Opportunity For All: The Liberal Plan For The Future of Canada

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The Liberal Plan


> Smart Country
> Healthy People, Healthy Environment
> Canada: Vigorous and Proud
Canada stands on the threshold of a new era,
one that promises greater prosperity and more oppor-
tunity for all Canadians. New jobs and new businesses
are being created in every part of the country. Our
already high standard of living is rising. Our people
are living healthier, longer, and better lives.
Our diversity is a source of creativity, and our
ability to work together is a source of strength. Our
status as one of the worlds most livable and civil soci-
eties is recognized around the globe. We are a country
on the rise.
The success we have achieved has come not
only from strong economic growth but from strong,
abiding values: sharing risks and benefits, equality
of all citizens, tolerance, and celebration of our
In an era of globalization, Canada needs a vision
for the future that recognizes a national perspective
and the aspirations of all Canadians. Our vision sees
Canadian society as more than a collection of compet-
ing interests. We see Canadians not only as taxpayers
but as citizens with obligations to one another. Our
vision sees a strong national government as essential
to serving the broader public interest.
The choices we make today will determine the
kind of society we will have tomorrow. This election
presents Canadians with very different visions for the
future. The Liberal plan builds on a record of success.
It is bold and resolutely forward-looking. It is based
on widely shared values and deeply held Canadian
principles that reflect the Canadian Way.
Our agenda will vault Canada into the new
A Message from the Right Honourable
Jean Chrtien, Prime Minister of Canada
economy. We will ensure that the new economy bene-
fits all citizens and that no one is left behind.
We are already succeeding in that new economy.
The evidence is everywhere. Its in the higher dispos-
able incomes that Canadians are now beginning to
enjoy in a strong and stable economy. Its in the new
businesses, products, technologies, and jobs that are
being created every day. Its in the communities and
classrooms across Canada, one of the most connected
countries in the world. Its in the level and quality of
social services we can afford to provide.
Our success did not just happen. Canadians made
it happen. Our country faced difficult times when the
Liberal government first took office. We dealt with prob-
lems together, we remained true to our values, and we
shared the work that needed to be done to put the coun-
try on the right track and move it in the right direction.
We have taken a balanced approach. We elimi-
nated the deficit, put a lid on inflation, lowered inter-
est rates, and balanced the budget. We reduced taxes
and began paying down the debt.
At the same time, we have invested for the future
-- in health care, education, innovation, children, the
environment, and the social programs that are the
foundation of a strong society. In fact, close to 75%
of our spending since 1997 has been in these areas.
The same values that sustained us in the difficult
times will guide us in the better times ahead. Our pur-
pose will be, as it has always been, to do better for our-
selves and our children.
We will marshal the resources of the national gov-
ernment to provide leadership, set bold new goals, and
ensure that we have the means to achieve them.
We will continue our balanced approach of allocating
half of our surpluses to tax and debt reduction, and the
other half to social and economic investments. This
approach will ensure that Canada has the resources to
expand opportunity for all.
We will focus on achieving the following goals:
Canada will be a smart country. Under a Liberal
government, Canada will expand its considerable knowl-
edge, innovation, and research capacity, and accelerate
its leadership in the new economy. Canada will become
a magnet for talented people and new investors.
Canada will have healthy people and a healthy
environment. A Liberal government will invest in the
health of Canadians. We will support the early devel-
opment of our children. And we will ensure that our
citizens enjoy a clean, healthy environment.
Canada will have vigorous communities. A Liberal
government will help Canadians make their urban and
rural communities safe, livable, and self-sustaining.
Canadians will enjoy proud citizenship, at home
and abroad. A Liberal government will strengthen our
Canadian institutions and way of life. We will celebrate
our nations diversity and safeguard the equality of all
our citizens. We will also continue to promote the val-
ues of Canadians on the world stage.
I ask Canadians to compare the Liberal platform
and the Liberal team for the future with those of other
parties. The Liberals will give Canadians a stronger
country, a more successful economy, and a better society.
I ask for your confidence and support on November 27.
The Liberal Plan >
Canada enters the 21st century with greater resources and more choices than it has had in
decades. The choices we make will mirror our values as a society and our obligations to one
another as citizens.
Since coming to office, the Liberal government has demonstrated sound economic and
financial management. These achievements enabled us to eliminate a $42-billion deficit in just
four years and to begin paying down Canadas debt. Since we balanced the books in 1997-98,
close to three-quarters of all new spending will have been devoted to health care, children,
research, and education. During the same period, we will have paid down $28.7 billion in debt,
and we will bring the debt-to-GDP ratio from its peak of 72% down to about 40% by 2005.
Taken together, our governments tax measures since the elimination of the deficit
will have reduced average personal income taxes for Canadians by 27%. For families with
children, the tax reduction will average 35%.
Our Approach
Our approach focuses on Canadian values. We will provide tax relief to all Canadians, particu-
larly the middle class. We will help those who need it most so that no one is left behind as the
economy moves forward. And we will promote economic growth and job creation.
Our Four-Part Plan
Our four-part plan will help ensure better lives for Canadians:
We will invest in the social fabric of this country, particularly health care and other areas
which reflect the responsibility Canadians feel towards one another.
We will increase investment in learning, research, and innovation to fuel the growth of our
knowledge-based economy.
We will continue to pay down the debt, because we owe it to our children to do so.
We will reduce taxes further and faster so that Canadians will be able to have more
disposable income.
Our Proposed Tax Package
We will reduce income taxes.
As of January 1, 2001, we will reduce the 29% top tax rate to 26% for incomes ranging
from $60,000 to $100,000, and we will eliminate the deficit reduction surtax.
Opportunity for All
In 2000, we reduced the 26% middle rate for those earning between $30,000 and
$60,000 to 24%. As of January 1, 2001, we will reduce it further, to 22%.
As of January 1, 2001, we will reduce the bottom rate to 16% from 17% for incomes
below $30,000.
We will help those who need it most.
We will provide fuel tax rebates of up to $250 per household to help low- and modest-
income Canadians cope with the higher costs of fuel prices this winter.
We will help postsecondary students with the rising costs of education by doubling the
amount on which the education tax credit is based, to $400 per month for full-time students
and $120 per month for part-time students.
We will increase the disability tax credit from $4,293 to $6,000 to help individuals who,
because of disability, are severely limited in their ability to carry on basic activities of daily life.
We will increase the caregiver tax credit to $3,500 from $2,386 to help individuals who
provide in-home care for elderly or infirm family members.
Entrepreneurship and Risk-Taking
To encourage entrepreneurship and risk-taking, we will cut the top corporate income tax rate
from 28% to 21% by legislating 2% cuts in 2002 and the two subsequent years. We will
reduce the capital gains inclusion rate from 66% to 50%. These changes make our corporate
and capital gains tax rates more than competitive with those of our major trading partners.
Most important, we will put a lot more money in the pockets of Canadians:
A one-earner family of four with an income of $40,000 will see their federal taxes fall by
about 60%, or $1,900 a year. A similar family of four earning $60,000 will see their taxes
decrease by about 30%, for a savings of more than $2,800 a year.
A two-earner family of four with an income of $60,000 will pay 34% less tax.
And no one-earner family of four earning less than $37,000 will pay any net federal tax.
In short, our proposed measures, combined with those in the 2000 budget, will provide
Canadians with $100 billion of cumulative tax relief by 2004-05.
The Liberal Plan >
A smart country is a place where people are the
greatest source of competitive advantage.
A smart country does not separate social and
economic well-being. It is a place where educated,
skilled people want to live and work. It is the best
place to do business. It is a hotbed of research and
innovation, a place that attracts investment and
encourages new ventures.
Opportunity for All
Accelerating Innovation
Canada must be a country that promotes knowledge
and rewards innovation. Our strategy is to invest in
people and in research.
Being Fast, Being First
Today, technologies are changing rapidly and product
cycles are shortening dramatically in all sectors.
Canada cannot succeed by selling tomorrows products
with yesterdays ideas.
Those who are the first to develop new products
win. The proof is in the success of Canadas informa-
tion technology, biotechnology, and aerospace indus-
tries all global leaders in innovation.
Canadian scientists and companies are breaking
new ground in fields as diverse as undersea fibre
optics, environment-friendly fuel cell technology, and
cancer research. But Canadas success in the new econ-
omy requires large increases in Canadian investments
in innovation and research.
We have some catching up to do. Canada ranks
15th among OECD nations, our key trading partners,
in how much we spend on research and development.
We can do better.
Investments in Innovation
> A new Liberal government will help Canada
move by 2010 to the top five countries for research
and development performance by at least doubling
federal expenditures on R&D.
This investment will spur basic and applied
research, in both established and emerging sectors of
the economy. We will also support research in areas of
important public interest, including environmental toxins,
public health, and natural resources management.
The private sector is key to R&D in Canada. And
as a country Canada must do more.
> A new Liberal government will help the pri-
vate sector by maintaining R&D tax credits that are
already among the most generous in the world, and
by working to commercialize discoveries made in
government and university labs.
This investment in innovation will increase eco-
nomic growth all across Canada. It will build the
research capacity of our institutions, including that of
smaller universities. It will enable growth of national
centres and technology
clusters in every region:
from fuel cells in British
Columbia to medical
imaging in Alberta, from
municipal environmental
management in
Saskatchewan to photon-
ics and bio-chips in
Ontario, from bio-phar-
maceuticals in Quebec to marine engineering and life
sciences in the Atlantic provinces.
Our country was built by immigrants who were
drawn to Canada by the promise of land. What the
land could produce was limited by nature. What the
mind can produce is limitless.
The Liberal Plan >
Connecting Canadians
Over a century ago, Canadians built a great railway to
link the nation from coast to coast. Today, it is the
Internet that is connecting Canadians with one anoth-
er, and with the world. The Internet is revolutionizing
the way people communicate, exchange information,
and transact business.
Many Canadians are already participating in this
revolution and prospering from it. We are among the
most wired nations in the world, and our access costs
are the lowest among G-8 nations. Canada is also
home to companies that
are world leaders in
Internet technologies.
The Liberal govern-
ment has already made
great progress in helping
Canadians to access the
Internet. Canada is the
first country in the world
to connect all of its
schools to the Internet. We have established public
Internet access points in communities across the coun-
try, and we have connected voluntary organizations.
We will continue to help persons with disabilities gain
access to assistive technologies to ensure that they can
participate fully in the wired world.
The next challenge is high-speed broadband
Internet access, which will open up new opportunities
for Canadians, no matter where they live or what their
stage in life. Local clinics can use high-speed Internet
to access medical specialists in large urban centres.
Through distance learning, education will be available
anywhere. Local businesses can connect with suppliers
and customers in other parts of the country. This new
e-business will translate into new jobs and economic
The private sector is already expanding high-
speed Internet to major urban centres. But given the
high cost of infrastructure, providing services in some
smaller communities may not be commercially feasi-
ble. Liberals believe that all Canadians should have
access to these services.
> A new Liberal government will make high-
speed broadband Internet access available to resi-
dents and businesses in all communities in Canada
by 2004. We will work with the private sector to
achieve this goal.
> A new Liberal government will be a model
user of information technology and the Internet, so
that by 2004 Canada will be known around the
world for having the government most electronically
connected to its citizens.
We believe that the Internet can be about more
than doing business and delivering services to
Canadians. Broad access to the Internet will enable
Canadian citizens to engage in the democratic process
by having an electronic pipeline to government and to
their representatives in Parliament.
Opportunity for All
Canadian Culture, Canadian Choices
Culture is the embodiment of a countrys creativity,
spirit, and identity. As Canadians, we take pride in
who and what we are. Our culture binds us together
and contributes to the building of Canada.
Globalization and the borderless information age
raise some difficult questions about the ability of
countries to carve out a unique cultural presence. In a
world dominated by American television, films, and
Internet sites, our goal as Canadians is not to keep that
influence out but to ensure that Canadians have
Canadian choices.
This aim has been the driving force behind
efforts to protect and promote Canadian content in
books, magazines, newspapers, television, movies, and
music. It is also why the federal government has intro-
duced new initiatives to help Canadas cultural sectors
adapt to the global Internet environment.
More Canada in Canada
> A new Liberal government will stimulate the
creation of Canadian cultural content for the
Internet, in both French and English, and will accel-
erate the development of new media production in
We will digitize existing Canadian cultural con-
tent housed with the CBC and the National Film
Board, as well as those works currently in our muse-
ums, libraries, and galleries. Canadian reference mate-
rials will also be made widely available through the
> A new Liberal government will establish a one-
stop all-Canadian website.
This new website, <access.ca>, is a portal that will
take Canadian users to Canadian sites first. It will
jump-start efforts to meet the growing demands of
Canadians seeking local online shopping as well as
public information and services. The website will stim-
ulate the development of Canadian Internet content in
both French and English.
More Canada in the World
> A new Liberal government will increase its
support for the arts in Canada and help expand
international markets for our artists and creators
through a new marketing campaign that uses cultural
products to brand Canada abroad.
The rise of the Internet has brought on the con-
solidation and convergence of culture, news, and com-
munications. These trends pose challenges for indus-
tries such as Canadian book publishing and sound
recording that are dominated by small, independent
> A new Liberal government will support
Canadian book publishers and the sound recording
sector as they adopt new technologies and will
ensure that they continue to be leading providers of
Canadian content in the new economy.
In this new environment, Canadas national pub-
lic broadcaster, the CBC, must continue to play its
important role in linking Canadians to one another
and reflecting Canadas diversity to Canadians and the
The Liberal Plan >
Learning for Life
The human mind is the engine of growth in the new
economy. Continuous learners will thrive in this new
There was a time when most adults entered the
labour market expecting that their schooldays and
their learning were over. They saw little need to
adapt their skills or refresh their education, because
the jobs they began with were often the ones they
held through to retirement.
Those days are gone. Continuous learning is both
more necessary and more possible than ever before for
Canadians at every age and every stage of their lives.
The new economy is creating new products and
services, new industries, and new career opportunities.
High-skilled, high-wage
jobs are going unfilled
because the demand is
outstripping the supply
of talent. In this environ-
ment, workers can
expect to have multiple
employers and multiple
careers over the course
of their working lives.
Lifelong learning
will be key to Canadas long-term prosperity. It will
mean higher wages, more career choices, and greater
economic security for Canadians in many walks of life.
One of the Liberal governments highest priori-
ties has been helping to provide Canadians with more
opportunities and resources for learning. We are sup-
porting community-based early childhood programs so
that more children start school ready to learn. We are
helping parents save for their childrens postsecondary
education. We are expanding scholarships, grants, and
student debt relief so that more people can afford to
pursue a university or college education. And we will
do more in these areas.
More Learning Opportunities
Millions of Canadians currently in the workforce
could benefit from additional learning, but many do
not have the time or the money needed to undertake
it. A new Liberal government will help individuals
who are willing to work hard to upgrade their skills
and enhance their education.
> A new Liberal government will create
Registered Individual Learning Accounts to help
Canadians finance their learning needs.
We will top up the savings of each contributor and
provide additional support for people with low and mod-
est incomes. These individual accounts will be used for
courses at public or private-sector training and education-
al institutions licensed by a provincial government. With
so many Canadians ready and able to purchase courses,
Canadas training system will be expanded, transformed,
and tailored to meet the needs of learners.
Our goal is for at least one million people cur-
rently in the workforce to take advantage of increased
learning opportunities during the first five years of
this new program.
> A new Liberal government will significantly
improve loans available for part-time students to
help workers learn while they earn.
Opportunity for All
> A new Liberal government will add substan-
tially to tax supports for learning.
These initiatives will increase the education and
learning choices available to individuals.
At the same time, we are working with the
provincial and territorial labour market ministers to
upgrade the skills of Canadian workers and meet the
changing needs of Canadas businesses.
We will work with the provinces and territories
on a system to recognize the education credentials of
new immigrants so they can improve their job oppor-
tunities. We will also work together to match workers
with opportunities in the
skilled trades and in
newly emerging sectors.
We recognize that
businesses with fewer
than 50 workers are par-
ticularly pressed for
time, resources, and
expertise in training
their workers. We will
work with the provinces, small business leaders, and
educational leaders to address this challenge.
Business-labour sector councils have helped
industries understand and anticipate the needs of their
sectors. A new Liberal government will continue to
work with business-labour sector councils to meet the
training needs of Canadas workers and businesses.
The Liberal Plan >
Giving Our Children a Head Start
Caring well for our children today will lead to a
healthy, resilient, and secure population tomorrow.
Advanced economies and enlightened societies
run on brainpower. Smart countries support the next
generation. A good start
for young children is
dependent on adequate
family incomes, strong
relationships with par-
ents and other care-
givers, and community
The Liberal govern-
ments goal is to make
Canada the best country
for raising children by ensuring that babies are born
healthy, and that children are well cared for and ready
to learn when they enter school.
Income Support
The Liberal government is helping families with the
cost of raising children by reducing taxes, increasing
child benefits, and providing extended parental leave.
The measures we announced in February and
October 2000 will cut taxes for families with children
by an average of 27%.
The Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) provides
further support for families. The maximum benefit
will be increased to $2,500 for the first child and will
also be increased for each additional child.
We will increase tax support for families caring
for children with severe disabilities.
Time for Parents and Children
Few things are more important than for parents to be
able to spend time with newborn children. That is
why, beginning January 1, 2001, the Liberal govern-
ment is doubling maternity and parental benefits
from six months to one full year.
Community Supports
To enhance services for children, the federal, provin-
cial, and territorial governments launched the Early
Childhood Development Initiative in September 2000.
In support of this initiative, the Liberal government is
committed to making the substantial investment of
$2.2 billion over five years. This new funding will sup-
port investments to improve access to prenatal services
and infant screening, pre-school programs and child
care, parenting information, and family supports.
Opportunity for All
Empowering Youth
Todays young Canadians are the most educated, bilin-
gual, culturally diverse, open-minded, and optimistic
generation in our countrys history. They are comfort-
able with complexity and adapt readily to change.
Canadas youth are quickly moving to where we
want to be as a country. They are learning and work-
ing to the beat of the new economy. They are smarter,
more socially engaged, and more globally connected
than any previous generation. And they are often tech-
nologically literate and Internet savvy.
The Liberal govern-
ment has helped many
young people gain
important life experience
and make a difference in
the areas that matter
most to them. We spon-
sor youth exchanges to give them the chance to experi-
ence other regions of the country. We have harnessed
the energy of young people in community environ-
mental projects. We help young people use their cre-
ative talents in film, television, and the arts. We have
supported young athletes in fulfilling their dreams, at
home and on the world stage.
We have also helped young people find jobs that
use their skills and meet their career aspirations.
> A new Liberal government will help more
young people turn their ideas into employment
opportunities. We will work with the private sector
and others to expand financing and business services
for young entrepreneurs. And we will help more
young creators and artists launch their careers.
Young people have been charting new territory in
many areas, but most striking is the speed at which
they are seizing opportunities on the Internet.
The Liberal government has tapped the energy
and skills of young people to expand Internet access
to all Canadians. Youth have designed multimedia
products that connect schools and communities to the
Internet. Young technicians are repairing donated
computers for schools, while others are training peo-
ple in basic computer applications or helping develop-
ing countries get connected by creating websites and
A new Liberal government will provide more
opportunities for Canadas young people to become
Internet connected and Internet literate. More youth
will have the chance to develop their creative talents
in areas such as website design, digital content devel-
opment, and e-business.
> A new Liberal government will put Internet-
savvy young people together with small businesses
to sharpen their e-business capabilities, and with
seniors to connect them with their communities
The Liberal Plan >
Opportunity for All
A healthy population is the foundation of a smart
Canadians are living longer, healthier, and better
lives. Universal access to high-quality health care
is one of the key reasons. The quality of the air
they breathe and the water they drink is another.
The two are connected. With the right investments
in health care and a clean environment, Canadians
can continue to be among the healthiest people
in the world.
A New Milestone for Health Care
Medicare is a profound statement of Canadian values.
It reflects our fundamental belief that health care is
something to which everyone is entitled, not a com-
modity for sale to the highest bidder.
Liberal governments have played a key role in
building medicare. We introduced universal hospital
insurance in the 1950s and universal medical insur-
ance in the 1960s and 1970s, and we adopted the
Canada Health Act in 1984. We have defended the
fundamental principles of the system, provided a sta-
ble funding base, promoted innovation, and champi-
oned prevention and health promotion.
Medicare for All Canadians
Canadians reject two-tier health care that provides one
level of care to the rich and another to the poor. They
want their governments to defend medicare from
those who would privatize and commercialize a sys-
tem that works on the basis of need, not ability to pay.
And they want an ironclad guarantee that no jurisdic-
tion will be allowed to open the door to two-tier
health care.
> A new Liberal government will defend and vig-
orously uphold the values of medicare to ensure that
all Canadians continue to have full and equal access
to high-quality health care. We will maintain the
essential role of the federal government in enforcing
the conditions of the Canada Health Act.
An Action Plan for High-Quality Health Care
The Health Action Plan endorsed by first ministers on
September 11, 2000, marked a major milestone for
medicare. This agreement -- a first for Canada -- com-
mits all governments to respecting the fundamental
principles of medicare and to working collaboratively
to build a modern, sustainable health care system.
The Health Action Plan will translate into visibly
better service for Canadians as the provinces begin to
invest their increased federal transfers in their health
care systems. Canadians
can expect easier access
to diagnostic services
and treatments, as well
as to home and commu-
nity care. They can
expect a more patient-
centred system with
better coordination and
teamwork by health professionals. They can expect
less overcrowding of hospital emergency wards. In
short, Canadians can expect a health care system that
works better and smarter to meet their needs.
> A new Liberal government will implement the
Health Action Plan to enable all levels of govern-
ment, working together, to build a modern, sustain-
able health care system that meets the immediate
and future needs of Canadians.
> A new Liberal government will increase health
care transfers to provinces by $18.9 billion over five
years, the single largest investment in medicare ever
> A new Liberal government will invest $2.3 bil-
lion to help provinces address critical health care
needs and services:

We are committing $1 billion to a medical equip-
ment fund to shorten waiting lists and waiting
The Liberal Plan >
times and make advanced medical equipment like
MRIs and linear accelerators for cancer treatment
more accessible to Canadians.

We will invest $800 million over four years to
improve primary health care services so that
Canadians can get timely access to coordinated
care from family physicians, nurse practitioners,
and other front-line health care providers in their

We will invest $500 million for health information
technologies to implement electronic patient
records that will ensure faster and more coordi-
nated care and reduce red tape for patients as
they move through the system.
The Health Action Plan also commits govern-
ments to work together on a range of other issues,
such as the supply of doctors and nurses and the cost-
effectiveness of prescription drugs. Shortages of doc-
tors and nurses will be addressed by adding more
trained personnel, putting an end to fierce competi-
tion between provinces to attract health care profes-
sionals. Greater collaboration in assessing the cost-
effectiveness of prescription drugs will help Canadians
make optimal use of pharmaceuticals and will enable
governments to better control soaring drug costs.
Reporting to Canadians
Canadians are entitled to reliable information about
health and health care. The Health Action Plan com-
mits governments to regular public reporting on the
performance of the health system. This is the founda-
tion that will eventually enable governments to make
clear commitments to Canadians about the quality of
services they can reasonably expect from the health
The Liberal government has been working to put
in place the infrastructure needed to let Canadians
know how the system is performing and to allow com-
parisons between institutions and regions. We will
continue to work with the provinces to develop com-
parable measures for reporting to Canadians on health
status, health outcomes, and quality of services. We
will ensure that citizens have a voice in this process.
> A new Liberal government will create a citizens
council on health care quality to provide the publics
perspective on measures of quality that are relevant
and meaningful to Canadians. The council will also
provide advice on benchmarks of health system per-
formance that Canadians can reasonably expect.
Appointments to the council will be made jointly
by the federal and provincial governments and will
reflect an appropriate range of citizen interests and
Championing Research
World-class health research is vital to ensuring high-
quality health services and improving the health of
Canadians. The Liberal government created the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to
champion a cutting-edge approach to a full spectrum
of health research, from experiments in cell biology to
studies on the factors that make us healthy.
We have doubled the budget for health research
Opportunity for All
over the last three years, and we have set out to recruit
and retain the best health researchers. CIHR institutes
will work with partners to accelerate the pace of new
discoveries leading to better care discoveries like the
widely acclaimed advance in treatment of diabetes
developed by a team of researchers at the University
of Alberta. CIHR institutes will also help find better
ways of delivering health care and new approaches to
promote health and prevent illness.
> As part of its overall commitment to increase
federal research spending, a new Liberal govern-
ment will provide a further major increase in fund-
ing for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Community Action
Health care is not only about what governments,
health care providers, or technology can do; it is also
about what individuals and communities can do for
themselves. Together with the provinces, we will help
communities take local
action in areas of local
concern such as injury
prevention, nutrition,
physical activity, mental
health, smoking and sub-
stance abuse, and envi-
ronmental factors.
We will draw on
the expertise of centres of excellence, medical facul-
ties, and other organizations across the country that
deal with public health issues. Communities and work-
places will be able to get funding, resource materials,
and up-to-date information so that they can develop
action plans that target the particular needs of their
> A new Liberal government will champion com-
munity action on illness prevention, health promo-
tion, and wellness.
> We will strengthen efforts at the national level
to combat smoking by increasing tobacco taxes,
strengthening regulation, and enhancing prevention
and cessation initiatives.
The Liberal Plan >
A Healthy Future for Aboriginal People
Aboriginal people are an integral part of the fabric of
Canadian society. Canada must continue to address
the economic and social challenges facing Aboriginal
people today. The Aboriginal population in Canada is
overwhelmingly young. We must ensure that this next
generation is able to take full advantage of the oppor-
tunities available.
A Smart Start
The Aboriginal Head Start Program works with young
First Nations, Mtis, and Inuit children to prepare
them for school. It involves parents in cultural, health
promotion, education, and nutrition programs. These
programs are working.
> A new Liberal government will build on the
success of the Aboriginal Head Start Program by
increasing its resources to give our children a smart
start in life. We will also create programs for
Aboriginal children with special needs.
Building Dynamic Economies
The Internet has given all communities, particularly
those in remote locations, new opportunities for eco-
nomic development. A new Liberal government will
seek additional opportunities to work with communi-
ties, provincial and territorial governments, and the
private sector to foster the development of economic
skills and prosperous economies in First Nations and
Inuit communities.
Prevention First
Aboriginal communities face high rates of injuries,
suicides, and illnesses such as diabetes. Community
action in key areas such as mental health, injury pre-
vention, nutrition, and smoking cessation can help
reverse these trends.
> A new Liberal government will work with
Aboriginal communities to help them take action to
prevent diseases and injuries and promote wellness.
Preserving Languages
Aboriginal languages are an important part of Canadas
identity. In 1998, the Liberal government created the
Aboriginal Languages Initiative to revitalize and main-
tain Aboriginal languages.
> A new Liberal government will continue to
support Aboriginal children and youth in learning
about their languages and cultures in natural set-
tings rather than exclusively in classrooms.
Strengthening the Relationship
Canadas continued progress and prosperity in the
new millennium will rely in part on the evolution of
our relationship with Aboriginal people. A new Liberal
government will continue to build on and strengthen
our relationship with Aboriginal people.
Opportunity for All
Living Longer, Living Better
Older Canadians are living longer, more active, and
more independent lives. Successive Liberal govern-
ments have worked to ensure that we have a public
pension system and universal health care to support an
aging population well. All Canadian citizens should be
entitled to live with dignity and security, whatever
their age and whatever their economic status.
In the mid-1990s, the Reform-Alliance party
called for the privatization of the Canada Pension
Plan. The Liberal government, standing firm on its
commitment to public pensions, reformed and secured
the Canada Pension Plan for future generations.
The Liberal government is also committed to uni-
versal medicare so that all Canadians have timely
access to high-quality health care services, regardless
of their income. In September 2000, the federal and
provincial governments launched a Health Action Plan
to ensure that Canadians can continue to rely on a
modern, sustainable public health care system that
meets their needs.
To help families with the cost of caring for infirm
family members, we introduced a caregiver tax credit
in 1998.
> A new Liberal government will increase the
caregiver tax credit to provide additional support for
Promoting Healthy Aging
Public pensions and universal medicare provide a
solid foundation for the well-being of seniors. But a
high quality of life for seniors also depends on their
ability to live active, healthy lives.
> A new Liberal government will promote
healthy aging to encourage seniors to lead healthy,
active lives in their communities.
We will support programs that encourage seniors
to become more active, improve their nutrition,
increase their levels of physical activity, and reduce
health risks, such as
improper medication
and injuries resulting
from falls.
Many seniors are
eager to join the infor-
mation age. We will link
seniors with youth to
help them access the
Internet so they can more easily find information,
shop online, and communicate with family and
In our work with communities to prevent crime,
we will put special emphasis on what can be done to
make seniors feel safe in their surroundings.
With an aging population, the housing needs of
Canadians will evolve over the coming years. We will
ask the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to
work with the private sector on a plan for increased
construction of appropriate housing that meets the
mobility and lifestyle needs of seniors.
The Liberal Plan >
Clean Air, Clean Water
A healthy population cannot thrive in an unhealthy
environment. A smart country keeps its water and air
free of contaminants and its natural habitats safe from
Clean Air
Clean air and water are Canadas birthright. In passing
the amended Canadian Environmental Protection Act
in 1999, the Liberal government helped Canadians
reclaim that birthright by creating new enforcement
tools to clean up pollution.
> A new Liberal government will act to signifi-
cantly improve air quality for all Canadians. We will
make special efforts to clean up the air in our cities,
where the population and the pollutants are most
highly concentrated.
Fuels used in trans-
portation are the largest
cause of health problems
arising from air pollu-
tion. We have already
announced a dramatic
reduction in the level of
sulphur in gasoline across Canada. The decrease will
relieve respiratory problems, such as asthma, and will
lower the number of cases of bronchitis in children.
> A new Liberal government will continue to sup-
port the development of cleaner engines and fuels,
and we will strengthen emissions standards for vehi-
cles. We will greatly reduce sulphur in diesel fuel.
These measures will mean cleaner air for all
We are working with the provinces to reduce
smog, the brown haze that hangs over many cities and
causes serious health problems. We have already
doubled funding for federal-provincial air pollution
monitoring and launched pilot programs on smog
forecasting. We will do more. Using the Canadian
Environmental Protection Act, we will work with
industry to ensure that smog levels in our cities are
Much of the smog that is compromising Canadians
health in Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritime provinces
originates in the United States. Our recent agreement
with the United States will lock in a significant
decrease in this trans-boundary pollution.
Water Systems
> A new Liberal government will fund improve-
ments to municipal water and wastewater systems
through the federal-provincial-municipal Infrastructure
Canada program. We will also conduct more research
on contaminants that threaten our water supplies.
> A new Liberal government will work with the
provinces, territories, and municipal governments to
create the first building code for municipal water
and wastewater facilities. This code will help improve
the ability of municipalities to meet high standards for
water quality.
Reducing Toxins
Canadians are concerned that chemicals and other
toxic substances are making adults and children sick.
> A new Liberal government will significantly
Opportunity for All
increase funding for research into the effects of
toxins on our health.
This investment will support research into all
sources of toxins in our environment. It will fund
research into endocrine-
disrupting chemicals,
indoor air quality prob-
lems, and heavy metals
that pose special risks
for children. And it will
be used to re-evaluate
lawn pesticides to safe-
guard against any poten-
tial public risks.
We will deepen our research into specific toxic
substances and the cumulative effect of all toxins on
our health. We will insist that companies responsible
for these substances do their share of the research.
But it is not enough to do the research. We will
assign responsibility for following up and acting on
problems identified by the research.
Our National Parks
The Liberal government has overseen the creation of
seven new national parks over the past seven years.
We are proud of this record, and we will build on it by
creating new national parks to complete our National
Parks System.
The Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canadas
National Parks has concluded that our national parks
face serious threats, including habitat loss, air pollution,
pesticides, and overuse by visitors.
> A new Liberal government will provide addi-
tional funding to Parks Canada to protect our
national parks and create new ones.
Protecting Species at Risk
The Liberal government is acting to protect endan-
gered species and to prevent other species from
becoming endangered. We are committing $45 million
annually for the preservation of species and habitats.
We are making it easier for people to donate ecologi-
cally significant lands as a way of permanently pro-
tecting the species that live on them. In addition, the
Liberal government introduced the Species at Risk Act
to protect endangered species.
The Liberal Plan >
Acting on Climate Change
Climate change is a very significant environmental
threat facing the planet. Canada is showing leadership
on the climate change
problem by becoming
part of the solution.
Canada is commit-
ted to doing its part to
reduce global greenhouse
gas emissions. Canada
was among the many
nations that signed the Kyoto Protocol. We made a
commitment to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
to 6% below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012. To
meet that target, the Liberal government has worked
with provincial, territorial, and municipal govern-
ments, industry, the commercial sector, and non-
governmental organizations on a national strategy.
Since 1997, the Liberal government has commit-
ted over $1 billion to addressing climate change and
promoting energy efficiency.
> A new Liberal government will attack the
problem on several fronts under our Action Plan on
Climate Change.

We will promote increased energy efficiency in
industry and in the transportation system.

We will fund the development of new energy tech-
nologies, such as fuel cells, and help farmers to
reduce agricultural emissions through improved
farming methods.

We will increase Canadas use of renewable energy,
such as electricity from wind and ethanol from

We will encourage consumers to buy more energy-
efficient products by providing information and
setting high product standards.
These strategies will reduce Canadas greenhouse
gas emissions, in keeping with our Kyoto commit-
ment, and will improve air quality at home.
The Action Plan lays the groundwork for future
initiatives that will enable Canada to meet its interna-
tional commitments. In addition, it will provide sub-
stantial business opportunities for the development of
new environment-friendly products and services that
can be sold at home and abroad.
Opportunity for All
Canadians are proud of the vigorous communities
in which they live, and of Canadas role on the
world stage.
At home and abroad, Canadians are global citizens.
We are comfortable with diversity because we
are ourselves a mosaic of the worlds many peoples.
We welcome the world to Canada, and we are
welcomed throughout the world.
The Liberal Plan >
Safe Communities
The Liberal government has tackled crime through a
tough but balanced approach. We have focused on pre-
vention as much as punishment, and we have consid-
ered the rights of victims, while stiffening penalties
for criminals.
We have provided communities with the tools
and resources to prevent crime, not just deal with it
after the fact. We have made sure that those who com-
mit serious crimes face serious consequences. We have
given victims of crime a greater voice in parole and
other decisions that affect them in the justice system.
To protect all Canadians, we have made Canadas gun
laws among the strictest in the world.
This approach is delivering tangible results.
Crime rates are going down: in 1999, the rate of crime
decreased for the eighth year in a row, falling to levels
not seen for two decades. The rate of violent crime is
12% lower than when we took office. Property crime
and youth crime are also declining. Canadas rate of
gun-related homicide is
one-eighth that of the
United States. There is
less crime, but even less
crime is too much.
Protecting Our Children
The most vulnerable members of our society need spe-
cial protection. The Liberal government has already
introduced measures to protect children from sexual
abuse, prostitution, and other crimes that exploit them.
> A new Liberal government will further protect
children by adding to the Criminal Code specific
offences against children, such as criminal child
neglect or using the Internet to lure children for a
sexual purpose.
> We will better protect children from those who
may reoffend, and we will make it easier for chil-
dren to provide testimony in criminal matters.
Dealing with Youth
Serious crimes call for serious consequences. In han-
dling young offenders, we must move with care.
Young people who get into trouble with the law must
receive the treatment and support they require.
> A new Liberal government will reintroduce
legislation to change how the justice system deals
with young offenders. These changes will provide
tougher consequences for youths age 14 and over
who commit violent crimes, while encouraging alter-
natives to custody for non-violent offenders.
> We will work with the provinces on approaches
outside the criminal justice system to deal with
children under 12 who commit crimes.
Prevention at the Community Level
With the right support and tools, communities can
address the root causes of crime. Since 1998, the
Liberal government has helped more than 435 com-
munities across Canada to organize themselves to pre-
vent crime.
> A new Liberal government will substantially
increase resources for the National Strategy on
Community Safety and Crime Prevention to broaden
and sustain community crime prevention efforts
Opportunity for All
across the country. We will expand the reach of this
initiative to better meet the needs of vulnerable
groups such as seniors and persons with disabilities.
Giving Victims a Voice
Victims of crime deserve to be treated with courtesy
and compassion. The Liberal government passed legis-
lation in 1999 to give victims a greater voice in the
criminal justice system.
> A new Liberal government will increase the
recognition of victims in the criminal justice system
by ensuring that their perspective is considered in
the development of legislation and by providing
funding to help communities enhance services for
victims of crime.
Fighting Organized Crime
Canadians are increasingly concerned about the pres-
ence and impact of organized crime in their communi-
ties. They want a society where no one has to live in
fear because of organized crime.
> A new Liberal government will introduce
additional measures, as part of the Federal-
Provincial-Territorial Action Plan on Organized
Crime, to target proceeds of crime, facilitate
investigation and prosecution of organized crime,
and protect members of the justice system from
> We will review and strengthen anti-gang laws.
> We will provide federal law enforcement agen-
cies with the resources they need to fight organized
Tackling Substance Abuse
Drug trafficking continues to be one of the most prof-
itable criminal activities, particularly for organized
crime. Youth drug use has gone back up to the levels
of the 1970s, and substance abuse in some communi-
ties continues to run rampant.
> A new Liberal government will implement a
National Drug Strategy to reduce both the supply of
and the demand for drugs, and to crack down on
organized crime.
The strategy will enhance prevention measures,
improve treatment and rehabilitation, and support an
expanded range of enforcement and control responses,
such as drug treatment courts. It will also emphasize
international anti-drug cooperation and support for
research and evaluation.
Cross-Border Crime
Globalization has created new threats to security.
Computer crime, exploitation of immigrants and
refugees, and smuggling of people, arms, and drugs
are among those threats. These issues require interna-
tional solutions, and we are committed to working to
achieve them.
The Liberal Plan >
Strong Cities
Cities are vital contributors to our national economy,
our global competitiveness, and our quality of life.
Though recognized worldwide for their ability to
combine robust economies with a high quality of life,
our cities are showing
signs of stress and strain.
Our largest urban
regions are struggling
with homelessness,
greater concentrations
of poverty, increasing
demands on their trans-
portation systems, aging
and decaying infrastructure, and mounting pollution
problems. We need to address these challenges to
remain competitive.
> A new Liberal government will work with
partners from across the country to enable citizens,
experts, and officials from all orders of government
to engage in a dialogue on the opportunities and
challenges facing our urban regions.
Each order of government, working within its con-
stitutional jurisdiction, can contribute to the quality of
life in urban regions. The best approach permits local
solutions to address local problems and offers opportu-
nities for communities to share information.
Public Transit
Transit systems that allow for the easy movement of
people and goods are vital to the economic and envi-
ronmental health of all cities. Business and municipal
leaders, urban planners, and environmentalists agree
that there is an urgent need for reinvestment in public
> A new Liberal government will work with
provincial and municipal partners to help improve
public transit infrastructure.
Affordable Housing
Canadas urban regions are experiencing a severe
shortage of affordable rental housing. New construc-
tion of rental housing is at a near standstill. These
shortfalls, combined with massive population increases,
have brought vacancy rates to an all-time low and
pushed costs beyond the reach of many Canadians.
> A new Liberal government will work with our
provincial partners to create the Affordable Rental
Program (ARP), a cost-shared capital grants pro-
gram to help stimulate the creation of more afford-
able rental housing, both private and non-profit.
Under this initiative, we expect to see the construction
of 60,000 to 120,000 new rental units over four years.
Opportunity for All
Local Solutions to Rural Challenges
Rural communities face many challenges such as
attracting and growing businesses, and improving
water, sewer, and telecommunications systems.
Viewing policies and programs through a rural lens
has enabled the Liberal government to deliver practi-
cal tools that work well in rural communities.
The Liberal government funds locally run groups
that help small businesses get loans and help commu-
nities plan their future. We have improved water and
sewage facilities through our infrastructure programs.
We have required tele-
phone companies to
upgrade old technology.
We have increased farm
safety net support by
85% since 1995.
> A new Liberal government will ensure that
every community in Canada has access to high-
speed Internet services. This technology will help
rural businesses grow, improve the delivery of govern-
ment services, and ensure that all Canadians can be
We will fund more local groups to help commu-
nities to plan together, to identify their own goals and
control their own futures.
> The new federal-provincial-municipal Infra-
structure Canada program will fund sewer and
water improvements over the next six years and will
designate funds specifically for rural projects.
The federal and provincial governments have
created a framework for a sustainable income safety
net for Canadian farmers.
> A new Liberal government will continue striv-
ing to provide farmers with the tools to succeed
financially while protecting the environment and
water quality.
> We will push on all fronts for a level playing
field in trade in agricultural products.
Our goal is to compete by producing the highest-
quality food products in the world.
> We will increase research on new and high-
quality products and production methods to meet
changing consumer demands.
> We will fund aquaculture research so that this
industry can grow safely.
> We will increase access to capital through the
Business Development Bank of Canada and the
Farm Credit Corporation.
> We will help grow industries that add value to
primary resources by creating a dedicated fund for
research and technology, and supporting a wood
products marketing strategy.
The Liberal Plan >
SINCE 1995.
Proud Citizens
Canada is a modern multicultural society. We are
proud of our diversity. Our legal system, our
Parliament, and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms
institutionalize our democratic values, define our citi-
zens rights and responsibilities, and protect our
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
protects the rights of all Canadians. A new Liberal gov-
ernment will uphold these rights and vigorously
defend them.
Strengthening Bilingualism
Bilingualism is fundamental to Canadian identity. It
has enriched the character of our national institutions
and provided Canada with economic and cultural
advantages on the global stage.
Over the past 30 years, the French language has
gained its place in our national institutions and
French-language rights have been considerably
strengthened. More young Canadians are growing up
bilingual, and Canada is poised to lead the world as a
producer of French-language content on the Internet.
Liberals are committed to the spirit and the prin-
ciples of the Official Languages Act.
> A new Liberal government will preserve the
federal governments essential role in protecting and
promoting Canadas official languages, and we will
foster the development of official-language minori-
ties across Canada.
> We will ensure that both English- and French-
speaking Canadians can participate fully in federal
institutions and benefit fully from the services they
offer. We will expand efforts to better reflect
Canadas official languages in the culture of the fed-
eral public service.
> We will increase funding for French immer-
sion schools.
Celebrating Diversity
Liberal governments have lifted barriers to participa-
tion and ensured that all Canadians benefit from the
diversity within Canadas borders.
We are fighting hate and racism on the Internet,
and we support community-based projects which help
raise awareness of racism and conflict, especially
among youth.
Welcoming New Immigrants
Immigration has always been a defining characteristic
of Canada, bringing together families that have been
separated, providing a safe haven for refugees, and
attracting skilled workers. At the same time, screening
and security measures are in place to keep dangerous
persons from entering the country.
> A new Liberal government will move Canadas
immigration levels closer to 1% of the population
each year and ensure that sufficient resources are
available to help families settle properly in Canada.
> A new Liberal government will make it easier
for employers to bring highly skilled foreign work-
ers and their spouses to Canada.
Opportunity for All
Global Citizens
Canadians are uniquely positioned to lead and succeed
in the new global world. We are open-minded and have
an appreciation of different cultures because we our-
selves are a mosaic of the worlds many peoples. We
are an Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic country. Our citizens
speak most of the worlds languages, including our offi-
cial languages, English and French. And we have a
highly educated population, at a time when prosperity
depends increasingly on
the brainpower of a
nations citizens.
Canada is well
regarded in the interna-
tional community. Our
fairness, democracy, rule
of law, and respect for
human rights distinguish
us at home and abroad.
Our reputation has allowed us to play an important
role in international affairs. We have pushed for
greater international recognition of human rights and
human security. We have opposed the abuse of child
labour and the use of children in war. We led the
international fight against the use of landmines, and
we helped create the International Criminal Court.
Canada is now a world leader in peacekeeping
and peacebuilding. We are working successfully with
developing and new nations to establish democratic
institutions and advance their social and economic
> A new Liberal government will continue
Canadas tradition of international leadership. We
will continue to focus not only on relations between
states but on how globalization and conflict affect
individuals. We will continue to work to strengthen
multilateral organizations such as the United
Nations, the Organization of American States, and
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation so they can bet-
ter address issues of good governance, democracy,
and human security.
Strengthening the Canadian Forces
Canadians are proud of the accomplishments of the
Canadian Forces in responding to emergencies at
home and in fulfilling peacekeeping and peacebuild-
ing assignments around the world. We significantly
increased resources for the Forces in the 2000 budget
to help them do this important work.
> A new Liberal government will continue to
ensure that the Canadian Forces are properly
equipped and prepared to respond quickly to calls
for help at home and abroad.
Global Trade
Over the past decade, Canada has emerged as an inter-
national trading powerhouse. We now export 43% of
our gross domestic product, and more than a third of
Canadian jobs are tied to international trade. Millions
more Canadians are working today because of our suc-
cess in securing access to international markets and
selling our products and services abroad.
The Liberal government has worked alongside
Canadian businesses to ensure that they gain fair
access to world markets. Our Team Canada trade
The Liberal Plan >
missions have opened doors for Canadian exporters.
We have aggressively defended the interests of our
industries in international trade negotiations, includ-
ing at the World Trade Organization.
> A new Liberal government will continue to
open new export markets. We will press for a Free
Trade Agreement of the Americas.
> A new Liberal government will continue to
advocate fair trading rules. We will pursue trade
that respects the needs of citizens, their communi-
ties, and their environment. We will continue to pro-
tect Canadas public health care, public education,
and culture.
Building Canadas Brand
Canadian businesses are now established in new econ-
omy industries such as telecommunications and new
media, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and
robotics, and new environmental technologies.
However, our strengths in these areas are not well
enough known internationally. Our image abroad no
longer reflects our experience, expertise, and potential.
> A new Liberal government will work with the
private sector to brand Canada as one of the most
innovative economies in the world. We will expand
our network of trade commissioners and trade
services by posting more officers specializing in new
technologies in key foreign locations to market
Canada as a prime location for investment and tech-
nology partnerships.
Working with Developing Countries
Prosperity and stability at home are increasingly
linked to what is happening around the world. Social
progress and democracy lead to economic prosperity,
while poverty and injustice often spawn conflict.
Liberals believe that helping build stronger soci-
eties around the world will ultimately lead to greater
global peace and prosperity. It is also quite simply the
right thing to do.
The Liberal government has worked for democracy,
social justice, and economic progress abroad. We have
helped new and developing countries train judges and
local police forces, modernize their economies, and
build democratic institutions. We have helped coun-
tries invest in basic health, education, and nutrition,
and in child protection. We have led an international
call to forgive debts of the worlds poorest countries.
We have supported programs to reduce the spread of
AIDS and HIV, which are destabilizing some of the
worlds most fragile countries.
> A new Liberal government will increase
resources aimed at improving democracy, justice,
and social stability abroad, and we will continue to
lead the push for debt relief for the worlds poorest
countries. We will help make trade work for devel-
oping countries by reducing tariffs on their goods.
Opportunity for All
Health Action Plan and Climate Change
Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST) - 2,500 3,200 3,800 4,400 5,000
Early childhood development (via CHST) - 300 400 500 500 500
Medical equipment fund 1,000 - - - - -
Health information technology fund 500 - - - - -
Health transition fund for primary care - 200 200 200 200 -
Climate change action - 100 100 100 100 100
TOTAL 1,500 3,100 3,900 4,600 5,200 5,600
Funding for R&D will be steadily increased to help place Canada
among the top five OECD countries by 2010. The projected
minimum level for 2004-05 is an additional $1 billion a year.
Research and Development
Basic and applied; new and existing sectors;
environment and health; natural resources; granting
agencies; NRC regional technology centres
Education and Learning
Registered learning accounts and part-time student
loan enhancements 315 500 700 810
Community Health and Environment
Community mobilization for public health; research
and action on national parks, toxics and childrens health,
clean air, and soil, water, and food safety 230 305 350 390
Culture and Branding Canada Abroad
Branding Canadian culture; <access.ca>; promoting
innovators; book publishing and sound recording 145 170 160 125
Crime Prevention and Drug Strategy 115 130 150 170
Children and Youth
Aboriginal Head Start and children with special needs;
opportunities for youth in new media and the Internet 100 110 120 125
Urban rental housing and remote housing 170 170 170 170
TOTAL FOR SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS* 1,075* 1,385* 1,650* 1,790*
All commitments in this platform will be financed in accordance with our undertaking for sound fiscal management and
balanced budgets. We will continue our balanced approach of allocating half of our surpluses to tax and debt reduction, and
the other half to social and economic investments. Most major new spending initiatives will focus on health, education and
research, environment, children, and infrastructure for the new economy. As resources permit, further significant new invest-
ments will be made, particularly in these areas. The platform also makes specific commitments, which are costed below.
(in millions $) 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
(in millions $) 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
* R&D funding will be increased over the course of the mandate.
By 2004-05, the additional amount allocated will be at least $1 billion annually.
A new Liberal government will focus
on achieving the following goals:
Liberal Party of Canada, 2000
Published by:
Liberal Party of Canada
81 Metcalfe Street,
Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6M8
Telephone: (613) 237-0740
This document is also available in
PDF format on the Liberal Party
website: www.liberal.ca.
Ce document est aussi disponible en
Portions of this document may be
reproduced without charge or written
permission provided that appropriate
acknowledgment is made of the source.
Authorized by The Federal Liberal Agency
of Canada, registered agent for the
Liberal Party of Canada.

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