Atmiya Insitute of Technology & Science

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Department of Management

Atmiya Insitute of Technology & Science

Vol.1 Issue 1
April 2014

Message by P.P. Tyagvallabh Swamiji
Atmiya Swajan
Jay Swaminarayan.
The era of Information and Knowledge Century is scintillating moment for the inquisitive
and intellectual brains of the world. Hence, it is required to be steered to obtain optimum
and that too spined by values and ethics. This vignette personifies the same at Yogidham
Gurukul through its comprehensive academic and supplemented activities.
One such humble endeavor is the newsletter of Department of Management that envelops
the deliberations and discussions, honors and highlights of the teaching-learning fraternity.
Your contribution will be an incredible experience in itself with extraordinary coverage to
your notions across the state. I wish all the success to team Management and looking
forward to prolific outcome.
With regards.
Sadhu Tyag Vallabh Dasji

Chief Patron: PP Tyagvallabh Swamiji
Patrons: Prof. (Dr.) Vijay Vyas , Professor & Head
Prof. (Dr.) Sandip Solanki, Professor & Head MAM & Industry-Academia
Editorial Board:
Prof. (Dr.) Alpesh Joshi
Prof. (Dr.) Nishant Vachhani
Prof. (Dr.) Abhay Raja

Message by Dr. Sandip Solanki
Dear Readers
Atmiya has adopted a holistic approach in integrating physical, emotional and social
development of the students with a solid academic base. We therefore incorporate into our
academic activities and curricula the values of social responsibility.
With a mission to empower the students to become excellent human resources, confront
the corporate challenges and to contribute meaningfully to the nation and the society we
provide career specific contemporary education with a strong emphasis on practical training
and overall development of the students.
With one such noble aspiration we feel delighted to put forward before you the first issue of
newsletter of Management Department of Atmiya where there would be amalgamation of
curricular/co/extracurricular literary output by the esteemed faculty members and students.
I welcome your critics on our first issue so as to enrich our exertions.

'Bridge of you and your first dream jobs' - Employment Index
Training and Placement department of Department of Management, ATMIYA Institute of
Technology & Science conducting following activity for the development of the students
with the support of GLOBARENA Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Arrangement of Personality Development Workshops
Trains students in aptitude tests, interview techniques, group discussions
Notification regarding various competitive examinations
Organizes industrial visits
Guides students wishing to pursue Higher Education
Mock Group Discussion
Mock Personal Interview
Design Resume & Cover Letter
This year 79 students become part of on campus college placement process and 72 students
get placed. 91% students get placed with an average package of 3.50 per annum. Student
get placement opportunity in different companies like ASIAN PAINTS, ASKSUNDAY.COM,
TRACTORS, ATUL AUTO, JYOTI CNC, STATION-E and many more diversified placement
Ms. Rashmi Agarwal
Head & Training & Placement

'Journey of Academia to Corporate - Glimpse of Industrial Ride with B-School Teaching'
Industrial and Academic Visit
Name of the Event :- Industrial & Academic Visit
Name of the Event Co-Ordinator :- Piyush Chadarava
Date of the Event :- 06
& 07
March, 2014
Number of Participants in the Event :- 263
Brief Description of the Event :-
ATMIYA Institute of Technology & Science, Rajkot organized an Industrial and Academic visit to
the Institute of Rural Management, Anand & AMUL plant in 06
& 07
Mach, 2014 for MBA
Semester -2 & MAM Semester 2 & 4 students Heres what someone who was lucky enough to be a
part of the trip had to say about it.
On 6
March, 2014 in evening student attended session Skill Gap & Reality Check by Dr. Rajesh
Khajuria, and Spiritual Talk by respected Harisharn Swami & Sugnay Swami on Theory of Karma
at Haridham Sokhda.
The day started like any other with most of the students making the most of the early morning and
waking up by 07.00 and a long day lay ahead, entailing a visit to the IRMA & AMUL Factory in
Anand. A big bus filled with students from ATMIYA, with a higher proportion of MBA Semester-2
students as compared to MAM, reached the IRMA by 11.15am and session about the establishment of
IRMA and discuss the teaching, learning pedagogy, the role of students and faculty, social
entrepreneurship, rural management and learning practices straight forwardly delivered by Prof.
Hitesh Bhatt and Prof. Payal Manari and then we left for the visit AMUL factory reached by 2:00
pm. The visit started with a short session conducted by the PR Officer of the AMUL plant. Within a
small time span of 30 minutes, he covered the entire AMUL story. Right from its origin, to the story
behind the AMUL butter girl and the operations of the factory at Anand. Many students asked
questions associated with the operations, organization and marketing of the products, and most of
the answers talked about implementation of the knowledge gained in class.
Post this session, we were taken on a visit of the plant. It started off with us observing a huge display
of all AMUL products, and most of us were surprised to see that the product range was more diverse
than we had ever anticipated. Awestruck, we went around the plant to see the assembly line where
milk powder and butter were manufactured. For a lot of us, it was the first time that we got to see an
assembly line in action, which we have studied about in detail in our Operations Management class.
For 15 minutes, the entire group kept peering in through the glass panes at the butter getting cut
into cubes, and getting packaged at unbelievable speeds. For almost 2 hours we observed the
operations of the plant and then proceeded to AMUL, only after we binged on the AMUL products to
our hearts content.
The entire journey was an amazing experience for all the students, and not one that we would forget
in the near future. After all, the AMUL girl has been around us since as long as we can remember, and
we are pretty sure that she is here to stay eternally.

AATMAN 2014 A Management Festival
Aatmana-2014 is the nascent one day Management Fest and an astounding event in the
crest of AITS-MBA department. Aatman silhouettes and proffers the platform to the
youth brigade to explore new dimensions to their horizons, to comprehend
management practices in a better way and to develop their overall persona.
Program enveloped various dignified guest and speakers like B.H. Ghodasra, Dr. Suresh
Kothari, Maulesh Ukani, Kashmiraben Nathwani, Sandhyaben Vyas and our own P.P.
Tyagvallabh Swamiji in inaugural and valedictory session.
Aatman 2014 invited participation from the UG and PG colleges across Gujarat from
various institutes. All students participated with immense zeal and enthusiasm. The
efforts of the students were appreciated by conferring certificates, cash prizes and
awards to them.
Aatman included array of formal, informal as well as cultural events such as Quiz-o-
fever (Quiz), My story (Documentory), War of Word (Debate), Ad Mania
(Advertisement), Scene unseen (Movie review), Chakravyuh (Political game), LE
masque (Face painting), Kodachrome (Photography), Kalakaari (Handicraft), Spread
shirt (T-shirt painting), Picturesque (Poster+Collage), Unplugged (Instrument and
Singing) and Fundulgence (Indulge in fun).
Each of this event was managed by faculty coordinators assisted by student co-
ordinators. There were various committees being formed from registration, promotion,
sponsorship, hospitality, food, cultural, discipline and many other by which the event
went smooth in its own. Event was followed by lunch and high tea in the evening.
Occasion was followed by a heart throbbing cultural program of Vasant avya ne ame
khilya by the girls of Arya kanya gurukul. And event was wrapped by valedictory

Concluding it, it was a blend of creativity and value addition in students. It set a
benchmark for years to come. Overall it was a triumphant and ended with a positive
note to carry forward in future.

By- Krutarth Trambadia Kamal Dave
Event: Industrial visit to Kishan Autoparts Pvt. Ltd. & Everest Namkeen Pvt.
Event Coordinator: Dr. Hitesh Kumar Shah, Mr. Pratik Paun, Mr. Piyush
Soni &
Mrs. Komal Patel
Department: Masters in Applied Management.
Date: 15
April 2014
No. of Participants: 67

Summary of the event :-
Atmiya Institute of Technology and Science had organized an industrial visit
to the Lodhika GIDC- Metoda situated in the outskirts of Rajkot for the
students of MAM-2
/ 4
Semester to let them gain an insight of functioning
of B to B industry Kishan Autoparts Pvt. Ltd. and the polar opposite of being
an FMCG goods manufacturing industry viz. Everest Namkeen Pvt. Ltd.
Students along with the faculties left the campus for the first destination
Kishan Forge Pvt. Ltd. (a unit of Kishan Autoparts Pvt. Ltd.). There the
students were bifurcated into two groups. They had an on foot tour of the unit
accompanied by the HR manager Mr. Vishal Mehta. The inquisitive students
were satisfied by the chunks of the information they gained about the
automobile industry from raw material & manufacturing to sales & marketing.
The matter of the fact is that Kishan Autoparts. Pvt. Ltd. are at no. 1 position
in terms of types of connecting rods at world level.
Kishan Autoparts Pvt. Ltd.


Industry: Automobile
Product: 420+ types of Connecting Rods.
Manufacturing Process: Forging
Competitors: Power Industries Ahmedabad, etc.
No. of employees: 450 (20- Top Management)
Pricing Segment: 1000 Rs. to 4000 Rs. Approximately.
Major Markets: Mainly Germany, UK, USA.
Manufacturing Capacity: 6000 units/day
Yearly Turnover: 40 crores.

Then the students had a transit to the next destination Everest namkeen.
Immediately after reaching there students were divided into groups consisting
of 11 students each accompanied by a person of top management. The
premises was divided into three units and each group took a tour of every unit
one after the other.
Everest Namkeen Pvt. Ltd.


Industry: FMCG
Product: 70+ types of Snacks.
Manufacturing Process: Baking, Frying, Packaging.
Competitors: Balaji, Gopal, etc.
No. of employees: 400 (10 Top management)
Pricing Segment: 5 Rs. to 30 Rs. Per packet
Major Markets: 14 states of India along with 30% of market share in Gujarat.
Manufacturing Capacity: 20,000 packets/day
Yearly Turnover: Undisclosed

The common catch that students got at both the industries was
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will
not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful man with talent,
Genius will not: unrewarded genius is almost a proverb, Education
will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and
Determination alone are OMNIPOTENT
We are thankful to Pujya Tyagvallabh Swamiji for encouraging co-curricular
activities in the institute, Head of the department Dr. Sandip Solanki for giving
opportunity to learn subjects with practical perspective and all the faculty
members for inculcating values in us.
Persistence is to the character of Man as Carbon is to Steel.

'Pursuit of Knowledge'
Visit at AMA & Axardham
Name of the Event :- Industrial Visit At AMA & Akshardham
Name of the Event Co-Ordinator :- Dr. Abhay Raja, Mr. Pratik Paun
Date of the Event :- 04/03/2014
Number of Participants in the Event :- 57 students
On 4 th March, 2014 MBA Sem IV (Finance Specialization) students have visited Ahmedabad
Management Association and Akshardham, Gandhinagar. Dr. Abhay Raja & Mr. Pratik Paun
coordinated the event. Restless day began at early morning 6:00 oclock and ended at morning 3.00
oclock on the other day. AMA at 11:00 AM, there was a motivation and career guidance seminar
conducted by Mr. Paresh Pandya.
Mr. Paresh Pandya is a profound trainer associated with AMA. He delivered his talk on Career and
Sucess. He cited that four things require to achive success in career and life. They are 1. Knowledge
2. Skills 3. Desire 4. Purpose. He also added that God is Good God. He inspired all by saying that, If
there is no luck, we have to make it and money is a by product of success.
He also shared his views on goal setting. He told that everybody should have three goals in life, i.e.
Physical Goal, Financila Goal and Family Goal.
After lunch at AMA, all moved to Akshardham. There was a joyous experience of vising world
famous exhibition and witnessing water and light show. To conclude, it was an event with

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