Naval Warfare in Ancient India

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Naval Warfare in ancient India

By Prithwis Chandra Chakravarti

The Indian Historical Quarterly
Vol.4, No.4 1930.12, pp.645-664

p. 645
India has an extensive sea-board, being bounced
on three sides of her borders by the sea. She has a
net-work of large and navigable rivers, free from the
freezing effects of a severely cold climate. She has
also a wealth of forests, abounding in strong timber
which might be readily utilised for the construction
of ships and boats. These natural advantages--coupled
with the steadiness in the direction of the monsoons
over the Indian Ocean and China Sea--aided the Hindus
to acquire that nautical skill and enterprise for
which they were justly famous in the ancient world.
The history of Indian shipping and maritime
activities goes back probably to the early times of
the Rgveda (I, 48, 3 and I, 116, 5). The Jatakas, the
Greek and Roman authors, the early Tamil poems as
well as a host of archaeological discoveries in India
and abroad--all go to prove that long before the
birth of Christ the Hindus had acquired a fair
knowledge of the art of navigation and that they
plied their boats not only on the inland rivers but
also on the high seas. There were ports and harbours
all along the coast-line, such as Tamralipti,
Kaviri-pattanam, Bharukaccha and Surparaka; and it
was practicable to attain to any of them starting
from up the Ganges, not only from Campa (Bhagalpur)
but even from Benares. The Samudda-vanija Jataka (iv.
159) relates how a settlement of wood-workers,
failing to carry out the orders for which pre-payment
had been made, made a 'mighty ship' secretly, and
emigrated with their families, shipping down the
Ganges, by night, and so out to the sea, till they
reached a fertile island. The Mahajanaka Jataka (vi,
34) tells us that prince Mahajanaka set out for
Suvannabhumi from Campa. And according to the Vinaya
(iii, 338) Mahinda travelled by water from Patna to
Taimalitti, and to Ceylon. Not only were coasting
voyages round India frequent, but distant over-sea
journeys were also carried out with equal boldness
and alacrity. The Baveru-Jataka indicates "that the
Vanijas of Western India undertook trading voyages to
the shores of the Persian Gulf and of its rivers in
the 5th, perhaps even in the 6th century B.C. just as
in our

p. 646
own days." The author of the Periplus of the
Erytlhraean Sea saw Hindu merchants settled down in
the desert island of Socotra off the coast of Africa.
Tacitus refers to "some Indians who sailing from
India for the purpose of commerce had been driven by
storm into Germany." Euxodus speaks of the famished
Hindu sailor who piloted the Greeks across the
Arabian sea to the Malabar coast.
There were obvious risks attending sea-voyages.
Sanskrit and Pali literature contains innumerable
allusions to vessels wrecked on the high seas so much
so that we seem to hear across the ages the piteous
wailings of souls lost in the ocean. But nothing
could daunt the people into passivity. Love of
adventure and wealth stimulated them to defy death;
and in storm and tempest these early navigators and
their comrades learned the art and craft of the sea.
They established commercial relations not only with
Burma and the islands of the Indian Archipelago on
the east but also with Mesopotamia, Arabia, Phoenicia
and Egypt on the West. And the same volkerwanderund,
which had impelled the primitive Aryans to move out
of their original home, found expression in the
colonial empire which their descendants built up in
southern Asia. Ceylon was colonised before the 3rd
century B.C., and Burma and Siam not much later. The
colonial movement went on apace, and by the 2nd
century A.D. Hindu soverignty and Hindu culture
dominated almost all the lands and islands, which
constitute the Indian Archipelago.
It is not the purpose of the present writer to
attempt anything like a history of the art of
navigation in ancient India, nor even of the colonial
activities of that distant past--however fascinating
such a study might be--but to limit himself to the
less ambitious subject of navy, meaning thereby ships
and vessels employed for military and police
Early traces in literature
That the art of employing boats and ships for
military purposes was known and practised in very
remote days is testified to by the ancient literature
of India. The Rgveda retains the echo of a naval
expedition, on which Tugra, the Rsi king,
commissioned his son Bhujyu. Bhujyu, however, was
ship-wrecked on the ocean,"where there is no support,
no rest for the foot or the hand," but was rescued by
the twin Asvins in their hundred-oared galley (Rv. i.
112, 6;

p. 647
116, 3; 117, 14-15; 119, 4; iv. 27, 4; vi, 62, 6).
The Mahabharata relates how the Pandavas, ingeniously
escaping from the 'house of lac' by a subterranean
passage, came upon the Ganges and got on board a
vessel, which 'was provided with machinery and all
kinds of weapons and was capable of defying storms
and waves': sarvavatasaham navam yantra-yuktam
patakinim (Adi Parva, ch. 15). Elsewhere in the same
work we read how Sahadeva, the youngest of the
Pandava brothers, continued his march of conquest
till he reached several islands in the sea (no doubt
with the help of ships) and subjugated the Mleccha
inhabitants thereof.(1) In the Santi Parva there is a
verse which specifically refers to the navy as one of
the angas of a complete army(2). In the Ramayana we
have a picture of the preparations made by a Nisada
chief for an impending naval encounter with Bharata.
Finding the huge folIowing of Bharata from a
distance, the tribal chieftain thus ordered his
tisthantu sarvadasas ca Gangam anvasrita nadim/
balayukta nadirakasa mamsamulaphalasanah//
navam satanam pancanam kaivartanam satam satam/
sannadhanam tatha yunam tisthatv ity abhyacodayat //(3)
Naval warfare was also well-known in the days of
Manu, for he had laid it down that boats should be
utilised for military purposes when the theatre of
hostilities abounded in water (VII, 192). A very
much later work, the Yuktikalpataru, specifies a
class of boats called agramandira (because they had
their cabins towards their prows) as eminently
adapted for naval warfare (rane kale ghanatyate).(4)
From the 4th Century B.C. to the 7th Century A.D.
So far as our information goes, it was in the
time of Candragupta Maurya that the first real
attempt to build up a royal navy of any magnitude was
states that Candragupta's
war-office was divided into six boards, of which the
first was "associated with the Chief Naval
Superintendent". The fact that a commi_______________
1 Sabha Parva, ch. 31, vv. 66-8,
2 Ratha naga hayas caiva padatas caiva Pandava /
Vistir navas cras civa desika iti castanam // Ch.
59. v. 41.
3 Ayodhya Kanda, ch. 84, vv, 7-8,
2 Yuktikalpataru (Calcutta Oriental Series, No. 1),

p. 228.
p. 648
ttee of five members was appointed to, co-operate
with the admiral of the fleet probably indicates that
the number of war-boats maintained. by the Maurya
emperor was not altogether insignificant. The
Arthasastra of Kautalya (Bk. II, ch. 28), in
agreement with Megasthenes, speaks of an official
called Navadhyaksa or the Superintendent of ships.
This officer had manifold duties to perform. For
instance, he examined "the accounts relating to
navigation, not only on oceans and mouths of rivers
but also on lakes, natural or artificial, and rivers
in the vicinity of sthaniya and other fortified
cities". He was required to maintain the customs of
commercial ports (panyapattna-caritra) and the
regulation of the port superintendent (pattanadhyaksa
nibandha); he was also enjoined to show "fatherly
consideration"to vessels in distress, and to allow to
pass on half toll (sulka),or exempt altogether,
merchandise damaged by water. In addition to these
functions, he had to provide state ferries for the
fording of all rivers in the kingdom, for which a
graduated system of tolls was laid down and realised.
It has been contended that the Navadhayaksa of
Kautalya, whose duties thus appear to be mainly civil
and commercial in character, cannot correspond to the
"Naval Superintendent" of Megasthenes. In the first
place, it is to be clearly understood that the
functions assigned by Kautalya to other adhyaksas of
this category, such as asvadhyaksa, hastyadhyaksa,
rathadhyaksa etc., partake of the same nature; and in
fact throughout the whole section on Adhyaksa-pracara
Kautalya deals with the duties of officers as they
were, or as they should be, in times of internal
tranquillity and external peace. In the second place,
it may be pointed out that Megasthenes' admiral, like
the Navadhyaksa of Kautalya, had certain civil
functions to perform-functions relating to the
letting out of ships on hire for the transport both
of passengers and merchandise (Strabo, XV, 1,46).
Lastly, it should be noted that Kautalya does not
altogether shut out of sight the military aspect of
Navadhyaksa's functions. In one place he says:
panyapattanacaritropaghatikas ca. Himsrikah mean
pirate ships, and the Navadhyaksa had to see that
they were pursued and destroyed whenever they were
found. The same regulation applied to ships and boats
of an enemy's country when they crossed its
territorial limit(1), and also to vessels which
violated the
1 Dr. Shamasastry takes 'amitra-visayatigah' to mean
"vessels which were bound for the country of an
enemy". (Kaut. trans.,

p. 649
customs and rules enforced in port towns. Now the
pursuit and destruction of pirate vessels as also of
ships belonging to the enemy's country could only
have been adequately effected by war galleys
belonging to the state, and as this duty devolved on
the Navadhyaksa, it cannot be reasonably held that he
was a purely civil official. In fact, like the
Asvadhyaksa, Hastyadhyaksa and Rathadhyaksa who were
concerned with horses, elephants and chariots used
both for war and peace, the Navadhyaksa was as much
concerned with armed vessels as with state boats
which were used for peaceful traffic.
The Maurya navy created by Candragupta probably
continued to the end of Asoka's reign. We learn from
the XIIIth Rode Edict of Asoka that the emperor
maintained diplomatic relations not only with Ceylon
(Tamraparni) but with the Hellenistic monarchies of
Syria, Egypt, Cyrene, Macedonia and Epirus. We agree
with Dr, V. A. Smith when he states that diplomatic
relations with such distant powers presupposes the
existence of a "sea going fleet as well as an army".
With the dissolution of the Maurya empire
probably fell the great navy which the genius of
Candraguta and his successors had reared up. But the
naval traditions which the Mauryas had built up were
kept alive in at least some of the kingdoms which
sprang up on the ruins of their empire. This is
evident from certain pieces of Andhra or Satavahana
coins, belonging to the reign of Pulumayi and bearing
the figure of a two-masted sailing ship.(2) These
p. 153). Pandit Ganapati Sastri (vol. I, p. 308)
suggests the same interpretation: amitra-visayatigah
satrudesayayinih". This is probably not quite
correct, for atiga means 'going beyond limits', The
meaning suggested by these learned scholars would
have been all right if we had abhigah instead of
1 Edicts of Asoka, Introd., p.viii.
2 In his article in Z. D. G. (1903, p.613) as well as
in his Early History (4th Ed., p. 223) V, A. Smith
refers these coins with the 'ship' type to the
reign of Yajna Sri. Dr. H. C. Raychaudhuri in his
'Political History of Ancient India' does the same.
But Prof. Rapson, who has made a special study of
Andhra coinage, remarks that on the solitary
specimen on which the traces of the coin-legend
admit of any probable restoration "the inscr.

appears to be intended for Siri-pu (luma) visa (No,

95, p, 22; Pl. V.). This restoration is
p. 650
coins probably suggest that Pulumayi was accompanied
in some of his compaigns by a fleet of war-boats, and
they were issued to commemorate a naval victory over
the people who inhabited Tondamandala region, in
which the coins were found. This inference will be
considerably strengthened if we remember the fact
that the coast-region in question was inhabited in
ancient times by a people who were known to Tamil
literature as the Tiraiyar (lit. sea-people).
In the succeeding centuries, the Coromandel coast
appears to have been converted into a naval base by
the Pallavas of southern India, That the Pallavas
maintained a naval force may be inferred, firstly,
from the 'ship' type coins, which have been
attributed, though doubtfully, to them, and secondly,
from the Kasakudi Plates, which tell us that king
Narasimhavaman of this dynasty conquered Lanka or
Ceylon. The conquest of an island situated far into
the sea could only have been effected with the help
of a fleet of ships.
Naval warfare was not altogether unknown in Gupta
India. In the Allahabad Prasasti, Harisena states
that Samudragupta's suzerainty was accepted, along
with others, "by the people of Simhala and all other
dwellers in islands".(1) It is not unlikely that this
statement of the royal penegyrist merely makes a
covert allusion to the embassy sent by Meghavanna
(Meghavarna), the Buddhist king of Ceylon; but if it
may be taken more literally, we may well credit
Samudragupta with the possession of a naval force.
The Aphasad inscr. probably refers to a naval
victory won by Mahasena Gupta over the contemporary
Kamarupa monarch, Susthitavarman. "The mighty force
of Mahasena Gupta", says the epigraph, "marked with
the honour of victory in war over the illustrious
Susthitavarman, (and)
white as a fullblown
jasmine-flower or water-lily, or as a pure necklace
of pearls pounded into little bits(? ), is still
constantly sung on the banks of the river Lohitya,
the surfaces of which are (so) cool, by the Siddhas
in pairs, when they wake up after sleeping in the
shade of the betel plants that are in full bloom".(2)
The Deo Baranark inscription refers to the
"victorious camp" of Jivita Gupta II as "invincible
not altogether satisfactory; but there is no doubt
about the first syllable of the name Pu-, and, as the
next syllable may well be -lu-, it is almost certain
that the coin was struck by Pulumayi" (Catalogue of
the Indian Coins, Introd. ixxxi-ixxxii).

1 C.I.I., vol. III, p.14.

2 C.I.I., vol. III, p.206.
p. 651
through (its) equipment of great ships and elephants
and horses and foot-soliders".(1)
In the seventh century A.D. king Harsa of Kanauj
must have possessed a certain number of war-boats
which accompanied him in his distant expeditions. His
inscriptions always refer to his victorious camp as
"furnished with ships, elephants and horses":
'mahanau- hastya-sva-jaya-skandhavarat'. At about the
same time, the Calukya princes of the South appear to
have maintained a considerable naval force. In the
Nilgunda Plates of Vikramaditya VI, it is stated that
king Mangalisa of the western Calukya dynasty fitted
out a grand fleet, which captured the island of
Revati. The epigraph runs as follows:
sarva-dvipakramana-mahaso yasya nau-setu-bandhair ullamghy
abdhim vyadhita prtana Revati-dvipa-lopam.(2)
From the Aihole inscription we learn that with a
fleet of hundred fighting vessels Pulakesin II
attacked Puri, which was the mistress- of the sea,
and reduced it to submission.(3) The Kendur Plates of
Kirtivarman II tells us that Pulakesin's grandson,
Vinayaditya, sailed out to Ceylon, humbled its king
and compelled him to pay tribute.(4)
Navy and naval operations in Bengal
History is oftener than not the creation of
geographical environments. And the geography of India
has very greatly influenced and modified her naval
enterprise. Naval endeavours could be possible only
in regions where the sea provides opportunities for
harbourage, or in lands which are washed by large and
navigable rivers. And accordingly we find that in
three widely separated regions of India, viz.,
Bengal, the Indus valley, and the extreme south of
the Deccan peninsula called Tamilakam or Tamilagam,
naval power was developed to a greater extent than
elsewhere. It is these regions that shine conspi__________________
1. C. I. I., vol. III, p.217
2. Ep. Ind., X1I, p.151.
3. Sir R.G. Bhandarkar in his Early History of the
Deccan suggests that this Puri was probably the
capital of the Maurya king of Konkan and afterwards
of the Silaharas (3rd ed.), p.88, f.n.

4. Ep, Ind., vol, IX, p. 205,

p. 652
cuously in the naval history of ancient India. We
propose to deal with each of these in succession.
Skirted by the sea and washed by the Ganges and
the Brahmaputra with their many tributaries and
distributaries, Bengal appears to have early attained
to fame for naval and maritime activities. The
Mahavamsa and other Buddhistic works tell us how, as
early as 550 B.C., Prince Vijaya of Bengal with his
700 followers. achieved the conquest and colonisation
of Ceylon, and gave to the island the name of Simhala
after that of his dynasty. In the time of Kalidasa,
the people of Bengal appear to have been widely
famous for their nautical resources, for in his
Raghuvamsa the poet refers to them as follows:
Vangan utkhaya tarasa neta nausadhanodyatan /
nicakhana jayastambhan gangasroto'ntaresu sah//. (1)
Epigraphic evidence indicates that harbours and
dockyards had come into existence as early as the 6th
century A.D.A. copper-plate grant of Dharmaditya
(dated 531 A.D.) refers to a navata-kseni or shipbuilding harbour(2) though we do not know where it
was located. Another grant of the same monarch (dated
c.567 A.D.) speaks of nau-dandaka or(1) ship's mast'.
Later on the Palas of Bengal appear to have utilised
this nautical aptitude of the people and built up a
regular fleet for fighting purposes. In the Khalimpur
Copper-plate of Dharmapaladeva, the royal camp at
Pataliputra is described as follows:
'Sa khalu Bhagirathi- patha-pravarttamana-nanavidha
-nauva taka-sampadita-setubandha-nihita-saila-sikharasreni-vibhramat'.(3)
1. Raghuvamsa. IV. 36.

As Dr. Hoernle suggests, navata-kseni is a

compound of nau ata kseni. Kseni is evidently a
modification of Ksayana,'harbour', with a feminine
termination. Ata means the frame of a door, and
here in conjunction with nau must mean a ship's
frame. "Nau here should be translated by the word
'ship' and not 'boat'. Boat-making in this region
requires very little frame-work and no harbour
(dockyard) for boats are made on the banks of
rivers anywhere. Frames and dockyards are only
necessary for large vessels and ships". Ind. Ant.,
Vol.,XIX, p.198.

3. Ep. Ind., vol. I, p.249; II, 25-26; Cf. also Ep.

Ind., vol., XIV. pp. 326-7, II. 24-6.

p. 653
"Now this royal camp of victory, pitched at
Pataliputra, where the manifold fleets of boats
proceeding on the path of the Bhagirathi make it seem
as if a series of mountain tops had been sunk to
build another causeway (for Rama's passage)'', The
terms nau-vata and nau-vataka, which occur in this as
well as in many other inscriptions of this period,
undoubtedly refer to the war-ships of the Pala kings.
The admiral in command of the royal navy was called
Naukadhyaksa and his functions were probably akin to
those performed by the Navadhyaksa of Kautalya. There
is enough evidence to show that the royal navy under
the Palas was an efficient instrument of offetsive
and defensive warfare. When the Pala empire was being
shattered by rebellions and insurrections on every
side, it was "with a strong navy" that Vaidyadeva,
the minister of Kumarapala (a.c. 1097 A.D.),
"restored peace to the whole empire."(1) The Kamauli
Grant credits this Vaidyadeva with a naval victory in
southern Vanga, near the mouths of the Ganges. Mr.
R.D. Banerji suggests that this naval encounter
probably took place with Anantavarman, king of Utkala
and Kalinga.(2) The Kamauli Grant describes the
battle as follows:
Yasy-anuttara-vanga-sangara-jaye n a u v a t a-hihiravatrastair ddikkaribhis-ca yan-na calitam cen-nasti tad-gamya-bhub /
Kin-c-otpatu kake-nipata-patana-protsarpitaih sikarairakase sthirata krta yadi bhavet syan-niskalankah sasi //(3)
The naval power of Bengal long outlived the
collapse of the Pala dynasty; and the Candras, the
Varmans and the Senas inherited not merely the
dominions but also the naval traditions of their
predecessors. The Naukadhyaksa was substituted by the
Nau-vyaprtaka or Nau-bala-vyaprtaka,(4) but that was
all. In all important respects the navy appears to
have continued on its old efficient basis, and the
Deopara inscription states that king Vijayasena sent
it forward on a conquering expedition "up the whole
course of the Ganges, " pascatyacakra-jaya-kelisu
yasya yavad-Ganga-pravaham anudhavati nau-vitane(5),
-------------1. Ramacarita by Sandhyakara Nandi, Memoirs of the
Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol.III, no.I, p.15.
2. The Palas of Bengal M. A. S. B., vol. V, no. 3,
3. Ep. Ind., vol. II, p.351, v.II.
4. Ibid., vol. XII, p.40 II. 33-4; P.139, I, 20; P.9,

5. Ep. Ind., vol. I, pp.305 ff; Inscriptions of

Bengal, vol.III, by Nanigopal Mazumdar, p.48, v.22,
p. 654
Bengal's reputation as a naval power continued
even during the Muhammadan period. Hussain Shah
(1498-1520), the most prominent of the independent
Pathan rulers of Bengal, maintained a powerful fleet,
with which he once invaded Assam(1). Pratapaditya is
also credited with a fleet of seven hundred fighting
vessels, equipped with all the instruments of war(2).
Sayesta Khan, the Nawab of Bengal, is stated to
have gathered a numerous fleet of armed galleys to
check the depradations of the Arakan pirates, both
Maugh and Feringi.
While dealing with Bengal, it will not be
improper, we hope, to cast a cursory glance at the
part played by the neighbouring kingdom of Kamarupa
in the naval history of the ancient Hindus. Like
Bengal, the territory occupied by this kingdom is
intersected by numerous rivers. Nor was there any
dearth of material for the creation of a naval force.
The forests had abundant hard wood, with which
war-boats could be made without difficulty, while the
common people, born and bred up in a riparian plain,
were naturally adepts in the art of plying boats. We
have already seen how the evidence of the Aphasad
Susthitavarman of Kamarupa fought a naval battle with
the later Gupta monarch Mahasena Gupta on the waters
of the Lohitya (Brahmaputra) river. The Nidhanpur
copper-plates state that Bhaskaravarman, king of
Kamarupa, was in "possession of splendid ships" in
addition to elephants horses and foot-soldiers(3).
The Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsiang gives the number of
Bhaskaravarman's ships as 30000, and further adds
that with this numerous fleet he followed emperor
Harsa in his triumphal progress from Kie-shu-ho-ki-lo
(Kajughira, modern Kankjol, i.e. Rajmahal, according
to Cunningham) to the imperial city of Kanauj(4). In
the naval victory that Vaidyadeva won in Southern
Bengal, the Kamarupa fleet probably co-operated with
that of the Palas, for, according to the Kamauli
Grant, Vaidyadeva had, previous to that conflict,
defeated Tingyadeva of Assam and had obtained the
1. Blockman's Koch Bihar Assam, J.A.S.B., 1872, pt.
I. No. I.
2. Sir Jadunath Sarkar's article in the Prabasi,
Asvin, 1326 B.S., P.552.
3. Ep. Ind., vol.XII, p.76.
4. Beal's Life of Hiuen Tsiang, p.172

p. 655
kingdom for himself(1). Even in the later middle
ages, the Hindu chiefs of Kamarupa continued to rely
on their navy as an indispensable weapon of defence
and offence. The Padishah-namah, a work of the 17th
century, highly speaks of the skill and bravery of
the Assamese naval troops.
In the Punjab and Sindh
The Punjab and Sindh, enjoying the same
physiographical advantages as Bengal,were destined to
play a remarkable part in the naval history of
ancient India. Sindh is not only watered by the Indus
and her many affluents but is also skirted by the
sea. The Punjab is so called because she is washed by
five rivers. Moreover, in ancient times extensive
timber forests grew in those regions(2)-- forests
which enabled Alexander to construct the famous
flotilla which sailed down the Indus under the
command of Nearchos.
Possessed of these natural advantages, the people
of the Punjab and Sindh appear to have early acquired
a 'knack' for naval and maritime activities. Arrian
informs us that the Xathroi (Ksatri), an autonomous
tribe living on the Indus, supplied Alexander, during
his return voyage, with thirty-oared galleys and
transport vessels, which were all built by them.(3)
The Bactrian and Indian coins of Antimachus with
their types of 'Poseidon' and 'Victory' probably
refer to a naval triumph. "It is difficult to explain
the allusion" says Prof. Rapson, "except on the
supposition that this king had won a victory on one
of the great Indian rivers--the Indus or the
Jhelum"(4). This will show that even before the birth
of Christ the navy had come to be looked upon as an
instrument of warfare in this region.
Even before Alexander's invasion of India, the
nautical habits of the people of the Indus basin had
led them to the practice of piracy on the high seas.
Issuing in their "keels" from their country about the
mouth of the Indus, they were sea-wolves, who
captured what they could afloat, and carried fire and
sword into the countries
1. Ep. Ind., vol.II, p.351 vv. 13-4.
2. Arrian says: "In the neighbouring mountains was
abundance of timber fit for building ships". India
and its invasion by Alexander, p.216.
3. Ibid., p.156.
4. Cambridge History of India, vol.I, p.547.

p. 656
they visited. They were the 'Vikings' of ancient
India, and the great Persian monarchy was the worst
sufferer from their depradations. Strabo and Arrian
inform us that, in order to protect their cities
against piratical attacks, the Persians made the
Tigris entirely inaccessible to navigation. The
course of the stream was obstructed by masses of
stone, which Alexander, on his return journey from
India, caused to be removed for the furtherance of
commercial intercourse. That the Persians built no
city of any note upon the sea-coast was due to this
dread of Indian pirates, and not to any religious
motive as Robertson supposed.(1)
For many centuries after Alexander's invasion,
these hardy seamen of the Indus basin appear to have
clung to piracy as a means of livelihood. In the days
of Alberuni they were notorious for "their robberies
on sea in ships called bira"(2) and the Muhammadan
historians tell us that the first Islamic invasion of
India in the 8th century: A. D. was brought about by
a piratical inroad committed by the Meds and certain
other inhabitants of Debal and the Indus mouths, For
example, Al-Baladhuri states that when al-Hajjaj was
the governor of Iraq, "the king of the island of
Rubies (Ceylon) sent to al-Hajjaj some women who were
born in his country as Moslems, their fathers, who
had been merchants, having died. He wanted to court
favour with al-Hajjaj by sending them back. But the
ship on which they were sailing was attacked by some
of the Meds of ad-Daibul in barks (bawarij), and was
captured with all that was in it". When tidings of
this mishap reached al-Hajaj, he sent envoys to Dahir
asking him to set the women free. Dahir replied
:"Pirates, over whom I have no control, captured''.
The reply was not considered satisfactory by the
governor of Iraq, and he sent the first Muslim army
across the frontiers to punish the Sindhians. The
expedition failed, and two Arab generals were
successively defeated and killed. But al-Hajjaj was a
man of iron resolve, and his first failure merely
strengthened his determination to conquer and punish
the miscreants. He organised a fresh expedition on a
very much larger scale than before and placed it
under the command of his nephew, Muhammad bin Qasim.
Thus came about the first Islamic invasion of India.(3)
1 Strabo, Geography XVI, I; Arrian VII. 7; Elliot,
History of India, vol. I, pp. 5I2 f.; Robertson's
Disquisition, p. 160.
2 Vol. I, p, 208.
3 Futuh-al-Buldan, trans. by Clark Murgotten, pp.
215, 216.

p. 657
The people of the Indus region not only practised
piracy, which testifies to their nautical pluck and
skill, they also fought--and this is more important
from our standpoint--several naval battles with their
Muhammadan foes on the Indus or her tributaries. We
have it on the authority of Al-Baladhuri that Dahir's
son Hullrshah waged a naval war with Al-Junaid at
Batihat-ash-sharki. "Hullishah was taken prisoner,
his ship having missed the way".(1) Several centuries
later the Indus was the scene of another naval
encounter between the Jats and Sultan Mahmud.
According to Tabakat-i-Akbari of Nizamuddin Ahmed,
the last expedition of Sultan Mhamud was directed
against the Jats of the Salt Ranges, "who had
molested his army on its return march from Somnath
(1025 A.D.). To wreak vengeance on the Jats, Mahmud
led a large force towards Multan, "and when he
arrived there he ordered fourteen hundred boats to be
built, each of which was armed with three firm iron
pikes, projecting one from the prow and two from the
sides, so that everything which came in contact with
them would infallibly be destroyed. In each boat were
twenty archers, with bows and arrows, grenades and
naphtha; and in this way he proceeded to attack the
Jats, who having intelligence of the armament sent
their families into the islands and prepared
themselves for the conflict. They launched, according
to some, four, and according to others, eight
thousand boats, manned and armed, ready to engage the
Muhammadans. Both fleets met and a desperate conflict
ensued. Every boat of the Jats that approached the
Muslim fleet was broken and overturned. Thus most of
the Jats were drowned, and those who were not
destroyed were put to the sword".(2) An inglorious
conclusion--a sad epitaph, indeed. In naval tactics,
as in many other branches of military science, the
Hindus proved themselves unequal to their Muhammadan
antagonists, The Jat fleet, though numerically
superior, was vastly inferior to that of their rivals
in its organisation, in the type of its men-of-war,
and probably also in the art and science of maritime
------------------I Futuh-al-Buldan, trans. by Clark Murgotten, p 226.
2 Elliot, History of India, vol. 11, p. 478; Cf. also
Brigg's, Ferishta, vol. I, pp. 81-2.
p. 658
In the Tamil land

If Bengal and the Indus valley played an

important role in naval affairs, it was in the
extreme south of the Deccan Peninsula that naval
power reached its climax. The impress that the people
of the Tamil states have left on the naval history of
the ancient Hindus is the deepest and most indelible.
Nature has endowed the southern promontory with
greater facilities for maritime activities than
either the Gangetic or the Indus delta. Girt by the
sea, having dense forests in the interior, with
hospitable coast-lines extending for a thousand
miles, it was preeminently adapted for the
development of seamanship and navigation.
And seamanship and navigation developed in these
regions probably earlier than anywhere else in India.
For centuries before the birth of Christ pearl-diving
and sea-fishery constituted an important source of
livelihood with the Tamilians. It was most probably
from Tamilakam or Taimilagam that during the reign of
Solomon (about 1000 B.C.) "once in every three years,
the ships of Tarshish came, bringing gold and
silver, ivory, apes and peacocks". The names of the
last two objects, Kapim and Tukim, as found in the
Hebrew Bible, are the same as those used in Tamil,
i.e. Kavi and Thoki.(1) In the first century B.C.
'king Pandiod' or the Pandya monarch is recorded to
have sent two embassies to Augustus Caesar, desiring
to become his friend and ally. One of these reached
Augustus when he was at Terracona in the 18th year
after the death of Julius Caesar, and another reached
him six years later. The early Tamil authors refer
to a class of merchants called ma-sattuvanigam,
maha-sartha-vanik and indicating the existence of
a class of merchants whose profession it was to trade
overseas. The Periplus records that contemporary
Tamil navigators plied two kinds of vessels for
sea-borne trade, The first variety, known as the
Sangara, including vessels both large and small, were
intended for coasting voyages as far as the Damirica.
The second kind, called Colandia, were very large in
size and were meant for voyages to the Ganges and the
While the eastern and the southern
generally speaking,


1 Tamils 1800 years ago, p. 31.

2 The Periplus, tr. by Schoff, p. 46.
p. 659
were the home of these sea-divers and carriers of
maritime commerce, the western or the Malabar coast
bred a class of sturdy sea-rovers who made piracy a

hereditary profession with them, The numerous creeks

and rocky islands along the coast, which in the time
of Sivaji and Angria were converted into Maratha
naval strongholds, afforded in early times secure
harbourage to the cruisers of the Konkan pirates.
Pliny, who wrote his Natural History in 77 A.D., has
placed it on record that companies of archers had to
be carried on board merchant ships, sailing out to
the Tamil land, "because the Indian seas are infested
by pirates. " While speaking about Muziris, an
important emporium in the Cera territory, he states
that "it is not a desirable place of call, pirates
being in the neighbourhood who occupy a place called
Nitrias......"(1) The author of the Periplus of the
Erytlhraean Sea, who made a coastal voyage round
India, noticed the prevalence of piracy along the
Malabar sea-board."(2) Ptolemy, in his Geography (150
A.D.), goes so far as to describe the Konkan coast
extending from the neighbourhood of Simylla to an
emporium called Nitra, as Ariake Andron Peiraton,
i.e. Ariake of the Pirates.(3) Many centuries later
the Venetian traveller, Marco Polo, observed Malabar
pirates cruising round the coasts and roving the
seas, He writes:
"And you must know that from the kingdom of
Melibur, and from another near it called Gozurat,
there go forth every year more than a hundred corsair
vessels on cruize. These pirates take with them their
wives and children, and stay out the whole summer.
Their method is to join in fleet of 20 or 30 of these
pirate vessels together, and then they form what they
call a sea cordon, that is, they drop off till there
is an interval of five or six miles between ship and
ship, so that they cover something like a hundred
miles of sea, and no merchant ship can escape them.
When one corsair sights a vessel, a signal is made by
fire or smoke, and then the whole of them make for
this, and seize (sic) the merchants and plunder them,
After they have plundered them they let them go,
saying 'Go along with you and get more gain, and that
mayhap will fall to us also. But now the merchants
are aware of this, and go so well manned and armed
and with such great ship, that they don't fear the
corsairs. Still mishaps do befall them at times,"(4)
I McCrindle, Ancient India, p. III.
2 The Periplus, p. 44.
3 McCrindle's Ptolemy, p. 45.
4 Yule's Marco Polo (Ind. ed.), vol. II, p. 378, It
may be noted,
p. 660
The facts cited above will amply testify to the
sea-faring and adventurous character of the early

people of Tamilakam. It was because of the nautical

resources of their people, that the Tamil kings had
to face no difficulty in creating a navy for
offensive and defensive warfare. The sculptor found
excellent granite lying about him, and he shaped it
into a solid pillar of strength.
We are not sure whether the Pandya kings (whose
territory was approximately equivalent to modern
Madura and Tinnevelley districts, with part of
Trichinopoly and sometimes also Travancore) ever
maintained any fighting squadron. Extreme paucity of
materials hinders any inference on this point. But
that the Ceras and the Colas came to recognise the
importance of naval forces, even before the beginning
of the Christian era, there is enough evidence to
prove, The Tamil poet, Madalan, refers to an unnamed
predecessor of the famous Cenkuttuvan as "he who
conquered the Kadambu in the middle of the sea."(1)
According to early Tamil authors, Cenkuttuvan, who
was contemporary more or less to Nedum-celiyan, the
Pandya, and Nedmudi Killi Cola, the grandson of
Karikala, as well as to Gajabahu I of Ceylon, led an
expedition to the Gangetic valley, and in that
expedition"the journey from the Cera kingdom to
Orissa was performed by sea." At the end of one
poem, Cenkuttuvan is praised as the king "who with
his army crossed the sea and reached the banks of the
Ganges.(2) Another achievement of the Cera navy under
Cenkuttuvan was the victory it won over the Yavanas
at sea. The Padirruppattu relates that the victory
was so complete and overwhelming that Cenkuttuvan was
able to capture his enemies, and punish them by tying
their hands behind their back, pouring oil or ghee on
their heads.(3)There are other allusions to the naval
strength of Cenkuttuvan, and, as Dr. Krishnaswami
lyanger points out, the one compliment the poets
never miss an opportunity
as Yule remarks, that it was in this neighbourhood
that Ibn Batuta fell into the hands of pirates and
was "stripped to the very drawers." The Malabar coast
retained its piratical character up to the days of
Clive and Watson.
1 Tamils 1800 years ago, p. 95. According to Prof.
Krishnaswami Iyanger this conqueror of Kadambu was no
other than the father of Cenkuttuvan.--Beginnings of
South Indian History, p. 151.
2 Tamils 1800 years ago, p. 95.
3 Some Contributions

of South India to Indian

p. 661
of bestowing upon the Red-cera is that the "Chera

fleet sailed on the waters of that littoral with

sense of dominion and security."(1) Dr. Aiyangar has
also sought to prove that the Cera navy under
Cenkuttuvan and his father made a strenuous attempt
to check piracy on the western or Konkan coast.(2)
After Cenkuttuvan, the power of the Cera kingdom
appears to have been eclipsed by that of the Pandyas,
and an almost impenetrable veil is cast over Cera
naval operations till we come down to the palmy days
of the Cola empire. From epigraphic evidence we learn
that in the twelfth year of the reign of Rajaraja I,
the Cera fleet fought with the Cola navy in the
'Roads of Kandalur,' but was routed. The Cera navy
was no doubt weakened by this defeat. But it survived
the shock, and in the time of Rajadhiraja (1042-52
A.D.) it again fought its Cola rival at
Kandalur-salai, "on the never-decreasing ocean." This
second venture was attended with no better fate than
the first. The Cera fleet was again defeated and
probably destroyed.(3)
It was under the Colas that the naval power of
the Tamil land attained its culminating point. Very
early in their history, the Cola kings appear to have
organised a fleet of ships, which enabled their
troops to cross over the ocean and invade the
neighbouring island of
1 Beginnings of South Indian History, p. 151.
2 Beginnings of South Indian History, pp. 229-33.
Here we do not quite agree with Dr. Aiyangar in the
interpretation he has put upon Ptolemy's statement.
Ptolemy, as we have already seen, characterises the
Konkan coast as piratical--Ariake Andron Peiraton.
Dr. Aiyangar argues that though Ptolemy describes
the coast as piratical, he does not actually
mention pirates in the neighbourhood; and from this
he concludes that there were no pirates on the
Malabar coast in the time of Ptolemy, i.e. about
150 A.D. We must confess we cannot see eye to eye
with Prof. Aiyangar on this point. It is true
Ptolemy has no mention of pirates on the Konkan
coast, but this is only to be expected, since his
work is almost exclusively geographical, and
"whatever information on points of history we
obtain from it is more from inference than direct
statement." Moreover, if there were no pirates on
the western coast, Ptolemy's characterisation
becomes wholly meaningless.
3 South Indian Inscriptions, vol. II, p.241, n.i;
vol.III, pt, I, pp. 4-6
p. 662
Ceylon. According to the Mahavamsa, there were in the

first century immediately preceding Christ as many as

six Tamil usurpers from the country of 'Soli'
(Cola).(1) The first historical or semihistorical
Cola monarch Karikala is represented by the early
Tamil poets as having invaded Ceylon and carried off
three thousand captives to work on the embankments of
the Kaveri river, which he constructed.(2) In the
fourth decade of the tenth century, Parantaka I
repeated the naval expedition to Ceylon and probably
won some advantage over its king. It has already been
stated that Rajaraja I defeated the Cera navy at
Kandalur. Ukkal (Visnu temple) Tamil inscription,
belonging to the 29th year of Rajarajadeva, credits
this monarch with having subjugated not merely
Ceylon, but "twelve thousand ancient islands of the
sea".(3) According to Dr. Krishnaswami Aiyangar, the
islands referred to "are apparently the islands along
the coast in the Arabian sea".(4)
Emboldened by these naval triumphs, the Cola
fleet under Rajendra Gangaikondacola pushed out on
longer and bolder enterprises. From inscription No.
84 of Cannapatna in the Bangalore District, it
appears that by the thirteenth year of his reign,
Rajendra equipped and floated a grand armada, which
sailing "across the middle of the sea lashing with
waves", conquered extensive districts in the Far
East. These over-sea conquests of Rajendra have been
recorded in many of his inscriptions. For instance,
an epigraph inscribed on the Rajarajesvara Temple at
Tanjavur and belonging to the nineteenth year of his
reign, states that he "despatched many ships in the
Samgramavijayottungavarman, the king of Kadaram,
captured him with all his fighting elephants, and
took away from him his huge treasures, He then took
possession of Sri Vijaya in the midst of which was
set the 'vidyadhara-torana', the triumphal arch with
its great doors set with jewels and trap-doors;
1 Uppam, Mahavamsa, vol. I, p.218.
2 E, H. I. (4th ed.), p.481
3 Kielhorn's List, no. 719.
4 Journal of Indian History, vol. II, p. 319.
The large Leyden Grant of the year 1006 A.D. mentions
Maravijayottungavarman, son of Cudamanivarman, king
of Kataha or Kidaram, as a vassal of Rajaraja (South
Indian Inscr., vol. II, pt. i, p. 106). Whether this
adhipati of Sri Vijaya, ruling over Kataha, actually
paid homage to the Cola monarch or merely maintained
a sort of alliance with him, is not apparent. The
latter alternative seems probable.

p. 663

Pannai, 'watered by the river'; Malai-yur of ancient

fame having for its ramparts
many hills;
Mayirudingam, surrounded by the deep sea as a moat;
Ilanga-sogam, undaunted
Mappappalam, surrounded by deep waters let in for
defence; Mevilimbangam with well defended fortress
walls; Valaippanduru, possessing both cultivated land
and jungle; Talaittakkolam, praised by greatmen
versed in the sciences; Madammalingam, firm in great
and fierce battles; Ilamuridesam, defended by a
strong fleet of ships;
Manakkavaram, whose
flower-gardens resembled the girdle of the nymph of
the southern ocean; and Kadaram, defended in great
strength by the sea which touches it.
The identification of place-names mentioned in
the above list is beset with great difficulties, and,
moreover, may not be quite relevent in the present
paper. We would only refer to a valuable contribution
on the subject which appeared in the pages of the
Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient as far
back as 1918. The writer of the article is M. Coedes.
His conclusions, based on a close and intimate
acquaintance with the history of the Far East, stand
generally on a surer foundation than those arrived at
by Indian scholars. It appears from his article that
the countries referred to as having been subjugated
by Rajendracola covered the Nikobar Islands, the
isthmus of Kra, Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. This was
the climax of Cola naval achievement. It gave
Rajendra one of the great strategic keys of the
world. The Bay of Bengal was, so to say, converted
into a Cola lake, and a strong impetus was given to
that movement of colonisation which had been ushered
in many centuries earlier.
The naval supremacy of the Colas continued under
the immediate successors of Rajendra. Rajadhiraja, as
stated above, not only defeated and destroyed the
Cera fleet at Kandalur but sent out his squadrons on
an expedition against Ceylon. The evidence of the
Kalingattuparani indicates that Kulottungacoladeva
(1070-1118 A.D.) repeated the naval venture of
Rajendra and reconquered Kadaram.(1)
1 The evidence of the Kalingattuparani is
corroborated by the small Leyden Grant, in which an
unnamed king of Kadaram is referred to as a vassal of
Kulottunga; South Ind. Inscr., vol. II, pt. 106, fn.;
Dr. Burgess's Archaeological Survey of Southern
India, vol. IV, p. 224, text lines 5f., and p.225,
text line 10.
p. 664
It was probably the eastern or Coromandel coast that

formed the chief vantage-ground of Cola naval power,

The western or Konkan coast, though it did not
witness an equal development of naval power in
ancient times, can yet boast of a somewhat chequered
naval history of its own, We cannot agree with Dr. S.
N. Sen when he states that 'no evidence can be found
to support the view that any attempt had been made in
the past to establish a naval power" on the Konkan
coast.(1)As we have already seen, this region formed
the naval base of the Ceras, Epigraphic evidence goes
to show that the Rastrakutas maintained some sort of
a fleet in Konkan waters. The Kadaba plates of Saka
735 refer to Maharajadhiraja Dharavarsa as having
sent "lines of his prancing horsemen" "in boats'' to
an unspecified island and vanquished the hostile
kings."(2) A few centuries later the Kadambas appear
to have established a naval power near about Goa. An
inscription from Narendra (a village in the Dharwar
taluka of the Dharwar district, Bombay) describes
Mahamandalesvara Cattayadeva (Sasthadeva I) and his
successors Jayakesin and Permadideva as `lords of the
ocean';and further adds that Cattayadeva "built a
bridge with lines of ships reaching as far as Lanka
and claimed tribute among grim barbarians", and,
again "duly proceeded on his ships over the sea in
sport, along with (the whole population of) Gove,
with great pomp as far as the land of Surastra."(3)
1 Military System of the Marathas, p. 173.
2 Ind. Ant., XII, p.18.
3 Ep. Ind,, XIII, pp. 309f.

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