interesting. The open booths of the natives, which stand
in close rows, the gay-coloured clothes or the half-naked
figures of the struggling crowd, the cries of the sellers, the
turmoil of vehicles and horses, is very much the same as in
the bazaars and shop-streets of Cairo.
But the longer the stranger lingers in the busy city the
more he is struck by certain characteristic differences
between the Indian and Egyptian capitals. For instance,
the north-west quarter of the Native Town, called Girgaum,
has a very distinct and far more beautiful aspect. Here
are small detached native houses and gardens scattered
through a noble forest of cocoa-nut palms, and all the
accessoriesnaked children, gaudily dressed women, and
swarthy men, with graceful zebus, horses, dogs, monkeys, etc.,
in gay confusionsupply an endless choice of subjects for
the yenre painter.
The population inhabiting these different quarters of
Bombay is composed of such heterogeneous elements, and
wears such a variety of costume, that it would far transcend
the powers of my pen to attempt even to sketch its multi-
farious manners and customs. The largest proportion is of
Hindoos, a small and delicate race, with a dark bronze skin,
in some cases verging on coffee colour and in others on
chestnut brown. The children of these natives are charm-
they run and play about the streets perfectly naked,
never wearing any clothes before their ninth year. The
men too, indeed, of the poorest class are generally almost
naked, wearing only a loin-cloth or apron like swimming
drawers; thus the painter can study their graceful forms
and curiously slender limbs at every step and turn, and in
every conceivable attitude. Among the lads of from sixteen
to twenty he will meet with beautiful models. In fact, they
here constitute the fair, or rather the handsome sex ; their
features at that age are often finely moulded and noble, and
distinguished by a certain cast of melancholy. Among the
women, too, slender and graceful figures are to be seen, and
the simple drapery in which they robe themselves is gene-
rally worn with much grace; but pretty faces are rare.
Most of the girls marry very early, at from ten to sixteen,
soon lose their bloom, and in old age are exceptionally
hideous. Added to this, they practise the disfiguring
of wearing a large silver ring through the left nostril, with
stones, glass beads, and other decorations attached; this
appendage, in many cases, covers a large part of the mouth
and chin. Their lips are also stained with chewing betel,
which gives them and the teeth a bright reddish-yellow
colour. The foreheads, too, of men and women are painted
with streaks and patterns of various hues, the sign of their
caste; their arms are tattooed with blue, and both sexes
wear silver rings on their toes, and silver anklets. Thus the
naked figures of the Hindoos give a strange and strong
impression of their being real savages, though, in point oi
fact, they are descended from the same
Mediterranean," or
Aryan, stock as the various races of Europe. The institution
of caste and the Brahminical religion are preserved among
them very generally, to the present day. They burn their
dead, and driving in the evening along the beautiful
strand of Back Bay from the Fort to Malabar Hill, close to
the railway station, we see the fires in the huge furnaces
where Hindoo corpses are consumed on gratings, in a far
simpler, cheaper, and more effectual manner than the new
and costly process of cremation introduced into Gotha.
According to the census of 1872, the whole population of
Bombay amounted at that time to 650,000 souls, of which
more than three-fifths were genuine Hindoos of various
castes, all under the spiritual control of the Brahmins, while
140,000about a quarter of the wholewere Moham-
medans, and only 15,000scarcely one forty-fifth part
green, red, or
yellow. The children of wealthy Parsis are often to be
seen out walking in dresses embroidered with gold or silver.
Many of them live in handsome villas, like to have beauti-
ful gardens, and by their easy circumstances excite the envy
of the Europeans. At the same time, the rich Parsis are
often distinguished by their noble public spirit, and many-
have founded useful and benevolent institutions. Some
have been raised by the English Government to the dignity
of baronets, in recognition of their distinguished merits.
Another circumstance which has undoubtedly contributed
in no small degree to the remarkable energy and success
of the Parsis is that they have remained, to a great extent,
frfee from the dominion of the priesthood. Their religion
;^reatest luxury
of alllittle bath-rooms with cooled water, in which I took
a refreshing plunge more than once during our hot journey.
Each first-class carriage is composed of two spacious saloon
compartments, licensed to carry only six passengers, while
in Europe we should cram in three times, or at least twice
as many. There are three seats in each compartment, two
along the sides and one across ; at night another seat or
shelf is suspended over each, at about four feet above it
thus six beds are formed, much roomier and more comfort-
able than the berths in a cabin. Besides this, a portmanteau
can be conveniently stowed and unpacked in the little
saloon, and passengers can walk up and down, or gaze
out of the many windows on each side at the landscape
as it flies past.
This occupation was to me supremely attractive, and
during our short five hours' journey I noted a number of
interesting Indian scenes in my sketch-book. The railway
passes at first through a considerable portion of the town of
Bombay itself, by Byculla, Parell, and Sassoon ; then across
a bridge over a narrow arm of the sea to the island of Sal-
sette, and by a second bridge to the mainland of Western
Hindostan. The line is on a level for several miles through
the low coast-plain of Konkan. Several villages oi' wretched
<jane"huts, and a few little towns of small extent, give the
traveller some idea of the Mahratta popalation of this dis-
trict. All through the rainy season, from June till Septem-
ber, this wide plain is covered with luxuriant tall grasses,
and cultivated to a considerable extent with rice, maize,
etc. At this time of year the vegetation had all been burnt
up for a month past, and the wide grass-fields were straw-
coloured. But the evergreen plants, which are numerous,
remained freshthe banana plantations and fig-groves round
the houses, and, above all, the finest representative of the
flora of the Konkan, the splendid Palmyra palm, Borassus
Thousands, nay millions, of this stately fan-
palm, with its perfectly straight black trunk, are to be seen
on every side, here singly, there in clumps, and give the
flat coast-land a highly characteristic physiognomy. The
Palmyra, like the cocoa-nut and date palms, is one of the
most useful trees of its tribe; almost every part of it
serves some purpose in domestic economy or manufacture.
The groups of these palms that stand on the margins of
the numberless reedy tanks, look strikingly elegant as we
rush past them ; the picturesque foreground consisting of
clothes-less brown natives with their two-wheeled bullock-
carts, buffaloes bathing, and square bamboo hovels ; while in
the background rise the singular peaks of the Bhor Ghauts,
the castellated rock-wall which forms the rampart, two
thousand feet high, of the extensive plateau of the Dekhan.
The station of Kurjut, beyond Noreb, lies at the foot of
the ascent, and the light locomotive which had brought us
so far was exchanged for a powerful mountain engine. The
gradient is in some places very considerable, as much as one
in thirty-seven; in a few hours' journey the line ascends
ab:)ve two thousand feet Numerous tunnels and viaducts.
with sharp turns round steep cliffs, remind us of our pic-
turesque Alpine lines of railway near Semmering and the
Brenner. Even there the steepest gradient is not more than
one in forty.
The surrounding landscape meanwhile assumes a quite
different character. The palms which grace the lowlands
in such vast numbers entirely vanish quite at the beginning
of the ascent ; huge forest trees take their place, some colum-
nar in their growth, some thickly branched. Among these
are the lofty teak, and cotton-trees with very large leaves.
The steep slope of the Dekhan highland, which in some
places forms steps or terraces, is deeply furrowed with
many water-courses> and these ravines with their dense
undergrowth give the mountain-like slope a European
aspect. Still, the structure and shapes of the huge cliffs of
the Bhor Ghauts are quite peculiar, and wholly unlike any
European range known to me. They appear now as colossal
and almost perpendicular black walls more than a thousand
feet high, and now as broad low table-rocks with their
peaks cut off horizontally ; again as riven bastions, their
turret-like battlements looking from a distance like a
gigantic fortress with numerous pinnacles and watch-towers.
Although the Plutonic formation of the Bhor Ghauts
three milesfrom the Fort, the business quarter of
the town.
Colombo, like Bombay and most of the great towns in
British India, consists of an European business quarter,
known as the Fort, and of several suburbs which surround
it, and are the head-quarters of the native population. The
Fort of Colombo was erected and strongly fortified by the
Portuguese in 1517, as being their most important factory
in Ceylon ; they were the first European occupants of the
island, having landed there in 1505, and retained their
footing there for a hundred and fifty yearsabout as long
as the Dutch, who forced them to quit. Under the Dutch,
as under the English, who, on the 18th of February, 1796,
took Ceylon from the Dutch, Colombo remained the capital,
although in many respects other sites, and particularly
Punto Galla (now known as Galle), offered superior ad-
vantages. During the last few years, the English Govern-
ment have made every effort to confirm Colombo in its
pre-eminence, and so, in spite of many drawbacks, it is
still the capital, at any rate for the present.
The first obvious essential for a sea-port town is a good
harbour. In this respect, Colombo fails, while at Galle
there is a fine one. In these days, to be sure, an artificial
harbour can be constructed at almost any point on any
shore, by dredging where the sea is shallow, and by build-
ing up breakwaters of stone on the sides most exposed to
dangerous winds and heavy seas. Nothing is wanted but
the money ! This is how the artificial harbour of Port Said
was made, at the northern outlet of the Suez Canal. In the
same way, the English Government has, within the last few
years, constructed a stupendous breakwater, at a great
cost, on the southern side of the harbour of Colombo, which
is naturally small and poor. It runs out a great distance
to the sea, in a north-westerly direction, protecting the
port against the fury of the south-west monsoon, while it
considerably extends the space for shipping. But it is
thought very doubtful whether this breakwater can be
permanently kept up without constant expense for repairs.
It is certain that the fine natural basin of Galle could have
been considerably improved, and made superior in every
respect at much less cost. The rocks and coral reefs which
impede the entrance of vessels, could, with our present com-
mand of explosives, be removed at a small outlay in
However, the old capital has hitherto triumphed over
Galle in the competition between the two ports, though
this is the more favoured by nature, and deserves the pre-
eminence alike by its climate, geographical position and
surroundings. The climate of Colombo is particularly hot,
oppressive and debilitating; indeed, one of the hottest in
the world, while that of Galle is tempered by refreshing
breezes. The pretty hill country in the neighbourhood ot
Galle, part under the richest cultivation, and part covered
with woods, make a residence there both pleasant and
healthy; while round Cjlombo the country is flat, with
many swamps and stagnant pools. Galle lies in the direct
sea-route between Europe and the Indies, and so, till within
a short time, was naturally the central station of all ship-
ping communication with Ceylon. Now, on the contrary,
when all the European trade has been absorbed by Colombo,
vessels have to go out of their way, into Colombo and out
again, as the straits of Manaar are not navigable. In spite
of all this, Colombo still triumphs, and the largest and
most influential of all the Indian shipping companiesthe
P. and O.are transferring their offices and warehouses
from Galle to Colombo, most of the other companies having
in fact preceded them. The serious disturbance and upset
incurred was a constant subject of eager discussion during
my stay in Ceylon.
The Fort of Colombo is on the south side of a bay, and
on a low rocky promontory of small extent, visible at a
great distance as a landmark on the flat western coast.
This eminence was marked on a map of Ceylon
according to the Pali chronicle the
Mahawanso," the prin-
cipal authority on Cinghalese historywandered hither
from the northern part of Hindostan under King Wijayo
and expelled the primitive inhabitants. The Veddahs, or
Vellahs, are commonly regarded as being the dispersed
remnants of this race ; a few wild hordes still linger in the
remotest parts of the interior and in the most primitive
state. But, according to others, the Veddahs are, on the
contrary, debased and degenerate descendants of the Cing-
halese, outcasts that have reverted to savagery, like the
In the northern part of the island, on the eastern coast
and throughout a large extent of the central highlands, the
genuine Cinghalese were in their turn driven out by the
Malabars, or Tamils, who crossed over from the south of the
peninsula, chiefly from the Malabar coast. They differ
from the Cinghalese in every respectin stature, features,
colour, language, religion, manners, and customsand
belong to a totally different branch of the human tree, the
Dravida race. The Cinghalese are assigned by most anthro-
pologists, and no doubt correctl}'', to an ancient offshoot of
the Aryan race. They speak a dialect which seems to have
sprung from a branch of the Pali, and the Malabars have
a perfectly distinct language, the Tamil. The Cinghalese
again are generally Buddhists ; the Malabars are Hindoos,
that is. Brahmins. The brown hue of the smaller and
slighter Cinghalese is generally perceptibly lighter, verging
on cinnamon colour, or a dark tan; that of the tall and
brawny Malabars is very dark, coffee-coloured or blackish.
The Cinghalese occupy themselves principally with agricul-
ture, growing rice, planting palms, bananas and other trees
needing culture, and shunning all hard or severe labour.
This is undertaken by preference by the Malabars, who find
employment as road-makers, masons, porters, coachmen,
etc., in the low country, and as labourers in the coffee
plantations in the higher districts. At the present time, the
Tamils, or Malabars, compose about one-third of the whole
population, and their numbers are reinforced every year
by fresh immigrants from the peninsula. The Cinghalese
constitute about three-fifths, and number at the present
time about two millions and a half.
After the Cinghalese and the Tamils, the most impor-
tant item of the population of Ceylon, both as to numbers
and industrial worth, are the Indo-Arabs, here known as
Moors or Moormen. They number about 150,000, a tenth
of the Cinghalese. They are descended from the Arabs
who, as much as two thousand years ago, set a firm foot in
Ceylon as well as in other parts of Southern and South-
Eastern Asia, and who, from the eighth to the tenth cen-
turiesuntil the incursion of the Portuguesehad almost
all the commerce of the island in their hands. Indeed, to
this day all the petty trade, and a considerable part of the
wholesale trade of Ceylon, is almost exclusively carried on
by these energetic and thrifty foreigners. They here play a
part analagous to that filled by the Jews in Europe, being
enterprising, calculating, and even crafty, with a special
aptitude for money matters. In other respects, too, they
take the place of the Jews, whose congeners they are, and
who are entirely absent from Ceylon. Their language and
writing is to this day half Arabic and half a hybrid of
Arabic and Tamil; their religion is Mohammedan and
Sunni. They are of a brownish yellow colour, and their
features are unmistakably Semitic; their hair and beard
black and generally long. Their powerful figures, robed in
the long white bournous and full white trousers, tower
above the Cinghalese and Tamils all the more conspicuously
as they generally wear a high yellow turban, something
like a bishop's mitre.
In comparison with these main elements of the popula-
tion of CeylonCinghalese sixty, Tamils thirty -three, and
Indo-Arabs six per cent.
Buddhistsmostly Cinghalese
BrahminsHindoos, mostly Tamils
500 000
MohammedansSunnites, chiefly Arabs
Eoman Catholicsmany Tamils and Cinghalese ...
Protestants chiefly Europeans
Of no denomination, and of various classes
The delightful residence in Colombo in which I passed the
two first weeks of my stay in Ceylon, stands, as I have
said, at the north end of the town, or, to be accurate, in the
suburb of Mutwal, precisely in the angle made by the
Kalany Ganga, or Colombo river, at its junction with
the sea. Starting from the Fort, it is a good hour's walk
among the brown mud-huts of the natives, through Pettah
and its northern outskirts, before reaching "Whist Bun-
galow." Its isolated position, in the midst of the most
luxuriant natural beauty, far from the business quarter of
the town, and farther still from the fashionable southern
suburbs of Kolpetty and the Cinnamon Gardens, was one
Bource of the extraordinary charm I found from the very
first in this quiet country retreat. Another reason, no
doubt, was the hearty and homelike hospitality which the
masters of
Whist Bungalow
Stipperger himself and
three other friendly countrymenshowed me from the first
hour of my arrival. I woke on the first morning of my
stay with the happy sense of having found here, on this
unknown island of wonders, six thousand miles from home,
a friendly roof to dwell under. The few days which were
all I at first intended to spend there soon stretched into a
fortnight ; and as I again spent a week there on my return
from the south, and another at the end of my stay in
Ceylon, nearly a month out of my four months in the
island were passed in this delicious country-house. There
was ample room in
Whist Bungalow
for arranging my
numerous cases and collections, and I found it the most
convenient head-quarters from whence to make my several
excursions ; and after much fatigue and hardship in my
labours on the south coast, and my excursion in the hill
country, I came back thither with the comforting sense of
being at home, a gladly suffered guest on a visit to faithful
friends and fellow-countrymen. It is only meet and right
that I should devote a few pages to a description of this
lovely spot of earth ; all the more so, since it was there that
I first made acquaintance, from personal observation, with
the life of man'and nature on the island.
Whist Bungalow
owes its extraordinary name to the
circumstance that its first owner, an old English officer, at
the beginning of the century, used to invite his friends out
to this remote villa to play whist on Sunday evenings. As
the strict observance of the English Church is, of course,
strongly averse to such an employment on Sunday, these
jovial meetings were kept a profound secret; and the whist
parties and drinking bouts in the isolated bungalow seem to
have been uproarious in proportion to the satisfaction of
these jolly comrades at having escaped the dreary tedium
of an English Sunday and orthodox society.
At that time, however, "Whist Bungalow" was a small
plain house, buried in its shrubbery ; it was enlarged to its
present handsome diiiensions by its next owner, a certain
lawyer named Morgan. He, too, seems to have made the most
of life, and spent a large part of his fortune in building
and decorating this villa in a manner worthy of its
beautiful situation. The large garden was planted with
the finest trees and ornamental shrubs. A handsome
colonnade and airy verandah were erected round the
house, which was much enlarged, and the spacious and
lofty rooms were fitted with every luxury in a princely
style. For many a year dinners and wine-parties were
given here, more luxurious and splendidif not noisier and
more riotousthan formerly at the whist-playing officer's
less pretentious drinking-bouts. It would seem, however
that Mr. Morgan at last failed to balance his enormous
outlay on his residence and his magnificent style of living
against his large income. When he died suddenly, a con-
siderable deficit was discovered in his accounts ; his
creditors seized the bungalow, and, when it was finally sold
under the auctioneer's hammer, were thankful to recover a
small proportion of their money out of the proceeds.
Now came a crisis in the history of this pretty residence,
which must have proved highly unsatisfactory to the new
owners. Rumour, which had attached many legends to
this romantic spot, now declared with confident asseveration
that there was something uncanny about
Whist Bunga-
low," and that the ghost of the suddenly deceased Mr. Morgan
"walked" there every night; that at about midnight
Aeschynomene Aspera.
perhaps becauseI took a great deal of exercise, and was
almost always out of doors, even in the noontide heat. It
is true I lived more regularly and temperately than is
common among the Europeans there, and consumed not half
amount of meals and of liquor which the English con-
sider indispensable. Indeed, when, after a few years
residence here, they generally suffer from disorders of the
stomach and liver, I must think that the fault lies less in the
hot climate than in the want of exercise, on the one hand,
and the unnecessary amount of food consumed on the other
for the residents often eat and. drink twice or thrice as much
as is necessary for healthheavy rich food and fiery
spirituous liquors. In this respect they display a con-
spicuous contrast to the extremely simple and frugal natives,
who, for the most part, live chiefly on rice, with curry and a
little fruit at most, and who drink water exclusively, or a
little palm-wine.
In Ceylon, as in most parts of India, the daily order of
meals among Europeans is as follows
In the morning,
immediately on rising, tea and biscuits, bread, eggs or
marmalade, banana, mangos, pine-apples, and other fruit.
At ten comes breakfastaccording to German notions a
complete dinner with three or lour courses; fish, roast
fowls, beefsteaks, and more especially curry and rice, the
national Indian dish, are never absent. This curry is pre-
pared in many ways from spices of various kinds, with
small pieces of vegetables or meat, making a highly flavoured
compound. Tiffin at one o'clock is a third meal of tea or
beer with cold meat, bread, butter, and jam. Many persons
take tea or coffee again at three or four o'clock; and finally,
at half-past seven or eight, comes the great event of the
day: dinner of four to six courses, like a great dinner in
Europe ; soup, fish, several dishes of meat, curry and rice
again, and various sweet dishes and fruits. With this
several kinds of wine are drunksherry, claret, and cham-
pagne, or strong beer imported from England; latterly,
however, the light and far wholesomer Vienna beer has
been introduced. In many houses some portion of these
superabundant meals is dispensed with
but in general the
living in India must be condemned as too luxurious and too
rich, particularly if we compare it with the simple and
frugal diet common in the south of Europe. This is quite
the view of many of the older English residents who are
themselves exceptions to the rule, and, living very simply,
have nevertheless spent twenty or thirty years in the
tropics in unbroken good health; as, for instance, Dr.
Thwaites, formerly director of the botanical gardens at
The crowd of new, grand, and delightful impressions which
rushed upon me during my first week in Ceylon culminated
in a beautiful excursion arranged by my friends for
November 27th, to Kaduwella. It was my first Sunday in
the island, and although all the various pleasures of the
foregoing week-days had made of each a day of rejoicing,
my holiday mood was still farther raised by the in-
cidents of this first Sunday. This expedition to Kaduwella
was my first longer excursion in the neighbourhood of
Colombo, and as the scenery which I here saw for the first
time agrees in all its essential and permanent characteristics
with most of the low country of the south-west coast, I will
attempt a brief description of it in this place.
Kaduwella is a Cinghalese village on the left or southern
bank of the Kalany river, at about ten miles (English) from
Whist Bungalow." An excellent road, which goes on to
Avisavella and Fort Ruanvella, runs sometimes close to the
wooded shore and sometimes at a little distance above it, to
cut off the numerous windings of the river. Like all the
roads in the island which are much used, this is admirably
kept up; and this is the more noteworthy because the
frequent and violent rains are constantly washing aown
large quantities of soil, and make it very difficult to keep
the roads in good order. But the English Government, here
as in all its colonies, considers, very justly, that the main-
tenance and construction of easy communication is one of
its first and most important duties; and it is a proof ot
the great gift of the English for colonization that they spare
neither trouble nor cost in carrying out such undertakings,
even under the greatest difficulties in the character of the
country, aggravated by the tropical climate.
My hosts of "Whist Bungalow" and some German fellow-
countrymen, who were at that time living in the neighbour-
ing bungalow of Elie Housefor some time the residence
of Sir Emerson Tennenthad made every preparation for
our gastronomical enjoyment on this excursion. Every-
thing, solid and fluid, that could be desired for our elegant
picnic breakfast, together with our guns and ammunition,
and phials and tin boxes for what we might collect, were all
packed into the light open one-horse conveyances which
every European owns. They are usually drawn by a brisk
Burmese pony or a stronger beast of Australian breed
indeed, almost all the riding and carriage horses in the
island are imported from the Peninsula or from Australia,
for horse-breeding does not succeed in Ceylon, and European
horses suffer from the climate and soon become useless.
The little Burmese ponies go at a capital pace, though they
have not much staying power ; about teoi miles is commonly
as much as they can do. The drivers are generally black
Tamils in a white jacket with a red turban; they run
behind the vehicle with extraordinary endurance, or stand
up from time to time on the step. They are obliged to keep
up an incessant shouting, for the Cinghalese themselves
played an
important part in the history of Ceylon, it is in fact nothing
else than a simple rough-hewn finger-shaped bit of ivory,
about two inches long and one inch thick. There are,
however, many duplicates of the true tooth of Buddha ; but
this, of course, in no way detracts from the sacredness of
this relic.
From Kandy I made an excursion with my two botanical
friends, Dr. Trimen and Dr. Ward, to Fairyland, a few
miles farther, to visit Dr. Trimen's predecessor, Dr. ThAvaites
He was director of the Botanic Garden of Peradenia for thirty
years, and retired a few years before his death to enjoy his
well-earned leisure in the peaceful solitude of the hill country.
His little bungalow lies quite hidden in an elevated ravine
about eight miles south of Kandy, in the midst of coffee
plantations. This was the first coff*ee country I had seen,
but as I subsequently travelled for days through coffee
plantations in the hills I will not now pause to describe one.
Dr. Thwaites was the meritorious author of the first Flora
of Ceylon, which was published under the title of
ratio Plantarum Zeylaniae" (London: 1864). In it he de-
scribed about three thousand vascular plantsabout the
thirtieth part of all the species of plants which at that time
were known on the face of the globe. Since then, however,
many new species have been discovered on the island itself,
according to Dr. Gardner's estimate, possesses aboui
at any rate, considerably more than i
can boast.
copy of this Flora Zeylanica, which I had taken
me, had formerly belonged to a German botanist of
Nietner. He had been in the island when young,
as a gardener, and by his industry and thrifty diligence he
acquired a considerable cofibe-plantation. For a quarter of
a century he was an indefatigable student of the natural i
history of Ceylon, and particularly distinguished as a dis-
coverer of new insects. He unfortunately died shortly
before his intended return to Germany. His widow, whc -
is still living at Potsdam, and from whom I obtained mucli
useful information before starting, presented me in the
kindest way with several books that had belonged to hei
husband, among others with this Flora of Thwaites' which
the author had given him. It was no small pleasure to the
worthy old man when I showed him this copy with the
inscription in his own handwriting. It was no doubt the
first copy that had ever travelled from Ceylon to German}^
and back again to the island in a naturalist's possession.
The two first weeks of my stay in Ceylon had flown like a
dream of constant wonder and delight. In Colombo I had
made acquaintance with the most remarkable characteristics
of Cinghalese nature and humanity, and at Peradenia I
had admired the amazing fecundity and variety of tropical
vegetation. Now it was high time that I should turn my
attention to the scientific object of my journeythe study,
namely, of the multiform and, to a great extent, unknown
creatures of the Indian seas. I was more particularly
anxious to examine those classes of marine creatures to
which I had for many years been devoting my chief atten-
tionMonera and Radiolaria, Sponges and Corals, Medusae
and Siphonophora, as they exist on the shores of Ceylon.
I might hope to find some quite new modifications of struc-
ture as developed under the influence of the tropical sun
and the general conditions of life.
The conditions under which these classes of marine
creatures attain their full development are highly compli-
cated, and it is by no means a matter of indifference where
on the sea-coast we attempt to study them. Not only are
they affected by the universal conditions of sea-waterits
saltneas, purit}^, temperature, strength of current, and depth,
but the nature of the coastas being rocky or sandy, chalk
or schist, barren or rich in vegetationhas an important
on the development of the marine fauna. Espe-
marked are the effects of a greater or less admixture
of fresh water, and the greater or smaller force of the waves
and surf, as being favourable to the existence of certain
groups of animals, while to others they are injurious or
fatal. For any extensive multiplication of those classes of
floating sea-creatures which I am specially interested in
investigatingRadiolaria, Medusae, and Siphonophora
" bullock-
bandys," or
hackeries." These are smaller vehicles of the
same shape, and drawn by a pretty and fairly swift bullock
of a smaller breed.
On the 9th of December I left the hospitable roof of
Whist Bungalow," followed by the good wishes and not less
good advice of my kind friends. The journey from Colombo
to Galle is a favourite theme for a chapter in every account
of a stay in Ceylon Until a few years since all the mail
steamers went first to Galle direct, and as the first excur-
sion made by the passengers was always to Kandy, they
first made acquaintance with the beauties of the island on
that road. They are no doubt lavishly displayed there.
The park-like cocoa-nut groves, which I first saw on my
expedition to Kaduvella, with their endless variety of lovely
pictures, here extend over a wide tract along the south-
west coast. The road winds among them, coming out to
skirt the rocky or sandy sea-shore or plunging into their
thickest depths, and crossing bridges over the numerous
small rivers which here fiow into the sea^
Formerly, the whole distance from Colombo to Galle
had to be travelled in a cart or carriage, but now the rail-
way goes for about a third of the way. The line runs near
the coast, cutting through the palm forest in an almost
straight line, and running as far as Caltura. The extension
of the line to Galle, which would be immensely advantageous
to this port, is not allowed by the Government, from a fear
lest Galle should thereby gain a pre-eminence above Colombo.
As the traffic between the two towns is very considerable
and constantly increasing, there can be no doubts as to its
paying the shareholders. Unfortunately the ruling deter-
mination to keep Colombo ahead of Galle at any cost impels
the Government to refuse even to grant their charter to a
perfectly sound company, who are prepared with capital to
construct and work the line. This is a standing grievance
and discussed on every opportunity. The traveller is con-
sequently compelled either to hire a conveyance at a great
expense, or to trust himself in the mail omnibus which runs
daily between Galle and Caltura ; but this, too, is dear and
remarkably uncomfortable.
This omnibus boasts, it is true, of the hio^h-soundino
title of "Royal Mail Coach," and displays the arms of
England on its door panel, with the motto,
Honi soit qui
" but the hint is unqualified mockery in view
of the coach itself and the horses whose suffering lot it is
to draw it. The slightly built vehicle looks as if it had
constructed to carry
barely half a dozen passengers,
but when opportunity serves double the number are cranjmed
into it. The two narrow seats in the small
inside," and
another stuck up behind, are then made to hold each three
persons, though there is hardly space for two. The best
seats are the box-seats by the driver, under the shade of a
projecting roof. Here the traveller has a free view of the
glorious scenery on every side, and at the same time escapes
the strong and by no means agreeable perfume that exhales
from the perspiring Cinghalese, well polished with cocoa-nut
oil, who are packed into the inside places. For this immu-
nity, however, the white traveller pays fifteen rupees for
a five hours' rideabout six shillings an hourwhilt the
dusky native pays only half.
The most horrible concomitant of this omnibus journey,
as of all coach travelling in Ceylon, are the torments in-
on the miserable horses. The
mild Cinghaiese
seem, from time immemorial to the present day, never to
have conceived the idea that the management of horses is
an art to be acquired, or that the horse itself must be
trained or broken to harness. On the contrary, they seem
to take it for granted that this comes as a matter of course,
and that horses have an inherited tendency to pull
vehicles. So, without any proper training, an unbroken
colt is fastened in front of some conveyance by a kind of
tackle, which is as uncomfortable to the beast as it is ill-
adapted to its purpose, and then put to every variety of
torture till it takes to its heels in sheer desperation. As a
rule neither shouts nor flogging reduce it to this extremity,
and every kind of ill-treatment is resorted to : it is dragged
by the nostrils, which are particularly sensitive in the
horse ; its ears are wrung almost out of its head ; ropes are
tied to its forelegs, and half a dozen of howling and shriek-
ing youngsters drag the poor beast forward, while others
hold on to his tail and belabour him behind, sometimes
even scorching the hapless brute with torches. In short, he
goes through every torment that the
Holy Office " ever
devised for the conversion of heretics and infidels; and
many a time, as I have sat perched on the box-seat for a
quarter of an hour at a time, forced to look on at these and
similar barbarities without being able to prevent them,
the question has irresistibly risen in my mind : For whose
sins had these wretched horses to suffer? Who knows
whether a similar fancy may not be lurking in the minds
of the black coachman and stable lads, who are most of
them worshippers of Siva, and believe in the transmigration
of the soul. Perhaps they imagine that by these brutalities
they are avenging their wrongs on the degraded souls of
those cruel princes and warriors who were the former
tyrants of their race.
It must be either some such notion as this or a total
absence of humane feelingor, perhaps, the extraordinary
theory which is occasionally found to exist, even in Europe,
that the lower animals are devoid of sensationwhich ex-
plains the fact that the Cinghalese consider these and
similar tortures inflicted on beasts as a delightful entertain-
ment. The wretched oxen are always marked with their
owners' names in large letters, cut quite through the skin.
In the villages, through which the road passes and where
the horses are changed, the arrival of the coach is the great
event of the day, and all the inhabitants assemble with
curiosity, partly to stare at the travellers and
criticize their appearance, partly to look on at the ceremony
of changing horses, and chiefly to play an active part in
the fresh team. The poor beasts are at last
driven to fly, and they usually start at a wild gallop,
pursued by the yells of the populace, and rush madly
onward till they lose their breath and fall into a slow trot
with sweat, foaming at the mouth, and trembling
in every
limb, in about half an hour they reach the posting
station, where they are parted from their fellow-sufferers.
This mode of travelling, it need not be said, is not
agreeable to the
stranger who has trusted his person to the
stage coach, nor is it devoid of danger. The con-
veyance is often upset and damaged, the goaded horses not
unfrequently run away across country, or back the coach
into the banana thickets or a deep ditch, and I was always
prepared to spring from my perch on the box at a critical
moment. In fact, it is difficult to conceive how the English
Government, which is generally so strict in its arrangements
and discipline, has not long since put an end to this
brutality to animals, and more particularly extended its
protection to the wretched horses that serve the "Royal
Mail Coach."
Great Buddha ! you who strove so earnestly to diminish
the miseries of this miserable life and mitigate the torments
of suffering creation, what mistakes you made ! What a
blessing you would have conferred on men and beasts if,
instead of the foolish prohibition to take the life of any
creature, you had laid down the merciful law : Thou shalt
torture no living thing. The prohibition is, on the whole,
scrupulously attended to by every Cinghalese Buddhist,
though there are many exceptions. For instance, they look
on with frank satisfaction when a naturalist fires at the
monkeys and flying foxes that rob them of their bananas,
or when a planter shoots the elephants that tread down
their rice-fields, the leopards that carry oflf their goats, or
the palm-cats which devour their fowls. But, as a rule, they
will give no assistance or encouragement, and take the
greatest care to avoid killing anything themselves. For
this reason, almost all who belong to the fishermen's caste
are Roman Catholics; they have renounced Buddhism to
avoid all difficulties in the way of catching fish.
The stubborn recalcitrancy displayed by the Indian
horses to their tormentors, and their universal propensity to
shy at unexpected moments, together with the frenzied
pace at which they start, demand no small skill in he,
driver. The coachman and his assistant, the stable lad
must be constantly on the alert. The endurance and stay-
ing power of these horse-boys are quite amazing; naked,
all but a loin-cloth and a post-horn strung round him, with
a white turban on his head, a black Tamil will run a whole
stage by the side of the horses, pulling the traces first one
way and then another, and swinging himself up on to the
step or coach pole when going at the utmost pace. If the
coach meets another vehicle, or if the road makes a sudden
bend, he seizes the horses' heads and gives them a violent
jerk in the right direction. In crossing the long wooden
bridges which span the wide torrents, he suddenly checks
the steeds in their career and leads them carefully over the
shifting and clattering logs. If a child runs into the road,
as often happens, or an old woman does not get out of the
way, the horse-boy jumps forward with swift promptitude
and pushes the horses back with a strong hand. In short,
he must be ready for everything, here, there, and every-
Although the seventy miles of road between Colombo
and Galle present no variety in the character of the land-
scape, the enchanted eye of the traveller is never weary of
The unflagging charm of the cocoa-nut wood, and the
inexhaustible variety of grouping and combination in the
accessories of the landscape, never fail to keep him
interested. The stinging heat of the tropical sim is not
unbearable, for it is greatly mitigated, both by the
cool sea breeze and the shade of the woods. The elegant
nlumes of the cocoa-nut palm, as of most palm-trees, do not,
it is true, afford the deep and refreshing shade of the denser
foliage of our forest trees, for the sunbeams filter through
divisions between the leaflets in every direction in
broken flecks of light. But their slender stems are, in
many cases, covered by graceful garlands of climbing
pepper-vines and other creepers; they hang in festoons
from one tree to another, like artificially woven wreaths,
and hang down in massive pendants, densely covered with
leaves. Many of them are gay with splendid flowers, as,
for instance, the flame-coloured Gloriosa, the blue Thun-
hergia, the rose-pink Bougainvillea, and gold-coloured
of various species.
Between and under the ubiquitous palms grow a host
of other trees, particularly the stately mango, and the
towering breadfruit tree, with its dense dark-green crown.
The slender columnar trunk of the papaw (Carica papaya)
is elegantly marked and crowned with a regular diadem of
large palmate leaves. Many varieties of jasmine, orange,
and lemon trees are completely covered with fragrant white
blossoms; and among these nestle the pretty little white
or brown huts of the natives, with their idyllic surround-
ingsthe traveller might fancy himself riding through one
long village in the midst of palm gardens, but that now
and again he passes through a more crowded tract of forest
trees, or finds himself among a colony of houses, standing
in closer rows round a country bazaar, and forming a real
and more populous village.
Presently the road diverges towards the sea and runs
for some distance along the shore. Here wide levels of
smooth sand alternate with rocky hills, and these are
picturesquely covered with the Pandanus, or screw -pine.
The pandang
(Fandanus odoratissimus) is one of the most
remarkable and characteristic plants of the tropics. It is
nearly related to the palm tribe, and is known by the name
of screw-pine, which should more properly be screw- palm
The elegant trunk is cylindrical, commonly from twenty
to forty feet high, and often bent; it is forked or branched,
like a candelabrum.
Each branch bears at the end a thick
sheaf of large
sword-shaped leaves, like those of a Draccena
or Yucca. These leaves are sometimes sea-green and some-
times dark,
gracefully drooping, and with their bases
arranged in a close spiral, so that the tuft looks as if it had
been regularly screwed. From the bottom of this spiral
hang racemes of white and wonderfully fragrant flowers,
or large fruits, something like a pine-apple. The most
singular part of this tree is its slender aerial roots, which
are thrown out from the trunk at various places and fork
; when they reach the soil they take root in it, and
serve as props to the feeble stem, looking exactly as if the
tree were mounted on stilts. These screw-pines have a
particularly grotesque appearance when they stand upon
these stilts, high above the surrounding brushwood, or
straddle down into the rifts between the stones, or creep
like snakes along the surface of the soil.
The white stretch of sand which forms the strand, fre-
quently broken by dark jutting rock, is alive w^ith nimble
crabs, which vanish with great rapidity; indeed, their
swiftness has gained them the classic-sounding name of
Ocypoda. Numbers of hermit crabs (Faguriis) wander
meditatively among their light-footed relatives, dragging
the shells in which they protect their soft and sensitive
bodies with great dignity. Here and there sandpipers are
to be seen, graceful herons, plovers, and other shore-birds,
busied in catching fish in successful competition with the
Cinghalese. These fishermen ply their calling sometimes
singly, sometimes in parties ; they then commonly go out
in several canoes with large seine nets, which they combine
to draw to the shore. The solitary fishers, on the contrary,
prefer to take their prey in the rolling surf; and it is very
interesting to watch the naked brown figure, with no pro-
tection against the scorching sun but a broad-brimmed palm
hat, leaping boldly into the tumbling waves and bringing
out the fish in a small hand-net. He seems to enjoy his
fresh salt bath as much as his children do, who play by
dozens on the sands, and are accomplished swimmers by
the time they are six or eight years old.
The white or yellowish margin of sand follows the coast
often for miles, like a narrow gleaming satin ribbon, bend-
ing with its multifarious curves and beautiful open bays,
and dividing the deep blue waters of the Indian Ocean from
the bright green cocoa-nut groves. This hem of sand is all
the prettier where the stooping heads of the crowded palms
bend far across it, as if leaning forward to breathe the fresh
sea-breeze more freely and enjoy the full blaze .of the sun-
light. The soil at their feet is strewn with beautiful shore
plants, of which three are particularly conspicuousthe
goat s foot convolvulus, with its two-lobed leaves and violet
Ipomaea pes-capri
; an elegant
Impatiens; and the noble funnel-shaped lily
Zeylanicum. Its beautiful white flowers, which have narrow
pendant petals, grow in umbels on slender stems six to eight
feet high. Then by the roadside there are the huge arrow-
head leaves of the Calla, a handsome aroid. If the sun is
too hot, or a shower comes on suddenly, the Cinghalese
simply breaks off one of the great Caladium leavesit
protects him better than a cotton or silk umbrella, and is
elegantly marked with transparent veining, often painted
with crimson spots. Thus, in this sunny paradise, parasols
grow by the wayside, or, more precisely, en-tout-cas, since
they serve the double purpose of an umbrella and a sun-
A most beautiful feature of the Galle and Colombo road
are the numerous river mouths, which intersect the cocos-
wood, and the wide lagoons which stretch between them,
particularly along the northern portion from Colombo to
Caltura. The former lords of the island, the Dutch, were
30 delighted with these water-ways, which reminded them
of their native land, that they adapted them to a regular
system of canals and neglected the land roads. Under their
rule numerous barges and canal-boats, like the Trekschuit
of the low countries, travelled from town to town, and were
the chief means of communication. Since the English have
made the capital high road, the water-traffic has fallen
into desuetude. But they still afford a succession of pleas-
pictures to the traveller as he is hurried by, with their
banks covered with dense thickets of bamboo and lofty
palms, and their pretty little islands and rocks; the tall
palms tower above the undergrowth, "like a
forest above the forest," as Humboldt aptly describes it.
The undulating hills in the blue distance supply an
appropriate background where, here and there, the high
heads of the mountains are visible, and loftiest of all the
noble cone of Adam's Peak.
At the mouths of the larger rivers, several of which are
crossed on the road, the smiling landscape assumes a gravel-
character; the sombre mangroves are a particularly con-
spicuous feature. The shore of these estuaries is generally
thickly covered with them, and their aerial roots form an
impenetrable tangle. Formerly they used to be infested
with crocodiles, but the progress of civilization and agricul-
ture has driven these reptiles up the rivers. The finest of
the rivers is the noble Kalu Ganga, or Black river, which I
afterwards explored for the greater part of its length.
The lower reaches are as wide as the Rhine at Cologne. At
the mouth stands Caltura, a large village, and the terminus
of the railway. At the southernmost end of Caltura a mag-
nificent banyan tree grows across the high road, like a
triumphal arch. The aerial roots of this huge tree have
taken hold on the soil on the opposite side of the road and
grown to be large trunks, and these and the main trunk
form a lofty Gothic vault, which is all the more striking
because a number of parasitic ferns, orchids, wild vines, and
other parasitic plants have overgrown the stems. Not far
from the shore near Caltura I found, on a subsequent visit,
another wonderful treean indiarubber treeof which the
snake-like roots, twisted and plaited till they look like a close
lattice, form a perfect labyrinth. Troops of merry children
playing in the nooks between these root-trellices.
Another delightful spot is the rest-house of Bentotte,
where the "Royal Mail" stops for an hour to allow the
passengers to rest, and recruit their powers of endurance
breakfast. A particular delicacy here are the oysters, for
which the place is famous. They are served raw, or baked,
or pickled in vinegar. The rest-house is beautifully
situated on a hill, among tall tamarind trees, and has a
splendid view over the sunlit sea and the bridge which
spans the river-mouth. After breakfast I watched the
oyster-fishery below this bridge, and then spent a quarter
of an hour in lounging through the picturesque bazaar of
the straggling town. The wares and traffic in this bazaar
are in perfect keeping with the idyllic character of the
surroundings, with the primitive furniture of the native
huts, and the elementary character of their owners' dress.
By far the most important articles of commerce are rice
and curry, the staples of food, and betel and areca, the
favourite luxury. Tliese and other matters for sale lie
temptingly spread on wide green banana leaves in simple
booths, with an open front, serving at once as door and
window. Between them are heaps of cocoa-nuts, monstrous
bunches of bananas, and piles of scented pine-apples; the
starchy roots of the yam, the Cohcasia, and other plants
enormous breadfruit, weighing from thirty to forty pounds
each, and the nearly allied jack-fruit; and then, as delica-
cies, the noble mango and the dainty anona, or custard-
apple. While we are strongly attracted to these fruit-
stallswhich the Cinghalese often decorate very prettily
with flowers and boughs
their delicious perfume, we are
equally repelled from certain others by a pungent odour,
which is anything rather than tempting. This "ancient
and fish-like smell " proceeds from heaps of fresh and dried
marine creatures, principally fish and Crustacea; among
these the prime favourites are shrimps or prawns, an im-
portant ingredient in the preparation of the native spiced
dish, curry.*
Beis lourze, Herr Haeckel calls curry, regarding itas it no doubt was
nrijrinallyas a spice to flavour the inevitable meal of rice.
There can be no greater mistake than to expect to find
in these Cinghalese markets the noise and clamour and
confusion which are characteristic of market scenes among
most nations, and more particularly in the southern coun-
tries of Europe. Any one who has looked on, for instance,
at the bustle and hurry on the pretty piazza at Verona,
or the vehement tumult of Santa Lucia at Naples, might
imagine that in a tropical bazaar in Ceylon the crowd and
uproar would rise to a still higher pitch. Nothing of the
kind. The gentle subdued nature of the Cinghalese affects
even their way of trading; buyers and sellers alike seem to
take but a feeble interest in the transaction, small in propor-
tion to the trifling copper coin for which the most splendid
fruits may be purchased. These coins, I may mention, are
pieces of one cent and of five cents, and there are a hundred
cents to a rupee (worth two shillings) ; they are stamped with
a cocoa palm. The Cinghalese, however, are not indifferent
to the value of money, but they need less of the commodity,
perhaps, than any other people on earth ; for there are
few spots, indeed, where kindly mother Nature pours out
so inexhaustible and uninterrupted a supply of her richest
and choicest gifts as on this privileged isle. The poorest
Cinghalese can with the greatest ease earn as much as will
buy the rice which is absolutely indispensable to life
to fifteen cents are ample for a day's food. The abundance
of vegetable produce on land, and the quantity of fish ob-
tained from the sea are so enormous that there is no lack
of curry with the rice and other variety in their diet.
Why, then, should the Cinghalese make life bitter by
labour ? Nay, naythey have far too much of the easy-
going nature, the true philosophy of life. So they may be
seen stretched at full length and reposing in their simple
dwellings, or squatting in groups and chatting to their
hearts' content. The small amount of labour required in
their garden-plots is soon accomplished, and the rest of the
time is theirs to play in. But their very play is anything
rather than exciting or energetic. On the contrary, a spell
of peace and languor seems to have been cast over all the
life and doings of these happy children of nature, which is
amazingly fascinating and strange. Enviable Cinghalese
you have no care either for the morrow or for the more
distant future. All that you and your children need to
keep you alive grows under your hand, and what more you
may desire by way of luxury you can procure with the
very smallest amount of exertion. You are, indeed, like
the lilies of the field " which grow round your humble
homes. "They toil not, neither do they spin," and their
mother, Nature, feeds them. You, like them, have no war-
like ambitions; no anxious reflections on the increasing
competition in trade, or the rise and fall of stock ever dis-
turb your slumbers. Titles and Orders, the highest aim of
civilized men, are to you unknown. And in spite of that
you enjoy life ! Nay, I almost think it has never occurred
to you to envy us Europeans our thousand superfluous re-
quirements. You are quite content to be simple human
souls, children of nature, living in paradise, and enjoying it.
There you lie, at full length, under the palm roof of your
huts, contemplating the dancing lights and shadows among
the plumes of the cocoa-nuts
perennially refreshed by the
unequalled luxury of chewing betel-nut, and playing at
intervals with your sweet little children, or taking a deli-
cious bath in the river that flows by the road, and devoting
your whole attention to the subsequent toilet, so as to set
the tortoiseshell comb at the most bewitching angle in that
elaborately twisted top-knot. Where is the careworn "^on
of culture who would not envy you your harmless modb of
existence and your Eden-like simplicity !
These and similar reflections irresistibly rose in my
mind as I stood gazing at the groups of Cinghalese enjoying
life in their blameless fashion in the peaceful silence of their
banana groves, while the coach changed horses at the last
stage before reaching Galle. Here the struggle for exist-
ence seemed to have ceased; seemed, at any rate. I was
first roused from my reverie by being asked by the two
horse-boys to mount again to my box-seat. These worthy
Malabars then informed me, in broken English, that this
was an appropriate moment for presenting them with the
tip," or
bakhsheesh," for drink, since, when we
should arrive in Galle, they would be too busy and the
time would be too short for this important matter to meet
with due attention. As I had seen a highly respectable
Cinghalese, who had been set down some time previously,
give each of these two fellows a double anna, a little silver
coin worth about threepence, I thought I was doing ample
credit to my higher dignity as a white man by offering four
times as muchhalf a rupee a-piece. But the coachman and
the conductor alike held up my donation with indignant
gestures, and gave me a lecture on the superiority of my
white skin, which was, no doubt, highly flattering. The
upshot of it was that every white gentleman must give at
least doublea rupeeto each of them as drink-money,
and that a man as white as I was and with such light hair,
must certainly be very high caste, and must expect to be
fleeced accordingly. Although to be so highly taxed for
my fair complexion could not be otherwise than delight-
ful, I was not to be persuaded to pay more on that score,
than a rupee to each as a
white man's
tax; and I finally
had the satisfaction of hearing myself pronounced to be a
perfect gentleman."
However, when I thought of the exquisite enjoyment of
nature I had derived from my five-hours' ride, I thought
the fare well laid out, and in spite of the heat and fatigue
I was sorry when, at about four in the afternoon, the light-
house of Galle came in sight. Soon after the
mail coach
rattled over the drawbridge of the old moat, and then
through a long dark barbican, pulling up finally in front of
the elegant
Oriental Hotel " of Panto Galla.
Galle, the most famous and important town of Ceylon
from a very remote antiquity, is proudly situated on a rocky
promontory, lying to the west of a bay which opens to the
south. The Cinghalese name Galla, means rocks, and has
no connection with the Latin word Gallus, as the Portu-
guese, the first masters of the island, assumed; a memorial
of this false etymology still exists on the old walls in the
form of a moss-grown image of a cock, dated 1640.
We infer from the concurrent evidence of many writers
of classic times, that Galle was an important trading port
more than two thousand years ago, and probably through a
long period was the largest and richest place in the whole
island. Here the Eastern and Western worlds met halt
way; the Arabian merchantmen, sailing eastwards from
the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, here hekl commerce
with the Malays of the Sunda Archipelago, and the still
more remote Chinese. The Tarshish of the ancient Phoeni-
cians and Hebrews can only have been Galle; the apes
and peacocks, ivory and gold, which those navigators
brought from the legendary Tarshish, were actually known
to the old Hebrew writers by the same names as they
now bear among the Tamils of Ceylon, and all the descrip-
tions we derive from them of the much-frequented port of
Tarshish apply to rxone of the seapor.ts of the island, but
the Rock pointPunto Galla.
The natural advantages of the geographical situation of
Galle, close to the southern end of Ceylon, in latitude
of its climate and topographical position, and especially
of its fine harbour, open only to the south, are so great
and self-evident, that they would seem to give this beautiful
town the pre-eminence above all the other seaports in
the island. But the unflagging efforts of the English Govern-
ment to maintain the supremacy of Colombo at any cost, par-
ticularly by more efficient communication with the interior,
have of late years seriously damaged the prosperity of Galle,
not to speak of its greater nearness to the central coflee-
districts. I have before observed that the greater part of
the export traffic has been transferred to Colombo, and the
noble harbour of Galle is no longer what it used to be.
However, Galle cannot fail to keep its place as only second
in importance to Colombo, and particularly as the natural
depot for the export of the rich products of the southern
districts. Of these products the principal are the various
materials derived from the Cocoa-palm ; cocoa-nut oil, which
is very valuable ; Coir, the tough fibrous husk of the nut,
which is used in a variety of ways, as for mats and ropes
palm sugar, from which arrak, a fermented liquor, is dis-
tilled, etc. Formerly the traffic in gems was also very
considerable, and more recently the export of graphite or
plumbago. When the bill shall at last be passed for
extending the railway from Caltura to Galle, and when
some of the rocks and coral-reefs which render parts of the
unsafe shall have been blown away by dynamite,
the vanished glories of Galle may be restored and even
The situation of Point de Galle is truly delightful, and
as a matter of course this spot has been highly lauded in
almost all former accounts of travels in Ceylon, being the
place where Europeans used first to land. The whole of the
point which juts out towards the south is occupied by the
European town, or "Fort," consisting of store-houses one
story high, surrounded by pillared verandahs, and shaded
by projecting tiled roofs. Pretty gardens lie between them,
and serve no less to decorate the town than the wide avenues
of shady Suriya trees (Thespesia populnea) and Hibiscus
(H. Tosa sinensis). These here take the place of roses
they are densely covered with bright green leaves and
magnificent red blossoms, but the tree is known among
the English by the prosaic name of the Shoe-flower,
because its fruits, boiled down, are used for blacking.
Among other public buildings we remark the Protestant
church, a pretty Gothic structure, on one of the highest
points of the Fort-hill. Its thick stone walls keep the
interior, which is lofty, delightfully cool, and it is surrounded
by fine trees, so that it was deliciously refreshing when, one
burning Sunday morning, tired with a long walk, I could
take refuge from the scorching sunbeams in this shady
Opposite to the church are the public offices of Galle,
in what is known as the Queen's House, which formerly
was the residence of the Dutch, and subsequently of the
English, governor. Travellers of rank, or if provided with
particular recommendations, were here hospitably enter-
tained by the governor. For this reason, the government
buildings of Galle and their immediate neighbourhood were
usually the first spot in Ceylon to be described and admired
in old books of travels. Among German travellers, Hoff-
mann and Ransonnet both have been at home there. Within
the last few years, however, the Queen's House has become
private property, and is now the head-quarters of the chiet
merchant-house in GalleClark, Spence, & Co. I had Leen
warmly recommended to Mr. A. B. Scott, the present head
of the house, by my friend Stipperger, and was received by
him with the most liberal hospitality. He placed two of
the best of the fine spacious rooms of the Queen's House at
my disposal, with a delightful, airy verandah, and did every-
thing in his power to render my visit to Galle as agreeable
and as profitable as possible. Not only did I soon feel my-
self at home in Mr. Scott's amiable family circle, but in him
I made acquaintance with an English merchant whose many
and various accomplishments are worthy of his prominent
social standing. He is now consul for several Powers, and
it is only to be lamented that he should not also represent
the interests of Germany. Mr. Scott lived in Germany
for many years, for a long time at the commercial school
of Bremen, and highly appreciates German literature and
German science. So, as I was so fortunate as to be regarded
by him, for the time beings as the representative in person of
German science, I enjoyed the benefit of his favour and help
to the utmost. This led me once more to doubt whether T
should not do well to avail myself of his kind offer, and to
set up my zoological studio for several weeks in Queen's
House, instead of moving to Belligam. Here, at any rate, I
should live surrounded by every European comfort and
pleasant and family society, and be far better off than in the
rest-house of Belligam, in the midst of natives ; T should
also carry out many of my scientific schemes with greater
ease and convenience. However, I steadfastly resisted
the alluring temptation, ^nd was amply rewarded for my
firmness by becoming far more intimately acquainted
with the primitive life of Ceylon and of its natives in
Belligam, than I could have been in the civilized atmo-
sphere of Galle.
The few days I now spent at Galle, and two or three
more which I spent in Mr. Scott's house on my return from
Belligam, were, by his indefatigable help, turned to such good
account that, in spite of the shortness of the time, I gained
some knowledge of the beauties of the neighbourhood, and
of the riches of its magnificent coral-reefs. One of Mr.
Scott's two carriages was constantly at my disposal for
expeditions by land, and his capital boat pulled by three
Malabars for excursions by sea. Mr. Scott also made me
acquainted with several English families of position, who
could be helpful to me in my scientific aims ; and to Captain
Bayley and Captain Blyth I remain greatly indebted.
The first and shortest expedition that can be made by a
stranger in Galle, is a walk round the walls of the Fort.
These walls, very substantially built of brick by the Dutch,
have on all sides a perpendicular fall into the sea, and on
the eastern side the view from thence is beautifulover the
harbour and the wooded hills which enclose it, and the blue
hill-country beyond. On the south and west the marvellous
coral-reefs lie at the very foot of the walls, girdling round
the promontory on which the Fort is built ; and at low tide
the beautifully coloured creatures show plainly through
the shallow water like beds of submarine flowers. These
coral gardens are particularly lovely near the lighthouse,
at the south-western angle of the Fort.
Two gloomy old gates, whose stone pillars, like the
chief part of the walls themselves, are overgrown with
ferns and mosses, lead from the interior to the open country.
The eastern gate leads out at once on to the quay of the
harbour and the mole which juts out to the east. The
northern gate opens on to the green Esplanade, a broad tract
of grassy level, used for recreation and exercise. It divides
the Fort from the native town, which consists principally
of native huts and bazaars
part of it extends eastward,
along the quay of the harbour, and another part follows the
strand on the Colombo Road. On both sides it is presently
lost, without any distinct limit line, in little groups of
houses or isolated huts scattered about among the cocoa-
nut groves, and here and there climbing the sylvan garden
which clothes the hill-sides. In a most beautiful situation
at the top of one of the nearest hills, opposite the Fort,
stands the Eoman Catholic church ; in connection with this
are a catholic school and mission. Padre Palla, the director
of this establishmentwhose highly respected predecessor I
knew by name from the accounts of former travellers
found to be a native of Trieste, a most agreeable and highly
cultivated man, and a remarkable musician. It w^as a
great pleasure to him to find that I could speak to him
iA his own language, and was familiar with Trieste and
Dalmatia. The well-kept garden of this mission, like all
the gardens in the Eden-like neighbourhood of Galle, is full
of the loveliest products of the tropics ; a botanista lover
of flowers evenloses his heart at every turn*
Still, to my thinking, the most enchanting spot in the
neighbourhood of Galle is Villa Marina, belonging to
Captain Bayley. This enterprising and many-sided man
was at one time a ship's captain, and is now the agent in
Galle for the P. and O. company. His fine natural taste i
led him to choose for his house a site of almost unequalled
beauty. About half-way along the north shore of the wide
curve which encloses the noble bay of Galle, a few tall rocks
of gneiss run far out to sea, and a group of rocky islets,
thickly clothed with pandanus, lie just beyond them. Cap-
tain Bayley purchased the most easterly of these islets, and
there built himself a little residence, laying out the ground
with much taste and judgment in availing himself of the
accidents of the situationa perfect little
Miramar." From i
the west windows of the bungalow and from the terrace be-
low there is a view of the town opposite and of the harbour
in front, which is unsurpassed by any other scene in the
neighbourhood. The lighthouse on the point, and the Pro-
testant church in the middle of the Fort, stand out with great
effect, particularly in the golden light of the morning sun. A
picturesque middle distance is supplied by the black islets of
rock^ fantastically overgrown with clumps of luxuriant screw-
pine, and their shores covered with Cinghalese fishing-huts.
In the foreground, the riven black rocks of the island, on
which the villa stands, lie piled in towering and grotesque
masses; or, if we turn to seek some less wild accessories, we
have part of the beautiful garden with its tropical forms.
Among the many ornaments of this garden I was
particularly interested to find several fine specimens of the
Doom palm {Hyphcene thebaica). The stalwart stem of this
species does not, as in most palms, form a tall column, but
forks like the stem of the Draccena, and each branch has a
crown of fan-shaped leaves. This palm grows principally
Upper Egypt, but I had already seen it at the Arab town
of Tur, at the foot of Mount Sinai, and it is represented in
my work on the Red Sea corals (plate iv.,
p. 28).
I was, then, to find it here under an aspect so
altered that I could scarcely recognize it. Adaptation to
different conditions of existence have made the
Doom palm of Egypt quite another tree in Ceylon. The
trunk is developed to at least double the thickness, much
larger than in its native land ; the forked branches are more
numerous but shorter and more closely grown ; the enormous
fan leaves are much larger, more abundant and more solid
and even the flowers and fruit, so far as my memory served
me, seemed to be finer and more abundant. At any rate,
the whole habit of the tree had so greatly changed in the
hothouse climate of Ceylon that the inherited physiognomy
of the tree had lost many of its most characteristic features.
And all this was the result of a change of external condition
and consequent adaptation, more particularly of the greater
supply of moisture which had been brought to bear, from
its earliest youth, on a plant accustomed to the dry desert-
climate of North Africa. These splendid trees had been
raised from Egyptian seed, and in twenty years had grown
to a height of thirty feet.
A large portion of the ground was occupied by a
magnificent fern garden. Ferns, above everything, thrive
in the hot damp air of Ceylon ; and Captain Bayley had
collected not merely the finest indigenous varieties, but a
great number of interesting foreign tropical species. Here,
at a glance, could be seen the whole wealth of various and
elegant forms, developed by the feathery fronds of these
lovely Cryptogams, with tree-ferns, Sellaginallaj and Lyco-
podia. Not less charming were the luxuriant creepers,
hanging in festoons from handsome baskets fastened to the
top of the verandah : orchids, Begonia, Bromelia, etc.
But for zoologists, as well as for botanists, this Miramar
of Galle is a captivating spot. A small menagerie attached
to the house contains a number of rare mammalia and
birds ; among others, a New Holland ostrich (Emu), several
kinds of owls and parrots, and an indigenous ant-eater
(Manis). This, as well as several rare fishes, Captain Bayley
most kindly presented to me, and subsequently sent me a
pair of loris (Stenops), as a Christmas gift, to Belligam, which
proved very interesting. But more attractive to me than
even these rare creatures, were the magnificent corals, which
grew in extraordinary abundance on the surrounding rocks
even the little inlet used by Captain Bayley as a dock for his
boat, and the stone mole where we disembarked, were closely
gemmed with them, and in a few hours I had added con-
siderably to my collection of corals. A very large propor-
tion of the multifarious forms of animal life, which are
distributed over the coral-reefs near Galle, were to be seen
crowded together in this narrow spacehuge black sea
urchins and red starfish, numbers of crustaceans and fishes,
brightly coloured moUusca, strange worms of various classes,
and all the rest of the gaudy population that swarms on
coral reefs and lurks between the branches. For this reason.
Captain Bayley's bungalowwhich he now is anxious to
sell, as he has moved to Colombois particularly
to be a zoological station, and is only half an hour's distance
from the conveniences of the town.
If we walk along the shore still farther to the east,
round the bay of Galle, and then mount a little way, we
reach a higher point, whence another splendid view is to be
had over the town and harbour, and which is justly named
Buona Vista." Here a Protestant minister, the Rev. Philip
Marks, has built a pretty villa and established a
The lofty wall of hills which runs from this point south-
wards, forming the eastern rampart of the harbour, is
thickly wooded, and terminates in a steep clifF-like pro-
montory. It is said, that some years since it was proposed
to fortify this point, which is just opposite the lighthouse.
The project, however, was abandoned, though a few iron
cannon still peep out among the rank garlands of creepers.
A riotous troop of monkeys were at play there, when I
scrambled up one Sunday afternoon. A narrow path, which
I followed yet further, led me southwards along the steep
rock-bound shore and through a thick wood, full of
magnificent pandanus and creepers. It was divided in one
place by a deep ravine, at the bottom of which a dancing
brook leapt down to the sea. Just above its mouth the
stream falls into a natural basin of rocka favourite bath-
ing place with the natives. As I came out suddenly from
the wood I surprised a party of Cinghalese of both sexes,
who were splashing merrily in this basin.
A similar natural tankmuch larger in the first
instance, and artificially enlargedis to be found at
the bottom of the rocky promontory before mentioned,
nearly opposite the lighthouse. This is known as the
"Watering-place," because its abundant supply of fresh water
provides most of the ships with drinking water. The steep
cliffs which surround this basin are overgrown with thorny
wild date-palms (Phoenix sylvestris), with white-flowered
Asclepias, and dull green Euphorbia trees. This Euphorbia
{antiquoruTYi) resembles a gigantic cactus, and produces its
stiff branches in regular whirls ; this and the pandanus on
stilts are among the strangest growths of these woods.
Very different in character from these wild rocky hills
to the south-east of Galle are the undulating hill and dale
which extend to the north of the town. Here, again, we
meet with the idyllic characteristics of the south-west coast.
The favourite excursion in this direction is to the Hill of
Wackwelle, the top of which is reached by a beautiful high
road, through cocoa-nut groves. It is constantly visited by
picnic-parties from the town, and latterly an ingenious
speculator has set up a restaurant, and charges each visitor
sixpence, even if he eats nothing, for enjoying the view.
The landscape principally consists of the broad wooded
valley of the Gindura, which falls into the sea at about
half an hour's ride to the north of the city. The river
winds like a silver riband through the bright green rice
The sacred hour when, on some distant shore,
The sailor longs to see his home once more."
Our thoughts, too, fly homeward, to the fond hearts sitting
in the well-known room, round the lamp or the fire, talking
perhaps of the distant traveller, while, outside, hill and
valley are shrouded in deep snow. What a contrast to
the scene around us I The crimson ball has touched the
ocean's rim, and the rock on which we are sitting rises
from a sea of flame. How tender and dream-like are the
rosy clouds that hover over it ; how gorgeous is the golden
sand with its fringe of palms ! But there is scarcely
time to watch the swift play and change of colour; it
is over already, and the brief twilight is so soon past, that
it is quite dark before we can set out, cautiously feeling
our way, back again through the palm groves to the rest-
The opposite headland, the eastern cape of the bay,
Mirissa, has equal and yet difierent charms. With a favour-
able wind, the point can be reached from the rest-house, in
a sailing-boat, in less than a quarter of an hour; but it is
some hours' walk thither round the bay by the shore, as
the little estuary of the Polwatta river must be crossed,
which flows into the bay at the north-east. It was a won-
derfully cool morningJanuary 6thwhen I crossed the bay
to Mirissa for the first time, provided with food for the day,
as I intended to make several little excursions from the
point. The little fishing village of Mirissashell-village
lies just at the foot of a hill of the same name, and derives
it from the quantity of shells, both mussels and oysters,
which cover the rocky shore. As we reached the strand,
the inhabitants were much interested in a great haul of fish
resembling sardines
every available canoe had put out to
surround the shoal, and young and old were busy catching
as many as possible with hand-nets. We sailed round the
picturesque cape, where a heavy surf breaks on the brown
rocks, and proceeding about a mile further, landed on the
eastern side in a small sheltered cove. I climbed, with
Ganymede, up the face of the headland (Mirissa Point),
and made my way through the beautiful wood, of which
the outskirts are of screw pine, and whose stately trees
are at least five feet long and six inches broad, and contain
brown beans, or nuts, so large that the Cinghalese hollow
them out and use them to drink out of.
Not less lovely than this jungle growth, with its
numerous parasites, is the lowlier flora which clothes the
rocks in and by the rushing waters. Here we find ferns
with graceful plumes, from ten to twelve feet in length
balsams, aroids, and Marantas with their splendid flowers.
A peculiar ornament of these streams is a low-gix)wing
species of Fandanus (P. humilis
which looks like a
dwarf palm, and grows abundantly among the boulders in
the torrent. The creepers which entangle the brushwood
that fringes the bank form so dense a mass that it is impos-
sible to walk anywhere but in the bed of the stream itself.
The water was often up to my waist, but with a temperature
C. this bath was only pleasant and refreshing.
My visit to the main stream of this valley, which is one
of the principal feeders of the Black River, was beset with
unusual difficulties. This rivulet has at Billahooloya
already received the waters of several smaller ones, and was
so swollen in consequence of the heavy rainfall of the
previous days in the hill districts that it was one chain of
foaming cataracts, which rolled and tumbled with a loud
roar over the large blocks of granite that fill its bed. It was
quite out of the question that I should attempt to ascend it
by walking in the channel, and I was obliged to avail
myself of the bridges, formed of a single bare trunk, which
are laid at intervals from one bank to the other. I shudder
now as I recall one of these bridges, spanning a noisy water-
fall at about a mile below Billahooloya. It was late in the
evening when, on my return from a long expedition, I was
forced to cross it, high above the water, in order to reach
the other shore before it should be quite dark. When I had
got about half-way across over the whirling torrent, the
trunk, on which I was slowly and cautiously balancing
myself, and which was not very thick, began to sway so
greatly that I thought it would be wise to forego my
upright posture. I stooped slowly down and achieved the
rest of my transit astride on the pole ; and I may confess
to a sigh of relief when, by an eifort of gymnastics, I found
myself safe on the further bank. Even then I had the
pleasure of wading for half an hour in the dark across
the inundated rice-fields.
When I at last reached the rest-house, half covered with
mud, the long streaks of blood on my trousers showed where
the horrible leeches had made me their prey. I picked
several dozen off my legs. This intolerable plaguefrom
which the hill country is happily freebegan at once to
torment us as soon as we came down into the damp low-
in few spots in Ceylon did I suffer so severely from
the land-leeches as in the lovely woods and ravines of
The drive in bullock-carts from Billahooloya to Ratna-
poora takes two long days, and as the beasts must rest for
some hours during the hot midday hours, we started at foui
o'clock in the morning. The pleasant freshness of the pure
night air and the extraordinary brilliancy of the stars in
the deep sky were something quite marvellous in these higl
valleys, and we walked by the side of the meditative beasti
as they slowly paced along dragging our two-wheeled vehicle
for some hours before the heat of the sun was so great as
to force us to take shelter under the awning. This tilt
or roof, made of palm-leaf matting, would have covered six
or eight persons, and we could stretch ourselves out com-
fortably under it on mats, though the jolting of the spring-
less cart was fatiguing after any length of time.
The scenery is beautiful all the way. The road for a
long time follows the line of the southern slope of the high-
lands, the mighty rampart of cliff towering far above the
lower outlying range of wooded hills. The fertile plain
widens gradually as we descend, and is cultivated with
fields of rice, maize, cassava, bananas, and other produce.
Pretty clumps of forest, with here and there a village oi
a waterfall in the ever-widening river, give variety to the
pleasing panorama; parrots and monkeys in the groves,
buffaloes and herons in the water-meadows, wa^f-tails and
waders in the streams, lend it animation and interest. The
road, too, is full and busy with natives and bullock-carts.
After a hot drive of eight hours we rested the first day
at Madoola, a little village very picturesquely placed in a
narrow wooded valley. I at once proceeded to refresh my-
self by a bath in the mountain stream, and my enjoyment
of it was resented by no one but some swarms of little
fishes (Cypi'inodonta?), which came round me in hundreds to
attack their unusual visitor ; I unfortunately could not suc-
ceed in catching one of my slippery little assailants, though
they shot forth from their hiding-places among the rocks
and boldly tried to nibble with their tiny mouths. After
dinner, I made my way for some distance up the stony bed
of the river, whose rocky banks were overgrown with
beautiful trees and fantastically decorated with creepers.
Thick runners of wild vine (Vitis indica) hung in festoons
like natural ropes across from one bank to the other ; and
it was a most amusing scene when a party of monkeys that
I startled fled across this natural bridge with extraordinary
rapidity and dexterity, screaming as they went. I made my
way through the foaming waters and over the slippery rocks
a little farther up, to where a few enormous trees {Teroni-
stood up like columns garlanded and wreathed with
climbers. While I sat making a sketch of the wild scene,
the clouds gathered and a heavv storm broke. The vivid
lightning lighted up the darkened ravine, flash after flash,
and the tremendous echo of the thunder rolled all round
me so like a terrific cannonade that I could almost fancy I
saw the cliflTs tremble. The downpour that followed was so
violent that the water came tumbling down every crevice
in the rocks, and I expected to see all my painting materials
soaked through. But the ancestral fig tree, under whose
protecting roof I had sought shelter, was so densely covered
with leaves that only a few drops trickled through now and
then, and I was able to finish my sketch.
The rain lasted about an hour, and when it ceased and
I was able to scramble down to the rest-house again, I was
very near capturing a noble trophy in the form of a fine
snake, about six feet long, which glided down from an over-
hanging bough ; but it writhed away so quickly among
the heaps of fallen leaves that I had not time to make an
end of it with my hunting-knife. However, I made a prize
of several gigantic thoiny spiders (Acrosoma
a span across
with their thin, long hairy legs. I also shot a few pretty
green parrots, as a fiock of them flew above me screaming
The early evening, when the victorious sun decked the
freshly washed valley with myriads of sparkling diamonds,
was wonderfully lovely. Later, however, the rain began
again, and forced us to ride in the covered cart. We met
numbers of Cinghalese, marching on with stoical indiflference,
undaunted by the pouring rain, only holding a caladium leaf
over their heads to protect their precious top-knot and comb
from the wet. It was not till late in the evening that we
reached Palamadula, a large village beautifully situated,
where we passed the night.
After Palamadula the country was more open and level
The great rocky hills of the central range fell into the back-
ground, and the lower slopes gained in importance. Adam's
Peak was still conspicuous among the remote mountains,
though its southern aspect is far less imposing than the
northern and eastern. The vegetation gradually assumed the
character which marks it throughout the southern plains
and we were particularly charmed to find ourselves once
more among the noble palms, which are entirely absent from
the hill districts.
By starting from Palamadula very early in the morning
of February 28th, we reached Ratnapoora by noon, in time
to devote several hours to seeing the place and the imme-
diate neighbourhood. This is very pretty; the valley,
which here expands to a wide basin enclosed by high hills,
is well cultivated and richl}^ fertile. The town itself, on the
contrary, offers little interest, and if the traveller has anti-
cipated any special splendour from its high-sounding name,
the city of rubies," he is doomed to keen disappointment.
The name was given to it by reason of the abundance of
precious stones, for which the neighbourhood was famous
some centuries ago; they are found in the detritus, in the
rivers and brooks, and in the peaty soil of the valley. To
this day there are some famous gem mines, but their pro-
ductiveness is much less than it was formerly. In the town
itself there are many stalls where precious stones are sold,
and a great many Moormen make a business of cutting
polishing them. But of late the importation of imitation
gems has increased largely, and it seems certain that here
in E-atnapoora, as well as at Colombo and Galle, many more
artifi.cial stones-cut glass of European manufacture
sold than genuine stones found on the spot. The art of
imitation is now so well understood, that even mineralogists
and jewellers by profession are often unable to discriminate
the true from the false without a close chemical examination.
In the heart of Ratnapoora, and on the right and northern
bank of the Kalu Ganga, a charming tank stands under a
fine old tamarind tree. On a hill to the eastward stands
the old Dutch fort ; its rambling buildings are now used as
the head-quarters of the district law courts and government
oJSicials. At the foot of the hill is the bazaar, a long, double
row of low huts and stalls, where the principal wares consist
of food, spices, and household chattels, with gems as before
mentioned. These, with sundry scattered groups of huts
along the river shore, and a number of pretty bungalows
belonging to the English residents, surrounded by gardens
and placed here and there in the park-like valley, constitute
what is known as the
city of rubies."
On the 1st of March we left Ratnapoora to descend the
Black River, which is navigable from this point. This, next
to the Mahawelli Ganga., is the longest, widest, and finest
river in Ceylon, though the Kalany Ganga at Colombo is
little inferior to it. Close to the rest-house is the harbour,
as it is called, the reach whence all vessels start, and where
a crowd of barks lie at anchor. Most of these are cofiee
boats, to carry the produce of the eastern districts down to
Saltura. They return empty, or very lightly loaded with
imported goods, for the passage up the river is long and toil-
some. They are either double canoes firmly bound together
by an upper-deck of beams and planks, or they are floored
over with a broad flat boarding, with no keel. The fore
and after ends are exactly alike. They are always sheltered
by a strong watertight awning of palm or pandaniiFs-lcaf
mats, stretched
on bamboo hoops. The spacious saloon
under this roof, which is open fore and aft, is so large that
in the smaller boats eight or ten people can be comfortably
at home, and in the larger ones twenty or thirty. In the
large boats the space is frequently divided into cabins by
hangings of matting. We hired a small double canoe and
When the river is full and the weather favourable, the
whole passage down the Black River, from Ratnapoora to
Caltura, can be made in a day ; but when the river is low
or the weather bad, it takes from two to four days. The
heavy rains of the last few days had filled all its affluents
so rapidly that we had the advantage of a very full flood,
and made the little voyage in eighteen hours without any
stoppage, starting from Ratnapoora at six in the morning,
and reaching Caltura at midnight.
I afterwards greatly regretted this hurry, for the
scenery is, from first to last, so beautiful that I could gladly
have spent twice or three times as long on the way.
Lovely weather favoured us throughout, and I can
never forget the succession of enchanting views whicli
passed before my eyes as if in a magic lantern. I and my
friend lay very much at our ease in the fore part of the
boat on a palm-mat, sheltered from the sun by the pro-
jecting roof, while our servants and boatmen occupied the
middle and stern. There our simple meals were prepared,
consisting of tea, rice, and curry, bananas and cocoa-nuts,
and, as an extra treat, a few pots of jam and some tablets
of chocolate, which we had reserved till the last.
The sombre masses of overhanging dark green trees.
and the black colour given by the fringing thicket to the
water near the banks, have given its name to the Kalu
Ganga, or Black River. The water itself, when the river
is low, is a dark blackish green, but when it is full the
colour is yellowish or orange-brown, in consequence of the
quantities of yellow or reddish loam brought down b}'
the rains. On the shore itself abrupt rocks and grotesque
groups of stones, overhanging boughs, and trees torn up by
the roots, supply a varied and delightful foreground to the
landscape. The distance is filled up by the sublime out-
lines of the mountains, swathed in blue mist and appearing
much higher than they really are.
The chief part of the river's edge looks as if it consisted
entirely of vegetation. Aralia and Terminalia, Dillenia
and Bomhax, Muhiacece and Urticacecs predominate. The
dark green of this thicket is pleasingly varied by the bright
green of the bamboos ; their orange-yellow canes stand in
thick clumps from forty to fifty feet high, and the elegant
feathery leaves hang over the water like tufts of ostrich
plumes. Cocoa and areca palms, talipot and kittool, with
here and there a plantation of banana and cassava, betray
the existence of inhabitants, and prove that the shores of
the river are not such a wilderness as might be supposed
from the thicket that fringes its bank. Occasionally,
though more rarely, solitary native huts stand on a rocky
promontory of the shore, and more rarely still the white
cupola of a dagoba reveals the existence of a village.
Animal life contributes largely to diversify the charms
of the landscape. Near the huts the tame black swine
wander about the shore, grubbing among the roots of the
trees. Large black bufialoes roll in the sand banks or in the
mud at the bottom, where the water is shallow, having only
their heads above the surface. Where there is any con-
siderable extent of wooded country large parties of black
monkeys display their amusing gymnastics, and shriek as
they spring from tree to tree. Here and there stands a
gigantic and ancient fig-tree, thickly populated with flying-
foxes, hanging to every branch. Brilliant blue and green
kingfishers perch on the boughs that overhang the stream,
and dart down on the unwary fish ; curlews, herons, water-
rails, and other waders fish in the shallows and stalk over
the sand-banks, and the tree-tops are full of lively flocks
of red and green parrots. Now and then we have a
glimpse of the Ceylon bird of paradise, with its two long
white tail-feathers. Crocodiles usedio be common in the
Black River, but the constantly increasing traffic has led to
their being almost exterminated. In their place the great
green iguanathe cabra-goyasuns itself on the rocks in
mid-current. Large river tortoises, too, which lay their
eggs in the sand banks, were frequently to be seen. The
water is too turbid and dark for fishes to be easily de-
tected, though fish of the shad and carp tribes (Siluridce and
GyprinidcB) are said to be abundant, and here and there a
solitary native sits on the bank fishing with a line or hand-
net. The most remarkable among the insects are handsome
lar-ge butterflies and fine metallic demoiselles or dragon-flies.
The gnats and mosquitos, which at some seasons are a perfect
plague, were at the time of our excursion quite endurable.
The most exciting episode of our delightful voyage was
the shooting of the rapids, which lie about half-way
between Ratnapoora and Caltura, and are very much
dreaded, being, in fact, a dangerous impediment in the
navigation of the Kalu Ganga. The waters here force theii
way through a series of rocky barriers which lie across
their channel; the banks are higher and closer together,
aiid the river, thus hemmed in, tumbles and roars among
the rocks ; the fall is very considerable within a short
distance. At the most dangerous spot our boat was com-
pletely unloaded, and everything carried for some distance
by land ; we ourselves scrambled down the large shelves
orranite to the bottom of the falls. A number of natives
are always here on the look-out for boats, which, when
they are empty, are hauled and lifted up or down the
foaming rapids. Half a dozen of these menamong them
a Tamil, more than six feet in height, and a perfect Hercules
in build